I Tried PointCrow's Pokémon Emerald Map Randomizer!

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hi everyone i'm flag on hg normally i do hardcore nuzlocke videos but this video is a bit different in this video i'm trying out point crow's emerald map randomizer basically every warp point in the game has been randomized walk into a building and you could wind up in a cave rudely barge into someone's home unannounced and you could find yourself in a cemetery built on the side of a mountain the goal is to find and defeat all eight gym leaders all four elite four members and the champion wallace making it into the hall of fame i allowed myself to fight the gym leaders in elite four in any order as long as wallace was last this was mainly because i didn't really feel like taking a bunch of notes for the first time playing this randomizer but maybe i'll do it in order next time oh and for reasons that you'll see quickly i didn't make this a nuzlock maybe someday but not today but this map randomizer is still pretty tricky since any given warp point could teleport you halfway across the world in an instant which would be pretty convenient in the real world like imagine being able to open your bathroom door and boom you're in japan sadly we don't have that tech yet but this video's sponsor offers you the next best thing this video is sponsored by by e by e is a website that places orders on your behalf to japanese shopping and auction sites so that you can get the cheapest prices on japanese products without having to go through an english-speaking website that jacks up prices by e will purchase your products from the japanese store send them to their local warehouse and then internationally deliver the product directly to you this lets you shop at japanese exclusive sites like murkari and rakuten as well as yahoo japan shopping and amazon japan where you can buy pretty much anything from japan including pokemon merchandise that can be cheaper than what you'll find on english-speaking websites you can also get japanese versions of the games which tend to be a little bit cheaper as well and if you sign up for by e using my link in the description down below which is completely free you'll get a discount coupon for 2 000 yens or about 18 us dollars to be used on your first order it's literally free money that you can use to buy whatever you want i won't judge i promise so if you're looking to conveniently shop online at japanese sites give by e a go but remember to shop responsibly thanks so much to buy e for sponsoring this video now let's get back to it before we get started though i do want to make sure to thank point crow as well as the developers of the emerald map randomizer xluma turtle isaac and adsine i'm sure a lot of you know who point crow is already but there are links in the description to his channel as well as the reddit post detailing the emerald map randomizer in depth so definitely check him out if you haven't already okay let's see how this goes the very start of the game isn't randomized so that you can actually get a starter and begin the game as normal i choose mudkip because he's the best starter and i give him an aptly randomized nickname welcome to the team rogers once we get to old daletown the randomization begins for example the old daletown pokemon center randomizes to the pokemon league pokemon center that's actually pretty awesome since it means i have an easily accessible center to heal my pokemon and a mart to buy whatever items i need like ultra balls the house to the right of the pokemon center gets me to sootopoulous which gives me a bunch of other houses to enter you can see that this starts to get pretty complicated pretty quickly the pokemon center in siotopoulos spits me out in meteor falls where i encounter a zubat so i catch him and name him tu duiff then i head back to old daletown where this woman boldface lies to me about a pokemart it turns out it's not a pokemart it's sky pillar so i encounter obey it and manage to catch it with the last ultra ball i have left i name him kisenmakid a level 37 pokemon is pretty nice to have right from the start but i do make an unfortunate discovery what does he know nightshade wow this is a dog oh my god yeah not the best move set but it's enough to destroy our rival may that's for sure so we get our pokedex and our running shoes and then we're off a lot of what happens next is me exploring random warp points and seeing where they go i try to do it systematically and mark off entire paths before moving on to new ones but that doesn't really work out in practice since a handful of warp points are only one way thank you okay well we got lack since oh no i just got booted out that's not great um okay well let's hope one of these places takes me somewhere good well we're we're off the deep end guys at least i got an egg and eventually i get back to petalburg so i've closed the circle again what's next is another solid 30 minutes of me stumbling my way through random warp points like a drunk toddler retaining virtually nothing and failing to take any notes whatsoever it's quality content at one point i walk into sydney's room and since that's a one-way warp point i have no choice but to face him let's see how that goes okay um bainit can you learn dig by any chance well this isn't gonna work we got this guys it's fine he's gonna swagger gonna get an attack boost and then nightshade does double damage guys come on come on kissing come on kissing so close all right come on mukdip you got this raj he might be able to take this damn damn damn damn this is tough all right we're gonna go for the supersonic strat you might be able to take this it's a high roll yikes well that's a wipe but it's not a nuzlocke so prevail we shall and it's not all bad because right after that this happens can we just get the tm for shadow ball that would be freaking swell wait is that seriously gonna work is that shadowball i think that's shadowball right down there that's amazing well that'll make things easier kinda i do run into a random trainer on victory road and wipe to their sably but what are you gonna do at this point i decide that it's probably a good idea to jot down where sydney is so i go back and try to find him again when i do i take the detailed note that says sydney is in fortree not super descript but i'm sure it's fine anyways because i found him again i gotta lose to him again but we'll beat him soon enough after another 15 minutes or so of aimless wandering i find reggie rock chilling in the lily cove department store all right reggie rock i just is it gonna explode on me i feel like it might explode on me i don't like using save states the only reason i'm gonna use a safe state is if i get soft locked i'm not gonna like just do this until i catch the reggie rock if we don't catch it we don't catch it life moves on it doesn't learn explosion that's that's good to know that looks like another one might kill me or i might kill him right did i stock up on pokeballs not really i feel like a shadow ball won't kill him right because he's a reggie rock and he just used curse a crit well all right let's do it come on nice will willow us help yeah but then then it'll die um i'm gonna go for another one if it crits we're gonna be dead it's gonna die but that's okay all right here we go he's in the red we were close we were very close pokeball that's it show it no respect oh hi poppy dude don't keep paint it out don't tell me what to do this is not looking good this is not looking good that's gonna do a lot of damage huh oh my god fake focus sash all right you know what let's try a great ball let's go raj we can catch it if we wipe we can come back and get it later come on come on come on raj come on raj oh man i thought that was gonna happen uh oh make fun of reggie rock's shoulders it raises the catch rate to 100 all right let's try that hey hey reggie rock your shoulders are stupid they look big and they're disproportionate to the rest of your body you you're ugly and your shoulders in particular are stupid let's go [Music] okay well that didn't work well we wiped to the regirock but that's fine time for more exploring uh why are we here wait actually i don't know what's in the mart let's go find out what's in the mart um hey we actually might be able to beat this one probably not but maybe all right i think we got this we can no we can't it does oh my god it's it's high leveled all right that's fine shadow ball we got this [Music] okay next time next time it's fine yeah i i feel like a nuzlocke of this would be pretty impossible well i guess you could just reset over and over again until you know the exact right route to go through anyways i catch an oddish here why no idea i guess to have another body to throw in front of the next random elite four member i accidentally run into i name him pillob and after another 10 minutes i get to the top of sky pillar i'm very excited to see the top of sky pillar because i think i have the chance to catch rayquaza until viewers in twitch chat remind me that i actually can't catch him yet since this just activates the weather wars event in sutopoulos next i catch an abra and name her kuku dugu she has teleport which is useful because it means i can't accidentally get soft locked or stuck somewhere since i'll be able to teleport out of any situation anyways a little bit later i catch a trap hinge from mirage tower because i want to i name him nabiviksi a little bit before the one hour mark i finally find my first gym it's tate and liza's gym which should be pretty easy with shadow balls from kisumakida at least they won't attack they won't attack um bainit because they see the kill on no no blabla yeah uh maybe i'll go for earthquake yeah haha oh that's a lot of damage okay well we're going to lose should i kill the clay doll whoops okay well that's that well soon after wiping to tate and liza's gym i find roxanne's gym in pacific lodge town so that's cool i can definitely do that one i let raj handle it who has evolved into a marsh top by this point let's just plow through this boom boom and that'll take two but boom and boom oh man we suck boom boom boom okay good job raj and that's one badge down and it only took one whole hour after a bit more exploring i get sick of not being able to run away from wild pokemon with banet so i catch a golbat i name her xbap because then i immediately run into glacia's room but since i now have teleport i can just leave so i don't wide out at least i remembered to jot down that glacia is in mount pyre here i probably should have said that she's in meteor falls which is in mount pyre but i'm sure i'll remember that anyways after another 15 minutes or so i discover the back room of the trick master house talking to him lets me collect all the rewards from his puzzles without having to actually do the puzzles these items aren't particularly useful but i still want to get my grubby little paws on them anyways and therein lies the problem all right i think that's it no uh oh [Music] oh no i just got soft locked [Music] i haven't saved for a while damn good to know yeah it seems that the trick master's last trick is to force you into a never-ending stream of dialogue he has the power to end it but he chooses not to he'd rather just torture us both for all time than admit that i have bested him in his tricks the inability to accept the limits of one's reach is truly mankind's greatest flaw we live in a society well even though i lost about 40 minutes of progress i did gain something very useful knowledge i mean i did forget like 90 of it but i am able to fairly quickly do a lot of what was lost but i start by catching a soul rock named zozog randomly not sure why but i had the urge to catch the soul rock so i did and then this happens is regirock worth catching yes if we can do it earthquake that's useful can i beat maxie nope not like this but that's where this is that's good to know yes there's only one thing to do wipe to archie uh damn um oh man and it's shadow oh it just gave me a boost though so it's possible if i get lucky here hey okay there we go yeah okay we're dead oh it tried to use roar nice but the crowbar is just gonna speed and kill us yeah [Music] hold on will he use another thing here will he use another another potion just don't hate yourself in confusion kiss him kd dude archie choking gave me the boost he's choking absolutely choking oh man this is still gonna be faster than me really it taunted that sucks that's a mistake oh okay oh because it sees that it's super effective just when i thought you were smart archie oh my god is you use it again yeah this is incredible what an incredibly coded game each archie oh i'm gonna get soft locked though yeah it's gonna take me up there and then i can't go anywhere right can i fish for something uh i don't think so i have the rod i mean i had it at some point but yeah damn no abra nah damn well that's another reset but lesson learned right but here we can oh damn it i just did it again [Music] okay now lesson learned you said top what top left house right what's in here ah crap okay the third time will stick lesson learned okay so wallace is in the ship you know what maybe i should just try and get to wallace as quickly as po holy sh okay well this isn't gonna work come on mukdip wait a minute oh we have a quick claw i was like that makes no sense but mukdip just gave us a chance one chance she's gotta get a lot of misses baby that's a mess big damage here oh damn it hell yeah hell yeah come on waylord choke choke come on [Music] it's a lot of damage come on [Music] oh my god this is amazing come on the giant killer to dwiff come on miss again miss again [Music] critical hit that's just rude didn't play around the crit guys it was my fault okay i mean in my defense i didn't actually know that wallace was in that room so i'm just learning a lot of lessons right now i don't know why i did that i knew that so why did i do that yeah yeah i'm i'm a slow learner well not much later i find watson's gym we got it dead dead not dead crap crap okay we're good it's still fine just probably switch out that makes the most sense here yep okay back and [Music] dead dead boom all right we got one badge that is how i play this game i'm so good you know i may be a slow learner but at least i'm humble so after that i get to roxanne's gym for the second time let's kill this lady we're about to get two badges and we're just over two hours of gameplay it's brilliant we're doing so well boom [Music] i also finally catch a goal bat who i named buick so with that i have all the pokemon i had before the trickmaster's ultimate trick well except oddish he will forever be lost to the sands of time flash forward a bit more and i run into wall-e on victory road still doesn't know how to catch a pokemon since we skipped the tutorial but i guess he did alright for himself that's not ideal uh that's really not ideal that's definitely not ideal um i think we're going to lose this [Music] plus he keeps doing that come on silrock sorak i believe oh my god i just used dragon dance that was close um that's faster can we kill this in one shot nice oh um [Music] [Music] you activated my torrent damn it you should be able to kill this never mind i think that'll do it wow wiping to wally that's uh that's rock bottom after some more aimless wandering i pop into the safari zone and immediately find a girafferidge who i immediately catch with a single safari ball completely forgetting the nickname theme here i just named him beat beep and then i have to make a hard decision i decide to replace trap inch with beep beep call me giraffrage hg i guess another good chunk of time goes by and i eventually find brawley's chimp i let sikkis our new abra who has evolved into kadabra just absolutely plow through brawley good game buddy that's three gems down though i'd really like to find norman so that i can start using cerf but before that it's time to fight tate and liza who i finally find again after 20 more minutes of falling through warp points as i slowly lose grip on reality hopefully this time baynet is strong enough to take them on alright so hopefully we can do this i feel like we can yeah he's level 52 we should be fine i'm gonna kill that and i'm going to confuse ray the ex-cat too okay well that's not a good start uh okay um okay damn damn man [Music] wow good job zazzag level 38 just killed that zatu [Music] that's four badges down but it's yet another one that doesn't provide me with any useful field hms at this point i decide that i might as well take out phoebe since i'm not really sure where to go and her back door provides at least one other warp point you chill here nice okay we should be fine actually the sableye might kill us because we probably don't kill it and it could kill us in return but i guess we'll see come on suck it sably just enough pp to do it phoebe's back door doesn't amount to much but i am able to get back to wally and victory road who we beat on the second attempt this lets us head to the front entrance of victory road where juan's gym is waiting for me alright juan here we go wow the love disc is faster than me good thing it did not use a tract oh no yikes i think we're gonna lose this all right need the safe switch into him and wing attack and wing attack okay use ray wing attack damn it uh i think the i think the mylodic's gonna survive the whiskash probably will too yeah all right bp pony it's all you buddy [Music] damn um how did i get there well my bad memory strikes again and i'm not able to get back to juan's gym right away but i do find a very useful room in the aqua hideout boom we got the master ball let's go get rayquaza it takes me another 15 minutes or so to find rayquaza again and ironically along the way i end up finding juan's gym again so i go ahead and take care of that real quick but we should be fine now we got a couple levels on him um okay now we should be fine yeah wow that was remarkably easier oh my god the kingdom i forgot about the kingdra um just gotta hit one there we go are you kidding nice okay so now that i have five gym badges i finally make my way back to mauville city where rayquaza awaits almost four hours in and i've finally gotten rayquaza so i can definitely beat wallace already i just need to actually find the remaining gym leaders and the elite four members but four hours is enough for one day so i call it for the stream so when i come back three days later to finish up this challenge i've obviously forgotten almost everything but thanks to random chance i pretty quickly stumble into drake who now has to face our mighty green pool noodle well okay let's kill lance or whatever this guy's name is drake i don't know if we've killed drake yet history no that you don't need to know that it's in the past wow wow okay maybe this is not as easy as i thought it would be now we're fine now we're fine [Music] all right beep beep take one for the team buddy [Music] yeah i mean like all the answers have already happened so you should be able to pass your history exam you know from here it's just some more random traversing through hohen how good does your memory have to be um well it doesn't have to be that good if you just forget everything oh shoot i hope this guy doesn't wipe us but eventually we make some headway what's in here i don't know if i've ever been in here oh hey nice wait this is huge wow he was hiding back here all right time to murder my father first half of the oedipus complex all right dad time to die extreme speed oh no uh oh does he take it all right now we just gotta go back to wally's house wait wait wait what's gonna happen is he just gonna make is he just gonna take me out oh no okay ah whoa okay interesting nice okay so this is just a cut scene now that we have surf we can use a bunch more warp points which immediately leads to some really weird stuff uh maybe maybe maybe i'm gonna save here just in case this freaks out i don't know what's going on guys but i'm vibing uh [Music] can't use that here okay well i can't i'm stuck uh okay i mean i think we just have to teleport that's okay well after another 10 minutes we find the room where the science man gives me the hm for rock smash which lets me make the most important choice of the game know what anarchy no i want the claw fossil anyways after that i go get strength from a bunch of ghosts then i sneak up on this aqua grunt from behind beat the ever living sh out of his level 11 pucciana and then mr briny comes to pick up pico forming an ungodly half-man half-bird abomination they form some sort of man-bird cursed with wings but too heavy to fly forever caught between two worlds he'll never be accepted by human society but he will never truly belong amongst the birds either it's a cold lonely world for birdman but at least they have each other oh hey it's the sixth gym dead nice i don't know dead nice yeah surprise oh my god he's going to pp stall me okay nice uh two night shades ought to do it okay altaria huh boom dead all right we got fly uh can anybody learn oh wait my closet has fly okay sweet this is gonna make things marginally easier and marginally easier it did become seven minutes later and we find the last gym leader flannery you know what i'm gonna insult you a little bit here we're gonna out speed and we're gonna kill your numel yeah we are boom do another one boom another one wow you son of a gun we are not doing it in order no we are not doing it in order this is the last one that we need okay well that's that's a bummer um let these guys have some fun are you kidding me even in a randomizer this torque paralyzes me with body slam well with that we've got all eight badges and we've already beaten drake and phoebe so all that's left to do is to head back to fortree to beat sydney and then back to mount pyre to find glacia before we can go back to the abandoned ship to fight wallace first up is sydney who i get to pretty much immediately i do remember how to get there and he's pretty easy to take out with outrages from rayquaza now it's just finding glacia but with my brilliant note-taking it's obviously very easy to find glacia no just kidding it takes over 30 minutes to try to figure out what i meant by glacia is in mount pyre i'll admit it in my desperate attempts to find her i got a little bit spiteful [Music] bye i believe in you bane it bain it okay good thing lugia sucks stupid luigi mudsport oh my god hell yeah but after a long trail of carnage i eventually find glacier so it's not in mount pyre unless this was somehow a roundabout way of getting to mount pyre we did it well i did it you did nothing actually no i i apologize it was team effort all right let's roast this sucker my guess is that mount pire does connect to this at some point okay so um [Music] well banette you might die that is ultimately a sacrifice i'm totally fine with but son of a gun whoops crap uh i don't know okay bye um does dragon claw kill this guess we'll find out phew nice okay dragon claw kills that but does it kill wall rain it does not uh oh [Music] all right we did it and after that all that's left to do is beat wallace who i am apparently hell-bent on calling stephen let's see how long it takes me to find him i'll go ahead and throw it back to pass me for the rest of the challenge okay so steven is in little purge if we're not going to go to little purge you know why because we have this okay easy all right who's ready to beat stephen where in little perk is he here nope that's not stephen here nope it's here nope okay steven does not seem to be in little purge guys i don't know what we were saying okay well glacier's there too hey pal we'll get there we'll get there it's fine yeah i know he's in the abandoned ship but like how did i get to the abandoned ship through petalburg oh all right are we ready you know what i learned this strat from cyrus and brilliant diamond you give your very fast pokemon a quick claw so that it out speeds i'm gonna give golbat one chance to evolve and by one chance oh my god look at that he just needed a little bit of uh candy that was pretty cool our team is looking good we got a beep beep pony we got a crowbat but we're going to give the quick claw to crowbat like of course baynet we're gonna give you we're gonna give you a new jet beep pony you're getting a harbour mail egg uh you're getting we're gonna give you we're gonna give you tm bulk up all right i think we're i think we're ready to go guys i'm gonna give him an orenberry just in case can i can i actually do this at this level probably right that's probably fine let's look at the team here real quick just see our final team here we got marshtop we got rayquaza brevi we got sakes we got nikka do got beep beep and we got blue good all right we're ready to go all right wallace for all the marbles wait all right [Music] here we go oh yeah it is wallace huh i kept saying steven yeah i don't care about stephen my bad i meant i meant wallace [Music] all right step one no come on rojan you can take this no oh my god a crit i didn't play around the crit all right guys we're we didn't get the mudsport off i don't know if i can win this we'll try though [Music] come on [Music] i actually did a lot of damage but that's okay all right bring out like ten to cruel next uh you know what i should be a little bit careful about the looty colo and they're also a kingdra on this team that like dragon dances maybe i should have rayquaza oh well well we'll figure it out it'll it'll be fine it'll be it'll be fine are we faster than this nope oh bye [Music] wow another crit i wonder if that actually did matter probably not but come on [Music] all right so far so good my lodic huh [Music] my lodic is actually how i say my lodic i i feel like you're just making up now if you're like oh it's melodic well um [Music] okay orenberry's huge here that oranberry was huge [Music] you're saying melodic the way i say melodic this may be a bit of a problem lads oh probably probably fine just just just do that [Music] okay i am not a very good pokemon trainer all right now it's just who what happens first does he run out of full restores or do we get a critical hit i guess we'll find out this is truly a thrilling battle one more chance maybe i wonder if we out speed with this also thank god we got dragon claw huh outrage well i guess outrage would have just killed it nice we just got speed that was fun [Music] okay looty colo [Music] surely you die to a dragon claw you stupid pineapple duck right damn it oh my god this is it this is how i lose what he has another full restore oh you just have them everywhere should have taught aerial ace to uh what's his name huh [Music] nice are we gonna win with 69 hp all right whis cash don't end the dream don't end the dream nice way to go wishcash taking one for the team seal a piss we've beaten the emerald randomizer we've gotten to the elite four and we beat all the gems all the elite four wallace has been defeated i don't want to find steven we win well there you have it the pokemon emerald map randomizer has been defeated and it only took like 5 hours i genuinely have no idea if 5 hours is good or bad but i am willing to bet that it's pretty bad either way hopefully you enjoyed the video i know it was a bit of a different style than my other videos but i'm trying to experiment with different types of videos my long hardcore nuzlocke playthroughs will always be fully narrated so that style will never go away but let me know what you think about this type of video for shorter challenges like this and if you'd like to see more i'd also love to do another map randomizer challenge in the future maybe even a race so let me know in the comments what you want to see and thanks again to point crow and the developers of the mod who created another unique and fresh way to play pokemon if you enjoyed watching please like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know but i do know that you should follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges oh and if you want to see the full unedited run of the map randomizer as well as plenty of other full playthroughs be sure to check out my vods channel the link is in the description stay tuned for more nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always avoid talking to the trick master
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 229,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Gaming, Buyee
Id: ySKdHoAcCd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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