Pokémon Sword Hardcore Nuzlocke - GHOST Types Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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i'm gonna try to beat a pokemon sword hardcore nuzlocke using only ghost types and that could be pretty tricky since the nuzoc rules that i'll be following state that any pokemon that faints is boxed forever no items from the bag option are allowed in battle i must play on set mode i'm not allowed to level past the next gym leader and i can of course only capture ghost type pokemon and only the first one i find in any given area now there are a lot of dark type trainers to deal with in this run which could make it pretty tough for my ghosts however i will get a chance to use one of my favorites dragapults so let me know what your favorite ghost type is down below and let's get started listen i'm a huge fan of barbecue but in the pokemon world what exactly are we grilling and why does poor wulu have to watch anyway our adventure begins in the wild area where i've decided that i can only catch one pokemon per gym badge i did this so i wouldn't just get a full team of six right as i got to the wild area with that in mind the first pokemon i encounter is the first ghost pokemon ever introduced ghastly which i name onion now if any of you guys managed to guess the naming theme for this video down in the comments i'll be very impressed and while onion has a special attack boosting nature the minus speed nature was almost enough for me to reset the entire run however we were actually more likely to get duskull at the watchtower ruins so i'll take what i can get the first dark type related trainers have to face are team yell over in motostoke and even though these guys have exclusively dark types on their team it's so early game that most of them don't even have a dark move in their moveset on top of that acquiring the dazzling gleam tr in the wild area makes them easy pickings moving on to route 4 we can find our first non-wild area ghost type which happens to be pumpkaboo and while this little guy is one of the cutest pokemon ever made that i happen to name monaco its deck's entry kind of suggests otherwise when taking spirits to the afterlife small pumpkaboo prefer the spirits of children to those of adults excuse me what so unless we want to reenact a more pumpkin-centric version of death note this thing's gonna be pretty useless since it can't even evolve so as we take on milo despite only having two pokemon ghastly is kind of the perfect counter you see both milos eldergas and his gossipler which incidentally just gets one shot by a sludge bomb only have normal and grass type moves obviously the normal type moves don't even affect ghost and since gastly doubles up as a poison type we can resist the grass type moves so after hitting the dynamax eldagos with a sludge bomb which does more than half and gets the poison i can tank a max overgrowth at above half hp and just follow that up with another sludge bomb getting us the first gym badge this means we're eligible for another encounter in the wild area and i aim to try and catch a ninkata or maybe it's pronounced ninketa since it's a cicada either way ninky dink gear isn't a ghost type and it doesn't even evolve into a ghost type however with some space in our party and a spare pokeball in our bag as we evolve into nincata we actually get shidinja and even with the ability to dodge any non-super effective move this guy's not that good moving on to route 5 we have a fitting 5 percent chance to encounter a wild drift loon and while i just want to give this little guy a hug perhaps seeking company it approaches children why do ghost types have to creep on kids like what the funny enough i said that shidanja was not that great unless you're in a scenario like this where we have to face hop before getting to wholebury two of his three pokemon don't have moves that can hit shadinja so any fight like this that comes up is pretty much a free win this sounds incredibly broken but the game developers actually did a really good job balancing the game to make that not exactly possible let's talk about nessa for a second she's got a golden that can only hit us with water pulse in whirlpool not really a threat and great for potential setup her arakuda has bite just like dreadna which rules out any possible shedinja strats then there's dreadnough which we can normally outspeed with gastly at base but since dreadnought has a base speed of 74 and my gastly has a minus speed nature effectively making its base 80 minus 10 a 72. therefore i needed some evs to make my strategy even remotely viable so i headed off to the wild area to exterminate some bundle bees for as many speed evs as possible and this took a long time but the one who is patient often spends their life waiting for a lot of stuff but in this case it definitely paid off you see to beat dreadnought we're gonna need some pretty specific setup the golden keeps wanting to hit me with water pulse since it's the most powerful move it can hit me with but since i'm setting up calm minds i keep getting special attack boosts along with special defense boosts that make the water poles do less damage every single turn the combines along with the leftovers made it very easy to just set up to plus six against this thing and i didn't even get confused in the process however the golden did go for a couple of agilities which means that it's going to outspeed gastly after we switch into it with baton pass this means it's going to hit gastly before we get to take it out with energy ball which could confuse it and of course that's exactly what happens this could kill the entire run leaving it up to chance but i came prepared for this exact scenario going for hypnosis which i happen to miss the miss here is actually not that bad since it just lets us try and go for hypnosis the next turn which i do connect with through the confusion and bad accuracy the turn afterwards the golden stays asleep and i stay confused hitting myself in confusion after that the golden stays asleep again as i snap out of confusion going for hypnosis again once i've snapped out of confusion it's safe to just go for the energy ball taking out the golden which is gonna send in arrow kuda and since arakuda is slower than dreadnought base which we prepared for with the evs we can take it out with an energy ball which leaves us with only dynamaxx dreadnough but since we outspeed and we've got an expert belt quad effective energy ball it is gonna grant us the second badge and beating nessa onion got to level 25 meaning that it evolves into a haunter now a lot of people prefer haunter to gengar and i used to always be a gengar type of guy but after reading haunter's dex entry which is pretty metal i might have changed my mind its tongue is made of gas if licked its victim starts shaking constantly until death eventually comes beware the lick of death moving on the next gym leader we have to face is kabu who has historically given me a lot of trouble throughout these runs and as i was doing my preparations for this fight i was sitting in a call with my good friend andrew who casually just mentioned that kabu's completely walled by skill swap thinking that this was going to be a foolproof strategy kabu took the opportunity to make me look like a fool but before i reveal what misfortune led to that disaster we do actually have a pokemon we can catch in the gym this might be the only time we ever get to catch a pokemon in a gym in a pokemon game but we can actually find a litwick which is promptly added to the team i name it sinner and unfortunately it's got flame body instead of flash fire which could have really helped us out here going into the fight versus kabu i was feeling very confident and as you know the greater the pride the greater the fall however at this point in the fight i felt unbeatable getting hit by a willow whip from this nine tail which burns me which i then promptly heal off with a rost berry i can go for the skill swap which gets me the flash fire ability because nine tails only has fire and normal type moves at this point it can't hit me with anything so i'm free to set up as much as i want getting to plus six with combined i also set up my defense to plus three with stockpile since i am still going to be slower than arcanine then once at plus six special attack and special defense and plus three defense i can take out the nine tails with a shadow ball sending in arcanine much like nine tails this arcanine only has fire and normal type moves except for the addition of bite which doesn't do that much damage but it manages to get a flinch the next turn it of course goes for bite again and gets another flinch another bite takes me down to a mere 14 hp after which i very fortunately don't flinch and i can take out the arcanine with a shadow ball i was still pretty optimistic i've got plus three defense and i quad resist its bug type moves heck i was even pretty sure that i was gonna out speed this thing which i do hitting it with a shadow ball for what looks like well over half hp i then get hit to two hp from max flutterby which i miraculously survived but it does lower my special attack at this point all i could do was pray that a shadow ball would take it out and it leaves it at what must be one singular hp as it then just goes from max flutterby taking out driftloon getting us our first death of the run funny enough this gives monaco the spotlight taking out the santa scorch with a shadow snake which does give us the third gym badge but at a steep cost losing driftloon this early in the run is a huge deal i'm not going to pretend that i'll miss the trouble he's caused however losing my premier baton passer of the run does make me feel a bit less safe speaking of which if you would like to feel safe all the time while browsing the web you should check out this video's sponsor surfsharkvpn a vpn is a great way to keep your online identity safe as your browsing by encrypting the data sent between your device and the internet and aside from 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and find a snow runt which happens to be female i name her rapunzel and after picking up the dawn stone in the wild area we can immediately evolve her into a frost lass you guys ever think about how rose goes through all this trouble to stay incognito to not be spotted in public yet he forgets to put on pants either way we can head to route 6 where we can find our next encounter a delarian yaw mask which i named carrots i then head to the hammerlock hills where in a snowstorm i can find myself a home edge which i named gemini this is great since behind the pokemon center and stow-on-side we can find ourselves a dust stone so after evolving into a double-blade i can immediately turn it into an aegis slash and with that we can not only challenge b we can utterly annihilate her and her reputation since she uses fighting types because her hitmontop only has quick attack and fighting moves it can't hit aegis slash at all since ghost resists both fighting in normal which means we can set up to both plus six attack and plus six speed with swords dance and atomize once that's done all we have to do is press aerial ace one shotting every single one of these fighting type pokemon easy peasy i have to win this for the chairman oh you just a little nasty heading on towards ballon leia we move through glimwood tango where we can either find a phantom or a sinistee which is what i happen to run into backtracking to pick up the cracked pot we can immediately evolve okie dokie into a polti geist now look we do have to take on opal next but her fight is barely worth mentioning since wheezing only has a not very effective fairy wind to hit aegislash with since it's immune to both tackle and sludge we can incredibly freely just set up to plus six attack and speed again using swords dance and autonomize and on top of that the questions that opal asks just serve as a bonus once that's done a single stab super effective plus six iron head is of course enough to take out every single one of her pokemon honestly opul's gym is pretty much a joke unless you're using a type that's weak to ferry in which case it can be a bit tricky however let me tell you about something that doesn't give me trouble in most runs that was incredibly difficult this time and that was hop you see for this one specific fight hop has an incredibly fast bolton that of course knows crunch on top of that it's not just a free setup opportunity for aegislash against his lead since his trevenant has confused rey and so for this fight i had to get a bit creative starting off by taking out the trevent with a shadow ball in one shot and this will not only impress the simple mind of hop but also bait out the bolton and my best strategy to be able to beat this thing was luck seventy percent of luck specifically because after surviving on one hp with a focus sash i go ahead and use hypnosis which i thankfully connect with putting the bolt into sleep the next turn i go for a sludge bomb figuring i can probably take it out in one hit but of course it leaves it with like one hp which means that i have to risk it waking up the next turn but it very fortunately doesn't so we can take it out next up is intellion which could easily go for any of its moves since all of them see the kill so i go ahead and swap into monaco just in case it goes for snipe shot but i realize right here that it's probably just wiser to swap into shidinja since the only move that can hit it is sucker punch which is very easy to play around this did however take some time because while i could dodge all the sucker punches by going for harden it then just kept using tearful look to lower my attack so it's safe to say that sewing this thing out with shidenja took absolutely forever but in the end we got it done this is gonna bait the heat more which could hit us with either a fire lash or a lick so i have to swap out here and i go into gemini who unfortunately gets hit by a fire lash which i didn't even know lowers defense having leftovers here is gonna increase our survivability and the fact that king shield is such a broken move since it protects us and then lowers the heatmore's attack to get rid of the defense drop i now have to swap so i go into okie dokie who's our only team member who's not weak to fire but i kind of forgot it's got weak armor which is gonna lower its defense twice for this reason i once again swap out into gemini who's gonna take another hit which means i can then go for another king shield lowering the heatmore's attack once again but even though we're getting this heatmore's attack down we are kind of getting low on health on both gemini and okedokey as my poltergeist gets swapped in again and lowered to -2 defense with weak armor i realize i'm probably going to have to let it go so i just decide to stay in and a psyshock does ever so slightly over half as i get hit by another fire lash which i somehow managed to survive on 10 hp this means i don't actually have to sack okie dokie because another scishok is enough to take out the heat more which means we only have to deal with snorlax and this is pretty easily done since shedinja can dodge all its attacks with wonder guard denied overall probably the most difficult hop fight i've had to deal with but i'm impressed we got through it with no deaths the next actual gym fight we have to face is against gordy and his rock types and i remember saying earlier that pumpkaboo was gonna be useless but it's already proved itself versus kabu and with the eeveelite item and resisting everything on this barbarical's moveset i'm pretty confident i can just take it out with a seed bomb which is especially true after it goes for shell smash lowering its defenses next is shuckle which is really annoying to deal with but inflicting it with burn and leach sheet is at least going to chip away at its health every single turn since it only has resisted moves and a pitiful attack stat i can just stall it out and eventually it goes down which sends in stone joiner it immediately sets up wonder room swapping our defenses as i take the chance to go for willowis burning it since it only has rock type moves i'm honestly not very concerned with the damage output from this thing in the first place but you can never be too sure and it's always best to go the safe route in a nuzlocke on the switch to gemini the stone joiner goes for a stealth rock which is fine since i don't intend on doing any switching this will let me get to plus 6 with swords dance however because the rock tunes are lowering my speed i do have to set up with autonomize just to get back to neutral speed once that was done all we have to do is click sacred swords taking out the stone junior and even the colossal in one hit granting us the sixth gym badge now there is another hop fight right after this but for whatever reason he ditches his strong jaw bolt end here so it's not really a big deal this time around reaching route 9 we can finally get ourselves another encounter and a great one at that a jealousent i name him skeleton and start making my way towards spike myth and that of course means that we have to take on piers the dark type master for many reasons this fight was gonna be tricky but scrafty was definitely not one of them since i could just easily take it out with a quad effect of dazzling gleam from onion when thinking about how to deal with malomar at first i wanted to use aegislash to lower its attack until i realized that it has contrary which wouldn't do me much good after burning it and getting hit by a night slash i swap out of onion into skeleton and i get very lucky on the switch as it goes for a psycho cut which would have been super effective against onion's poison type and right here we've gotten to that special point of the run where my most optimal strategy was stall i realized that even if this malmar got a critical hit i'd be able to recover most of it back all i had to do now was use recover until the burn damage left it in a range where i figured i could take it out with a single scald however i kind of pull the plug prematurely here since the skull leaves it in the red and it's not even enough to take it out with the burn i then just instinctively figured that piers is gonna go for a high proportion here but he ends up going for night slash which means i waste a turn willow whispering but at least he goes down to the burn this puts me in a pretty awkward spot versus this obstagoon since i really can't switch anything in against it i decide to just sack onion not being able to evolve and the fact that we have a bunch of other better team members at this point i figure it's probably my best sacrifice i then send in ages slash and make sure to use king's shield against the throat chop lowering the obstagoon's attack it then goes for obstruct which is perfect as i can set up an iron defense to increase my survivability a bit this means the incoming throat chop barely does any damage and since i know it's not gonna go for obstruct this turn i can freely go for sacred sword which is quad super effective taking it out in one hit this only leaves skuntank but because of our boosted defense i'm not really worried about what it can do so i just take it out with a couple of sacred swords granting us the 7th gym badge the story then takes us back to hammerlock for our final gym challenge and this gem being a double battle can be incredibly difficult so to prepare myself for my final gym fight i head over to the lake of outrage to pick up a focus sash the main point of this expedition however is picking up a second dusk stone which means that we can evolve litwick first into lampent this pokemon appears just before someone passes away so it's feared as an emissary of death i mean fine he's still super cute unfortunately sinner's not going to stay a lampant for long because that dust stone lets us evolve it into a chandelure and with that it's time to take on the final gym leader ryhon and his weather types he leads with flygon and gigolith which is gonna set up sandstorm which pretty much nullifies any strategy using focus sash i did however give rapunzel the choice scarf to guarantee out speed this flag on taking it out with a quad effective ice beam i then out speed the giggleth with skeleton going for a willowisp to lower its attack as it just sets up stealth rocks in comes sandacondo which i out speed with an ice beam but it doesn't quite do enough to take it out which means that i do get glared lowering rapunzel's speed i then use acid armor with skeleton to increase its defense as the gigolith goes for a rock blast surprisingly on skeleton another ice beam does not leave me paralyzed which means i can take out the sandaconda then because of the sandstorm boosting gigolo's special defense the skull doesn't quite do enough to take it out as gigoloth hits rapunzel with a rock blast thankfully only twice as duraladon comes in frostlast really can't do that much in this matchup so i swap out into gemini expecting the deraldon to hit it with a max rockfall this is then exactly what happens and because gemini resists it with its massive base 150 defense it barely takes any damage and i can burn the doradon then getting hit by a rock blast following turn i take the chance to go for both king shield and protect mostly just to waste the next dynamax turn i therefore barely take any damage from the g-max depletion and can protect myself from the rock blast there's now only one more turn of giganta max left and the max rockfall barely does any damage because of that defense boost from acid armor i spend the final gigantomax turn going for an iron defense on gemini and acid armor with skeleton to boost my defense on both pokemon since both of my foes are physical attackers the gigoloth slightly bypasses this by going for sand tune but since its special attack is so poor it really doesn't do much at all at this stage i'm completely free to just take out the rest of ryhon's team and this might be the easiest time i've actually had beating this guy which is pretty crazy defeating the gym means that we can come back to the lake of outrage for some unfinished business since we're now allowed to catch pokemon up to level 55 i can go and find myself a dreepy i name her zim and she really won't be that useful until she evolves this means we can now progress to wynden which means it's time for the next dark type challenge and marty's actually particularly difficult the trick here is we have to play around two pokemon with swagger and that could be kind of tough since we can only equip slash with one lumbery either way the first turn we get hit by torment from lypard as i go for a sword stance boosting my attack i was honestly kind of hoping it would go for snarl here since that would make my strategy work a lot better but this does work out too since i can freely take out the live part with an iron head the iron head is very important here since because we set up that sword stance we can one shot the scrafty with a sacred sword which is one of the swagger pokemon dealt with then since we're in attack stance the toxic cross sees the kill with a sucker punch which means i can go for a king shield here dodging it i then hope and pray that the toxic goes for swagger which it does absolutely perfectly meaning we can heal off the confusion with a lumbery and then just hit it with an iron head for the ko this in fact eliminates all danger from the rest of this fight and because we're at plus 4 attack we can easily just take out the rest of marnie's team which is the final dark type challenge completed next up is hop but between shading and aegislash this fight was so easy that i'm not even going to include it have you guys seen the chairman's pants going insane after a week of searching for rosa's trousers we have to take on olianna and her frostlast can be a pain in the rear so what i did is i equipped sinner with a choice scarf which means that we can instantly take it out with a flamethrower next up is mylodic and facing this thing was the biggest pain i've had to deal with all year it starts out by setting up an aquaring as i send in skeleton and while skeleton has water absorbed to dodge the only attacking move that this mylodic has i realized very quickly that i didn't teach it energy ball before the fight which means i kind of had to improvise unfortunately we can't status this mylodic because it keeps using safeguards so my best bet was using metalclaw which did just a bit more damage than it healed up with aqua ring which means i could start stalling out its recovers and this was a huge pain to put my pain into perspective in middle school i once stubbed my pinky toe so hard that it turned entirely blue and stayed that way for like a month and fighting this mylodic was still worse than that eventually though the mylodic did run out of recovers at which point i realized that maybe i can put monaco to use here since it can only be hit by surf now i obviously can't hit this thing with a willow wisp since it's still protected by safeguard however leech seed is not considered a conventional status condition for that reason i can actually start doing some reliable damage to this thing stalling out further with protect i also figured i might as well try my hand at a seed bomb here and monaco actually ends up doing like half of this mylodic's health which is insane and even though i could take this mylodic out with another seed bomb the whole reason i wanted to stall it out of recovers is because i wanted to set up against this thing to prepare for her next pokemon so i swap back into skeleton and make sure to set up to plus six defense with acid armor before taking out the milotic with a combination of scalds and leech seed finally having dealt with that infernal eel oleana's next pokemon is serena which does have a super effective move against us in dropkick but because of our plus six defense we can easily tank it and go for willowish to get that residual damage since my only attacking move is unfortunately scald the serena then hits me with an attract which i mean is just gonna delay the inevitable really after dealing with some war flashbacks from fighting whitney as a kid i do finally manage to get off a few recovers and enough damage to take out the serena this means oleana has two pokemon left the first of which she'll send in is selazal predicting this selazal to go for a poison gas even in my planning i did give skeleton a pecha berry however unfortunately i'm not able to do enough damage to take out the salazzle in one hit this unfortunately means that it's gonna get off a second poison gas poisoning us before we can take it out with a scald which only leaves her final pokemon garbodor one very important thing to note about poison gas is that it's normal poison and not toxic poison which doesn't increase exponentially every single turn so as the garboder wastes its first dynomax turn going from max quake which we can tank easily with our plus six defense i go for recover to get back to full health the second turn of dynamaxx it then insists on going for another max quake as i retaliate with a skull just to try and fish for the burn and in hindsight i should have just gone for willow wisp since that would have guaranteed the burn 70 of the time either way the final turn of dynamax it does set up to plus three special defense with another max quake as i can go for a recover which means that it's gonna turn back to its normal form i expect since it sees that it can't really do that much damage it starts to lay up the toxic spikes as i go for a willow wisp and after a whole lot of turns and me having to go for recover a lot because of that poison damage i finally take out the garboder with a combination of scald and burn damage and because of stalling out that mylodic this is probably the single longest fight i've ever had to do in pokemon and thinking about it honestly makes my toe hurt everything i did i did to further the chairman's own goals yeah but i mean couldn't you just like bought him a new pair of pants jim leader bead not exactly a fitting title for someone who gets swept by an aegis slash or maybe it is fitting since it's exactly what happened to your predecessor opal regardless the real fight we have to prepare for is the rematch versus nessa she starts out with golisopod as i send in my choice scarf bros lass the reason that it's scarfed is definitely not this glycopod which i can easily out speed take down below health with a thunderbolt sending in the bera scoota this thing has an incredibly fast base 136 base speed which i can only out speed with a choice scarf but since its defenses are so poor i can easily just take it out with a thunderbolt nessa then sends back in her golisopod which gets dealt with by a thunderbolt as well her next pokemon is seeking but since it doesn't have any moves to hit shidinja super effectively i can freely just swap it in and take it out with a few x scissors second to last is pelipper which sets up the rain with its drizzle ability and since it can just take us out with an air slash i do have to swap out here going into skeleton and since jellison's special defense is absolutely amazing the air slash doesn't do too much at about 20 percent as i can start hitting the pelipper with skalds however as i go for a second skull the next turn the pelipper throws a wrench in my plan by going for tailwind this means that for the next few turns ness's team is gonna have boosted speed so i decided to stay in with skeleton just to waste one of these turns going for recover boosting up my health and here i was really hoping for a two-turn tailwind swapping in center here as the pelipper goes for a roost recovering its hp unfortunately for me the tailwind does not end here but the rain does this does mean that the pelipper will out-speed me the next turn but no rain means it's not boosted which means i can take it out with an energy ball the tailwind then perfectly peters out as she sends in her dreadnough which as we know has a base speed of 76. this means that my chandelor with a base speed of 80 and not a minus speed nature like gas leak can certainly outspeed the dreadnought taking it out in one hit with a choice specs quad effective energy ball i was definitely afraid of the super fast super strong bear escudo with throat chop but using the choice items to my advantage here really came in clutch having defeated nessa we have two more gym leader rematches ahead of us so i decided to evolve zim into a drac cloak and here's the thing about b if she was easy the last time we faced her it's even easier now since i decided to only bring drackloke on my team that's how confident i was you see this halucha cannot hit us with its two fighting type moves and as it goes for bounce i can freely just set up a dragon dance going for protect the next turn since it very heavily telegraphs when it's gonna hit us for this reason it was incredibly easy for zim to set up to plus six attack and plus six speed with what's possibly the most broken setup move in all of pokemon from there since zim wasn't holding an item a plus six acrobatics was enough to take out every single pokemon on b's team this leaves us with our final gym leader rematch versus ryhon he leads with torcol and i send in choice spec sinner who can immediately out speed and take out the torkle in one hit with a stab shadow ball he next sends in flygon and expecting it to go for a stab super effective earthquake which would guaranteed take out sinner i send in rapunzel but the flygon just sets up sandstorm since ryhon loves changing weather once again the answer to taking out this flygon is choice scarf icebeam from rapunzel this will then bait out ryhon's turtonator so expecting either a sunny day or a fire move i go ahead and swap out into sinner however on the switch it ends up just throwing away the turn by going for shell trap the next turn i hit it with a stab choice spec shadow ball which together with the sandstorm damage from the previous turn is enough to take out the tertinator goudre is the final pokemon before deraladon so expecting the water type move here i go ahead and swap out into zim but the gouger just ends up setting up the raindance i then go for a breaking swipe which does above half damage to the goodra as it hits me with a rain boosted muddy water which still doesn't do that much damage since i resist it which means i can take it out the next turn with another breaking swipe then in comes the big bad duraladon and unfortunately it suffers from the same flaws as the previous time we fought it which is that it can't hit gemiini with anything but uneffective moves for that reason gemini can tank everything that this deraladon has to throw at it and then just retaliate with a few iron heads taking it out sealing the deal does it piss anyone else off that you can't call flying taxi from this area in the slumbering wheel yet will you talk to hop it's no problem has its perks to be the champion's brother huh like i'm universe top model give me a break here jim challenger you must help me did he lose his pants again never mind he's back to wearing him he doesn't really look like he's a fan of me making fun of his underwear earlier though so we are gonna have to take him on in a fight fortunately for me though we kind of have the perfect answer for his steel type team in chandelor right away sinner can take out ex-cavalier with a quad effective choice specs flamethrower along with berserker clinklang is faster and can hit us pretty hard with assurance but a flamethrower is enough to take it out too along with berrythorn after it this leaves only kappa raja but with choice specs we're of course just gonna totally annihilate its entire health bar in one hit just like hold up yeah unfortunately spec's chandelure wasn't quite enough to take out the copper raja in the end but we still have a few pokemon in the box that we can replace it with for the final fight after sinner goes down to a max quake we can easily just send in frostlast taking care of the rest of kappa raja's health which means that we don't have to deal with this pantless clown anymore the final stretch is now upon us so we have to prepare to take on leon the first thing i did is evolves him into a dragapolt my final team to try and take on leon ended up being rapunzel equipped with the wise glasses skeleton with the expert belt mostly because i didn't have a better item for him monaco with the eeveelite who's mostly just there is deathbotter to be honest then there's shadinja who i just now realized didn't keep coconut's nickname i gave it the focus and i had a great strategy to beat leon with it but things kind of went a different way gemini the age of slash doesn't have any great matchups in this fight but i gave it as good a moveset as i could then finally there's zim whose only relevant moves are dragon darts and phantom force since i did give her the choice band for some extra damage since she's such a speed demon and so with the preparations out of the way it's time to take on the final challenge of the run versus champion leon he always starts out the fight with an aegis slash of his own so i go ahead and send in rapunzel expecting either a flash cannon or a shadow ball either of which would take me out in one hit i go for a protect just to bait the aegislash into attack form now while its defenses are down this gives me the perfect opportunity to go for a shadow ball which of course takes it out in one shot this baits out leon's cinderace and obviously i can't stay in here so i go ahead and swap out into skeleton to tank the pyroball it doesn't end up leaving me with a burn and the next turn i get hit really hard by an acrobatics and unfortunately a skull isn't quite enough to take out the cinderace i don't really want to sacrifice skeleton for no reason here so i swap out into zim who can tank 1 acrobatics at above half health with the choice band dragopol's ridiculous base speed is still enough to outspeed the cinderace taking it out with a dragon dart leon sends in his haxorus but since zim is so much faster and we've got the choice band super effective dragon darts it stands no chance as leon then is forced to send in his own dragapolt unfortunately for him though zim's quicker to the draw and can fire off its dreepies faster taking it out with the dragon darts then in comes seismatode which halts zim's sweep expecting to get hit by an earthquake or something i go ahead and swap into monica who just gets toxic on the switch after that the seismitoad hits me with a not very effective earthquake which barely does 20 percent of my health i then take the time to set up a leech seed and figure you know what this thing can't hit shidinja so i better switch it in forgetting entirely that shidinja can definitely be hit by toxic yeah this is right up there among the dumbest plays of all time on the antler boy channel i thought shadenja was going to be a super useful team member this run but it ended up flopping pretty hard i then send in rapunzel and click icebeam hoping that it would be enough to take out this seismitoad but it wasn't quite enough and it just toxix me leon then of course goes for a full restore as another ice beam does about a third of its health after leech seed i hit it with an ice beam which takes it down into the red as seismitoad hits me with an earthquake taking me down to 41 hp however with the leech seed damage it's enough to take out the seismitoad leaving only leon's charizard and there's not much else i can do here except just take the max rockfall which is unfortunately going to knock out frostlast but it does waste one of charizard's dynamaxx turns i then send in skeleton who's only at 37 hp which means it's gonna get absolutely destroyed by a max overgrowth finally i decide to send in zim who can out speed and go for a phantom force which does mean that we can dodge the final dynamax turn then after charizard takes some sandstorm damage it gets returned to its normal form this means that zim's phantom force is gonna hit charizard while it doesn't have its dynamaxx health and it's not quite enough to take it out an air slash from charizard unfortunately takes out zim and not even the sandstorm damage can take out the charizard however this means we can send in the true mvp of the run monaco and finish up the charizard with a shadow snake which means that in the end i beat a pokemon sword hardcore nuzlocke using only ghost types it really got down to the wire there since agent slash would have likely just gotten taken out by a fire blast with only two pokemon left pumpkaboo really pulled its weight and after this run i love this guy shi ninja was really doing work in the beginning but it kind of fell off towards the end since every trainer's prepared for it anyway let me know what run you'd want to see next in the comments down below and until we see each other next time have a good one i was born to be a sinner born to be degenerate
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 1,083,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y2nS2OqCGj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 10sec (2050 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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