Our Biggest 4th Ever!!

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He is telling his viewers to not deal with the present. Bad advice. You have to work with your emotions.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/feathered-lizard 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody welcome to today's video it is our fourth of July and will you hide in your not gonna show them come on you gonna have to give it up you have to show them yeah okay we'll make it a surprise we'll hold on we can hold up but little little surprise I just I want I need to start this video off by just saying I've had no clue mentally how to come back on to YouTube like I have had no idea how to make that next video I haven't had that that thorough that that real positive energy that I can pass along to you guys there's so much of every single one of my videos that I attempt to motivate you guys to push you guys to help you or to try to help you understand that the situation you may be in isn't as bad as you may think it is I have always tried my best to push you guys forward I'll tell you if this last month hasn't been the ultimate test for me myself for everything I have told you guys I don't know what is man it has been extremely difficult and I just have not out like coming on here until that I could give you guys something in return it's the fourth I figured today is a great day we have the fireworks we have the family we have the energy I feel really good today I'm very positive and I have been very positive so let's kick off a new video let's push each other your guys to support unbelievable to the moon and back as my mother would say man like I can't even explain it I'm not even a bother explaining that because I cannot welcome to the video welcome to our home guys um let's first of all just kind of catch up there's dude it's been a while I'm so sorry and there's my ladies hi oh my gosh yes hey do you want to say hi to everybody it's been a while you probably grown 3 4 foot since butts so much you did today it's still early everybody's been working on making the place a little festive everybody I think me and Emily they what do you mean I carried stuff Britt spray-painted all these stars today in the grass you want a drone so I'll give you a drone shot if that's what you want argue alright Jim they came out so good it's cool huh girl she did her makeup today you will show him the clip of you doing makeup yeah you do red white and blue we got some of my family here helping set up we've got I'll show you see we got a ton of fire where it's like it's gonna be awesome you see these these custom-made boards that my uncle and his family made arm these are my brothers they stand for atwood rope manufacture and then they made us these custom smile more boards they are really cool so this is quite the treat today they brought these over and surprised us with these so awesome so we got a little help this year my uncle and his family have offered to help us you guys know it's usually might me and my dad running around with torches lighting all the fireworks just full blast and it's great but this doesn't this looks like one of my ideas and it's not um wait a minute are these all gonna I'm so confused right now come on help me out explain what's going on here this is my uncle top by the way explain to me what's going on here this will be all hooked together with three second fast fuse three second a foot so so a couple of these will light at once how many is there forty okay so tonight you guys will see 140 of these guys wait do they go straight up like that like that we're gonna see inquiry we're gonna find out I trust you guys but that looks a little crazy when you're putting like a sheet of fiber like Plexiglas okay so everything's super chill right now it's very early just a couple family members are here right now we're just trying to set up get it ready and then tonight will be full of beautiful people Kane are we gonna show them come on yeah hide it okay keep it like yeah I'll just I'll tease it okay are you ready no chorus ready this girls jump jump jumping bean okay well I want to go show everybody the fireworks you wanna come with me yeah come here is it hot come on sweetie show them a little here's a teaser here's a teaser yes no Ice King dyes his hair different colors well this one a little more special you guys can figure it out how about one on the sides one of the sides okay all right okay boy this doesn't look like the yard come on let's show everybody the part where it's such a beautiful story on these fireworks I can't wait to share that with you she's like you better take me on there that's a big bike course surrounded by all older boys like literally all order boys so she she wants to keep up with him and she wants to do what the older boys do and it's just so hard to explain sometimes that she cannot you know what I'm gonna be honest you're not hiding it very well all right okay let's show come on hop in up in take that take that there's amazing story this is our fireworks for tonight it's the most that we've ever had do you like that one oh yeah each and her young obviously we wanted this year to be the biggest year we've ever had going into the fireworks you guys know every year I go to phantom fireworks and I buy a lot of fireworks I've never purchased this many fireworks but we wanted it to be special very special so I went to fan him like I always do it's about a bunch of fireworks I was like no I want this year to be special for the family I want this year to be something that we remember um so here's a video of my buddy Ross filming me there without of course I knew he was filming but I had no idea why he was filming so here's the video me and Rick going to phantom to buy our fireworks you get enough fireworks but I'm actually yeah yeah here's the thing the answer is no you can never have enough fun work no matter how many you get I'm pretty pretty sure you just bought the whole store oh there we go icing on the cake right there blogging and blogging you do I don't how to do this handy cam look it is a handy I don't know if they know that wanna hold it hey folder I was like are using a handy did you get that the roadshow antique road show yeah you know what's cool is the lens moves in that yeah you lookin at it it's like a gamble there's a building company had like a pimple just track if all that back there any idea of how much it's gonna cost you I don't know it's always a mystery he had to guess I'm just happy you bought half cuz that down well I brought the truck I'll show everybody right here I supplied the school bus yeah so we have plenty of room that's nice yeah I'm getting half I guess this is insane and phantom fireworks that's the spot John spot you just have your own fireworks in my own line of fireworks yeah maybe it bring that back huh just more and more and more and more this will take you like three weeks to set off come on did three weeks as if he didn't have enough god bless america yeah there's no way that pick up what I've taken all this you're gonna you can expose my spending yeah I am the biggest the biggest firework spending of all time better be you're gonna break that record up there I don't know this is a lot of fireworks I would say I mean you're you're pushing out my goodness you broke the fireworks time let's go oh my goodness cuter half off so you technically broke the record no because yeah half off okay as my I just in there we know you guys are going through some things some hard times and we just wanted to bless you and give you guys an opportunity to honor your mom almost way possible so this trip is 100% on us yeah absolutely I didn't come down here with that big truck for nothing man oh man on it know what family means to you and family needs a lot to us too and this holiday means a lot for a lot of families so oh my gosh give me some hugs guys yeah [Music] I do a lot of things for people I'm used tonight oh here we go and you guys you guys really piled it on them for the free product I was like maybe I'll get like two shopping cards though was it sure about all that I love it all right well now we got put in a truck so that's the fun part up now huh I've done a lot like I've literally we've bought houses for Peter we have button cars for people we have changed people's life's with gifts we've you name it it felt so strange when she said that this was all on us all of this was a gift from panel fireworks to our family so just such a massive I don't even know how to react I feel like on that video I'm like I just didn't know how to react but you know I'm used to also being like everyone tries to prank me so there's a big part of me that was like wait is Ross messing with me it's been like thank you guys thank you family tonight will be special I know it will be and this is the most fireworks we've ever had so keep this day rollin you know what I also honestly cannot wait for is to actually get them out of the stores all week man Bryan was making jokes everyone's like what if he's like what if what if these things went up right now I was just like oh my gosh I'm excited to get them out of here man it's our baby so I know I'm doing a ton of gabon I'm just gabbing man you guys really realize I haven't talked to you for months it's like I got a lot to say I do hope you guys had such an awesome four and I hope you're having a wonderful day right now I do hope to push you guys no matter what no matter what I'm going through I know that you're going through something too and we all are so I do hope to give you some of my energy today you know from my family to yours we hope to give you that that love man I hope you guys are doing great man I hope you have been ready to go pick the trailer up so that we can load the trailer with fireworks and and start filling that that backyard see our donkeys real quick hey guys what's up uh oh don't you be at me everybody misses you too I don't have any food hi babies no I am on buds sup oh I hate these flies [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna lie don't look as many on a trailer I don't know what what was that was that boom you can just sneak a free ride all the way back to the backyard fun way back did you see you guys no I did that by myself Oh Oh some VIPs in that house what you told him I tense junk yeah put the leg down the whole thing just snaps off well now me oh you can't get the recent pliers or some needle nose no my brother my dad's setting up some tents good you know what this is why you buy the ten by tens ten by 20 is too much 120 but hey for the money this thing's incredibly mean for the money you think these things grow on trees I wouldn't have wanted to build this for 60 bucks that was not easy that's why they call me the handyman I got all the tools got everything we need man you're handy man I'm handy I'm ready getting that right there this kids are starting to come over getting in the pool you guys go watch the fireworks from the pool again hey hey you can watch the fireworks from the pool again that's cool last you remember that hey Conrad it's too loud you're too old my little superstar right here baby hey it's holding up awesome King yo this is permanent hair dye by the way this is not temporary this is new style just sleeping yeah cuz they're gonna slide Cora's taking a nap and Noah Noah its camping and last year the same time he was camping he came home just for today to hang out and do fireworks and this year it's big teenager he said I'm gonna stay at camp so he will be insanely missed tonight so missed and I know it just keeps getting better it just keeps getting better what do you guys it looks like a game of some sort are these sparklers are they explosives like they did they go boom or do they sparkle they whistle and they fly into the air so it's like all three goodness like you and probably me we would like these one at a time these geniuses one light them all at once he's great and plus you get the cardboard grand finale fire now I know where you got the idea for this you guys really know what you're doing here okay all right I'm learning yeah this is a real load off me this year I'm always the one doing this stuff so I'm excited I'm excited to have this help it's amazing yeah it is fun I know okay inside the nasty house we are all kinds of preparations here and plus I always say a 4th of July just an awesome day all around but it is Brittany's mom's birthday so um the cake yeah it took you so long let's get some light weight that's fan okay I shouldn't make it but it's beautiful it's monstrous I should be fourth four or five people leave that he's bump up I love that I mean yeah it's pretty cool got a bunch of cookies look at wha that's so nice and sweaty oh uh Brett made Brit did make bread tell him you actually did make all this today Oh came up with the bases so this one has snaps eat are down beside your foot and these are sparklers balloons pop I didn't get the bubbles I was like they're bubble pop okay um so yeah that's kind of cute I like this the best can I have one of these just the light all at once come on oh just what's up dude alright just like your dad just write like father like son cookie huh oh you haven't been on camera have ya mrs. Holland oh he just he knows the dog oh it is John this is John little boy let's go see the great outdoors lots changed in the last few we got a lot of surprises in here what's uh Momo and duck holy moly what are you gonna say hi to the viewers mom oh I haven't even made a video for a long time let's you put that on me Ricky Bobby alright it's slowly filling in lots more people get in here lots more kids you wanna swing okay there we go ready ready and give me five when you come back you give me five your tongue matches your habit boom all right I got the bubble machine of the auto yeah big you want to go see you'll see the bubble machine you're gonna want to see this yeah an extension cord we can bring it out here Brian's not here I'm helpless can't be okay here we go oh this is awesome here get down dude that is awesome never have to blow another bubble endless happiness there's the birthday girl happy birthday to you you know we just yeah we kicked this on we saw you come in you gotta get a walk through the bubble alive why'd you tell you got a leak how cool is that your birthday is on the 4th of July that's just yeah my daughter's birthday is on the 4th of July right any popular holiday is that just scares me it's really coming together pops yeah families rolling in looking good how's the pond you don't have to get out it's so warm yeah feel refreshed and it's not a hot tub you know this year our ponds dug really deep so usually the bottoms really cold ground temperature we got the aerators and everything bringing the whole ponds the same temperature it's crazy this year what's this guy Oh with Nordic wheel so they spin like crazy they got these on both sides of the earth jeez it just keeps getting better this is putting me and you to shame he's just being dad out here doing this yes so I do I drag my guitar out here tonight and choreograph the whole thing told him he should go on our Tower you guys heard him play guitar I wanted to do the national anthem it's just read her style it's our solo anthem next year come prepared next year you're not allowed in without your guitar yeah cannon tubes cannon tubes now this is genius that's a good idea don't actually took some time to build something no I'd look good mount on the front of your pickup truck good idea with remote control put it on your Tesla man now you can't have a 4 to July without some burgers and dogs well these are huge they are what the hey okay every few minutes we're doubling in humans more family pouring in [Music] there it is there it is just for the poor all right it is getting to that time party over here it looks awesome out here man sick all right without knowing they've covered the sliding soap I don't blame them looks awesome Sinnott let's go let's go send it send it Conrad yeah hey all right guys I had to sneak away and just I was thinking about it and I just realized how much it's helped me and I want to pass along to you guys something that may help you tremendously get through any times that are really hard really tough even times that aren't tough here it is stay distracted stays distracted as possible do not give yourself time to think all day just don't let it happen stay busy friends family video games work whatever keeps you busy do that what's helped me so much this month is being surrounded by friends and family and keeping myself busy whatever it is but maybe you like a TV show distract yourself constantly do not give yourself time to worry do not give yourself time to you know it's usually when you're laying in bed at night it's where it happens because you have nothing else to do but think take that into consideration give it a try don't let your mind can be your best friend it can be your enemy keep it busy keep it work and keep it full throttle when you're in them tough situation ok let's do it it's getting late we're gonna do fireworks soon yeah she's playing she's playing with cards only inside ok you up candles look like the candles and just start singing come on here you gotta get her out here ok come on you get the candles I'll get her [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] you hang out with Brian she was trying to blow my wings you guys not very serious hey happy birthday that's awesome so I'm going to set up some cameras and I'm gonna film the entire firework show for you guys I don't know what it's gonna be like my uncle his family has rigged it all up should be really fun and maybe we're not even gonna cut it we're just gonna let it roll brawl the whole show and see how it looks obviously better in person but um enjoy the fire don't tickle me while I'm vlogging from it yeah this when it's time like but I promise you I will kill everyone know where the switch is hi yes and look you crawled out of the woodwork Siri surprised right you said you couldn't come but I saw him hammer in my mouth he come up I'm like younger he's like I'm stuck I just chucked two raw burgers down my face I had to film today but I got it I got out of it before you had your fireworks oh let's go looting fireworks baby it should be a good time someone set up some cameras and just enjoy guys I hope you can sit relax and wait he made this let me see let me see let me see James E major turn it the other way that is awesome smile more Kane right there what are those glow worms or whatever put an LED in it alright just need to know what's up baby hey I just need to know that you guys got this okay cuz I'll jump in in any moment you guys need know I've done this before look at this guy look at this field of fireworks oh my gosh okay so we're confident here totally okay well I'm trying to find some spots for some cameras do not like anything until these are recording really oh no dude this looks so cool okay we're gonna hit launch has begun oh boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] everyone's running [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] kids are having the time of their life [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh you're that [Applause] those are awesome a silent they really aren't long yeah this joke cool it's just like [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow beautiful that was just the intro [Music] we want more [Music] they still haven't done those snake crystal things snakes and sparklers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my camera can't even focus that is still on fire [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] most dangerous firework come on that was perfect that's beautiful [Applause] he likes oh that was literally amazing it's so much fun Wow I gotta go see the aftermath of this its destructive I mean this stuff is everywhere look at the steps look at the steps that could have been your head I protected all of you that was that was amazing Wow you guys get a ten out of ten that was beautiful I would smiled the entire time it's amazing I don't know how you just coordinated that and I'm out it's on you guys next year Oh God something just sparked Oh what is it do you see that thing just pop might want to wait a while my backyard is opposed my backyard is toast it's so that was amazing man look at my backyard dude pops dad how was that that was that was more than a show that was 3d wheats it was amazing so obviously it doesn't probably do justice on camera but that was just so stunning so beautiful truly a special night it's amazing yeah check this out it looks like a grape I know I don't know if my camera can see it that looked like a graveyard I'll show it in the morning Wow unbelievable yeah it was awesome man sick okay look at the cars guys all the cars are covered no joke covered in fireworks all the way out in the front of the property holy smokes oh my god that is insane what's left you guys got what's left I'm out these boys are crazy are you ready hey this is what she does you guys ready see ya you go back you were cruising but we had to stop well it is the after math guys every single thing of ours is covered and chunks of cardboard paper and I don't even know but everyone's backed up I smiled ear ear do the whole just absolutely perfect night guy something to truly remember something that was truly special and it feels really we were talking to guys man it has been a while I'm I really want to lift you guys always all the time and that's something I'll never stop trying to do sometimes I'll fail at it I will always try to lift you guys that make you feel a little bit better about your situations and things you're dealing with in your life and I just want to thank you for you you've just been here so long and you've been a part of our family for so long thank you so much it doesn't go unnoticed it is we are beyond thankful like I can't even explain it it's it's incredible so thank you guys I am gonna in this video everyone is passed out like I gotta get some work done I love you guys thank you look at my backyard I don't even know if you can see it let me get a focus look at this mess thank you guys I hope you enjoyed the show have a beautiful day man tell everyone you know you love them I'll see you I don't know I don't know man I'm trying I promise you I'm trying see very soon I hear fireworks I love you beautiful you're one of a kind smile more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,156,346
Rating: 4.9578204 out of 5
Keywords: 4th, fourth, july, Atwoods, Smile More, Family, Family Friendly, new, upload, summer, show, fireworks, event
Id: xH4g1rjZb84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 29sec (2909 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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