Pokémon Ultra Sun Hardcore Nuzlocke - Bug Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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bug types have historically been the weakest type of pokemon but the more recent generations have done a lot to improve the type so today i'm gonna see if i can beat the most difficult game to nuzlocke using only the weakest type and if you've seen a hardcore nuzlocke video before you know the rules but if not they're gonna be on screen right now and in the description down below and the lineup of possible encounters in this run is looking quite promising i must say a lot of my favorites on this list so without any further ado let's get under the alolan sun my name is axel and based off of how i dress myself i'd say i'm trying to get bullied in this game it looks like it's probably food but when did mom buy it no where did she buy there's not a single grocery store on melly melly island slide and glide ride the waves watch the water splash as you sore through the air come have the right of your life experience mantine surfing yeah cause that went so well last time surf and it is awesome anyway it's finally time to pick our starters so i go with popplio so that how gets litten which is super effective against our bug types we can then go to route 1 to get our first encounter which happens to be a grubbin i captured a name it banana and it have a lacks nature which really isn't that bad for the beginning since we want some good defense i then want to talk about route 1 for a second this route has a ton of different areas with completely different encounter tables and a lot of players consider these new areas to get pokemon and nuzlockes for this run i will allow one more encounter since my previous five attempts to beat de lima were impossible with just the grubinator so in the next area i managed to find myself a caterpie which i capture and name grape it has a neutral hearty nature which is pretty good and after just a few fights against wild pokemon it evolves into a metapod and we then have to take on our first deadly challenge against our rival howe he starts out with a pichu so i start with banana and start vice gripping but after getting charmed i feel it's time to swap out into metapod i do end up tanking a thundershock really well and take out the pichu with a taco but then comes the real problem litten now for whatever reason it likes to go for scratch instead of ember here so i can fire up a string shot and swap out into banana then after a mud slap it does go for ember which it misses because of the accuracy drop and this is pretty much how we're gonna have to cheese the entire early game evasion strats isn't exactly the most honorable of strategies but you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes we don't get through the fight without a scratch but without an ember and that's all i can ask for and then go ahead and pick up the quick claw at the trainer school after which we have an encounter with team skull where i get to level 10 which means that metapod evolves into a beautiful butterfree and butterfree is basically the only thing that's going to make it possible to get through the beginning of this run because next up we have to face off against elima who starts out with a young goose and you know how i said we were going to be using accuracy strats well i just keep going for mudslap here until this thing is at -6 accuracy after which i swap out into butterfree and we're gonna do what well not butterfree does best but what metapod does best and set up with harden and honestly what makes this fight so difficult is the fact that this young goose has leer it basically just sets you up to get taken out by the smeargle afterwards so we're gonna prevent that by getting to plus six with harden maximum hardness metapod after which we can take out young goose with gust it does take a bit of time since elimina uses a potion but then it's only smeargle left and this thing can take a little bit more of a beating but after four gusts we're done with smeargle and done with a lima always an annoying fight how about you have a ride with mantine surf no thanks we then move on to route 2 where i find my next encounter a cutie fly that i name lemon it has a quirky nature and at this point we're ready to take on the first trial versus gum shoes now this thing is pretty strong for the early game and it also gets its defense boosted so we're gonna have to try and hit it from the special side but my first order of business is to fire off a mud slap to lower accuracy as i get my speed halved it then calls in a young goose misses as i go for another mudslap and get hit by the young goose basically what banana is here to do is to just fire off mudslap against both of these pokemon until it's at low enough health where we have to swap it out but it actually ends up doing a very good job at dodging attacks so we keep it in for a pretty long time get them low on accuracy and swap out into butterfree now from here the intended strategy was actually very simple just to try and use harden to boost my defense as much as possible and watch them miss but that's not exactly what happened see instead what happened is that i got hit by pretty much every single move they threw at me so my oranberry activated but it wasn't looking good so i changed up my strategy at this point to just take out the young goose and then i go ahead and swap out into lemon and lemon gets hit by a powerful tackle right away into oronberry range and the next turn i decide to paralyze gum shoes with the stuns for from there it's just a matter of hoping that i can dodge moves and firing off fairy wins until we eventually win if this fights any indication of what's to come then it's about to get rough buddy i wasn't wondering axel did you like reading books yeah sure i love a good that's good to hear that means you'll enjoy beating the pokedex too right wrote them you cheeky mother anyway we get a grand trial to take care of and this one is very easily taken care of we just use gust and fairy wind and that's it for the grand trial it's not always rocket science especially not since we had both a fairy type and a flying type for this one so that's it from melly melly island before we leave the island however i make sure to go and pick up the thief tm just so that we can go visit a few munchlaxes and steal their leftovers alola trial goer have you never seen a surfer before keegan i'm scandinavian we don't have waves of course i've never seen a surfer before but it's time for redemption come on come on come on i'm doing it i'm dude i can do it once on a kawa island we have a fight with hal but it ends up being pretty easy and we then have to go up against gladion and even he goes down super easy but the face he makes when we beat him it looks like he got rejected by his dream college anyway after that we prepare for the next trial fight and while leveling to the next level cap grubbin evolves into chargeable more commonly referred to as the hype train it's then time for the big bad araquin it and since we can't get any encounters before this thing we're just gonna have to take it on with what we got even though this thing gets a speed boost it's still super slow so we can outspeed and put it to sleep with sleep powder then it decides to call its allied pokemon dewpider and both it and its ally can do quite a lot of damage with bubble in the rain after putting them both to sleep i decide to use electroweb to lower their speed but araquin it actually has a berry to reduce the damage after taking a bubble when araquanid wakes up i obviously have to put it back to sleep which is when dewpider wakes up and hits me with a sticky web after which i can take it out with an electroweb the next turn i do even more damage with electrode but it wakes up and hits me with a bubble which does massive damage in the rain it then calls its other ally pokemon masquerade which can't do anything to us so we put it back to sleep after getting paralyzed i try for another electroweb but it's really not doing any damage whatsoever and on top of that araquinid wakes up and leaves me at 5 hp after a bubble it's safe to say that i have to switch out butterfree at this point so i go into banana who's now an electric type and the next turn i make the mistake of the century and miss click charge instead of going for spark this means i'm left in ko range but somehow i out speed the araquanid and take it out with a spark the next turn so maybe that charge actually worked out the next turn i know i can live a bug bite so i decided to go for another spark and that's it for trial two araquina and i must have been speed tied for those last two turns which is crazy after the totem fight we're allowed to get our encounter at brooklet hill and i find a dewpider the first thing i do which i capture and name blueberry and not only does it have the water bubble ability which boosts water type moves by 100 but also an adamant nature which is perfect and since our newly captured dewpider evolves at level 22 which also happens to be the level cap i do a bit of leveling up and we finally have ourselves an araquanid the team's really starting to look like something now it's then time for the fire trial and my only question is why are they butt posing yeah if you could just perk up your butts a little bit more i'm talking to you heckerdavid anyway we have to worry about the totem pokemon and if we didn't have a rack on it i'd say we're screwed not only does water bubble boost water moves by a hundred percent it also reduces fire moves by fifty percent and we can't get burned so after setting up our rain with rain dance it calls its ally pokemon selazal which i blast out of this universe with a stab boosted water bubble boosted rain boosted bubble beam i almost do the same to marowak but it barely survives so i have to wait a term for it to detect and then take it out with another bubble beam that was pretty easy as trials go and i was pretty worried about the fire trial but araquanid total monster after the fight i'm going through the tunnel to route 8 and i knew i could get wimpod here but not exactly how and then i kind of accidentally stumble upon it so i go ahead and capture it and name it cantaloupe and imbish is a pretty good nature because of emergency exit and very shortly after that catch it's time for us to take on the fourth trial and i don't think anybody in the audience expects this to be difficult this thing only has bug and grass moves to attack me with the only very annoying thing that this thing was able to do is royally waste my time for several turns as it just went for synthesis and floral healing as i tried to take it out with signal beam eventually though it ran out of its synthesis pp and went for an x scissor so i can take it out with another signal beam and that's the fourth trial in the bag not exactly quantum physics there boys bug beats grass it's how it's always been the game then decides to show me the opposite of phallic symbolism not quite sure what to do with that game we then have a little encounter with team skull together with hal and i get to level 25 with lemon which means it evolves into a rabonbi and this thing may be small and frail looking but it can put in some serious work on the battlefield we also arrive in the very cozy coney coney city here we can pick up items like the eviolite and also a fossil so that we can bring back our next encounter anoret i name this little guy pineapple and it ends up having the battle armor ability which means it can't get crit which is so awesome in nuzlockes but this means that it's finally time to take on akala island's kahuna olivia now she leads up with her max speed anarith which is so fast it takes out more than half my health on blueberry before i can set up an iron defense the next turn i get smackdown for substantially less damage and i set up a second iron defense at this point smackdown's doing very little and i can get a bunch of health back using leech life the next turn of course i get hit again but i can go for a second leech life which leads me at 36 hp which is fairly good for the incoming leap i then use leech life which gets me back up to over half health and ancient power doesn't do that much because a racquet special defense is just godly for some reason finally we got lychen rock and i am so afraid of the continental crush but it goes for bite for some reason so i can set up the rain dance it just continues to go for bite i can't tell you why i can't tell you how it just does it and i can take it out with a couple of bubble beams if anybody can tell me in the comments why the ai did that did it not see the ko with the the with the continental crush i i don't get it saves us casualties though so i'll take it we then have to go to ether paradise and this guy kind of looks like a bug with those glasses can i catch you faba or you wanna how my dude i'm swedish i only ever eat meatballs after we arrive on ulula we can finally get our next encounter which happens to be a masquerade which is awesome since it has the intimidate ability i name it kiwi and on route 10 i actually accidentally run into my encounter again a pineco i decide to fittingly name it coconut and it has a neutral nature and sturdy which is going to come in so clutch later on it also evolves just before the level cap at level 31 into a fortress and this thing is a defensive powerhouse and speaking of evolving cantaloupe finally reaches level 30 through the experience share because it's too weak to use for sure and it ends up evolving into a galysapod one of my personal favorite pokemon and with those team preparations out of the way it's time to take on the fifth trial versus together and what can i say about this trial except for the fact that it was a real slog it took forever in real life you see my plan here was very simple i taught bulldoze to my fortress and i was gonna take this thing out but what i didn't anticipate is that it would paralyze me and flinch me to no end you see the combination of iron defense leftovers and protect made it so that i basically couldn't take any damage from these things whatsoever and so even though i'm pretty much an impenetrable wall at this point as you can see i really don't do that much damage with bulldoze even though it's quite effective and as soon as bounce paralyzed me i knew that this was going to take forever and that it was going to be a flinch fest baby and to prove that this took forever tokubaro actually uses struggle and i can take it out with the following bulldoze how did i manage to accidentally pp stall a pokemon i meant to just take out with bulldozers that's my luck for you and so that's how i got the electrum z with probably the weirdest accidental strat ever moving on though since it's night time we can find ourselves an ariados which i named apple i then decided to go into this trailer and what the heck do you think you're doing huh did someone say you could come in here i mean this guy makes a good point why is every stranger's house unlocked in the pokemon world but with that it's time for us to take on our sixth trial versus mimikyu which could prove to be kinda tricky with our current team i decide to lead with kivy to get an intimidate drop and after taking a play rough i decide to break its disguise by using icy wind because that way i get a secondary effect of lowering its speed as well then comes banette so i decided to swap out into fortress who can tank moves very very well and the following turn after enduring both a shadow claw and a screech i set up a reflect to minimize the damage they can do to me but since i've been screeched i decide to swap out into butterfree who tanks a few moves fairly well and i try to put it to sleep but i forget that it has a lumbery so that means the butterfree is at really low hp now and i pretty much just wasted it on top of that but net goes for curse so i almost get taken out but at least that's half of its hp rabonbi gets screeched on the switch in but i go for a draining kiss just to see if i can take out bunnette but it barely hangs on and i almost get taken out by play rough and burn so i decide to swap out into apple who takes over half damage on switch in but at least i can take out bunette with a shadow snake but this sadly means that i have to go down to a shadow claw from mimikyu or i can hang on two hp and swap out into kiwi you're the boss apple since i had the intimidate i know i could take another play rough but i'm left at 8 hp and i lower at speed with another icy wind then it's finally cantaloupe's time to shine and luckily i don't take that much from a play ruff and iron head does decent damage but at this point mimikyu calls out its ally pokemon gel ascent so i decided to target it instead and i almost managed to take it out with a shadow claw the next turn mimikyu hits me with a pitiful slash and i can take out jealousen with another shadow claw after that i can hit pretty low but i can take mimikyu down into the red then it's finally time to swap back out into coconut and finish the job with a gyroball and i mean i know we got through that with no casualties but just look at our team afterwards it's totally devastated now that we have sharpedo as a ride pokemon we can go to sandy cave which admittedly i had no idea it existed and pick up the light clay then as we're making our way through po town anarith finally gets to level 40 which means it evolves into armaldo then we have to fight guzma in his hideout but since we didn't lose anybody in this fight and it was pretty easy i decided to only include the third one and that means it's on to nanu and his dark types and since we're running bug types well you can guess how it goes and since robobee has the shield dust ability fake out actually can't flinch us and we can just take out stabilize with two draining kisses then it's on the persian which i know has power gem but it goes for fake out as we switch to armaldo but really it can't do anything to us so i'm free to take it out with a couple of x scissors then finally we got crocoroc but since it intimidates us and we're at pretty low health i decided to switch out into kiwi who intimidates back we can dodge the predicted earthquake unfortunately get hit by swagger but we do break through that confusion and take out croco rock in one hit and that's all she wrote for ulaula island but before we can go to pony we have to go to the ether foundation where we can pick up toxic wait so cosmog might be an ultra beast yeah the words ultra and beast specifically aren't really what come to mind when i think of that little space fart yo yo yo pretty strong ain't then go right ahead i'm no numbskull i don't fight battles i can't win aha got it not a numbskull totally bro now even though we've easily beaten guzma twice gladion can't seem to beat this guy so we're gonna have to take him on a third time this time he actually kind of packs a punch so i go ahead and decide a lead with kiwi as he sends out his signature galissa pod after getting off an intimidate i decided to go for air slash right away since i out speed and i even almost take him out but it sends him out with emergency exit i decided to send in fortress to set up reflect but it takes out a big chunk of my health with stone edge after reflect i can tank stone edge fairly well set up a light screen and swap out into galysapod deathly afraid of a crit i go for a rockslide which does about half damage and after going below half but then having a citrus berry i can finally take him out with another rock slide this means his next pokemon is vikavolt and i out speed and do about half with a rock slide after he sends me out with emergency exit so i swap in pineapple who can out speed and take him out with a rockslide this means glycopod is back but i have reflect so i hit him with a rock slide and he's out for the count guzman's last pokemon is mass green and even after intimidate i can just take him out with a rock slide i still don't understand why they nerfed guzma from sun and moon to ultra like they should have just let him have sword stand song eliza pod it makes him way scarier after guzma's defeat we go deeper into the ether foundation where we find out that lusamine is taxidermying pokemon obviously this is something that we can't support here on the antler boy channel so we have to take loosemen down and lucimine is generally a pretty scary fight it's obviously way worse than sun and moon when she gets all her pokemon boosted but we start out with coconut versus erclofable it actually does a fair amount of damage with its special moves so i make sure to set up both light screen and reflect holding the light clay i then swap out into glycopod who because of the screens can tank the hits fairly well because as you know we can only get the half health with this thing before it gets forced out a couple of super effective iron heads then take out clefable and we have to square off against low punny but it just sends us away with a fire punch and it pretty much sends us into the perfect pokemon armaldo see low penny has all the elemental punches which means it has a super effective move against every other pokemon on our team so we kind of lucked out there after taking it out our light screen actually wears off as she sends in my lodic which is terrible timing so i swap into blueberry then expecting it to go for dragon pulse i swap into lemon but i barely survive a hydro pump so i have to swap out again into cantaloupe and this time i can go for the first impression which does huge amounts of damage but even cantaloupe can barely hang on so i have to swap back into araquinid who can tank these hydro pumps fairly well i guess and go for lunge until we take out the melodic and honestly that was way too close to call for both cantaloupe and lemon but next up is liligant so i swap into kiwi who resists every single move this litigant has unfortunately though it can survive an air slash on very low hp and go for a heater dance since it doesn't get confused itself by pedal dance because of its own tempo ability luckily we break through but against beware we don't have a great switch in since our team is looking pretty roughed up so i swap into fortress but it takes huge amounts of damage from takedown so we have to go into pineapple who's pretty much a full now while pineapple can take hits i really don't have any moves that can do damage to bewear so i end up having to switch out but the team is looking so weak at the moment so i make the tough decision that i'm gonna have to sack off kiwi to get the intimidate but i end up getting the citrus berry upon switching this means i can survive zen headbutt fire off an air slash and the next turn he goes for drain punch okay i honestly have no idea why it didn't just go for the kill there it clearly could have but we get to keep kiwi so that's cool our next destination is pony island where we meet the trial captain mina and let's just say that she looks like she's one paintbrush short of a set you reached out and touched the statue there was no reaction from the statue uh yeah game that's what i'd expect from a statue but now that we're on pony island we can use the machamp ride pokemon and this means we can reach a specific location in the lush jungle that i had no idea existed before this run and in this area we can move this folder so that we can find the tm for energy ball which is going to help us out a lot later in the run and since i purposefully never got an encounter in the lost jungle we can run around in this cave until we find the one percent encounter for larvesta which i just chuck a master ball at right away it has a neutral nature and i fittingly name it star fruit we then set sail for exeggutor island in this boat are you sure this thing floats and here we're actually forced to encounter our next pokemon which is going to be a pincer that i named pitaya and i gotta say that exeggutor really knows how to rock and roll but since we're on pony island that means we have access to the vast pony canyon and since banana levels up it evolves into a vika vault and another thing we have to do in the vast pony canyon is face off against totem camo and you might think that this would be a really easy fight for lemon to beat but not only does kimono hold a roselli berry to reduce the damage from fairy type moves it also has poison jabs so lemon's pretty much a no-go and since pretty much all my other pokemon go down to air slash from norburn i decide to use a little bit of toxic stall with fortress now personally i don't think that toxic stall is a very fun strategy so i'm gonna avoid using it wherever i can in this run i think i only used it twice the only times i'm actually gonna use toxic saul is when i feel it's necessary like i could have used a different strategy here but it would have probably lost me pokemon so it would have been a dumb decision from a nuzlocke perspective so while i try to use as fun strategies as possible i'm not just gonna throw a game for content besides i've got some killer strats planned for the elite four just you wait now to catch you up with what's going on in the story here ultra necrozma is trying to engulf the entire universe in darkness so we can't really have that since i kind of enjoy being alola's top model and this of course means that we have to face off against the dumbest boss fight in all of pokemon ultra necrozma and since this thing has all its stats boosted and is a ridiculous legendary pokemon at level 60 there's pretty much two ways to do this either you figure out a way to find a sturdy pokemon intoxicate or you use focus sash i mean there's certainly other strategies you can use to cheese this thing for example leading with the zoroark and having a fighting type or poison pokemon in the back so that it uses its psychic moves over and over again but since we only have access to bug types the only thing we can do is unfortunately have to sacrifice both ariados and our butterfree bye bye butterfree you are a true hero alongside the other members of our team all the way back from route 1 and i'll never forget what you did to make this run possible anyway now that we've defeated alternate chrosma it's time for us to take on the final trial versus mina and all the other trial captains to get this little flower thing so that we can finally face rubonbi and for this thing i gotta say i employed a very simple strategy i had a backup plan in mind if it didn't work but i started out with pincer who i made sure to level up getting only special defense evs so that i could live a bug buzz a hundred percent of the time here and fire off with a stone edge that ends up getting a crit and we just win bypassing the boost so uh gg since that totem rubonbi has two omniboosts i'm pretty glad to have it out of the way but this means that we only have one grand trial left before we can take on the elite four and this is versus hapu and her ground types and while the elite port was incredibly tricky to plan for hapu was pretty much a no-brainer i just led with kivy to go for the intimidate so that goler can't do that much damage and then it's time to set up the quiver dances i pretty much got three quiver dances on kiwi for free and then i could just sweep the team with energy balls and icy wind honestly i've had problems with hapu in the past doing runs of using so i'm very glad that this one went so smoothly then on our way to victory road we have to crush gladion's hopes and dreams once again and after going to the restaurants to pick up some hard skills to finalize my movesets there's nothing left to do but challenge the elite four and so i forged some strategies that can hopefully take us to victory and decided that the first member we're gonna challenge is acerola and since she has a bannet that you can pretty freely set up on i decide to lead with intimidate and then swap out into coconut to set up the reflect i also decide to set up stealth rock just for good measure before i swap out back into kiwi with intimidate now with both reflect up and -2 attack on banette i can pretty freely set up as many quiver dances as i want only keeping in mind that driftlim does have the aftermath ability so i can't go down to too low health i also needed to be at over half health for frost's ice shard if it went for it but then palace and survives and it goes for a ghost sea move and at this point i thought it was all over i need intimidate for the rest of the e4 but i managed to survive however this causes a bit of a problem since she sends in driftblim after palace and since it has aftermath we have to swap out so i decided to go into cantaloupe who can hit this thing with sucker punch but it starts out by going for amnesia and then it goes for focus energy so we only hit it on the third time and we don't quite take it out next he goes for ominous wind and it gets the omniboost what are the odds then i barely survive the next one on 9 hp with a critical hit that sends me out with emergency exit fortunately though blueberry is both tanky enough to tank the ominous wind and take the aftermath after driftblim goes down and that's it for acerola it was a bit of a rocky ride but not as rocky ride as it's gonna be to face up against olivia fortunately though we have fortress who can set up a reflect the first turn and then go for the stealth rocks just so that we can break sturdy on probopass down the line i also decided to set up two layers of toxic spikes because who knows it could be pretty difficult to take on a rock type team with our bug types after this i definitely want a fresh reflect up before i swap out into araquanid since we're probably gonna have to tank a rock blast here so i stall a whole bunch so that i can set up reflect once again then expecting an x scissor i swap out into kiwi just to get another intimidate before i swap into blueberry who can fortunately tank the rock blast fairly okay but it's finally time for blueberry's time in the spotlight for that water bubble boosted liquidation to just tear through olivia's entire team well at least almost her entire team provo best comes out and since we had stealth rock we can take it out with a single liquidation but when credile comes out we do have to use two leech lives fortunately for me though she just uses a full heal because of our toxic spikes so we're pretty free to just take it out and that's it for olivia who i wasn't that worried about but next is kahili and since i didn't bring armaldo or arvikavolt this is gonna be pretty tough i lead off with kiwi for intimidate and with the help of a coba berry i can actually survive a brave bird so that i can go for a quiver dance and take out the braviary with a blizzard the next turn and now this is where the strategy gets pretty stupid see i employed pretty much the dumbest strategy of all time since mandebuzz is pretty weak and it can't really hurt fortress i decide to just stall it out of all its 15 brave birds because that's the only dangerous thing it can do to my team and i'm not gonna lie this took an eternity and a half but eventually it ran out of all its 15 brave birds and we could swap out into lemon i did make sure to get my reflect up beforehand though but when we send in lemon we get hit by a flatter which we can heal off with a person berry and just get a free plus two special attack boost but that doesn't really matter since it hits me with flatter again as i'm setting up my quiver dances but i'm not that afraid since it can only hit me with bone rush although i will say because of the annoying confusion it actually got me down to pretty low health and i was getting a bit worried about lemon but eventually lemon pulls through and i can just sweep through her entire team with dazzling gleams i can't believe i actually had to resort to using pp stall for two whole fights in this game but it is what it is i guess and the important thing here is that i got larvesta up to almost level 58 when we entered the elite four since i'm only allowed to be at 57 when i enter but it's okay to level up afterwards so now we have volcarona going into the fight against mo lane and even though we learned quiver dance upon evolution with volcarona we can't just hop in and set up even if we have a cherry berry because prankster thunderwave will make it so that even if we heal it off it's just gonna priority thunder wave us right away so my strategy became sending in cantaloupe and using taunt against this thing so that we can swap out into volcarona and get two free turns to set up quiver dances this is so important because the turn that taunt wears off we have to go for flamethrower to take out klefki it will paralyze us we'll heal with cherry berry but then we don't have to deal with prankster the turn afterwards and so after three quiver dances there we go we get paralyzed peel it off and manage to take it out without ending up paralyzed another very important detail is that coconuts set up the stealth rocks beforehand so that we can actually break the sturdy of magnazone when it comes out which means we don't have to deal with getting paralyzed by it so with just a little bit of careful planning and strategizing we managed to get through molane without losing a pokemon which means we have a full team of six going into the champions battle which is perfect and this means that we might actually have the chance to beat the most difficult pokemon game to nuzlocke with the weakest type of pokemon and it took a bit of strategizing to work out how we were going to do it but since howe starts out with raichu i decided our best bet is to give galissa pod the silver powder and just absolutely destroy raichu's world with a priority first impression we then have to go up against chrominable and i don't have a great match up against this thing with my bug types against its stone edge so i decided to put up a reflect and use toxic i then switch into masquerade honestly just to get an intimidate but it misses its stone edge that means i can freely take it out with an air slash but now we have to deal with level 60 incineroar fortunately though we have blueberry which is the perfect answer to this thing because even darkest lariat doesn't do that much and we just barely don't take it out with liquidation i'll then withdraws incineroar to send in noiburn and we surprisingly do quite a lot with liquidation but the next turn since they have a copa berry i decide to go for icy wind which admittedly doesn't do that much however even though we have to sack off blueberry here it sets us up well so that we can out speed the max speed noivern with our little lemon hal then sends in in cineror and i expect him to go for a full restore so i set up a quiver dance and then go for a hidden power ground and it actually does about half but i never get to use my second hidden power ground because hal decides to use inferno overdrive and if there's a way to overkill a rabonbi well he just invented it so my next play is to send in my only water type i have left cantaloupe and i know i can take this thing out with a liquidation but i get hit by a fairly powerful flare blitz that also burns me but luckily liquidation does enough after recoil that's next pokemon is tauros and it intimidates us so i decide to swap out into kiwi to get my own intimidate off because this thing is a true menace kiwi then gets immediately taken out by a double edge as i send in my fortress to try to set up the reflect this is pretty much the only way i'm safely going to be able to get in against earthquake from this thing but i also managed to toxicate just to do some passive damage but since we now have reflect for six more turns tauros can't even really touch us with earthquake so i'm free to set up as many quiver dances as i want and so that's exactly what i do i may have gotten a bit greedy with it since a critical hit would have totally destroyed my world but it was a risk i was willing to take for glorious greatness but eventually when i got to low enough hp and high enough stats i decide to click flamethrower and that's it for tauros finally hal makes a last-ditch effort with a quick attack from leafeon but it's not enough and it gets taken out which means that we're the champions of alola that's right i did it i beat a pokemon ultra sun hardcore nuzlocke using only bug types we may have lost half the team on the way during the champion fight but you know what it was a price we had to pay to beat this run and listen what have we learned well they've done a pretty good job at improving the bug type over the years volcarona araquanid they're pretty crazy and listen up viewer if you got all the way to the end of this video then you're the champ and i appreciate your existence and i'd hope that you'd appreciate mine by hitting that subscribe button because if not what are you doing i'd also highly recommend you check out my good friend keegan j who makes pokemon challenge videos on youtube he was the surfer guy earlier on and other than that definitely let me know down in the comments below which game and type you would like to see next but until we see each other next time ladies and gentlemen have a good one
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 570,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y0F4097zEEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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