They Have ALL MOUNTS! Asmongold Mount Off Competition Against Viewers

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there's no way everybody has this one oh my god uh all right all right i don't even i i get usually everybody gets this far i don't even know what to do now gentlemen i know a lot of you might have been here before but for those of you that haven't i will explain the rules once again the rules are very simple they're very easy and everybody can understand them i will get on a mount every other player in the raid has to get on that exact same mount if they don't they are kicked out of the raid until only two players remain that have the most mounts out of everybody else that's been removed those two players will duel to see which of the two of them has more mounts and more rare amounts than the other and the winner of that duel will go up against me in a bonus round the first mount [Music] everybody get on the wandering ancient yeah everybody get on the wandering ancient let's go wow what's this everybody has it that's crazy get on a green karachi battle tank everybody get on the green karachi battle tank let's go everybody let's see it come on come on let's see everybody should have this everybody should are you [ __ ] kidding me how do you not have this mount first expansion yeah why don't you go to the first first part of the game and go get it removed so this guy already has his 15 mount and it's his first expansion i don't believe that wait what the [ __ ] it actually is his first expansion bro i'm so sorry if you started playing the game because of me like it's not always like this man like i i promise you man i promise it's going to get better man we look we know it's going to get better i'm i'm so sorry man jesus christ i can't even spell it get on the red one okay get on the red karaji battle tank let's go come on everybody get on the red one yes and we get on it because it's red what's that sneaky little dick boy doing running up under the boss where is he koala you came into my transmog competition eight months ago using that exact same transmog i remember you you were here before am i wrong [Music] you passed me in mechagon and just said it was cool you're telling me i would you were never officially raided that's a good set okay it's a good set much better than your mount collection maybe i am wrong he's getting kicked next [Music] how about you want to be a mount collector how about that how about you want to be a mountain collector instead want to be a crab get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here you clown marshall he's not even a grand marshal embarrassing everybody else has the red one good savor the moment because these are going to get a lot harder really fast black primal raptor get on the black primal raptor from isle of giants in patch 5.2 miss of pandaria let's go are you goofballs real are you kidding me is this holy [ __ ] what a joke imagine playing mop bro imagine using your transmog this is embarrassing i might have to do a mount off on eu soon [Music] i started playing in shadowlands because you did this to me no you did this to yourself wait what wait wait what wait you have a miss wait what holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my god what the [ __ ] this guy look he's look how lucky he is he got death chargers reigns on the eighth he gets the hawkstrider three days later and then a week after that he gets a ravenward and then a day after that he gets oh my god this guy's gonna have more mounts than me next week get on the black riding goat get on the black riding goats any goat riders let's go let's see the goats activate the goats what a sad sad sorry embarrassing excuse of a raid and all these clever little dick boys think that they're being funny whenever they get on a mount that i don't have this is embarrassing this is a mass public execution that's true only four rounds in and we've already lost over half of the contestants n a alliance is not sending their best one more black the black war tiger the first epic mount that i ever saw in the game that i wanted many years ago a young asman gold farmed for this mouth and the day that i got it was a beautiful and grand and glorious day and for those of you guys who have it i salute you wait what the it seems like we trimmed off the fat fun round striped frost saver striped frost saver this is a super easy mount if you get this if you get kicked out because this one i'm going to ban you in my stream you're getting banned spire stalker jazz dude good next round silver writings album silver riding talbot this is the last rep mount a little nos little nos you got a little mount collection too let me make sure that everybody's riding the correct one [Music] you thought i wouldn't notice that huh you thought i wouldn't see that huh you think you just slipped by with that dark ride that dark war towel book you thought you were being a clever well who's clever now you can't even farm a burning crusade reputation next round activate them now things get real we've got the easy rounds out of the way and we have two clowns that don't have it let's go this is the first time that we've ever had the first round like this not get so many people removed this is this is supposed to be one of the harder mounts and everybody does have it this is impressive i am impressed good work now let's keep going chat decide jack gets to decide the next mount [Music] come on asses of war let's go the chat always loves this one people love to see it and it looks like there's only one people one person is gone unrelenting metatici from guild uh q r v rf now i can almost guarantee you what guild this used to be so s fan made a guild called only fans fanned you know with like s fan you know it's very clever and um blizzard made him uh change his name blizzard made they took the name away from him that's very sad kappas hey kappas you're gonna stay in the raid even though you got the wrong mount kappa get on the legendary clutch of jikoon get on the clutch of jikoon recon yet another victim of sappy from ragnaros jazz dude you did well you had at least one rare amount your transmog is well very well put together i like it but unfortunately your mount collection is not goodbye goodbye next mount we're gonna go ahead and throw him a curveball get on the acid belcher get on the acid belcher invite you monk oh was he not was have him request again wait wow what the [ __ ] everybody has this one okay that's good if everybody has the mount that's whenever i really turn up the difficulty and i make it just a little bit harder just a little bit harder challenging but not heartbreaking arboreal gulper this is an easy round okay everybody should have this one i'm waiting to see if we're gonna catch somebody slipping i'm waiting to see somebody's gonna be caught slipping come on okay all right all right i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna throw him another curveball get on the victory of stone drake from slab hide and stone core this is one of the first mounts that i ever made a video on how to goo how to do my first video i ever did on my channel was how to farm out this mountain and apparently all of you guys watched it holy [ __ ] all right let's go ahead and make this just a little bit [ __ ] harder let's go ahead and get on the great brewfest cotto everybody get on a great brewfest cotto come on let's see it come on uh oh track x he says man dude what the [ __ ] should have spent more time farming brewfest and less farming the [ __ ] anima to get that transmog set that nobody even knows where the [ __ ] it's from that's the full renowned transmog set this dude has spent thirty thousand anima am i mad i'm mad at you i look so good you do look good you look great but where's your weapon yeah you got that that actually does look damn that was good i didn't get that that does look really fun i i get that dude all right get the [ __ ] out of my raid [ __ ] all right is it time for me to throw my curveball let's throw him another curveball lay feather hippogriff for the legion hero i ain't take a piss back hey get back over here [Music] i saw you trying to run away i saw i saw you man you're really gonna try to go really gonna try and hide over there in the [ __ ] in the base all right yeah that's not gonna happen nope get the [ __ ] out of here nice try bash cutter nice try that's one of my mods [Music] highland mustang this is a brand new mount i've never gotten on this mount before are you guys kidding me there's a lot of you guys don't have it wait what oh wait holy [ __ ] everybody has that oh my god wow okay all right let's turn up the difficulty a little bit these guys are getting a little bit too overconfident it's making me mad yeah it's making me mad we're going to get something else that's even harder all right let's go ahead and get on the fel steel annihilator get on the fell steel annihilator let's go come on let's see it let's see it let's do it let's get it come on oh sagirius he doesn't have it i am impressed that everybody else has it though this is usually a late-game mount and everybody already has this sidjarius thank you very much for coming i appreciate your contribution your participation but unfortunately your time here is over back to oribos back to doing laps i think this group really deserves something a little bit more special don't you i think we've been just kind of [ __ ] around with the easy mounts get on midnight get on midnight from return to karazhan get on midnight from return to karazhan let's see it wow holy [ __ ] i'm impressed all right all right all right everybody get on the mail muncher come on everybody come on get on the [ __ ] mail muncher let's see it okay okay memaran's head get on mimiron said see it 350 kills and i don't have it trust me i can relate there are many mounts that i've had the same problem with well hey think of it like this now you have time for 351 goodbye get on the lay woven flying carpet from the paragon boxes in suramar lay woven flying carpet from parabol paragon boxes and suramar and legion reputation let's see it this is one of the this is the easiest paragon mount to get [Music] oh oh that's not looking good mo sarah mo sarah you're not about to get [ __ ] in the ass by by a carpet are you i think he is sarah thank you very much for coming i appreciate it what the get the [ __ ] back it all right yeah okay good they all have it i was about to say dude if that's the one he's gonna get removed by i was like how okay now we get to get into the easy that the fun mounts we've gone through the easy mounts now we get we get to go into the fun mounts what do you guys want to see oh that might be all right i've never we've never done this before get on the green proto drake this is a reward for the oracles whenever you get revered with the oracles they give you a special egg the egg takes a number of days to hatch but then after the egg hatches there is a two percent chance and apparently a 100 chance for everybody in this group to get the green proto-drake out of the egg my mom many years ago got the server first green proto drake on the entire server she was probably the first person with a proto drake on our entire server besides one guy that at the time was proto-drake and i had screenshots of this it was a big [ __ ] deal she got on the first egg she thought it was just like oh cool we got him out she didn't even know it was rare actually i think it's time for us to get a lot more serious get on the antoran gloomhound from glory of the antorus raider the antoran gloomhound all right i've had enough of this [ __ ] i i've had enough i've had enough of this [ __ ] i'm so tired of this [ __ ] i'm pi now i'm getting mad yeah i'm getting [ __ ] pissed off all right time loss proto drake let's go let's see it get on the time loss proto drake yeah they want to [ __ ] they want to flex out come on there's no way they're all going to have this one [Music] okay get on the grand expedition yak 100 000 gold now everybody got on the grand expedition yak let's try to throw him a curve ball we'll see if maybe one of them doesn't have this one two more he's famously he's gonna have it yeah okay mythic jane amount mythic jain amount let's see it boys [Music] there's no way everybody has this one oh my god [Music] oh my god what the [ __ ] okay all right all right i don't even i i get usually everybody gets this far i don't even know what to do gory of the old dear raider blood gorge frog there is no way one of them doesn't have this one one of all of them have this look there's no way the this this was so annoying to do there is no [ __ ] possible [Music] all right okay let's see how it is let's see how it is i get it child of torquali this is a horde only mount you have to go over the horde even to get this mount [Music] oh my god oh oh oh my oh my god oh okay all right all right all right all right all right let's go darkmoon dariable for 1 000 darkmoon tickets this is a very hard mount to get it takes a lot of farming some people might not have this one oh my god all right all right shackled urzel everybody get on the shackled urzel this one's probably gonna get rid of a few people i would be surprised if everybody had this one legitimately captain gravis and miss pirate of the undying two this has been incredible i didn't even know if this was ever gonna end miss pirating captain gravis you guys fought very well you did very well i'm proud of you i've never screamed so my guild killed this good time man my guild was very happy whenever they killed it too i was too because that means they carry me into the raid the next time this pirate thank you guys very much for coming i appreciate it get on the unshackled wave ray this is from getting exalted with the najdatar faction on horde only this what separates the boys from the men let's go monserra what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] okay okay get on the blood thing widow get on the blood fang widow this is a 2 million gold now get get on the blood fang widow feels bad yeah that's the way she goes you monked up we have five people remaining yeah move to wine yeah move to one i'm getting a little bit nervous here i don't know if it's really time for me to just pop off on them like there's a lot of mounts that i can get on i want you guys to understand that there's a lot of mounts that i can get on but i just don't know if they're really ready for some of these mounts yet i'm gonna go on a mount that's very very hard to get this is an incredibly challenging mound to find it's the void talent of the dark star that came out and wore odes of draenor let's see go hard or go home let's find out let's find out there's four wow wow okay um zen lao this is a drop from 8.3 uh from the 8.3 vision areas from oldham does everybody have zen lao [Music] holy [ __ ] okay all right okay all right no no more no more games no more games get on warsong dire fang this is from the different rare spawns they're in tan and jungle they have a chance to drop a box that can contain one of three different mounts inside of it now many people do not have this mount and then sarah might not have it let's find out he oh my [ __ ] god holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what up what is go all right a wicked swarmer for a hundred thousand tickets for a hundred thousand tickets i'm about to i'm about to start getting on world boss mounts pretty soon y'all keep playing these [ __ ] games i swore to [ __ ] god god damn it okay all right get on the ashari bloat ray from gory of the palace raider this mount is completely [ __ ] annoying to farm and there's no way that everybody has it there's no way come on sarah i'm sarah you did well you fought hard goodbye our final four remain get on the ultramarine battle tank from archaeology [Music] no way no way what the [ __ ] all right i see how it is oh okay okay all righty boys that's a lot of wow tokens yeah it sure is okay next mount chat decide chat decide [Music] okay get on the tombstalker get on the tomb stalker from mythic uh what's uh king's rest for mythic king's rest borah's got it crazed has it agilities now we have our final two people borrow and crazed brew i will get on the first mount and the first one of you to get knocked out i am going to get on the biggest stick mounts possible and the first one of you not for first one of you not have one of them is the one who the other person starts the uh the back and forth swift zulean tiger removed from the game from the original zg back in vanilla wow these are the biggest stick mounts that i can get on [Music] and so it begins craze brew does not have it so i'm going to go ahead and explain the rules for anybody that's a little bit confused the way that it's going to work is borrow starts with one point because he has that mount and craig's brew does not have it crazed brew then needs to get on the mount the borough does not have if boro does have the amount the craze brew gets on boro then needs to get on that exact same amount to show that he has the mount then craze brew needs to continue getting on different mounts until he gets on a mount that borrow does not have at which point he gains one point right now the score is 1-0 with boro with one and crazed brew with zero boro you have to get on that mount or you have to get on something that he doesn't have there we go it's still one to zero i'll just go right here it should be fine one to zero should just do this a little more uh which one's that oh it's so wait he gets on the love rocket holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay so boro does not have that i'm not surprised about that craze brew gets one point 100 percent for the love rocket borough turns around and he gets on the under rock frog and then craze brew does not have that boro goes up to two points craze brew gets on the oh what's that iron spine i believe that's from the uh what is that that's from warbringer malcolm rock over in maldraxis so borrow has two points craze brew has one he gets on a shadowhand's rare mound he's already farmed out shadowhand's rare amounts to blisterback blood tusk there it is craze brew boro do you have that mount if you do not have that amount crazed brew goes up to two points that's two points right there and then borrow gets on soundless one of the mounts that i still have not received myself very hard to get mount but unfortunately for me both of them also have it borrow you have to get on another mount it's not looking good for boro he's worried he's afraid he gets on the challenger's ward yeti from getting all silver challenge modes back in warlords of draenor this is the easy mount to get if you played in wod but did crazed brew play in wod he did not borrow goes to three points craze brew gets on one of the new necro ray eggs that you're able to get from the mall draxas calling boxes which i by the way have gotten zero games [ __ ] broken dog [ __ ] ass game borrow gets on the other one craze brew goes up to three points and then borrow gets on the other necro ray egg as well craze brew you have to get on that egg or you have to get on another one he oh [ __ ] yo these guys play shadow ants holy [ __ ] these guys play shadow ants oh borrow gets on there oh no boro might have the ace in the hole oh my god he gets on the pandaren phoenix if craig's brew doesn't have that he says touch true if he doesn't have that that's three mounts that borrow has three mounts that borrow has that craze brew does not have this is not looking good this is not looking good for craze brew at all oh no okay all right craze brew gets on the in meyer flair that comes from famu it's either that one or which other skinner yeah the chittering anime that one actually is specifically coming from uh the adventures in uh in shadow ants and borrow also has it yeah that's the shadow ends adventure box i understand i didn't know that exactly okay crazy bro we gotta try a little bit harder than that you've gotta work a little bit more than that oh wow the ascended sky main holy [ __ ] i don't have that one the ascended sky main oh my god that one's easy not for me i haven't gotten it all right craze brew goes up to four borrow goes up to five you can guarantee borrow's gonna go up to five for that one just based off of how long it uh what do you call it no just a second i'm good uh yeah yeah uh based off of him not having the other one okay and then craze brew then gets on the endmeyer flare this one drops from famu over and revandreth the odds are boro might have this one because he does have some of the other mounts we'll see what's going to happen it's not this is not the same amount it's a different mount okay borrow does not have it craze brew goes up to five points borrow gets on his final pandering phoenix for six points after this boro's gonna have to go on some different mounts that it's five to five right now borrow goes to six because all three of those mounts are given together the odds are if he doesn't have one of them he doesn't have any of them craze brew it's back on you it is six to five right now it is six to five right now craze brew he gets on one of the other shadowhands adventure mounts this guy plays phone games and you know what he's good at it craig's brew is about to potentially go up to six points that's six points right there for craze brew and then boro gets on the predatory plague rock which when it colossal slaughter call that's the one that drops them all draxler's paragon box this craze brew has that one too boro is tied up six to six with craze brew oh my god oh my he already has the paragon reputation mounts these guys are not these guys are not playing games and then he gets on oh my god is this the is this a moss warren soul hunter he already has this oh there's no way there's no way there's no way there is no way craze brew has that one he already has the mom out and i knew that was a seven and then craze brew turns around and gets on molly from dune gorge or krolock in battle for azeroth does boro have that mount he does have that mount craig's brew is still at six points he gets on the other plague rock as well there are many plague rocks in the game which one is this the hulking death rock i believe this one is specifically from violet mistake in maldraxas does boro have it he does not craze brew goes to seven points and borrow gets on shark bait from the was that mythic freehold okay it's not looking good for craze bro that's eight points right now for borrow craze brew has farmed out every [ __ ] shadowhands mount in the entire game the gruesome flayed wing is also one of the mounts that you're able to get from your i think that's your specific covenant thing that you're able to do like your ember ember court or your boss rush thing from kirian this is not looking good right now for borrow this craze brew guy for some reason plays a lot of [ __ ] shadowhands he loves shadow ends i think that's gonna go to eight for borrow and borrow gets on the nalak mount this is the amount that i put two thousand gifted subs on the thundering cobalt cloud serpent from now like it is a one in two thousand drop chance and you're looking at two of those right there it is nine is eight to eight sorry it's eight to eight excuse me i typed the wrong answer the one dost amount again one in two thousand amount borrow is going through all of the misa pandaria world boss mounts these are all guys keep in mind one in two thousand drop chance this is not a one in one hundred this is not a one percent chance this is a point zero two or something like that i don't know and then they all have them and then borrow gets on [ __ ] you boyle gets onto gmod craze brew do you have it [Music] nine points nine points for borrow crazed brew gets on the oh my god boro doesn't have that one too he gets on the vicious uh that's a special spider and then boro gets on oh my god the plague proto-drake from the original next naxxramas 10 holy [ __ ] and then the snapback spike or whatever i forgotten what the hell that's even called it's from the uh nash guitar paragon box this is a pretty hard mount to get i had to open a lot of boxes for it it is nine to nine it is nine to nine boro it's on you to come out ahead and get on a mount oh no oh no oh the amber moth from the paragon box of the wild hunt and they both have it holy [ __ ] they both have it oh my god boro is still at nine points boro is still at nine points he gets on the awaken mind borer obviously he's done that one this guy's done a whole lot of raiding he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing it's not looking good for him borrow i'm worried i'm afraid he gets on center on her blanching listen man he has all of the adventure mounts there's no witty there's no way he doesn't have that you knew he had it everybody knew that he had it borrow turns around and he gets on the mechagon mechadun mount that's very impressive i actually don't have that one let's see if craig's brew does as well it seems as though this guy has played the [ __ ] out of the last two expansions he has pretty much everything that there is to get he's worried he's afraid he's scared boro doesn't know what to do oh what the [ __ ] he has the rusty meccano strider well i don't have that well they both have it what the [ __ ] how the hell they both have it oh my [ __ ] god and boro has the plus 15 mounts there's no way craze brew doesn't have that he's a fame slayer like yeah 100 he has that all right boro's not looking good boro's trying everything that he can he goes for the loyal gorger from the impressional gorger the seven day quest line i recently got this mount myself this is not looking good for borrow boro's afraid he gets on the other mount right there actually this one's the loyal gorge or the previous one for the glory of the shadowhands hero i confused them this is the loyal gorger boro cannot seem to catch this guy slipping he cannot seem to do it he's doing what he can but that's not enough boro gets on the bound shade hound this is one of the new mounds i actually need to get this on my stream but i have not done it yet and they both have it still at nine points boro is worried boro is very worried oh boyle gets on the herika the herald mount that's good and they both have it this is a pretty easy amount to get especially if you have alts and then borrow goes and he gets on another one of the plague rocks is there any amount from shadow ends that can trip craze brew up and apparently there's not look at that boro and craze brew have almost all of the shadowlands mounts this is not looking good oh the valkyr mount the wild glimmer for a prowler that you can also buy if you're night fave for five thousand anima this craze brew habit craze brew is crazed on shadowhands boro cannot trip this guy up it's not looking good borrow borrow's running out of mouse he's getting afraid he's getting scared he doesn't know what to do or am i uh or i might have to call it here he gets on another one of the different flayed wings which one is this one is this the callow this is the kalo flade wing this is something that you're able to get just from opening up little boxes or little eggs you get it out of the egg it's a rare drop but after you get it you get it you have it borah you've had 10 rounds if he has the next three i will concede you have three shots three shots to take this home to redeem yourself and to claim your prize or will craze brew steal it from you let's see can't use that one can't use tcg yeah i can't use tcg swift rosaji raptor [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this is not looking good boro goes for the dub but it wasn't good enough boro tries again he gets on invincible it's not looking good for borah oh it's not looking good for more oh it's nothing bad for boro oh god i don't see what shut the [ __ ] up that's two mounts borrow has one final shot one last try a last-ditch effort he gets on shark bait he gets on shark bait and craze brew has it boro you did well you fought hard you tried your best good job crazed brew you are the winner of the mount off competition now the final question remains [Music] do you want to go up against me go for the back to back all right i guess i'll start off with one point right here with this tiger since you didn't have it i'll start with one you can go ahead and begin i don't have that one that's one point for him that's what it's already one [ __ ] point for him i can't believe it okay uh swift alliance steed this is a super rare amount yeah this it's already one point for him okay it's one to zero this is definitely going to be two points i know for a fact that's going to be two [ __ ] points there's nobody that has this mount [Music] this is a remove from the game mount that's two points [ __ ] that's two points for him i've got two points he's got two points i'm gonna go for three this is the rock mar mount this is a world boss mount it's a one in one thousand or a one and two thousand drop chance it's very rare many people don't have it but to see [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay all right all right all right all right all right focus focus focus all right i'm gonna get on your money warbird getting on your money warfare right now this is another mount that i've had for a very long time it's gonna help me out a lot i'm gonna be able to win with this one there's no way i lose there's no way craze brew i've got three points i've got three points i worked my ass off with this mount you guys saw it you saw when i got this mouth 13 14 15 years ago many too many years ago i had this mountain craze brew is sitting there he's wondering he's afraid he has three points and now [ __ ] he has he has three points it is three to three all right and touring char hound and tauren char hound i'm gonna see if i can if i can trip them up if i can slip them up if i can mess them up come on ricardo thank you very much for the gifted subs i appreciate that very much man he also has as well arcadian war turtle from vendor zurios he might not have this i don't know how much he's been raiding this used to take a very very long time to get back in the day see if he has this one as well he might not have it [ __ ] [ __ ] okay all right all right all right all right all right all right i know he doesn't have these i already saw boro get on those it's unfortunate craze brew that you don't have these these are very rare these are very rare this is gonna be four points for me craze boo needs to get three use them and get your points i know i'm gonna do what i need to do man i'm gonna do what i need to do [Music] that's four points for him too i don't have this one ash eyed mooshan beast ash hide mush on beast let's go come on please please please please dude please this is a hard mount to get [Music] [ __ ] okay all right let me think again all right wriggling parasite glory of the nilotha raider how about this one here yes it's four to four right now it is four to four i need to go to five i need to go to [ __ ] five man god damn it okay uh let me think about it a minute okay uh let's see um warsaber vicious white war saber battle for azeroth come on please man maybe he doesn't have the pvp mounts man i could take this home pvp mounts i could take this home [ __ ] ass [ __ ] okay all right vicious war river beast how about that one does he have all these i might not be able to win with this [ __ ] man [ __ ] man all right how about the walking sex toy do you have that one too jesus this is not looking good for me at all i'm very worried i'm quite nervous all right i'm gonna try one more of these oh my god get your four so i can win all right you want to play that game you want to get you want to get overconfident huh i see how it is get on the under rock croc we'll see if he's gonna have this one or not we'll see if he's gonna have this one or not i don't know yes dude there it is dude but that's also five points for him that's five for me and five for him yeah i have that i do not have that one i do not [ __ ] have that one unfortunately okay let me go ahead and look at the other ones all right obviously he's gonna have all those 100 he's going to have those suzuki and tiger are to use that one okay let's go ahead and look at the other ones here i already used that other mount the swift alliance steed i used that one too okay let's see what else i have sun dancers no way he doesn't have that one that one's gonna be a super easy one for him to get okay squawks he had that one too and let's see what are the other ones i can go with these are also super easy to get [ __ ] man i'm not looking good guys i am not looking good okay i can get on this guardian around here sinister gladiators fur drake there's no way he has this one i highly doubt that he has this one there it is okay that's six points for me that is six points for me which one is this one here horrid dread ring i have this one i got this one on my first kill easiest mount of my life [ __ ] ass do i have that one [Music] okay i don't have that one i do i do not have one i do i do not have that one i do not have that one i don't have it [ __ ] okay um big love rocket big love rocket okay that's six points for him that's six it's six to six it's tied up crazy bro oh my god all right get on to black pearl drake i have a few of these rare mounts that i know some people don't have okay the black pro drake this was removed from the game over 10 years ago there's no way he has this one there's no way he has this one this is an easy dub for me is that the red one [ __ ] it's the red one god i was hoping it wasn't it is okay um let me think again let me think of another one um all right there's one corrupted gladiator mount how about that one right there corrupted gladiators mount okay that's seven to seven [ __ ] whoa what's this one glue that's the one i don't have that's the only one i don't have man [ __ ] it is eight to eight [ __ ] man all right what about this one here but this one here okay all right this is nine points guaranteed nine points guaranteed nine points this is from this is from pvp back in in [ __ ] legion this is guaranteed nine points what is this here colossal slaughter car do i have this one oh no okay okay let me think right now let me think right now all righty um okay all right all right see yeah he has all he's gonna happen all right dominic claudia man oh my god dude i'm so i'm so [ __ ] worried man i'm so [ __ ] worried which one is this predatory plague rock do i have this one no no okay okay i don't have that one either oh my god okay okay okay all right all right thinking i have like just two or three more of these to go i have almost how the [ __ ] man jesus christ [Music] no man how do you get that one [ __ ] okay okay okay all right let me think right now let me think right now it's not over it's not even close to being over this is not guys this is not even remotely close to being over i don't want to hear about any any negativity right now no negativity fail blaze infernal bell blaze infernal this is a very rare amount many people do not have this one [ __ ] okay okay 851 attempts holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that's a lot infinite time reaver i'm going to just take a risk here i'm pretty sure he has this one but i've got to think for something else here this is this is really bad this is really really bad i think this is like one of the last ones i have i have the notorious drake [Music] this is not looking good all right that's at least one more point for me that's at least one more point to me it's 12 i i don't have that one i i don't have that mount okay all right how about this one here prestigious azure courser this guy might not do a whole lot of pvp let's see if i can maybe trip him up with one of these prestigious azure courser [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] all right how about the forest courser how about the forest courser we might not have this one this could be this could be good this could be good okay all right how about 150 this is the last one that i have this is the last one that i have [Music] okay okay okay okay thinking let's think about it think right now guys think okay um i already got on that one [Music] i'm doing the math in my head this isn't looking good i i'm doing the math in my head it's not this is not looking good i'll get on a challenger's war yeti this is not it's not looking good [Applause] [ __ ] i use this one already i'll use the crimson phoenix as well i know he doesn't have these two mounts come on come on i don't have that one i do not have that [Music] one [Music] i have one more i have one more mountain truck bait [Music] well sometimes you get it and sometimes you get god crazy bro congratulations i have lost for now for now i will return and i will win but for now you are the winner congratulations i will i did lose sometimes here's the thing guys sometimes i lose and that's the way she goes but here's the truth is that i never lose permanently i never lose permanently we're going to get ready we're going to the transmog con but just a minute here crazy craze brew thank you very much for coming i really [ __ ] appreciate it thank you thank you thank you man thank you very much [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 472,197
Rating: 4.8870564 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold mount off, asmongold mount, wow mount off, mount off competition, wow mounts, asmongold mount off competition, mount off contest, asmongold mount off contest, asmongold competition, asmongold contest, mount off wow, asmongold mounts, mount off 2021, asmongold mount off 221, asmongold new mount off, shadowlands mount, shadowlands mount off
Id: Wq0HUcxipjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 48sec (3408 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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