Plastic Ball Prank EXTRAS!!

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there's no cushion at all we've got an entire 53-foot semi truck of play balls the ones you find at the store these an entire semi as you can see my garage is filling up really quick got my brother my dad my mom you've been doing some filming we've got a quarter million balls coming in today this is definitely gonna fill the house trucks empty in we're doing good how much more do we still have man do you guys ever think you'd see anything like this in your life you know buddy why don't you just drive it backwards daddy's gotta unload a semi-truck yeah but nothing I'm certain to think we got any balls oh my gosh swell Brits gone all day Meeny the boys and a lot of people are gonna fill the entire house with these all right guys several hours have passed our beautiful sunny day has turned to a no rainy mess we have carried us so many balls up Brittany's gone for the entire day I sure hope so and I got a lot of people here to help check out what we're doing what the heck are you doing to my house we're pranking you do get you kids ready to have fun today yeah yeah we're gonna do something you've never done in your entire life we're gonna do something none of us have done in our entire life move it over no you can't you have to do it equals okay here take our whole ceiling fan down this if he comes down we'll move the trampling over so we can finish building it are all extremes for one little video one line for all you fans so we're not putting the top bars on and we've managed to hook the net to the lower part so that we can just fill this part with balls and jump off the roof what do you think did I think I mean it's not gonna be long before this whole place is full this once the trampoline is done we're gonna fill the whole house with those balls well long story short let's start working on what is that only six bags we need it a lot deeper well since it rained all the balls are wet for the entire floors so the whole house is gonna be soaked such a good idea there's no cushion at all they're just like rocks oh this place is done what do you think it is Jeff what do you think Brittany's gonna say oh my god try again alright not a good idea it's a great idea oh it's perfect [Applause] Hey Hey for sure you're singing you win John [Applause] hey just remember any time you want to take a break the whole upstairs is clean okay you having fun is it tiring it looks like one of the puzzles on a nice little lunch here this is pure mayhem today the worst thing is the balls are so wet that everyone's soaked it's up to the couch here's something I never thought about it's what we're doing with all these balls after today everybody's making their predictions Adam says I should just build a funnel down the basement steps that goes into trash bags dad thinks I should sign each ball and give them away three years John what your what do you think I should do of them you melt them down make forks for your mouth we make them into edible you weren't a powdered sugar on them and eat them they would they would help me all right what do you think okay we need to go get some cardboard and off the steps in your garage we build a tube just at the heights of the back so when you push it out they all fall down into the bag and it's the best idea everyone came up wasted basements alright what's yours you thought beats a cottage underneath until Jonatan okay this is the test jump [Music] [Applause] hey everybody quiet everybody really quiet [Music] hello hey what's up absolutely nothing bored out of our minds but you're on your way now how long you got okay perfect we'll see you then I love you more baby okay he's out of the way then no we're gonna keep him here she's gonna walk in and be like what's all these bags she have no idea what it is and she's gonna open that door and it's gonna cave in that's it she won't even she won't even know what these are I'm gonna try to fill this entire room then break it song they all come out that door now how do we fill it so we're stuffing screwed off this right this makes Li make the closet right here okay so all we're doing is putting balls and so we need some room on this side to start putting them in well we're just gonna literally bucket them right out of there into here at some point yeah we're gonna keep adding things yeah if I have awesome narrow boxes this doorway all right I'm just gonna fill it up on this side because yeah had things pretty cool I hunkered down ever captured right now we're building our own closet that's filling the hole that's one Brittany what's in the garage it shouldn't fall in hopefully I feel this is all the movies take forever that's how you do that what's your pumice we're done that's it we are just moments away guys Brittany said she's about ten minutes out cameras are ready mics ah so nervous right now this is the worst part [Music] welcome home yo come in move the box come through the front door go to the front door [Music] now you guys should all play now go play [Music] [Applause] it was not easy to set this up honest this is pretty good you can't be mad about [Laughter] this is awesome look at this who has ever done anything like this now you're having fun all right you guys clean this up I'll be in the room taking a nap I'm kidding you're gonna push everything out there right forget a pickle this crap up this is not gonna be fun is this the worst thing you can do now this is the lightest prank ever nobody's ever been this lightly pranked just so you know right now we have the most inventory of these balls in the entire United States I bought all of them no company in the country has this many balls I know I still got 26 bags out there unused we overshot so bad me and Dale planned this whole thing we did the mess we planned it for four and six feet and we only went to two and a half I couldn't move in anything deeper oh my what a disaster we've definitely refined the cleanup process they hold the bags this is this is hours of progress right here you don't wanna leave here's the problem they came in big white bags but all the white bags are full - somehow we effed up there's nothing better than child labor in Memphis we are almost done at least with it we started to take this chair money out you know one nice thing about this the house is gonna be empty and this is all done it's gonna be empty in here you guys are earning your keep boy we've decided to turn kids old bedroom into a ball pit that's pretty cool [Music]
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 23,674,172
Rating: 4.9077835 out of 5
Keywords: ohio, Prankster, vlogs, roman, making, BEST, crazy, vlogging, atwood, everyday, pranks, family vlogs, prankster, vlogger, RomanAtwood, THE, family fun, kid-friendly, family friendly, new, roman atwood vlogs, smile, LA, GREATEST, family-friendly, pranking, more, daily, movie, day, columbus, craziest, Natural, Romans, Born, prank, kid friendly, vlog
Id: Kj_3JokXZBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 18 2015
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