Can JUST ONE Pichu Beat Pokemon Legends: Arceus?

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pichu might be cute but it is a terrible pokemon of all the pokemon in legends arceus pichu has the lowest health stat and the fourth lowest defense so it's incredibly frail and its other stats don't make up for that with pichu having the fifth lowest stat total in the entire game so i wanted to see if just one little pichu could beat all of pokemon legends arceus by itself could pichu go all the way against some of the toughest opponents in the entire series and does pichu have a hidden dark side well let's find out pichu and i tumble from the sky we meet professor laverton who's instantly seduced by pichu's cuteness well no one with a pokemon this cute could possibly be evil exactly we successfully infiltrated the village and apparently agreed to help fill the pokedex ah sure but my pokedex is literally just gonna be cute pichu picks anyway i want to know which pichu you think is cutest like for ukulele pichu subscribe for manga pichu or comment for houn pichu that night a lightning bolt mysteriously struck that would bring great terror to the people of hasuy but that's probably not important anyway the professor offers me one of three starters but these pokemon all suffer from the same problem they're not pichu with my true starter secured now we could really begin the challenge our first battle is against volo whose only pokemon is a little egg so this should be easy right well despite this being the battle that is meant to be impossible to lose i nearly lost a thundershock does laughable damage to togepi before it fires back with a tackle taking more than half of my health i definitely would have lost on the next turn if pichu didn't clutch up and paralyze togepi with its next thundershock the paralysis bought me one more turn and i was able to just scrape by with the win that fight is meant to be the easiest in the entire game and we still almost lost straight away i thought there was no way that pichu would be able to beat full teams of powerful pokemon but i wanted to see just how far we could go our trial to join the survey corps requires us to catch up a doof but this one's a little big so let's find a smaller one yeah that's much better now i will need to catch other pokemon to progress the story but i can only use my pichu in battle this shinks has an aggressive disposition could you already tell that i mean yeah it does sound pretty mad we catch the shinks and akari gives us her best rendition of a youtube react thumbnail i'm still curious why you came falling from the sky like you did oh you'll find out soon enough what was that ah nothing never mind since our pichu is so weak i electrocuted some starly until we were at level 10. luckily cylene thought that our pichu decks was cute enough to warrant a rank up to the first star the next day akari challenges us to a battle which is fine by me i wonder what pokemon she has oh dear god it's peach's nemesis mister i'm so good just because i'm the pokemon mascot well we'll see about that it was a battle of the electric mice problem is pikachu definitely has us covered in the stat department akari immediately used a quick attack which almost killed pichu in one shot but in response pichu charged up a powerful attack and so i got slapped around it's only the second battle and we've already lost cool but i wasn't going to give up i rebooted the game and this time challenged akari with my pichu at level 15. the start of the fight goes the same as last time with pikachu landing a huge quick attack however at level 14 pichu masters the move quick attack this lets me use it as a strong style or agile style move so this time i use an agile quick attack which gives me a second consecutive turn which i then use to land one more quick attack giving us the win over hassui's second best electric mouse the professor said that pokemon have these things called types oh geez i lost to someone who doesn't even know that the type chart exists that's embarrassing how's the plan going keegan smooth so far continue pretending that we just met until the time is right from here the game does not get any easier because as soon as we cross this bridge mai forces us into a battle with munchlax this thing is a behemoth it's super bulky and has a solid attack stat that can abuse poor pichu's low defense but i got insanely lucky here i knew i couldn't strong our munchlax so instead paralyzed it with wave this means that each turn there's a chance that munchlax won't be able to move and that's exactly what happened so this gave me time to land an agile quick attack before munchlax was paralyzed again this means i can land two thundershocks bringing munchlax to low hp then it was paralyzed for a third turn in a row petru really is blessed one more thundershock got munchlax into the red but then this happened [Applause] [Music] even with all that luck all it took was a single tackle from munchlax to punt my pichu into next week so i raised pichu to level 18 and gave it a power boost by throwing a bunch of grit dust at it before returning to rematch mai i still need a lot of luck with munchlax being paralyzed but the difference is that this time i can survive at least one tackle and with munchlax being paralyzed on the following turn i can land two more thundershocks to finally give us the win oh he looks so sad i kind of feel bad now you see i need someone to deal with an alpha pokemon causing trouble and you came to the guy with just a pichu of course it is the cutest pokemon after all i think i'm in love fine i'll do it so after pichu harvested a snack we made our way up the mountain avoiding every geodude at all costs because ground type pokemon are like the plague in this challenge but once i made it to deer track heights we confronted alpha cricketoon be careful keegan size is a potent weapon oh it's okay i think pichu is almost the same size as cricketoon and how did that work out terribly cricketoon slapped peter around within just two turns so i rematched qriketoon with a few extra levels on pichu the fight looked to be going the same as last time with pitru taking big damage on turn one before paralyzing cricketoon but this time cricketoon spared me and used falswipe leaving me on only one hp now i had two turns up my sleeve to land two thundershocks this wasn't enough to get the job done but krikatoon was paralyzed on the following turn so pichu charged up one last thundershock finally taking out the mustached menace oh great weirdy share your wisdom with us pichu is cute and my antlers are shaped like a pichu whoa that's good wisdom i follow a god of time yeah well i follow a god of space oh yeah well i follow a god of cuteness turns out that the noble cleaver is enraged and is mauling people for a laugh so we had a meeting to decide the best way of dealing with it what do you intend to do about the noble cleaver commander well i was thinking we send the new kid and see what happens agreed agreed agreed what great majority agrees go get him kid if peter and i were going to take on a noble lord i at least wanted to look the part so i picked up a new outfit and now i really look like a pichu fan i made my way towards cleave or shine and oh look at this smug prick thinks it's so good just because he's the pokemon mascot i waited until the pikachu was asleep and then hit it with a surprise attack that'll teach you who the cutest chew is uh are you good pichu once we do reach the shrine warden leanne tries to fight us off with his little ball of goo goomy is pretty weak though and by pretty weak i mean it starts at only 50 percent higher than pichu's but it's a physically frail pokemon so two quick attacks give us a quick win which is really nice for a change irrita turns up and apparently clever was enraged by a lightning strike crazy right anyway peachy and i put on a concert for weedy pieces cuteness had won it over and now we can travel on weird is back which is great because it means pichu can rest its little legs before we can take on cleveland decides to test our strength and this battle is not easy glaceon is our toughest opponent yet with a total stat count that is more than double pichu's we do have the level advantage but not by much so my plan is to let r and jesus take the wheel i paralyzed glacion on turn one with thunderwave and it was unable to move i can then land a thundershock which really doesn't do much a single quick attack from glacion is almost enough to finish pichu but glacion was paralyzed on the next turn by using an agile style thundershock i get two turns in a row so i followed it up with one more strong style thundershock hoping it would be enough to take glaceon out and it just fell short with glacion on the brink of death the swift finished off our pichu and we'd clutch defeat from the jaws of victory but that was close it showed me that it was possible to beat glaceon we just needed to get lucky enough with paralysis turns but i'm not exactly known for being lucky and glacion slapped me around time and time again but after a whole bunch of attempts eventually the odds went my way because on this attempt instead of leaving glacion with a tiny sliver of hp like earlier this time i got a critical hit meaning we had finally gotten past iridus glaceon but the fact that i was already so reliant on luck this early in the run did not fill me with confidence now we were clear to take on cleavor the lord of the woods pichu was in pretty bad shape after getting slapped around by glaceon so i decided to take on cleaver in hand-to-hand combat cleevel's attacks aren't too hard to dodge so i was able to quickly bombard him with an artillery of bombs calming down the giant bug for our trouble irrita gave us some berries lord pichu is pleased with this offering our next mission brings us to the crimson minelands an awful place with lots of stinky ground types but before that akari stops us for a battle by the gate now she's got two pokemon and it's the first time that we're outnumbered but that'll be the case for most of the run going forward so how did this battle go not well all it takes is a single zen headbutt from mime junior and pichu is toast even at level 30 with some paralysis luck on my side we still got decimated by a mime junior and even on the off chance that i got lucky enough to get past mime jr then pikachu just instantly finishes me off with an agile and strong style quick attack my odds of beating this challenge were starting to look very bleak i needed a new plan so this time i upped my survey rank to 3 stars which allows pichu to be taught iron tail by the move tutor i also replaced thundershock with thunderbolt to give us some extra firepower now i could get past mime junior reliably with a thunderbolt but pikachu could still easily clean me up afterwards even after raising pitcher to level 33 and peppering it with grit gravel we were still getting screwed because even though i can now survive two attacks from pikachu somehow akari's pikachu gets to attack three times in a row i hate you alright no more messing around once peter reaches level 35 we can take mime junior down with one quick attack because quick attack raises my movement speed it means pikachu won't be able to use attacks to get three consecutive attacks so i finally get a chance to attack pikachu and it takes a strong style swift to send it to its grave sweet sweet revenge i was ecstatic to be done with that fight but little did i know an even bigger threat was just around the corner for now though it's onwards to the crimson minelands after a short trip across the swamp we reach the ruins where we meet calaba and what i can only assume is a hesilian bell sprout apparently an artifact from the temple was stolen which we'll have to help retrieve but before we can try volo emerges and challenges us to a rematch except now he's got an extra pokemon lurking in the deep [Music] so not only does volo have two pokemon now but one of them is a ground type bad news i can take togepi out with thunderbolt no problem but then gibbel the conqueror emerges and it only takes one agile style bulldoze to finish pichu so how are we gonna deal with this one well my plan involves taking advantage of the new battle system and the order that pokemon move see if i use an agile style quick attack against togepi i'll get to move twice in a row on the next turn so even though togepi recovers all the damage i did with its training kiss i can still take it out with one thunderbolt difference is with this method now i get to take a swing at gibble with my second attack before it even has a chance to blink i can land a big iron tail to take gibble out in one shot in the end that wasn't too bad we then quickly tracked down the criminals who were lured out by the cuteness of pichu their names are dumb dumber and dumbest we do have to battle them but they only use a single toxic croak so one strong style thunderbolt makes light work electrocuting their frog we return the stolen relic and calaba deciphers the ancient prophecy it says keegan is about to be mauled by a bear for hours now don't worry dear that could be any keegan oh wait no it's definitely you help us luna or as it's known in this run the grim reaper ursuluna has a stat total of 550 equivalent to two and a half pichu's it has the third highest attack stat in the entire game and it's incredibly bulky on top of all of that ursuluna is a ground type meaning i can't use my strong electric attacks nor can i paralyze it with thunder wave this is by far pichu's toughest opponent yet i got slapped destroyed spat on teabagged stepped on and downright embarrassed i clearly stood no chance as things were so i needed a new plan first i went and raised my survey rank to 6 stars this gives me some special extra moves of the tudor most important of which is play rough a fairy type move that has a chance to lower the opponent's attack after sprinkling pichu with some grit gravel i thought now i might have a chance if i can get an attack drop with play ruff maybe i could survive an attack from ursoluna but then i was reminded just how weak our pichu is because even with a huge level advantage and an attack drop we still fall to a single bulldoze i was starting to feel hopeless even at level 55 we weren't faring much better despite being more than double the level of ursuluna until this attempt on this particular run i got an attack drop with play ruff and then ursuluna did something strange it used an agile style bulldoze the attack drop from play ruff combined with the power reduction from agile style meant that pichu was actually able to survive a bulldozer ursoluna then gets another attack immediately and used babydoll eyes to lower my offense by using quick attack i can give myself two attacks in a row and a chance at victory quick attack barely does anything but on the next turn i charge up a strong style iron tail and the rest is history we were so close to greatness to put this into perspective i'd already spent hours on this one fight by now so to come this close and still fail was gut wrenching but now i knew it was possible not easy but possible failure after failure hour after hour i could simply not hold all these l's but then this attempt happened turn one play ruff does decent damage and gets the attack drop ursoluna then goes for the only move combination that i survive an agile bulldoze into a baby dollars pause did you notice anything change mid-fight during ursa luna's turn the overworld weather changed to fog and fog makes moves more likely to miss even those with an accuracy of 100 like bulldoze on the next turn i connect with an agile iron tail but miss the strong style i entail afterwards however then a miracle happened because ursuluna missed its bulldoze we know from past attempts that one iron tail won't be enough to get the ko so i go for an agile quick attack first for some small chip damage on the next turn it was all down to one last iron tail and it connects just finishing ursa luna and finally we'd slayed the giant bear we won due to the weather of all things and it felt like the big man upstairs was really looking out for me after hours of trying to beat that fight the challenge was finally over and uh hello that's not the end you mean it gets way harder oh keegan how did it all go with ursoluna don't ask i don't want to talk about it uh calaba i don't know what you're doing but i don't think that's gonna fix her ankle while it is true that there are tougher fights after how strong we had to get to beat ursuluna we're at a pretty high level for this point in the game so a short time later we stormed to the ridge where the noble lilligant resides pichu was able to get the knockout with one super effective play rough and i then smacked it with a few bombs and before long the second noble had been quelled we then head back to report our heroics to kamado excellent but you have no connection to the lightning right me come on don't be ridiculous remember this pokemon are terrifying creatures oh i know kamado i know our next mission is to spread the cuteness of pichu to the cobalt coastlands as soon as we arrive erida stops us for a battle and she uses two pokemon at the same time she gave me some trouble last time but this time things went much smoother on turn one i immediately take care of glaceon by sending 5000 volts to its skull with a thunderbolt evie follows suit on the next turn giving us an easy win ah now i feel better uh i did just electrocute your pokemon should you really feel good if peter really felt like it he could electrocute every water pokemon within a 10 mile radius if we thunderbolted the ocean right now we then make our way up the cliff where we meet perlina if you were to guess which of these growleth would you say is the previous lord's child ha i bet that's a trick question you're the child of arcanine aren't you polina you're an idiot after annoying pelina our next stop is isgan's house to see if he'll help us cross the ocean he tells us to find a dust glops and on the way i found this but since this is a pichu solo run the only respectable option was to thunderbolt the shiny pokemon into oblivion f's in the chat for shiny mother anyway we grabbed the dusk ops for iscan but this really made me think does a duck scorps blink or is it winking since it only has one eye these are the things that keep me up at night dusklops adds its seven secret herbs and spices to the dish and now we had a meal for bhaskar legion after we went over its heart through the power of song now we can use it to cross the ocean wait i've got it iskane is the child of arcanine isn't he never speak to me again dumb dumber and dumbest make a triumphant return and steal one of paulina's growlithe i don't really care though i mean it's not my business oh it's that guy with the pikachu excuse me what did you just call pichu pikachu how dare you leave them to me once we reach firepit island we confront the misfortune sisters and have to take on all three of them back to back this is usually one of the more challenging fights but our pichu is fully charged and ready clover's up first and she lives up to her title of dumbest by throwing her obama snow out right next to lava although it's not around for too long since obama's snow falls to one strong style iron tail coins toxic croak is a case of deja vu once again being taken out with a single thunderbolt although charm is easily the hardest of the three boasting two pokemon including a ground type and a powerful gengar i have to take rydon out quickly but luckily it also has a secondary rock type this means it's wigged to iron tail and one of these takes it out gengar then fires off two powerful attacks doing huge damage but pichu clutches up and barely holds on from here one final strong style iron tail takes care of business the little growleth evolves into a huge towering arcanine and the misfortune sisters run off scared personally i think they were running away in fear of petrus power but that's just me we step up to face the new noble lord archanine and this is one of the harder boss fights although i've got a mighty pichu on my side he looks like he's about to be pushed into the lava but just tanks a raging fury before landing another thunderbolt to give arcanine a dose of shock therapy from here i dodge a few of arcanine's attacks and we play fetch with some bombs until arcanine eventually calms down who's a good boy pichu's cuteness had saved the day once again but there was still one mystery yet to be solved wait i finally got it am i the child of arcanine good job in the coastlands keegan i just hope that paulina recovers quickly from that aneurysm you gave her my next mission is in the coronet highlands but before we can get there adamant forces us into a two-on-one battle you might think this is easy since i have a 20 level advantage but it's really not leafeon somehow manages to survive a strong style iron tail and then adamant's pokemon both get two attacks each they've gotta be hacking poor pichu can't handle the onslaught and sadly falls i tried a few different approaches but nothing was working levion could take me out with a single leaf blade so i got slapped around over and over again so i had to go back to my old strategy of relying on paralysis but this still isn't easy because for this to work i need leafeon to be paralyzed for two turns in a row and to have a few things go my way which knowing my luck of course did not happen and i kept on losing to adamant until my luck finally started to turn because on this attempt leafeon was paralyzed on turn one and evie was just looking around which is kind of funny to imagine i missed my iron tail but leafeon was still paralyzed we do get hit by baby dollars which is annoying since this lowers pichu's offense on the next turn i landed agile iron tail this time and hit the small chance for a defense drop on leafeon the luck keeps on coming because leafeon was still paralyzed for a third turn in a row eevee does land a few quick attacks but at this range and with the defense drop one strong style iron tail can finish off leafeon now evie gets two quick attacks and i need to dodge a crit which i luckily do with pichu barely hanging on but now it's my turn and i can take care of evie with a thunderbolt even with all that luck i still barely managed to squeak out the win i couldn't help but think that pichu stood no chance against big teams of strong pokemon but with that now we can team up with ingo and head into the coronet highlands you'll find all sorts of rock and ground type pokemon here please no more ground types spoiler there were more ground types while wandering through the mountains with ingo we come across mellie and his skun tank it's only a one-on-one but scantank is pretty bulky so it does survive a thunderbolt even with how frail my little pichu is he somehow survives a poison jab before finishing skunk tank off on the next turn that was kinda close but mellie will be back later on with a stronger team keegan do you remember what you saw before you fell through the rift heaven volo i saw heaven oh god more bears run there's an injured bronzer that needs help but since it's made of metal it's basically a floating battery so pichu charges it back up with a thunderbolt basic science problem solved before we can progress any further up the mountain we'll have to defeat ingo and this guy is a problem he carries three pokemon that our little pichu will need to solo the worst part his ace is a gly score which you guessed it is a ground type beating three pokemon is no easy feat especially with a pokemon as frail as pichu i can take out ingo's machoke with a single play rough but then he follows up with his demonic gly score who decimates me with a quick attack and mud bomb combo it was clear that level 56 just wasn't going to cut it but even after getting to level 65 and pelting my pichu with grit rocks it still wasn't enough pichu no get down i'll take the hit for you but it wasn't enough and glyscor once again made light work of pichu new plan i went and defeated a ton of alpha pokemon hoping to get a seat of mastery drop which i got after about an hour this lets me master the move play ruff so now i can use it either as an agile or strong style move but even by using an agile style play rough to knock out ingo's machoke that still wasn't enough to help me survive against glyscor so once reaching level 70 i decided to experiment and found something interesting if i weaken machoke with an agile thunderbolt there's a chance that ingo switches into glyscor this gives me a chance to attack glyscor which i haven't had in any attempts before this unfortunately i did miss my attack and was promptly destroyed by glyscor but regardless this gave me hope i then proceeded to lose over and over again essentially my plan was to have ingo switch into flyscore hit it with a playroom and land a small chance for an attack drop which will hopefully allow pikachu to survive long enough to remove glyscor as well as ingo's other pokemon but after a huge string of losses i raised pichu to level 75 and then we had a crazy attempt turn one the agile thunderbolt onto machoke does big damage and ingo switches out into glyscor i land a play rough and don't get the attack drop but glyce score then hit the 15 chance to miss mud bomb this means that pichu can finish glasgow on the next turn all of a sudden we only had to contend with ingo's last two pokemon and pizza still has plenty of hp but a huge double edge from a choke brings pichu to the brink of death albeit taking itself out in the process due to recoil damage it was all down to this pichu versus a ball of noodles i charged up one final strong style iron tail and no no no no no please i'd been stuck on this fight for hours by now and was heartbroken to fall just short but at least now i knew it was possible so i kept on trying and still failed but a short time later the stars aligned this fight went slightly differently than previous attempts because this time machoke used a double edge on turn one and ended up taking itself out i use a strong style iron tail on the gliscor which falls just short of getting the ko but importantly glyscor missed another mud bomb this means that on the next turn i can knock it out with an agile quick attack this is important because it means that i can get two consecutive attacks against tangler by using another quick attack the chip damage from this quick attack makes all the difference and with my next attack one strong style iron tail can remove tangler and we'd finally beat ingo our reward for winning is imprisonment in sneezler's backpack while we get carried up the mountain while confined i realized that if we struggled that much against a team of three pokemon how would we ever stand a chance against a team of four or five or even eight for now though melly's back and this hacker uses three pokemon at the same time you would expect this to be pretty hard but since i had to get so strong to beat ingo this one really isn't too bad his scum tank is the biggest threat so i use a strong style thunder to take it down straight away this leaves only the two minions although i can still lose since i'm put to sleep and pichu is really frail but with a little luck pichu lands its attacks through drowsiness with both of melee's remaining pokemon falling to a single thunderbolt each quick and clean let's make one thing clear i didn't lose you may have won but there's a difference uh are you sure that definitely sounds like something a loser would say shut up mellie refuses to cooperate with calming down electrode but kamado steps in and helps us out use your eyes mellie haven't you looked at your frenzied lord i see nothing but a pokemon overcome with joy [Music] oh yeah he's a real happy little fella this is one of the harder boss fights because electrode is running wild flinging its balls everywhere pichu was able to take it down with two quick attacks in our first encounter but was too weak to get the job done the second time around this left it all up to me but i dodged those giant balls with precision before slapping electrode with enough bombs to help calm it down that's four of the nobles taken care of and honestly i'm really proud of pichu at the start of this challenge i thought there was a good chance we wouldn't even make it this far give not into sorrow give not into anger offer only the cuteness of pichu well said you're truly part of the survey corpse and jubilee village now just as planned what was that oh nothing don't mind me kamado gives us our orders to investigate the alabaster icelands and quell the final noble lord but akari stops us at the gate for a rematch and now she's got three pokemon but al pichu is in a league above her at this point an agile iron tail slaps mr mine with a thunderbolt frying the star avia that follows last is pikachu but its iron tail isn't enough to overpower pichu with a quick attack followed by a strong style play ruff pichu slaps pikachu around once and for all establishing who the real pokemon mascot should be ah i love the snow and the best part is there shouldn't be any ground types here spoiler there is after a short stroll across the ice we meet this living giga chad garrick uses two ice type pokemon so this fight shouldn't be too complicated a few iron tails from pichu crushes his pokemon down to ice cubes very quickly but garrick isn't going to roll over that easily on what grounds do you come here seeking to quell lord avalog on the grounds i was told to by my boss this leads to my next question what is wrong with him being frenzied look dude i'm a kid paid in potato mochi just let me do my job so i don't starve to quell avalog we'll need the eternal ice that can only be reached by flying on braviary so next we head to snow point temple in search of its warden sabi these doors in snowpoint temple would normally be hard to open but pichu's so adorable that the doors just fly open before his cute gaze once we reach the top of the temple sabi's waiting and this battle is ridiculous it's a three on one against some powerhouse pokemon including a ground type i have to take out the ryperia first so take advantage of its secondary rock type by hitting it with a super effective iron tail luckily taking it down in one shot electivia and magmorta then both get two attacks each leaving pichu battered bruised and poisoned on the brink of death however i've now got two tones of my own i use the first to thunderbolt magmorta for a quick ko pichu just survives the poison damage and with its last remaining strength a strong style play ruff can finish electro bayer giving us the win on our very first try this clears us to demonstrate our strength to braviary in battle i was feeling very confident and didn't even bother healing up after our last battle it's a bird i have a walking thunderbolt the result is pretty predictable peter and i give another grammy deserving performance before taking flight with braveary we grab the eternal ice which is supposedly avalog's favorite snack like really ice is its favorite food that's so lame under the moonlight now it was time to face the final noble lord avalog this guy is huge and it definitely has the size advantage over pichu this boss fight is usually pretty easy if you know the attack patterns but i was failing hard i kept getting hit and every time i tried to send pichu out to battle i didn't throw the ball far enough so pj got to sit on the bench which is probably for the best considering that avalog could turn pichu into a pancake with a single step avalog had me at one hit from death but being the pro that i am i leaned forward in my gamer chair and dodged to the remainder of its attacks smacking it with a final few bombs to give us a clutch win with that the final noble lord had been quelled is this keegan boy some kind of monster in disguise wait how did you know i mean of course not and now that all the noble lords had been quelled peace can finally return well not if i have anything to say about it pichu it's time to initiate the plan the first strike of that strange lightning the one that drove clever into a frenzy it struck the night that keegan fell from the sky did it not those events must be linked who or what are you really keegan so you finally figured it out kamado you fools this whole mess started with a lightning strike and who has the strongest lightning strike that's right pichu you all fell for it and i've already collected most of the elemental plates once i get them all i'll capture arceus and use its power to give pichu its rightful place as the mascot pokemon not pikachu my god you're insane keegan you are no longer welcome in the galaxy team consider yourself banished ha i don't need you anymore kamato i'm out of here well pichu i guess we don't need to wear these disguises anymore [Music] ah that's better now we can finally see your true form pichu so we're finally ready for the next stage of the plan that's right partner the next step in my plan is to assemble the red chain this isn't too difficult it does involve some one-on-one battles with strong pokemon but we have a demonic pichu who makes light work of the guardian pokemon the lake trio can't deny pichu's cuteness and hand over the red chain that we intend to use to control the gods now we have to take the chain up to spear pillar but on the way we encounter a problem benny intends to stop my plan and his team is easily the toughest yet he's got four pokemon awfully evolved all strong and all capable of crushing pichu on my first attempt i barely got past his first pokemon miss maggias and even then the sneezer that followed ripped me to shreds level 76 just wasn't going to cut it and neither was level 85 where the result was the exact same if we wanted a shot at benny pichu would need to max out its potential at level 100. in my mind i truly believed that the pokemon as frail as pichu couldn't possibly stand a chance against a full team of four especially with a new battle system in legends arceus i've had some incredibly hard fights in this run that took hours so how long would this one take well only 15 minutes later i hit some crazy luck on turn one i hit a thunder which brings miss maggias into the red while also paralyzing it benny uses a max potion to heal up but the next thunder i landed was a critical hit finishing miss maggios off next is sneezler who previously would finish me off however in this run since i'm still at full health pedro somehow survives a close combat sneezler is already pretty frail but with close combat lowering its defenses further it makes sneezler very frail but still bulkier than pichu so i take advantage of this by weakening sneezler with an agile quick attack this means that i can finish sneezer off with a regular quick attack while also giving me another consecutive attack then he sends out god of war next but i can take that down with one iron tail i'd been so lucky to make it this far but benny still had his gallade left and pichu can't survive an attack so surely the attempt ends here or not for whatever reason the ai used swords dance and on the next turn one strong style play rough was enough to rip gallate apart giving us a crazy lucky win everything went my way in that fight and i was ecstatic since benny has been a problem in the past pichu actually did it but a few steps up the mountain our next challenge is waiting and this one is even tougher kamato i can get past braviary easily with thunderbolt but kamado follows up with snorlax who knows high horsepower a ground type move that slaps pichu into the ground all of my early attempts simply died here since i didn't have a way of dealing with snorlax so i decided to experiment i found that if i use charge beam against braviary i fall just short of knocking it out but if i use a quick attack after benny heals this means that when my next turn rolls around i can get two attacks in a row the first can be used to finish braviary and the second can be directed at snorlax this is important because even though i can't one shot the snorlax i can try to paralyze it with thunderbolt and if it's unable to move for a turn only then would i have a chance of taking it out i spent hours trying so many attempts but for this to work i needed so much to go in my favor and it just wasn't happening and all of this was only to make it past kamado's second pokemon he still had two more in the back with one of them being a ground type eventually i realized that if i wanted to stand any chance of winning i would need to whip out some items to level the playing field but by no means does this make the fight easy i was still being decimated by kamado although i did start to see some progress until this happened turn one i set up an aux evasion and braviary connects an espa wing for solid damage on the next tone i set up an aux power guard and thankfully braviary missed its attack this time allowing me to finish it off with an agile thunderbolt next is kamato snorlax who crucially missed its high horsepower thanks to my attack boost an agile quick attack followed by a thunder is just enough to take snorlax out this brings golem out who immediately slaps pichu with stealth rock which does gradual damage in this game but i returned fire with a super effective agile iron tail to crush that boulder in just one shot last is kamado's clefable and for some strange reason it set up a calm mind rather than taking an easy ko with that stroke of luck and pichu being on the brink of death a quick attack followed by a strong style iron tail is just enough to finish clefable finally giving petru the win over kamado after hours of trying our little pichu somehow managed to beat not one but two teams of four strong pokemon i honestly didn't think we'd make it this far but pichu really pulled through kamado bows down acknowledging pichu's monstrous power and pledging his allegiance now we're cleared ahead for the summit where palkier is summoned and the red chain just breaks cool regardless peter overpowers palkier forcing it into submission and we shove it inside a pokeball dyalga emerges next wanting to witness pichu's cuteness with its own eyes but we retreat since peach is not exactly in the best shape after those battles there's a whole side quest about crafting the origin ball that does involve a battle with charm but her team only has the same two pokemon as when we last battled so pichu takes care of it pretty quickly once we've got our hands on the origin ball it's back up to spear pillar for a showdown with dialga honestly this fight is a breeze dialga must have been stunned by how adorable pichu is because i danced around dialga like it was nothing without even needing the demonic power of pichu we caught it in the origin ball and my plan was going to perfection he actually caught it what a monster that pichu is the devil we had the god of time the god of space and the god of cuteness all together the only thing left to do was collect the remaining elemental place with volo before confronting arceus the next plate is very simple we just need to defeat an alpha vespaquin thankfully a thunder from pichu handles this very quickly frying its brain into a gentle goo but the next plate is a very different story because kamado has it i tried to sneak up and push him into the ocean but that didn't work so we need to battle kamado again and this time his team is a higher level along with having an extra pokemon it took me so long to beat him the first time so i was dreading this battle now he leads with golem who i can take out with an iron tail but then camaro follows up with his snorlax and it's a familiar sight with high horsepower tearing me to shreds i'd fallen back into the depths of rng hell my strategy was to set up an orcs evasion on turn one and i need golem to miss if it doesn't the attempt dies right there to a bulldoze a lot of attempts ended here but if golem does miss on the following turn i can also set up an orcs power guard i then needed to land an agile iron tail which has a 25 chance to miss if it connects golem goes down and the big bad bear emerges this is where the rng gets even worse because now i needed snorlax to miss enough attacks in a row for me to take it out if it lands a single high horsepower the attempt is done this requires some crazy luck and keep in mind all of this is to only make it past kamado's first two pokemon he still has three more after that i spent hours failing over and over and over but i believed in our little pichu and kept on fighting until the stars aligned against golem i'm able to set up an orcs evasion and power guard with it missing its bulldoze i take it out with an agile iron tail bringing the reaper out we both miss our attacks but on the following turn an agile thunder followed by iron tail is enough to slay the gluttonous beast a pin missile and close combat from herocross does huge damage to pichu but fortunately neither of them crit so i just hang on with the defense drop on heracross from close combat an agile play ruff is enough to take it out now i'm in a tough spot because my boots have worn off and pichu is about to die from residual pin missile damage so i heal pichu with a max potion and get really lucky as clefable decided to set up a calm mind i use this extra turn to give pichu another aux power guard allowing me to tank lefable psychic pretty well after healing up with a hyper potion and tanking one more attack i tried to finish clefable off with iron tail but missed now peaches at low health and things are looking rough however clefable's carmine boost has now worn off so i take the chance and try to land an agile iron tail which thankfully connects this time and just manages to finish clefable kamado was now down to only his braviary but since i just used an agile style move i've got one more turn i pray to iron jesus and thank god my strong style thunder doesn't miss smiting bravery in one shot and we finally beat kamato again kamado hands me the fist plate acutely named after what he just did to me for the last three hours fortunately the remaining plates are much less painful we travel around collecting a ton of legendary pokemon who all fall under the spell of pichu's cuteness wow those are some powerful pokemon let's release them you're the only pokemon i need pichu we get the next plate by giving kogi to some wood before volo and i head for spear pillar finally volo we can execute the last stage of our plan to make pichu become the pokemon mascot pichu that ugly pokemon volo what are you saying hand over the plates keegan i'll carry out the plan but i'll be making a much more deserving pokemon the mascot and what pokemon would that be paris my god volo you're a madman you'll doom us all someone had to stop volo it was all up to me and my little pichu this battle is ridiculous not only is it a one versus eight but volo also has some of the strongest pokemon in the entire game including a legendary pokemon that we have to beat twice it's absurd to think that one little pichu had any hope of beating this all by itself remember how pichu has a stat total of 205 well the total base stats of volo's team comes out to a crazy 4585 or the equivalent of over 22 pichu's and we only have one but we've come too far to give up here i had to find a way to make this possible so i experimented with a bunch of different strategies and move sets but time and time again i got slapped around i'm talking for hours but this was important to help me understand just how screwed i was and how lucky i needed to be so volo spirit room lead is not that bad i can set up an aux power guard and aux evasion pretty safely as long as i don't get crit thanks to the attack boost a super effective agile play rough can then take it down of course next is my worst nightmare a ground type if garchomp uses earth power and it doesn't miss then pichu just dies then and there the only attempts that stand a chance are those where garchomp misses or uses slash if either of those happen then i can take it down with a play ruff but it doesn't get easier because next up is lucario this part of the fight is tricky because i can take lucario down with thunderbolt but by this point in the fight my stat buffs have nearly worn off and i desperately need those boosts to stand any chance of making it past rosarite that comes out next so the strategy i eventually settled on was to try and use lucario to restore my stat buffs and health of course this requires a ton of luck basically i need lucario to miss at least three attacks if it crits me i lose if it never misses i also lose it's a gauntlet but it is necessary because if i don't have full health and my stat buffs the rest of the fight is near impossible on the very few attempts that do make it this far after taking lucario down volo sends out his plant who is an absolute run killer if it hits me with spikes pichu takes huge residual damage each turn and will almost always lose seriously so many good attempts died right here to make it safely past rosarito i need it to miss an attack if it does then i've got a 75 chance to take it down in one shot with an agile iron tail if absolutely all of this has gone to plan we should be at full health when arcanine comes out once again i need it to miss an attack or the attempt is over if it does miss then i can knock it out with a thunder this brings out the last member of volo's regular team togekiss it's worth mentioning that i must be at full health when i take it down if i want any hope of surviving giratina this means i either need togekiss to use car mind when it first comes out or i have to keep on healing until it finally misses an attack once i'm at full health and have a chance to attack it only takes one strong style thunder to take care of togekiss why now i must have had hundreds of attempts over several hours to finally get all the luck needed to beat volo's main team but then this hacker whips out his giratina that i'll need to beat twice giratina attacks first and instantly brings pichu to the brink of death with shadow force but now i've got two turns so i use the first one to heal and an aux power guard on the second giratina is still doing huge damage all i can do is try to stall for time by healing but this is hopeless if giratina crits me i die if giratina hits me with an agile dragon claw followed by a strong style earth power i also die and this is all without me even getting to land an attack after helplessly falling to giratina i was crushed it took me so long to even make it that far only to get stomped without dealing a single point of damage but i kept fighting it took ages but i eventually did make it back to giratina i survived for a little while but the result was the exact same by the third time i made it to giratina peaches still hadn't even laid a hand on it and all of these giratina fights have hours of failed attempts between them that die in the absolute hell of rng that is volo's regular pokemon and if i sound hopeless it's because at this point that's exactly how i felt until something special happened [Music] once again we were back at giratina as always we almost died a shadow force but peter hangs on and we heal up before boosting our stats with an orcs power guard i then keep healing until we eventually get two consecutive turns and i use this turn to set up an aux evasion this triggers giratina to now use aurasphere since that move doesn't miss this does less damage than shadowforce and i can survive two regular hits so i alternate between healing and restoring my stat boosts with aux items this cycle carries on for a few turns but the goal is to drain giratina's aurasphere pp once it stops using aurosphere though we know that we've done just that now it is vital that giratina misses multiple turns and this is where my previous runs faltered but this time giratina missed a shadow force so i was able to land an agile playroom doing about half of giratina's health while also hitting the small chance to lower its attack stat but then giratina makes things even better and also misses a dragon claw so i can reset my orcs power guard buffs before landing another agile play rough to finally ko giratina at least before it comes back in its second form however importantly stat changes from the first phase carry over so i get to keep my stat buffs and giratina is still stuck with the attack drop with its pp reset giratina once again uses aurosphere and i respond with yet another play rough i dodge a crit on the next turn and barely survive thanks entirely to the stat buffs at this point giratina's evasion has been raised by shadow force and play ruff only has a 90 accuracy all the hours all the struggle all the tough fights we've had all come down to whether we can land one final attack and we did after way too long and hundreds of attempts our little pichu one of the most frail pokemon in the game had somehow soloed one of the hardest battles in the entire pokemon franchise and so we stepped up to arceus who was no match for peach's cute charm we slapped it around and took control of arceus's power which we used to change history and that's how pichu became the rightful mascot of the pokemon franchise thanks for watching jump into this video next or pichu will smite you like the video for more cute pichu content and leave an f in the comments because this challenge made me lose my mind take care and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Keegan J
Views: 582,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, challenge, pichu, legends, arceus, solo, keegan j
Id: qlup6a-7SDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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