Pokémon Sapphire Hardcore Nuzlocke - Fighting Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone i'm flag on hg and this is the video of my attempt at a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon sapphire using only fighting type pokemon to see what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules check out the description below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leader's ace and we're playing on set mode fighting type pokemon make for a pretty interesting monotype challenge fighting types tend to be incredibly physically strong but often either lack bulk or speed and usually have very little going for them in terms of special attack especially prior to the physical special split in generation 3 this meant that they usually had pretty limited usable coverage moves and mainly relied on brute forcing their way through a challenge with powerful fighting and normal type moves they're also relatively uncommon meaning that most games don't have too many fighting types to choose from however in hoenn there are six fighting type pokemon that you can choose from including a starter so you can at least get a full team of six well you can in ruby and sapphire in emerald meditite is unobtainable for some reason so that's why we're doing this challenge in pokemon sapphire instead fortunately many of the fighting types in hoenn have secondary typings and are generally pretty great pokemon so in addition to just brute force punching most of them have a few other skills in their someone say skills this video is sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community where you can find thousands of classes designed to teach you creative skills ranging from topics like illustration graphic design and video editing skillshare has consistently been a sponsor of this channel because i genuinely think that they offer really great classes that will help you take the next step in your creative journey whatever that may be if you want to learn how to use adobe premiere pro to edit your own pokemon challenge videos i can't recommend a better resource than jordy vanderputt's adobe premiere pro for beginners class jordy's class like all other skillshare classes are optimized to put your learning first there's no commitment or timeline you can skip individual lessons if you're not interested and all classes are ad free so your quality content is never rudely interrupted if you want to give skillshare a try the first thousand of my subscribers to click the link in the description below we'll get a one month free trial of skillshare's premium membership so that you can explore your creativity for free thanks so much to skillshare for sponsoring this video now let's get into the challenge just as a quick reminder before we start i play with species claws so i'll be able to reroll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line okay let's see how this goes i start the challenge by choosing my starter i pick torchic who will evolve into the firefighting type combustion i name her marla singer and the journey begins it isn't too much time until i get my next encounter a shroomish in petalburg woods i name him raymond raymond will eventually evolve into the grass fighting type brelim now unfortunately neither marla nor raymond will evolve into a fighting type before the first gym leader i could technically get a makuhita by trading it for a slack-off but my general rule for in-game trades is that you need to be able to catch the pokemon that you trade since slack off isn't a fighting type it's off limits for me instead i decide to just take on roxanne with raymond since he's a grass type this is pretty easy and roxanne goes down without too much trouble and we get the first gym badge i am jack's tepid optimism now with the new level cap marla is able to evolve into combustion finally granting us a fighting type and since i now do have a fighting type raymond will be off limits for major fights until he evolves into a fighting type himself after recovering a devin corp employee's stolen goods i meet daddy stone mistaking me for a child-sized postman he asks me to deliver a letter to his son in granite cave along the way i catch my third encounter a makuhita i named the big moosie bob bob has thick fat instead of guts which is nice for the flannery fight but significantly worse in every other instance bummer after that we find steven alone in the depths of granite cave stephen with his handsome silver hair and perfectly pressed suit was the spitting image of what a man should be he was perfect with just a few words and a small gift he had left his impression after thanking me for delivering his letter he disappears leaving me to wonder when our paths will cross again from here it's time to fight brawley who also uses fighting types but since he has bulk up and he gets to use healing items this is actually a really tough fight for us he leads machop and i lead marla i go for a peck which does super effective damage into machop but then macha retaliates with a strong karate chop on the next turn i go for an ember thinking that it might do more since machop has lower special defense but he hangs on with a sliver and hits another karate chop this activates our orenberry which is my one way of healing since my rules do allow held items broly heals with the super potion as i go for more damage with ember i hit another ember to bring him down to a sliver as machop gets off another karate chop then brawley heals again and i use another ember now i'm at risk to a crit but there's no other option here i click pack which leaves machop with a sliver and then he retaliates with another karate chop which thankfully doesn't crit so one more pack finishes off machop makuhita comes out next but i'm definitely dead if he attacks so i switched to bob unfortunately makuhita uses bulk up as i switch which is bad i go for vital throw which always goes last so barali's makuhita gets off another bulk up but then bob hits an insanely clutch critical hit bypassing makuhita's bull cups and almost knocking it out in one shot on the next turn we tank a very strong two-hit arm thrust and finish off the makohito with another vital throw if i didn't crit that vital throw there's no chance i was winning that fight i am jack's incredible luck with the new level cap of 23 raymond is just able to evolve into breloom becoming a fully fledged fighting type and getting to rejoin the team and this is right in time for watson finally i get a challenge where watson isn't a massive brick wall generally though he's much easier in ruby and sapphire than he is in emerald he leads magnemity and i lead the newly evolved raymond a priority mock punch is enough to knock out the magnamite before it can do anything second is voltorb i hit it with another mock punch but it hangs on to hit a sonic boom but then another mock punch finishes it off third is magneton so i hit it with a fourth mock punch which it tanks but then it just retaliates with a thunder wave which is cured by our held cherry berry a fifth and final mock punch knocks out magnaton winning us a very easy third gym badge i am jack's smug sense of superiority but next up is flannery who is always pretty difficult fortunately bob is able to evolve into hariyama who has enough hp to make up for his lackluster defense stats meaning that he's a decent tank especially with thick fat i'm also able to catch a machop on route 112. i name him lou while training up lou i discover that one of my pokemon has picked up pocahus which is a rare virus that doubles the amount of effort values your pokemon gets from fighting other pokemon once one of your pokemon gets pokers every other pokemon in your party will also get infected after spending some time with them my guys did a pretty bad job at social distancing i guess fortunately poker us is harmless and doesn't have any effect on the run other than the fact that grinding evs is significantly faster now still pretty cool though anyways before flannery we gotta take on the team aqua boss archie before he stops the volcano from erupting i mean i guess that's bad somehow okay well the very very soft eco terrorist starts with a mighty anna which has intimidate to lower my attack i lead raymond and instantly hit it with the leech seed as it retaliates with a pretty weak bite on the next turn i switch to marla who tanks another bite and gets back to full health thanks to the leech seed recovery then i kill the mariana with a double kick then archie brings out his goal bat unfortunately i was not anticipating that this golbat would outspeed me so it hits a supersonic though that does get healed thanks to a held person personberry but i was also not anticipating that this golbat would tank a secret power like it was absolutely nothing i thought that it would at least be a two-hit kill and then on the next turn golbat hits another 55 accurate supersonic and then marla hurts herself in confusion i am jack's rapidly escalating heartbeat this is bad i'm obviously at risk to a crit here but i'm kinda pinned since i grossly underestimated this goal bat i stay in and get hit by a very hard wing attack but it thankfully doesn't crit only for marla to hit herself in confusion again i switched to bob who fortunately can survive two non-critical hit wing attacks but bob only knows fighting type moves which golbat has a quad resistance to and fake out which won't flinch golbat thanks to its inner focus ability i go for fake out anyways since it'll do the most damage and then bob tanks another wing attack i decide to switch to raymond hoping that his defense is high enough to tank a 4 times effective wing attack it is not goodbye raymond next i bring in bob and pray for a fake out crit but i don't get it and golbat kills bob with another wing attack next out is lou i go for a seismic toss but archie heals with a super potion so from here it's basically all over lou does survive a wing attack to get off another seismic toss but archie has another super potion so a few turns later lou also goes down to another wing attack then marla comes out just to get out sped and killed with a wing attack i am jack's immense shame can't say i would have predicted wiping to a goal bat but you know i've wiped worse anyways remember that incredibly lucky brawley fight in attempt one well i have to do it again and i decide that i couldn't rely on bob getting another clutch critical hit so i decided to go for a slightly different strategy that still relies on critical hits on turn one i use focus energy with marlin this increases her baseline chance of getting a critical hit to 25 percent from here i can hopefully get lucky enough to crit a few pecs in order to make my way through this fight unfortunately it doesn't really work out for me marla ends up going down to machop then bob comes out and it's actually machop that gets a critical hit on me we do survive to take out the matchup but even with a little bit of recovery that we get from our orenberry there's no chance we're beating this makuhito with only 20 hp makuhita goes for a bulk up and we actually crit one of our arm thrusts but the arm thrust is only two hits then makuhita goes for another bulk up and we crit another one of our arm thrusts but again it's only a two hit arm thrust this ended up being a lot closer than i thought it was going to be but the end result is still the same bob goes down to an arm thrust on the next turn and we wipe now if you were critically thinking about the braley fights from attempt 1 and 2 you may have noticed a very obvious mistake that i made during both fights if you didn't that's okay because i didn't realize it until after attempt 2. in the last two attempts when leading combustion i went for peck since flying is super effective against fighting however peck is only a 35 base power move meaning that with super effective damage it only hits 70 base power we can compare this to double kick which is a 2 hit move with 30 base power for each hit totaling 60 base power however because double kick is a fighting type move and combustion is a fighting type pokemon we get the same type attack bonus also known as stab which adds 50 to double kick space power resulting in a move with effectively 90 base power in other words double kick will always do more damage to brawley's pokemon than peck does furthermore since double kick hits twice using double kick increases our chances of getting a critical hit and breaking through bull cup buffs this is a very very common mistake amongst beginner nut lockers pokemon is not just rock paper scissors and super effective moves aren't always the best choice so make sure to actually do the math before accidentally using an objectively worse move i really can't believe it took me two attempts to catch this mistake but hey at least it was a nice learning experience on attempt 3 things go pretty much perfectly after setting up a focused energy matchup goes down to two double kicks he did get off a bulk up boosted karate chop so we have just over half health when makuhita comes in but a critical hit double kick takes out the makuhita before it has a chance to move we actually got a double critical hit though we obviously only needed one with that we can just fast forward to the archie fight here's our new team there's no major changes other than bob actually now has the ability guts which is significantly better than thick fat in most cases i've also made sure to give marla and raymond attack in speed evs and give bob and lou hp and attack evs so hopefully this will make it a little bit easier archie and i lead the same pokemon i again go for a leech seed which connects as mighty anna hits a bite then i switch to marla only this time marla switches in on a sand attack not ideal so i just switch back to raymond as leech seed slowly drains the mighty anna then i switch back to marla who gets hit by a critical hit bite again not ideal but it's fine thanks to leach seed recovery on the next turn i use bulk up as i take a little bit of damage from bite then i finish off the mariana with a double kick golbat is next i've taught marla rock tomb which is a bit scary to rely on since it isn't 100 accurate but thankfully we outspeed and connect with the rock tomb as golbat retaliates with a non-critical hit wing attack from here archie tries to heal up with a few super potions but secret powers do more than enough to finish off the golbat a few turns later last is sharpedo but this thing has a truly atrocious moveset i switch to raymond as it goes for a focus energy and then a mock punch knocks it out winning us the battle and getting us our furthest attempt i am jack's glowing pride after this lou evolves into macho and then it's time to take on flannery i don't have a flawless strategy for this but barring some terrible rng i should be okay i lead bob as flannery leads slugma this slugma's only attacking moves are overheat which has very little pp and smog which has pretty poor accuracy so the plan is to just use sand attack six times and then switch to marla with slugma's desire to set up sunny day and light screen and equipping bob with a petroberry just in case we get poisoned by smog this goes perfectly six sand attacks later and marla comes out and then she starts setting up bulk up the slugma actually does hit a few smogs but it never poisons and even if it did our petroberry would cure the poison so after six bulk ups a single kick knocks out slugma and then flannery's second slug comes out i make sure to use dig just to stall out another turn of sun and then it goes down last is the always scary twerkle but one last dig at plus six attack is enough to one-shot the turtle winning us a surprisingly simple fourth gym badge i am jack's growing self-confidence next up it's a straight shot to fight the fifth gym later my absent father norman the fight begins by norman leading the first of his two slakings as i lead bob who has been pre-poisoned so that his guts ability gives him an attack boost bob uses fake out for some chip and to make slaking flinch this means that slaking loafs on the next turn due to his true on ability which allows me to freely knock it out with a vital throw vigor off this second i could kill this vigoroth with a vital throw but the tricky thing here is that norman's second slicing knows focus punch so i can't afford to switch after killing the vigoroth and risk giving him a free focus punch but after potential damage from vigoroth i also couldn't stay in if the slay king decides to just go for a facade so after hitting vigor off with a sand attack i switch to raymond who takes a facade then i set up a leech seed as i tank a slash then i switch to lou who tanks another slash but recovers some hp from leech seed on the next turn i take another slash and then bring vigoroth into the red with a karate chop then leech seed leaves vigoroth with just a sliver so norman uses a hyper potion and i switch to low kick leech seed again leaves vigoroth with a sliver so norman uses another hyper potion and i hit another low kick which gets a slightly higher roll letting lychee take out the vigoroth norman's second slaking comes out last and what happens next is a very niche interaction that i had no idea existed until it happens right here i go for a low kick which does great damage to slay king and then the slaking loafs seemingly on his first turn this isn't supposed to happen slaking should always attack first and then loaf on his second turn however the way that switching and or bringing in a pokemon works in generation 3 is a little wonky see in generation 3 a pokemon is brought in to replace a fallen pokemon immediately after it gets knocked out as opposed to at the very end of a turn this is most noticeable in a double battle where a pokemon will replace a fallen pokemon mid-turn before all pokemon have finished their attacks this is different than in later generations where the pokemon isn't replaced until the end of the turn after all other pokemon have moved this is important because when the vigoroth died as a result of leech seed damage instead of from the damage of a direct attack the turn was still considered active and in the process of playing out any other residual effects from things like poison burn berries etc etc as a result the slay king comes in before the end of that previous turn effectively making the turn that vigoroth gets knocked out is turn one as a result the turn that is seemingly turn one for slayking is actually his turn too resulting in a loafing action this will work if you kill vigoroth with any passive damage like sandstorm or poison and it's a great way to cheese the slay king if you're struggling against it anyway sorry for the long side tangent but i thought it was actually really cool and an interesting thing to think about abusing though of course this only works in generation 3 games after that slay king goes down to another low kick and that wins us the 5th gym badge i am jack's inflamed ego after defeating my father i'm given the hm for surf so for the second time in our journey i run into steven stone yet again it's only a brief encounter it's clear that i am but a fraction of steven's wonderful life just one of the many in his orbit as he traverses hoenn yet it's obvious that he sees something special in me there's a connection between us that is unmissable even in these short moments of passing it isn't too long until i meet him again this time he silently observes as i fight a keklian the fight is short because i run away to save experience but steven is still impressed he's the type of person you want to impress and he knows it again he's gone in a flash next up is the sixth gym leader winona and her flying types it might not surprise you to know that this fight is incredibly scary flying types are obviously super effective to fighting types and winona's team is very very good she leads with a very fast swallow she has a physically bulky steel type in skarmory alteria threatens to sweep after setting up dragon dance pelipper is there point is this team is actually very difficult to take down with fighting types especially if winona manages to land a few crits fortunately you can actually skip winona for a little bit which lets me get a few more encounters as long as i make sure to stay under the level cap first i can go to mount pyre and catch a metatype i name him angelface we also pick up the tm for skill swap which might come somebody says no no we are not doing that again i can also catch a hair across from the safari zone the only problem is that heracross is notoriously difficult to catch and pokemon in the safari zone can run away if it runs away i can't catch it her nuzlocke rules however there's an error with the way the pokeblocks are coated that allows you to make it so that as safari's own pokemon will never run away this is explained very well in a video by professor rex which i've linked in the description definitely check out the video as it's how i learned how to do this the idea is that if you throw a pokeblock with a flavor that the pokemon you are trying to catch neither hates nor loves it will actually lower its flea rate to zero percent the only problem with this is that pokemon like different flavors based on their nature which is completely random usually see if you put a pokeblock in a pokeblock feeder pokemon near the pokeblock feeder will be guaranteed to have one of a select few natures depending on the type of pokeblock you use for example if i put a pink pokeblock in the pokeblock feeder there is an 83.25 chance that the resulting pokemon will have a nature that results in it having a neutral reaction to a spicy pokey block so i load up my pink pokeblock encounter a hair across throw a spicy pokeblock well 83.25 is not 100 i guess that means no hair across i am jack simmering rage for the record let me just show you how this is supposed to work 83.25 of the time i put a pink polka block encounter a hair across throw a spicy pokeblock and look he's curious about the pokeblock which means he neither loves it nor hates it this means that i can now freely throw pokeblocks and the heracross will never flee it does take forever because heracross has an incredibly low catch rate but i do eventually do it too bad this is my second hair across so i can't use him okay now it's time for winona she leads swellow and i lead a pre-burned bob so that his guts ability is activated given that the ai in this game loves to abuse accuracy and evasion moves i'm anticipating that she goes for double team here she does which lets us knock out the swellow in one shot with a vital throw that never misses nice second is skarmory i was hoping for pelipper but oh well scar marie knows sand attack so i don't want to switch into an accuracy drop so i just stay in and go for a vital throw fortunately it does over half health thanks to the guts boost so on the next turn i'm able to take a non-critical hit aerial ace and finish it off third is pelipper this thing loves to use protect so i'm hoping for a free switch into raymond so that i can set up leach seed but it just goes for aerial ace that's not good the idea was to set up elite seed and then switch to marla and set up bulk ups but that's looking unlikely now retrospectively i should have probably sacked raymond here to set up a leap seed and get a free switch but i don't instead i switch to marla and get hit hard by another aerial ace i go for a bulk up hoping to tank an aerial ace with the plus defense but pelipper just hits a water gun and then marla goes down well i bring in bob who takes some damage from burn but after that he's actually able to out speed and one shot the pelipper with a guts boosted facade in hindsight knowing that pelipper wouldn't use protect and that we out speed it with bob if i just stayed in i would have been able to kill the pelipper and also the alteria that comes out next since it's always coded to go for dragon dance on turn 1. unfortunately because i switched out and bob took an extra turn of burn damage when i switched him back in he dies to burn as alteria comes out his name was robert paulsen at this point i've basically accepted defeat i bring in lou alteria uses dragon dance and then i hit a secret power which paralyzes alteria hold on this might be possible on the next turn i go for an attract but alteria breaks through a track to set up another dragon dance but she'll just keep on using dragon dance until she compensates for the paralysis so i have a window of opportunity here unfortunately lou isn't hitting particularly hard with secret power and winona has a few hyper potions even with alteria getting paralyzed once immobilized by love once and lou getting a critical hit it's not enough to take out the alteria and lou goes down i bring out raymond and go for a headbutt hoping for a pair of flinch but there's no such luck alteria knocks him out with an aerial ace i am jack's cold sweat angelface comes out last and to his credit he is able to knock out alterio with a critical hit high jump kick this wins us the battle but with four of our five team members dead and no other possible encounters am i really going to try to solo the rest of this game with just angelface your god right i'm going to after all it's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything it's actually not as difficult to solo the rest of this game with medicam as you might think it is thanks to pure power which doubles meditam's attack it's incredibly physically powerful it's bulky enough to survive a single hit from most pokemon and it's pretty speedy it gets access to both meditate and calm mind by level up for setup it can deal with ghosts and psychic types with shadowball which is physical in gen 3. and it also has incredible coverage with special moves that can be boosted by calm mind in the form of psychic and the elemental punches so if i had to have only one pokemon left i'm glad it's angelface i so desperately want to tell you that i was able to beat the rest of this game with just angelface it would have made for an incredible end to a video angelface triumphantly completing the entire rest of the game after losing all his friends to winona but that's not what happened rarely is life what we expect or what we want what's worse is that i got so close i get all the way to drake only to low roll an ice punch on his shell gun and miss the ko by one hp this lets shell gun hit a rock tomb and lower my speed which means that a few turns later drake salamance is able to out speed and knock us out putting an end to angelface's solo campaign i am jack's broken heart this wipe right here is the reason that i didn't have a nuzlocke challenge for two weeks by the way sometimes it's hard to plan for a late-game wipe and it ends up throwing off your whole release schedule well after taking a few days off for a mental break i decide to tackle this challenge one last time two last times on attempt five i'm able to breeze my way through the first part of the game things go pretty smoothly now that i've cracked the braley fight and i go into the archie fight much more prepared this time i actually also intentionally abused the truant thing to easily beat norman before winona i still make sure to head to mount pyre and pick up angel face the metatite and i take another stab at the pokeball glitch to catch a heracross this time it works perfectly so i'm able to chuck balls at him until he's caught i name him mechanic and now we've actually got a full team of six here's the new team right before the fight with winona i was lucky enough to get another makuhita with guts so other than natures and ivs there's no real difference between this team and the team from attempt 3. let's see if these guys fare better against winona i again lead bob who is pre-poisoned to trigger guts i go for a vital throw but this time swellow doesn't go for double team but instead goes for an aerial ace which crits for huge damage not a great start vital throw finishes off the swellow but now bob is at risk to an aerial lace from the skarmory that comes in so we gotta switch to marla who thankfully dodges a critical hit aerial ace this lets her fire off an overheat which thankfully doesn't miss and knocks out the skarmory in one shot third is pelipper i gotta switch to mechanic here and pray that pelipper doesn't hit a critical hit aerial ace fortunately she doesn't hit a critical hit aerial ace but she does hit a supersonic so we can't afford to stay in i gotta switch to marla to shake off the confusion thankfully winona just uses protect but now we're in the same place we gotta dodge another critical hit as we switch back to mechanic but pelipper just goes for a water gun so on the next turn i finish it off with a facade which is boosted by pre-poisoning mechanic who also has the ability guts alteria is last but mechanic is able to just knock it out with another facade and that wins us a deathless sixth gym badge i am jack's smirking revenge with that the largest obstacle of the challenge has been cleared marla evolves into blaziken and more importantly angel face evolves into meticham which i already know can pretty much solo the rest of the game with a full team of six though it should be even easier we start with tate and liza who are significantly easier in ruby and sapphire than an emerald since they only have two pokemon i lead angel face and bob bob uses fake out to flinch the soul rock and then a shadow ball from angelface one shots the lunatone on the next turn i use protect with bob but it doesn't even matter because angelface one shots the soul rock with another shadow ball easy victory i am jack's relentless spirit from here i visit stephen at his house in moss deep city there's no bed only some glass displays and a table it doesn't even look like anyone actually lives here but who am i to judge steven steven was a night person while the rest of us slept he worked as with many of our encounters he gives me a gift this time it's the hm for dive which allows me to go to the underwater cavern where i'm forced to face archie this is one of the harder late game fights in this challenge remember his golbat well now it's a crowbat which means it's faster hits harder and takes hits better with just angelface i got lucky and had to dodge some crits but with a few more pokemon i can play this a little safer so that i don't need to actually risk angelface archie leads my diana and i lead raymond i hit him with leech seed as he goes for a scary face to lower my speed then i switch to marla who actually takes a big chunk from a takedown though leech seed recovers a little bit of that then i go for a bulk up unfortunately my diana uses scary face so we're not going to be out speeding anything but we weren't really going to out speed crobat anyways so that's okay archie uses a super potion on the next turn and then we take out mighty anna with a double kick krobot is out next so i go for a rock tomb but crowback goes first and hits a critical hit air cutter that's brutal marla hasn't been crit like that since grade school well now i bring in bob crobat uses wing attack which doesn't crit and then bob retaliates with a return on the next turn archie uses a super potion so we get off another return now i gotta just hope that crobat doesn't get another critical hit use his wing attack and bob survives finishing him off with a return phew sharpedo is last so i switched to mechanic who tanks a slash then on the next turn we knock out the sharpie with the brick break winning us the fight after this archie pisses off kyogre with a little red ball so it retaliates by unleashing a storm of biblical proportions steven stops by to tell me to meet him in siotopoulos city what a badass imagine flying across the open ocean in the middle of a thunderstorm couldn't be me so i head to sutopolis city where i meet up with stephen and the psutopoulos city gym leader wallace who takes me to the cave of origins apparently since i have the blue orb i have to stop kyogre i mean i could just give you the blue orb and you could face the giant sea god but no sure sure make the child do it after i feel my way through the cave since i didn't bother to get flash i eventually make it to kyogre the blue orb activates kyogre kind of waddles his way over to me and then we fight and by fight i mean i run and that saves the world steven is there to thank me for my service and encourage me to fight wallace maybe then i'll finally be strong enough to fight stephen himself so now it's time for the final gym leader wallace leads love disc and i lead angelface i set up a meditate and luftis uses a tract but on the next turn angel face left swipes and kills the love disc with a brick break second is whiskash and since it can't one shot me i take the chance to set up another meditate it does hit a critical hit earthquake but it doesn't matter from here brick break knocks out all his other pokemon celio goes down sea king goes down and even his melodic goes down i am jack's complete lack of surprise this fight is always pretty easy to set up on and metacam is a truly phenomenal pokemon imagine his power if i hadn't already used my bulk up tm on marla alright p with all eight badges all that's left is victory road and the elite four like a piece of gum stuck on the bottom of my shoe i'm mildly inconvenienced by having to fight wally but angelface just one shots all his pokemon so here's our final team leveled up to level 55 to match drake's salamance but this will basically be the angelface show featuring four supporting characters let's see if we've got what it takes first is sydney he leads mightiana and i lead angelface mightyana lowers my attack with intimidate but even with the attack drop brick brakes still one shot every single one of sydney's pokemon i do wish that the elite four was slightly more balanced level-wise in earlier generations one of the best changes to the elite four was in generation 5 where they let you do them in any order and gave each elite 4 member the same leveled pokemon i'm glad they continued that in later generations anyways that's sydney defeated i am jack's total dominance second is phoebe she's a bit scary since ghost types hit angelface for super effective damage so if she gets a critical hit we're in trouble for that reason i can't really risk setting up on any of her pokemon shadow balls are able to one-shot her first dusk flops and her first banet but then sablai comes up sablai tanks a shadow ball and then retaliates with its own shadow ball [Music] which thankfully doesn't crit ironically we crit our shadow ball on the next turn all that's left is another bayonet and another dust collapse they both go down to a single shadow ball a piece i am jack's fervorous wrath third is glacia but i feel like i don't even have to show this one obviously her ice type pokemon go down to a single brick break a piece how do i make this interesting maybe a death montage to some silly music let's try that [Music] okay that's glacia defeated i am jack's complete lack of respect for the dead last for the elite four is drake but i've learned my lesson from attempt 3 so i'm not going to lead angelface instead we're just going to first stall the shell gun out of its rock tomb pp i start by just spamming protect with lou good job lou you're an important part of the team lou you're not at all completely outclassed by every member of the team lou yay lou i stall out about five of his rock tombs before shelgon seems to be going for different moves so i switch to mechanic and then i start stalling some more i'm not really sure how the ai is choosing its moves here because they're a little inconsistent but it doesn't take much longer until shelgon is completely out of all 10 of his rock tomb pp next i switch in raymond and do the only thing that raymond ever really does i set up leech seed then i switch to the star of the show angelface he takes decent damage from dragon claw but leech seed keeps me a little healthier and i only need two calm minds to guarantee a kill on this thing shellgun actually helps me out by using protect from here it's a nice punch sweep since all of drake's remaining pokemon are four times weak to ice type moves i mean the two flagons i understand but geez dude get some better team members you could literally get swept by a love disc with ice beam i am jack's second hand embarrassment all that's left now is the champion steven the man who time and time again has popped up through my journey in many ways he was my guide my role model my leader but it's time for us to take him down it's time for the final fight of the challenge so i enter steven's chamber [Music] it's it's not possible steven steven is me we're we're the same person how can this be this man is is he just a projection of myself is he just a metaphor for who i think i want to be a portrait of male anguish that generations of adolescent men will misconstrue as glorifying a type of behavior when in fact even the slightest bit of critical thinking would reveal it to be a skewering satirization of toxic masculinity none of this makes sense but i don't have much time to figure it out because he or i guess i am coming at me with everything i've got the champion leads macho and i lead angelface i go for a calm mind but then machoke uses swagger had i equipped a person berry to angelface like i was supposed to this would have been an incredibly easy victory but i forgot because i'm stupid so i gotta switch to raymond as macho goes for a free bull cup then i set up a leech seed as macho goes for another bull cup this is kinda scary but fortunately raymond comes in absolutely clutch and fires off a massive critical hit giga drain leaving machoke with a sliver unfortunately macho does retaliate with a cross chop ending raymond's life and his aspirations to be a veterinarian his sacrifice won't be in vain though angelface comes back out and leech seed finishes off the macho second for the champion is his own medicham i go for a protect to dodge the fake out then on the next turn i knock out mehdi chan with a shadow ball third is hariyama so i go for another protect as it also uses fake out then i go for a calm mind as haryama hits an earthquake for a huge chunk of damage but with that we've won psychic takes out the hareyama in one shot breelum is out next but it too falls to a psychic fifth is blaziken who like marla before him goes down the champion's last pokemon is heracross but angelface is just too powerful a final psychic knocks him out winning us the battle and the run i am jack's sense of finality well that was a pretty wild run i was pretty surprised at how difficult certain parts of it were and then i was also surprised by how insanely easy mehdi chan made the end game i've never really considered how great a pokemon madicham is but this challenge really opened my eyes now obviously that final fight means that this isn't exactly beating pokemon sapphire with fighting types but with a little bit of planning for the skarmory i really don't think that steven the steel type trainer would have really been all that difficult for our fighting types plus i thought a twist made for a better video hopefully you agree and you enjoyed the video because i had a blast doing the challenge which was very obviously a reference to david fincher's fight club if you didn't pick that up i feel like it's so obvious that it's silly to even mention it but this is the internet so you never know fight club is a great movie that you should check out if you haven't seen it already although i guess i did kind of spoil the ending for you well anyways thanks to pokemaster 995 for helping me make this rom hack and thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed watching please like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know but i do know that you should follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges and you should also join the flag on hg community discord where you can discuss nuzlocking and make recommendations for future challenges the link is in the description stay tuned for more nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 341,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Challenges, Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Pokemon Sapphire, Fighting Type Pokemon
Id: OKp33xbmRCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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