Pokemon but my team gets weaker every battle

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[Music] so the way it works you defeat a pokemon mads lost 304 exp points and you just level down you lose your stats you get weaker every battle essentially the exp is negative so that's how that works our team recap is mads level 24 sea bass 29 fortunately we were able to catch a level 30 magikarp level it down once and it evolved because it's above its evolution level we currently have five badges we are in the town with the sixth badge all right i believe we do have two very good electric types that'll probably help out a lot all right let's do it incoming rip time yeah it'll be fine winona is easy all right sua blue more like um more like dead man my wit is unmatched oh i'm so clever all right we got him good all right took out one of them altaria will i switch no i'm not gonna switch boom we're gonna thunder wave it's okay okay um it's gonna thunder wave glarion can take it i believe okay um it's gonna earthquake so and i can use earthquake 10 times that was one earthquake attack fell though that's another earthquake all right but now i can't use earthquake so we're going to switch back to glarion and it's going to drag and dance dragon breath totally fine and now it's like oh wait a minute i need to use earthquake again earthquake that's three earthquakes so we switch back into galerion and it uses dragon dance not a problem at all because its attack is just getting lower every time i switch and now we can't really do much to galerion like the most he can do is dragon breaths yeah and i will thunder wave and thunder wave will help oh my lord don't be paralyzed ah all right now it's still out speeds i'm gonna let galerion go down might seem a bit strange but i'm gonna let him go down um lies again it's gonna be paralyzed now though no it's not never mind um you know what let's just stomp him out with sea bass it's paralyzed it's got nothing all that worked just to get a t-wave off that really wasn't worth it was it altaria still out speeds yeah atari is still out speeds when it has quarters wow that is bad fortunately i do have a revival herb which is a full wrist like a full heal we're gonna use that on gallerian that should do the trick it's completely out oh my lord okay all right took out the altaria the biggest threat i think was there a bigger threat i don't know i don't think so we'll see time will tell [Music] decrease to level 25 didn't decrease too much will i change pokemon no because skarmory should be easy to take out he's gonna have what steel wing and uh really dude yeah stealing one damage two damage how much damage six damage okay and that's armory down what is the worst that this guy can do oh i owe speed that's kind of nice poison them [Music] oh special just defense fell ah let's open up a special defense is that solar beam my god dude all right that's fine with me poison i don't think i can poison all right so i believe galarian should be able to take it out the strongest move it has is probably solar beam so i'm just gonna spark we out speed it it's slow [Music] no no don't do this to me buddy oh that is just the that is that no supersonic that has a very low chance to hit now heard itself infusion that'll help limit it so it can't use synthesis as much but that is just the worst all we need is one more turn like that where he hits himself paralyzed paralyzed yes hyrule or crit or paralyzed there's a lot of different avenues we can win here let's go good stuff all right let's keep going i forgot she had a potion having a good time [Music] yes critical hit okay we took it out we're good break free all the way down first try let's go glarion gets weaker loses a bunch of stats and we win winona that's the sixth badge super quick all right so now we can use fly we're gonna go grab the mock bike we'll fly to lily cove we'll go to the safari zone and catching level 40 golducks i think you look tired you should take a rest all right you know what i'll call it a day thanks for watching i'll see you guys on tuesday no i'm not gonna cancel the stream just because i look tired come on there should be a pond somewhere up here or something i've been told ten percent in area one or two okay we're gonna catch some wobble fights because waba fetts are super useful like they're incredible they're only level 27 29 it doesn't matter what level they are as long as they can survive like a single hit they survive a single hit they destiny bond then they get taken out yo level 27 that'll work come on let's beat it up let's beat it up one two three uh i dislike you strongly we may be here a while no no no no no check this out this one one two three easy boom okay never mind [Music] let's go we got a bean the beanie boy bean or beanie beanie girl yo level 27 let's do this one two three oh let's go i think that's how you spelled it coco okay well we ran out of balls uh we got a pretty good haul though we got coco which i you know what not yet we're not gonna switch our team out until we need to but we got a solid team in the box now it's very exciting in this game you cannot have a melodic uh you can yeah if you raise it's beauty god it's so catchy feedback was a pain to catch i remember taking i think it was like four hours or something as a kid just going through every tile i remember it was at my grandma's house i remember finding one finally and i caught like three it was great i actually completely forgot um about my pokemon fire red game i think it was like a few months ago i started it up just to see what it had on it and i had a level 73 pidgey and i was at the elite four and nothing else it's like what was i doing i remember i was trying to do a pidgey solo run fortunately this should be an easy battle did you finish the run i didn't finish it no dude i was doing solo runs since i was a kid i've graduated archie they're pulling out cannot happen blue orb red orb whatever yada yada yada no one really cares here we go boulder shaking magma emblem we're going in all right it's probably worth catching some gravelers with explosion as well um i didn't heal that's fine i wish youtubers did fun challenge like you instead of boring solo runs yeah solar runs can be cool i i disrespected solo runs for a long time and then we did a whooper only run in pokemon platinum and that was really cool and required a lot of strategy more than i expected i have more respect for solo runs than i that i did in the past after doing the whooper run it was really cool would self-destruct prevent the level down exactly self-destruct would prevent the level down so if we ever just see any gravelers we'll just try and catch it there's no reason not to level 31 graveler i'm just gonna throw a ball i bet we could catch it with just a great ball one two [Music] nice all right let's crush this man or not we'll fight a wild graveler the blue orb didn't awaken the red pokemon what could i ever have done differently yeah whatever oh mighty anna level 37 it's actually kind of strong i think we'll be okay just surfing away that'll do at least half right not quite go through breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough thank you take down it missed snapped out of confusion didn't even affect me just increased my attack oh you've got to be kidding me his speed fell do i out speed now nope he swaggered me and missed he can't get a hit in i'm too good i see bass i think just to surf against the camera is gonna be easy ah oh okay that's fine wow he healed himself just so i could take him out [Music] has it gotten easy no you still have to strategize a lot you know how all of the uh all of the runs where you do like solo runs of uh of things they're like all right i fought this gym leader it was really hard so i went and grinded and then i fought him again i had to use this move four times and then and then i defeated it and i got the gym badge so i moved on to the next one for the whooper only i'm gonna open it up with something like all right i beat pokemon platinum with only whooper it wasn't really a challenge it's whooper he has he's the best pokemon in existence and then show his stats compared to arceuses and but have the stats swapped it's like it was easy so here's how it went the next gym you know i got distracted and uh i got to level 60 with whooper just decided to completely decimate the all of the wild pokemon just because it was fun destroying them and then i figured i should go fight the second gem so i went and just completely crushed it whooper almost went down but it's not an issue because wooper's so strong i never had any fears it i make it seem super easy when some of the battles took me like five hours also i'll be like and i'm not using items in battle because i don't need them whooper doesn't need them i wouldn't disrespect whooper like that like it'll be great also i just defeated maxie so that was easy yay so now we've done that base we can go to the other base in lilly cove stomp them and i believe we're good to go why would t-mock was doing my submarine explorer why'd you leave the keys in it come on man you're irresponsible if there was a full-size submarine just sitting there like how are they gonna find you if you steal a submarine if you steal a submarine and they don't see you how are they gonna find you you're in a submarine like it's the perfect crime stealing a submarine it is master ball thank you and a nugget thank you so much exp share exp share is actually currently on marrow because it has the amount of xp that pokemon lose because it's level two that's why i have it in my team did you wear the creator come up with any explanatory lore for this challenge uh it's opposite day yeah all right we defeated matt and the boss escaped you guys just wanna drop in grab the seventh badge and get the heck out of here did you get elite four today there's a very high likelihood that we've wheat the challenge today that we just win where is the super rod guy i can't remember where he is i feel like i remember it being up here yeah this guy either random super rods really super yes [Music] excellent so where you can catch a level 41 whale mer in this area i remember my first team of full level 100s the first pokemon that i had that was level 100 in pokemon ruby was a huntail no it was sceptile but after that it was huntail because when i was trying to finish off the pokedex i didn't have any guides i didn't have anything and i knew clampero must evolve into something because two slots in front of the clamper on the pokedex it evolves once into something and once into something but i didn't know what it was and so i raised it up like i think it was like level 83 and i i had given it like a deep sea tooth because it made it stronger because i was training it and i ended up giving up i was like i can't do it it's not gonna level up or it's not gonna evolve but one of my friends was like hey that's a strong clamp roll you want to trade it to me i'll give you my registeel and i was like sure he got the clamp roll it evolved into a level 83 huntail level 42 let's go so i wound up getting that we traded it back so i can get it back i need it for my pokedex i got it back and then it was so close to 100 i was like i might as well trade it up to all the way yeah this is the whaler that we needed we just need to catch this we're gonna use our net balls and there we go our strongest pokemon a level 42 whaler all right i think mads your time is coming gone so yeah seventh gym let's do it uh i believe it's possible to go through this gym without doing double battles at least oh we have water spout we outspeed don't we oh oh that's power dude one hit kale decreased low of 41 totally fine with me because you know what that means [Music] donor is evolving all right looks good now we got a waylord a level down evolution yes can we go this way all right tayden lisa you know what screw it let's just we're gonna revive pasta because clearly pasta could get taken out in a single hit with only one psychic so they're gonna try and psychic it titan leaves a gym number seven can i do it on the first try play it all in zad too what's the bigger threat i don't know but pasta check this out [ __ ] and do you think clay doll is a bigger threat zatu is wait water spout hits both of them never mind i did not know this that too doesn't affect it it has earthquake it out speeds which is interesting i didn't think it was going to use earthquake and outspeed now my waterspout is going to suck in that case my strategy should have changed i think use earthquake doesn't affect manners it's not donor and nearly takes it out no it's a crit okay well that's a white out we'll take that as a white out i need to grab the other team we're gonna do that it'll be easy all right so we're gonna send in coco just for the amulet coin hope it survives a hit essentially all right rematch let's try it again so we are going to destiny bond because we have the quick claw and i'm just gonna surf it confused what did it confuse it's gonna outspeed an earthquake probably yeah and it took out coco we can't counter earthquake because it just takes us out in one hit i think interesting it doesn't take it out in one hit yeah a counter would help very much coco got that bulk yeah we'll just use destiny bond again [Music] bye bye tattoo and that's the tattoo down we didn't lose any exp on coco now donors confused please hit the surf yes get a crit on the clay doll make this easy ah dang all right one more surf should do the trick or not cyrox citrus berry restored its health they're gonna hyper potion that's terrible yikes yikes yeah okay that was a crit i was like how did that do so freaking much going down for that no probably not all right energy root on to nut donor use earthquake bean is going down for that it's unfortunate we'll send it bella probably and then switch in no don't just confuse please break through confusion pretty oh my lord you useless uh self-destruct and we switch into merrell they're gonna focus on nut donor they're gonna double up focus on it i hope oh never mind they just use earthquake and took out both of my pokemon very nice all right yeah i think we lost that's a loss for this one i think that was a crit yeah there's another white out let's do it again counter and sir serve calm mind calm mind is fine i don't mind to calm mind all right you can catch a sharpedo sharpido can only get caught at level 33. it sucks all right so that will most likely take out the clay doll it got another crit my lord all right nut donor is surfing now it's gonna do a decent amount to clay it all it's gonna decent amount to zatu but the big thing is that clay doll is gone right yes uh finally now they're probably going to take me out so i'm just going to destiny bond hope quick claw pops and i'm going to fully heal my pokemon uh energy root they double up on coco coco's quick clyde didn't pop unfortunately so it will be taken out there it's gonna also use psychic on to marrow i would expect oh flame thrower never mind i'm so sorry mero i thought you had a chance all right bean is going to use mirror coat and you are going to use surf totally fine mero is still mvp yup if pokemon is love one hp and levels down what happens it dies goes down they didn't attack me that turn interesting that's not going to do a lot it was a sunny day obviously surf again oh my lord it just gets stronger i should have destiny bonded then unless it oh we won't survive that will we we do oh why are they so my lord wubba fence a monster all right now a lunatone so it's setting up with the zatu now the best thing i can do is destiny bond i'm a revival herb coco ah that takes it out yeah we're gonna send in bellow because they probably doubled up on that oh no it's combining as well ah very nice uh yes of course self-destruct we're gonna switch in oliver to take the self-destruct wait why is why is one graveler mini what's up with that really they just keep doubling up on my pokemon all right we're gonna miracle and then i'm gonna heal you it's closer it's male ah that's gonna take me out for sure [Music] why do they keep going for coco come on that's not cool i feel like they're gonna double up and i'm gonna use a revival herb i don't even care this is gonna be one of the hardest fights revival herb cocoa do it yeah that's what i expected [Music] i got this i do got this [Music] why do they always go for that one water spout should do a lot right it's not sunny anymore [Music] there's very little but i mean they are boosted up we're gonna use bean yep and they're probably gonna double up on me again so let's just uh let's just heal up coco double up on coco that's good it took both hits [Music] uh they will double up on bean again so i have a water spout bean has the possibility of out speeding i believe so we're gonna decide bond it did not out speed and they attacked nut donor oh no how did they know [Music] it's just an experiment do they know a non-psychic move i have a max revive i believe [Music] we have one more [Music] i don't think they have a move that can hit marrow please attack lunatone attack the other one [Music] yes yes miracle takes out the tattoo all right okay we will energy room bean and then beetle mirror coat and we will win oh it feels good marrow does it again [Music] all right i got the mind badge marrow's too good yeah all right nut donor is just gonna crush everything like and plus it's at such a high level it levels down so slowly so it'll be strong for a while mighty anna water spout water spout one tap everything yeah i don't even need a super effective move on the zubat it's easy you the stats get lowered nah you level down and nothing changes in fact your sets go up when you level down yeah it's so the game isn't different in any way uh the only difference is that um the number goes down but it doesn't mean anything of course the stats go down what else would happen all right he'll probably outspeed with mighty anna but he'll probably i don't know let's just water spout and see what happens won't ko but that will yes sir you got a waylord i caught a level 42 whale mer with a super rod stevens pokemon level down too that is so hilarious i never even considered that steven gets weaker swagger i don't care it's not going to affect me she was like what oh it might break the game i highly doubt it if it does we'll just skip this mean look oh no i can't escape not that i was going to do it won't break the game at sign knows it that should take them both out no it does not not even close okay go bat in the metal claw why didn't you attack the crowbar that was about to go down i don't know steven is weak steven's actually pretty strong they only have a camera up left that should be an easy victory once i smack it with the surf easy win donor is so powerful all right so that was easy that was pretty easy i think you could dive here not much here this is my home thank you for all that you've done dive okay cool so now we have dive do i need a relicanth we're about to go catch one we have seven badges we're good to go that doesn't help i will need some heart skills probably need three heart skills speed i'm pretty sure it's a really low chance for a relic like they're super rare it's one percent yeah yo there it is i'm just gonna try and throw a net ball maro you've got this merrell will scare him into the ball marrow is nvp merrow come on [Music] marrow will will do its best next time one two three yes sir level 35 that's not bad either [Music] there we go whoa whoa okay little spooky there we're fine all right pacific log town beautiful trying to get to the game without versing any of the trainers i mean it helps because you can't really you just love you just get weaker whenever you fight trainers the point is to only fight the trains you absolutely have to because then your pokemon don't get weaker but the strangers you do fight you have to kind of strategize okay check this out there we go maybe oh no that's where i needed to go damn it that was the whole whatever check this out going straight in nope one higher than that okay here we go all right we made it to the hole going down ah okay you go up all right listen to this music all right all right i think i need to dig i i read it i'm pretty sure we need to we need to do a dig any braillers [Music] oh we broke that bad boy open uh yes okay so we do that and then we do that and then we do this of course a door oh my lord let's go boys let's go the desert ruins mm-hmm okay so we um oh yeah yeah of course boom boom boom boom and then we hit up the uh marrow [Music] marrow oh open them right up look at that big boy look at that big boy retro rock time if you buy balls 30 great balls let's do it he looks so different on the map yes one two three oh it was close one okay i guess it whited me out we'll survive that we can take that psych why is a stupid pile of rocks hard to catch it's a legendary pile of rocks it's a special one one more water gun nah we'll take it out one maybe if we surprise him [Music] we'll surprise him from behind there's no way that doesn't work we got a sneak attack [Music] look at that look at that we got him let's go chloe on to the next a baby [Music] that works all right save now we need to make sure we surprise that of course yes can't forget that get the sneak attack chloe chloe you're gonna sneak attack your friend here pingu regis one two three let's go we cut pingu finally all right this one's pingu after icy pingu this one is is this one you wait minutes or something [Music] let me see let me read um do that do this uh yes of course that's what you have to do okay we have to use flash [Music] yeah i just uh using flash looks good i suppose figured out as a kid there's uh in the guidebook there's a braille thing i i used it as a kid i took out the little guide book and i found the braille translated it all and figured it out but uh let's do this thing i like being under his arm let's go big man stelix big man stelix yeah big man stelix you guys what are you guys looking at come on that's right get in the ball we got red steel hell yeah all right we got all the reggie's agent [Music] [Music] there's the heart scale awesome why do we need the heart scales oh you'll see in just a brief moment we get the move tutor alright and now we tutor chloe [Music] explosion yes and we get it doesn't really matter what move we get rid of because they're only going to be using the explosion so we'll have permanent level 40s it's all coming together and pingu and explosion yes get rid of ancient power and or an explosion an explosive team yeah i think we'll be able to win today i think we'll be able to finish the game today all right we'll go through this area this should lead into let's see the city right over here i think oh this seems like it's to the right here yeah there it is excellent all right [Music] now we're in sidopoulos i believe we can fly here now but we need to go to the underwater base uh of team aqua wait isn't this the isn't that supposed to be the base maybe no it's over here okay yeah all right archie hold it right there fufu so it was you after all it was me after all archie yes who laughs like that [Music] all right oh no a mighty anna what am i gonna do against the mighty anna i guess i could try and waterspout [Music] maybe oh you know that did a good job but here's crowbat uh crowbat kinda scares me a little bit i'm gonna send out pingu and i'm going to explode really it survived that explode there we go that one will take it out i think it's because uh regis attack is hot garbage no exp loss argentorum you're next explosion explode baby talk about credibility easy dude no problem fufufu i must commend you you must or else i'll like end you because i still have pokemon alive and you don't [Music] the red orb omega lol message from members outside whatever yeah you caused chaos all right yeah they're fighting although groudon doesn't really seem to have that but uh groudon you don't have a chance it is raining you're surrounded by water the water ocean creek just give up groudon you have no chance it's not even sunny what the heck is going on here hey could you guys like stop like are you guys gonna cut it out or do i have to go get your do i have to go get rayquaza do you have the bike uh how much you want to bet i don't need the bike i bet you i can go all the way up to the tower without the bike you guys think no no i don't need the speed bike no no no how much you want to bet how much you want you definitely need the bike silver heart silver heart they don't know holy crap that's a level 38 we may need to come back here later so about that bike about that bike um have you ever met ant venom yeah i've actually met him in person i just happened to sit by him at twitchcon very briefly spoke yeah so uh where's that bike you need again it's a bikeless run i mean that is how you run without a bike yo um so groudon and kyogre are fighting could you go like stop them yes no just make a noise oh i guess that's a yes all right the huge major plot point here comes that sign that sign is like hey cut it out yeah knock it off kids go back to bed sorry mom i didn't mean it blah blah blah blah blah blah blah okay wallace i didn't see me thanks for your help here's a gift from me thank you for waterfall just another water-based hm so let's go crush pseudopolis jim why don't we all right one knockoff of wallace come on man can you create rayquaza first you can but there's no reason to all right we're fighting one eighth gym let's do it opens with a love disc wow hey the gym leader really open it up with a love disc huh [Music] all right a level 41 love disc [Music] okay attract oh my god a level 25 nanners taking out this love disc you're in love it doesn't matter love is meaningless oh you missed it's a 5 chance oh nanners it doesn't mean anything to you it's just it's just a stupid heart disk thing thank you [Music] we're good we're crushing it good job nanners appreciate it but you see leo will you switch go pingu you know what to do ancient power ancient power yo all the stats raised let's go explosion and there you go [Music] and now we don't level down okay and on to the next whisk ash this is the one that i was waiting for i was gonna water spout on level 41 wiscash water spout and amnesia that'll do half damage now shame shame rain dance it'll do normal normal damage now shame normal damage did it just take itself out [Music] crawdant all right uh chloe oh no a crawdad what am i ever going to do oh i'm so sorry chloe i didn't think that through yikes what's the worst this crawdad can do what like crunch me [Music] miss a crab hammer crawdad more like crud don't all right nanners continue [Music] totally fine it was a crit i i mean i'll just water spout what else i gotta do huh it's easy about to use kingdra will i switch sure identorum i'll give you a chance [Music] the rain stopped it's gonna just use rain dance now right let's uh let's curse once oh that sucks that really sucks we might miss explosion now yes it hit easy jam not a problem all right eighth gym patch just like that so uh we need to catch a quasi now so let's go do that real fast we're fighting rayquaza now [Music] and i already know the name for this one we are naming rayquaza the name of the person who created this for me at sign at sign i don't know if you're here right now but thank you so much for doing this i really do appreciate it you did an incredible job thank you and there it is we can now get rid of nanners all right let's do it let's finish this bad boy off replace nanners and we got the squad probably what we're going to finish the game with two regular pokemon a bunch of gods no one regular pokemon and a bunch of gods regular god god god god god that level two that took out like that level two marrow took out two of norman's pokemon single-handedly it with the help of a level eight geodude took out the entirety of watson's gym it is insanely good it is a true powerhouse how a lot of strategy why are legends called legends and not leg ends because if they were legends then there'd be a foot not a good joke all right comedy yeah and maro is the is the exp sync we've used the whole time ever grand city one building city [Music] what a great city it's just a bunch of freaking flowers wall-e is gonna sweep me that's very cute that's very cute all right wally's here he thinks he can be good i'm not gonna lose anymore all right wally whatever you say dude five pokemon i can handle that at sign fly you ready for this are you ready for this it's not that we're going to want hiko the altario which we are [Music] it's that at sign is pretty nice i'd use del caddy will i change oh absolutely dell caddy i really hope this doesn't one hit ko i really need this to not want it ko good explosion it's toxing a cup it's using toxic on a kamikaze pokemon funny funny it's gonna send in nothing that can handle argentorum uh except mate uh yeah i mean i kinda can we'll be fine as long as it doesn't do half [Music] that'll be good that'll be good let's get a double power explosion just set up with curse a little bit and now we'll explode [Music] we don't need that exp loss we'll just take them out with explosions that's the way to do it oh oh rosalia oh no what am i going to do yo we could probably just extreme speed the rosalia how you do the elite four with a lot of thinking using our brain pretty much that's it that it's pretty simple gardevoir will i change oh will i ever hey chloe you having a good time there you you feeling good all right um explode please good job chloe you did your best oh this is such a good strat i love this threat yeah i couldn't beat you today you'll never beat me wally all right sneak behind those people there [Music] and uh you guys ready to win because we're at the elite four all right well uh let's um let's go in after we buy a bunch of river vibes because we need to obviously revive our reggie's quite often we're gonna get 20 i think [Music] let's do it [Music] cindy's mariana i know he uses sand attack so hopefully that doesn't affect me too much but we'll see how it goes my diana ah what am i ever going to do against a mighty anna intimidated me too yikes oh no it's sand attacked me ah that's just the worst wow it's what a powerful mighty anna [Music] wow it's an interesting move all right if you want to do that i'm down argentorum it leech seeds me just to guarantee we get the ko we are gonna curse once now we kale kaboom and there it is don't know what he's sending out next let's just send it pengu absol oh oh no it's only gonna know like sp oh dear god that's scary that's a little scary not gonna lie we're just gonna explosion it's getting greedy whatever let it get greedy swords dance twice it's trying to sweep my team it knows slash but it's not going to attack all right it's going to be tricky we're going to have to send in chloe now oh no crawdant yikes could one hit kaomi oh but it uses sword stance what an intense battle just chucking out grenades over and over again my deanna we could take out a mighty anna we'll just sir oh really for a story you're doing that to me buddy it's not the third potion you've used that's not cool man double edge [Music] what level you start from the normal level you normally would but it doesn't matter because we won you know what let's give that some a little bit of action i think outside could take it dude he's pissed what is outrage what else is there to do right [Music] yeah we defeated sydney and that is the first one done now unfortunately phoebe phoebe is gonna be not a problem at all it's not it's it's literally it's gonna be so easy uh let's see what we have here [Music] [Music] i'm just gonna teach him thunderbolt i'm gonna use thunderbolt just over and over again i think we'll be able to be fine here i don't think we're gonna have any issues you can't explode you're right i can't explode that's almost the whole reason why i have at sign it's because i can't explode on these so we'll just do this [Music] oh it's survive oh that sucks not a big deal i believe in you donor i guess we'll surf this is the the aggro one that knows like thunder punch and stuff i think or shadow ball whatever i think it knows ice punch we'll see we might get ko'd here but no actually it's not even worth yeah i can just thunderbolt everything [Music] what it survives wow that's amazing they tanky yeah i didn't realize how tanky they were i mean death glops is just a wall in general i'm fairly sure the special stats of the other ones are terrible yep how's the run it's incredible we're finishing this off strong i'm feeling good oops took them out in one hit we're just eating them up yeah marrow nah it's mero's less uh less trained cousin it's level 50 a true fully trained pokemon it's level two you okay there um kind of noisy i guess we have a little bit of a glitch going on we defeated phoebe what was that noise the pokemon just was a sore loser i guess and now we do have the revival herbs and a heck of a lot of them so we'll use one on pangu we'll use one in argentorum you should fight steven alright see it'll be easy [Music] reusable grenades yeah 70ish oh that's easy yeah we could handle steven for sure she opens up with a celio i think pink who can handle that all right let's do it pingu i don't think there's anything that this thing can do to me so i'm just gonna curse once because i know pingu's attacks that sucks on there's no reason to not to curse twice honestly and do we go boom [Music] oops they sent in a wall rain okay good stuff i think we'll be able to take one attack so i'm gonna curse once [Music] um i may need to heal wall range ultra thick yep so heal oh [Music] you've got to be kidding me it got a sheer cold in oh my lord why are your pokemon so under leveled it's cause they always go down in levels what else am i supposed to do not a problem not a problem at all we'll send it pingu uh curse once it tries to shear cold that's the third one attack rose offense rose you think that's enough let's hope it's enough it's gonna surf me we'll take it we'll explode on it [Music] this one might not ko yeah that's okay that's okay you know argentorum can do it all right it's gonna use a berry not a big deal we're gonna curse once it's gonna do quite a lot with surf but not enough to ko and now we explode that's so scary and we exploded perfect [Music] i don't think it can do anything to me ice beam ah that might do a lot my special event sucks oh [Music] oh that's cute okay well and we will revival her margin torum not a big deal been the unluckiest fight that was kind of nice though and we'll revive pingu ice beam totally fine let's do our detour we're gonna metal claw [Music] argent it's a five percent chance to miss come on my man [Music] hit him one more time and then we'll explode uh actually after that damage i really didn't need to hit him one more time did i doesn't matter took him out when one reggie dies two more takes its place does explosion thaw out immediately yeah it does yeah it does let's go [Music] i'm pretty sure that's one of the moves that instantly thaws out all right pingus next edged oh no double edge ah that's nothing it's nothing and now we can explode we are at times two for explosion so i should take it out and there it goes and you know what at sign you can have some action what am i ever going to do gonna ko it that's the next room the fearsome side of the pokemon league sure drake or whatever pokemon must hate you i mean i think they hate me more because i just chucked them like grenades explode explode explosion argentorum if it's a flygon i'm gonna cry only a little bit we're just gonna explode immediately hope survive we hope we survive this probably take me out it's attack is absurd right yep rip my defense on chloe's a little bit higher though i believe in chloe [Music] i that was a crit you know what you're making me do this to you i was trying to give you a chance they are making me do it they made me do it i i gave them a chance to have the easy way out just the way it is you've got this donor water spout oh dragon claw oh no water spout one damage let's go [Music] all right outside the reason why i switched out is because of reset over outrage outrage [Music] xp it's not a problem thought the elite four was gonna be tougher i didn't after all that planning that i had i knew we would have cry we were gonna crush it max revive pingu what's up my man it's wallace all right let's go it's time to boom baby bring back steven you're a pushover wallace level 57 waylord who does he think he is [Music] curse how do we outspeed the waylord what is it doing rain dance all right it's fine curse again water spout oh it's one hit k owing me okay [Music] and a crit well i guess we're doing it the hard way [Music] i hit his blizzard we might survive we're good bye bye special wall well i'm a special monster it has nothing don't level down i can't control it we're gonna get to 68 i hate to say it 68 only lasts so or 69 only last so long that's illegal all good things must come to an end [Music] so sad and it brought adsine down health a little bit too oh no it's getting weaker and weaker by the minute no i think a thunderbolt will one hit ko it's neutral i think it will or we could just outrage from now on yeah let's just outrage because none of them are going to be super effective because he's got uh yeah we'll be fine here [Music] i use x special so we're using outrage because that has whiskash also honestly once we hit rayquaza this wasn't so bad but you know what we have one more fight after this the true champion we have to defeat the true champion you know we have to because wallace was a pushover it's easy dude not a problem at all easy so that is pokemon emerald but your pokemon level down that's done but one more battle one more steven we gotta fight steven i believe we have one more heart scale i will need to use it we're gonna teach at sign dragon dance oh he's on the left here right no he is not he's on the right here right [Music] there he is all right it's even time baby let's finish this thing off where are we at the final fight steven the true champion expect the worst i will expect the worst you're going to be the worst six pokemon he starts with skarmory level 77. [Music] spikes stealing he thinks that's going to ko me after a curse who do you think he always defense rose crap who does he think he is oh no another steel wing ah i'm so scared no fear you're gonna die no no no we can just heal we just heal up [Music] areolas who do you think toxic you know what is that a response to what i'm doing to you because that's fair that's very fair i think it's time i think it's time yeah yeah this time yeah steel wings it does nothing and we boom that did nothing that did nothing what the hell i mean i'm just gonna thunderbolt and take it out [Music] that did nothing what the heck [Music] oh oh he has a clay doll all right oh all right okay earthquake [Music] okay we'll be fine why is level so high it's the final battle that's fine i'll do dragon dance light screen that's fine i'll just strike and dance psychic i guess he probably knows oh [Music] oh that's nothing that's nothing we're all good thunderbolt it's a ground type [Music] of course it gets the boosts because why wouldn't it [Music] two boosts my god is that fair it's a one in ten chance that he gets it twice okay [Music] how is that fair how is that fair he gets two boosts and then a crit you've got to be kidding me i mean it's not that it's a problem it's just the luck is absurd like it's not an issue it's just absurd all right one two three four five six it failed reflect reflect runs out and then i fly and hit him with it and it's easy as that what it survived i am at plus six it has two boosts it has two okay it has two boosts reflect or off crit just get a crit right now right now crit that wasn't even a crit oh it's because reflect war off right never mind that's good we got this baby oh we got him the voice [Music] comedy why not use earthquake it is levitate light screen wore off as well it has no power here [Music] an agra a quad super effective earthquake plus six rayquaza level 68 earthquake against a simple little agron oh what a joke he had us in the first half but we crushed him in the end we crushed him in the end player defeated pokemon trainer steven you had no idea but you become so strong no i became weaker this entire time and yet i'm still stronger than you and there you go the final battle pokemon emerald except i level down and that's it that's all i got for you guys for today but thank you for watching
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,127,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon randomizer, Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, pokemon speedrun, pokemon only, pokemon rse, pokemon gen 3, gen 3, pokemon emerald, pokemon sapphire, pokemon ruby, level down, negative exp, every battle, nuzlocke, challenge, challenge run
Id: tUB0mgrAfb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 55sec (4015 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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