Pokémon Y Hardcore Nuzlocke - Single Stage Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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this video is sponsored by squarespace the all-in-one platform to easily and efficiently build and manage your own website hi everyone i'm flag on hg and this is the video of my attempts at a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon y using only single stage pokemon to see what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules check out the description below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leader's ace before the start of the battle and we're playing on set mode for this challenge we are only using single stage pokemon which by definition are pokemon that do not evolve from or into another pokemon the kalos region actually has quite a few of these single stage pokemon ranging from pretty bad pokemon like farfetch'd and chat to pretty good ones like tauros and halucha so the encounter list for this challenge is certainly diverse you can see a full list in the description down below and yes almost every legendary and mythical is technically a single stage pokemon but i won't be using them for this challenge sorry bacon bird regardless this challenge isn't super difficult i wanted to do a kalos challenge on stream so i let the community pick between a couple of options and this is the one that they wanted to see so hopefully it's a fun one and this full challenge is also viewable in the form of stream highlights on the flag on hg highlights channel that recently launched there's also highlights of my first hardcore nuzlocke of renegade platinum which i'm working through right now on stream so be sure to subscribe to flagon hg highlights to catch all that action before i cut it into a final video for the main channel if you want just as a quick reminder before we start i play with species claws so i'll be able to reroll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line okay let's see how this goes as always i start the game by choosing my starter none of which are single stage pokemon obviously so i just choose froakie and then speed my way through the first few routes of the game until i can get to route 3. on route 3 i can catch my first single stage pokemon and the de facto starter of the run a dunsparce did someone say dunsparce antler boy what are you doing in my house oh swedish law actually requires me to show up whenever someone uses dunsparce as a starter make sure it gets his free healthcare and all that okay well well you can say if you just sit quietly in the corner i guess no need i won't be sticking around but uh you'll find me at ikea if you need me and hey remember to play around the crit i'm counting on it all right we'll do antler boy thanks for stopping by anyways i name our new dunsparce hello and then after depositing froakie in the box and leveling up hello a bit i go to route 23 to catch our second team member a farfetch'd but this turns out to be a little bit harder than i thought it would be and well say goodbye to hello ok so that's attempt 1 on attempt 2 i catch another dunsparce and again name him hello unfortunately hello number 2 has run away as an ability instead of serene grace and it also has a pretty lousy nature so while this footage may look like me recklessly losing hello in an honor battle against a wild dunsparce i like to think of it as a subconscious mercy kill hello number two was never going to make it in this dunce eat dunce world so on attempt 3 i catch hello number 3 who again has serene grace i also decide to forgo catching farfetch'd right now and instead just challenge the first gym leader viola allo has access to defense curl and roll out so after i set up a defense curl to double roll outs damage as long as i don't miss a few rollouts viola is a piece of cake unfortunately i don't miss any rollouts so that's the first gym badge now that hello has a few more levels and we have access to great balls i try my hand at farfetch'd again i know that i can always trade for a far-fetched but i'd much rather have a shiny new farfetch that i catch in the wild than someone slimy hand me down fortunately i am able to catch the farfitch this time so i name him bad blood after plowing through lumio city we end up on route 4 where i encounter literally just a dog i catch him and name him style he's got the ability fur coat so he'll be a pretty solid defensive tank then i continue my apparently normal type monolock by catching an audi nito named despacito on route 5 and a smeargle named one more time on route 6. karina's fighting type gym is starting to look a little disconcerting on route 8 the monologue does end as i encounter an absol though he doesn't really help with our fighting type weakness regardless i catch him and name him pompeii then in glittering cave i catch a soul rock and name them solar power i also find an old amber in literally the first rock i smash so i bring it to the fossil lab place then the man revives an aerodactyl for me using the power of science or necromancy whatever you prefer i named the aerodactyl get lucky now our team is looking relatively diverse and actually pretty strong so it's pretty easy for us to defeat grant the gym leaders are incredibly underwhelming in kalos easily x and y's biggest flaws ran samara goes down to a few rock smashes from pompeii as it paralyzes with thunder wave grant wastes a hyper potion here as well tyrunt is second and last and thanks to paralysis and flinch from stomp and bite i'm not actually able to land too many hits before pompeii falls into critical hit range so i switch out to style who tanks a rock tomb and then despite the speed drop we still out speed and finish off the tyrant with a rock smash easy second gym after that i head to route 10 and i catch a siggy liffey which i always thought kind of looked like a really over the top unknown evolution but it is a single stage pokemon one of the coolest parts of this run is that it's forcing me to use pokemon that i've literally never used i named sigilifymca and he joins the team giving us a pretty good answer to karina's fighting types after that on route 11 i find what appears to be a very confused man who has painted himself red that or a muppet got loose somehow it's legally okay for me to keep this poor man slash muppet in a pokeball so i do just that i name him cardigan but he goes in the box for now then we get to reflection cave where i'm able to find my favorite pokemon carbine karbink did elude me in my fairy type only run of x and y because of mr mime but now nothing is going to get in my way of catching a carbink what a load of crap carbink continues to be the one that got away well sablai is honestly a pretty decent encounter here since his ghost typing means that only one of karina's pokemon can actually damage him so 24 karat magic joins the team as we challenge the third gym leader karina she leads with a mien fu so i lead with ymca then we just out speed and knock out the mien fu with a single sai beam machoke is next so i hit him with a sai beam which is another one shot so third is halucha alucha can't hit 24 karat magic so this is always a win but i decide to just stay in as halucha goes for a home clause then ymca hits a cybe which is barely not a one shot so karina heals with a hyper potion but then ymca high rolls for the one shot winning us another very easy gym badge i mean golly gosh the only thing that's been easier than defeating these gyms is setting up a website with squarespace.com folks let me tell you about this video's sponsor squarespace is an online platform that helps you build and manage your own website whether that's an online store for your business or a personal blog for your thoughts normally setting up a website is hard who amongst us hasn't tried to desperately set up a website only to quit out of frustration and silently cry yourself to sleep all the while trying to reassure yourself that you're not stupid the internet is stupid well cry yourself to sleep no more squarespace streamlines the whole process making it simple to quickly design polished websites using their customizable templates in no time at all i was able to easily create poppyhg.com the world's premier online destination for images of my corgi puppy poppy i haven't cried since i'm unbelievably hydrated squarespace also has a ton of other really useful features like analytic information about the traffic of your website the ability to add and play embedded videos directly on your website and squarespace member areas which can be used to connect with audiences and create exclusive members only content so if you're looking to start a website for your business or hobby then you should absolutely check out squarespace.com for a free trial and when you're ready with dry eyes to launch your masterpiece of a website you can use my custom link to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain the links are in the description below thanks so much to squarespace for sponsoring this video now let's get back to the challenge with karina defeated i'm now able to use surf which means i can head to azerbai and encounter one of my favorite french pokemon le pro for the record youtube comments no i do not use weird pronunciations of pokemon names to bait comments i do it because i think it's fun and stupid which is kind of my mo either that or it's genuinely how i pronounce the name of a pokemon which is by the way pretty arbitrary anyways le pro or if you're a lame stick in the mud lapras has a one percent encounter rate so it takes a while to find but not as long as i would have expected unfortunately while trying to catch her she uses paris song meaning that i now have three turns to catch this thing before she takes herself out and brings style along with her i decide it's best to just throw a pokeball but she breaks out of the first one so i throw a second pokeball but le pro breaks free from that one as well i could risk styles life here on a third ball but as great as that would be for content it'd be pretty stupid a dog in the hand is worth a plesiosaur in the bush so i switched to hello and after le pro goes for a second paris song which i didn't actually know that she could do she falls well fortunately on route 12 some random chump gives you a free gift to le pro i originally wanted to get the le pro from reserve bay because route 12 has a lot of other really cool single stage pokemon like tauros heracross and miltank but with the azure bay le pro leading herself to davy jones locker i think it's best to just get the guaranteed lapras here instead of gambling on a wild pokemon i name her i'm on a boat next i have a moment of genuine excitement when i find out that surfing on i'm on a boat causes her to pop up in the overworld as well i freaking love these games i have another moment of genuine excitement when i find out that you can actually jump over this fence with skitto it's a little bit tempered when i learn that the thing can't climb stairs but those back-to-back delightful moments have really propelled me through the first few months of 2022. anyways now it's off to fight the fourth gym leader ramos but we've got a pretty solid team for his fight he leads with jumpluff so i lead get lucky who outspeeds to hit a rock tomb which immediately knocks out jump luff then weepinbell comes out i stay in to hit another rock tomb as weep and bell hits a poison powder then i switch to ymca as ramos uses a hyper potion then a side beam one shots the weepinbell so last for ramos is go goat we outspeed to hit an air cutter for about half health and then ymca tanks a hard takedown so one more air cutter which thankfully hits is enough to finish off go go and beat the old man with the comically large pair of scissors there's no new encounters before the next gym and cardigan is able to easily take out everything that team flare throws my way so it's not too long before we're facing down pajama sam my main team isn't great into electric types so a couple of our friends are coming out of the box to lend a hand clermont leads with a mulja and i lead solar power amulga uses volt switch into solar power to bring out magneton but because the only thing that's bigger than my brain is my humility i predict it and nail the magneton with a bulldoze this doesn't even proc as sturdy because solar power is a little weak but it doesn't matter after clermont wastes both his high proportions here magneton goes down with a few more bulldozes heliolis comes out next it has grass knot so i switch to cardigan who shrugs it off and then it's another classic case of flag on hg underestimating the strength of clemont's heliolisk because he hits us hard with a thunderbolt but then we hit hard back with a storm throw for the one shot oh and for those of you who don't know storm throw always crits amulga is last so i switch back to solar power on an aerial ace then solar power gets hit by a hard volt switch but we were safe to even a crit so solar power fires off a rock slide which knocks out emulja in one hit winning us the fifth gym badge after that i take some time to explore the wonders of lumio city a taxi man charges me an exorbitant amount of money to drive me to the puppy salon or i can give style some style chat decides on the star style which is unbelievably hideous but in their defense all the styles i have access to are unbelievably hideous so with my poodle sporting a new do it's time to move on starting first with the fight against serena this is the first fight against her that is actually somewhat difficult because her pokemon are now fully evolved meowstic is out first who flinches pompei with a fake out on turn one then she sets up a light screen as we hit a hard thief then meowstic goes for a disarming voice but it doesn't do too much because pompe doesn't have any arms and then a thief finishes off the meowstic second is chestnut so i switched to ymca but serena's ai is actually so bad that it goes for what seems to be an amazing read and nails ymca with a super effective bite instead of trying to hit absol with a seed bomb now i'm in kind of a sucky spot because another bite will finish off ymca and i don't know if an air slash will kill thanks to the light screen plus ymca might miss so i switched to get lucky who tanks a bite pretty well here then our mighty pateradactyl hits a times four super effective aerial ace which doesn't one shot chestnut so an overgrowth boosted seed bomb knocks out get lucky i mean i know that chestnut has good defense and all but come on how did that not kill for all the previous johto playthroughs that lance's aerodactyl has terrorized me that was a pretty underwhelming performance from my aerodactyl but that's what i get for reviving a dead fossil necromancy never turns out well okay so ymca comes out to finish off chestnut with a psy beam and then serena's absol comes out so i switch to cardigan and brush off a bite then absol goes for a sword stance so we knock it out in one shot with a storm throw winning us the battle yet another serena fight that takes a life i thought this challenge might be a deathless one but it seems that's not in the cards anyways on route 14 i catch a carnivine yet another pokemon i've never used before i name him man eater and he joins the team as we go to face valerie i don't have great answers into fairy types so this fight might actually be a fairly tough challenge she leads mawile though which doesn't have a fairy move so cardigan shrugs off a crunch and then hits her with a bulldoze this doesn't kill but thanks to the speed drop we out speed and knock her out on the next turn mr mime is second so i switch to i'm on a boat as mr mime uses reflect then she uses a light screen so surf does very little damage mr mime hits a psychic for a chunk of damage and then i switch to body slam to abuse mr mime's trash defense we get a critical hit but that leaves mr mime in the red as we heal a bit with leftovers then valerie uses a hyper potion so we hit it for a small chunk of damage with body slam which also paralyzes it so we just continue to plug away with body slam unfortunately mr mime gets a special defense drop with psychic so she starts to do a lot of damage with her attacks valerie also uses a second hyper potion so i now need to switch out before the mr mime goes down i bring in man-eater as mr mime sets up another reflect then i go for a stockpile as mr mime gets fully paralyzed then i hit mr mime with a crunch as she retaliates with a pretty strong psychic and then one final crunch finishes off the very annoying mr mime so last is sylveon he outspeeds and hits a charm as we hit a soft leaf tornado then sylveon hits a very hard dazzling gleam which definitely would have killed if it crit and then man-eater misses a leaf storm which is ridiculous because he is holding a wide lens meaning that leaf tornado has 99 accuracy well i switched to ymca and take way more damage than i thought i would from a dazzling gleam if i stay in here i'm risking a critical hit but i don't have many other options so i go for an air slash and then sylveon hits a charm so i go for another air slash which causes sylveon to flinch nice never punished one more air slash knocks out sylveon winning us an unexpectedly challenging gym battle there's a few new encounters on the way to the 7th gym the first is a clefiki on route 15 who i name girl on fire then i catch a criagonal in frost cavern and name them let it go an absolute banger of a song from an absolute banger of a disney movie i will not be arguing this last is a deliberate from route 17 who i named santa baby okay time for olympia she leads with a sigilify so i lead with pompeii sigilify sets up a reflect so our night slash doesn't one-shot her then she goes for an air slash so another night slash finishes are off second is slow king so i stay in and hit a hard night slash then slow king just goes for a yawn so pompey finishes off the slow king with a second night slash and then he closes his eyes as he falls asleep does it almost feel like nothing changed at all meowstick comes in next so i switch to style who shrugs off a critical hit fake out then two returns are enough to finish off the meowstic as we just take a bit of damage from psychic definitively proving that dogs are better than cats that's badge number seven so now it's time to save the world i catch the evil alphabet bird with a master ball but they're staying in the box which means it's time to face down lysander and his mega gyarados unlike the last few kalos playthroughs i've done i don't really have a super easy way to deal with the mega gyarados so i'm gonna have to be a little creative he leads with myanchol though so i lead ymca who first tanks in acrobatics and then kills miyancho with a single psychic pyro comes out second so i switch to cardigan who gets hit by a fire blast which unfortunately burns him that's not great because it means that on the next turn a storm throw doesn't kill the pyro we were also risking a critical hit there so i guess i should consider myself pretty lucky though getting hit by two 85 accurate fire blasts in a row and also getting a burn is pretty unlikely either way i got a switch so i bring in style who also gets hit by a fire blast but then a return knocks out pyroar third is haunt's crow so i switched girl on fire and tank a critical hit night slash then hans crow hits a steel wing as girl on fire retaliates with a mirror shot i intentionally choose not to use dazzling gleam here because i want i'm on a boat out when the gyarados comes out so mirror shot is just for chip i also use a priority thunder wave to paralyze the haunch crow as it hits another steel wing then i bring in i'm on a boat as the haunch crow gets fully paralyzed so we knock him out with a thunderbolt on the next turn then last is gyarados lysander mega evolves and then hits a fairly strong outrage but then i'm on a boat gets off a paris song so now the mega gyarados is on a timer i switch to girl on fire who is immune to outrage then i go for a protect as gyarados's parish counter falls to one so on the next turn i switch to man-eater whose levitate actually does get ignored by gyarados's mould breaker ability but it doesn't matter because he resists earthquake anyways and with that the paris counter falls to zero and mega gyarados goes down winning us the battle now that the end of the world has been avoided it's time to catch some more team members first is durant in terminus cave i name her diva and she goes straight to the box next is heatmore on route 18 who i named tong tide which i definitely spelled wrong on purpose yeah yeah that was on purpose we have to do the rival bridge gauntlet next but now that i know when they heal me it's not as hard as it has been in the past as always goodra is a bit of a challenge but other than that it's all fairly easy so i'll skip it next up i catch a stun fisk on route 19 i name her country roads and finally i catch a ditto in pokemon village who i name shape of you there are a few other possible encounters here and there but i don't need them to beat this challenge so i'm just gonna leave them that gets us to wolfrick whose team bravely asks the complicated question do you have a pokemon that knows flamethrower unfortunately we just got tongue-tied who can learn flamethrower this is such an incredibly underwhelming fight granted the criagonal does have confuse ray so i do need to hold a person berry and they do have pretty good special defense so we don't get the one shot with flamethrower but on the next turn we just brush off an ice beam and then knock out the triagonal with a second flamethrower winning us the eighth and final gym badge that gets us to victory road despite almost all of the gyms of kalos being a total joke victory road has a few fairly challenging trainers so it's a pretty good idea to be a bit cautious and avoid as many trainers as possible but i don't do that so there are a few close calls including accidentally running into a wild fearow not being able to escape and almost losing girl on fire to a critical hit drill run however we do survive that brush with death but then i fight black belt ander which is a completely optional fight now according to all the information in my trainer doc that i have about the ivs of this heracross ymca is always supposed to guarantee kill with a psychic here so not wanting to miss air slash i go for the safe play and click psychic which does not get the one shot so heracross retaliates with a stone edge which of course kills ymca this death was pretty frustrating admittedly i had no reason to fight this trainer but it feels really bad that i safely did the calc and took the safe play of going for psychic instead of air slash and the only reason that ymc goes down is because i just had the wrong information not much i could have done other than you know not fight that trainer i guess what i'm saying is that i suck at this game russ well young man there's no need to feel down you earned a long rest well moving on to the final fight with serena she leads with her meow stick so i lead with the cat killer style who has a new do since we last saw him a fake out causes him to flinch but meowstic takes more damage from the rocky helmet than she actually dishes out then a return hits meow stick hard and we brush off a psychic so another return finishes off the meowstic next is chestnut so i switched to girl on fire who takes big damage from brick break unfortunately i don't see any other play here but to risk a critical hit so a dazzling gleam leaves chestnut in the red and mercifully we survive the brick break in return so another dazzling gleam finishes off the chestnut third for serena is vaporeon so i switch to i'm on a boat who is immune to muddy water thanks to water absorb then we start chugging away with thunderbolt i'm on a boat's damage output is a little wanting but vaporeon only has aurora beam so we take him out a few turns later without taking much damage fourth is alteria who starts by using confide to lower our special attack but an icebeam is still enough for the one shot so last is absol i switch to cardigan who takes very little damage from night slash then he takes a little bit more damage from a day slash on the next turn and a storm throw one shots the absol winning us the final rival fight that gets us to the elite four here's my final team of six leveled up to the level cap of 65 we honestly don't have the best answers to a few key threats but i do think that this is the best team of six that i can bring well maybe stun fisk isn't exactly the most optimal pokemon i could bring but i mean come on we gotta use this derpy if we can right let's see if this team has what it takes first is malva who specializes in fire types she leads with her pyroar so i lead with cardigan malva hits a flamethrower which doesn't burn so a single stormthrown knocks out pyroar in one shot second is talonflame so i bring in country roads who takes a brave bird like an absolute champ then she takes a flare blitz and kills the duck with a thunderbolt third is torquel so i switch to i'm on a boat as torkel goes for an earthquake which does an adorable amount of damage then we kill torkel in one shot with a serf last is chandelure so i stay in and get hit with a confide this means that a surf doesn't one-shot chandelure so malva uses a full restore and survives another serf and then she does it again then she hits a confused ray and i'm on a boat gets confused and hits herself in confusion so i have to switch out to style who also gets hit by a confide but then we outspeed and take a yummy bite out of that chandelier knocking it out and winning us the battle one down second is drazna who uses dragon types she leads with dragalagi and i lead with cardigan an earthquake isn't quite enough for the one shot so cardigan gets hit with a sludge bomb but at least this means that drazna wastes her full restores here a few more earthquakes take out the seahorse second is alteria she has moon blast but even a crit doesn't kill cardigan so i just stay in she just ends up going for a cotton guard which is fine because we hit her with a rock tomb just to lower her speed then i switch into i'm on a boat who is holding a chest obery but it doesn't end up mattering because alteria misses a sing so then an icebeam knocks out alteria next is dragon who has revenge and chip away so i start with a protect then i switch to style who thanks to his fur coat takes very little damage from revenge and also gets chip damage on drutagon with rocky helmet then i go for a charm as drudogun loses a bit more health from using revenge into style's rocky helmet then i switched a girl on fire on a third revenge which is now basically doing nothing and thanks to the chip damage dazzling gleam now cleanly knocks out the dragon last for drasna is noyvern who knows flamethrower so i switch to i'm on a boat who shrugs off the flamethrower then she gets hit by a superfang and knocks out noivern with a single icebeam winning us another easy elite four battle third is the steel type elite four member wickstrom he leads with a clefiki so we lead with tongue tied flofiki sets up a priority layer of spikes and then goes down to a flamethrower robopass is second so i switch to i'm on a boat we do get hit by a super effective power gem on the switch so this wasn't the best switch in but because i'm on a boat is fairly especially bulky and probopass is pretty weak it doesn't do that much damage 238 hp down to 146 hp is 92 damage so even a critical hit would only do about 138 damage so we're safe to click surf here despite probopass not being able to be one shot but then probopass gets what appears to be the highest of high rolls and a critical hit which knocks out i'm on a boat well that was pretty stupid given that at least two of my other team members could easily handle this dumbo it's also really bad because the remaining elite four member seabold has a few pokemon that i definitely needed i'm on a boat to handle so that fight is gonna be a bit of a challenge now but first let's finish wixtrum cardigan comes out and uses stormthrow to revenge kill the probopass after wickstrom heals a bit leftovers also manages to heal the damage from spikes we took on the switch so it's nice that wickstrom does that for us next is aegislash who is always pretty scary since the ai is a bit unpredictable with kingshield he starts with a king shield so my protect does nothing then aegis last switches forms and goes for an iron head thankfully we don't flinch so an earthquake just knocks it out in one shot last is caesar so it's an easy switch into tongue tied who tanks an iron head and then on the next turn she out speeds to knock out caesar in one shot with a flamethrower that's wickstrom defeated but now it's time for sebold the reason he's so scary is because his clowitzer has amazing coverage and hits super hard into our entire team he also has a dragon dancing gyarados which would have been an easy one shot with thunderbolt from i'm on a boat but now the gyarados possesses a huge threat since he'll out speed and one shot country roads and nothing else can get the one shot but i have a plan ish siebeled leads with clowitzer so i lead with tongue tied she out speeds to set up a sunny day meaning that water pulse will do half damage and we can also use a one turn solar beam on the next turn for the one shot but of course clowitzer gets the confusion there was really no way to play around this though tongue tied needs to be holding a miracle seed to kill with solar beam in one shot so i wasn't able to hold a person berry here with sunny day up i can now switch to country roads and survive two water pulses but i'm risking two more potential confusions from water pulses if i do that so i just stay in and pray don't leave me tongue-tied please not yet i click solar beam and she comes in clutch tongue tide breaks through with solar beam and knocks out the cloud sir that is a hall of fame deserving performance from tongue tide good job after this battle you are going to get a nice plate of victory ants this brings in gyarados though so i switch to style who shrugs off an earthquake then i go for a return though it doesn't appear that it's the two shot like i was expecting it to be so that's pretty concerning because gyarados gets off a dragon rage now if he starts flinching with waterfall things are going to get really bad kyratos goes for another dragon dance though and a return leaves him with just a sliver so as siebold heals i hit the gyarados with a charm to reset his attack boosts then he goes for a third dragon dance as i hit a return though i definitely should have gone for another charm on the next turn gyarados hits a hard waterfall and i get off another charm though now with the rocky helmet chip it would have actually been better to just knock out the gyarados with a return because we are now risking a critical hit fortunately i'm not at all punished as style with that james dean daydream look in his eyes survives a non-critical hit waterfall avoids the flinch and finishes off gyarados i definitely could have played that better third for seabolt is barbarical so i switch to cardigan who tanks across chop fairly well then barbarical goes for a razor shell which fortunately doesn't get the defense drop or the crit so cardigan survives to hit a storm throw which leaves barbarical with a sliver so siebel heals and i go for bulk up this is obviously risking a critical hit but we're risking a critical hit regardless thankfully a razor shell doesn't crit and barbarical goes down to a follow-up storm throw so last is starmie but only girl on fire and country roads are healthy enough to handle this thing i start by switching to girl on fire who shrugs off a psychic leftover's healing helps a bit too then we go for a priority sunny day so that stormy's damage with surf is halved but they just set up a light screen then they just go for another psychic and i hit a weak dazzling gleam then i go for a protect for more recovery and to stall out light screen then i tank another psychic and hit another weak dazzling gleam then it's a protect which causes the sunlight to fade as well as the light screen to wear off so i set up a second sunny day and starmie hits a weak surf then i switch to country roads on a psychic starmie hits another psychic on the next turn but then country roads retaliates with the thunderbolt knocking out the starmie and winning us a very stressful final elite four fight if barbarical had gotten a critical hit or a defense drop with razor shell or starmie had gotten a special defense drop or tongue tied had hit herself in confusion that could have been an absolute disaster but we made it through to the final fight of the challenge against dianthum fortunately her pokemon are all pretty bad sans the mechagardavor originally i was planning on taking gardevoir out with a paris song from i'm on a boat but now the plan is to kinda just wing it let's see how it goes it starts off well though with halucha going for a sword's dance and then girl on fire knocking it out in one shot with a dazzling gleam i was expecting tyrantrum to come in next but instead it's gudra so i switch to cardigan who dodges a fire blast for the first time all run then he brushes off a dragon pulse and hits a hard storm throw i go for a protect to get some more leftovers recovery on the next turn then i tank another dragon pulse and finish off goodra with a second storm throw next is auroras for whatever reason so we out speed and kill it with eight times for super effective storm throw cool then it's tyrantrum so i start off with a protect for some leftovers recovery then i go for a bulk up as tyrantrum hits a pretty soft dragon claw then it's another protect because why not better safe than sorry right and then cardigan fires off his last storm throw of the playthrough to one shot tyrantrum fifth for diantha is gorgeized so i start with a protect as it goes for phantom force so i safely switch to style on the next turn who is immune to phantom force then i switch out to tonguetide who gets hit by a trick or treat this gives tonguetide a secondary ghost typing meaning that when gorgais goes for a phantom force we're now at risk to getting hit by a super effective attack so i have to switch back to style who is immune yet again i end up having to do this a few times because gorgeyst insists on trick-or-treating tongue-tied every time i switch her in but eventually she just goes for a seed bomb on the switch instead so gorgais then goes for a trick-or-treat meaning that we can now hit a flamethrower and knock her out in one shot so last for diantha is mega gardevoir i decide that the best thing to do here is to sack tongtai to get a free switch into another pokemon not remembering that gardevoir would actually just go for shadowball instead of psychic because of the trick or treat meaning that we could have easily brought style in completely free so unfortunately tongue tied kind of died for nothing though who knows maybe the ai does have a chance to go for psychic here anyways some of these fights can be pretty unpredictable nevertheless thank you for your sacrifice tongue tied and for your unbelievable performance against sebold wherever you are i hope that there are plenty of ants i bring in girl on fire the idea here is to use prankster confide and thunder wave to lower gardavor's special attack and speed until girl on fire goes down then i can bring in country roads and kill gardevoir with a cheeky fissure but then i remember that unfortunately fissure won't work since gardevoir is at a higher level than country roads lame fine i guess we'll do it the boring way and kill the gardevoir with two mirror shots she even gets paralyzed here too and so with that we've won the battle and the run that was a fun one it wasn't particularly difficult until the very end when i let my laprago down to a freaking probopass but at least it made that seabolt fight a bit more exhilarating what's a nuzlocke challenge without a little bit of high-stakes drama as a direct result of an easily avoidable death i've really been enjoying these runs where i get to use pokemon that i've never used before so thanks to my community for voting on this one and thank you for watching it's been a while since i've said anything at the end of my videos more than a general thank you but for those of you who don't know i became a full-time content creator at the start of february and these first few weeks have been an absolute blast i'm unbelievably lucky that so many people tune into these videos and i seriously want to thank you all so much for allowing me to feasibly do my dream job anyways if you enjoyed watching please like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know but i do know that you should follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges and be sure to join the flag on hg community discord where you can discuss nuzlocking and make recommendations for future challenges stay tuned for more nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit [Music] you
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 345,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Gaming
Id: xCN0JpRymAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 23sec (2063 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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