Pokemon Emerald but every battle my team is random pt. 2

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good day everyone pokemon emerald today the start of every battle my team is random so going into any specific fight I don't know what's going on so our team currently we have cherry level 24 we have sacred level 23 we've got been level 24 we got fading all right fanning over 25 all caps we have King level 24 and that's our team let's take this egg to hatch all right let's dig name and who are we naming it after well we're gonna name it Bret TM welcome to the party alright I guess we're gonna try and fight the gym leader it's really what else are we gonna do okay oh yo can we actually defeat this we might defeat this with the level 11 how much is this wing attack do okay we cannot defeat the swellow with a level 11 bread I had faith it turns out we are not able to we could take about the level 24 though let's go don't come near me or my son ever again come on King come on take it out one more one more to board the ship is gonna be rough not not enough just because the first trainers Pokemon is higher than my highest level Pokemon everything it's it's still fine it's okay King is evolving whoa we're getting the evolution of King oh my god Kingston I press B by accident my bad my bad I accidentally press B I'm so sorry I'm so sorry my finger slipped I'm so if only he had evolved into a gravel ore but now he's just a Typhlosion I'm so sorry King uh what a mistake what a mistake jeez yeah [Music] what apparently wonder guard doesn't work properly with a randomizer well I guess we'll send in sacred why why do all the trainer's have high promotions ah oh it's a crit though let's go but yeah we're going down crush this delcatty King I counted your evolution I'm so sorry but that's just the way it had to be amber he's the king he's the king we've got a bigger OTT Bret keeps turning into these incredible Pokemon but it's level 14 yo but sacred though that's gonna do a lot Oh Yates I think psybeam is stronger wow that I really didn't do a lot did it apparently this Vigoroth is just stupid strong right he's going down should we just throw ourselves at this thing give it a try let's just try it okay spindle what do we got Alakazam if only I had a strong Hawk one that was an ass I'm yo we got a pretty good team of course sacred the fainted one is the fighting type like a ride on though facade that's not gonna do a lot it was a crit I was like that did a lot but nice by the way teeter dance now we're confused love that gay we stomped him what's it gonna do okay that was a crit oh my god she's liking my switch yes yeah I think we're gonna try a Gyarados Jared Oh should have intimidate okay good oh noes dragon rage well that's good that's really good haha he used counter what a dummy yawn yeah just like this battle it's so easy jeez all right we're asleep that's fine Ben he's high promotion that's what I figured loafing around these tail whips are gonna crush him okay now we stump I expected that in all honesty I expected that the reason why I wanted to do that now he's super weak and my sleeping king will wake up and crush him because now he's intimidated again I'm sleeping that's facade we've been he is that a half damaged right now Wow loafing around this is fine crash again King takes them out yeah I guess we'll just stomp cuz I probably out speed so we'll go for the stump Lynch's oh my god and he flinched let's go he flinched again easy dude well I think I just have a win here cuz I can just dragon rage sure it'll / but how much is that really gonna do yeah not much yeah I think we got it you'll take out king but headbutts me that's fun okay Jerry should out to be Jerry's super fast with the stomp here we go 50m done real fast man we just stomped Norman apparently like literally stomped him was TF 420 um tombstone er ant why why that's the that's the TM they mention it in in Gen 1 during the quiz and in Blaine's gym so now we have surf I believe yes a cheap surf again what happens if none of us Pokemon can surf now well I guess we'll find out what happens if my Pokemon don't know surf after this battle we drown our eight let's see if we drown Oh blah blah blah bluh bluh bluh bluh bluh bluh bluh wait up wait a minute what how am i surfing none of these Pokemon no surf it doesn't make any sense if you can get on the water you're fine once you're on the water that's all you got to do but what I want an infinite supply of happiness it's actually a really good answer that question yeah all right Oh let's go hyper Fang so good look at how much damage just does everyone sleeps on Radek eight surat it says they're so good though like legit they are strong the super fangs hyper Fang combo can never be beaten what about a ghost type I don't believe in ghosts bad let's take a rest Oh everyone's feeling good all right almost got cast form which is gonna be our strongest I need to check this okay it benna's wonder guard now what the heck why did it not have wonder guard last time what it mattered oh really I'm sorry sacred but you got to go down and there we go my Pokemon are so underleveled it's actually scary level them what are you gonna do him battle-ax trainers come lovely you know Brad look at you with whirlwind in safeguard vital you know what I can do the same I'll do the same get out of your Poochyena you know roaring me out no no no yeah you can see even grunts have a higher level Pokemon than me which is very scary move settle this is kind of kind of good no miss ball unfortunately did you play an ad wait did I just use what I read that as waterspout not water sport okay just so we're all clear I thought that said waterspout probably the first time in my entire life I have ever used water sport got a week in that fire hahahahaha do you enjoy nuzlockes I've done one once it was fun like a randomizer nuzlocke oh yes quite literally it knows a wink attack it knows the fight what was I thinking actually what was going through it is astonish like almost every move it has five thousand hours in Pokemon by the way guys five thousand hours in Pokemon that that is actually so dumb in this generation bite makes physical contact you get hit with rough skin but it's a special move which is it doesn't make any sense the way it works in generation 3 and before is Pokemon types the type of the moves determine whether it's physical or special grass thoughts also a stupid contact move if there are a few special ones that make contact but it's it makes sense that they make contact right let's do it BAM right back nothing to do much a sucks though but why should I heal to full what are they sending it depends on what they're sending out I think I stay in cuz it's only gonna know special moves and although my special events was lowered a bit my tags Lord one stage that's fine depending on socks they're so comfortable they make me play a lot better it's something that's very weird but something that I have noticed for the stream is that when I'm wearing socks I don't know what it is but if I'm wearing socks I play way better in terms of like games I was trying to figure it out there's one day that I was really good in breath of the wild and one day that I wasn't and I tried to think of the only difference in that day because it was essentially the same day I was like wow I was wearing socks today and so now I've convinced myself that wearing socks gives me power and now we get a new Pokemon which I said before we were going to name after Titan inch at ti2 a and ok who are we gonna kick out I really want to keep Brett cuz we just got him been our starter is the lowest level and it was the first Pokemon we got I think we're gonna swap out Ben for now how big is my pokedex bigger than yours plunk all right training may look like the battle slugma but you got Bret yo Titan already pulling some weight amnesia who do you think you are I have water gun look at all this damage though oh I need a double this special defense to praise Lord he likes the Titan but use Grovyle well it's what you know sure I think sacred can handle the Grovyle long as we know one bug-type move I'll be happy and let it not be leech life my no offline time move we have a flying-type move that's not bad yeah that's ok wow that hurts so bad Grovyle Oh No huge brain lombre will I switch no I won't switch easy fights dude super apples let's go okay yo should we catch this kecleon it'll be kind of strong it's level 30 right I think we will I think it's a staticky Kaptur we're gonna try and catch it and we're super underleveled this sucks also ant who's super rebels all right let's catch you quickly on as long as it's like level 30 if it's level 30 it's worth catching for sure level 30 all right I'll do my best to catch it we don't have any Pokemon they can put it to sleep unfortunately all right we bought those balls now have we had a kecleon before might be worth it we'll try the repeat ball we might have attic oh we have never had affect affect me I never mind you would have shown the pokeball beside his name but whatever we're getting it right now let's go cut the kecleon hell yeah I think I said I was gonna name a Pokemon after Brin and 7li so we're gonna name it brinly all right who are we eating from our party I think the smartest option is probably bread you get every pokémon randomizing your pokedex oh absolutely [Music] we've seen we've gotten most I think we're gonna fight everyone in the gym yeah when you do we need to get stronger tell us a joke Lal how do you get one Pikachu - squirtle three Venus ores and a Charizard on to a bus yep Pokemon that's MA chant what yikes for what I remember - Pokemon related joke you know when we got that egg earlier in the stream and I and I sat down and I like just ran back and forth for a while to hatch it and everyone's like why are you doing this you know but I should have said why not [Music] boo it's so good you're sorry you're laughed thank you your unsub being because of my jokes someone asked me to say a joke and that wasn't even like a low effort one I came up with that on the fly that was that was like that was in my brain I formed that dude get the joke so that egg specifically that we got earlier hatched into the pokémon and the pokemons name was why not that's the name of the Pokemon someone told me about Will Smith earlier didn't know who he was what you don't know who you were in my mind I'm more famous I'm more famous than Will Smith yeah Will Smith is just another youtuber right it's like he's that YouTube guy that messed up the rewind yeah okay that's all anyone knows him from is not that's hot meme right he's an American actor no you must be mixing up with like someone else he's either youtuber guys come on you can't fool me yeah you must be confusing him with Jaden Smith or something everyone knows about Jaden Smith like everyone loves like Jaden Smith music like what what a rapper that Jaden Smith is huh yeah are you guys mixing them up with Will Ferrell cuz Will Ferrell's in a lot of movies well I might like this what acting like I don't know who Wilson it is of course I know who Will Smith is all right here we go six Jim let's do it hey swablu a fighting-type okay so we have a baby Pokemon a beginner starter that's also a grass-type kind of bad kind of bad okay and a fighting-type oh that was just terrible look that's okay so all right we'll do it again yo Titan that's good it doesn't no psychic it's still pretty good grass grass we have a lot of weakness to flying again but I think we might be able to do with the Sun any bits we to lose this match a thousand please thank you oh my goodness Ludwig hosting me for two thousand eight hundred ninety viewers hello everyone from Ludwig stream what's up alright let's go again why really how am I gonna defeat the flying gym with a huge brain it's gonna pair a song this turn [Music] huge brain it's gonna pair us up damn no-ho-ho it's gonna perished huh there's nothing I can do now it hasn't even larger brain no now it'll tear a song right no way what we're gonna take it out before it can okay it's normal type so that won't do anything I literally just need to curse there's nothing I can do please don't Paris um yes okay aerial ace user am para song is one turn away not gonna happen not happening we are perfectly safe got carried by the cursing confusion Tropius will I change absolutely to cherry I guess like whirlwind might be useful against the Altaria if it starts setting up you'll see it's a crit let's go super effective crit does the same amount as their regular aerial ace I think King will out speed but they're gonna use a potion I will try but don't expect anything great here should I just like curse and then switch out curse switch out curse which oh just take them out with only curses and healing I think we might be able to do it if I just sack Brinn save it's a grin save it so now we'll go to sacred encore you can only use aerial ace now so now it's stuck using aerial ace and it cannot do anything else I'm resistant alright he loved the MVP Brinley aerial ace okay critical hit little scary Airy laces physical yes aerial ace is physical but there's no reason to because it's going down anyways right we should have levitate so it won't be able to earthquake I don't think an aerial ace can KO us in one hit so if we curse it we might win if we can curse we outspent and cursed this is we might actually win this battle okay cuz it's now it's gonna dragon dance yes this is fine a quarter of its health each turn it'll probably use aerial ace there's turn I'll switch in this i'll heal yikes but now I can just continue to spam healing I think we might win this battle we were we're winning with that ghastly in a mining now I'm gonna huge brain this it's going to get greedy it's gonna get greedy I'm just gonna use strict and ever well I'm an idiot it knows how quick I thought it was gonna use another move that's okay that's alright we're good fingers crossed we survive this it's a plus one no probably not it's okay that means the Altaria is going down I think we switch and tighten so we got through the otário for the first time but I mean we have some items still we have revival herbs okay good they use supersonic and now we heal up brynlee to full and then it uses protects and then we were a viable herb the fading and then it uses protect then we reflect as it protects and that will fight and they will light scream okay crit that's fine and now we win I believe we just wandered because now we could spark and that's gonna KO in one hit if it doesn't I'm gonna be very sad not easy okay easy Skarmory how did we win with this garbage team how do we win with a garbage team like that my god we're now they're just throwing with pelipper it double press a No I think we're fine okay we're fine we're so good it's just the curse that did it let's go six veg never before have I seen a trainer command Pokemon with more grace than I in recognition of your prowess I present to you the gym badge curse with the big carry Titan evolving nope brynlee evolving though alright we'll let Brinley evolve brynlee the MVP Wow I can't wait to see brinly in the next battle as a Haunter whoa look at that hunter that is so cool ring Wow hunter you're so cool whoa lock me I dare you wait can I catch this one yeah if it's level 30 we're catching it catch what catch this it's level 30 we're catching it it is stronger than most one that I have I R we got it technically on the fill ruby winter ruby all right the music in this section of the game is probably some of my favorite just listen to it you should take a moment oh hell yeah okay cool this wild Pokemon stronger than my team that's terrifying literally I am so underleveled that there are wild Pokemon stronger than me right now but here's the thing with this challenge though is that you can't just train up a few Pokemon because the fewer Pokemon you train the higher chance of you having just garbage you need to hit that grind I don't think I need to hit that grind because we can catch a Rayquaza with a master ball and then just never have to worry about anything ever again cuz anything at level 70 is gonna be pretty good right level somebody better pot that only knows Harden but it can get hard though it gets hard what's up the elbow I'm slowly losing my team as I go through this area I'm fairly sure you need to do a fight at the end of this I don't think we're gonna win the fight I'm gonna save here I'm just gonna see how it goes we're gonna have to fight Maxie with a single level 30 ball c'mon cuz I think he gets pissed and fights me here he's like what did you do I'm gonna kill you you ten-year-old child yeah now he goes and tries to end the attend you old child's life real classy I wonder if this blue orb will work on this red - Pokemon survive you okay let's try it again we just gotta get good luck that's it damn it man come on uh yeah try that again this is the one we're actually gonna use strategy for this instead of just trying to get good luck we're actually going to use strategy for once cuz oh my god a bliss ease pretty damn good bliss ease good check Pokemon does it know an attacking move oh my god it knows an attacking move level 32 Luigi we have some options now I think I'm gonna do tightening because it has rest cheese-like wait we have minimized I [Music] think it might be worth healing to full as well here because we have minimized we have two different easy options to win 150 HP it's a Blissey it has the highest HP in the game is this what we're gonna do it's gonna take take itself down because I have so much HP it's just stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself this isn't fair life isn't fair kiddo alright sit with recoil nice throw bad will I change yup alright Titan ah so much damage now we go to sleep we get full HP and we're both taking a nap ahead but we're waking up with crobat still asleep let's go Titan woke up Titan head but robat still asleep next turn I'm gonna yawn next time we're gonna you actually no there's no reason to I could have gone but there's no reason to cuz I can take him out with a headbutt anyways - confused but Titan won't get hit alright camerupt will I change a whole with Oh a doubt oh noes earthquake that's terrifying okay amnesia oh he's getting so dumb amnesia again we don't need Luigi we do not these Luigi we got this it's a crit no no two turns really okay we're fine good goodbye easy battle see what ZZ guys no grinding none of that for me sir alright this might take a minute what is happening I'm buying some lemonade good just attack somebody we got 20 okay X defends as well basically I want to be able to go indeed elite 4 and we're gonna spam these a lot to hopefully win that's the idea here alright let's go now to get this master ball imagine being a GN and dropping review store the gen 3 remakes for having too much water you're in the water for like a few minutes IGN literally rated I think like a 7 out of 10 we're having too much water when it rains outside IGN's like gosh it's the odd to have two and a half points down work as counts of guys it's raining today the day is ruined or IGN were literally spit roasting them I mean for a while as a kid I didn't understand the term spit roasting actually meant and in my head mentally I visualized people just like roasting meat over a fire as like a group of people just spit on it I was like that's disgusting why would people do that I'm never gonna have a spit roast until I saw like a like a spit roast I was like okay that makes more sense your stories this can make you wonder about you hey I was an only child I couldn't ask people questions right you can't just go up to like an adult and be like hey what's a spit you know people just assume you know those things Google was the thing I didn't have internet until I was like 16 wait and for real I kind of did but it was like internet that was so slow that would take five to 10 minutes to load any page so I just didn't use it because I didn't want to waste ten minutes of my time to do a single thing but when we were 16 we ended up getting like a satellite internet thing in the area and then we had one megabyte download which I use a lot besides school internet and occasionally syncs up through that the guy didn't really watch anything there's that masterball let's go stuff dark pit you read chance was just so cool it's it is weird you're just talking to some stranger on the Internet pretty fancy isn't it quite often what I'll do because I can't focus on streams for a really long time it's all going to a stream I'll be like Hello whatever they're doing good luck or hope you have a good stream and they're like oh thank you small ant they'll be like oh they send my name and then I'll leave all right we are free we have the master ball we're good to go we can go get the seventh gym badge now or hope to get the 7th pin badge at least I'm fairly sure it's possibly gets for most of this gym without having to fight trainers which is the goal or without having to fight many at least you're already under levelled while you're sleeping battles I don't I don't want a battle the harder a challenge is the more the more you'll grow I'm not a masochist it's just the more the more you struggle the easier things will be in the future which as a metaphor for this does not make any sense whatsoever but don't think about it too hard we're fine trust me fine you know it'll be so much more hype if I defeat the seventh gym leader with the team of level 30s all right let's do the gym let's do it okay what do we got hopefully it's good you'll see in a moment play it on that too but what do we have [Music] [Music] Yoho look at the back end though oh my god dude that's a great team it's a great team all right since they can still attack me I'm gonna send in they're gonna use a psychic-type move on me I have a dark-type Oh according to plan baby never do a lot okay it's fine yeah we're fine Nosa no this played also sleep and we're about to stomp Oh earthquake that's fine shouldn't shouldn't kill good little C Gary but didn't kill long as it hits zat ooh good yes that you can call mind that is one of the biggest the biggest stresses that I had now fading we will heal up again Oh Dragon Claw ancient power dragon dance oh it's so good don't know ancient power it's all rock [Music] but setting up with solarbeam okay so that means it's going for fading right now we're gonna let it attack cherry it's gonna quake so now I can Dragon Claw play doll and we shouldn't get hit this turn I should have hit Solrock actually did not do a lot but no one is gonna get ahead here and the the solar beam will hit cherry and I shouldn't do too much I mean I'd probably do a lot now we're good so now they're going to obviously want to use a psychic-type move on my cherry we're gonna switch back into fading and I'm gonna drag and dance again [Music] [Music] that's so good and now they're gonna use earthquake and solarbeam so we're gonna switch and we're gonna drag it dance again earthquake does nothing and he's gonna solar beam I'll flamethrower Oh No flamethrower they like played right into my hands it's just so fantastic now they might not use psychic but I think at this point like it's four plus three on you so I can just ancient power dim [Music] alright so Sarang should go down here we got all of the buffs let's go psychic and flamethrower okay I figured he might use flamethrower cuz it would have taken him out no matter what but oh it's too good man all right now no he's probably gonna use either earthquake or psyche I guess it doesn't matter we would have been taken out before he transformed anyways I now we got cherry [Music] sunny day right I think no matter what cherry is going down right now so I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that hopefully that's enough to take out Solrock yes good okay we should win now wait what one of them has three Pokemon and the other one only has one we should be okay we'll take out claydol no we won't that is terrifying that is very scary after we take out the claydol i need to resurrect um cherry oh no i mean i have boobs boosts up that is terrifying will I survive a psychic from a I mean lunatone sucks though I think I need to do this another one ah it's not fair there's spamming potions hey hope lunatone tries to Hypnose fetus turning good okay I think we're safe Jesus Christ is terrifying though that lunatone scares me I think the only thing we can do is fading 3 a hyper poach it's ok I'm gonna have to play this very carefully so fading should survive that and I don't know what lunatone can do [Music] goddamn okay now again we use another curve I've alert I'm Brenly okay and then we curse the lunatone and we out speed and now for turns it'll be dead okay and they were good yes okay this is stupid but I think we have just enough items to win this because now we can revive fading who won't get hit by a psychic I mean that'll get it by a psychic special sensor up that's us and obviously that's gonna take me out we have one more revival herb sacred won't outspeed think I would need to revive Brinley cuz they're probably gonna earthquake yeah okay gentle copy status' with a won't out speed okay good I think we survived to turn yes that's what we needed and now we can heal up fading oh I should have done that on fete the other turn dammit that might actually made of my just lost the battle we'll see cuz if lunatone goes for psyche gun Brinley yeah ah please take up the the lunatone this turn oh no it is a citrus berry I don't think lunatone lunatone might not have a move for us you've got to be kidding me four four I Promotions he ran out earthquakes he ran out of earthquakes I think I could do this his lunar tones gonna go down eventually I just need to take out the glade all he ran out of earthquakes and lunatone does have an attacking move that can hit me haha this is dumb this is so dumb but it's working alright he's my last energy powder this is so dumb the clay doll won't even be able to attack because it's only gonna know reflect and light screen after I like two more for one more ancient power yo fading let's go buddy light screen but it failed it has no attacking moves left now he's screech three times that we thrash alright let's try the thrash [Music] bye-bye God that was dumb seventh gym badge I use far too many items in that battle but the way how did I win i out-brained the psychic gym yes I did I was so convoluted right we have dive we can go finish off the Rayquaza you can finish up the eighth badge we can finish off the Elite Four and then the champion what I think we'll do that next Wednesday so I'll see you guys then let's go very nice
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,783,302
Rating: 4.927474 out of 5
Keywords: Nuzlocke Randomizer, Randomizer, Randomizer Nuzlocke, pokemon, pokemon randomizer, Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, pokemon speedrun, pokemon only, pokemon rse, pokemon gen 3, gen 3, pokemon emerald, pokemon sapphire, pokemon ruby
Id: 2ITaYdqH4n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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