Pokémon Platinum Hardcore Nuzlocke - Normal Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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pokemon platinum is a game with a pretty awesome selection of normal types perhaps one of the most neglected types by players so today i aim to find out if i can beat a pokemon platinum hardcore nuzlocke using only normal types and the rules i'll be using for this challenge are first off the standard nuzlocke rules where fainted pokemon must be permanently boxed only your first encounter in any given area can be caught and all pokemon must be given nicknames next up we've got the hardcore additions where battle mode must be played on set and no items can be used in battle except for held items and you can't over level the next gym leader's highest level pokemon and the following are the pokemon i have access to there are a few more in the game like eevee but it's not notable since it evolves into non-normal types additionally snorlax is so rare in the game that we might as well consider it unavailable anyway i start off my journey the way i always do by naming myself axel and it's time to pick our first pokemon now obviously none of our choices are normal types but picking tertwig our rival gets chimchar which turns into a fighting type so at least he's got the upper hand and after just a few tackles we finish the only trainer battle we're gonna have to fight without a normal type nice and before dawn even gives us our first pokeballs professor rowan interrupts us and gives us tm 27 for return which is going to be very useful later on and it's at this point we can catch our very first encounter everyone's favorite pokemon bdoof now i was contemplating what naming convention i was going to use this time and i decided to just go with the most common names in the united states over the past hundred years so say hello to james who has a quiet nature which means he's got plus special attack and minus speed it also has the simple ability which is really awesome since it doubles any stat alterations to b doof next up we find our next encounter a starly on route 202. i capture her and name her mary and she turns out to also have a quiet nature which is about the worst nature you can have on starly next we get to the big city where we find this weird guy from the international police who calls himself looker like what kind of person calls themselves a looker seems kind of vain to me i then go visit this house so i can pick up the quickclaw which is a pretty awesome early game item and upon leaving jubalife city we run into barry who wants to have a pokemon battle and this is where i introduced the strategy that beethoven is going to be using as long as he's on the team see anytime we use defense curl instead of just getting one stage of defense we actually get plus two however while we were setting up starly just kept using growl so we're not doing that much damage and as soon as starly starts attacking it gets a crit pretty much right away which bypasses all our boosts and even though we still have enough health to take down starly as barry sends out chimchar it doesn't look good for beethoven and so i decided to switch out into starley and go for a couple wing attacks and luckily for me fortune swings over to my side on my second wing attack and i get a crit and take him out later when we get to orber gate this hiker gives us the hm for rock smash which we can actually teach to beethoven i then go find roark in the mines and ironically he shows me exactly what i'm gonna be doing to his pokemon very soon and while grinding to the level cap outside of warburg city starly actually evolves at level 14 and we not only get star ravia but the intimidate ability to boot and that's gonna be very good to have this early game it's then time for us to take on our first gym challenge and battle roark and since star rabia is a flying type she's not really gonna be doing that much this battle and we're gonna have to leave it up to james and my strategy is very simple geodude can't touch me that much as long as i set up enough defense girls to get to plus six i then start spamming rock smashes and eventually the geodude goes down james levels up to 15 which is fine since you only have to start the battle at the level cap and rourke's next pokemon is onyx which i'm a bit afraid of since it has screech and i really don't want to have my defense lowered against cranidos however luckily it never goes for it and i take it down in two rock smashes and then cranny dose comes in and just goes down to a few rollouts and since james leveled up to 15 during the battle it means it's going to evolve into b-barrel afterwards which is a pretty awesome upgrade for the team it's then time for one of the most infamous run killers in pokemon platinum and time to face off against mars she starts out the battle by sending in zubat and i go for james of course who sets up a defense girl as she hits me with toxic which i heal off with a pecha berry i then decide to go for roll out since it gets powered up by defense curl and super effective but luckily i hit the second one and knock it out in one hit but as soon as per ugly comes in unfortunately it breaks my rollout streak by using fake out however since we're sitting at plus two defense i decided to just go for another one and after a couple of hits we take out for ugly and that is one of the scarier battles behind us and i gotta say i'm not looking forward to saturn and so after saving the valley windworks we get access to a few honey trees so i decided to slather them with honey and go out into the real world and spend six hours doing something else and after going to the gym and hanging with some friends i decided to come back and see how my trees were doing and i actually ran into apon my first encounter which is one we need and so i capture and name her jennifer jen's got a hearty nature which is neutral and the pickup ability which means we're going to get a bunch of sweet items before going to bed though i checked the other two trees and the next one happens to be a cherubi i also checked the one in the meadows and it's a kombi and not only that it's a male combi since i couldn't play until the next evening anyway i check again and another male combi what about the tree over at the oh another male comey nice now at this point i only had one more tree to check and i was just gonna keep playing anyway and as i approached the tree the near impossible happened and i actually ran into munchlax now there is one issue with this and that's that this is actually the same tree where i got apom so technically i shouldn't be able to get this encounter however since it's so rare to get munchlax and i actually managed to run into it i figured for you guys i was gonna catch this one and use it since we have very limited encounters anyway and not only do we get john the munchlex it actually holds the leftovers which is such an awesome item to have at this point in the game and it's got a docile nature so neutral just like apom and pickup just like apom as well and as we approach the end of eternal forest cheryl gives us the sooth bell which is going to be awesome since munchlax is a friendship-based evolution and as soon as cheryl leaves we actually run into our next encounter boniri which is also a friendship evolution i catch him and name him thomas tommy ends up having a quirky nature which is neutral as well and after we leave eterna forest we can actually get our next encounter right away and catch a hoot hoot i capture him and name him michael and put him in the box for now we can then go to mount coronet and get yet another friendship evolution in klapha i catch her and name her elizabeth it's then time to face gardenia but since we've got mary this really isn't going to be difficult at all it goes pretty much exactly the way you think it would and i just spam wing attack first up turtwig gets two shot then sharon comes in and it too gets two shot by wing attack her final pokemon's then roserade and as you would expect it gets two shot by wing attack two badges down six to go it's then pretty much time to take on jupiter but first i go and find the tm for thief and before taking her on i go and grab the upgrade right next to her now the battle with jupiter is just as much an infamous run killer as the one with mars but luckily we've got apom apom has tickle which lowers both the opponent's attack and defense this means i can make sure that zubat really doesn't do that much damage to me and i ensure that i can get a two-hit ko with thief but zubat really isn't what anyone's afraid of in this battle next she sends in her infamous skin tank the first turn she goes for smoke screen which really doesn't matter since i can't miss tickle anyway but the thing i'm afraid of is if night slash gets a crit luckily your first couple night slashes don't get any crits and so i decide to switch out into mary who gets off an intimidate to lower its attack further fortunately she doesn't go for another night slash so i don't risk to get crit but i do get poisoned from poison gas i then get hit by a night slash that doesn't crit and my wing attack doesn't quite take it out but luckily i can just hit it with a priority quick attack and win the battle i'm glad that one's over then as i go to collect my bike i get interrupted by cynthia who gives me an egg which is actually our next encounter after that i can finally go grab my bicycle and after riding it for a ton of time my egg finally hatches into a togepi this means that i'm currently sitting on four happiness-based evolutions on my team listen i know freddie mercury wants to ride his bike that much but i seriously don't anyway i named togepi william and it ends up having serene grace which is awesome and that's when i decided i was going to evolve all my friendship evolutions right now which unfortunately involved me riding over 50 000 steps on my bike but all that exercise certainly wasn't in vain since all i have to do is level up one level and togepi evolves into a toga tick the next fight i get john up to level 17 which means he evolves into snorlax which is such an upgrade to the team and not only that he learns belly drum at level 17. this is certainly going to enable some pretty fun and risky strats later on in the run next up it's tommy's turn to level up and evolve into low punny which is kind of unfortunate that i evolved at level 14 since it would have learned return one level earlier however as you might remember professor rowan actually gave us the tm for return so i teach it to low punny so it actually has a move that's good and while i was at it i figured i might as well evolve klepha into clefairy and with that we've evolved all our friendship evolutions that we currently have moving on we find the tm for earthquake on our way to heart home city and while taking lizzy for a walk we also find secret power so that's two moves that we can teach to snorlax i then go visit the contest hall where my mom tries to teach me everything about contests like mom i already know everything i miss universe oh we must have a pokemon battle to decide fabulous so i decided to take on fantina to see if i can gain the title of miss cino as well and to win this battle i was ready to use a pretty risky strategy involving belly drum right off the bat as i was expecting a willow wisp however duskel actually throws and goes for future sight so i can just take it out with a lick the next turn i'm now in a pretty good position to take on the rest of her team at plus six but she sends in haunter which has confused ray which really isn't good since we're at plus six luckily i managed to get off in amnesia though so future sight doesn't do anything at all however the next turn i hit myself really hard in confusion and after lefty's damage i think i can take another one so i go for lick as i get put to sleep this is actually pretty ideal since i'm confused now and i want to heal up a bit using leftovers so that i can take another hit from myself and after sitting through a few more turns of sleep i get put to sleep once again and after finally waking up haunter misses an hypnosis and i can take it out with a lick this actually puts me in a really good position to face off against mismatches since all those sleep turns let me heal up a lot with leftovers however unfortunately miss majes has confused ray as well and i get confused and hurt myself the first thing i do i decided to go for lick again and after eating a psy beam with my epic special defense i hit a lick and take it down into the yellow the next turn i risk another confused ray but she throws by going for psi beam and i get my third gym badge lickety-split and after miss maggie's goes down michael actually gets to level 20 which means it evolves into noctal after the gym fight this is pretty awesome timing since we've got a fighting gym coming up against our normal types but before we can move on we actually have to face barry which is a bit scary since he has monferno now and pretty much the only strategy i can use is to switch in william and go for charm a couple times to lower its attack enough to where i can take a flame wheel or mock punch i'm then pretty much free to go into jon who should be able to take a hit and then retaliate with an earthquake outside of that berry's team was pretty much a breeze and we can move on to route 209 where we find our next encounter a chancey i capture a name barbara but she's not the only encounter we can get in fact in veilstone city this guy gives us a porygon i obviously name it paul since the name porygon comes from the word polygon paul's got a lonely nature and the awesome ability download i then go ahead and go shopping for some of the strongest elemental moves in the game and while grinding i let paul hold the upgrade so that he evolves into porygon 2 which is only possible because the universal pokemon randomizer allowing for impossible evolutions in single player it's then time to face the fighting type gym leader meline who could give us some trouble but luckily we've got michael who can take out both metatype and machoke with one single air slash then she sends in a real threat lucario which paralyzes me with a force palm but i put it to sleep with hypnosis i can then freely switch into william who can go for three charms in a row so that lucario's minus six attack and so at this point i'm pretty much entirely safe as long as meline doesn't get a crit i can switch into jon who can eat a couple dream punches and after going for earthquake a couple of times that's the fourth badge in the bag i honestly thought this was going to give us a lot more trouble than it did then on my way down to pistoria city i run into a giraffe rig which i catch him named sarah i also absolutely destroy some fisherman's careers by having thunder on porygon 2. i also realize i have access to likkatang on route 215 so i go back catch one and name him charles and before we can go challenge the pistoria gym we have to have another battle with barry and even though he starts out with star avian goes for double team right away i managed to hit a thunder and get rid of it in one hit i then go ahead and switch into william as he goes into monferno and i miss the fact that he goes for a leer on the switch and the next turn he gets a crit flame wheel which i live on 2 hp and fire off a charm i then obviously have to switch so i go into michael who can tank a few hits and take him out with a couple of air slashes you know this time barry was kinda scary after the fight i decided to do some grinding outside pastoria and i ran into my next encounter chat i didn't actually know you could get this thing before you had rock climb but i catch it and name it joe while grinding mary gets up to level 34 which means she evolves into star raptor and gets close combat which is awesome it's then time to take on the heavyweight champion wake and i have a foolproof strategy for his gyarados and i'm gonna go for thunder um did i say foolproof cause i miss both of my thunders and i actually have to switch out under william i go for a charm but i get taken down to a bit too low health so i switch out into michael now fortunately michael has what it takes with hypnosis and air slash to take out the gyarados without too much trouble but sometimes in nuzlockes your plans just don't work out since you miss or get crit or something and this time i'm glad it just worked out however floatzel hits me down to four hp with an aquajet as soon as it comes out and i miss a hypnosis that's a lot of close calls in one battle luckily though he can't really do anything to jon so i switch him in and after using body slam a few turns and wake healing up to full using hyper potions i finally take him down wake's last pokemon is quagsire which is really more annoying than anything else we trade status for a while but in the end he gets me down to so low hp that i have to switch into low punny and finish it off with a quick attack way more annoying battle than it should have been after the fight i talked to wake and barry who seem to think there's something sus going on in the safari zone oh my arceus i just took a great dump in the great marsh talk about setting off a galactic bomb am i right oh the indecency as a gym leader i demand this man be arrested at once uh sir you've been sentenced to community service for public indecency only if you catch me and i did catch him even though he said quote i could run all day i feel like i lost half my weight i then go back to route 214 and tell the psyducks about my bad poop jokes and not surprisingly they run away then as i reach cynthia's grandma in celestic town i run into cyrus and we have a battle which ends up being pretty easy but i fear what's to come but now that i finally have access to surf i can go grab the tm for thunderbolt no more missing thunders in my house then close by i can go to the fuego ironworks and grab the tm for flamethrower then in cantalave city we have to fight barry once again and even though we have star raptor it's a really close call where we live on red hp and can take down infernape with a fly i'm glad there's only one more of these fights in the game finally i can experience my love for boats and sinnoh as well and go to iron islands here i find the shiny stone and at this point william is going to get super powered and turn into a toga kiss and since we've got serene grace this thing is an absolute monster with air slash but not only that we can teach you the flamethrower tm and or sphere from the mover learner so we've got a very diverse and good moveset and before taking on byron i decided to get together the fist plate and i don't even know what to call this battle a bloodbath a massacre who knows togekits just takes out all of byron's pokemon in one hit with fist plate boosted aura spheres easy clap boys it's then time for us to advance in the team galactic plot and well saturn gets absolutely destroyed by willy johnny takes care of mars and then it's time to make her way through the snow to snowpoint city it's then time for us to take on the gym leader candace and her ice types and this was a huge problem for me in the ground type run but this time we've come prepared sneezil hits us with a very weak ice shard and we retaliate with a four times effective orosphere to take it out her next pokemon is obama snow which gets the same four times effective treatment this time with flamethrower i don't have anything four times effective against piloswine but since it has bad special defense orosphere does the trick anyway this is when she sends in her ace pokemon frostlast and i decide to go into jon with his massive special defense but she gets a crit with blizzard right off the bat at this point i know i can't live another critical hit but i can't exactly switch anybody into a blizzard either and she starts using double team and you guys know how much i hate evasion strats with a burning passion i continue to miss crunches and finally she hits me the blizzard that takes me down to about a quarter health and i actually hit with a crunch but at this point i know i can't live another blizzard which is a hundred percent accurate in hail so i send in porygon 2 thinking i can take a few hits however i ironically end up missing thunderbolt and go down to red hp after hail so at this point i definitely have to switch out again and i knew in my heart that i had to bring someone back for this battle just to be able to win and even though jimmy takes a ton of damage from both blizzard and psychic i managed to set up plus 4 special defense with amnesia which means that i can go for yawn the next turn but even james gets down to really low hp and i have to switch out again on the turn that frost last is gonna go to sleep but since it's using psychic i know it doesn't have any blizzards left so i switch into william and i'm just gonna have to hope and pray that flamethrower hits its target luckily for me though willy hits the second one and we get the 7th gym badge and now they have access to rock climb we can finally go and get ice beam for paul and speaking of upgrades for paul we can also find the dubious disc while we're going through the galactic headquarters this means that after the next battle paul ends up evolving into porygon z and an awesome additional powerhouse for the team and while going through team galactic's headquarters i meet up with looker for a big rally one of you here today has tried to ruin the reputation of my great organization by dropping a fat one so i've decided i'm going to destroy the whole universe thank you um cyrus please do you have to do this meet me at spear pillar and we'll talk and so after defeating saturn and freeing the red chain that's exactly what i do i will not stand to be disrespected in such a way tell me diagon pogia what should i do i've lost every sense of my dignity yeah bro you just gotta go with the flow man time heals all wounds yeah you know how it is dog you just gotta give yourself some space unfortunately for cyrus though his plan to destroy the universe gets cut short by giratina pulling him to the distortion world and honestly i don't think anybody likes going through the distortion world in this game it's just so tedious but at least it's got this cool waterfall part but it's finally time for us to take on one of the most difficult fights in this game and since he leads off with hound doom i decide to lead with mary who has close combat however he burns me with willowis so i don't take him out and the next turn he goes for a dark pulse which i didn't think would do that much damage and so after taking him out with close combat unfortunately the burn means that mary goes down and we get our first death you served us well soldier next up is weavile and i figure since toga kiss is really tanky we can take it out but we actually barely live an ice punch and retaliate with an aurasphere his next pokemon is gyarados and luckily we have a really good answer for this in porygon z now unfortunately we don't get the special attack boost from download since gyarados has pretty good special defense but at least we can one shot it with a thunderbolt cyrus's next pokemon is haunchcrow and i was unsure if i was going to be able to take this thing out so i made sure to give paul the never melt ice before the battle so i can one shot with icebeam but we're not quite out of the woods yet because cyrus has crowbat and it goes for a cross poison which luckily doesn't crit although he gets the poison and i can take him out with the boosted ice beam honestly that battle always scares me a lot and we're fortunate to have walked out with only one death our next obstacle however is going to be giratina but once again we can just send in paul who's unaffected by shadow force and go for a couple of ice beams funny enough giratina actually gets the omni boost from ancient power but it's not enough to stop paul oh yeah and i've actually never noticed the symbolism between mesprit yuxi and azelf and the three characters you see on screen cyrus is blue just like azelf the willpower pokemon which matches up well with his insane determination cynthia's yellow just like yuxi which is the knowledge pokemon and being the champion and all i think that's pretty fitting and then there's mesprit which is the only pokemon to actually make a connection with the player during the story so it makes sense that we share its pinkish color and that it's the emotion pokemon onwards towards sunnysource city and i run into this guy who has six pikachus he wants to take on the league with like does he not know that cynthia has a guar chomp and then start fighting the gym trainers and at level 32 jennifer ends up learning double hit this means that she evolves after the battle into ambipom which i decide to grind up a little bit before the gym battle it's then finally time to take on the 8th jim and volkner with his electric types and i devised what i think is a pretty good strategy and my strategy involves sending out ambipom first and going for a couple of agilities jolteon just wastes time going for charge beams and paralyzing me with thunder wave after i have plus 4 speed jolteon hits me with a pretty powerful charge beam but i can safely baton pass into snorlax now snorlax is pretty much completely safe against jolteon so i set up a belly drum as he paralyzes me which i heal off with my cherry berry from this point on i out speed every single one of voltner's pokemon and take them out with plus six earthquakes feels good man so that's all the badges down and we can finally move on towards victory road and head to the pokemon league for our final challenge and as soon as we get to the pokemon league we have another run-in with barry but since he's so much lower than the level cap at this point we beat him easily it's now finally time i decide the sixth pokemon i'm going to bring into the pokemon league and our first challenger is aaron and his bug type pokemon he starts out by sending in neon mega but since the level cap is 10 levels higher we can just one shot with an air slash from william next up is drapeon and since it's a little bit scary with its ice fang i decided to go for a charm just to lower its attack by a little bit this way i don't take that much damage and the combination of aurasphere and air slash ends up taking out drapeon next up is vespa quinn which is pretty bulky so it actually ends up living and retaliates with a power gem that gets me down pretty low but after aaron heals up i can just take it down with another couple air slashes now aaron has two more pokemon on his team and one of them is heracross which is four times weak to air slash and the other one happens to be scizor and as you know scizor is four times weak to flamethrower so we pretty much clean up easy at this point so that's the first elite four member down and we move on to bertha and her ground types now look i know the first pokemon we ever cut was james and the people sleep on b barrel but it's actually a really good pokemon and i'm gonna show you why i decided to spend the first turn setting up amnesia's and curses to raise my special defense defense and attack which i get double boost from because of simple it's then time for me to unleash james full power and i hit the whisk cast with a waterfall and it goes down in one hit and after eating an earthquake at plus 6 defense glycor suffers the same fate next is golem which is 4 times weak to water so after setting up a sandstorm it too falls not even the combined power of ryperior and hepoudon can stand up to the strength of b-barrel and i hope i at least prove to you that b-barrel can do some work now that james got its time in the spotlight it's time to face the fiery trainer flint flint starts out with hound doom but this time we take it out in a single hit with aurosphere he then sends an infernape and we luckily live a critical hit flare blitz and take him out with a single air slash there's been a lot of close calls to the chimchar line this run and i'm glad it at least didn't claim any casualties flint's next pokemon is mag mortar so i decide to switch out of william who's really low and go into jon who can hit him with an earthquake after he charges up a solar beam i used the two rare candies i found during my journey on jon after entering the elite four to get him up to 61 so he had enough power to knock out flint's last three remaining pokemon and so that means that we've defeated three out of four elite four members and it's time to face lucian and his psychic types now lucian can honestly be a run killer in this game psychic types have always been a tricky type to deal with but luckily i had a really good strategy planned with jennifer after using agility to get to plus six speed i baton pass out into jon jon can tank anything that this mr mime can do so i can freely set up a belly drum to get to plus six attack and so at this point i'm a plus six speed and plus six attack snorlax and i take out mr mime in one hit next is glade who goes down to a single body slam and finally he has alakazam espeon and bronzong who all go down to a single crunch honestly i totally understand why they banned baton pass in the competitive scene back in the day it's just so good but since we beat the elite four it's time to face the final challenge the battle that decides the run bring it on cynthia [Music] cynthia always starts the battle with spirit tombs so i decide to send an ambipom first after seeing the damage on dark pulse i know i can live a non-crit so i decide to set up a nasty plot as well this means i can baton pass plus two speed and plus two special attack over to porygon z and as soon as it comes out i also get a special attack boost because of download now even though i'm at plus three special attack spear tomb actually lives on red hp and cynthia heals up to full after she's healed up i go for another ice beam and of course it lives so i take it out with a charge beam which means i get the plus 4 special attack and with plus 4 special attack and double my speed i'm pretty confident that i can take on the world our next pokemon is lucario and it goes down to a single thunderbolt our next pokemon is togekiss which also just goes down to a plus 4 thunderbolt then we've got the infamous guard chump will it defeat me this time not a chance we go for a never melt ice boosted plus 4 ice beam and cleanly knock out the guard chomp next is my lodic and of course it goes down to a thunderbolt and honestly this just shows how good a combination ice beam and thunderbolt are they just cover so much ground and after taking down roserade with ice beam we defeat cynthia and with that the pokemon platinum hardcore nuzlocke using only normal types now what did we learn this challenge well that baton pass is super overpowered but you know what we also learned that b-barrel can be a force to be reckoned with and that's i think the important lesson now if you enjoy pokemon challenge videos like this that's what i do on the channel so make sure you subscribe so you get notified every time a new one comes out and you know what if you enjoyed this video feel free to leave me a like down below and if you want to see these runs live go ahead and follow me at antler boy live over on twitch and if you'd like you can check out my friend dystrophy's very first hardcore nuzlocke he ever tried in the description down below but guys that's gonna do it for this one thanks for watching and until we see each other next time have a good one
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 813,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v0mwXBlLe_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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