Pokémon Omega Ruby RANDOMIZER Hardcore Nuzlocke! - (No items, No overleveling)

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in a nuzlocke any pokemon that faints is boxed forever you only get to catch the first pokemon you find per route but what if all those encounters were randomized knowing what you're up against is half the battle so randomizing every trainer's team should make things a lot harder but that's not difficult enough so to spice things up i've decided to make it so that every gym leader has six pokemon on their team also any pokemon that's level 35 or higher is instantly turned into its final evolution and to start things off we meet a distressed professor burch who says his balls are in his bag and he'd like to keep it that way so to help the poor guy out i take a look at our randomized starters and right off the bat things aren't looking too good you might think wormpole's the worst choice here but it's actually pretty decent early game considering it evolves into dust stocks or beautify at only level 10. this is also a great time to mention that every pokemon's ability is randomized and they keep that ability throughout their evolutions and speaking of evolution since the level cap is 14 i decide to level up my levitating wormpole which i named qui-gon jinn and it turns into a cascoon this is actually perfect since dustox is much more useful than beautify but since i know roxanne is going to have a full team of 6 we need more team members the first of which i pick up on route 103 that happens to be a merrell i name it r2d2 and with the pickup ability it's not quite as useful as it would be with a huge power ability but a fairy water type is still a useful addition to the team next i head on to route 102 where i can find my next encounter which is randomized into a weedle i name it greedo and with the amount of hornberries you pick up in this game pouch could be a really good ability and much like worm bull weedle is a really good pokemon to have at this stage in the game since we instantly get access to a fully evolved bee drill and it's at this point we're introduced to our father who's probably gonna be one of the most difficult fights in the entire game because of how the randomizer works i'll get into it more when we get to that part of the game let's just say i'm happy we don't have to do it now know for now all we have to worry about is assembling our team the next pokemon i find is a swine up on route 104 which i named wampa and having flash fire on an ice type to make an immune to fire is actually huge then as i get my encounter in petalburg woods it's almost as if i weren't playing a randomizer since i end up getting a poochyena on top of that it normally has such an awesome ability and intimidate but unless we managed to teach this thing something like bubble beam it's going to be pretty useless to round out the first team of 6 i pick up a shanks on route 116 that i name anakin another usual intimidator given a terrible ability this leads us to the first gym fight versus roxanne who now of course has a full team of six pokemon she leads off with a snow runt as i send in r2d2 merrell isn't exactly gonna be the greatest thing to deal damage to this thing but on the other hand we do resist ice type moves which means i just end up missing a few bubble beams because of double team and after taking a bit of chip damage from things like ice shard and powder snow i take it out with a few bubble beams having merrell out also sets us up nicely to take on this cubone but since it's got the color change ability and changes into a water type as i hit it with a bubble beam i decide to swap out into darth maul i don't quite take out the cubone with a single bite as it changes into a dark type but its first bone club doesn't do quite enough damage to take me out with a second crit so another bite does the job third is seal and i do manage to score a flinch on my first bite and the second one takes it down into the red as it hits me pretty hard with an icy wind that does lower my speed so i decide to immediately swap out into r2 the seal does some pretty pathetic damage with a headbutt as i can then just take it out with a tackle she then sends in a gibble which could end my entire career right here if she just decides to click dragon rage but she ends up going for a tackle which means that we can one shot it easily with a quad effect of powder snow roxanne's ace pokemon is randomized into a mall while which i start chipping out with mudslap which is unfortunately the strongest ground move i have and while it lets me dodge hits for a time wamp eventually gets hit by a crit bite so i swap into anakin who can easily deal with the malwa and a couple of sparks finally she's got a cherubi and while she managed to be incredibly annoying stalling for a bunch of time with both leech seed and morning sun seriously with so many super effective moves on my team it shouldn't have taken me like five minutes to take this thing out but eventually we do get the first gem badge since anakin reached level 15 during the fight he's now advanced to the rank of padawan evolving into alexio let's just hope he lives to get to the rank of master now that we're allowed to take my favorite mode of transportation over to dunford town we do get access to a few new encounters but first since field items are randomized i do end up picking up an alakazeit on route 107. i then talk to this npc who gives me the old rod so i can get my fishing encounter in dewford town which ends up being a wurlipede i name it veracto which definitely sounds like a medication for aging men but it's actually the lizard thing from episode 3 that sounds exactly like palkia i then went to granite cave where i was really excited to find the first starter of the run tepig and while both its nature and oblivious ability are pretty bad it's always nice to have a solid fire type on the team our next opponent is brawley and it gives me a great opportunity to talk about the randomizer settings i've picked the way it works is a pokemon is randomized into something else with a similar base stat total meaning that an opponent like norman who's slacking has legendary level stats is going to be incredibly tough but someone like brawley whose original team is machop and makuhita well it's pretty trivial which is exactly why i implemented the rule that any pokemon above level 35 is automatically turned into its final form and guys let me know if you want to see a nuzlocke where every single pokemon is turned into its final form no matter what from the start of the game i think that could be impossible with that said we start making our way towards slateport city it's here we meet the evil team of the game and what would they be but cyclists with a plan to increase the landmass of the world to build more bike paths and torment pedestrians making our way towards mauville city my route 110 encounter happens to be a sandow which i named ahsoka and while thick fat isn't as helpful as either moxie or intimidate i will definitely take that adamant nature since the level cap is also increased to 21 we do get access to a few new evolutions in pig night a zumeril and mighty anna also these magma grunts are pretty dumb for taking the walking route when they could have taken the only bike path in all of owen anyway before challenging watson i do head to route 117 where i pick up a ball door and with the fur coat ability this thing is a mean physical tank with our new additions to the team it's time to take on the third gym leader watson who leads off with a chikorita and while chikorita is probably my second favorite first stage starter after piplup of all time it's not exactly the most menacing of opponents and i can swap out into bedroll taking it out with twin needle being just the third gym leader watson's first five pokemon didn't give me that much trouble but as soon as i got to the fifth which randomized into a sock things got pretty hairy not wanting to risk anakin i decided to swap out into my fairy type r2d2 as i get hit by a double kick which doesn't do that much damage at all sock then goes for focus energy boosting its critical hit ratio as i hit it with a bubble beam which is when i realized that this sock has contrary since my bubble beam boosts its speed on top of that it also has a random leftovers and since my bubble beam isn't doing that much damage and these critical hits are starting to rack up i'm not in the best position even though i have a pokemon that resists it i end up learning that the sock has counter which means i'm in no position to ever use a physical move against this thing but even with my special bubble beam after leftovers it's taken me three hits to even get this thing below half health it really doesn't help that the sock is getting incredibly lucky with these critical hits leaving r2 at just 9 hp and so after getting in a final bubble beam at this point i'm low enough to where i have to swap out so i end up sending in dust stocks the only problem with that is that dust stocks faced a bulbasaur earlier in this fight getting put to sleep by a sleep powder which means i'm just hoping that i can wake up however i end up having no such luck and the sock ends up whittling me down into the red with its lucky critical hits fortunately we do have one more pokemon that quad resists fighting in greedo who still ends up taking quite a lot of damage from a non-crit double kick but since you can buy aerial ace in the pokemart in mauville city i end up taking it out in one hit meaning we claim our third gym badge our victory grants us access to route 12 where i can find my next encounter a slow poke and honestly having analytic on a pokemon that's famous for being slow seems pretty good i then head through fiery paths where i fittingly find a fennekin we learned in fall arbor town that professor cosmo's been kidnapped by the environmentalist bikers for driving a range rover so making our way towards meteor falls we pass through route 114 where my encounter is at rubbish i obviously name it jar jar binks since you know he stinks then in meteor falls i pick up the best possible random encounter of beedoof with nerves of steel nothing can perturb it it is more agile and active than it appears give it up bozos let the professor go axel you came oh gosh it was tough to keep up with those bikes once we made our way to the top of the volcano we have to take on cool trainer female tabitha and i'd forgive you for thinking that this wouldn't be a particularly challenging fight but if the run so far could be described as sunshine and rainbows this is definitely where all that ends first off this esper outspeeds me but since i take it below half of the bite i decide to just go for another bite and for playing so carelessly of course the esper ends up getting a critical hit putting me in range of taking myself out with confusion which is of course what happened since the asper out speeds honestly this was incredibly stupid gameplay on my part and losing my first pokemon to someone like tabitha while embarrassing is just the way it goes in nuzlocke sometimes unfortunately this does mean that anakin's never gonna reach the rank of master what we do have to take on maxie right away afterwards but he ends up not being a big problem the only real issue that maxi does cause for me is that ahsoka gets to level 29 during the fight which means she's over leveled the level cap and can't be used until we've beaten the next gym before getting to lava ridge town however we do have to pass through jagged pass where i end up finding myself a bag on i name her leia and she's a pretty respectable replacement for anakin especially since speed boost is one of the most broken abilities game freak has ever created even having a minus attack nature is a pretty small price to pay for potential speed boost salamence in the future this leads us to flannery the gym leader just before things are about to get absolutely out of hand with these randomizer settings and since she was pretty easy let's get to the real juice learning that my father was the strongest trainer in the universe miss universe if you will was pretty cool at first but after realizing his true imperial desires i knew his team full of legendaries had to be stopped the only problem being that my team's not very strong and so with all the preparations i could possibly make i was ready to take on norman and as i read that his first pokemon was salamance i was pretty happy but of course it's a mega salamance staring my father's tie fighter in the face i was pretty sure a wipe was inevitable here him going for a focus energy to boost up his critical hit ratio at least gives me a chance to use poison powder he then takes a bit of poison damage and i take a bit of damage from my sticky barb and giving qui-gon the sticky bar before the fight actually ends up coming in pretty clutch as i survive a critical hit on 11 hp and hit a venoshock for pretty big damage and since qui-gon was hit with a physical move crunch it's now salamance that starts taking damage from stickybarb instead having expected the hyper potion here i do go from moonlight to get qui-gon up above half-health then expecting another crunch i decide to swap out into destroyer who does have the fur coat and because of that massive defense even a critical hit crunch doesn't do that much damage now expecting it to go for its only special move dragon breath i swap out into r2d2 who's of course immune because of its fairy type and i can deal a bit more chip damage with both poison and stickybarb now expecting a headbutt i can swap and destroyer who resists it which only takes 6 points of damage the reason i know my opponent's moveset is because in a randomizer they always have the last four moves in their learn set for their level and having this knowledge is basically the only way i can try and play around my overpowered opponents after amazingly beating mega salamance without losing a pokemon his second pokemon is a mega agron since ironhead is super effective here i definitely expect it to go for it so i send an ahsoka hoping she can take it but she immediately goes down to the iron head this at least gives me a free switch into gomorian so i can go for a bulldoze lowering the agron speed as it goes for a roar swapping me out into qui-gon it's then revealed that my efforts to lower its speed are futile since it's got the quick claw item as i swap into gomorian who immediately gets hit by a rock slide at least it's not super effective because of pig knight's secondary fighting ability the agron then gets a quick claw but i still get to move first with a bulldoze which of course means it roars me out into destroyer since it can probably easily one shot destroyer with an iron head i swap out pig knight again who gets roared out once again into r2d2 i of course have to swap out here fearing the iron head so i go into greedo expecting to sack it but i survive on 11 hp and because of my cheek pouch ability i actually heal up above half i go for rock smash fishing for a defense drop but i don't even end up getting it sacrificing greedo for nothing i send in gomorian hoping that maybe an arm thrust will do the trick but each hit isn't doing that much damage i end up getting 4 hits but even 5 wouldn't have done the trick however i somehow survived agron's takedown on 15 hp meaning it takes itself out through recoil because norman's next pokemon is a freaking kyogre i obviously have to swap out of my fire type to tank a water pulse i then get hit by a body slam which does way less damage than i expected it to so i can at least get a power up punch off boosting my attack another body slam takes me the low half health which activates my orenberry which just edges me above half again i go for another power-up punch to boost my attack but i probably shouldn't have since the next body slam paralyzes me i do still manage to hit my play rough though taking the kyogre down into the red i then decide to risk a crit and or paralysis but i do manage to break through taking out norman's kyogre which only means i have to go up against isaveltol obviously this is not great since the rest of my team is massively weak to flying unfortunately this means i do have to let r2 go since it's not doing much good at that health being paralyzed and destroyer being my only pokemon left not weak to flying manages to survive a snarl and i can go for a very powerful rock tomb lowering a veltol's speed before it too goes down to another snarl i then send in gamorian who can only outspeed because of that rock tomb [Music] and the only reason i managed to take out a veldthol is because i out speed and hit five times that is insane his fifth pokemon ends up being a hitmonlee which is great since i can swap out into qui-gon i go for a moonlight just to heal up almost all the way back to full health as hitmonlee hits me with another jump kick it ends up being a critical hit and i decide to go for another moonlight just to get as much health back as possible since we do still have another pokemon to face after this i then go for a side beam which does about 35 to the hit league as i get hit with yet another jump kick just to be as safe as possible i once again go for another moonlight taking me back to full health as the hitmonlee misses a jump kick taking it into the red which allows me to take it out with another psy beam all at full health and very luckily for me norman's final pokemon is an area dose what i expected happened with the randomizer is that it took norman's team of slacking vigoroth and slacking duplicated it which meant that it had four slackings turning those four into the legendary level pokemon that i faced the remaining two vigoroth then randomized into a hitmonlee and ariados which is very fortunate for me since dustox can deal with both of those pokemon easily six legendaries would have probably been impossible to get through but i'm amazed that we made it through four that being said though norman just took out four members of our team so we gotta do some replacing since the level cap is now 35 my first order of business is to evolve a ractel into a scoloped i then add wampa back to the team who i can now evolve into a pile of swine and since we have access to the movie learner i can teach it ancient power and evolve pile of swine into mammo swine now that we've got the hm for surf we can head on to route 116 where we meet up with steven why hello hello there he then takes me on a magical disney fairy tale adventure to a special island where we fight off some bike goons and normally receive eladios however ours is randomized into a tyranitar i named my teeth darth vader and with the aerial aid ability it's pretty good since we have access to 120 base power thrash the fact that it was given to me with the tyranitarite though is what really sticks out moving on to route 119 the encounter i find is a cadabra and because it's such an awesome pokemon i name it after the star wars protagonist neo sorry what do you mean there is no spoon in star wars best of sinnoh tv after cricket evolved it became stronger as cricket tune i know that that's logical but it's baffling all the same as i head over to route 120 to meet with steven to get the devon scope i end up finding myself a haunter i name it sheeve and the overgrow ability is not gonna do it very much good our next big opponent is winona but nothing really interesting happened in the fight compared to the absolute bloodbath that was tate and liza so let's skip ahead to there a few things of note that happened in between though is that after the fight jar jar evolved into garbodor gamorean evolved into embore and she evolved into gengar it's a sculpture depicting shroomish it's crafted by an up-and-coming artist yes it's a real masterpiece before moving on to the cyclist hideout i make sure to evolve bib for tuna into slow bro and the chosen one into alakazam hey you don't go near the cave in the cove why you don't need a reason why i'm an adult so you just listen to me buddy i may eat cereal for dinner and wear pajamas most of the day every day but that doesn't make me less of an adult anyway i obviously head to the cave in the cove i heard our leader maxie and team aqua's leader archie used to be on the same team huh i've never really thought of them like that but i guess they could have dated in the past reaching mossdeep city we have a big hurdle to get past and that's the gym fight versus tate and liza who now have six pokemon on their team in a double battle they lead off with ninetales and gorbas as i send invader and neo i then try and go for a charge beam with neo against the goribus but it has both absorbed so i end up just doing nothing as it goes for a coil setting up its attack defense and accuracy i do hit both targets with tyranitar's rockslide doing massive damage to nine tails and not quite half to gorbus i decide to swap out a tyranitar into slowbro to dodge a move from gorbas but in the end this was probably dumb since i just end up taking it out with a psychic from neo anyway finally the nine tails goes for a confused ray confusing neo before sending out their next pokemon caracosta not wanting to hit myself in confusion and get knocked out i decided to swap out of alakazam into gemorian which isn't that great of a switch but it was the best i could do the nine tails then uses confused ray against slobo as the keracosta sets up with shell smash which is not looking too hot i end up breaking through confusion but forget all about safeguards so my yawn doesn't even work i don't really want to switch anything in here and unfortunately that means that gamoryan is going to have to be sacrificed to an aqua tail from the keracosta the one good thing about shell smash is that it lowers defenses which means confusion at least does a bit of damage as i send in neo since we found the alakazite back in duper town we can mega evolve neo for extra spoonage taking out the carracosta with a single psychic after this of course the nine tails goes for confuse ray again confusing megan neo slobro is of course still confused after this and ends up hitting itself in confusion as tayden liza send in their next pokemon kabutops since neo's confused i decide to swap out into sheev as the nine tails for whatever reason goes for a flamethrower against slowbro and the kabutops goes from metal sound and slowbro can actually manage to go for a yawn since the safeguard expired last turn i then swap out of slowbro into tyranitar as the ninetales confuses it once again i miss my hypnosis and the kabutops goes from metal sound i then swap my confused tyranitar out again into slow row as the kabutop stays asleep and the ninetail sets up a safeguard and i miss another hypnosis i then should have definitely swapped out sheave for tyranitar here as i get hit by a flamethrower from ninetales taking me out as the kabutops wakes up hitting me with a slash i do a bit of chip damage with confusion and then send in neo alakazam does out speed and manages to one shot the kabutops remaining health with a psychic unfortunately the ninetails does target alakazam with a confused ray here however at least this gives room for bib fortuna to go for a slack off taking it back all the way to full health tayden liza's next pokemon is an arbok which i could have just taken out with neo but since it's confused i don't want to risk it and i swap out darth vader the next turn the nine tails confuses the tyranitar with confused ray as arbok goes for a mud bomb but ends up missing as i hit a rock slide through confusion but i only end up hitting arbok i then get off another slack off with slow bro and the next turn ninetails hit slowbro with flamethrower again for some reason as the arbok hits tyranitar with a mud bomb once again tyranitar hits a rock slide failing to hit the nine tails as the arbog goes down to the combination of the rock slide and confusion their next pokemon is machamp so not wanting to get absolutely quad bopped i swap out of tyranitar into neo as the nine tails confuses bib fertuno with a confused ray submission then does about 40 percent to neo as bib fortuna manages to pull off a yawn on the machamp since neo's not confused here we can easily out speed and one hit ko the machamp which is a huge threat off the board the nine tails then predictably goes for a confused ray on neo as bib fortuna just hits itself in confusion now that night tails is the only pokemon that tate and liza have left i can easily send invader and both of our pokemon resist flamethrower which means that we can easily just go for a rock slide taking out the nine tails winning the tate and liza fight once and for all since tate and liza took out two members of our team we need some replacement so i put baracta on the team and i evolve rex into adele fox because you're the best friend i have after getting friend zoned by mei we go to the cave of origin in a regular non-randomized hardcore nuzlocke i'd never allow for a legendary to be put on the team and this time's gonna be no different however i was very curious to see what groudon was gonna randomize into and it turned into a permanent mega metagross since it is a legendary level encounter and a permanent mega evolution at that i'm of course not going to get to use it but i did take the opportunity to name an x-wing finally it's just the two of us again make up your mind may either way now that we've made it through the legendary shenanigans we get to take on the final gym leader wallace and once again it was a pretty straightforward fight so let's focus on the difficult ones but since we've beaten wallace the level cap jumps up to sydney's highest level pokemon which is 52 which means that we can finally get leia the bagon to not only evolve into shelgon but into salamance our fallen comrade r2 still gets to be useful by taking us up the waterfall and to get through victory road nobody can rock those hms like chewbacca the b-barrel can anybody tell me why this place reminds me of demon slayer at this point we could take on the elite four but we still haven't gotten all of our encounters since there are so many roots in hoenn so before i took those final and very permanent leaps into the elite four i decided to check what my encounters were i ended up finding a lot of pokemon that didn't make the final cut like frogadier bouffalont not to or even a female combi however remembering that there's a patch of grass on route 15 where i found vulpix as a kid i managed to find a torchic i capture it and name it han and captain solo has huge power baby i don't even care that it has a modest nature huge power is so nuts after evolving haunt into blaziken i had to make sure i had my final team starting us off with wampa the fourth pokemon we ever caught with earthquake stone edge ice bang and ice shard and the flash fire ability to protect us from those pesky fire types next we've got bib fortuna and while delta stream and its adamant nature don't really do anything for it it has a really solid move set and slowbro is just a really good pokemon next is neo who's gonna be able to deal some massive damage with that special attack boosting nature and the alakazite to be able to mega evolve and if it ever goes down to a physical move i guess we have aftermath to deal some damage then we got darth vader tyranitar always a really solid pokemon and even though its nature isn't great and we can't utilize its ability it's still tyranitar we can mega evolve power up punch can boost us we can't complain fifth is leia with a very good coverage moveset and even though we have a minus attacking nature that speed boost ability is gonna carry us far finally we've got our newest member of the team han the blaziken who can boost its speed with flame charge and its attack and defense with bulk up if we need it with some great damage dealing moves like high jump kick and fire punch with that huge power which i believe is going to be absolutely nuts and so with all our preparation out of the way it's time to take on the first elite poor member sydney who starts out with a golem i lead off with han which is a great coincidence since high jump kick instantly takes out the golem sydney's second pokemon is a braviary and fearing a flying type move i decide to swap out into tyranitar as the bravery goes for a tailwind it then hits tyranitar with a not very effective crush claw which does end up lowering its defense as i hit it with a rock slide which one hit ko's it sydney then sends in a cack turn expecting a grass-type move i decide to swap back out into han who can tank the energy ball favorably the next turn the cactuarn outspeeds me with another energy ball which doesn't really matter since it doesn't do that much damage but i can go for a flame charge boosting my speed and taking out the cacturn this means i can out speed and ko the illumise bayonet and bisharp that are remaining on sydney's team which means it's time to take on the second elite four member phoebe and while it was easy to defeat sydney phoebe was an entirely different story she leads off with absol as i send in leia this time she immediately goes for a sucker punch which actually does quite a lot of damage as i hit it with a dragon claw for a bit over half i then get a speed boost but it's not gonna matter versus sucker punch so i go ahead and swap in han this means i can dodge the sucker punch and the following turn the absol doesn't go for sucker punch so a flame charge is enough to take it out however her next pokemon is soul rock so i have to swap out into bib for tuna but she just uses explosions so i guess we don't have to deal with it next up is sawsbuck and fearing the horn leecher energy ball i go ahead and swap out into han i tank a horn leech and even after getting charmed and having my attack have the next turn huge power is still enough to let me take out the sawzbuck with a single fire punch this leads to phoebe sending in her own alakazam and obviously i can't stay in with my fighting type here so i go ahead and send in darth vader she uses future sight on the switch which is something i'm going to have to be mindful of going forward as she then just uses call mind on the next turn which means i can take her out with a single crunch her second and last pokemon is dragalgi so i go ahead and swap out into my ground type mama swine who gets toxic on the switch and it's safe to say that of course i forgot about the future side attack which leaves me in the red after poison but i did do the calcs and even after taking out drug algae with an earthquake here i can survive the poison but that is cutting it a little bit closer than i'm usually comfortable with finally her last pokemon is a giggleth and i swap into darth vader thinking i'm gonna take the stone edge easy peasy but it does way over half and that there wasn't even a critical hit so i have to make a really difficult choice and i decided to sacrifice bib for tuna here there really isn't a good option for me to sacrifice since i don't know what i'm gonna be up against for the next three trainers i also have no idea how this gigolith has this kind of damage output maybe it's got pure power or huge power or something but i knew that my destroyer had fur coat however this one gets one shot by a high jump kick so who knows either way we move on to the third elite four member glacia and with only five pokemon remaining on our team with all our opponents having six pokemon it's going to be pretty tough from here on out glacia leads off with a rotom fan so i immediately swap out of han into darth vader on the switch she sets up a substitute but since she doesn't really have any moves that can hurt tyranitar i can just mega evolve and continue to click rock slide until it's fainted second out is malomar and expecting a superpower here i swap out into neo who gets hit by it but since the malamar doesn't have contrary it does lower both its attack and defense i then swap out of neo back into vader expecting the malamar to go for a different move but it goes for superpower again which i just barely survive as it lowers its stats once again expecting another superpower i swap into leia who of course resists it and i guess the minus attack nature did matter since we don't take this -3 defense malomar out with a single dragon claw but since it used yet another superpower on us even though glacier goes for a full restore another dragon claw is enough to take out the malomar third out is myenshao which i outspeed because of my speed boost and i go for a dragon claw which just barely misses out on the ko as it hits me with a bounce which does end up getting the paralysis it also means i get a bit of health back with my ornberry since i don't really have any better items to go for but another dragon claw is enough to take out the mienshaw which i out speed even through paralysis because of that speed boost i then do about half with a thunderfang to this huntail which just coils up and not wanting to risk paralysis figuring that salamance is probably a way more useful team member than neo i swap in neo here who is gonna go down to a crunch unfortunately we do however get a little bit of use out of that aftermath ability before sending in wampa taking out the remaining health of the huntail with an earthquake next up is a superior so we can obviously not stay in with wampa as i send in han to take a leaf blade this ends up working out very well since the superior goes for a coil next turn which means it's gonna survive the flame charge because of that defense boost but since we get a speed boost we can out speed the next turn taking out the superior with a fire punch her final pokemon is rodent freeze an ice type which we can of course take out with fire punch but unfortunately we only have four team members left going into the final elite four fight versus drake and he leads off the fight with jolteon as i send in han but the obvious thing to do here is to immediately swap out into wampa who can resist a thunder with its ground type this means that jolteon doesn't really have any moves it can hit us with it tries to go for last resort but just dies to an earthquake kinda sad to see my favorite eeveelution go down but drake's next pokemon is lucario and threatening with that oresphere we obviously have to swap out into leia the aurosphere ends up not doing that much damage because of my flying type but here i make sort of a mistake going for crunch instead of firefang and even though it's not resisted by steel it is resisted by fighting so it doesn't do that much damage and i let the lucario get up a calm mind the next turn however i do outspeed because of my speed boost taking the lucario down into the red and getting a burn as i get hit by another orosphere but unfortunately the burn is not quite enough to edge out that lucario unfortunately this does mean that drake is going to go for a full restore but i can hit it with another firefang taking it below half health and since i keep getting speed boosts i can just take it out with another firefang the following turn since drake's next pokemon is the ice type glayly i really don't want to get hit by a quad effective ice type move and decide to swap out into han i get hit by a freeze dry and seeing that damage i'm inspired to start going for bulk ups as i then get hit by a blizzard he does end up missing the attack and this is where i start to get greedy going for another bulk up as he goes for a blizzard which gets the freeze i take a few turns here to try and get unfrozen but alas it does not work and i got punished for getting greedy and so as i get below half health i decide to swap out of blaziken into tyranitar who is at least a special tank and after mega evolving i can take out the glaily with a couple of power-up punches but it comes at the cost of getting to pretty low yellow hp as drake sends in his next pokemon empoleon not wanting my tyranitar to get taken out here i effectively decide to sack wampa here but the empoleon just misses its whirlpool which means i can instantly take it out with an earthquake on the following turn drake then sends in an ursa ring and since it's not that threatening i decide to go for an earthquake as it lowers my speed with a scary face it annoyingly then goes for rest but at least that means i can just take it out with another couple of earthquakes in the next two turns drake's final pokemon is a mega pidgeot and i do miss my first stone edge as it goes for a tailwind and i take it down into the red with my second however this of course means that drake goes for a full restore as i hit it with an ice shard which actually does over half so another ice shard seals the deal which means that we have four pokemon going into the champion fight obviously not the ideal six but at least we beat the elite four and this means we only have one more fight of the run with nine deaths so far and only four members of the team at least they're our best pokemon we've acquired during the entire run but will my best be enough to overcome champion steven it all comes down to this and fisher stevens starts out with a ryperior as i send in han this ends up being the perfect matchup since han can take out the ryperior with one high jump kick as well as the following rampardos however steven's third pokemon ends up being greninja and not wanting to get hit by a powerful water type move i swap out into leia on the switch he uses substitute and follows it up with a double team the next turn which is massively annoying at least i don't miss and break the substitute with a thunderfang as i then get a speed boost for my efforts this means i can out speed the greninja the next turn taking it down into the red with a thunder fang as i get hit by an extra sensory after i get my speed boost of course steven uses a full restore the next turn and of course i miss my next thunder fan giving me yet another speed boost the next turn i do connect with my thunderfang doing more than half damage to the greninja as it takes me down to 90 health with an extra sensory i then do connect with the second thunderfang meaning that i finally take out the greninja and don't have to deal with evasion strats steven then sends an mbor and there's really nothing i can swap into this thing so i decide to go for a dragon claw to try and get as much damage as possible as it just hits me with a head smash taking out leia meaning we're only left with three pokemon i send in wampa baiting the fire type move which i of course absorbed with my flash fire and can take out the emboar with an earthquake steven's second to last pokemon ends up being bravery and expecting this thing to go for a superpower i stay in but i actually managed to survive it with wampa on 27 hp meaning that a stone edge is enough to take it out now for the oddest thing about this run that steven's metagross randomized into a metagross and unfortunately between han and vader there's really nothing i want to swap in so i have to just hope for the best and click earthquake as he mega evolves into the terrifying mega metagross which hits me with a meteor match that not only gets a critical hit he also gets the attack boost this is incredibly bad in fact him having an attack boost and outspeeding blaziken is not something we can allow so i immediately send in tyranitar and mega evolve which is gonna bait the hammer arm this is gonna quad demolish vader who gets to stare defeat in the face with his own eyes but at least it drops the speed of mega metagross which is very important as we send in our final pokemon han who doesn't get the ko on top of that metagross goes for iron defense which means that when steven inevitably goes for his potion the next turn we're not gonna do half damage and that's unfortunately exactly what happens steven heals up with a full restore and we do just under half of the fire punch as i then miss click and go for a high jump kick taking it down into the red again as metagross goes for agility metagross then outspeeds with a hammer arm and that's that except for the fact that han somehow survives the plus one hammer arm from a mega metagross on 25 hp the fire punch is then enough to take out the mega metagross which means that despite losing all of our pokemon except for one han pulled through and we managed to beat a hardcore nuzlocke randomizer of omega ruby unbelievable the whole time i thought we were gonna wipe to norman at least a few times but my strategy ended up working out and we made it all the way to the hall of fame albeit with only one pokemon left but i thought that was great fun i love doing these randomizers with random abilities it's so much fun and let me know what type of randomized settings you guys would like to see in the future and if you'd like to see a randomizer where all my opponents pokemon are fully evolved at all times let me know what you think but until we see each other next time have a good one i am your father
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 1,585,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iaM8RbC0DN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 2sec (2042 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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