I Attempted A Pokemon Nuzlocke With ONLY FIGHTING Types

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i tried to beat pokemon legends arceus under hardcore nuzlocke rules and to make things even spicier i tried to beat it using only fighting type pokemon with a redefined battle system and one of the hardest final bosses of any pokemon game would it even be possible well i wanted to find out if you're not familiar with the hardcore nuzlocke rules if a pokemon faints it is dead buried and can never be used again i can only catch one of each fighting type pokemon and if either my whole team or character faints then the run is over and i have to start all over again to make things even harder i won't be able to use any items in battle and i won't be allowed to over level my team could i beat the game with these restrictions well i tried here's how it went we meet god who asks for my name being a punching crazed fighting type trainer i introduced myself as mr fister apparently i fell all the way from the heavens to the ground that would be enough to kill a regular person but my rock hard fighting physique can take on anything oh a message from god be sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already hmm i better do what it says the townspeople are all too happy to send me to my death but at least they let me pick a starter pokemon none of these are a fighting type but i picked rowlet since it does gain a fighting type in its final evolution i gave it the nickname crane because its final form reminds me of the character from kung fu panda our first fight is against volo and that smug grin of his but rowlet turns his toga p into scrambled eggs in no time at all the commander challenges me to a fistfight and naturally i hit him with a left right good knight beating him sideways but i warn you pokemon are terrifying creatures he's so adorable the survey corpse clothes have zero fashion sense and i needed something more my style yeah that's better this game has an awesome roster of both new and returning fighting types let me know in the comments below which of these pokemon is your favorite and i'll give my answer later on now i can't grab a fighting pokemon just yet so my only option for the next few battles is to use rowlet akari's pikachu is up first but it goes down pretty quickly mai on the other hand is much tougher she has a munchlax that knows rollout so this fight would be way easier if i actually had a fighting type rollout hits route for big damage but my plan is to use roost not only does this recover hp but it temporarily removes my flying type so rollout isn't as treacherous with this strategy rowlet hangs on long enough to remove munchlax with a barrage of leafages but with the map now opened up it's time to get an actual fighting type pokemon by running all this way i reached the all-borough tunnel machop spawns here and i can't afford to miss this encounter so i carefully threw some berries and lined up a backstrike pokeball throw and this was enough to catch mike tyson the match off i put rowlet in the pc so little matchup would have to do all the heavy lifting for now and this is a problem because my next battle is against alpha cricketoon not only does krikatun have great early game stats but this one knows the flying type move area lace which will rip my machop apart so i needed a plan i realized that once you reach the three-star rank z-su will teach matrop the elemental punches and so i upgraded my moveset and stepped up to face qriketoon it out speeds and as expected lays down an area lace taking more than half of my hp but by using bullet punch i deal a small chunk of damage while also getting to move a second time in a row with my next attack a fire punch incinerates that monstrous my next mission is incredibly dangerous but nothing that the chiseled body of mr fister can't handle little leanne tries to stop me but one ice punch to gumi's jaw sends it into the stratosphere now i could ride on weirdy which is great except i ran off a cliff and almost died which would have been the end of the run right there i'll have to be careful with that anyway leanne went and cried to his boss iridar so i have to teach her a lesson too she says that her partner pokemon is like her own sister which makes things very awkward because i proceeded to slap her sister glaceon right into its grave mr fista pulls no punches having asserted my dominance i was about to disrespect the pearl clan even further by throwing food in the face of their noble lord cleevil by being the hardened warrior that i am i took it on in hand-to-hand combat and slapped it silly it didn't even hit me once i beat it up took its lunch money and its stupid plate oh you're mr fister aren't you obviously can you tell by my ripped arms and shredded body akari challenges me to a rematch and she's now got a mr mime which is a pest with its psychic and fairy typing fortunately i do have an answer for it as two super effective bullet punches take mime junior down last is pikachu and while it does land a paralysis one powerful fire punch gives me the win akari gives me the recipe for stealth sprays but who needs stealth when you have these giant muscles but with that i have now got access to the crimson mire lands as well as a few extra encounters first up is krogan who i'm able to catch straight away for my next encounter i head to the northern ruins where i'm able to find a male role's nickname to mcgregor but this presents a dilemma as to evolve curlier into gallade i needed dawn stone i knew i could buy one in jubalife for 1200 merit points so i collected a bunch of satchels problem is they spawn really slowly so i shifted to breaking oars as i knew that some stones could be gained through this method this gave me zero luck so i turned to the last method i knew of space-time distortions i found a lot of junk and the game even taunted me by giving me some shiny stones but then i found something not a dawn stone but a pokemon herald cross i didn't even realize that it could spawn here so i guess this grinder wasn't all bad there's no context here i just wanted to share this goofy psyduck chasing his tail and trying to whip up a tornado anyway i continued grinding over the next few hours until i finally found a sunstone look did i absolutely need a gallate to proceed probably not but i wasn't confident enough to risk the entire run on that so i pressed onwards and after a stupid amount of time i finally got the dawn stone shoved it up curly as butt and we finally had our gallade you better be worth that grind what you did to cleveland was hardly different from bullying a pokemon into submission yeah i was pretty great huh if this old lady keeps giving me sass i'll be sending her to the retirement village in the sky volo wants to see my strength so i unleashed gallade and picked up a quick win within three turns but gallagher's reign of terror was not done yet after sniffing out the canker sisters they do their big song and dance only to be knocked out in one move i almost feel sorry for them i returned the stolen artifact and my reward is a mauling at the hands of ursa luna this guy is a huge threat it's stats are through the roof and it can single-handedly end a run on its own i doubt i can knock it out in one turn so i have galilee use bulk up on turn one to boost both my offense and defense an agile babydoll eyes from ursuluna removes my attack boost before play ruff leaves me with about a third of my hp but on the next turn a super effective drain punch does more than half of ursaluna's health while also recovering galilee even after another baby dollars i was confident that i could pick up the kill with another drain punch but fell just short i was risking a critical hit here but fortunately ursuluna didn't land one and one more attack on the next turn was able to finish the fight okay i can breathe a big sigh of relief now because that fight horrified me a fight that i'm not so worried about is against the noble lord liligan its attacks are pretty basic although it did manage to hit me once so i guess it fared better than cleaver but ultimately the intense throws dished out by my rock hard arms were too much for lilligant to handle down by the beach kamado welcomes the newcomers to the village hey wait a minute why don't they have to complete any trials cylene tried to kill me and these guys get a free ride what a joke with a new level cap i'm able to evolve my chop into my choke which is pretty great but what's even better is i can use one of the link cables that i found in space-time distortions to evolve it into machamp immediately that's a lot of fists the perfect pokemon for mr fister i can also head back to the crimson mile and where i am able to catch a pedolite i purposely avoided this encounter earlier as it was above the level cap after catching chi chi the pedolil i can use that sunstone from earlier to evolve it into the new liligant form which gains a secondary fighting type our upgraded team was looking pretty fresh and i was now cleared to tackle the cobalt coastlands but before i can do that irida ambushes me and demands a battle we're outnumbered 2-1 here but her glacion is the real threat so i focused on that with a big drain punch to the draw i sucked at hp dry last is poor little level 15 eevee who was punched into next week by machamp irida insists on healing my pokemon but uh i think your pokemon need that a little more than mine do in terms of a nuzlocke the next few missions in this area don't really offer much of course besides paulina's fluffy good boys and the weird forbidden love subplot anyway a short time later i give baska legion a meal and now mr fister can take to the seas but then the misfortune sisters commit the worst crime imaginable stealing a puppy not even satan himself would stoop that low um clover just just checking but are you wearing pants now i will go and save growleth but i have some very important business to handle first oh monkey chintra spawns on an island only accessible by bhaskar legion so i backtracked to the first area and caught one once it evolved into monferno my team was ready after crossing the sea to fire pit island we catch up with the misfortune sisters this is one of the deadliest parts of the game because we have to take on all three of them back to back first up is clover who has the genius idea of sending out a bomber snow next to an active volcano although one four times effective fire punch reminds her that a bomber snow does not deal well with fire next is coin who still has a toxic croak it's extremely weak to sidekick so a psycho cut immediately finishes it off last is charm and i've gotta give her some credit because at least she's smart enough to carry more than one pokemon her ride on isn't overly threatening but i am worried about the gengar in the back so i set up a bulk up with gallate on turn one ride on takes around half of my health but a boosted drain punch on the next turn takes it down in one shot while also recovering my hp my boost put me in a good position to tank a hex from gengar before busting that ghost with a strong style super effective psycho cut and as punishment for their crimes we let them escape radio then that's one of the dangerous battles taken care of and man i'm really glad that i took the time to get that dawn stone but i had another scary prospect right ahead noble arcanine this is probably the boss that i historically struggle with the most i was confident but in saying that i'd never beaten it on my first try and under my nuzlocke rules if my character faints then the run is over so needless to say i was a little nervous the first stage of the fight was very clean my dodgers were perfectly timed and i was in a nice rhythm but around the halfway point i took a big hit and then another one soon after my health was getting low and i was on the brink of death but i kept my composure as arcanine began charging its alt i had just enough hp to survive a roll through the fire and the flames before barely finishing arcanine off that was way too close for comfort get me off this damn island with the increased level cap we upgraded the team a little bit first both krogunk and monferno were able to evolve into their final forms toxic croak and infernape finally i also reintroduced rowlet into the team stubbing out liligan the sigi gains a fighting type after evolving into its final form having lost its flying type deciduous joins the ranks of chickens and penguins as a bird who cannot fly adamant insists on witnessing the strength of mr fista so he's about to cop a beating using annual infernape goku a flamethrower cooks his leafy on medium well the little eevee tries but infernape can easily finish it off with a drain punch or a drain kick i guess you know ingo's a bit like you ah really he licks rocks to steal their strength too uh no mr fister that's that's just you this quest brings us to the coronet highlands where mellie continues to cement his place as the most annoying character in the game he uses a stinky scum tank which is very fitting this battle is pretty risk-free as two bulldozers from infernape are able to take it down although millie will be back with a stronger team pretty soon for now we continue rolling through the mountainside with ingo this lady somehow heals a bronzer of his injuries but like how does that even work do you just spit on it and shine it up now i'm no doctor but that boy is just a floating bit of metal after catching up with ingo he decides to test my strength and this fight is deadly he leads with a machoke so naturally i go gallade and take it down with a super effective psycho cut but next is glyscor and this is where things get dicey it hits me with a quick attack and aerial lace leaving gallagher with only a quarter of its health i can't afford to risk gallade so switch into machamp who tanks an aerial lace a little bit better now i was confident that a four times effective ice punch would destroy glyscor but i was wrong and then this happened machamp barely hung on i could finish glyscor but with the way the new battle system works machamp would undoubtedly be killed by ingo's final pokemon so i make sure to switch into toxicroak first before finishing gliscor with venashock last up is tangler and one more super effective venashock seals the win and what was definitely my closest battle yet from here the game was only going to get tougher help me while climbing cliffs i came across a sneasel whose new form is a fighting and poison type naturally i tried to catch it but this could have been bad it's a pretty high level and boosted its attack with swords dance i was going to run from it and try again in a different spot but fortunately it stayed in the ball so we'd caught sneasel and it even dropped me a razor claw which is very lucky but what's not so lucky is that melly's back and his bad attitude has not improved he challenges me to a rematch and this is harder than our first battle because this one is a three on one i lead with infernape and my plan is to take skuntank out first since it's by far the most dangerous a bulldoze does big damage but unfortunately so does poison jab and melee poisoned in fernape while i could finish gun tank with bulldoze i was worried about a venoshock wing attack combo from the other two henchmen so i switched infernape out and went into toxicroak who was able to finish gun tank off with earth power zubat put toxicroak to sleep so i switched once more bringing out the champ who was able to clean up zubat with ice punch followed by skarupi with fire punch that could have gone worse but i think i handled it pretty well even in defeat mellie tries to mess me around he's lucky that adamant intervened because mr fister was about to give melly the fist if you catch my drift now it's time to take on electrode if arcanine is my most feared boss electrode is probably my second it gets very chaotic as there's bombs going off and electric balls chasing me my goal was to chip it down slowly while carefully dodging the barrage of attacks it took a while however it did work well i took a few hits in the process but managed to calm that big angry nut it still looks very angry but it isn't glowing anymore so i guess that's job done melee is devastated which makes me even more proud of my work once back in the village i subbed out toxic croak for sneasel which i then evolved into sneezler seriously though this thing just looks like a sneasel that went through some kind of medieval stretch torture the reason for this change is simply that i just wanted to try sneezeler out and i was going to get my chance right away as akari challenges me to a rematch now she leads with mr mime whose psychic and fairy typing is enough to turn to shiver down the spine of any fighting type trainer fortunately a poison jab from sneezler is enough to take it down in one shot but this leaves me exposed to the star rabia that follows who went for brave bird and i had to risk sneezler there but it worked out okay as i just hung on after switching into machamp one ice punch blast starravia out of the sky and a few muck punchers pummel pikachu into the ground these battles are starting to get very dangerous my next stop is the wintery alabaster icelands there's a lot of pokemon here but only one that i'm after after luring it with some berries i safely caught ryolu it's staying in the pc for now but this little guy plays a big part in my plan for this run for now it's on with the main quest where i meet garrick and his pathetic scrawny body your physique is insulting to the chiseled hard work of art that is the body of mr fister he tries to battle but infernape quickly hits his ice type duo with a left right goodnight to establish my dominance as the toughest fister in the land before going further we had some tough battles ahead so i subbed ryolu into the team to evolve it i need to raise its happiness and to do that i need to break rocks it's a bit tedious for me but i guess it makes riolu happy anyway a short time later we had a fresh new lucario lucario's secondary steel typing makes it a great addition to my fighting team because it's neutral to both psychic and flying which the rest of my team really struggles with apparently saabi can help me to fly but it's not working come on take flight i watched my life flash before my eyes as this gallagher tried to slaughter me after catching up with sabi she wants to battle and activates her hacker mode sending out three tanky pokemon at once the ryperia in the middle is the most dangerous so i lead with decidueye and take advantage of its low special defense removing ryperia with a four times effective magical leaf in the process decidueye is hit by flamethrower so why switch into machamp there may be two enemies but machamp has two sets of arms to dish out two servings of usus directly to their jaws two quick kos give me the win but we're not out of the woods yet remember how i said that our team doesn't cope well with sidekick and flying pokemon well our next opponent is both of those almost like it was custom built to counter mr fista however i do have a secret weapon in lucario who has at least a neutral match up on turn 1 a shadow ball brings braviary to low hp it does recover some of the damage with roost but not enough as a second shadow ball on the next turn clips the wings of that horrifying bird that ended up being pretty smooth with lucario but it would have been a very different story if i didn't have our new steel type friend and so i was now faced with the final noble lord he's a big boy but that's just how mr fister likes him i utterly embarrassed this giant oath i was floating like a butterfly stinging like a bee and just generally slapping him around like i'm his daddy it didn't even hit me once so without much trouble the final noble lord had been quelled and probably disrespected a little bit too the next section of the game is very dialogue and story heavy but in short the sky lights up like it's new year's eve and the commander decided that that's my fault i can't say i blame him because mr fista is the only one powerful enough to pull off something like this alright fine i'll leave the village just let me grab my protein powder you monsters let me in in our quest to fix things we have to travel to each of the sino lakes and take on the alpha pokemon that guard them first up is gudra and this thing looks miserable probably because it knows that it's weak against my fighting type moves gujara missed its first attack which didn't help its cause and after setting up a bulk up machamp quickly puts goodra out of its misery nick disorc who hits very hard but it's also very frail as such i'm confident in lucario's ability to one shot and it does just that with a strong style crunch that's two down and the final alpha guardian is overquill who's just begging for a nice big hug i subbed toxic into the team for this battle as overquill has a low special defense and a weakness to ground moves toxic crop tanks a double edge and by using an agile style move first i can move twice in a row this lets me land two earth powers popping that oversized puffer fish with that i'd completed all three of the lake trio trials and then rewarded with a sparkly chain of red rocks which no mr fista did not lick them next i'll have to climb mount coronet and the battles that await are easily the toughest yet the first of these is benny who has a very scary team boasting both a gallade and gardevoir making this really tricky for my fighting types i lead liligan and use victory dance which boosts all of my stats miss maggias does make me drowsy with hypnosis but with my buffs an agile style leaf blade takes it down gardevoir is next and this is the biggest threat on benny's team a psychic does enormous damage since it's drowsy liligan isn't guaranteed to land an attack i contemplated whether or not to switch it out but decided i had to take the risk as gardevoir is just too dangerous luckily leaf blade does land finishing off that deadly gardevoir a leaf blade on the next turn also finishes gallade however benny's last pokemon sneezler does finally execute liligan from here a few bulldozers from heracross are able to finish things off giving me a very relieving win losing liligant there was a shame but part of me was relieved to lose only one pokemon there as that could have been a lot worse i gave liligan a fitting burial before making some team changes and heading back up the mountain we come face to face with kamado all decked out in armor but you'll need more than that to survive a punch-on with mr fister this is another deadly fight as kamado leads with braviary i didn't use lucario in the last fight as i needed to preserve it for this match up lucario fires off a shadow ball which falls just short of getting a ko but kamato decides to switch into snorlax i know that snorlax has high horsepower nz headbutt making it a huge threat i decided that my best bet was to switch into my champ due to its reasonable bulk i set up with bulk up before snorlax hits me with two attacks in a row taking about half of my health but a boosted drain punch to snorlax's gut on the next turn takes it out while recovering me back to full hp next is clefable who's pretty scary to begin with but even more so after it sets up a calm mind my best option with machamp is to use bullet punch which hits for super effective damage while also raising my movement speed this works well but kamado being the coward that he is breaks the nuzlocke rules and uses a max potion after another bullet punch and resetting up bulk up psychic hits me pretty hard but at this point i decided i was all in with machamp and committed to finishing clefable off with two more bullet punches this absolutely should have been the end of machamp as braviary was about to send it to its grave but i got really lucky as espewing missed braviary was probably distracted by machamp's monstrous back muscles but with one more bullet punch braviary was gone for good kamato's final pokemon is golem a giant lickable rock it dishes out some decent damage but a few drain punches from a champ seal the win having established my dominance i made kamado bend down and eat the dirt big mouthfuls now how's it taste delicious sir attaboy after summoning the big bad god of time we engage in battle and whoops i killed it i'll need to catch dialga so we battle again this time i weaken it with machamp before switching into decidueye dalga breaks out of the first ball but deciduous roost can recover hp buying me more time to throw balls luckily for me the catch rate on this thing is pretty high so i was able to get it on the next turn palkia arrives and while searching for a way to stop it we're ambushed one last time by the misfortune sisters i'll have to take on charm who weirdly enough has the exact same team as last time i was planning to sweep with gallade but after taking ride on out with drain punch gengar made me drowsy with hypnosis and did big damage with shadowball not wanting to risk gallade i switched into heracross who was able to bury gengar with a few bulldozers the plan to stop palkia revolves around this ball made of shiny rocks that looks very tasty and after returning to spear pillar we're faced by the love child of palkia and ponyta but i was operating at full power i did take one hit but the devastating power and agility of mr fista was too much for even a god to handle after only one minute i'd slapped palkia around and entrapped it inside the origin ball with that the day was saved and the credits rolled all the clans gathered to celebrate and watch kamado eat more dirt hang on i'm not done just yet look nudlocks generally ended the credits but legends arceus had some crazy post-game battles and i was determined to find out just how far this team could go the post-game quest is centered around getting the remaining elemental plates the first one is obtained by beating up a powerful vespa quinn it knows flying type moves so i made sure to lose lucario who had no trouble taking it down the next fight is much more difficult though as we need to rematch kamado and his team is even more powerful this time on the plus side he now leads with golem which is easy for me to set up on after setting up a strong style bulk up with machamp golem removes about a quarter of my health but one drain punch crushes golem while recovering my hp clefable's psychic is deadly but a super effective boosted poison jab takes it down snorlax has great coverage against my team with zen headbutt placing the champ below half hp although fortunately a drain punch on snorlax's big gut takes it down all while giving me a huge dose of hp back braviary is a demon landing a critical hit esper wing i have to take it down quickly as my bulk up boost is about to wear off a super effective ice punch does just that although it does leave my machamp exposed kamado's last pokemon is a heracross who is looking very dangerous after it sets up swords dance but after a switch into gallade two quad effective area laces are enough to seal the win and you know what that means kamado who's hungry for some dirt the next few plates are obtained by catching legendary pokemon these obviously have huge stats powerful moves and are at level 70 so this can be very dangerous except i have a plan see the legendary pokemon will aggro you as soon as you enter their rooms but by using items to stun them you can create openings to then catch them in the overworld this is a huge benefit as it means i don't have to risk losing my pokemon by battling these tough opponents and so i was able to catch azelf uxie and me spirit as well as heatran and cresselia all pretty quickly the last legendary to catch is reggie gigas and this is the only one that you actually have to engage in battle this poor giant got absolutely screwed even in a game with no abilities it still can't shake off its slow start which is hard coded into the game it's got zen headbutt and deadly normal type attacks so i led with lucario two muck punchers got it reasonably low before i was fortunate enough to catch it in the first ultra ball now mr fista had just caught some disgusting non-fighting type pokemon gross i know to set things right i immediately released those yucky and pathetic pokemon cogita gives me the penultimate plate and in no time at all we climb spear pillar where volo reveals his evil intentions and even worse his frosted tip hairdo now this fight is insanely hard volo's team is stacked and he basically has eight pokemon by no means would this be easy but i did have a plan his spirit room lead is dangerous because it has psychic coverage so i lead lucario who has a decent match up and land two agile style bulldozers i'm put to sleep in the process but that's totally fine lucario's job was merely to do some chip damage and lower spiritual speed with bulldoze it's now safer to switch into infernape and set up a strong style bulk up i take some damage before finishing spiro tune with shadow claw garchomp is next but my ball cup and drain punch combo allows me to recover more hp than garchomp can remove within a few turns garchomp falls and my health is fully recovered my stat buffs have now worn off and next up is togekiss it has psychic and fairy coverage which is dangerous for my team especially after it sets up a calm mind while lucario could handle it volo's own lucario or arcanine would likely get the trade and i really want to preserve lucario so i decided to stay in with infernape set up another bulk up and go for a poison jab sadly this wasn't enough to get the ko and an air slash from togekiss extinguished in furnace flames since togekiss had just used a strong style move i've now got two turns up my sleeve this allows my champ to set up a bulk up before finishing the hit on togekiss with a poison jab straight to the jaw lucario goes down to a drain punch and the rosary that follows falls to an ice punch arcanine does solid damage with raging fury but a boosted drain punch knocks it out in one shot volo's team was crushed although we now had to deal with giratina twice but the good news is my team was in solid shape with five pokemon still standing i can't change my team around between battles so i'm forced to lead with lucario who takes big damage from earth power a bulldoze gives me a second consecutive turn and i use this to land a dragon pulse for solid damage but sadly another earth power from giratina sends our beloved lucario to the grave but its sacrifice was not in vain as at this range sneezler can finish giratina with a strong style shadow claw for the second phase i had a plan revolving around my pokemon in the back but giratina missed two attacks allowing sneezler to riff it to shreds with shadow claw it did manage to land one shadow force but sneezler hung on and one last shadow claw finally sent giratina back to the shadow realm that it crawled out of i had some luck there but honestly i didn't really need it i still had plenty of firepower left but with that i'd conquered a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon legends arceus using only fighting types the bulk up and drain punch combo is busted but i had a lot of fun nuzlocking this game for more monotype nuzlocke challengers check out this playlist if you enjoyed the video all that i ask is that you give it a like and subscribe to the channel it's totally free quick and really helps me out earlier i asked you to let me know what your favorite fighting type was in the comments for me it's inferno take care and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Keegan J
Views: 2,118,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Legends Arceus, Hardcore, Nuzlocke, Gaming
Id: baquoTDKlJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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