Pokemon Shield but I can Only use SHINY Pokemon and the Rules are HARDCORE

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this might be a hot take but pokemon sword and shield are some of the best pokemon games of all time there are a lot of things i like about these games but mainly i love the way that the pokemon look out in the world with their 3d models and i especially love the way that the shinies look in this game that combined with such a huge selection of pokemon that are readily available through the wild area makes it so you can build some of the most incredible shiny teams in these games so that's why i decided to try to beat pokemon shield with hardcore nuzlocke rules using only shiny pokemon i know you came for the shinies so i'm not gonna waste too much of your time here but if you've never heard of a hardcore nuzlocke basically it's a self-imposed rule set for playing a pokemon game that makes beating the game extremely difficult the specific rules are on the screen now as well as down in the description if you want to dive into that but without further ado let's get into the game and start finding some shiny pokemon we kick off our run and make our way through the long slog of unskippable cutscenes and dialogue that is the beginning of this game and unfortunately for you but fortunately for me the starters are shiny locked in this game so we can skip the whole soft reset process that these runs usually start with thank goodness after selecting the best starter grookie then defeating hop and as menacing wulu we say goodbye to our friendly neighborhood buddhus and set off on our adventure there are two early game pokemon that i really want on my team so we'll have to come back but we start off by hunting for our shiny rickety on route 2 as our real starter with some extreme patience and lots of youtube videos on the second screen we finally managed to find our shiny rookie which we catch a nickname carver and i gotta say shiny rickety with its yellow back is pretty cool but the main reason that i caught this was for the shiny of its final evolution corvinite which we might get to show off later if it makes it that far with our first shiny snagged we decided to progress through the game a little bit before getting back to grinding so we head to the professor's house or something and beat hop again i'm gonna be the greatest trainer ever well you're already owen two to me buddy so you're not off to too hot of a start anyway from here we really start our adventure and set off to the wild area in modesto city we take care of the ever important opening ceremonies and select our trainer number i felt like 69 or 420 might be played out at this point so i decided to go for something twice as nice nice from here we head back to do a quick pass through the wild area to see if anything really tempted me into a shiny hunt but ultimately we know what we need to do so we double back and start hunting for the best boy i really don't think any shiny run of this game is complete without finding a shiny wulu so we do the darn thing and after a longer time than you've probably spent frolicking among the fields of postwick we finally come across this true outcast while he may not fit in at school he fits right into our team and we nickname him lewis with our first two pokemon secured we decided to start making some headway in the game so we make our way to turfield town but just as we're headed out of modesto we're rudely blocked by hop who demands a battle which you would think he would have learned his lesson at this point but you know who am i to judge anyway a few home claws with rookie followed by the busted move power trip is more than enough to sweep his team and that's owen three big fella the last thing we have to take care of before heading into turfield town is a quick battle with bead and that gives our rookie enough experience to evolve into a corvus squire whose darker color palette fits very nicely with the theme that we have going on so far then we head into the stadium to start the gym challenge but just before we get started we get a friend ball from ball guy which is truly the most meaningful present that anyone has ever given me if you're looking for a friend ball guy you found one anyway this challenge has us hurting these disgusting pleb wulu's and i get so sick of the sight of them i can barely finish it but we managed to push through then head into the battle against milo and his grass types if you couldn't tell so far we aren't taking any chances in this run so we set up a couple of home claws then one shot as glossa floor with pluck from here he sends in his ace elder goss so we dynomax our corva squire then managed to outspeed it and take it out with the max airstream with milo defeated we feel up to another shiny hunt and i felt like my team needed something with more coverage especially with the water gym leader nessa coming up which we don't really match up with particularly well at this point but of course we also want something with a super cool shiny model so the pool is relatively limited finally after searching and searching we found a shiny that caught my eye so we head to the iron island deal with all the intro stuff with this kind uh gentle woman then make our way to the training lowlands in this one specific beach where we find dozens and dozens of star use as far as the eye could see with the spawn so readily available this was our quickest hunt yet and we managed to nab a shiny staryu which we'd nicknamed starla from here we head back to the wild area outside of modesto and grab the waterstone which we use to evolve staryu into a starmie while i will miss the elegant white sand tones of shiny staryu the dark more sultry palette of starmie that's the name starla much better also starmie can learn insane coverage moves so we teach it a couple super strong trs like thunderbolt surf ice beam and psychic that we bought in the wild area with starla fully juiced up we make our way to hullbury city the location of the next gym challenge oh there goes chairman rose in his underwear again that guy really thinks he can get away with anything huh but that is definitely not our problem so we head in to challenge the gym leader nessa and her water types as we're making our way through the gym challenge wulu levels up enough to evolve into a dub wolf and as much as i was considering canceling this evolution and keeping it as a wulu forever you know i just couldn't bring myself to because we really don't want to take any risks in this run while he may not be the best boy anymore the double shiny is also quite good so there's some consolation here from here we finally arrive at the gym challenge against nessa this is starla's time to shine it outspeeds both nessa's gold dean and her arakuda and takes them out in one hit with a thunderbolt then she sends in her ace dreadnought so we dynomax starla and hit it with a max lightning unfortunately it isn't quite enough to take it out so we end up having to tank a max darkness which we thankfully live then clean it up on the next turn with another max lightning and with nessa defeated we finally feel ready to start hunting for the next member of our team so we double back to the galler mine to look for a pokemon that has hands down my favorite shiny model when fully evolved and that pokemon is rock and rolla we spend an unreasonable amount of time in gal our mind and eventually find this shiny stoney boy which we catch and nickname gigachad from here we train him up and evolve him into a ball door whose shiny model is also insane in its own right then we make a quick trade to evolve this thing into the beautiful monster that is shiny gigalith i mean just look at this thing the colors and the contrast between them are amazing it's like a wild berry pop-tart hey where are my 90s kids at am i right i'm so alone uh moving on we wrap back around to monestoke city to challenge the next gym leader kabu kabu specializes in fire types and so we leave with gigoloth against his nine tails on the first turn we instantly dynomax and take a willow wisp but we had planned for this and given giggleth a rosberry beforehand which cures the burn and we take out the ninetails with a max rockfall from here he brings in his arcanine who hits us with a bite but also goes down to a max rock ball finally he brings in his ace center scorch who hits us with a max flutterby that we tank and it ultimately goes down to a four times effective you guessed it max rockfall with kabu fully retired we set out through the wild area to hammerlock city here we're finally able to upgrade our drip and we get to meet this foxy lady opal boy i do love to watch you walk away opal after battling our way through the next route we arrive at stow-on-side where we have a quick battle with hop putting him at a comfortable 0-4 then we head into the spookiest gym challenge of them all oh i'm gonna be sick after a quick trip to the bathroom stall we're finally ready to challenge alistar who specializes in ghost types and looks like the personification of how boomers view gen z for this fight we lead with corvus squire against his lead yamask on the first term we go for a home clause which promptly gets disabled then on the next turn we hit it with a super effective power trip which doesn't quite take it out but not too big of an issue we finish it up with another power trip on the following turn next up is his cursola who goes down to a couple power trips and his second and last pokemon is mimikyu we break its disguise on the first turn with power trip and it sets up a home clause we're a little worried about tanking a hit with corva squire so we swap to lewis who is able to take it out with a couple paybacks over the next few turns finally he brings in his ace gengar and since lewis is a little low we make a swap to giga chad we're able to easily tank a max darkness on the turn we swap in and then we follow up by tanking a g-max terror then we take it out with a super effective max quake with alistar defeated we head outside to try to stop eid from destroying a historical site which he's doing for some reason did you stand in the way of a pokemon simple beam my god i hope she's holding a raspberry because that is a certified pokey burn from here we head into the glimmer wood tangle where our next catch awaits there are no overworld pokemon in the tangle but luckily if you interact with the mushrooms on the side you can get a static encounter after some time spent searching we finally find our shiny empedemp which we catch and nickname mo then we train this blue devil up enough to where he evolves into his older angstier form morgrum now we head into my favorite town in all of pokemon ballen leah and i really wish that there was more to do here because i love spending time in this town but alas there isn't much so we head in to challenge the gym leader opal just before we head into the fight we chain up corvus squire to level 38 where it evolves into a corvin knight whose shiny model i think is insanely cool and really drives home its steel typing more than its normal form with corvonite evolved we head into the fight where we lead with starla against her wheezing this one is pretty straightforward because opal does periodically ask you questions and if you answer them correctly you get huge stat boosts so we take out the wheezing with a super effective psychic on the first turn then we get a free stat boost from the first question and she sends in her maw while it tanks a thunderbolt and hits us with a super effective crunch but we live and take it out with another thunderbolt on the next turn from here she sends in her togekiss and we stall with recover until we get a special defense boost from another question now we're easily able to take it out with a couple super effective thunderbolts and finally she sends in her ace alchemy she giganta maxes and wii dynamax and hit it with a super effective max steel spike which doesn't quite kill but we live a gmax finale on the next turn and clean it up and now after some more plot stuff and uniting two truly star-crossed lovers we set off for sirchester but on the way in normal hot fashion we are rudely interrupted and forced to battle this team is pretty strong at this point so this one is actually interesting we leave with corvinite against his trevenent which we take out on the first term with a drill pack from here he sends in his heat more who lives a drill peck and hits us with a super effective fire lash which doesn't do too much then we clean it up with another drill peck on the following turn next he sends in his bolton so we swap in gigolith who gets roared out and mo gets dragged in we live a spark and gets some good damage on it with a dark pulse then we clean it up with a sucker punch on the next turn next he sends in his snorlax so we swap to lewis we trade a few double kicks for some body slams and ultimately end up paralyzed and too low to stay in so we make a swap to gigolith who takes it out with an earthquake after tanki a body slam finally he's down to justice acentellion so we bring in starla who hits it with a few thunderbolts but ultimately gets its special attack dropped too much by intelion's tearful looks so we have to make a swap to korvanite who's able to finish it off with a drill peck and that's owen 5. now it's just a short trip to sirchester and after making our way through my least favorite gym of all time we take on the gym leader melanie and her ice types just before heading in mo does level up and adapts to the fridging conditions by putting on its white fur coat as he evolves into a grim snarl and his white hair slash coat situation not only looks fabulous but also gives us some much needed contrast in our team's colors anyway we head into challenge the gym later we leave with giggleth against melanie's frost moth even after getting her attack harshly dropped by a feather dance on the first turn a four times effective smackdown is more than enough to take it out in one shot next she brings in her darmanitan this thing is extremely dangerous but luckily it goes for a taunt on the first turn so we get some good chip in and then the next turn it misses an icicle crash so we take it out with a second smackdown and get out unscathed next up she sends in her ice cube and we're only able to break its ice face with a smackdown before getting frozen and having to swap out from here we bring in korvanite set up a couple home claws then break its ice face with a steel wing then we decided to dynomax and finish off the ice cube with a max airstream because we had our speed drops by icy wind too many times and we were hoping the speed boost from airstream would help us outspeed her ace finally she brings in her ace lapras who gmax is we stall for a turn with a max guard and then tank a gmax resonance which we barely live and fire back with a max airstream which does a disappointing amount of damage on the next turn from here we're way too low to stay in so we make a swap to starla who's able to tank a max geyser and finally this thing is out of gmax turns from here we trade icy winds for thunderbolts until we finally finish it off oh don't cry ball guy we'll be back soon i promise anyway before we can head out of town we have to give hop another smackdown 0-6 buddy you'll get one one day keeping a running total really makes me realize just how many times you have to battle hop in this freaking game moving on we head to spike mode where we sneak around the side to this very secret entrance that none of the people out front seem to notice for some reason here we take on team yell and ultimately the gym leader pierce who specializes in dark types and fun fact is the very first dark type gym leader in all of pokemon before this fight we managed to find the tr for body press in the wild area and we taught it to lewis body press is a fighting type move that has its damage based off of your defense stat instead of your attack stat so it's pretty insane on pokemon like dub wol that not only have high defense but also have great moves like cotton guard that can quickly raise its defense so we lead with double and set up two cotton guards which maxes out our defense and then we take out his lead scrafty with a super effective body press from here he sends in his ace obsigoon who obstructs us on the first turn but goes down to a four times effective body press on the next turn next up he sends in his malomar who tanks a body press but goes down without much trouble on the next turn finally he's down to just his last pokemon skunk tank who also goes down to two body presses after defeating pierce we take the opportunity to grab the choice specs that are tucked away back here and then we steal the show as we're headed out of town there's some trouble in hammerlock but for once someone other than us handles it so we're free to make our way to challenge the next gym leader ryhon and his dragon types this team is kind of random but anyway we head into the battle this one is in the doubles format so we lead with starla and lewis against his flygon and gigolith on the first turn starla tanks a super effective crunch from flygon then fires back with a four times effective icebeam which one shots the flygon and we set up a cotton guard with double from here rihan brings in his anaconda and we go for another cotton guard with double to finish maxing our defense then hit giggleth with a skald from starlot which fortunately burns it this burn makes it so his body press does basically nothing to starla and double tanks and earth power from this anaconda the next turn we hit the sandacondo with a body press which just barely doesn't take it out and we finish off the gigolith with another skull at this point sanaconda paralyzes starla with a glare so we swap it out and bring in corvinite and reihan brings in his aesthera ludon on the next turn we outspeed the dura loot on with lewis and take it out with a single body press even through g-max and from here it's as easy as cleaning up the sana condo with another body press on the following turn with all eight gems defeated we head off to the final tournament which is slated to take place in winden so hop and i board the train to wyndon which instead of taking us all the way there for some reason it drops us off in the frozen desolate wasteland outside of the city this whole thing seems like a huge design flaw especially considering that this is the biggest city in the region not sure who planned this one out but i hope they got fired after making our way into winden and grabbing some quick balls we double back to the lake of outrage to start hunting down our next catch there are two pokemon here that i would be okay with finding a shiny of but unfortunately they're both relatively rare so this one took a while the first option that we didn't end up catching is haxaris and the second option that we did end up finding is the spookiest dragon itself drachloke which evolves into the pseudolegendary of this generation dragopol amazingly we snagged this thing on the very first quick ball but less fortunately it's level 56 and given the level cap and the fact that it doesn't evolve until level 60 we can't quite use it yet however with the hunting done for now we head back to windham to take on the semifinals of the tournament the first battle is against marnie and her dark types we head into the battle and we lead with lewis against her lie part the first turn we set up a cotton guard and it sets up a nasty plot from here we get a little worried about the light part getting too strong so we go for a body press and luckily it just goes for another nasty plot so we're able to take it out without any issue next up she sends in scrafty who we out speed and take out with a body press and next she sends in toxic rope so we take that opportunity to set up another cotton guard it does poison us with a toxic but we do fire back with a max body press on the next turn which gets it low but doesn't quite take it out and then it confuses us with a swagger thankfully the next turn we hit with a body press through the confusion and finish it off our second and last mod is more pekko and we're worried about taking too much damage from toxic and confusion so we swapped a gigalith we get hit by a swagger but we take it out with a super effective earthquake through the confusion on the next turn finally she's down to jester ace grimsnarl so we dynomax and then proceed to trade max rockfalls for a max snooze and a max starfall and take it out from here we progress to the next round of the tournament where we have our final battle with hop and his upgraded team we lead with mo against his double and even though we get paralyzed by a body slam on the first turn we managed to land a superpower through the paralysis and take it out from here he sends in pin kirchen so we swapped a giga chad who gets poisoned by poison jab on the turn we swap but amazingly our big pile of rocks is able to out-speed this electric urchin and take it out with an earthquake next up is this snorlax who just goes down to a superpower next is his corva knight so we swapped a starla and dynamax early we hit it with a max lightning on the first turn which doesn't quite take it out but with the electric terrain setup we're able to finish it off on the next turn even with hop using a full restore now he's down to justice asian teleon who dynamaxes and hits us with a max darkness which we barely managed to live then fire back with a max lightning that doesn't quite kill at this point we're out of dynomax turns so we proceed to stall out the rest of its dynomax by swapping to carver then to double and finally we finish it off with a body slam after putting hop's career to rest at a comfortable 0-7 we head out of the stadium for the day ah does he always greet you like that from here some serious evil stuff goes down but thankfully with some skillful pokemon battling and the power of pierce's rock we're able to head into rose tower and try to put a stop to it at the very top of the tower we find ourselves going up against a very upset oleana so of course we have to take her on in a battle to the death nah i'm just kidding just pokemon she leads with frost last so we'd leave with corva knight the first turn it burns us with willow wisp but we cure ourselves with the rossberry that we had given corvinite before the battle and fire back with an iron head which takes it out in one shot next she sends in selazal so we make a swap to starla who tanks and incinerate and even a shock then takes it out with a super effective psychic next up is serena so we swap back to corvinite and take it out with a brave bird from here she sends in a melodic so we swap back to starla then this thing just proceeds to set up an aqua ring and a safeguard instead of attacking so we take it out with a couple thunderbolts now she's down to just her ace garbador she gmaxes and we dynomax we hit with a max lightning since we're locked into that move because of our choice specs then we take big damage from a max quake expecting another max quake we make a swap to corvinite who's immune but it goes for a max rockfall instead luckily corbinite is a beast so it lives at no problem even though it's below half health when it took the hit but now it's too low to risk taking another hit so we swapped a giga chat who tanks the rockfall and takes it out with an earthquake on the next turn with oleana defeated and an evil monologue overheard we can sleep easy tonight and rest up for the finals tomorrow the next day we head into the finals of the tournament and in the first round were supposed to face off against nessa but somehow bead managed to sneak his way past all the security and onto the field to challenge us luckily we were prepared so we lead with starmie against his mawhile the first turn we go for a flash cannon since starmie is holding the choice specs and we want to lock ourselves into that move for the rest of his team it barely doesn't kill so we have to tank a super effective crunch which we do and then we finish it off with a few more flash cannons as bead goes for a full restore on the next turn next up he sends in his rapidash who's just barely able to live a flash cannon and fires back with a takedown fortunately we're fine and the rapidash takes itself out with the recoil next up is his gardevoir and we're a little bit too low at this point so we make a swap decor of the night we tank a dazzling gleam then out speed it with an iron head and take it out finally he's down to just his ace hatterin which he brings in and instantly gigantomax's so we dynomax carver unfortunately our max steel spike just barely doesn't ko thankfully we're able to lift through the max flare from hatterin and finish it off with a max steel spike on the next turn with that interruption out of the way we head into the actual first round of the tournament against nessa she leads with galicipod and wheelie with giggleth the first turn it goes for a sword stance which allows us to land a super effective stone edge that takes it out in one shot from here she sends in her bare scooter so we swapped a starmie after tanking a super effective throat chop we take it out with a thunderbolt next up is seeking and we're a little worried about losing starmie if we aren't able to one-shot this fish so we swap to mo mo gets hit by a megahorn on the turn it swaps in and then a smart strike on the following turn but we're able to take it out with two false surrenders next up is repelliper and since mo is too low we make a swap to giga chad we dynomax on the next turn and plan on using max rockfall unfortunately we get hit by a water pulse which instantly confuses us and then we proceed to hit ourselves in confusion two times in a row which wastes most of our dynomax turns finally we do get through the confusion and take this thing out with a rockfall now she's down to her last pokemon dreadnought and we're at a dynamax we obviously can't stand with vega chad so we make a swap to lewis and start setting up cotton guards thankfully we make it through the dynomax turns without any crits and we finish her dreadnought off with a super effective boosted body press with nessa's boat thoroughly rocked there's no time to lose and we head into the next round against the angst king himself alistair weedly with grimsnarle since its dark type moves will hit his entire team super effectively on the first turn against his dust war we hit it with a false surrender but it's not quite enough to take it out so we end up having to take a rock tomb fortunately it doesn't do too much damage but it does lower our speed which could be annoying going forward from here alistar uses a full restore and we hit it with another false surrender and annoyingly on the next turn dustwear outspeeds us and disables our false surrender so we end up having to finish it off with a sucker punch instead next up is this chandelure we go for a sucker punch on the first turn which fails because it burns us with a willow wisp instead of attacking the next turn we hit with a sucker punch which doesn't even do half damage and we have to tank a mystical fire at this point grim snarl is pretty banged up so we swap to starla who tanks a mystical fire then outspeeds it with a skull on the next turn next up is poltergeist we don't want to linger in with starla too long against ghost types so we make a swap to double from here we hit it with a payback which lowers its defense and increases its speed and it goes for a nasty plot to boost its special attack and this setup could be pretty problematic for us luckily it can't hit us with any stab moves since double is immune to ghost but it does outspeed us and get pretty decent damage with the giga drain but we live and finish it off with the payback next up is his cursola who we take out with a few paybacks now he's down to justice ace gengar who giganta maxes and we dynomax lewis we go for a guard on the first turn to stall a little bit and then we fire off a max darkness on the next turn which doesn't do too much because our attack was lowered by cursula it hits us with a max ooze which fortunately we live then we stall out the final turn of dynamaxx with another max guard from here we swap to korvanite because it's immune to poison moves and on the next turn we tank a shadow ball and fire back with the brave bird that takes this thing out unfortunately piers lost on the other side of the bracket which i guess really embarrassed marnie even though she didn't even make it to this part of the tournament but with pierce out we find ourselves up against the social media master himself ryhon he leads with his tourcol and we leave with starla to bait a solar beam on the first turn we make an instant swap to gigalith to overwrite the sun from torquel's drought which locks it into charging a solar beam now we make a swaps of corvinite to tank the solar beam then instantly swap back to giga chad to tank a lava plume then we hit it with an earthquake which just barely doesn't take it out and allows us to get hit by a yawn fortunately the turtle goes down to the sandstorm chip at the end of the turn from here he sends in his flygon so we swapped a double who takes pretty big damage from its earthquake and it does a little bit more damage than we were expecting so we swapped a carver as it sets up a sandstorm now we proceed to trade iron heads for crunches burning raihan's full restore in the process and eventually taking out his fly gun next up is his ternator so we make the swap to starla and hit it with an ice beam which immediately freezes it and we take it out for free on the next turn the second to last pokemon is gudra who is an absolute unit and takes a super effective ice beam no problemo it sets up rain and this thing runs thunder so we make a swap to gigoloth to overwrite that weather with a sandstorm which makes the thunder miss on the following turn next it goes for another rain dance so we're free to finish it with earthquake finally he's down to just his a star ludon and we have ourselves a good old-fashioned dynamaxx stool it hits us with a max steel spike which does way more damage than we were expecting and we fire back with the max quake which does way less damage than we were expecting we want to stall it for another turn with max guard but we're locked into attacking moves since we're running an assault vest on gigalith so we swapped a corvinite who tanks a steel spike but gets crit which makes us uncomfortable to keep it in so we swap to starla who ultimately tanks the max roxball and then finishes it off with an icebeam on the next turn with the dragonmaster dispatch it's time for the grand finals but of course we are rudely interrupted by chairman rose and his evil plot that i guess everybody just kind of forgot about yesterday so we head up to the top of the power plant to put a stop to him but first with the level cap raised we're finally able to evolve drachlok into dragopal which we immediately put to the test against chairman rose in our final showdown before the battle we taught dragopal flamethrower and gave it the choice specs to hold with that setup it's a pretty simple battle as cavalier goes down to a four times effective flamethrower same with his berserker also his clink clang and his second to last pokemon ferrothorn finally he sends in his last pokemon copper raja which he immediately giganta maxes we respond with a dynamax of our own and hit it with a max flare which amazingly only does about half damage thankfully we're able to tank the max steel spike from this thing on the next turn and finish it off with the second max flare now we have a quick face off against eternitis and after defeating it and listening to a ridiculous amount of that one howl sound effect we can finally head into the finals of the tournament against leon after a little bit of training and preparation we head into the battle where we lead with dragapol against his lead aegislash on the first turn as aegislash goes for a kingshield so we go for a phantom force the next turn our phantom force connects but it doesn't do enough damage to take out his asia slash so we have to tank a super effective shadow ball thankfully doesn't crit and we're able to finish this thing off with a flamethrower on the next turn from here he sends in his hacksriss which we take out in one shot with my new absolute favorite move dragon darts next up he sends in his own pleb dragopol which we out speed and take out with our dive bombing dreepies from here he brings in seismitoad so we swap to starmie we tank an earthquake and then we take it out with a four times effective grass knot next up is the cinderease and since we have the choice specs on we're locked into grass knot so we swapped a gigalith who comes in tanks in acrobatics followed by a pyroball and takes it out in one hit with an earthquake finally he's down to just his ace charizard who he brings in and instantly dynamaxes we dynomaxim response and tankamax overgrowth then take it out with a four times effective max rockfall and with that at the ripe age of 12 we have officially become the newest champion of the gala region thanks for watching till next time
Channel: Quinn Rutledge LIVE
Views: 1,679,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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