Asmongold Can't Possibly Win This MOUNT OFF Competition

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gentlemen today all of you have been invited for the asman gold mount off the rules are very simple i will get on a mount and all of you will get on that exact same mount if you do not get on that mount you are removed from the raid the first mount the yellow karachi battle tank everybody on the yellow karaji battle tank let's go ahead and let's see it everybody get on it come on let's go come on let's go i want to see it i know that people would like to see it in different areas in the game i can only do it in this area because the only 40 man area where everybody can get on a mount besides my garrison that's why i always do it in this area gentlemen good job everybody has it good i'm proud of you now the next mount this is gonna be very hard one i want you guys to understand this very very hard mount again everybody get on the wandering ancient i got you huh i gotcha huh you like that yeah get on the wandering ancient all right boys there it is wow everybody what the nude everybody has it oh my god that's crazy wow okay let's go to the next one next mount red red red red karachi battle tank i want to see it everybody get on the red karaoke battle tank right now come on boys let's go what the are you doing tendee let's go everybody has to what are you are you kidding me rival only fans are you bonnie fans oh okay very clever better luck next time buddy your transmog sucks just as much as your mount collection two people already removed botables he has the archaeology mount but he doesn't have the red one if i have to read your name again i'm going to kick you out of the raid i don't want to see any other next mount that i want you guys to get on this is the mount that i've gotten on many times before you guys are ready for it everybody's going to have it get on the imani battle bear get on the imani battle bear i want to give you guys a few easy rounds i want to give you guys some times that you can feel good about yourself say i got to round three in asmongold's transmog competition good work ever wait everybody has it holy i expected at least one guy not to have it somehow wait oh no oh no is right ass rich from dragon shark my guild said they're gonna g-kick me if i don't do well okay i'm waiting [Music] are they gonna g-kick them [Music] oh no oh no he's gone he's gone thanks for bringing me i guess amen um atheritch on kel'thuzad is looking for a new guild he's looking for a new guild guys that's the way it goes next now but let's go ahead and let's do something let's throw him a curveball get on the purple alec get on the purple ellick i want to see it everybody on the purple ellick [Music] you piece of you little piece of what are you doing what are you doing i literally see you shout out to my boys oh my god all right you're done wait he made a macro are you kidding me jesus that that's so shameless man all right let's go on to the next one why is there red [Music] bro bro what where is he where is he dude where the is i i do i come on mega bomb let's go let's go listen we've got ourselves a pvp andy who's named his character after donald trump i'm sorry but you lose stop the mount off out all lives matter yeah but so do purple alec lives but you didn't get one guys we've gone through a number of these easier mounts but i want to get on a mount that's going to really kind of separate the boys from the men everybody get on the bronze drake i want to end any bronze drakers come on let's go everybody get on the bronze gray i don't want to see any losers in here if nobody if somebody doesn't have this mount i'm going to explode and it seems like everybody is okay every single person has this mount and you know what that means that means that we will advance to the next level of difficulty gentlemen i will now be getting on slightly more difficult mounts you have unlocked the next level it's not a hard level but it is the next level get on the travers tundra mammoth for 20 000 come on let's see it not the green one get on the other one good good good good okay all right this is actually pretty impressive i'm proud of you guys everybody's doing well this is what we like to see right here gentlemen now let's go on to the next one all right fine it get on the red drake get on the red drake let's see it this is a reputation grind mount many people should have this one come on let's see it this is a very easy mount to farm i swear to god if you don't have this one i saw you i saw you you disgusting little druid i i i'm so happy i get to kick you out of the raid you have no idea how happy i am to kick you out of the raid get out of here next amount get on the silver riding towel book get on the silver riding towel buck come on let's see it silver riding tau buck we're totally good behind the rock wait what behind the rock no there's nobody behind the rock we're totally fine everything's good [Music] oh no butt hole oh we gripped his little ass over get the out of the raid get the out of here butthole wait a second wait a second wait a second those are the wrong hooves those are the wrong eyes that's the wrong mount this is the dark war towel book this is the wrong towel book you think i didn't notice you think i didn't see that get the out of here i have no no tolerance for cheaters i've had a lot of misbehavin today i've had a lot of clowning around usually whenever i do these mount offs i take it a little bit easier on you guys and i give you the opportunity to get on a few more mounts before i get hard but we've got so many little clowning around dick boys thinking they're funny and cute like you rad doing circles and don't think that i don't recognize you from posting the comment on my reddit congratulating yourself from getting gmod in my raid last week i know who you are get on the ravenwood this is my favorite mount i always get on this one every mount off i love this mount let's see it i want to see everybody on the raven lord every single person should have the raven ward if you if you came into this competition and you don't have the raven ward you're just asking to get in the ass sag are you kidding me are you kidding me really oh my god guys this is embarrassing jesus let's get on the next mount chat jasmine you get to decide oh my god all right fine get on the asses of war let's go guys let's go everybody get on it i want to see it let's go let's go let's go come on i want to see it everybody get on asses of war second time now sag second time you've been disqualified for the same amount tindy i'm sorry you're done goodbye weathereck i really really really like your transmog a lot i think your transmog is actually amazing this is really cool and i'm stealing it now this is now this is mine thank you now you're kicked out though okay all right so joint yeah there it is now these mounts will become increasingly more difficult they will become increasingly more challenging let's raise the barn get on the onyxian drake i haven't gotten on this one in a long time get on the and drake boys i want to see it get on it come on let's go and nixon drake everybody oh my three are you kidding me are you kidding me guys oh my god this is embarrassing what's wrong with you guys sag oh my get get out of here this isn't bear get stop it guys don't don't make the chat feel sorry for you you just get kicked out so early what are you doing oh my god next you know what get on send runner blanche get on one of the new mounts from shadow lines i want to see it everybody get on it let's go let's go everybody should have this mount everybody should have this mount imagine playing shadowlands oh my god are you kidding me what what the six people all removed six people deleted i have that mount now okay you don't have to flex on that one anymore i got it like maybe a month ago no hit crunchy no mount crunchy a loony goodbye aldoreous goodbye delore goodbye go hit your head on with another keyboard pepper human love your screams thanks for inviting me thanks for coming i appreciate it so let's get on to the next mountain let's pick something else get on the jade primordial dire horn get onto jade primordial dire horn from the warbringers and mists of pandaria i have never gotten on this mount in the history of a mount off i want to see it let's go come on boy oh my god bro this is a bloodbath this is gonna be the fastest mount off of my life what the go start farming out those warbringers boys let's see the mounts wait no way no no shot you have the crusaders white warhorse and you don't have this goddamn music no no get the out of my raid get out of my raid right now this is embarrassing how is this even possible you quit mr pandaria smart guy yeah everybody get on the blooper drake yeah you know what this guy yeah yeah everybody get on blue porter drake i've never gotten on this one before why don't we go on that one too let's go ahead and keep things changed up a little bit let's do things a little bit different punch very true that was very hunch i knew this mount would take me out well maybe you should have farmed it out instead of doing pet battles and getting the minion of mayhem title the is that man you goofing around and blackrock and blackrock mountain having some little pets kill each other is that right no next smoldering ember worm from return to karazhan i want to see it let's go ahead and let's get on the rare mounts i know you guys love to see the rare mounts let's go ahead and do it everybody get on it this is a super easy mount shambassador don't tell me that you got realm first challenge modes and you don't have that mount there you go that's good around best challenge modes excuse me that's good proud of you good invincible get on invincible oh wow wow what the holy man okay okay all right this is good now let's go ahead and let's keep going all right now we actually have a real a real competition here this is good to see all right next mount let's go ahead and decide what we're gonna go with all right um okay you guys really want to see it i'll do it too why not everybody get on midnight everybody get on midnight get on the new midnight from return to karazhan this is a very very cool mount i like it a lot it's one of my favorites everybody should have this it's very very very easy to farm and they do gentlemen as i've said before the second half is always a little bit more interesting now let's go ahead and let's get on something a little bit more special let's get on something a little bit more unique slime serpent's a little bit too hard right now guys i'm not ready for the slime serpent yet okay uh that's a it's a very challenging mount that many people uh you guys are crazy you really think i should get on this one tell me if i should tell me do it or not do it or not do it or don't do it do it all right [Music] sea turtle everybody get on the sea turtle from fishing back in wrath of the lich king that's right this separates the boys from the men the clowns from the dick boys the [Music] wow holy oh oh okay okay all right um all right now now all right no clowns no que all right i see how it is all right let's go let's go get the next one all right i think i know what i'm going to get on you guys already want to see it let's go for it fel steel annihilator get on the fel steel annihilator gentlemen from mythic archimonde if you guys want to get on some serious mounts you want to get you want to start actually farming he says well that's the way it goes tian tien goodbye you did your best you tried your hardest but it wasn't good enough go back to war wards or draenor i would say something worse but you have to go back to wad so that's about as bad as it can ever get goodbye tian i appreciate your participation we have seven people remaining seven champions that remain and six clowns that will be removed let's find out who the next one is going to be the next mount that i want everybody to get on is the rock tusk battle board everybody get on the rock tusk battle board it comes from the garrison it's a complete it's a complete random ass mount that nobody would have guessed and apparently everybody has it doesn't matter okay all right uh let's go ahead and go to the next one all right sounds good i was just trying to get on a random one and apparently it didn't really work okay let's see next yes modeled meadow stomper from luck a rare spawn in the grand during war rewards of draenor uh oh uh oh wow oh these guys are losers this is awesome okay let's go let's find the next one all right uh let's see you know that's what my dad said by the way i told him i was doing him i was either a mount off for a trans mount competition and i told him like what it was and he thought he called it the biggest loser it's okay guys if you want to make a uh don't worry about my dad makes fun of you okay only thing you need to do is uh literally change any setting in his computer and he'll be up for weeks get on the vile fiend get on the vile fiend from patch 7.3 this is a very very rare amount only champions have this mount and we have a group full of champions i'm proud of you guys i really am one more mount like this and then we might actually go to that next level i'm seeing a lot of people thinking that they're better than this thinking that they're above this well you know what we'll find out let's find out get on the kaldorei nightsaber from the the dark shore warfront outdoor area the kaldori nightsaber [Laughter] okay all right they all have it they all have it get on the infinite time reverb the infinite time waster somebody is going so yeah there it is dude you're out bro they're like this dude that dude yeah they couldn't handle it listen guys it's a hard mount to get it really is it's the uh it's the infinite time waster i'm fully aware i know it's hard to get and he has the nilotha all seer but he doesn't have this mount it is a challenge it is definitely a challenge you've got to work harder now all of you guys are alliance but have you done koufon on horde this is going to get somebody out 100 this is 100 gonna get somebody out [Music] oh not looking good my mount collect is so clown it is what it is that crit cray thank you very much for competing i really appreciate it this guy's coming to my competitions many times with trans mugs that look amazing this is no different thank you very much i appreciate it now we have our final three contestants chat i want you now to decide all right all right guys uh i i hate to get on this mount get on the time loss proto drake get on the time loss proto drake let's see it boys come on is there only one of you what's going on prydose all right all right that sounds good to me it looks like they've all got it i like to see that that's what we need to see we need to see a lot more of that get on a glacial tide storm from mythic jaina get on a glacial tidestorm from mythic jaina boys let's go all right fine get on the new one get on the slime serpent ambassador you're not being a lazy are you no you're not good this is a brand new mount that just came out all of these guys were able to solo the dungeon all by themselves now get on the mail muncher boys i want to see it get on the mail muncher uh oh oh oh okay all right yeah everybody's got it the meme yes the meme i'm going to give them a couple more rounds get on the kolkaron juggernaut from mythic garrosh hellscream and the siege of orgrimmar let's go mythic iron juggernaut come on boys let's see it holy all right if they go through one more round then i'm gonna actually make things a little bit harder if they go through one more round we actually get harder i don't want to do this but i might have to okay next let's go ahead and find the next one i'm trying to decide the perfect amount the absolute ideal mount to get them with all right let's go with this one this one could be like super easy but some people for some reason don't have this mount okay all right now we're gonna get a little bit more serious [Music] let me go ahead and let's find a little bit of the harder mounts now get on to drake at the south wind from myth from alec here the drake at the south wind from alakia this is a really really cool mountain i love this mount do you guys have this one yes they do holy all three of them have it all right all right all right all right all right guys okay get on the darkmoon darrigible this is for 1 000 tickets in the darkmoon fair this is very hard to get many people don't have this it takes a lot of farming and a lot of time and obviously everybody has time that still plays this game let's go to the next one get on a conqueror scythemaw from conqueror of azeroth and battle for azeroth the conqueror scythemaw i swear to god if they have this one i'm gonna be pissed i'm actually gonna be pissed to fail i'm mad all right okay i see how it is boys i see how it is okay sounds good let's go ahead and let's find another one all right they want to play these games man i'm down to play these games let's let's play this game get on the void talent of the dark star there's no way there's no way all three of them have it there's literally no way okay all right there is a way they they do all three have it okay yeah so it turns out that there is a way that all three of them could have it no never mind about that okay all right okay all right all right all right all right who won get on who won get on who won there's no way no way no way dude this mount took me months to oh all right come on okay all right fine all right all right all right let me think right now let me think right now i i might i might actually not have i might i might actually be ready to go in on these guys like if they keep showing off like this this is making me embarrassed uh get on the wicked swarmer get on a wicket swarmer from the end of bfa did you guys farm out a million of these uh these things let's see all right okay i'm gonna ask chad guys is it time for us to get a little bit harder all right get on the ultramarine karachi battle tank from tol'vir archaeology from [Music] cataclysm got him good two people remain now the two of you right now i'm going to get on a mount and the first one to not have that mount will begin the mount off against the other person the 1v1 battle of the neckbeards get on the swift zulean tiger from remove from the game like i'm just going to get on the hardest mounts that i possibly can get on nope all right ambassador has one point pyros has zero pyros you have to get on a mount that shambassador does not have it's on you he gets on the green infernal the fel the hellfire infernal or sorry the felblaze inferno from normal mode golden ambassador actually has the felblaze inferno from normal mold golden they both have it and then he gets on the corridor creeper from completing level eight of the twisting corridors this is a hard mount to get it takes a lot of time but unfortunately both of these guys have spent way too much time in tour guests prydose gets on the shadow the new mount that i actually do not have this one i need to farm this one out myself i'll probably do that tomorrow if you guys remind me does she ambassador have it he has it they both have it these guys farm mounts and not just the old ones but they've got the new ones too this was brand new i don't have the score on the screen right now it was from a different computer he gets on the honeyback harvester the bee prydose is yet to land a single point on shambassador prados cannot get on a single rare mount that shambaster does not have he gets on a junk keep drister that drops from rust feather in mechagon many people have this everybody has this including both of these guys shambassar has every single mount prydose you're not gonna let chat down are you he says you can't wow wow prydose oh my god oh no oh oh and he gets on the rusty mcconnell strider okay that's good that's really good i i like to see that it's impressive okay oh oh okay okay oh wow all right that's one point for prydose that is definitely one all right there's there's a point ambassador ambassador goes for two points gets on the two million gold now the uh blood fang whatever the it is ambassador has that too prydose come on you can do this i believe in you you're not going to lose are you you're not going to get your ass beat he gets on jeep he gets on gmod does she ambassador have that or not ambassador is waiting apparently everybody has this mountain the entire game except for me i see how it is i see how it is this is embarrassing chat believed in you and you get on the undersea usurper i don't think that's gonna do it man there's no way he doesn't have that there's no way he didn't have that of course he had that man he had 500 honor levels okay all right mythic nylothamount i like that that's good very impressive he might not have this one ambassador might not have this one oh oh prydose gets on the soundless mount the soundest mount this is a very rare one oh my god oh my god prydose gets on the gladiator mount oh my god prydose gets on the gladiator mount he goes for the two points right there it is two to two and she ambassador gets on the heavenly onyx cloud serpent from the mists of pandaria world boss this is a one in two thousand mount prados it's back on you that's three points for ambassador prydost gets i'm pretty sure if he's got the 500 uh 500 honor levels wait what what rydos goes for three points pios goes for three points already and he gets on the hippo are you kidding me he doesn't even have the hippo and then he gets on a long boy oh my god she ambassador actually has that what the oh wow okay it is three to three prydose is coming back ambassador gets on the uh what is that here the swift solar hawk and they both have this the rare world boss drop mount from ruckmar in warlords of draenor ambassador is on the back foot now he's getting on the son of galion the son of galleon dude if he's already got these other ones the odds are he's got this one too we'll see what's gonna happen uh oh it's not looking good he's gonna have it or not he doesn't have it there's no way he has it he doesn't have it prydoes might see a little bit of a of a weakness she ambassador who goes up to four points pydos gets on this the uh what is that here vicious war tiger from the second season in cataclysm which ambassador has it prydose is calibrating he's planning he's like well if he said bfa maybe he doesn't have these mounts too he gets on the other uh the other a tiger thing that oh he's got that one his luck might have ran out he's getting on the other bfb pvp mounts pyros is thinking to himself he's worried is he gonna get on the black one oh he gets on a basilisk that's a nice one i like it but i'm pretty sure she ambassador is going to have it very very high chance that he's going to have it not 100 though prydose goes to four points ambassador gets on yoon dost amount prados does not have it ambassador goes to five points pyros gets on the black war saber from bfa pvp as well ambassador at five points prydose at four should ambassador do you have that mount or you need to get on another pound he does not have it he gets our now okay all right yeah he's got the nalak mount all right real funny predos and shambassa both have five points is this going to be five for shambassador six excuse me british ambassador he has all of the world boss mounts but does he have that special world boss mount does he have molly from dune gorge or kralok he does it is six points for shambassador five for prydose you're not gonna lose are you [Music] you're not about to lose art i think he's about to lose oh no this is not looking good all right all right all right he's got that one that's a pretty good one right there oh it's not quite there not quite good enough come on you can do it prydose [Music] oh no i don't think he can do it guys i don't think he can do it oh no he gets on the abyss worm from mistress chasing entomb of sargeras oh no oh it's a panic now [Music] prydose oh the valve fear mount wow okay and they both have that one too holy jesus all right all right all right all right okay the wild gloom runner i don't have this one this is a rare amount few people have this it's extremely hard to get it takes 30 minutes they both have it they both have it okay i see how it is come on come on prados he's running on fumes now he's working his ass off it's just not good enough are you gonna let yourself get beat he gets on the predatory plague rock is that the right one yes he gets on the predatory plague rock this is a pretty rare mound out of shadow ends as well and it turns out that they both have this one too prydoes just cannot get a point on sha ambassador the ascended cloud hoof wow the ascended sky man excuse me holy and they both wow holy man this is insane dude these guys are these guys are serious it's not hard to get yeah it is i haven't gotten it that's why it's hard to get praidos is worried he's afraid he gets a he has a necro necro ray egg mount already holy this guy's this guy is insane oh my god how do they do it how are they doing it i never get these man prydose oh no oh no that's the easiest one there's no way he doesn't have oh no what should is this guys do we want to throw in the towel uh this is not looking good at all prydose i want you to be honest with me okay i want you to be honest i want you to tell me the truth jesus christ i i don't know if we can keep watching this guys i don't know if we can keep watching this this is i'll give him i give him he says it's over okay brothers you fought a good fight you did your best you tried your hardest and you beat everybody else in here except for one person that's our round of applause for prados shambassador is our winner i'm happy for you i'm proud of you and he has a swift this mount right here costs more than my real-life car okay all right now ambassador gets to go up against me go ahead get on the mount you can begin i always let the other person begin that was really dirty okay that's one point for him that's one point for me i know you don't have this one okay very cute very cute uh-huh yeah i'll have that very soon okay all right let me let me think right now let me think right now okay okay all right voracious gorger he might not have this one this is gloria the shadow ant hero he might not have it we could be okay here we could be fine we'll find out okay all right i'll get under river beast again i know he doesn't have that one it's fine to me all right it's two to two two to two he doesn't have the beefy boy that's good for me very good for me do i have this oh one no no man all right all right all right let me think let me think for a minute all right all right shadow went shadow one season one vicious spider maybe it doesn't have that other pvp mount it's fine it's fine no no no it's okay it's okay i'm fine guys i'm fine everything's gonna be totally okay i'm totally good all right there's this one here this one here right now all right let's go he doesn't have this one it's still three to three it's three to three guys i'm not gonna lose this i can't lose this it's four to three he's winning i'm losing all right um let me think right now okay uh um okay okay uh let's see um uh rosaji raptor okay yeah let's go on this one go on this one right now this is one of the old zg mounts he had the other one but he might not have this one [Music] oh [Music] all right i see how it is it's three to four still i have switzerland steep this is a very rare amount that got removed from the game many years ago i still have it there's no way he has this one this is an easy four points for me [Music] high wind dark main what is the high wind dark mate boys i forgot to tell you guys i actually randomly got this mount this actually reminds me i got this mount yesterday i actually got the mount out of my out of my table and i lost the mission but it somehow gave me the mount i genuinely think that it bugged out yes i have this mount let's go there it is all right yes go scripted yeah i paid him to do that let's go okay i do actually have this one [Music] oh my god rampart screw what rampart um okay all right amani warbear let's go with that one right there amani warbear okay that's five points for him five points for him i've only got four this could be five for me this could be five what's this gore spine i don't have that one i saw you didn't have this that's so funny that's so happy that you didn't see that you saw that i don't have it that's really cute okay wild hunt supplies he might not have gotten the box for this yet he might not have got okay all right he he did get it okay all right all right let me think right now um okay uh let me think thinking thinking all right arcadian wartrol maybe he didn't play legion maybe he didn't play legion this one could be really hard to do this one could be really hard for him to get maybe he didn't play legion all right we're just gonna take some shots take some chances do we need to do okay all right he he did play all right all right okay um ash and panda and phoenix let's go with this one right here if he doesn't have this one yeah legion was a very good one it was a very good expansion wait why am i i'm so stupid he's literally wearing the armor like he's literally wearing why did i even get why did i i'm i'm panicking guys i'm panicking oh no okay all right all right let me think right now the title yes i know i know that i know that i know that okay all right all right all right uh black proto-drake this is one of my rarest mounts there's no way this is this is gonna of course be five points this is 100 five points oh you piece of [Music] man how do you have that mount okay all right let me think right now i'm thinking right now scrolling down crept the gladiators for a drake i know he doesn't have this one there it is kovid working from home i wouldn't call that working equals honor levels apparently that's still six points that has garen that six points around six points for me there's no way oh you oh you okay all right let me get on the cruel gladiators drake all right i can try to get on this one i don't have that one either man this is so stupid okay all right i've got this one no no it's fine he doesn't have that one either oh my god are you kidding me okay maybe he doesn't have this this shadow and adventure mount maybe he doesn't have this one it should be fine it should be fine let me try and get on this one come on please don't have it please don't have it okay all right all right get on the dread gladiators now dread gladiators about first season in words of a uh let's say awards drama same thing uh battlefront are you are you gonna bounce around on me okay okay thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking i'm still thinking i'm thinking still thinking okay uh let's see all right okay all right yep that's okay um okay uh all right notorious squad either man i have like just a few more i have only a few more mounts spent i only have a few more of these mounts man bike swift stepper no no no it's not a real one it's not a real one oh my this is okay okay all right plagues drake plagued proto-drake this is a very rare amount he might not have this one this is a very very hard one to get come on okay prestigious war steed how about that how about this one maybe he doesn't have this one oh oh okay all right how about bruce's moonsaber maybe he didn't play a lot in bfa this one took a lot of farming to do he might not have it he might not have it guys please don't have it he hasn't okay sinister gladiators project i'm running out of uh i'm running out of mounts guys okay all right all right all right dominic this is my last one this mo i think it's my life just my last one this might be my last one this might be my last one [Music] wait do i have this one or not marrow thing no no no let me think let me think you want to check my simple armory at some point i might i don't is that even up to date now let me look it up let me look it up let me just look right now let me look and see how close i am let me see where i'm at achievements collectible mounts oh jesus wait he has every wait what you have every single mount for every covenant wait i didn't even notice that what the what oh my god [Music] this is embarrassing guys this is actually embarrassing okay congratulations [Music] put up a hell of a fight and i uh i i need to farm a lot more mounts could you ask for more mount achievements on twitter i think they should do that they are slacking there should be a 500 and 600 mount achievement right now i don't know why there's not i think it's stupid no i i will do that man all right let's take a screenshot i'm kind of embarrassed i'm gonna be honest i'm kind of embarrassed right now i i thought that honestly just farming out a few more mounts i'd be able to do it it turns out that i'm a lot i'm a lot farther behind than i thought i was ambassador congratulations you worked hard you did well and you came out ahead probably have some of the most mounts in the entire world right now it's impressive it's amazing congratulations you are the winner even more than me yielded and deleted no the thing is like i i understand listen guys every time i lose i lose by less and it only is going to take a little bit longer until i have everything man until i have everything and then after that everybody's going to be no it's true it's true guys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 985,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold mount off, asmongold mount, wow mount off, mount off competition, wow mounts, asmongold mount off competition, mount off contest, asmongold mount off contest, asmongold competition, asmongold contest, mount off wow, asmongold mounts, asmongold new mount off, shadowlands mount, shadowlands mount off, asmongold loses mount off, mounts wow
Id: r2BC5Q2g7DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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