Pokémon Sun Hardcore Nuzlocke - Pink Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone i'm flag on hg and this is the video of my attempts at a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon sun using only pink pokemon to see what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules check out the description below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the totem pokemon before the start of the trial and we're playing on set mode it's almost valentine's day everyone love is in the air meaning that stores have been outfitted in all different shades of red and pink to trick people into relationships into buying overpriced gifts for their loved ones or it's yet another day for people to bitterly resent the fact that they're single and are forced to seek solace in youtube videos that single them out in the first minute of the video with a run-on sentence that gets weirdly self-aware at the end but either way on the next day candy at cvs is 50 off and that's cause for celebration so let's celebrate with a valentine's day themed nuzlocke of pokemon sun using only pink pokemon did you know that every single pokemon in the game is classified in the pokedex by a single specific color although there are a lot of pokemon that have some pink aspects in their design there are only 57 pokemon that are classified specifically as pink pokemon most of these make sense though there is at least one questionable omission but in order to keep things objective i used these 57 pokemon as my potential encounters for this pink pokemon only hardcore nuzlocke not all of them can be found in pokemon sun but a good deal of them can so this run should have a pretty diverse set of encounters i haven't played pokemon sun since it was first released and a lot of these encounters are pokemon that i have never used before so this should be pretty fun just as a quick reminder before we start i play with species claws so i'll be able to reroll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line okay let's see how this goes the challenge begins with a brutal reminder of why i haven't replayed these games there are an obscene amount of cutscenes and just random required stuff that i have to do right off the bat but honestly with a little bit of speed up magic it doesn't take that long until i get to choose my starter now you may think that none of these starters are pink but the poplio that i choose is actually a love disc in disguise who will be the starter for this challenge i named love disc be mine and after an easy battle with our rival howe who chose litton be mine and i begin our whirlwind journey to find love and by finding love i mean not dying and becoming pokemon champions there's actually immediately another encounter that i can get from route 1 a slowpoke so i catch him and name him crazy for you unfortunately slowpoke is quite terrible so without making love disc my starter this challenge would be completely impossible with level caps since the totem gum shoes in the first trial knows bite and there's really nothing little slowpoke can do about it with be mine i have a much better chance of beating the first totem and making it off the first island where more encounters await but unfortunately i don't even get to the totem pokemon because the head of the trainer school teacher emily has a magnemity which completely devastates my two little water types sun and moon have a lot of these random surprisingly difficult battles and since i've only played them once a lot of them catch me completely off guard well after going through all those cut scenes again i get back to choosing my starter this time i decide to pick rowlet who is also a love disc in disguise i also make sure to reset attempts until i get a love disc with the nature and ivs that might make the magnemity a little more manageable but since i chose rowlet my rival now has apoplio which is a bit harder to take down in our first face-off but fortunately it appears that hau is coded to completely throw this fight the main reason i chose rowlet this time is so that the first trial captain alima has a smeargle who knows ember instead of lafaye which i realized would probably make that fight nearly impossible but before getting there i need to defeat this wall of amagnimity fortunately on route 1 i'm able to load up bmi with as many evs in hp and special defense as i can before he hits level 11 so that he's able to ever so slightly better tank magnemite's thunder shocks this lets me knock out magnemity with a few water guns and survive the thundershocks barring any critical hits or paralysis so last is meowth but thanks to draining kiss we're able to gain enough hp back to survive an attack and then finish it off on the next turn the first obstacle of the challenge has been cleared next up is a fight against the trial captain alima who has a fairly tough team for us to handle and since the current level cap is based on the totem pokemon's level i can't afford to be any higher level than i already am alima leads with a young goose meaning that crazy for you is once again totally useless here fortunately bee mine is able to handle him well enough by using charm to lower his attack and then just slowly taking him out with draining kisses draining kiss has the benefit of healing us as well so the only way that this goes wrong is if young goose gets a few critical hits it takes a long time because alima heals the young goose but after many many turns we managed to knock out the young goose smeargle is last so i hit a charm to lower its attack but because yungoos got off two leaders and love disc has as much defense as you'd think it would based on its soft squidgy body he still does a good chunk of damage so i switch to crazy for you and take another tackle then i go for a yawn as i tank another tackle and then i switch back to be mine a much more manageable tackle and then smeargle falls asleep but then alimo uses a full heal like a freaking cheater so i just start chugging away with draining kisses to stay healthy smeargle does get a critical hit at one point which is pretty scary but draining kisses recover enough hp where be mine is able to hold on and finish off the smeargle winning us the battle now it's time to face the totem gumshoes in the first island trial unfortunately because of the number of mandatory fights prior to fighting the totem gumshoes and needing to be at a certain level to beat emily's magnemity and the way that xp is handled in these games there is no feasible way for us to get to gumshoes with b mine under the level cap the best i can do is have b mine at the level cap at the start of the trial he does however ultimately gain a level during the preliminary fights of the trial for the sake of actually continuing this challenge which is still pretty tough i decide to let this slide here with the understanding that making the rule be that the level cap is in effect until the start of the trial is similar to how in other games the level cap is in effect until the start of the gym battle i know it's not exactly the same but it'll have to do regardless this will be the only trial where that actually matters i start the battle with bee mine who gets off a charm to lower gumshoe's attack gumshoes then goes for a scary face and then calls an ally young goose fortunately b mine is still faster than both the gumshoes and the young goose even after the scary phase so i get off a strong draining kiss into the young goose before gum seuss uses another scary face and young goose uses a lear on the next turn i tank a hard bite from gum zeus and a hard tackle from young goose but a held orenberry and a draining kiss make me regain almost all of my health so gumshoes then goes for a superfan yungoos hits another leer and then another draining kiss finishes off the young goose making this a much more manageable 1v1 thanks to the double ears i decide to switch out to crazy for you who tanks a non-critical hit bite then i stay in to hit a yawn risking another crit from bite then i risk yet another one to stay in and get off a small amount of damage with water gun as the gum shoes falls asleep this gives me a safe switch back in to be mine from here i just start hammering away with draining kiss unfortunately i only have a few draining kiss pp remaining because i had to use a handful of them against the other trial pokemon so i do have to switch to water gun but now with gum shoes in the red i just need to hit one more water gun but then gum sous flinches with bite this could be bad but on the next turn gumshoes hits another bite and we survive with exactly one hp avoid the flinch and finish off the gumshoes winning the first island trial by the skin of our teeth but my victory celebration is short because immediately after beating the first island trial i accidentally run into rising star tatiana on route 3 who has a patilla with mega drain who wipes both of my water types okay well it's time for another series of resets until i find a halfway decent love disc that is able to take on teacher emily's magnemity alima's jungus and smeargle and the totem gum shoes all the way on attempt 13 i'm able to get back to where we wiped this time i don't accidentally run into the corporeal form of satan which lets me get to melee melee meadow there i catch an oricorio in her current form she's not a pink pokemon so i can't use her right now but once i'm able to use pink nectar to turn her into her powu style she'll join the team for now soulmate just goes in the box after that i successfully navigate back to iki town where i take on the first grand trial a fight against hala and his fighting types fortunately with charm to lower their attack lucky chant to prevent critical hits and draining kiss to gain hp back this fight is pretty hard to lose with be mine as long as i'm patient and smart about it i start by charming hala's manky as i take a big chunk from karate chop then i take a smaller chunk from a second karate chop and set up a lucky chant then with a few draining kisses we finish off the manky as i recover back to full health makuhita comes out next it flinches with a fake out to start but then i just charm it down and it hits a sand attack then i set up a lucky chant and makuhita uses another sand attack so i decide to switch to crazy for you on a super weak arm thrust then i use yawn as makuhita goes for more sand attacks i stay in for another turn and hit a confusion so that makuhita falls asleep then it's back to be mine as he snoozes then i set up a lucky chant and makuhita stays asleep and then it's draining kisses fortunately makuhita decides to not use sand attacks after it wakes up so be mine is happy and healthy with no sand in their eyes as krawler comes out so i used charm on it on the first turn and thankfully i did because it hits a fighting type z move on little b mine for an embarrassingly small amount of damage our lucky chant wears off though so i set up another one as kerballer goes for a power-up punch i have to be a little careful here because power up punch is giving him attack boosts but as long as i click charm every now and then it's pretty safe to whittle away at krebrawler with draining kisses and kroberoller just starts going for leers anyways so with my last draining kiss pp we knock him out netting us a clean win and with that i've finally finished everything i need to do on melee melee island meaning that i can finally move on to the next island catch a bunch of new and diverse encounters and continue on with this challenge but as soon as i get to akala island i have to fight dexio whose stupid espeon wipes my two dumb weaklings so it's back to nightmare island for another handful of resets until i hit attempt 18. this time before i leave for akala island i decided to catch one more encounter a happening from hauoli city in previous attempts i didn't bother going through the trouble of getting a happening at this point because it involves a pretty tedious process of getting pichu to call on as an sos partner and happening is virtually useless for the first island trial and the grand trial since all of those pokemon are physical attackers however sweet pea is a perfect counter to dexio's special attacking espeon especially because sweet pea was holding an oval stone when i caught her meaning that i'm able to immediately evolve her into a chansey and then a blissey with that i now have a pokemon that almost single-handedly trivializes any special attackers thanks to its immense muscle bulk and access to recovery via softboiled unfortunately or rather fortunately for viewers who like drama almost none of the totem pokemon are exclusively special attackers so sweet p is very useless for large portions of this playthrough still though blissey is a phenomenal pokemon and makes some battles that would otherwise be insanely difficult much much more manageable for example i am now able to easily defeat texio and finally get out of the early game purgatory that i've been stuck in for 18 attempts this lets me go to route 4 where i find an eevee i catch him and name him cutie pie and then after playing with him via pokemon refresh until his affection gets to two hearts he is able to evolve into sylveon based on my research two hearts of affection isn't enough to trigger those game-breaking effects of pokemon refresh where pokemon can avoid moves and heal themselves of status conditions and so on the only difference is that cutie pie gains exp slightly faster sylveon is a phenomenal pokemon that can use stab fairy types to devastate large portions of the game so i'm glad i have access to one after that i head to paniola ranch and catch a miltank i name her say yes and she becomes the fifth member of the team which is now starting to look much much better than it did just a few minutes ago and finally for my sixth team member i go to route 5 and catch an adorable little fomantis i name her lovebug she's quite weak right now but once she evolves into lurantis she'll be a solid powerhouse oh when she comes with a miracle seat so that's cool that gets us to the second island trial where i have to fight a very intimidating schooling form wishy-washy but fortunately this wishy-washy is one of the few totems that is an exclusively special attacker so sweetpea is able to just sit there and shrug off water guns as she whittles it down with echoed voice which increases in power with consecutive uses so it's not too long until she's able to knock out the totem wishy-washy as well as the ally wishiwashi winning us an easy trial look how happy sweet pea is what an absolutely busted pokemon from here the game really picks up in speed we start ripping through island trials before getting to kiawe's trial though i get an alamomala from brooklyn hill and name her angel i've never actually used this pokemon so i was pretty excited to get to use it until i realized that it's not that great other than for wish passing which it doesn't learn for several more level caps i also catch an iggly buff from route 6 and name him sweet stuff for now sweet stuff goes into the cold dark box but we'll get him later i also get some pink nectar from royal avenue and transforms soulmate into her powwo form so she's able to join the rotation as well now it's time for kiawe's trial after a short series of battles that be mine tears through with water z moves i have to take on the totem selazal i start by leading with b mine who tanks a flame burst and then sets up a lucky chant to prevent critical hits for our team then selazo calls a salandite in so i switch to say yes who becomes subject to a torment and then also a taunt then she just shrugs off a flame burst thanks to her thick fat ability and hits a rock tomb on salazal to lower her speed salandite uses poison gas to poison her but i held pechaberry cures the poison so on the next turn i hit a stomp on salazal which does activate her pataya berry to raise her special attack but thanks to lucky chance say yes is completely safe here next i switch to angel who kinda tanks a flame burst and even a shock as our lucky chant wears off but an aquajet finishes off the selazal after that we get hit by a taunt from the lingering salandite and then on the next turn i drown the little simp with a water z move winning us the third island trial with that i can go to route 9 and catch yet another pokemon i have never used before a stuffel i name her hug me hug me will make a great addition to the team once she evolves into bewear thanks to her fluffy ability giving her fantastic physical bulk but before i can evolve her we have to take on malo's island trial the totem laurantis here is arguably one of the hardest totem pokemon in the game you know assuming you don't have a zubat which i don't but i do have a somewhat solid plan that involves at worst sacking be mine who after getting out of the early game has become pretty useless i start by leading soulmate who takes an ex-scissors and then lowers larantus's attack with a feather dance laurantis then calls trumbeek which has rock blast so on the next turn laraness hits another x scissors which thankfully doesn't crit and then our citrus berry activates and soulmate uses baton pass allowing me to switch to hug me without getting hit by larantus though unfortunately she still gets hit by a pretty hard pluck from trombeak since i think the ai thinks that rock blast only has 25 base power honestly it's pretty stupid to stay in here because i'm risking quite a few critical hits but on the first turn i'm in with hug me i use protect and i see that lurantis is just going for solar blade the protect wastes her power herb so it seems like the next turn she will just go for a 2 turn solar blade this means that it's somewhat safe to get off a priority baby doll eyes into trumbeak to lower its attack but instead of going for solar blade lorantis goes for razor leaf which crits so like so many other budding relationships hug me's journey ends before it even got a chance to get going i bring out say yes next and then lurantis charges up a solar beam so i hit lorantis with a rock tomb to get rid of one of its two speed boosts and then trumby plucks away my person bearing laurentis still out speeds on the next turn and hits a solar blade which does a good chunk of damage then say yes hits a strong body slam and trumbeak misses a supersonic that's what you get for eating my person barry a dumb bird lurantis charges up another solar beam so say yes takes the opportunity to pour herself a glass of her own milk and drink it and then trumpeak hits a weak pluck so solar blade connects again for another chunk of damage and we lower lorantis speed again with a rock tune and then trumpy connects with a supersonic so now i have to switch to cutie pie laurantis uses synthesis and trumpeak misses a screech then i go for a workup as larantis charges up a solar blade and the legally blind trumbeak misses another supersonic i work up again here tank a solar blade and avoid yet another supersonic then i just start going for draining kisses thanks to the boost from workup a few draining kisses are enough to knock off the laurantis and cutiepie's big route keeps us pretty healthy we were obviously risking critical hits from solar blade there but there's really nothing that i could have done about that once the lorantis goes down trumbeak finally manages to connect with a supersonic so i do have to switch back to say yes on a screech and then milk drink to be safe then i hit a rock tomb but it isn't enough for the one shot so trumpy kits another supersonic so i switch back to cutie pie who finally knocks off the trumpet with a draining kiss winning us the fourth island challenge that didn't really go how i expected it to go and it really sucks to lose hug me so soon after getting her but sometimes people only come into your life for a short time that doesn't make the moments that we spend with them any less special it's important to remember that no matter how short of a time we get we experience an infinite number of moments together and it is those moments that we must hold on to hug me your absence will be unbearable but you will be remembered rest in peace [Music] after a period of mourning we make our way to the second grand trial against olivia but first i fish up a corsola from route 9 i name her true love now you may think as i once did that corsola is a fairly useless pokemon but by the end of this challenge i promise you that i will have successfully challenged that preconceived notion now it's time to face olivia and her rock types she leads with a nosepass and i lead love bug i hit a leaf blade that does way less damage than i was expecting and then nosepass uses a thunder wave but my paralysis is cured by a held cherry berry so i go for another leaf blade to put nosepass in the red and then it fires off a pretty strong rock slide which crits olivia uses a super potion so i hit another leaf blade but now i need to switch out to true love who shrugs off the rock slide then i hit nosepass with a brine which also doesn't knock it out so nosepass gets off a thunder wave on the next turn nose pass out speeds to hit a spark so i go for a recover then i switch to cutie pie on a spark which does get the paralysis but at least our cute charm activates his instant karma i also still out speed and finish off the nose pass with a critical hit draining kiss that thing was way more annoying than i thought it would be boldore is out next so i stay in once to hit a strong draining kiss and then tank a headbutt then i switch out into true love whose nature cure ability has cured her paralysis then o'brien finishes off the bulldog last is lycanrock who immediately fires off a roxy move that does a huge amount of damage thankfully true love just barely tanks a non-critical hit z moves are insanely powerful and they're why the move protect is so incredibly useful in sun and moon playthroughs and this battle was a good reminder of that for me after a recover true love tanks a hard rock bro and then hits like and rock with a brine not wanting to risk a crit here i switch to angel who better tanks a rock throw and then i fire off an aquajet to bring lycanrock into the red and tank another rock throw so one last aquajet finishes off lycanrock winning us the second grand trial with that we finished up our business on akala island and it's time to head to ulaula island as soon as i get there i'm challenged by howe and i am absolutely unprepared for this fight i don't have sweetpea with me so his alolan raichu is able to almost completely eviscerate my entire team but i do manage to eke out a win without anyone going down there are a lot of these rival fights and mini boss fights that are fairly challenging but unfortunately i just don't have the time to go through all of them these games are super long so i can really only highlight the ones that i think are particularly important for the story anyways from here i head to mount hokilani where i catch a klepha i name her love me and she goes into the box and she's not particularly useful until we get a moonstone then it's time for sophocles island trial but before that i am challenged by moyleen which i did not remember was going to happen and i was not at all prepared for it we don't have an amazing matchup into steel types so this is a pretty tricky fight fortunately angel is able to single-handedly deal with his team with a bit of lucky water pulse confusions recovery from aqua ring and her natural physical bulk but this does cause her to over level to level 30 so i won't be able to use her for the next island trial which isn't a huge deal since sophocles trial involves fighting a totem fickavolt which is electric type but since wikivolt is a physical attacker here angel actually isn't the worst candidate for this fight so it does kind of suck that we can't use her instead i come up with a strategy that once again plans to potentially sack be mine the love disc so that we can get off a charm but i didn't know that you couldn't switch the order of your pokemon or heal them once the trial started so i walk in leading with say yes to take care of the first few pokemon that you have to fight during sophocles audio quiz she also loses her cherry berry to one of these fights the result is that i'm forced to lead a damage say yes into the totem vikavolt which gets a pretty nasty omni boost to its stats at the start of the battle so i start by hitting a rock tomb to lower vikavolt's speed then i have to take a pretty hard spark vikvolt then calls in a charger bug which is fortunately not that threatening i decide to stay in and just body slam the vikavolt for a bit of damage then the charger bug hits a thunder wave and vikavolt fires off another spark so i switch to sweetpea who barely survives a spark thanks to her immense hp stat at this point it's pretty clear that things are looking very bad for my team we have a really bad match up against electric types and most of our pokemon that don't have a weakness to electric type attacks are very physically weak i decide that i have to make a sack here to get a safe switch into b mine crazy for you has been immensely underwhelming up until this point and i'm due for another water psychic type soon anyways so unfortunately he becomes the sacrificial lamb or sacrificial whatever animal slowpoke is god speed crazy for you may you start your slow ascent to heaven in peace well next up i bring in be mine and hit a charm to drop vikavolt's attack time to dodge some critical heads b mine does survive a spark and though it is probably safe to let him go down i hard switch to cutie pie anyways who thankfully only gets hit by a string shot and then a spark that doesn't paralyze from here i just start using draining kiss on the vicarval it does a good amount of damage and thankfully vikavolt doesn't get any crits so we get it pretty low before cutie pie has to switch out i bring in true love who manages to tank another non-critical hit spark from vikavolt so and perhaps this is overkill here i use our newly learned rock z move to outspeed and knock out the totem vikavolt now i still have to deal with this charger bug which does take a lot longer than i wanted it to because it uses thunder wave and mud slap but at the very least it doesn't have an electric type move so true love isn't in any real danger she goes down a few turns later and so with a great deal of luck we barely survived the fifth island challenge i cannot tell you how much easier that would have been if we had a fluffy bewear anyways with crazy for you buried six feet under it's time to get a replacement water psychic type fortunately i can now get to route 13 and fish up a bruxish ruxish can have two different abilities strong jaw is a phenomenal ability that makes bruxish hit like an absolute truck with psychic fangs it's other ability dazzling prevents priority moves it's not completely useless but strong jaw is definitely superior fortunately i can actually test what ability bruxxis has by using aquajet or babydoll eyes on it before catching it if those priority moves connect then the bruxis has strong jaws the one on route 13 ends up having dazzling so instead of catching it i just run away this way i can fish up another bruxish on secluded shore and try for strong jaw again but that one also has dazzling so i try for a third time on route 14. and that one also also has dazzling there's one more route that i can get bruxish as an encounter but to get to it i do have to beat a pretty strong trainer so i decide to wait until after the next island trial since bruxish wasn't going to be much help in it anyways unfortunately along the way to said island trial i accidentally run into collector kawika on route 14. he has a pretty strong gabay which manages to trap angel in with a sand tomb during a sandstorm meaning that i can't switch out and since angel is not a very good pokemon i'm not able to knock out the gab eye before sandstorm chip and santoom damage take her out that's the third life that's been snuffed out now and it was easily the most frustrating because it was just to some random a-hole with a flag on knockoff but it was my fault for rushing through the game and accidentally running into this trainer it's at this point that i decided to just take a beat and put all of my pokemon through a crash course of eevee training a lot of the pokemon in this game have perfect ivs and strategic ev investments so it's time that i stop playing with a needless disadvantage i also decide to evolve sweet stuff the ugly buff burst into jigglypuff and then into wigglytuff with a recently acquired moonstone her normal typing will make her very useful for acerola's island challenge which pits us up against a totem mimikyu the mimikyu has an omni boost as well but its only non-ghost attacking move is play rough which only has 10 pp so i'm able to first lower its attack with a priority baby doll eyes from cutie pie mimikyu uses mimic and then calls a haunter which is also pretty useless into normal types though it does no hypnosis then it's time for some protect stalling and careful switching to stall mimikyu out of play rough pp it works flawlessly so let's just cut to the end where she can't use playroof anymore this lets me safely bring in sweet stuff who just whittles away at mimikyu with shadow balls and let me tell you sweet stuff does not mess around he starts by getting a special defense drop then he dodges a hypnosis from haunter and gets a critical hit shadowball against mimikyu on the next turn hunter manages to hit a hypnosis but there's really nothing that can be done at this point i stockpile until i wake up to avoid damage from hunter's sucker punches and then once sweet stuff is awake i go for a shadow ball hunter does connect with a weak sucker punch which activates sweet stuff's cute charm and then he finishes off the mimikyu with a third shadow ball and then on the next turn hunter misses yet another hypnosis so sweet stuff knocks it out in one shot with a final shadow ball winning us the sixth island challenge what a debut performance from sweet stuff with that the level cap is finally high enough to evolve lovebug into larantus so i do that immediately grasshype doesn't have a great matchup into most of the major fights in this game but it's cool that we get to use yet another pokemon that i've never used before then i get my chance at my fourth and final bruxish but somehow i lose that 50 coin flip for the fourth time in a row and this one also has dazzling so i just catch him and name him kiss me welcome to the team you ugly ass pokemon what's next is a lot of team skull stuff in po town but for the sake of time i'm cutting it this gets me to the ulaula grand trial against nanu who is definitely the easiest of the grand island trials for our team to deal with i lead cutie pie into his sableye and after protecting on the first turn to avoid damage from fake out a moon blast destroys sablai in one shot krakarok comes out next and will out speed and threaten a potential kill with a critical hit earthquake but after protecting to scout out a move it seems like he's just going for swagger so i stay in crock-rock does end up going for earthquake on the next turn but we would have survived even with a crit so a moon blast also knocks out croc rock in one shot last is a low in persian so i protect to avoid damage from fake out and then i switch to sweet pea on a power gym since persian only has special moves it's pretty easy to just sit there and whittle away at it with shadow ball and stay healthy with soft boiled even persian's dark type z move does basically nothing in hindsight it would have been smart to teach sweet pea something other than shadow ball but whatever there is literally nothing nanu can do here besides just get an insane number of flinches with dark pulse which doesn't happen after many many many many many turns persian falls and the third grand trial is won after that i get my final encounter of the run and execute from exeggutor island now because exeggutor is not a pink pokemon i can't evolve dream big here but he will still make an appearance in a little bit mark my words next up is the final grand trial of pawnee island against hapu this one is a little weird because hapu's pokemon are well over the level cap of the next island trial totem and vaspani canyon so i do have to do this fight pretty under leveled fortunately our team is pretty well equipped to handle her she leads with doug trio and i lead with kiss me do trio sets up a sandstorm but thankfully kiss me is still able to connect with an aqua tail for the one shot mudsdale comes out next so i try to use protect on her z move but he just goes for earthquake so i switch to soul mate and then hapu ends up wasting her ground z-move into soul mate who is immune to it from here i hit muddle with a feather dance and then he goes for double kick for some inexplicable reason heavy slam would do way more damage here i hit another feather dance and more double kicks okay whatever the sandstorm resides and then i use roost to heal back some hp and then i just start hitting air slashes i make sure to stay healthy with roost since mudsdale does occasionally go for heavy slam i also eventually realized that using revelation dance is stronger than air slash and it's 100 accurate so i switched to using that whoops it takes a while to knock her out since hop heals but since mudsdale refuses to consistently go for heavy slam we take him out without much of a problem next is gastrodon so i switch to sweet pea on a muddy water then i set up a sunny day as gastron goes for another muddy water both of which lower my accuracy so i switch out to lovebug who dodges a mud bomb and then i knock out the gastrodon with a leaf blade on the next turn last for hapu is flagon but this flagon is purely special for some reason so i do possibly the worst thing that i've ever had to do to a flygon i switch in sweep and then watch as toxic slowly and painfully kills flygon hapu does use a full restore here which is super stupid but there's nothing she can do as i just toxic it again sweet pea is just too broken why this flagon isn't at least a mixed attacker is beyond me but if there's a guaranteed way to win this fight i'm gonna take it anyways that is the fourth and final grand trial defeated next up is the final island trial against the totem komo-o in vast pawnee canyon but for the first time in this challenge this trial is insanely easy after tanking a very strong sky uppercut cutie pie is able to just one shot the komodo with a single moon blast what an absolutely disgusting move with that it's now dream big's time to shine bright for starters dream big is the only one of my pokemon that can learn thief which means that i can finally head back to route 1 and find a munchlax and thief off of leftovers which will now make my bulky pokemon even bulkier theoretically i could get as many leftovers as i want here but i decide to just take one then we have to head into ultra space or whatever to fight tentacle lusamine and dream big is coming along for the ride with an evil light and max hp and defense evs he's actually a fairly decent physical wall but i lead with kiss me into tentacle loose the mains clefable and start hitting it with psychic fangs this gets a little scary because after a cosmic power clefable is able to heal more with moonlight than we can dish out with psychic fangs but thankfully she gets a little greedy and goes for a moon blast so we're able to just barely knock out the clefable with another psychic fangs then liligan comes out who is easily tentacle lusamine's scariest pokemon since it gets a plus one boost to its special attack after a protect i switch to sweet pea as liligan generously misses a leech seed then she goes for a teeter dance but sweet pea is able to break through and hit a toxic putting liligan on a timer then i switch to dream big as liligan hits a useless leach seed and takes poison damage then i go for a protect for more toxic damage then i switch back to sweet pea who takes a massive amount of damage from a petal dance but liligan is now taking a ton of damage from poison so another turn of protect puts liligan in the red and then liligant just goes for a teeter dance and sweet pea even breaks through the confusion to hit a soft boiled meaning that she's at full health as the lil again succumbs to toxic damage next up for tentacle lusamine is her bewear now it is completely and 100 safe to switch to cutie pie here who is holding a chillenberry and can one shot this thing with moon blast but i want to give dream big a chance to make an impact so i switch him in as beware uses pain split which just straight up causes her to lose health on the next turn she uses pain split again which causes her to lose more health and then dream big hits a sleep powder and then dream big manages to two-shot this mother fluffer with psychic as the dumb thing just sleeps miss maggious is next but as with most special attackers we switch to sweet pea and then kill it with a combination of toxic and shadow ball it's a bit more annoying to do this time because miss maggias has pain split but with some smart healing and protecting she goes down relatively quickly last is my lodic who does have access to flail and a plus one attack boost so i switch into dream big as the milotic uses safeguard then milotic misses a hydro pump as dream big sets up a sunny day somehow dream big has managed to go up against three of tentacle lusamine's pokemon and not take any damage what a god i switched to lovebug who still takes a solid amount from a hydropump in the sun then she tanks another one and one shots the milotic with a leaf blade on the next turn winning us the battle with that lusamine becomes much less interesting to certain parts of the internet and we've saved the day all that's left to do is head to the newly formed elite four and become champion of the alola region there are final fights with gladion and howe here but they aren't super difficult so i'm just gonna skip them so here's our final team leveled up to level 55 to match the strongest pokemon of each of the elite four members it took me a while to figure out which six pokemon i wanted to bring but i think that these six give me the best chance at dealing with whatever the elite four and the champion fight have in store for us let's see if they've got what it takes first up i choose to fight hala who is by far the easiest of the elite four members he leads hariyama and i lead cutie pie who uses protect to avoid damage from a fake out on turn one then a moon blast does a huge chunk of damage to hariyama who then retaliates with a very strong close combat but a draining kiss finishes off the haryana on the next turn and gets cutie pie back a ton of health next up is kerbominable but moonblast is a quick and dirty one-shot third is polywrath a moonblast won't kill here and a waterfall crate could be bad so i just one shot it with our fairy z move which is my way of not just using work up strats to do this fight after that it's primape who misses a cross chop and then we one shot it with moonblast last is bewear but it too falls to a single moon blast with that the first elite4 member is defeated next up i go for what i think is the next easiest elite four member acerola she leads with a sablai and i lead cutie pie who seemingly always has to start the battle by using protect to dodge a fake out unfortunately azzarola has maxed out her stabilized speedy v's so it outspeeds us and hits a critical hit shadow claw before going down to a moon blast that kind of sucks second is frost last so first i protect to waste the pp of blizzard and then i switch to sweet pea but frost last hits a confused ray ross last then goes for an ice shard which does a huge chunk of damage since blissey's defense is so low we're able to get off a shadow ball which drops frostlast's special defense but because of how much damage ice shard does and our confusion it's not safe to stay in here so i switch to kiss me whose dazzling ability makes him immune to ice shard i guess that lack of strong jaw was a blessing in disguise this lets me switch between sweet pea and kiss me without taking any damage until frost last completely runs out of confused ray pp once she's out i'm able to tank an ice shard with sweet pea and knock out the frost lass with a shadow ball next up is del mise which is a pretty big problem since most of our pokemon are either physically frail weak to grass type moves or a mill tank which can't do much damage but i start with a switch to say yes who tanks a slam then i go for a protect and see that damisei is going for whirlpool not ideal since that would trap me in and say yes's only move that damages del myse's bulldoze so i switch to lovebug who gets hit by a hard slam then i go for a protect and see that damisei is going for shadowball i stay in and hit a leech life which does some damage and then i kind of tank a shadow ball i'm dead to a critical hit here but i need more damage on this thing so i go for another leech life and thankfully survive a second shadow ball now i switch back to say yes who is immune to a shadow ball and then i go for a protect and see that damisei is now gunning for energy ball which is good i hit del myse with a bulldoze for just a bit of chip and then it goes for a slam so i milk drink and then delmise goes for energy ball then it's bulldozed for a little bit more chip and then del myse goes for whirlpool so now i'm stuck all that i can do is stay in and click milk drink and protect until i'm free of the whirlpool thankfully del mise doesn't get any critical hits or special defense drops with energy ball so once i'm free from the whirlpool i can now switch to cutie pie this is super scary because if damise goes for slam cutie pie goes down but thankfully they go for energy ball so cutie pie tanks it then thanks to the chip from bulldoze del misei is now in range for cutie bye to be able to kill them with a shadow ball that was pretty scary next is palo sand but thankfully sweet pea handles it just fine since she's purely special toxic and shadow ball finish it off as we stay healthy with leftovers and soft boiled we'll skip this as i understand that it's probably as tedious to watch as it is to edit but you know if it ain't broke so last is driftblim but it only has a ghost move so it's completely safe for sweep p to knock this thing out it does take forever because driftblim uses amnesia and acerola heals twice but again we can just skip to the finishing blow with that acerola has been defeated and we're halfway through the elite four next up is olivia who is much more manageable than acerola she leads with a max speedy v's relicanth and i lead with love bug relicanth is able to out speed and hit a yawn but then leaf blade one shots him in return second for olivia is a lowland golem so i switched to say yes on a steamroller and then i hit a times four bulldoze which does way less damage than i thought it would but it doesn't really matter since golem doesn't hit that hard in return two more bulldozes finish it off as my citrus berry activates to keep me relatively healthy lycanroc is next so i go for a milk drink and thankfully i do because lycanroc goes for his rock z move which say yes now manages to survive a critical hit there would have been really bad though but now i can just protect and milk drink to stall out lycanrock of its 5 stone edge pp and once i do it's now much safer to start plugging away with bulldoze as lychen rock now needs to rely on crunch for damage he also does have counter though so i decide to switch to true love as he does indeed go for a counter then lycanrock hits a weak rock climb which fortunately doesn't confuse so we hit a skald which luckily manages to get the burn or rather unluckily because the burn brings like rock into the red so olivia heals but skald is a two-hit kill so after tanking another crunch lycanroc goes down fourth is probopass so i switch to lovebug as it sets up a sandstorm on the next turn i hit her with a hard brick break and then probopass uses thunderwave so she outspeeds me on the next turn to hit a weak power gem but then lovebug breaks through paralysis and knocks her out with a second brick break last is carving who may be one of my favorite pokemon but is not particularly great at dealing damage arbing sets up a reflect and then lovebug gets fully paralyzed so i switch to kiss me who takes a moon blast and then he uses psychic fangs to break the reflect another moon blast puts kiss me in range of a critical hit but i stay in to hit a wide lens aqua tail anyways which leaves carbink in the red as they just set up another reflect olivia heals so kiss me uses another psychic fangs to break the reflect and then another aqua tail gets a high roll and knocks out the carbink winning us the fight last for the elite four is kahili and her dumb birds by far the hardest member of the elite four for our team to deal with mainly because of her incredibly strong two cannon she leads with skarmory and i lead with true love skarmory hits a weak steel wing and gets the defense boost and then true love comes out swinging with a critical hit scald skarmory then sets up a very inconvenient layer of spikes before we're able to take her down with a second skald next is the aforementioned two cannon who has skill link and bullet seed meaning it has a 125 base power grass move to hit true love with so i switched to say yes who takes a good bit of damage from the spikes and all five hits of bullet seed on the next turn i protect to scout out a flying z move but he just goes for a beak blast so i heal with milk drink on the next turn and then kahili goes for her z move say yes is pretty tanky but not tanky enough to survive a critical hit so after being so clutch in so many battles say yes falls and we lose our fourth soul this is really really bad miltank was easily our best answer to two canon who now has the potential to pretty easily wipe the rest of my team unless i'm very very careful i spend the next 10 minutes just staring at the screen trying to figure out how the heck i'm going to not wipe to this froot loops mascot two canon has max attack and speed evs meaning that this thing hits hard and surprisingly fast the good news is that beatblast does always go last the bad news is that none of my pokemon are able to one shot this thing maybe true love is but she obviously gets outspent and killed by bullet seed cutie pie just barely survives a non-critical hit beak blast and moon blast is a two hit kill but two cannon can then just out speed on the second turn and finish off cutie pie with a rock blast or bullet seed if the ai chooses to do that alternatively i could bring in love bug sack her to get off a toxic and then hope that with toxic damage two cannon goes down to a single moon blast kiss me may also be able to get a big hit in before going down to a potential bullet seed though the ai's decision making process with multi-hit moves is really weird i also need to think about who is least useful against the champion fight assuming i don't wipe here i decide to go with bringing in cutie pie and praying that two cannon doesn't get another critical hit with beak blast and that he goes for beef blast on the second turn instead of just killing us with rock blast but then two cannon just goes for a screech terrible ai for the win this lets me get off a moon blast which does over half health and then two cannon goes for a beak blast allowing me to finish it off with a second moon blast before it ever gets an attack off next for kahelia's mandibus it'd be nice to hit this thing with a moonblast but with -2 defense from screech i gotta switch out to true love who gets hit by a flatter i decide to stay in here so i get hit by a soft brave bird despite this thing having access to bone rush since i think ai calc's potential damage from multi-hit moves has the damage from just one single hit true love does hit herself in confusion this turn but that's okay on the next turn mandelbuzz uses brave bird again and then true love connects with a power gem which does a huge chunk of damage thanks to the flatter special attack boosts still no bone rush from amanda buzz as true love snaps out of confusion and heals with recover then mandebuzz just goes for one more brave bird and a second power gem finishes it off fourth for kahili is oricorio but after it uses an air slash plus two power gem devastates origorio and knocks it out last is crobat but it just misses a super sonic and then powergem just barely doesn't get the kill so we do have to sit through kahili using two full restores and then crobat does manage to hit a supersonic but true love is just too powerful and she breaks through the confusion to win us an insanely stressful final elite four fight kahili with the absolute throw of the century that now gets us to the throne room where i can sit and look upon my kingdom but there's one more fight before i'm officially champion and that's against none other than professor kukui who frankly has a very scary and very well balanced team he leads lycanrock and i lead lovebug ly can rock out speeds to set up stealth rocks but then a leaf blade finishes him off one down next up is bravery so i switch to true love who tanks a brave bird then i go for a protect for more leftovers recovery and annoyingly bravery goes for a whirlwind i get punished for protect stalling i guess lovebug comes out and takes stealth rock's damage okay so now i kind of have to just take this thing out as quickly as possible so i switch back to true love and tank another brave bird thanks to the stealth rock damage i'm now at risk to a critical hit brave bird here but i just have to risk it bravery mercifully sets up a pretty useless tailwind and then true love uses recover to get back to almost full health then i hit a power gem as bravery goes for a whirlwind which forces kiss me out i protect once with kiss me as bravery goes for a brave bird so i switch back to true love again who takes yet another brave bird bravery then sets up another tailwind and i knock out the last problematic bird of the run with one final power gem incineroar comes out next so i immediately stall out a turn with protect i see he's going for cross chop so it's relatively safe to switch to kiss me here but i don't want to accidentally switch in on a darkest lariat and thanks to tailwind we don't have speed right now anyways so i bring in lovebug who hangs on from a cross chop and with that lovebug has done her job incineroar then uses a fire z move to torch our sweet little plant seems like a little bit of overkill but either way lovebug was going down this gives us a safe switch into kissme who now that tailwind has expired is able to outspeed and finish off incineroar with a z move of his own next up is magnazone so it's time for sweet pea to do her thing unfortunately i do switch into a thunder wave so now i'm dealing with paralysis also unfortunately magnazone can't be hit by toxic so i have to just go for bulldozes which don't do much but it is something i then proceed to get some of the most mind-numbingly frustrating luck i've ever gotten magna zone immediately gets a critical hit with thunderbolt and it feels like i'm paralyzed almost every other turn sweet pea does have natural cures so the paralysis would be healed if i switched out but nothing i have left handles a thunderbolt very well and the stealth rock's damage on the switches makes that super unideal anyways kukui also uses a full restore when magnazone falls into the red so this is a pretty maddening battle but i guess that is what i get for cheesing so many fights with blissey although with say yes the miltank getting assassinated by toucan sam i didn't really have any other options here eventually magnazone runs out of thunderbolt pp and starts going for flash cannons which of course dropped my special defense twice in a row so i do have to switch out to kiss me here who takes a flash cannon and mercifully connects with an aqua tail to knock out the magna zone next up is snorlax i just go for a psychic things for a bit of damage and then snorlax knocks out kiss me with a crunch i'm down to just three pokemon now this snorlax knows high horsepower so true love can't reliably wall him right now so i have to bring in cutie pie who gets off a moon blast before taking a heavy slam thanks to a babiri berry then i just launch off a babydoll eyes to lower snorlax's attack and then cutie pie sadly goes down so it's all up to true love and sweet pea sweet pea is completely useless here though into this physical attacker so really it's up to true love to finish this thing off before it kills us with a critical hit high horsepower so i do my best to stall with protect and recover and fire off skalds whenever it is relatively safe to do so this snorlax has max special defense evs so it takes very little damage from skald but fortunately skald has a very decent chance to burn snorlax which it thankfully does since that now has the damage that snorlax can do unfortunately kukui has a full restore so it gets pretty scary again until we manage to induce another burn and so it's just an absolute slog to slowly take this thing out with burn damage and skulls power gems while remaining healthy with recover this takes so long in the moment i struggled to remember a time in my life when i wasn't fighting this snorlax desperately clicking bulldoze into that magna zone felt like a lifetime ago i was beginning to think that i would never know peace until snorlax finally falls into the red for the second time but right when i think it's over kukui that bastard reveals that he has a third freaking full restore i cannot properly express the frustration i felt watching snorlax's hp bar fill all the way back up if i wipe to this thing it will likely be the last time i ever play sun and moon but fortunately we managed to avoid critical hits long enough for us to burn snorlax a third and hopefully last time so after another attempt at the seemingly sicifician task of bringing this big dumb idiot into the red kukui appears to be out of four restores letting us finally finish off the snorlax this brings kakui to his final pokemon and alolan ninetales who uses her first turn to set up a safeguard letting true love hit a hard power gem and so on the next turn true love successfully tanks a dazzling gleam retaliates with a high roll power gem and knocks out the ninay tails winning us one of the most grueling final battles i have ever had and finishing the run that was an absolutely exhausting challenge between the early game purgatory and the marathon fights in the late game i'm not sure i've ever felt quite this relieved to be done with a challenge sun and moon are not my favorite games but they certainly are interesting and have a fair number of really difficult sections even though i was put through the ringer i did still have a lot of fun playing through parts of these games again it was tiring but so rewarding in a way the perfect challenge for a valentine's day themed video oh wait before we close out this video there is one more thing we still need to do rising star tatiana's reign of tyranny ends now each patilla anyways let me know what you think about these color challenges and whether i should do more of them until then thanks for watching and if you enjoyed watching please like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know but i do know that you should follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges and be sure to check out my new highlights channel flag on hg highlights as well as the flag on hg community discord where you can discuss nuzlocking and make recommendations for future challenges the links are all in the description below stay tuned for more nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit [Music]
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 558,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Gaming
Id: V2PGUasH7mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 46sec (2866 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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