Pokémon Ultra Sun Hardcore Nuzlocke - Dragon Types Only!

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the dragon type includes some of the strongest pokemon out there and for the longest time it used to dominate the competitive scene that is until generation six and everything changed when the fairy nation attacked so am i gonna be able to beat the hardest pokemon game with hardcore nuzlocke rules using only dragon types well with all those extra rules it's certainly gonna be difficult and we're gonna make it that much more difficult by picking rowlet as our starter giving how popplio which eventually evolves into a fairy type but since rowlett doesn't become a dragon type we're not gonna be keeping it instead the first dragon we can get is found after the first gumshoe's trial in verdant cavern and who might this epic dragon be it's noibat if you were expecting something super mega powerful because this run has dragon types then you were doubly wrong because not only does noibat have some of the worst stats in the whole game dragon types evolve at some ridiculously high levels on top of that i got a minus defense nature which is pretty terrible considering that any pokemon that faints in this run is boxed forever i certainly can't complain about the special attack boost though but the real kicker about getting noibat as our very first pokemon is that we have to face a few battles in the game before we can get anything else the first of which being dulce and what's so scary about this fight is that fur frow will too hit komi with a head butt but it just goes for baby doll eyes the first turn so i can hit it with a super sonic confusing it it then proceeds to hit itself in confusion which is huge since i can only take two headbutts from this thing after my oremberry the second turn it breaks through but only goes for growl and i get a critical hit with gust the third turn it hits itself again and i hit it down into the red the fourth turn however ferfrow snaps out of confusion hits me with a headbutt down to where i have to heal with my oranberry but it ends up flinching me another headbutt takes me down to just 8 hp and i end up hitting my gust and not flinching and crazily enough this run doesn't get any easier from here on out you see right after we take on dulce we have to fight howe and instead of just one pokemon this guy has three and to make things a lot worse his first pokemon popplio already has a fairy move and disarming voice now despite noibat being absolutely terrible the alola starters have pitiful speed so i can at least get off a super sonic and it actually ends up hitting itself in confusion then the next turn i do pretty massive damage with gust as an ornberry takes popplio up to most of its health and it snaps out of confusion using growl i slap it with another gust which is now a two-hit ko as it hits me with disarming voice which doesn't do too much damage at all since it's a very weak move and not stab after taking it out with another gust hau sends out his own noibat which gets destroyed by two gusts as well this just leaves his final pokemon pikachu which is actually a pretty strong pokemon at this point in the game especially if you're running with noibat and despite me actually hitting a supersonic it hits me with a thundershock which doesn't do as much damage as i would expect since it's actually neutral and stab but after pikachu hits itself in confusion and i get it down into the red with a gust it ends up going for a quick attack taking me down to 10 hp after which i can finally take it out beating howe and beating this fight is huge since it's the last fight i have to do using only noibat in fact to get my bag out on route 3 i had to look around for two hours because this thing is a one percent encounter but it was certainly worth the wait since the neutral nature is pretty good it's also pretty funny that i'm so relieved about not only having to use noibat anymore since the first fight right after that is versus holla who's got fighting types so all i had to do was equip batman with a sharp beak and blow this man's whole team away the world looks a bit different from a top of mighty thorus huh well you know what they say holla if all you got is a hammer everything starts to look like a nail now that we know why holla didn't make it into the elite four in the ultra games we move on to akala and the early game struggle is far from over i don't know why they did this in ultra sun and moon but they put a lot of difficult fights in the beginning of the game and dexio is no different but luckily i can take out the mime junior without taking any damage by getting a flinch with bite but the real threat in this fight is his espeon and i expect to be able to take two psi beams but he does end up getting the confusion before i have to heal up with my citrus berry i do end up breaking through confusion hitting it with a bite for above half damage but if i don't break out the next turn i'm just gonna take myself out in confusion and the run's over fortunately though superman lands the bike and we don't have to restart the run you and your pokemon are the ultimate team no doubt about it are you talking about my team that's like the weakest team in the history of nuzlockes after another run-in with hal which i barely make it through we have yet another difficult fight ahead of us but this guy's plenty scary you're not wrong how one of the more difficult early game fights in this game is gladion and it's really the only time that he's particularly difficult his first two pokemon are easily taken care of by noibat but it leaves me at very low health so i decided to swap out into superman the reason this fight's so scary is because type null despite not having great moves has fantastic stats for this point in the game at this point in the game you do have access to both brick break and protect as well as leftovers so what i ended up doing is alternating between brick break and protect in order to maximize my recovery as much as possible because without doing that i would just go down to three tackles eventually though with batman in the red and superman down to just 11 hp i managed to take out null with a brick break beating lady on now that we've actually made it through alola's nasty early game there's something to say about the level caps see normally i can't level past the next gym leader's highest level pokemon but since there are no gems in ultra sun i'll be scaling off the four kahunas i will try and stay as close to the trial levels as possible it's just that for these early ones in akala it's impossible with the current dream team however even though we're allowed to be at level 28 against totem araquanid we can't level up that far since we have so many fights ahead of us because if we over level we have to box that pokemon until we beat that level cap and until we beat totem laurentis we're stuck with the dream team and so at a humble level 23 i managed to hit a super sonic on totomaraquanid and it hits itself in confusion the reason i didn't want to go for air cutter right away is one i don't want to get hit by aurora beam but also it would have called masquerade instead of dewpider the second turn i get some damage in with air cutter arach when it just hits itself and dewpider throws by going for stickyweb at this point another air cutter takes out the dewpider and the arachnid actually hits itself a third time in a row after which it calls in its ally masquerade my next air cutter then gets a critical hit which doesn't matter since it would have taken out the araquin it in the end but it gets masquerade down super low as it paralyzes me with stun spore i then get hit by a bug bite which doesn't really do any damage but funny enough it does eat my citrus berry but it's still enough to take out the mask grain with an air cutter all things considered that fight could have gone way worse you gotta drive safe and watch out for pokemon that might leap out at you little known fact that's the exact reason i don't have a driver's license and the reason why i don't have a driving instructor our next fight is versus totem marowak which is a perfect fight to show why i think ultra sun and moon are the most difficult games to hardcore nuzlocke the fact that you have to face two pokemon at once during these trial fights can be absolutely devastating expecting to detect the first turn i go for rain dance just to power down fire type moves but mostly just cause there's nothing better to do as marowak then calls in selazal i go for protect the next turn since it likes to cycle between attacking moves and detect predictably the next tournament does exactly that as i get hit by a torment from selazal and i go for a crunch which lowers selazal's defense i then go for protect again continuing to abuse marowak's detect and attacking cycle however unfortunately it seems the ai is on to me as the next turn i get hit by a poison gas and a brick break by marowak before i can take out the salazzle with a crunch at this point i'm in a much better spot only facing marowak one on one but since bagon's kind of in a tough spot i swap into noibat getting hit by a brick break i was gonna go for protect here to get as much leftovers recovery as possible but marowak went for detects my protect failed i can go for protect again and get double recovery the next turn marowak goes for detect again which is perfect since i just use roost to get back to full health marowak then goes for hex which is odd since any other move would have done more damage and i can hit it for some pretty pathetic damage with water pulse after another protection moves standoff i get hit by a flame wheel that does about 35 to me and i go for an air cutter which again does some pretty pathetic damage a second flame wheel takes me down to just 21 hp but another roost makes it so that i can take two more non-crit flame wheels so that i can use water pulse twice i end up going for protect in between just to have that extra health the marowak doesn't end up getting the crit and i take it out with a water pulse claiming our third trial now so far on akala we faced a water and a fire trial and we're about to face grass and even though dragon resists all these three types we're about to have another bad time i can't believe i'm saying this but batman's a pretty good pick in this fight since it resists all of laurantis's moves and even a critical hit x-hazer doesn't do too much damage the real problem in this fight is the first pokemon it calls in is comfey which can't actually attack us but it does boost lorentis's defense and set up sunny day this doesn't exactly threaten me but as long as kumfay's out i can't beat laurantis since it's got both synthesis and the sun from comfy and can be healed by comfey however ironically kumpei can't heal itself so after a few turns i take it out with air cutter and it spawns in caclion and i'm honestly surprised how much damage batman can do with a brick break changing kecleon into a fighting type this is pretty sweet since after a few turns of protecting and roosting i can hit it again with an air cutter which is now super effective because of its fighting type realizing i need to take out this keklian and that i'm not gonna be able to do so much damage now that it's a flying type i swap out into superman however on switching this does mean that i have to tank a solar blade from laurentis and the kecleon ends up getting a critical hit with its dizzy punch knowing that i'll outspeed it though the next turn i can just take it out with a crunch laurentis is at this point out of x scissors and can't set up the sun on its own but one thing i forgot about is that it got plus six defense from kumfay so my attacks really aren't doing anything so i have to swap out back into batman the good thing about having protect though is that we can just protect every other turn and lurantis can't do anything to us and i can freely just continue going for air slashes which means we've finally gotten through the dream team gauntlet you heard me right now that we have access to wild pokemon and lush jungle we just have to wait for rainy weather and any pokemon can actually call gumi as its ally now the great thing about this is we finally have a new team member the bad thing about it is the goomy sucks seriously this guy's worse than noibat but it's not all bad news since we finally reached kony coney city here we can pick up the aviolite which is pretty huge since we're not going to be evolving for a while but the best thing about this town is that in ultra sun version you can actually buy the jaw fossil and if we head back to route eight we can immediately restore it into a tyrant let's just say that attack boosting nature wonder woman here is gonna be a bit more useful than aquaman what happens to a pokemon's consciousness when it's been put into a pc box the big questions aside we move on to the only one i've ever wanted to pop the big question to olivia in her rock types and her first pokemon is anirath which does have some pretty alarmingly high attack power doing about 40 with a bug bite after which i hit it with a crunch getting the defense drop then after getting some recovery from leftovers i take another bug bite down to 17 hp after which another crunch is enough to take it out because of that defense drop olivia's second pokemon is lilip so i swap out into aquaman who's actually gonna get to be useful for once it hits me with an ancient power and aside from giga drain that's the only attacking move it has so i start doing some damage with dragon breath the only thing that could really screw us over here is if the lilipe managed to get the omni boost off of ancient power the plan here is to get leap to as low health as possible and then as it uses its fifth ancient power i swap out into tyrunt now i did manage to get the paralysis on one of my dragon breaths so while she used a full heal i did get one extra hit in before it's time to swap out into superman on the final ancient power the only reason i did this is so that lilith will be at low enough health so we can one shot with a brick break so that we have as much health as possible facing lycanrock after getting flinched once i get hit by a second bite and managed to hit a brick break which does about half health the next bike gets a crit but it doesn't flinch and we managed to pull off the brick break beating the akala island grand trial versus olivia this means we can finally head on to oolaoola island when your pokemon evolved you think they feel like yes finally well in the case of my bag gun who's now allowed to reach level 30 and is the first pokemon in my team to evolve after about the first half of the game i'm at least ready to say it's finally time and unfortunately it's also finally time for the infamous malley hal fight now the biggest reason why this fight is so difficult at this stage in the game is because he does have a fully evolved alolan raichu with thunderbolt and psychic he's also got a tauros with intimidate that's got pursuit which is particularly unforgiving but before we face them we do have to take out brionne which isn't really a problem for evilite shell gun and evilite's the entire reason that this psychic doesn't just one shot me right here and i can retaliate with a crunch taking out the raichu this means tauros is next and with that intimidate we're not gonna be doing a lot of damage and we don't have that much health to go around so i swap out into wonder woman who at least resists its stab horn attack and after a few charms we can just start taking care of the rest of hou's team like it's no problem i thought that was going to be a way more difficult fight but evie light is one heck of an item however now that we beat howe we need to worry about the oola oola island trials which are some pretty difficult ones with the current set of pokemon we have first up is togamaru which usually goes for spiky shield the first turn so i take that opportunity to set up a free rock polish together then calls skarmory which is another steel type which isn't that great for wonder woman but i'm really only here to use charm after skarmory uses tailwind tokumaru does out speed the next turn and go for an iron head and i get hit by a hard steel wing but i managed to go for a charm on the skarmory as well another iron head takes me down into the red as skarmory sets up stealth rocks and i manage to use another charm on toga tomorrow before it's time to swap out into batman now batman isn't exactly the bulkiest pokemon out here but the planets just to try and burn an iron head then use protect and swap out into my next pokemon and once again it's gonna be aquaman's time to shine because with -4 attack and -2 on the skarmory it's going to be pretty easy to live a few hits especially with leftovers and protect every other turn on the turns when i wasn't using protect i was using dragonbreath to try and just get some damage on this skarmory it also helped that together was basically using spiky shield every other turn on the turns i wasn't using protect so i could dodge its damage all the time and eventually land a paralysis on skarmory and this process continued for a long time you see my goal was to have tomorrow run out of iron heads completely but i definitely didn't want to take out skarmory so that it would call de dene and eventually i achieved my goal and this put me in an excellent position since -4 resisted zing's app basically did nothing to me this also meant that it was pretty much free to start attacking this thing and since it had plus two defense and i had to alternate between crunch and brick rake because of torment it took quite a while but eventually we took down both toku namaru and skarmory well if you're down here miss univer could i ask you to do a favor for me no for the last time sophocles i'm not gonna sign your now you might think it's smooth sailing until we get to the next trial but we actually have a bit of a mini boss fight versus guzma here where he only has two pokemon but his masquerade is a massive deal but first we have to deal with golisopod so i go for protect to dodge the first impression and the next turn i decide to go for a charm as i dodge a sucker punch i then go for another couple of charms as i get hit by some weak razor shells after which it's time to swap out into aquaman i basically just do this to reset the defense drops from razer shell on wonder woman hit this thing with a dragon breath and then swap right back in this time i don't get a defense drop from the next razor shell and i can set up a stealth rock which is going to take half of mass grain's health as soon as it comes out and now that the rocks are up it's time to swap out into batman and my plan here was basically just to alternate between protect and roost until galysapod was all out of moves except for first impression now that that's the case we can just start going for crunch until golisapod gets below half health after which emergency exit will activate sending in masquerade which unfortunately does have intimidate lowering our attack i know this means we'll probably have to swap into and sack aquaman because it's a two-hit ko but i end up getting a critical hit beating the masquerade which trivializes this fight a lot and since we stalled out glycopod of all of its remaining moves we can freely just take it out with a couple of dragon claws beating guzma masta i'm sorry i failed you now that we're able to reach blush mountain it's finally time for us to get our very first actual good pokemon tertinator and to quickly read you it's shield pokedex entry eating sulfur in its volcanic habitat is what causes explosive compounds to develop in its shell its droppings are also dangerously explosive that sounds like the worst kind of explosive diarrhea [Applause] and now that the team is looking stronger than ever it's time to take on the next trial versus mimikyu and even though we've been through the ringer so far this is probably going to be the most difficult one yet in fact right away wonder woman gets taken down to just 12 hp after which i can hit the mimikyu with a charm it then calls its first ally pokemon banette after which i obviously have to swap out into superman fortunately the mimikyu misses the player up on the switch and the bannet afflicts me with a curse this is gonna do a quarter of my health every single turn but even still i decide to stay in to tank the play rough but i get hit by a willow wisp from the bayonet which means that it just barely hangs on after the crunch and at the end of the turn after the leftovers recovery burn and curse it leaves me deep in the red so i have to swap out the next turn into manhunter now the great thing about this is that play ruff isn't super effective against tertinator i can't get burned and my defense is massive i decide to go for protect just to get some health back and the next turn i get hit by a play ruff and then a screech which means that i can take out the banette with a following flamethrower at this point since mimikyu's only going to call for jealousen when it's at a certain health range i decided to swap out into batman just to reset that screech but play rough ends up doing a ridiculous amount of damage leaving me at just 6 hp so i go for protect to just stall another play rough and then swap back into martian manhunter and listen this is the third notable fight in a row where i deplete the peepee of a move as my strategy at this point you might as well call me joe cause i do be stalin and what you're seeing me do here is set up as many iron defenses as possible because even though shadowclaw has a higher chance to land a critical hit the battle armor ability makes it so that it can't crit us whatsoever since there's no way for me to actually boost my attack power here i decided to just go for flamethrowers and really hope i can land a burn eventually mimikyu gets to low enough health where decides to call in its ally jealousend as you can see water pulse isn't doing a crazy amount over time so at least i can go for protect every other turn to recover up as much health as possible with leftovers fortunately it has a really bad habit of going for spite which means that we just get a free turn to fire off a flamethrower which means that after taking another water pulse we can finally take out the mimikyu we're not exactly out of the woods here yet though since we still have to deal with this full hp jealous scent and i just have iron head to damage this thing which basically does nothing at such low hp i have to swap out into gumi who tanks the water pulse like a champ but unfortunately gets confused a combination of nightshade and hitting myself in confusion takes me down to just 34 hp which is terrible since jelicen is level 33 meaning that nightshade does exactly 33 damage the bad spite habit lets me get off a second shock wave meaning we can take it down with yet another one but cursed body bans it nightshade then takes me down to one hb and dragon breath doesn't quite take out the jealousyn meaning that if shockwave wasn't cursed bodied we would have just taken it out right here unfortunately though the team is standing on its last legs so goomy is gonna have to take this one for the team so the batman can come in and just finish off the jealousen with a shadow ball oh aquaman now you truly are useless now that we've completed the trial and our next important fight is at level 44 i decide it's finally time to evolve tyrant into tyrantrum i also pay a visit to hyanna desert where we can get our next encounter a trap inch and while green lantern might not be a dragon type yet after just a couple of levels it evolves into vibrava and now that we've gotten some justice for the fall of gumi we have to take on our next opponent kahuna nanu and with the exception of hala he's pretty much been the first fight in this game that's been an absolute pushover however one very good thing did come out of that fight and it's the fact that the level cap is now raced up to level 54 which means the brava can finally evolve into flygon and with that we proceed to the aether paradise where we have to take on guzma for the third time in this game and much like every other time you face him he leads off with golisopod so i decide to lead with wonder woman and this time instead of going for protect i just tank the first impression and go for a charm i then go for another charm the next turn and decide it's time to swap out into martian manhunter the thing that's so deadly about this is that tertinator can't be crit because of shell armor so i can freely just boost my defense every single turn and then start going for shell smash to set up my attack and speed and this right here is the exact reason why i didn't show the second guzma fight because it pretty much went down the exact same way i just set up against golisopod and then tore through his entire team but i'm glad we didn't have to break too much of a sweat with this one because what's to gum is rough hey what's up with you how come i can't smash you that's pretty ironic coming from a guy who just got shell smashed on the topic of people guzma would like to smash we have to go up against lusamine and she starts out with our worst nightmare a fairy type in clefable and she instantly goes for charm as i decide to go for a shell smash i then go for an iron head actually managing to pull off the flinch which means i can get in another iron head after which clefable uses hypervoice which does massive damage however a third iron head is enough to take out clef but really this just makes things a lot worse since this mylodic has both dragon pulse and icy wind but for whatever reason it decides to go for hydro pump against superman and on the following turn it just goes for another hydro pump as i hit it with a toxic i then go for protect just to rack up as much damage as possible over time and the next urnic continues to go for hydro pump leaving me at 21 hp after which i can hit it with a crunch now after going for protect i realized that i can't switch anything in on our dragon pulse so i decided to just sack off superman here but i end up getting the double protect so i guess superman's sticking around on top of that that means bye bye for my lodic but in comes low pony which does have ice punch so i decide to swap into wonder woman who's got great defense it then switches to thunder punch as i start going for charm to lower this thing's attack and honestly it seems like this low punny does this a lot of the times in my runs it just swaps out into a move that's not very effective and if anybody in the comments could tell me why that'd be greatly appreciated but at this point since this thing's attack is basically zero i can just swap out into martian manhunter who once again can't be crit so i can freely set up my shell smashes and at this point we can just freely take out the rest of her team and because of superman's clutch save we didn't actually lose a single pokemon in this fight which i wouldn't have expected and with lusamine defeated there's nothing standing in our way to move on over to pony island once there i start farming as many damage reducing berries as possible specifically haban and roselli berries then after all this time after defeating this hula girl in order to receive a focus sash at level 48 batman finally evolves into noivern and speaking of upgrading the team now that we can reach exeggutor island we can find well exeggutor i go ahead and catch it and name it after the best justice league member elongated man and with a neutral nature i'm pretty happy with it that's another haban berry i then head over to vast pony canyon where we can find yet another dragon type jangmo and you know what since this guy saved the day versus lusamine i think it's time we evolve is that a bird or is it maybe a plane no it's salamance and now that the team's looking pretty goated you might think that things are about to get super easy well that would be wrong because the next three fights in this game are the most threatening to our team despite our new lineup and the first of those three fights is versus totem komodo and theoretically we have a good matchup versus this fight as well it's just that it gets all its stats boosted and calls an ally pokemon and i use my first turn to poison the kamoa with toxic as it goes for dragon claw but i've got a haban berry just so the batman can survive the hit then after taking some poison damage kamoa of course calls its ally pokemon its own neubern i decide to then go for protect to get a little bit more poison damage before it's time to swap out into superman because of intimidate we are gonna bring the attack stat of komo down to neutral and as we get hit by dragon claw another one of our farmed haban berries is gonna reduce that damage which means we can survive the dragon pulse we only just barely survive but the next turn i go for protect yet again to burn another turn of toxic before it's time to swap out once again to martian manhunter pertinator does have by far the best defenses on the team but yet another haban berry makes it so that we can survive both hits and the next turn go for protect to burn another turn of toxic this being the sixth turn of toxic does mean the kimono goes down to poison but we still have to deal with this noiburn that's super fast i decide it's time to swap into exeggutor who even without a haban berry can survive the dragon pulse above half health after then going for a turn of protect and tanking another dragon pulse i decide to hit it with a psi shock for a little bit of damage after then yet again going for protect this means that noir only has one more pp of dragon pulse left so i decide it's time to swap out into green lantern who can survive it with another haban berry and at this point even though niven is faster and would take us out with a dragon pulse it doesn't have any pp left so we can just freely take it out with a dragon claw winning us the trial and while it was possible to plan for that dragon trial ultra necrozma is built different i mean seriously during my calculations even holding a haban berry this thing would one shot every single pokemon on my team and so to be able to proceed past this fight massive sacrifices are gonna have to be made i did mention earlier that i went out of my way to grab that focus sash just so that we're gonna be able to use toxic i then go for protect and realizing that elongated man is just gonna get taken out i click protect again and end up getting the double now i don't even know if triple protect is possible and unfortunately here elongated man is gonna have to go down but we got four turns of toxic out of it which means we only need two more turns of poison so of course i click protect the first turn and at this point anything i swap in is just gonna get absolutely annihilated by ultra necrozma so i just decided to go for the one in four chance to get the double protect and somehow by the grace of lord helix we actually managed to pull it off which means i've gotten two clutch double protects in this fight alone and one versus loosamine i suppose this answers the question of who would win in a fight superman or ultranecrosma after saving the day the ultra recon squad does offer us a poipo which does evolve into a dragon type but i've elected not to use it because naganodel has some super busted stats and pair that with the beast boost ability together with its poison type that would trivialize the next trial i think we're just going to skip it but since we did lose elongated man we are going to bring flash onto the team who i immediately evolve into hakamo and then into komo-o but if we're entirely honest kimono being quad weak to fairy is not gonna be much help against this trial versus rabonbi with plus two to every single stat and i sat for a really long time trying to come up with a super fun strategy for this fight some cool way to beat it but they just involved too many casualties in a challenge like this where you have a fight that could totally annihilate half your team but you still have a good portion of the game left you kind of have to play it safe so i go for a toxic before bombing calls in peliper i then go for protect and seeing that i'm not going to be able to do any damage to a bombi anyway i attempt for the double protect as i then get hit by a plus 3 dazzling gleam which does a ton of damage i then go for another protect after which i have to swap out into someone so i go into superman who has the best special defense on the squad except for tertinator who then gets hit by a dazzling gleam but my roselli berry allows me to survive the rain boosted skull is at least resisted so i get taken down to just 38 hp after which i can freely go for the final protect on turn six taking out the rabonbi we do still have to deal with the pelipper but since the rain stopped and it can only hit us with not very effective moves i just switch in batman who can swoop in with a few air slashes finishing off this trial and i'm incredibly grateful that i was able to get through this fight without any casualties meaning that we have a full team of six going forward but even though we got through the fights that are the most obviously threatening to our team we have a lot more to go in this game and the next fight happens to be the grand trial of pony island versus hapu and her ground types but after an intimidate from superman and a charm from wonder woman i swap out into the flash who boosts the speed with a rock polish and then boosts its attack all the way up to plus six with workup after that i can just rip through hapu's entire team in true justice league fashion winning us our final grand trial i then make sure to pick up as many heart skills as possible to relearn moves for our final moveset against the elite four and so i nervously summon a lola's highest mountain in order to take on the final gauntlet of ultra sun and the first elite four member i decide to get out of the way is the gopher kahili she's definitely the one i felt the most confident against because alola has some pretty nutty elite four members i decided to start with wonder woman because not only does she have the highest defense on the team she also resists flying with a rock type the first turn i set up my stealth rocks and then after having to tank another brave bird which is barely doing any damage at all i go for a crunch doing way more than half damage another crunch takes out the braviary and kahili sends out her lucha obviously i can't stay in against a fighting type so i decide to swap out into superman to not only get the intimidate but we can also easily just take this thing out with a fly now kahili's next pokemon is manda buzz and this thing doesn't exactly have anything that threatens us so i decided just go for a thunderfang which is a two-hit ko but it hits us with flatter which means i have to swap out the next turn i tag out into batman who can easily finish off the mandibuzz with the dragon pulse then since 2kanan is our next opponent i decide to swap out into superman to get that intimidate to lower the attack and i'm very glad that superman has intimidated because i get hit by a supersonic sky strike down to just 15 hp at this point i obviously can't stay in so i go ahead and swap into flash which is when i learn that it's actually immune to beakblast because of bulletproof it also seems like the ai doesn't really realize that it can't use beak blast because i can freely just set up a belly drum here and heal up a little bit with citrus berry before i just dodge another beak blast it also allows me to just get a free rock polish after which i can just start tearing through the rest of kahili's team winning us our first elite four fight but kahili's just the tip of the iceberg because we have a way worse matchup against the rest of these elite four members the first of which i decide to take on is acerola she starts out with banette so i decide to send in batman and my plan was just to one shot this thing with a shadow ball but it seems to survive on what must be one hp after which it just goes for screech fortunately this gives me the opportunity to just take it out with another shadow ball as acerola then sends in her frost lass she goes for an ice shard but a yachtcha berry allows me to survive even after that minus 2 from screech and i go for a flamethrower which just barely misses out on the ko once again not wanting to be taken out i decide to swap into manhunter who takes barely any damage from ice shard at all unfortunately i do get hit by a confused ray the next turn but martian manhunter being the monster that it is manages to pull off a flamethrower anyway taking out the frost lass this means palasan is up next and expecting an earth power i swap out into superman to dodge it i then decide to do some damage with crunch but it does a pretty pitiful amount but at least i get the defense drop alisan then hits me with a never ending nightmare which is the second time a z move takes me down into the red expecting a shadow ball i swap into flash who's immune to it with bulletproof and then expecting an earth power i swap out into superman once again to dodge it i realized at this point that i've found a double immunity pivot as long as i kept switching between bulletproof and a flying type there was nothing this palestand could do to stop me and so you get to witness the return of antler joe live stalling this thing out of all of its moves eventually the only attacking move palestine had left was giga drain with that in mind i can quad resist grass by switching into tertinator and start trying to do a bit of damage to this thing with flamethrower although acerola didn't really seem to like that plant since she immediately swapped out into delmas after getting hit by one i didn't exactly see that as a huge hindrance since we can just two-shot it with flamethrower leaving just palasand and driftblim acerola's drifblim only has ominous wind as its attacking move but what it can do is go for amnesia and then baton pass that out to palasand and even though that means palestine's gonna be able to tank flamethrowers better it really just prolongs the inevitable since it can only hit me with giga drain after palace and goes down all ascerola has left is her driftblim that only can use ominous wind which promptly goes down to toxic at this point we've defeated two of the four elite four members which means we have to take on the girl of my dreams you could even call her my rock olivia she starts the fight with armaldo and i match her fossil to fossil with my best defender wonder woman she hits me for about 25 damage with an x scissor as i set up my stealth rocks another x scissor hits me down into the yellow as i go for a charm to lower the attack of this thing because of that i can tank another x scissor and hit it with another charm to basically render this thing useless i even take the next turn to pivot out into superman just to get it to -5 with intimidate and it basically does nothing to me with scissor i then get an absolutely free switch in into flash you can dodge rock blast with bulletproof and then freely set up a belly drum against this thing since it basically can't touch me then after a rock polish i can one shot every single pokemon on olivia's team including probopass because we broke the sturdy with that stealth rock which means we can at this point move on to the final elite four member mullane and he could definitely present us with a bit of challenge since steel types do resist dragon types i lead off with wonder woman who i've given a babiri berry in case this klefki wants to go for flash cannon try to one shot me so that i can get up my stealth rocks after the deed is done i swap into martian manned hunter as the klefki starts to set up spikes at this point i was kind of expecting getting paralyzed by this thing's thunder wave but it just goes for flash cannons so i get to use flamethrower the next turn the klefki repeats the exact same odd behavior and at this point i can just take it out this of course means that molane's gonna want to swap in his doug trio to be able to take out tertinator with an earthquake this right here is an obvious opportunity for us to swap into superman to start intimidating down the dug trio i then swap back into ternator and even though this isn't as good a switch as vs acerola where we were immune against both moves at least it can't do too much damage with iron head or in this case corkscrew crash and even though doug trio isn't gonna be able to use its z move every turn this is the exact pattern i went through protecting after the iron head to dodge an earthquake i then swap back out into superman to waste yet another earthquake and get an intimidate and as soon as doug trio had gotten down to -6 attack i figured it was safe to just swap out into flygon now doug trio is faster than flygon so it could have easily gotten a flinch on this first iron head but it wouldn't matter too much since i would have just wasted a few turns until i got my first dragon dance and then just set up to plus six then once all my boosting was done i could just start clicking earthquake and take out every single pokemon on mo lane's team including magnazone because we set up those stealth rocks the very first turn and now that we've made our way through the elite four unscathed we have one final opponent to face a rival how and this guy's got a pretty frightening team of six leading off with raichu so i choose to lead with green lantern and against raichu i know i can tank at least one psychic meaning i can get off a free earthquake here which is obviously a one shot since flygon's quad weak to ice this is going to bait out kabominable and wanting to save flygon for later i swap out into tertinator after dodging the ice hammer i take massive damage from a stone edge after which i hit it with a flamethrower which takes it down low and gets the burn because of this how decides to withdraw chromometable sending in neue burn which i do basically no damage to with a flamethrower but funny enough i get the burn here too getting that burn seems to make hal switch because he then swaps into flareon as i try to protect but this flareon's moveset is absolutely pathetic against tertinator since it can only hurt us with flare blitz or quick attack this means that i can very easily just go for a toxic stall for a few turns with protect and then wait for it to go down to poison next up is tauros who probably two shots tertinator with an earthquake but i decide to just swap out into superman to both get an intimidate and dodge the earthquake at this point the most logical thing for tauros to do is to do as much damage as possible with a double edge so i go ahead and swap out into flash to tank it the next turn the tauros does outspeed me but i can still survive even a critical hit and a close combat is obviously enough to take it out unfortunately though this does mean that hou's next pokemon is going to be primarina and despite being able to out speed and even doing some pretty decent damage with close combat there's no way that the flash is outrunning that quad weakness to fairy and to be completely honest i don't have too many options against this primarina so i send in superman and go for a thunderfang which doesn't quite take it out and while superman gets powered up by the sun it seems it gets taken out by the moon i then send in flygon as how goes for a full restore on primarina and i go for an earthquake hoping it does above half but it just barely does below i click earthquake again to get it as low as possible but i end up getting a high roll actually just taking out the primarina predictably kre-bominable comes back but since i can just out-speed with flygon and the carbometals in the red i can just take it out with an earthquake at this point hal only has noiburn left but i can't swap anything into a dragon pulse so unfortunately we have to let flygon go however because of flygon's noble sacrifice we can end this thing the way we started it and send in batman finishing off house neuvern with a dragon pulse and that's how i beat a pokemon ultra sun hardcore nuzlocke using only dragon types i thought i was going to lose this thing so many times and i was ready to give up on this run and just do something else but in the end we pulled through and listen if you're at this point in the video and you're not subscribed to the ch hey turnader what are you doing [Applause]
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 1,418,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6g5HB1ok2AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 50sec (2210 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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