Pokémon Sword Hardcore Nuzlocke - Dragon Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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the dragon type is one of my personal favorites and has some of the coolest designs pokemon has to offer and some that are kinda just there so today i'm finding out if i can beat a pokemon sword hardcore nuzlocke using only dragon types the rules for the challenge are on screen right now and down in the description below so pause now if you need a refresher as for the encounters we've got an epic lineup of dragons but since most of them are found in the very late game i will be allowing myself raid den encounters but i'm only going to be allowing one raid encounter per gym badge there's also going to be a few more encounters we can get from the isle of armor and i'll say right off the bat that this run gave me way more trouble than i ever thought it could you'll see what i mean towards the end but for now let's do this since there's no starter pokemon in existence that evolves into a dragon type let alone the galler starters that don't even get a secondary typing i just make the best decision and choose grookie and name him gus we add gus to the party and immediately head to the isle of armor where august is going to be booted off the party because here if we shake the trees we actually have a chance to find a wild aplin now this really doesn't help us that much because appleton only learns astonish and withdraw so it's not going to be usable at all until it evolves and because of that i appropriately name it huh but luckily for us there is another dragon type we can find in the isle of armor and it's jang mo-o i capture it and name it wow wow and so it's time to head back to the real isle of armor where we can find our first ray den encounter which happens to be a noibat i capture it and name it okey dokey then before moving on i make sure to pick up the leftovers and we head for moda stoke and it's here where we have to have our first real battle versus hop and it goes about as well as you'd expect it would even though we have our underpowered baby dragons hop doesn't stand a chance in the early game we also have to have our very first battle versus bead but since i have shadow ball on my noibat we handle it pretty much as easily as hop after all that we can move on to turf field where we have our very first gym challenge ahead of us versus milo now because we have dragon types we actually resist grass and okie dokie even has the flying type so we quad resist grass now in theory this should make the gym super easy but dynamaxx is always an issue in these fights milo's first pokemon gossip floor can only really touch us with round but it keeps going for grass moves so i can take it out with three gusts and milo's next pokemon is el degas which is the real threat of this fight which he dynamaxes right away now i have made the executive decision to ban the tr for substitute because it cheeses these dynomax fights way too much so i decided to go for protect just so that max overgrowth does a little bit less damage but it turns out that it does like 2 damage the following turn i do a pitiful amount of damage with an expert belt boosted gust and a max overgrowth really doesn't do much i then use a protect to stall out the final turn of dynamax which means that ldgos is going to shrink down to its normal size however at this point okey dokey is only at 14 hp so i decide to swap out into wow wow on the switch i get hit by a magical leaf and then the next turn by a leaf edge but they really don't do that much damage and i can set up a workup to do a little bit more damage the ldgos then continues to not do very much with its grass type moves and i can take it out with a few more dragon claws and that's gonna be it for the very first badge not that milo's usually very difficult but uh boy these first stage dragons are not very powerful we then have to fight team yell to get a bike and thievel goes for snarl but we got the soundproof denied but since we now have our first gym badge we can get our next raid den encounter which happens to be a dreepy which you normally get super late game now i say that like it's a really cool pokemon to have early game but it only gets these four moves and it evolves at level 50. so since we now have another useless member of the team at least for the time being i name it yikes yikes it at least has a speed boosting nature which means it's gonna be the fastest thing on the planet later on our next challenge is gonna be versus nessa and her water types and for this one i had to come up with a pretty good strategy since we have two useless pokemon on the team and noibat is pretty much useless adjacent so we're going to be using jiang mo-o to go for bulk up and then alternate with protect just to get as much leftovers recovery as possible until we get to plus six now the only thing that could go wrong here is that water pulse could confuse us but luckily it doesn't and we can take out both golden and aracudo with dragonpaws dynamaxx dreadnaught hits us with the max darkness but since we have plus 6 defense it barely does anything and we can hit it with an earthquake but it doesn't quite take it out and the next turn he gets a crit that i survive on 2 hp fortunately we can follow up the next turn with another earthquake to take it out but if jang moa would have gone down it would have been bad news bears at this point in the game oh well at least it's our second gym badge down and we get our next raid den encounter which happens to be an axu this time since it's probably our most powerful pokemon at the moment i ironically capture it in a nest ball and name it booyah and it's even got a neutral nature which we'll certainly take we then have to go meet up with rose to have lunch and my goodness we look like a dysfunctional family we then arrive at the very creatively named gallermine number two where we have to face off against a bead but it's really a pretty one-sided fight more like a geller your team loses to mine a number two bead huh i quit my job so i could watch the gym challenge i mean look technically you can make the argument that i did too but you should never quit your job to watch sports that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard ah that being said i really hope he watches this match we have versus kabu because this is the first real difficult spike in the game the very first turn ninetails hits us with a willowist but luckily we have the raspberry to heal it off and get off a dragon dance now i know that this means that it's gonna go for willowisp right away again and just burn us and we don't have a second raspberry but at least we can go for a dragon dance and at this point we out speed the nine tails so now we can up our attack with sword stance it either goes for ember or fire spin here and ember is the way better option since that means we don't take the fire spin damage and it goes for it twice and we can just start going for outrage which takes out both the nine tails and the arcanine at this point big bad scent escorts comes out and it's got some very terrifying g-max moves but fortunately we're gonna out speed with the outrage which doesn't quite take it out and this of course puts me in a pretty bad spot since the max flutterby is gonna take out booyah and that's gonna be the first death of the run next up i send in okie dokie who's gonna have to tank a gmax sentiferno right to the face and go for an air cutter which does way less than i thought it would and since we don't have anything else to switch into we're gonna have to take another one and get the second death of the run and the only positive thing about us losing two of our five pokemon is that santa scorch dynamaxx turns are up and bug bite really doesn't do that much damage so we can just finish it off with a dragon claw that is the third gem down but if we're gonna lose pokemon at this rate we're not gonna be getting very far this run next up we arrive in hammerlock where we find this guy who wants us to lend him our applin i mean yeah sure it's useless our guy then gets totally rejected by the love of his life and i mean i guess good on you for shooting your shot and he then gives us the item we're gonna need to evolve applin and this is pretty huge since up until this point we have zero evolved pokemon and flapple is a powerhouse mr chairman we've downloaded the spongebob episodes oh uh it's uh time for me to get to work yeah yeah yes one of the world's seven wonders the statue of the great diglett anyway on our great journey here we've reached route six where we can actually find our next encounter which took me so long to find but finally we have a trappage i capture it and name it the first thing that came to mind when i finally found it which was yay and after just a few level ups it evolved into an actually usable dragon type pokemon vibrava and with our new team members secured it's time to take on the stone side gym versus b and her fighting types and i go ahead and lead off with flapple and go for dragon dance anticipating a counter here which he actually does go for the following turn i go for yet another dragon dance to boost my attack and speed as she goes for revenge which does a fair amount of damage but i decided to go for another dragon dance because we haven't consumed our citrus berry yet but after the next revenge which admittedly is kind of risky since we go down to 9 hp we consume the citrus berry which means that acrobatics is gonna be double power and we can just power through b's entire team as strategies go that one was pretty clean and we got to see the raw power of flapple and before we move on have you guys ever noticed that this painting is actually signed who would want to put their name on this garbage yeah anyway next up we arrive in my favorite pokemon city ballon leia here we can pick up the choice scarf item which we're gonna absolutely need if we want to beat this game and before we can move on to facing the very scary fairy gym we can finally evolve our jiang mo-o into hakamo and to be honest this is kind of a double-edged sword since it gains the fighting typing we're now quad weak to fairy so not looking forward to taking those fairy hits and to be completely honest i think we would have just lost the run right here if it weren't for the fact that this gym is a weird gimmick gym opal starts out with wheezing and i decided to go with hakamo because to be honest it's our best bet and the first turn i go for protect just to burn a turn this means we get our first question and since i know the answer that means we get a plus two speed boost the following turn i can go for sword stance and as long as this wheezing doesn't crit we can survive and we do on 30 hp then i go for another protect just to stop return so we might get another question soon and a metal coat boosted iron head takes out the wheezing then we got opel's mawl and because of intimidate it puts us at only plus one which is gonna make it very difficult to knock out the following pokemon we do get the defense boost from the next question but that doesn't matter since any fairy hit would blast us into the next dimension at this point i have to go for an earthquake to take out the mall and i'm starting to get worried if we're actually going to be able to win this or not because next is togekiss and i go for protect but we don't get the question here so i guess i have to use an iron head and we end up getting the flinch i am not even kidding when i say that that probably decided the run right there i don't think we win this fight if i don't get this boost right here after that flinch and since we got that plus two we easily take out al creamy and i guess that's our fifth badge since we got out of that one safely we're doing something that we could have done even before the gym and that's get our fossil pokemon we can either get dracovish or drake assault and we're choosing the good one dracodish right wrong we're choosing dracazolt this actually gives us an electric type at our disposal and i fittingly name it what the heck anyway in the next scene bead gets abducted and turned into a fairy trainer which might be bad down the line we also have our next fight versus hop but since we have an electric type it's easy peasy finally we've gotten to circhester where we can look the part of a dragon trainer and it's also the next location in our gym challenge the sixth gem versus gordy and his rock types in the very first turn i introduce him to the concept that force equals mass times acceleration and destroy his barbarical gordy then sends in shuckle but it avoids a leech seed and hits me with a rock tomb to lower my speed the next turn i actually managed to hit my leech seed which means we're going to be getting a bit of health back every turn as he hits me with a struggle bug to lower my special attack but it doesn't matter since we're of course a physical attacker and i set up that dragon dance as i get hit by yet another struggle bug the next turn i attempt the one hit ko with the grab apple but we don't quite get there and boost chuckles defense as it hits us with a rock tomb at this point i decided to just go for another dragon dance since it's gonna go down to leech seed anyway so we might as well have that boost and we also mitigate the rock tomb however it wasn't the most thought out play since gordy's next pokemon is going to be stone junior and i figure this is the perfect time to set up with hakamo then gordy does one of the most confusing things to be in a pokemon game to me it uses wonder room which switches its special defense with its defense and since it has 20 special defense that means it now has 20 physical defense and since i'm boosting my physical attack well this earthquake absolutely destroys it and gmax colossal is so slow and quad weak to earthquake that it's an easy win for us and before we leave this town can i just say that this art is the most exquisite thing i've ever seen bob you're beautiful and because we helped get rid of team yell right here we actually receive the rotom bike that can ride on water which opens up a lot of the game to us not only that we beat this black belt which means that the bravo gets to level 45 which is when it evolves into a lot of people's favorite pokemon flygon additionally wow gets to level 45 as well which is when it evolves into komo-o and this guy's been pretty much the mvp of the team so far with our new and improved team put together it's time to take on marnie before we get to enter spikema and the thing about this marty fight and the one during the elite four is that it's one of the easiest fights in any pokemon game as long as you have a pokemon that can tank a snarl you're pretty much all set to blaze through this battle with ease but you are gonna need a counter to torment so in this case i have both brick break and earthquake and with that we say bye bye to marty for now because we've gotta face her little bit scarier older brother but before that we take a detour to the isle of armor because now that we have the water bike we can actually encounter horsey which isn't a dragon type in and of itself but i go ahead and capture it and name it yeehaw like because it's a horse a sea horse yeah okay little bit farfetched that one i gotcha anyway after just one level up it evolves into a cdra and pretty much right next to where we caught it we can find a dragon scale and this is pretty hype because now with just a little bit of help from andrew we can evolve our sidra into the awesome kingdra and with all the preparations for the seventh gem out of the way we can finally take on piers and his dark types now what everybody loves about piers is that he hates dynamaxx as much as everyone else but what we hate is that he has intimidate on his lead so i go into kingdra just to take the intimidate and then swap into wow after taking a payback i retaliate with a brick break which takes it out which is great since that thing has sand attack and i hate evasion i then go ahead and set up a dragon dance versus this malomar since i know that i can take a psycho cut but it actually does a fair amount of damage and my brick break doesn't quite take it out another psycho cup brings me down to 5 hp and i can take out both malamar and the obstagoon with a brick break now at such low health i don't want to go down to aftermath here so i swap out into flygon who tanks a snarl and the following turn can retaliate with an earthquake to win us the fight we're sort of at a point in the game here where our fully evolved dragon types can really tear through this mid game my uniform fits you to a t head on in number zero yeah yeah laugh it up at my number i'll show you is the best because now we have to go up against a fellow dragon type trainer and my arch nemesis ryhon i lead off with camo and scarf kingdra so that i can specifically out speed this flygon and take it out in one turn because breaking swipe can be really annoying to deal with i then go for a dragon dance as gigolith just sets up the stealth rocks which is pretty much a free turn for me i then go for an ice beam again on the santa conda and buy some miracle from above i actually get the freeze so i can set up another free dragon dance after that santaconda stays frozen and i get hit by a body press that doesn't do too much damage and the next turn i'm actually faster than scarf kindra and go for a dragon dance then my ice beam hits and the santa conda goes down which means we only have to deal with another body press and the next turn we should be good to go ryan of course giganta maxes his duraladon into some kind of futuristic skyscraper thing that i don't think anybody really knows what it's supposed to be but because of my plus three dragon dances a close combat is enough to just take it out in a single hit and we don't have to deal with that thing at all and then because of choice scarf unfortunately locked into ice beam so i can't just take this thing out with a skull but one body press later and we can hit it with a close combat to claim our eighth and final gym badge looking kinda salty now that you're not missed gala rion i was watching on the telly what a match that's right who's the zero now boys well now that we have our level cap at level 51 i decided to try my luck and go to the lake of outrage to see what we can find and i found myself a dino but unfortunately it's higher level anyway i go ahead and capture it and name it meh then on our way to winden we have a pretty funny encounter versus gentleman glenn you see his craplock can't hit drapey at all so we can just take it out with infestation and hail damage this means that the only fight we ever used drepy in is this one where it evolves so i mean that's cool we got drac cloak and just like that we've reached the capital city of winden i always bring up the weather when meeting new people yeah me too it's a great topic of conversation when the weather's really bad where you live i mean sheesh have you been to sweden okay it's time for the final gauntlet and you know how i said that this fight versus marnie isn't that hard well to prove how confident i am in those words i decided to bring just komodo to this fight because you know what kamo's all i need so if i lose him i lose the run and i start the battle by going for a belly drum and then for an automize to boost my speed by two stages and attack to plus six after that it's just a matter of alternating moves since i got afflicted by torment and we can pretty much just sweep through marnie's entire team i mean i said this was gonna be easy right i foreshadowed it it was easy we did it and so with our first opponent defeated we have to face hop and i was pretty confident about this one too not wanting to over level my pokemon which was kind of the biggest reason why i didn't bring a full team i devised a plan that would only need two of my pokemon starting with drac cloak burning this dub wool the great thing about this matchup is the double can only hit us with zen headbutt which is great since that body slam is super annoying now that i've lowered doubles attack enough i decided to just go out into flygon to set up a few dragon dances since in this generation it actually gets dragon dance but that doesn't quite mean that we're out of the woods you see flygon can get hit by body slam and on the first one i get paralyzed but i do have the cherry berry and after setting up five more dragon dances well we lucked out and didn't get paralyzed so this means that we can start tearing through hop's team one pokemon at a time and listen i looked it up i did the math crunched the numbers you fight hop 10 times in this game and that's only counting battles where you fight him and not when he fights with you so i'm always pretty happy to get rid of hop in this fight but moving on we can actually go back to route 10 and i realize that we can find a doraldon which is going to be infinitely useful for one of our upcoming fights and i named it after the sound i made after realizing that i can actually catch this thing oh i'm looking for something to look for never change team y'all just just just never change all right a road to become the champion is put on hold because of bureaucracy so we have to fight this angry business businesswoman who starts out with frost and i go ahead and lead up with kindra the first turn i get burned by frost last but since i'm a special attacker i don't really mind and i set up my focus energy the bad thing about the burn is that hex does way more damage but i can set up an agility which means that the next turn i can out speed and use skull and take it out and the combination of that focus energy the ability sniper and my scope lens means that i just crit selazal and serena as well now unfortunately my sweep is cut a bit short by this mylotic so i swap out into huh it goes for an awkward but since i know it can only attack me with surf i set up a leech seed just to get a bit of passive damage on it i then get hit by said surf and it basically does no damage since we quad resist it and i can go ahead and set up a dragon dance this means that i'm free to teach this mylontic another lesson in gravity and take it out with my apple garboda is next and it's likely going to go for g maximal loader since i'm a grass type so i swap out into duraladon who can dodge it since it's a steel type then expecting the max quake i go into my flygon so that i dodge it as well now that garbodor only has one turn of dynamex left i decide to just take the hit here after i go for an earthquake which almost takes it out to be fair the g-maxima loader doesn't do that much damage since we of course resist it because we're a ground type i do get poisoned but my pechaberry heals it up then because of the weak armor it is faster and hits us with a resisted gunk shot does get the poison but we of course seal the victory with another earthquake and olianna i say this for your benefit and everybody around you get some rest a moment if i may does anyone here even remember me uh i'm not really sure who this guy is interrupting our rise to the top but i guess we'll have to run through him as well it looks like he has fairy types and unfortunately we get intimidated here on ooh but i can set up the reflect so that play rough doesn't really do that much damage i then go ahead and set up two sword stances before setting up a light screen this is gonna be really important since rapidash outspeeds us and hits us on the special side of things but one iron head takes out this small out the next one takes out the gardevoir which can't out speed us then it's time for rapidash and i'm hoping we can take this dazzling gleam and we actually live on 8 hp and i destroy it with an iron head then we take out hatarine with another iron head since it only has base 30 speed and we can finally get back to our regularly scheduled tournament who is this guy anyway next up is nessa our first gym leader opponent who starts out with galysapod so i lead with wow the first turn i hit a lysopod with a thunder punch to get it below half health and send it out with emergency exit sending in pelipper and the rain which obviously gets destroyed right away then comes baroscuda which has the ice fang and actually gets the flinch the first turn but the next turn it doesn't get the flinch or the freeze which could have been kind of scary and ended the run right here we then take it out with a thunder punch and we could do the same to the lysopod but i take the time to set up a sword stance since it can't hit us very hard then the rain stops so it literally can't hit us for much at all at this point so i go for another sword stance to get to plus four and shadow claw leaves us at 28 hp i then go ahead and take out the glycopod with a thunder punch and next up is seaking which gets the exact same treatment bye bye fishy finally he's dreadnaught but since we have plus four close combat it isn't exactly a fair fight sorry nessa but you're gonna have to move out of the way to the top because next up we're fighting b and her fighting types and in this fight i pretty much decided to bring the weakest guys on the squad because i was getting kind of high level and this thing can only hit us with bounce anyway i do miss the willow wisp the first turn so i take kind of a lot of damage from the first one i do however have the leftovers which is gonna be super helpful if we get hit by a crit bounce here but i go for a willow to burn it which means it's gonna do very little damage and in the turns in between while it's in the air i decide to go for dragon dances to get to plus six however on the sixth dragon dance i get hit by a crit bounce which leaves me at 18 hp that's pretty scary but the next turn we can just baton pass our boosts over to what the heck and what the heck is probably exactly what b said when she got destroyed by this thing i mean what's drake assault even supposed to be whatever it is it's pretty disturbing at the least but once we beat b we leveled up during the fight with dino which means it evolves into azulus which doesn't evolve until 64 and is pretty much unusable so okay now let's talk about raihon in the previous fight we totally humiliated him but this time it kind of went the other way i'm gonna be honest we'll get to that though first i go for a dragon dance as torkoal goes for yawn which isn't gonna be a problem the next turn i go for a dragon dance once again we then get hit by a lava plume which doesn't get the burn but we fall asleep from yawn and heal it off with a chest oh berry i go for yet another dragon dance to boost my stats a bit more as torkoal goes for a lava plume which does burn me this time however it's really not the end of the world since i can just pass my boosts over to kingdra which was the plan all along on the switch i do get hit by a lava plume and it would be disastrous if we got burned but it doesn't happen and the next turn i can hit it with a liquidation which doesn't do too much because it's in the sun i do however get blasted by a solar beam which honestly is preferable to a yawn but the next turn the sun fades and we can take it out with a liquidation this means that raihan's next pokemon is a turdinator but since we have plus three attack we can just take it out with a stab breaking swipe this means rihanna sends in his own fly gun and much like turtinator it just goes down to one hit for goodra however we're gonna do something different because it likes to set up the weather so i can set up my own focus energy to get 100 crit chance and the rain boosted liquidation the following turn we can take it out with a single breaking swipe which means we're in a really good spot for the incoming duraladon or at least well that's what i thought see we're gonna hit a crit rain boosted stab liquidation onto this thing it is resisted albeit and it just barely leaves it alive in the red and we get absolutely destroyed by the incoming dynamex move oh come on man you know that's my favorite pokemon the disrespect you can't just do my boy like that well it gets worse mr specter because i hit it with an earthquake while it heals but then it goes for another depletion and out speeds my mistake was not calcing the speed or if i could take a crit from this thing wait a minute you didn't play around the crit using flygon now that is disrespectful yeah you're right dr flygon i'm really sorry what about your favorite pokemon how come it gets to be spared well you see my favorite pokemon didn't really qualify to be a dragon type and that game freak is truly disrespectful anyway drake's old came in and finished the job versus rion but we did lose two of our best members and with the elite four out of the way you know what time it is we gotta deal with chairman rose and his evil plan to destroy the world with his dynamaxx pokemon but i'm not exactly sure how far that plan's getting as long as we have komodo i set up a dragon dance as he sets up a swords dance of his own i then decide to take out the escavalier with a fire punch just to make sure it can't hurt us with that boost i then go for another dragon dance against ferrothorn which goes for gyro ball that does about 40 to us since this is our second and last bite i decide to risk it to get the biscuit and i go for another dragon dance as it sets up a curse and pretty much throws the game at this point after that since i'm a plus 3 and i out speed everything on rose's team it's bye bye bad guy well the fact that we have rose out of the way doesn't mean that we're done with everything before the champion and we do have to face a tournament's eternitis which accidentally takes out ooh i kind of forgot to teach toraldon protect maybe i should have named it oof anyway i guess that means we're going into the final fight with five pokemon but we can at least evolve the ones we have so i start off by evolving yikes into dragapolt and then finally at level 64 meh evolves into hydrigon and this is it the final fight versus champion leon the fight that decides if i can become the dragon champion of galler leon starts out with his agent slash and i start with wow he goes for a king shield the way he usually does against physical attackers and i set up my stealth rocks for charizard down the line then i decide to swap out into a vest wth as he switches his stance and actually goes for a flash cannon which does minimal damage we kind of then do this annoying back and forth where leon goes for king shield and i try to go for earthquake and the only time i can is when he's in shield stance which only does half damage he then goes ahead and hits me with a shadow ball and uses king shield the next turn so i can take him out with a final earthquake now that aegis slashes down we've got the same amount of pokemon left and he sends in his haxorus and i go for dragon claw if he goes for the dragon dance but he just takes me out with an outrage this of course means i get a free switch in into dragapolt and i can take this hacksterous out with a double yikes this actually puts us in the lead pokemon wise but next up leon sends in his own dragopold and i decide to go for a dragon dance because i know i can live a non-crit shadow ball very fortunately he doesn't get that crit and because of our dragon dance it only takes one yikes to take out its dragapolt coming up is leon's seismitoad and i've got just the thing for this guy so i baton pass out into huh on the switch i have to eat a stab earthquake but since we resist it with grass it's not really a big deal and the following turn we can outspeed and go for a plus one grab apple next up is leon's second to last pokemon cinderace and not wanting to switch anything into this acrobatics i decide to let flapple go but i prepared for this moment i put a choice scarf on meh which means i can take out this cinderace with a single surf is this gonna be it am i gonna become the champion of the gala region charizard takes the stealth rock damage and then after leon giganta maxes it i just have to hope and pray that my surf is going to be able to do the job we only have to take out half the health of a gigantomax charizard and we can't uh oh that means max airstream is incoming and even though it didn't take us out it gives charizard a speed boost which means that after this full restore not only is charizard gonna be able to survive the surf very well it's also just gonna be able to take us out with a max rockfall this is bad because at plus one charizard outspeeds the rest of our team and i send in dragopol because i thought this thing had one turn of dynamax left but of course it used the full restore and because of max airstream of course it outspeeds us and destroys dragopold which means we only have one pokemon left now if i would have been smarter about this i would have had a focus sash on komodo so this is it this is unfortunately where we just lose the run excuse me what yeah so charizard missed its 95 accurate air slash and we just win with a rock slide and that is probably the single craziest way i've ever ended a nuzlocke it's also how i beat a pokemon sword hardcore nuzlocke using only dragon types and i'm gonna be honest i thought i was gonna completely stomp the end game of this game because dragon tapes are so powerful in the end but it actually ended up being pretty clutch so let me know what you guys thought in the comments down below and leave a like if you enjoyed the video and listen brilliant diamond and shining pearl are right around the corner and you're not going to want to miss those videos so if you're not subscribed what are you doing also i'd like to say a big thanks to flygon hg and sylph spectre who made a bit of a cameo in this video if you're not subscribed to their channels i'm not really sure what you're doing at all go right away their links are in the description while you're down there you're also going to be able to find the link to my twitch channel where i'm currently doing a shiny only run with keegan j so go follow me over on twitch.tv forward slash antler boy live and with all that said guys until we see each other next time have a good one
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 1,574,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CiI7oByU6Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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