Pokémon Emerald Hardcore Nuzlocke - Normal Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone my name is flag on hg and this is the video of my attempt at a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon emerald using only normal type pokemon to see what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules check out the description below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leader's ace and or playing on set mode last time i played pokemon emerald people responded really positively to it never in my wildest dreams did i think i'd get so much unanimous support well mostly unanimous anyways this time i'm tackling emerald with normal type pokemon which i don't have a whole lot to say about normal type pokemon are white bread solid if not a little bit unexciting ghost and rock types will be a problem which will make the early game a bit difficult but once we get access to some coverage tms it shouldn't be much of a problem emerald also has a solid number of normal types to choose from unfortunately xangoose is not in pokemon emerald less unfortunately i can't catch a zero but somehow i'll manage and finally i'll have to choose between dodrio and your average because both are in the safari zone but that still leaves us with a total of 11 encounters let's see how it goes quick reminder before we start i play with species claws so i'll be able to reroll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line okay let's do this i start my journey by selecting trico trico gives me torchic which is theoretically the hardest for us to fight since it'll have stab fighting type moves but mei kinda sucks so it doesn't really matter as soon as i get pokeballs i head to route 102 to catch a zig zagoon this will be my true starter for the run i name him bob i then immediately try to release my trico but no matter how hard i try it won't let me so i discard him into the recesses of the box never to be seen again from here i head towards the first gym and start picking up new team members along the way there are four more normal type encounters i can get before the first gym first is a taylor from route 104 who i named tom next is a slack auth from rusboro woods who i named sam then north of rossboro i catch a whismur in rust turf tunnel i've actually never known the name of this tunnel before writing this script i've always thought it was just called wismer tunnel anyways i named my wismer will and lastly i catch a skitty on route 116 and i name her sarah after leveling up all my new team members we take on the first gym leader roxanne roxanne uses rock types which are incredibly difficult for us to handle so much so that i actually just avoid all of roxanne's gym trainers all of roxane's pokemon have really high defense stats and with my current level cap none of my pokemon can learn special moves in fact at this current level cap only will can learn a move that isn't resisted by rock types so this is going to be pretty tough but as the saying goes where there's a whismur there's a way i lead sarah as roxanne leads geodude immediately sarah hits a sing to put judu to sleep then i start using growl as geodude sleeps after a few turns i switch to sam and geodude wakes up but sam is pretty bulky even when geodude hits a crit he doesn't take that much damage from it the only problem is that sam has the ability truant which means he loafs around every other turn but over the course of many many turns i start whittling away at chi dudu's health jedud sets up defense curls and does small bits of damage but i make sure to stay healthy by spamming slack off when i'm in range of a crit this is a battle of attrition slowly but surely we're lowering jaedu's hp but more importantly we're stalling her out of her pp it takes a very long time but eventually geodude runs out of pp on all of its moves except defense curl and once i'm sure it's stuck in defense curl i switch to will once will is in i start using howl which ups my attack i max out will's attack by howling six times after that i knock out the geodude with a few pounds and astonishes this takes a little bit since chia dude has maxed out its defense stat but eventually it does go down roxanne's second chew dude comes in but two astonishes take it out after it just does some damage with a rock tomb last is roxanne's nosepass who has crazy high defense and she pumps that even higher by spamming hardin it's clear here that will is going to need to just get off as many attacks as he can until he dies it's a suicide mission but if he gets nosepass low enough then the rest of our team should be able to whittle him down without any other casualties he'll be remembered as a hero just kidding will gets a clutch critical hit on the nose pass exactly when he needs it bypassing nosepass's defense buffs and winning us the battle good job william good job after this it's pretty much a straight shot to brawley along the way sam evolves into vigoroth so he no longer has the truant ability which makes him significantly more useful now you might be thinking that brawley and his fighting types are going to be pretty tough for us to deal with since normal is weak to fighting right nope tom one shots brawley's entire team taylo and swellow have the ability guts which doubles your attack stat if you have a status condition so by pre-poisoning tom on a wild tent to cool i can start the battle with a doubled attack stat for all these fighting types don't stand a chance on the way to the third gym bob evolves into la noon and william the conqueror evolves into loudrid here we have to fight our rival may but a pre-poisoned tom manages to wing attack his way through her entire team this is a pretty great strategy especially when tom evolves into swellow but unfortunately it won't work against watson because his magneton resists taylo's attacks so we'll need to go in with a different strategy what's my strategy it's called completely overestimating my damage output i lead sam as watson leads voltorb i go for a scratch and voltorb goes for a spark which of course paralyzes sam why wouldn't it on the next turn voltorb takes his own life with a self-destruct thankfully that doesn't crit so sam survives electric comes out so i decide to go for a yawn as electric uses howl i switch to will as electric goes for another howl and then falls asleep i howl three times as elektrike manages to stay asleep and then i knock out the electric with a pound this of course triggers static but at least i had the foresight to give one of my pokemon a cherry berry magneton comes out and rocksmash does significantly less damage than i was hoping for on the next turn will gets hit by a hard shock wave as magneton gets hit by another rock smash this happens to lower his defense though i'm hoping magnaton will just go for a super potion here but he just hits will with a shockwave knocking him out i bring in bob who hits a headbutt but magneton manages to hold on with a sliver thankfully it flinches but now magneton is going to heal so i go for a tail whip another lucky flinch means that i'm able to knock out the magneton in a few turds without taking any damage last is monet trick i hit a headbutt as manetrik uses thunderwave next monetric uses howl as bob gets fully paralyzed of course then monetric goes for a shockwave and i get fully paralyzed again i'm in range of a crit here but i kind of need to risk it monetric uses howl and i go for a headbutt thankfully i land this one monetric then uses a shock wave to leave us with a sliver and i get fully paralyzed again sure this means that i need to sack to get a safe switch into tom sadly that burden falls on sweet sarah so she comes in and gets hit by a quick attack but wait her cute charm activates okay so i can save sarah's life if monettrik is immobilized for just a few turns so okay monetric gets immobilized for the first turn so i use tail whip and then monitor gets immobilized again but i miss a sing i need to hit a sing to safely switch into tom unfortunately our luck ends here on the third turn mainetrick lands a quick attack taking out sarah rest well sarah tom comes in to hit a quick attack winning us the battle but that was a pretty brutal battle so much hacks and so many status afflictions on both sides i went in without a real plan and i got punished for it but like a hit rock band from the early 2000s we move along as heaven gains two new angels we also gain two new team members from route 113 we catch a spinda and name her sally and on route 114 we catch a swablu and name her sandy sally the spinda is a pretty solid catch but since swablu loses its normal typing upon evolution we can't evolve sandy into an alteria so that's a bummer nevertheless after some team magma stuff which i'll skip we get to flannery's gym if you watched my grass only challenge you'll remember that this was a massive brick wall for me fortunately it's much easier here since i'm not weak to fire types and sam has an amazing move pool that is perfect for setting up much like the berlin from my grass only challenge i've taught sam bulk up so i start by setting up bulk ups but to make sure that numel doesn't get cheeky and try to hit me with an overheat i use encore which locks him into magnitude it's a little scary because a critical hit magnitude of 9 or 10 will definitely kill me through my bulk up buffs but the odds of getting a high magnitude roll and a critical hit is pretty unlikely thankfully it works out and once i've gotten off enough bulk ups to kill the torquel in the back i sweep through her entire team with silk scarf boosted returns that gets us an easy badge number four from here it's a straight shot to the fifth gym leader we just need to take care of a few easy gym training [Music] me foreign [Music] whoops so vgc world champion wolfy glick recently did an emerald nuzlocke and he lost a pokemon to this exact trainer in the exact same way i'm not saying that i'm better than the world champion i'm just saying that we're the same that's a pretty unideal loss but i do have sam which is all i need for this next gym battle so i'll be okay like me norman uses his normal type pokemon unlike me he's cheated and taught all of his pokemon level up moves that they can't access yet sure he could have bred the moves on to them i guess but that doesn't explain his level 31 sleeking which is straight up impossible either way his hacked pokemon are no match for us he leads spinda and i lead bob who starts with a sand attack then i switch to sally who puts the spindle to sleep then i switch to sam and set up two bulk ups a return knocks out the spinda and then his slaking comes out i anticipate a counter so i go for another bull cup after his loafing turn i try to lock him into counter with encore but i guess it fails since he was loafing thankfully he goes for another counter so i encore him that turn and then set up another bulk up as slayking is stuck using counter return knocks out the slay king in one shot then it's just two more returns to knock out his vigoroth and his lanoon cheaters never prosper dad now that we have access to surf i can go to route 115 and catch a jigglypuff i name him joe at the weather institute i'm given a cast form and i name him greg now at first i was stumped about how to handle greg am i allowed to use a weather move and change his type would that be breaking my normal type only rule would that prompt some jackass in the comments section to tell me that i've failed a challenge with made-up rules after thinking about it for roughly 10 seconds i decide that it's not worth the effort and i dump them into the box but we have a similar problem with our next encounter a keklian from route 120 who i named kevin i decided that i actually want to use kevin and i also decide that since i can't purposefully change his typing since his typing changes based on enemy attacks that kevin is fair game regardless of what type he happens to be after all kecleon is still just a normal type maybe i'm thinking too hard about this then again anyways winona is up next but she leads suabloo and i lead sam i immediately go for a bulk up i lock swablu into aerial lace with encore so that it can't use paris song and then i set up bulk ups even when swablu crits it does nothing it's a swablu they suck i should know since there's a skarmory waiting for me in the back i go ahead and set up all six bulk ups then it's just a single return to knock out all of her pokemon okay technically pelipper survives a return by using protect but even skarmory goes down in a single return and that's an easy sweep for badge number six after this i level up joe to learn body slam so it's time to evolve him into wigglytuff with a moonstone that i got from the meteor falls i'll be honest joe doesn't do much in this playthrough but look at him he's perfect just the way he is i also get my encounter in the safari zone i decide to go for doduo instead of giraffarig because it has a higher catch rate plus not to trivialize sandy's contributions to the team but i could use a strong flying type to replace tom i named the doduo dan and pretty soon after dan evolves into dodrio i make sure to train him on shopit to get max attack evs while training up to the next level cap sam starts to evolve into a slay king but i decide to keep him as a vigorous the combination of bulk up slack off and encore makes him such an incredible setup sweeper already that the added attack in bulk isn't really worth it to deal with truant anyways time to take on tate and liza since it's a double battle i can't do a bulk up sweep so i don't have a great strategy for this i lead kevin and dan into their zatu and kledol a try attack from dan and a shadow ball from kevin take out the playdoh but kevin is incredibly slow so claydal does unfortunately get off an earthquake on the next turn a drill pack and a shadow ball kill the zatu as it just wastes time using calm mind soul rock sets up a sunny day though so things are starting to look kind of bad i switch out dan for joe as lunatone just uses calm mind and soul rock uses solar beam on kevin kevin manages to retaliate with a critical hit shadow ball knocking out soul rock very clutch i switch kevin out to bob who takes a hard psychic as joe uses light screen i double switch to dan and sam as lunatone hits another psychic on dan i then switch dan into sally as sam goes for a return sally gets hit by a psychic which crits breaking through the light screen and killing sally it's unfortunate but it was bound to happen eventually and well it's a spinda i'll be fine dan and sam take out the lunatone with steelwing and return winning us the 7th gym badge the last gym leader is juan in sutopolis but now that sandy the swablu is back on the team he really just doesn't stand a chance i lead sam as juan leads love disc it uses a tract as i set up with bulk up i decide to see if i can break through with an attack and i do which knocks out the love disc which cash comes out so i set up another bulk up then wishcash uses amnesia and that's checkmate i encore him into amnesia set up a few more bull cups for good measure and then clear through the rest of wands team if you haven't gathered it from my other videos encore is an incredible move for nuzlockes especially on a pokemon like sam that can set itself up for a sweep with all 8 gym badges obtained it's time to take on the elite 4. here's my final team all leveled up to level 55 to match drake's salamance let's see if we've got what it takes first is sydney so i leave bob the lanoon i set up a substitute as mighty anna goes for a sand attack then i go for a belly drum which halves my attack but maxes out my health then secret power just sweeps through sydney's entire team it's possible to actually make this belly drum strategy work for every single elite four member and the champion if you have the right amount of setup i did a whole video about sweeping with a single lanoon that you should definitely check out if you haven't seen it already but i don't have all the tools to do a full lanoon sweep here so we'll need to be a little more creative next up is phoebe she leads dust glops and i lead kevin db always starts with a protect so i use substitute then two shadow balls knock out the dust glops as it just tries to use confuse ray i'm pretty sure the emerald ai doesn't really know how to deal with substitute bane it comes out but it isn't able to break the substitute with faint attack so it dies and we still have our substitute intact next is sabley who uses a double team but i still manage to hit all my shadow balls stabilize able to break my sub and do some tiny damage but he goes down next is the second banet who hits me with a facade to change my type back into normal type a few shadow balls takes it out last is dust gloves so i set up a substitute and then hit a shadow ball a citrus berry means that he'll survive another shadow ball so just for fun i decided to get some other team members involved i switched to dan on an earthquake and then to joe on an ice beam i toxic dust glops with joe and then switch to sandy on the earthquake from here i just stall the dusk glops out until it slowly succumbs to a painful death by poison could you imagine how terrible that would be i mean i guess dusklops is already dead but it's still gotta hurt to slowly die from poison well that's phoebe defeated next up is glacia but since she always uses halo with her celio i lead sam and then i use bulk up then i encore it into hail set up a few more bulk ups and then use return to sweep through her entire team again this would be much harder with a slay king that had to loaf around every other turn so that's why i kept sam as a vigoroth the final elite four member is drake but he leads with a shell gun that always starts with a protect so this is an easy win i could use bob or sam here but i decide that it's more insulting to beat drake's powerful dragon pokemon with owen's regional rodent so after a substitute and a belly drum bob uses secret power to knock out all of drake's dragons with that we've beaten the elite four and it's time to face the champion wallace at this point though it's pretty clear that we could easily win so i decided to have a little bit of fun and try to set up a kill for sandy the swablu i lead kevin and wallace leads whalelord he sets up raindance as i use rock tomb to lower his speed then i use a few substitutes to start wasting his waterspout pp once i'm out of health to make a substitute i switch to joe and keep stalling him out of his pp i use rest and a chesto berry to stay healthy this goes on for a while on the turn that i anticipate a full restore i switch to sandy i use protect and then i switch back to joe to keep stalling eventually we get to the point where i need to sacrifice joe but it'll all be worth it when we get that sweet sweet kill with sandy the swablu sandy uses a few growls on whalelord who's now doing basically nothing with all of his attacks and then finally i click paris song a move that will cause waylord to faint in three turns as long as it doesn't switch out i switch out to bob as wailord's parish counter falls to two on the next turn i switch to substitute and whalelord's parish counter falls to one unfortunately the ai is smart enough to recognize that it's the last turn of paris song and it switches out ruining my entire plan to get sandy a kill in the champion fight that's a bit of a bummer it also means that joke kind of died for nothing well whatever secret powers from bob kill all of wallace's pokemon but what's the point sandy will never know the joy of being part of a team now that her hard-earned kill was robbed from her pretty uncool wallace next time just man up and take the paris song well that's the end of the run it was a pretty straightforward run and it wasn't super difficult but emerald is always a really fun game to play so i'm always happy to take on an emerald nuzlocke challenge anyways if you enjoyed watching this video please like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know but either way thanks so much for watching and thanks so much for all the support you have all given me if i could individually thank all my viewers i would my next challenge will be a viewer requested challenge turner ring suggested that i try pokemon emerald with ground types only so that's what's next i know there's been a lot of suggestions and requests and i'll do my best to get to all of them including some rom hacks and streaming on twitch my channel has grown a lot quicker than i really ever could have imagined so i'm still trying to figure it all out so any suggestions you all have would be greatly appreciated thanks again for watching and remember to always always always play around the critical hit
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 665,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Emerald, Nuzlocke, Pokemon Challenge, Normal Type Pokemon
Id: 0sufBeHyhd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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