Pokémon Shield Hardcore Nuzlocke - ROCK Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling, no Dynamax)

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pokemon sword and shield are surprisingly some of the most fun games to nuzlocke in my opinion so today i'm gonna find out if i can beat a pokemon shield hardcore nuzlocke using only rock types and these are the rock types available to me and tyranitar is honestly the whole reason i chose to play shield additionally we can get lycan rock in the isle of armor and quite a few encounters if we choose to go to the crown tundra later on and as always the rules i'll be following are firstly the standard nuzlocke rules where any fainted pokemon must be permanently boxed and i can only catch the first rock type in every area as for the hardcore additions i must play on set mode at all times no items can be used in battle except for held items and i'm not allowed to over level the next gym leader's highest level pokemon but as for rock types themselves they do have tons of weaknesses but a lot of great moves so let's try and do this bring it on gala region the gala region home to the wondrous creatures we all know as pokemon and also the only region where the main protagonist looks like a proper belland the pokemon inhabiting this region are diverse and intelligent creatures why thank you very much for that introduction david but for now we need to pick a starter pokemon and since none of them evolve into rock types i just pick grooky because it's the most based choice i then acquire some epic hipster drip before moving on to the wild area where we can find our first encounters the first of which is a dwell that i find at west lake axwell i captured a name at rolling stone since rolling stones wouldn't fit and it ends up having a neutral nature which is pretty good for us next up i look at a random raid den and find myself a rock and roll out which i capture and name gravy train it has an impish nature which is amazing but the weak armor ability really makes it terrible and in the wild area we can of course find the amazing leftovers item after that we take a detour to the wondrous isle of armor where we can find ourselves the expert belt but not only that we can find ourselves a dreadnought at level 20 which i catch and name after one of my favorites oasis it too ends up having a neutral nature which is pretty awesome and we can move on to challenge road where we can find a wild rock ruff at level 15. i captured a name at queen and it ends up having an attack boosting nature which is amazing but now that we've got some pokemon we can progress further in the story and get to moda stoke where i can get a new hipster outfit but before we can progress to the galler mines we have to fight a rival hop and you know i said rock types get some great moves well a lot of them get some awesome setup moves and in this case we can actually get sword stance through tr in the wild area this means we can set up against wulu whose tackle we resist take it out with a play rough but then we have to go up against sabal and water gun does tons of damage after which we don't quite take it out with a play rough but knowing that the ai is stupid and he's definitely gonna go for a potion here i decided to just go for rock throw and we end up taking out sabal if the ai were just smarter here he would have totally won and beat our rockruff anyway last up is rookie which is a flying type so we obviously just bop it with a rock throw and that's it for hop who's surprised that we know about super effective moves for some reason then on our way to the mines we can get our next encounter which is a rolly coley that i capture and name motorhead it's got an absolute garbage plus special attack minus special defense nature but next we have to go up against trainer bead and the last time i played through sword and shield which was during my dark type challenge it wasn't exactly difficult to beat bead since all he has is psychic types but this time since i have a bug type he gets absolutely destroyed once again sorry about that bead actually you know what i should never apologize for beating this dummy anyway i decided to level everybody up to the level cap and in doing so motorhead evolves into car call and now that everybody's leveled up it's finally time to take on our first gym challenge against milo and his grass types and my strategy is very simple since rolling stone is both rock and bug grass is neutral effective against it so we can set up both a swords dance and a substitute i'm then completely safe to take out gossip flirt with a single x scissor and now all we have to face is elder goss and one of the biggest problems with the nuzlocke and sword and shield is that dynamaxx pokemon do way too much damage which is why i want to substitute and i can go for protect to minimize that damage and this means that even though i get hit by a super powerful max overgrowth i can actually withstand it without even breaking my sub and since i'm slower the next turn i can just go for substitute so that when max overgrowth actually takes out my sub i can just bring it back up again because you don't actually take any damage through substitute and at that point we've exhausted all of elder gas's dynamex turns we still have a sub up so it can take out our sub with a magical leaf and we can take it out with an x scissor and with that done we beat milo and get our very first gym badge in the gala region without even losing a pokemon and after the fight we move on to hullberry which happens to be one of my favorite looking cities in all of pokemon for some reason and we pretty much have to go up against nessa our next gym challenge right off the bat and since water is super effective against rock i lead off with oasis who has a neutral match up so that i can set up rock polishes and iron defenses against goldeen it keeps hitting me with water pulse but i gave a laces of person berry in case i get confused but i actually just never end up getting confused by water waterfalls after a while i think the ai tries to match all of our stat changes by raising golding's speed by using agility but it's kind of futile in the end because at this point we've got plus six defense and plus two speed which means we out speed everything on ness's team even her own dreadnought doesn't stand a chance against a fully powered up super effective body press not exactly the most difficult fight for us there but it would have been a lot harder if we didn't have a part water type like dreadnought anyway we then have to go see the chairman and oh my goodness chairman rose have you lost your marbles or are you just out for strolling your knickers either way we move on to the second galar mine where i find myself a binacle that i catch and name sting it has a timid nature which at least boosts speed but that minus attack really isn't ideal we then do a bit of backtracking to the wild area where i find myself a shuckle that i capture and name led zeppelin then at the bridge fields we find a rhyhorn that i named def leppard it does have a garbage nature but at least it's a really good pokemon then before we can progress to the third gym we have to go up against trainer bead once again and well let's just say that bead really doesn't have a good track record on this channel he unsurprisingly gets absolutely destroyed don't take it too personally buddy you're just a horrible person anyway we do have to take on team yell together with hop and after the battle gravy train actually ends up evolving into baldor then as we're heading out to the mine to get back to motostoke we end up running into my next encounter a pseudo-wudo which i capture and name dire straits it ends up having the sturdy ability which might come in handy that's foreshadowing then the next real life day i managed to level up rock ruff to level 25 which means it evolves into lykan rock and i choose midday form since all my other pokemon are pretty slow and this thing has a base speed of 115. and it's time to put our newly acquired lykan rock to the test right away against kabu and kabu starts out with nine tails and i lead with queen and go for substitute right away because i know it likes to use willow wisp this basically gives me a free opportunity to set up a sword stance as ninetales goes for an ember which doesn't even break my sub so the next turn i can just set up once again and even though lycanroc's defenses aren't that great another ember doesn't even break our sub which means it does less than an eighth of damage after our third sword stance though a third ember does the trick and actually breaks our sub which means that i set up another the next turn so that i can start going for the sweep safely and the only reason i want to set up another substitute here is because rock tomb is only 95 accuracy so i don't want to risk that five percent screwing me over but other than that it's pretty much a clean one-hit ko on all of kabu's pokemon an easy kabu fight for once and honestly that's quite a relief because most of the time kabu is the sticking point for people doing nuzlockes of sword and shield level 27 and all of his fully evolved fire types are pretty scary most of the time so i will certainly take an easy win against this guy any day i can get it and since we now have the first three gym badges we can finally move on through the wild area and get to hammerlock and as soon as we arrive we can fight a pretty interesting trainer mr focus who only has a cottony and this particular cottony does have a focus sash and endeavor so it does take you down to one hp but since it doesn't have quick attack or any priority move it doesn't really matter i guess but we do get the focus item and then on my way to stowan side something really scary happens and we run into an arena trap dug trio with queen this means that we're not allowed to run or switch pokemon so we have to eat a super effective bulldoze and if he uses a second one queen is out of the game fortunately though it goes for slash which we do survive but just barely and that was a close call and then on my way to stow-on-site i run into this guy who's probably the craziest looking person i've ever seen in my life and this is a part of the game where you usually have to do a bit of grinding to get to the level cap and while doing so my car call evolves into a colossal but not only that rolling stone evolves into crustal and with that we're ready to take on alistar in the next gym challenge now alistar has ghost types which means my best option here is to use oasis to its fullest potential and utilize its strong jaw ability and i'm in kind of the same situation here as with the previous gym where i'm faster than alistar's first pokemon i can set up a substitute and it can't break myself with a single move so this means i can juggle substitute and set up moves until i'm basically as set up as i need to be and i go for three full sword stances before trying to take out this yaw mask i then go ahead and set up a second rock polish just so that i know that i'm going to be faster than gengar in the back because oasis just isn't that fast of a pokemon after that yamas goes down to a single crunch same with ursula and mimikyu puts up a little bit more of a fight with its disguise ability but ultimately since i'm behind a sub i'm very safe and since we don't have to deal with mimikyu's disguise ability anymore we can take it out with a single strong jaw boosted plus six crunch and the same goes for dynamaxx gengar kaboom i didn't exactly expect this gym fight to be any difficult at all but i'm pretty afraid of the late game ones also can anybody tell me if alistar is an actual shy guy reference from super mario anyway the story moves on and bead wants to tear down this mural which looks like something i would have painted when i was five i say go ahead with the demolition honestly this is the first time i've ever agreed with beat on anything and you know i said holberry was one of my favorite cities in pokemon well balleria has to be my all-time favorite once here we can pick up the evie light which is going to come in handy and ball guy also gives us the love ball ball guy aren't you just the quintessential ball of love yourself anyway it's time for our next gym challenge against lady opal and her fairy types and i go for a sword stance right away to set up the plus to attack as i get hit by a fairy win for not that much damage opal then asks what her nickname is and since we know her nickname's the wizard our speed gets doubled as well in this first turn we continue setting up and the thing about opel is since she gives you so many boosts as long as you're not weak to fairy it's a pretty easy fight after taking out wheezing ma wow is next and with its intimidate it cuts our attack down to just plus one so i go for protect just to stall out a term for the next question and opal's favorite color is actually purple oddly enough even though she's so obsessed with pink this doubles both of our defenses and i go for a drill run which i actually miss and malwal starts setting up its defense and after getting hit by a crunch third time's the charm and we take out the malwa with a drill run this means we have to go up against togekiss and i decided to go for protect just to bait out the next question and we obviously answer that opal is 16 years old and youthful as she looks and since that's the answer that opal wanted we get our attack and special attack boosted by two stages so an iron head is an easy knockout on togekiss and alchemy falls all the same since her stats are so massively inflated and i can't be the only one who thinks that opal looks like maggie smith's character in downton abbey i also think i'm the only guy in his 20s who's actually watched downton abbey but that's a completely different matter after the fight oppo joins us in hammerlock where bead gets recruited for the gym mission once again just for being pink after that we start moving towards sirchester and we have to fight once again against hop but this time it's different this time it's the first time he has intelion so i start out by out speeding and taking out trevenet with a super effective strong jaw boosted crunch then next up hop sends him bolton so i pivot out into evie light ryhorn we're obviously immune to spark and the next turn i think he goes for a negative priority move because we out speed with earthquake take it out in one hit and then we have to go up against intellion so i switch back into oasis who can hopefully take a snipe shot fairly well and even though it's neutral it does almost half damage and since it takes us two crunches to be able to take out intelion but it's faster and gets to go twice again before we can move we're not going to be able to take it out with oasis so at this point i have to make the difficult decision to sacrifice gravy trains so that we can actually win this fight it seems like the obvious choice since we don't have sturdy and it's not going to be able to evolve into sandstream gigolith anyway since we're not allowed to trade but now that we have a safe switch we can swap in queen and out speed with a thunder fang then comes hops next pokemon of snorlax so i swap out into motorhead so that we can tank a heavy slam and retaliate by burning it so that it doesn't do any damage to us whatsoever it can however paralyze us which is a bit annoying because we might not hit our moves and it's at this point we start a battle of the heavy boys but eventually the colossal weight of motorhead is way too much for this snorlax to handle and we come out on top this means that hops last pokemon is heat more which really isn't a threat to our colossal at all who quad resists it and we can just take it out with a stone edge the big problem with this fight is that we couldn't set up since he leads with trevenet that's super effective against rock types but i guess all's well that ends well after that on the way to cerchester sting evolves into barbarical and to be honest sirchester is another beautiful city they did a great job designing these towns in this game oh and i have to say i think this is my best fit yet but a few gym trainers later def leppard evolves into a rhydon that can still utilize that evia light but now comes one of the trickier fights against melanie because of her lapras that's super effective against us so i lead off with led zeppelin as she leads with frostmoth that goes for hale which i encore it into and encore is a pretty overpowered move because we can just switch into colossal knowing that she's gonna go for hail every single time and take it out with a heat crash and honestly i've always overlooked chuckle but the utility it can provide to a team is actually really useful i then know that darmanitan likes to go for taunt so i decided to go for a stone edge which just barely doesn't take it out it does however activate darmanitan's zen mode and i don't think i've ever seen this snowman thing but it goes for icicle crash and the next turn i could just take it out melanie's second to last pokemon is a penguin with its head stuck in an ice cube and it sets up the hail once again so i decided to go for a body press just to break its ice face ability and oh boy does this thing look sad but since melanie's next pokemon is gonna be g-max lapras we definitely want something kind of set up so that we can work on taking it out in a single hit so i swap out into shuckle as it goes for amnesia then i decide to encore it into whatever move it uses so that it can't use hail once again to get its ice face ability back i then use power split to average our attack stats to make it really weak but it actually freezes me with a freeze drive so i have to switch out of my shuckle so i go into queen my fastest pokemon and i decide to just take out ice cube with a single iron head because i have a strategy in mind that can actually beat this lapras you see whenever you go for protect dynavax moves actually go through it and do a little bit of damage but if you go for substitute on the other hand you just take the 25 and the gmax move doesn't do any more damage than that so all of these incredibly scary max geysers that would probably take out anything on my team in a single hit except for maybe oasis that could take two are practically just doing 25 percent damage every single turn and we can stall it out of its three dynomax turns until it's just a regular lapras this does however mean that queen is only at 11 hp at the end of this so we definitely have to swap out and the only thing that can take a surf from this lapras is gonna be either sting or oasis so i start by going into sting but i get my speed lowered by an icy wind so i figure that i'll just swap out into oasis to see if i can do some damage with crunch i am lucky in dodgers sing and a crunch does about a third damage this means i have to take a surf which does about 40 and the next turn i can hit it with my next crunch which does quite a bit of damage and then i get my speed lowered with icy wind fortunately i prepared for a scenario like this by giving a citrus berry to oasis so i can tank a surf after i'm slower from that icy wind and take it out with a crunch it turns out that that lapras wasn't quite as big an issue as i thought it was going to be because lapras can definitely be an annoying pokemon to deal with but that's five badges down after the fight we can help out this doctor who gives us the rotom bike that can ride on water this means that we now get access to the lake of outrage where we can find probably my favorite rock type of all time larvitar i capture it and name it the beatles and it turns out that it has a neutral nature which works out really well it is however level 50 so we're not going to be able to use it until after we beat ryhan so for now we head towards spike myth and it turns out marnie can help us into spike month but we have to beat her in a battle first so i start out with rolling stone as she sends in her own lipard and the only attacking move this live part has is snarl and it sets up a nasty plot as i go for a substitute to be safer i then get hit by a torment which means i can't use the same move twice in a row for the rest of the battle but i set up a rock polish so i set up an iron defense to turn in between then i go for another rock polish just to out speed this lie part so that i can take it out with one body press body press is honestly one of the most overpowered strategies introduced in all of sword and shield and it's very fun to use but i don't think i'll use it in future challenges because it's just so good i mean the torment was kind of annoying made it so i had to switch moves every other turn but eventually we take out marnie and it's time to go up against her big brother pierce in our seventh gym fight and since we have the winning strategy here i don't even have to change the order of my team i can just send in rolling stone as scrappy intimidates us but since body press works off defense anyway it doesn't matter at all so after using rock polish and setting up a substitute i could pretty much freely just set up iron defenses against this thing to make it do less and less damage every single turn not even breaking my sub and the rest of the battle is pretty much a body press massacre i'm like a steamroller out here flattening everything i see and with that we claim our 7th gym badge from piers this man got rocked and rolled the game then does this super annoying thing where it tells us that leon is doing a bunch of cool stuff but doesn't show it to us which is super lame but at this point it's time for us to take on our final gym challenge against ryhan and his very scary sand team but i think i have a pretty cool strategy involving crustal and chuckle who can tank a breaking swipe the first turn getting their attack lowered which isn't gonna matter i then go ahead and set up a substitute with crustal which doesn't get broken by gigglet's body press and i can then power split the fly gun so it won't do as much damage i then go ahead and start setting up an iron defense on rolling stone as led zeppelin gets hit by another body press but it doesn't do a lot of damage since led zeppelin is a tank flygon then misses a steel wing i go for another substitute which doesn't break to a body press and i can hit flygon with a fairly powerful gyro ball the gyro ball is gonna be a four hit ko which is actually gonna be pretty useful in this case the next turn i get hit by another braking swipe which doesn't lower my attack through the sub which doesn't matter once again i can set up another iron defense and take a body press with my shuckle i then hit fly gun with another gyro bowl and it goes for steel wing against my substitute which doesn't even break it after all those iron defenses of which i set up another then i have to tank yet another body press with my shuckle who's really being a good sport about taking all these hits who goes for a gyro ball on flygon once again leaving it in the red now that i'm at plus six defense not even another steel wing from flygon breaks my substitute so i can go for a rock polish so i'll be faster than doraldon when it comes out gigolith actually manages to break my sub and i then go for an encore to lock flygon into steel wing i then take minuscule damage from the next steel wing which actually gets the defense boost on flygon and i set up another substitute then after hitting gigolith with a gyroball at the end of the turn i take it out the next turn with a body press and after the gigolith goes down flygon hits me with a steel wing which takes me down into the red and a gyro ball doesn't actually end up taking it out it must be left at like one hp the following turn i immediately take out santa condo with a body press so that we don't have to deal with any glares but because of santa conda's sandpit ability the sandstorm does come back which doesn't really matter since all our team members are rock types anyway and don't take damage we do end up living the next steel wing on three hp and take out flygon with a rock slide and this is the moment we've all been waiting for this is what the whole setup has been for we have two rock polishes and three iron defenses set up so we can take out this to raladon in a single body press we end up even getting a crit which doesn't matter at all but i was really scared for this fight since they have a lot of moves that are super effective against rock types and this defensive strategy was the only thing i could think of that wouldn't lose us pokemon so that's the final badge in hand when i do business i'm called a businessman so would i battle should i be called a battle band actually when you say something like that i think you're just dumb man anyway at this point we're moving on to the big city and we managed to get to a level with larvitar so it evolves into pupitar we then finally arrive in winden where we're gonna take on the pokemon league cup what a truly handsome chap uh what exactly is going on in this house uh a pokeball monster how dare you call someone as pure as ball guy a monster anyway it's finally time for the pokemon league cup and first off is marnie and after some setting up let's just say that we kind of turn her team into a pancake the only pokemon she has that manages to actually survive a plus six defense body press is her g-max grim snarl but since we're faster than grimstall because of rock polish we can just set up another substitute the next turn then set up yet another sub and not get taken out by a gmax snooze and then take out grimstall when it turns into a regular pokemon yeah marty pretty much got absolutely destroyed once again but it's the first fight in the elite four and as you can tell i decided to put the level cap at 53 and i went in at level 51 just because i knew these first few fights weren't gonna be that difficult speaking of which our next challenger is hop who starts out with double so i go into shuckle and i get flinched the very first turn because of a zen headbutt he then goes for a cotton guard so i can encore him into that this of course means that the next turn he's gonna get to plus six defense and not gonna be able to use it anymore so i go for a power split just to effectively have his attack since he's locked into cotton guard i can safely switch out into oasis and start setting up swords dances and rock polishes against this thing and i make sure to set up my attack all the way to plus six and my speed to plus four to out speed everything on his team however since he's set up with cotton guard all the way to plus six it actually takes two liquidations to take down double but after that there's nothing that can stand up to oasis pop you certainly would have needed more of a wonder wall to be able to get through this one this time your intelion didn't give me any trouble you are and always will remain leon minus anyway we then have to chase down this macro cosmos guy who's trying to go to the ministry of magic also that we can go up against the crazy businesswoman aliana she leads out with frost last so i decided to use led zeppelin and after it goes for willow wisp i hit it with an encore so that it keeps going for willowisp this gives me the opportunity to go for power split to pretty much have its attack i then decide to go for stickyweb just so that i'm going to be able to out speed anything on aliana's team but the problem here is really that i don't want queen to get hit by a willow wisp as soon as i switch out so i stall out the encore turns by using protect and then switch in queen as frost last goes for a double team this means that i can come in and safely go for a sword stance as frost last goes for a willow wisp which gets healed by my rost berry at this point everything is set up the way it should be and we just have to hope and pray that i hit a fire fang which i do end up doing and we can take out the frost lass next up is my lodic which does end up getting a plus two in special attack because of its competitive ability since stickyweb is out but one thunderfang later and it's out of the game and it's on to serena it obviously goes down to a fire fang and then we have to deal with salazal and this is why we set up the sticky web since it's faster than queen so i take the opportunity to set up another sword stance just to get as much attack as possible and dragon pulse actually does way less than i expected it to then we can finally use my fourth move slot zen headbutt to take out selazal which is actually going to be really fitting for the next pokemon garbodor and can i just come out and say that i really love the design of gmax garbodor i don't know i guess i just have a soft spot in my heart for this little guy that everybody seems to hate on but regardless of how much i like it it goes down to a single zen headbutt and that's it for oleana who really needs to chill out more than anything else after that rose gives leon a speech that's suspiciously villainous but it's then time for our next battle in the champions cup against challenger bead and he switched it up to fairy types and he starts with malwa goes for an iron head but doesn't get the flinch and gets his attack lowered by a power split the next turn however he actually does get the flinch but after lefties i survive another on 7hp but i get the flinch again so at this point it's time to swap out into motorhead who can tank hits from this mower all day and i decide to go for a willow whisk but the second turn maul actually gets burned by flame body before i can use it so now we're pretty well equipped to swap out into someone else and do some setting up and who better than def leppard because of the power split the burn and the fact that i'm holding evie light it can't touch me at all so i go ahead and set up two sword stances after which i hit this mawl with a powerful earthquake that takes it out now the thing is deft leopard isn't exactly the bulkiest pokemon so i'm not sure about this strategy at this point but gardevar comes out next and it actually just goes for wish so a single smart strike does the trick next up is rapidash and i did the calcs and it can't even take us out with a crit dazzling gleam so we're free to take this one out with a smart strike as well and then we got beads final pokemon hatareen which is so slow it's not even funny we just out speed and take it out in a single hit death leopard wasn't exactly pouring sugar on you beat it was more like humiliating defeat but this actually means that we once again have to take on the water trainer nessa and she leads off with her collisopod and i do what i do best and send in led zeppelin and after tanking a liquidation unfortunately getting a defense drop and eating my citrus berry i go for a power split to lower this thing's attack which means i'm actually going to be able to take another liquidation so after setting up sticky web i switch into our savior oasis this means that i can tank a liquidation really well and as i go for sword stance the next turn i accidentally start kind of a cold war here since golisopod tries to match my boosts so we go on for two turns and golisopod with plus four attack is honestly a super scary thing to think about so the next turn instead of setting up i go for a crunch and take it out next is baroscuda which is really fast so even after the sticky web drop it out speeds us hits us with drill run but we take it out with a crunch seeking is pretty weak so i go for another sword stance as it sets up an aqua ring the next turn i take it out with a plus six strong jaw boosted crunch and same goes for pelipper then we only have dreadnought left which i out speed because of sticky web and can take it out with a single earthquake i guess nessa really wasn't that scary even though she has a team full of water types against my rock types however after the battle since my level cap is now 55 because of ryhon i decide to level up my pupitar with a rare candy to 55 to get it to evolve into tyranitar and now that we've got this thing it's time to ravage alistar's team because we have a dark type and in ghost types ain't gonna stand a chance against this dragon dancing monster and oh boy this just goes to show why tyranitar is one of my favorite pokemon and why it was the most used in the gen 4 meta game i mean the way i'm so effortlessly tearing through alistar's team with this thing i almost feel bad for him almost being the key word yeah he seriously had no shot he wasn't even close to doing good damage to tyranitar at all the most damage i did was to myself with substitute anyway next is miss geller himself social media man ryhon so we're going to see if we can steal the title from this guy he starts out with torquel so i use protect just to stall out one of the sun turns then he goes for a yawn which is totally fine since i have chesto berry and i set up my sticky web then i go for another protect and stall another turn of sun as he goes for yawn again oddly and i go to sleep and heal with my chesto berry the torkle then decides to use the sun by going for solar beam and i decide to diminish his damage even more by going for a power split the next turn after that happens to be the final turn of sun so i go for protect just to stall it out so we don't have to deal with any solar beams anymore after that storcal goes for yawn and i decide to encore it into yawn so that it can't do any damage to me as i switch out into tyranitar this of course means that tyranitar is gonna get yawned on the switch and i do have the leftovers so i am gonna get put to sleep after i go for substitute but since i have the power split this torque hole really can't touch me with anything and more importantly it's still on cord so it can't even do any damage to my substitute as i just burn off the sleep turns however the second turn i actually managed to wake up as early as possible and go for a dragon dance and even though i've done everything in my power to make it so that this tourco can't hurt me body press is four times super effective and torquel is pretty heavy so it manages to at least break my substitute then as i take out torquel sandstream actually ends so i know that flygon is very likely to set up the weather so i can go for a substitute and go for another dragon dance afterwards this was in a way kind of unnecessary since if i would have just gone for the dragon dance as this flag on set up the sand i would have been in the same position and taken less damage because of the substitute either way i take out the flygon and next up is gudra so i actually do the exact same thing expecting it to go for raindance i set up my substitute and once again this doesn't really make any sense since i would have just been able to take it out the turn after i go for a dragon dance as it rain dances but i guess i just felt like doing it this way it seemed right at the time but after goodra destroys our substitute with a rain boosted surf we can take it out with a stab crunch and next up is tertinator and here comes the sun so i set up another substitute and this time it actually makes sense because tertinator just tries to go for shell trap all the time so i can set up the plus six with dragon dance and i mean the ai is seriously pretty dumb here i'm sitting hot behind a substitute dragon dancing my way up and it's not even trying to touch me and once i'm strong enough i just decide to go for an earthquake and take it out it's when ai does this i question terminator you do realize i'm the great raihan right i'll be the one to be yeah yeah save your speech for later that makes us gallar's top model and now we have to go up against evil rose who's trying to destroy the world with dynamaxx pokemon and i will say this man dresses fashionably but not quite as fashionably as miss galar himself so i start out the battle with colossal with its base 30 speed when i can out speed s cavalier at base 20 and take it out with a heat crash i then go ahead and burn the ferrothorn to nerf it a little bit and take some pitiful damage from a body press at this point it's time to send in rolling stone as ferrothorn goes for a curse and you know what they say if you start him up he'll never stop so that's exactly what i do because today i have every intention of making a grown man cry and so it starts i decimate all of rose's team and show him that i am the more fashionable bottle because you know what rose i can't get no satisfaction until you're defeated anyway after taking him down we have to help the magical doggos take down the spaceship thing which we actually managed to do with relative ease and the last blow actually goes to hop on his double so uh good job i guess but here's the thing before we fight leon i still have another mission that i need to go through with it wasn't enough to beat rose i have to beat his brother peony as well and the thing about him is he has two level 70 pokemon and he heavy slams my pseudo-wudo down to sturdy and i did give it a citrus berry just so that i don't go down to the hail and i can hit caprara with a super effective hammer arm to do a little bit of damage at least i then pivot out into motorheads who i know can take a heavy slam just so that i can bait that high horsepower and switch in my crustal for free after that i can double my defense with iron defense so that i can take a heavy slam from this thing and since i'm faster i can actually end up taking out the level 70 copper raja with a body press but the copperazo wasn't really the problem his sturdy aggron is the problem because it can take me out in one hit at this range and i was about to sack crustle here but he misses his stone edge so i can take him down to his sturdy with a body press because of this i figure i should probably save crustal so i swap into the beetles who can easily tank a stone edge but he actually misses his next one as well and since tyranitar is faster i out speed and just go for an earthquake and take it out so that was pretty easy even though peony is like 10 levels higher than i am but since we now have access to the crown tundra i can capture myself a tyrant that i named black sabbath and it has an adamant nature so after giving it one rare candy it evolves into a tyrantrum and this means that i have the final team that i want to go into the champion fight with and so it's time to take on the final challenge against champion leon and i had to do a lot of preparation and strategizing for this battle but in the end i came up with some pretty fun stuff and he leads off with his aegis so i obviously start out with led zeppelin the first turn i get hit by a super powerful flash cannon and i set up my sticky web which is really all that led zeppelin is here to do in this battle and i heal a little bit with my enigma berry that i found in the crown tundra but even with that healing a second flash cannon is gonna take out led zeppelin enjoy that stairway all the way up to heaven cause you've been a saint chuckle we can then bring in black sabbath and revenge ko asia slash with an earthquake with its defenses only being 50 when it's in its attack form so that's one less thing to worry about and leon's next pokemon is haxorus which gets caught in the sticky web which means we're actually going to be able to out speed with tyrantrum and because i'm focussed i decide to go for a dragon dance just in case dragapult comes out in which case i'm gonna be able to take it out with a crunch but this means that when we get hit by the outrage we obviously get taken down to our one hp focus sash and the next turn we can retaliate and take this thing out with a dragon claw however leon doesn't send in dragopold next he sends in seismitoad so i go ahead and swap out for dire straits and to my surprise liquidation doesn't even take me down to my sturdy ability but the next turn because of a custard berry i end up going first and i can take out seismitoad with a wood hammer but since we don't have rockhead the recoil damage takes me out so that's gonna be the end of the walk of life for dire straits knowing that leon's gonna send in dragapolte next since it's in order i decide to send out assault vest tyranitar that means that the highest damage move this thing can use against me is dragon breath which does absolutely nothing and i can retaliate with a crunch taking out dragapult in one clean hit this means that leon only has cinderace and his signature charizard left and first is cinderace which gets its speed dropped by stickyweb but it's still gonna be faster than me of course it does end up missing its pyroball but the combination of earthquake and sandstorm doesn't quite take it out it leaves it at like one hp so leon heals it up the next earthquake is a bit of a higher roll so the combination of it and sandstorm actually ends up taking out the cinderease and now all we have to deal with is the gmax charizard and the beatles is almost at full health so it all comes down to if we can survive a max overgrowth and retaliate with a rock slide worst case scenario we can always sacrifice a few pokemon bring out queen and go for excel rock to win this fight but because of my assault vest i end up taking the max overgrowth super well and i retaliate with a quad effective stab rockslide and beat this challenge in fact i would even argue that i rocked and rolled it so what did i learn from this run well the tyranitar is super awesome of course but also the rock types are way more formidable and get way better moves than i would have ever expected so definitely let me know if you like this run in the comments down below and leave a like if you stayed all the way to the end and hey if you haven't subscribed yet what are you doing if anything i think you should definitely subscribe just for the fact that my brother put in all this effort to do a cover of the whole fame theme just for this video so leave me your suggestions and until we see each other next time have a good one [Music] hmm
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 1,576,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y76z1iT-5t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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