Our Biggest 4th Ever!!

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let's do this welcome welcome to what I think will be fourth of July first of all happy fourth happy fourth happy fourth you take that coat off flushes ah nothing says happy fourth like a six-foot beach ball made out of the American flag a cup of kids and a water blowing dragon dinosaur head Kane happy fourth bud the fourth of July is one of my favorite vlogs each year because it is full of fun it's full of family it's hot it's summer and fireworks yeah I'm pretty sure this year way more fireworks than last year we have tons yeah this is me Kane Kane and I went we got this pack of these are like floating glow sticks that go on the pole and a pawn um for tonight so the whole thing will be lit up we got a bunch of those glow sticks can plug any of going to get the fireworks but I can show you them how happy forth them pew garden the fireworks you the firework guard check them out I would have super dark super dark come on come on you can do it um I would definitely do this like leaning all these stick it out guys these are our fireworks for tonight which is aiesec definitely more than last year I mean these are these are really big fireworks of course we got like the little ones too and a bunch of stuff for the kids smoke bombs they like tank should light and they shoot well some of these things are beast dude I can't wait to go sanity so officially welcome to our fourth of July vlog I'm gonna attempt to look at all these coolers all full ready to go we are ready I mean literally we have everything and it's just family family family what is this what do you think this has got to be ginger ale okay hey sweetie put ice in it dang we're ready to overdose on look at this cookies Cheetos dreams cookies last night literally I think our little party animals waking up I see her wiggle her eyes are open she's just laying there I know she's chosen six should get up yeah oh maybe maybe I'm gonna go get her this she's are awake they're ready to party peekaboo hi baby you ready to party stickers no I don't you guys give it to me your mommy who's here Oh see that's the way to wake up right there mommy's arms perfect sup pups happy Fort Lee that shirt dude kittens with flags and fireworks welcome to America mark even brought your yo I literally about the microwave hot dogs you brought a hot dog machine I just got these out of the fridge right now just fart man you are America hot dog machine hey mom what's up before it's start the curt's hot dogs gas stick this thing's still warm you use it on the way no it's a strange talent but like I'm a professional hot dog man I usually keep this in my backpack you mom homemade cherry pies oh I'll start biting you guys over more honestly easy now easy now easy now these aren't ready okay you guys don't know that's Brittany's dad thanks for making her by the way I mean it is what it is we're getting married in like this is our month baby this is it this is your last month as a Smith but all the bruises from her bike ride that she loves so much you guys ready to get this party started a wasp in your face sounds like a rap song all right I got a challenge for us I just thought of it right this second who can make it on the board throw me here all the way across the pool you got to make it to the other side okay you got what it takes you can't you're too little well soon you'll be able to I'm so confident in this stock chase all right I'm gonna put the surfboard here I'm gonna run hit it yep do on your feet you can't go to your knees all right okay and you got to make it to the other side without getting wet I'm so confident that I'm gonna keep my shirt on and my phone in my pocket your phone's water dang it set out so what happens when you get to the end you're gonna jump out you make it up you make it like that's the challenge all right you got a film for me Brett I got a challenge for you have to stay in your dress up yeah I got mom on it baby I got to go that way to get him though I mean you pretty much did it though no I was sorry I did it I had to go out of the pool yeah I got this I was too nose-heavy so now you're gonna have obstacles get out of here beach ball I can go through the beach ball I'm good that was good that's the problem you need like you need something sticky on your feet yeah but awesome through that hose water that's oh yes notice I came your a hold it for you all right I've cracked my son's a cheater I'm going Beach photo [Applause] [Music] it's so easy you guys stay in your clothes okay there's a lot of distractions everyone's going to slip and slide all right I got you ready lined up first try uh-oh you so had it I was totally kidding about like the phone in my pocket that actually happened I was just joking because it's waterproof but my wallet actually was in my pocket so now it's so good man you skipped across that thing I saw you do let me film it go again coast is clear didn't make it very far whoa that looked like one of them shots where somebody like jumps in the water they go drip like little drips out it's hey it's fire to the hottest days hottest weeks of the year here so it is just like I know every time I says it like it's really hot here I was like well I live in Arizona and I live in Texas I know it's super hot there too but here we have like crazy humidity so it's just like this wet hard to breathe heat it's good I don't know how to explain it I'm loving it I'm enjoying I'm not even complaining but it is really crazy there's a really good thing I got your picture before huh cuz we just got so I think she's pooping Hey don't say hi to everybody you see hi say hi can't you understand that there's there's humans inside this lens she doesn't know what she's film your rocket you didn't do the rocket we were kids at the public pool growing up my dad would do this thing where he whistles really loud coming off the diving board and then he'd obviously have the explosion the splash afterwards it was awesome as we always call it the rocket or whatever the missile and I am on just a surfboard seven nine so it's plenty to hold me but I'm vlogging with my vlog camera so if I go in this water that's the end of today's boost so far I got to say it we're off to a great day I hope you guys absolutely sanded for America dude I just got a bee sting dude I got stung my bee dude he got me it feels terrible I hate these things you know okay rule for today watch for bees I didn't think they were out here go for it yeah oh you gotta ride that thing Nate oh yeah this is who can ride the ball the longest challenge something get it little down get it down junior oh the ball is gone it's gone what's a goner come on you gotta jump through Mickey go jump see me here you can be my motor come on here we go okay hey hey this is my block cameras it's not waterproof right don't knock me huh oh my gosh guys guys somebody's gotta get off this is my whole day on here Conner I'd hop off hop off grit saving the ball out there come on Brad all right let's cruise out help mommy I think me and you is fine man use fun you paddle for me be my motor oh yeah we're gonna help Britt but I think it's a lost cause that the slightest wind just takes the ball you have it's so awkward oh I think she got it out of work see a beach ball look at that flag she's blowing oh good all right you take the camera you got it you got it ah mission complete baby here's what I really want to do with that ball rocket league the game rocket league I want that to be my vehicle and I want to come flying in and hit that ball it's foolproof dude that's how you know in rocket League when you hit the Boosters something comes out of the back right so we got to put some fireworks that give you the boost oh oh I love that okay I won't be using the motor at all it'll only be powered by this right here it's maximum maximum power it's raw fogged up how hot it is out when you bring your cameras outside they fog and they see how cold it is in your so my thought is we put the ball right on this slight incline so that when I hit it we can send it to them trees dude maybe who knows what powered by smoke only this is like a three-minute smoke bomb so we should be good I say we just put the ball and we go for it that's literally look at that rope a pile of dirt that's fun well I think the wind's just gonna keep it pushing it that's fine I think it's perfect make sure the coast is clear I'm gonna fly into the pond did you guys lighting it I think I blew it up okay here's a little blade wasn't the shot we wanted to get we're gonna do it one more time without the smoke and see if we can send this thing even high I was freaked out cuz my donkey donkey was on the right side of him and I know he always runs away from this thing but in my head I was just like donkey run I just didn't go that fast so I'm gonna try it again it's a good as a patriotic ball right there baby I had it twice and it's still good the American ball was made in China except from the tire it's gotta be mr. complete that's good we're great I think we can do real-life rocket League gigabytes all right we're switching gears we're gonna do some drilling got a meet on the fourth man UN we can flip you with this thing yes tanning flipper when she's done I feel bad Noah should be here anytime he likes doing the food blogs let's see what we're eating today cantaloupe grapes watermelon jizz pineapple chips she got there dude oh my god does it look weird are they supposed to be brown rules going on burgers steak chicken pork chop there's a pork chops right there but also you shouldn't mix raw meats together raw meats calm check it out open this baby up oh my God look flash waited so long for you to drop some you know it's super crazy I had like visions of this place being used like this one day like everyone's here we're playing and it really hasn't happened really to this level until today so like seeing it has been so fun like I don't know it's just awesome to see like all this stuff that we've built it's used so much by family and friends that's what it's all about man I love it doing things that bring everybody closer together is is the best such as and when you're up on that thing is way higher than it looks it's actually weird the good bud it's hard to do without teeth huh that's why it's fourth of July also awesome so you got a low kick here we're gonna put it you can't get fifty three candles than that what are you gonna do you have the numbers I don't think so let me see oh man okay we couldn't get 53 but this is like it's like they do at the restaurant they just bring out a cake with your own candles chains out there singing happy birthday whoa oh crap it's they're gonna blow us in you go outside maybe you gotta walk really slow really slow oh yeah look at flashes like for me for me it's just gonna have to be that way oh good she's trying so hard just sing from here just sing from here I'm Way too fast Oh crispy treats win course like which one who are you which one were you yum-yum-yum-yum-yum has had some fun pop up on [Music] boom but a bump it's almost time guys hope you've enjoyed today's vlog try my best try my best to just kind of film as much as possible fireworks I'm probably just gonna film it all man if you wanted we made it Brian literally explosion Brittany's dad brought the perfect trailer we were gonna hand carry every single one of these out he saved the day man all right now we just organizing biggest to smallest smallest the biggest yeah that would think that's a medium that's a medium that's small right that's small oh these are for the kids we can do these now these are parachutes I got this one specifically for Cora this year it's all pink all-pink so this one serves it's my daughter and so the first thing we do is we line them up kind of kind of the small ones first and we work away to medium and then large but we open and face all the fuses out because once it's pitch black I can't really see to light and I hand like these babies every year so far so good looking good dudes looking good Wow the gingerbread man what do you think our yard is gonna look like after this yeah yeah all right so this is our setup for this year feel pretty good I actually may not be a good thing I personally screwed in all the mortar kits to this board so they can't tip over every single one of them is screwed down to the bore so when one goes off it won't knock all the other ones down and hopefully that none of them can separate or hold it where you going swim in okay have fun slippin slidin I'm gonna say this I think we're bigger than last year I really do I don't remember this mini last year but we had a great show but look at this that's ridiculous you ready for the greatest fireworks show your life boom Chase is pulling out his bait this is yours you know you have mine at your disposal I know but I can't be responsible for your stuff yeah but this one's gonna look really okay well if it looks good guys cuz a Gil he's putting the drone up in these guys I want that I don't want that far back crap either I want you in the fire yeah dude dodge the mortars as they come you move yeah say we're just waiting for it to get dark now huh baby I don't know if she's gonna make it outside I'm just so happy she's still awake I was really worried she's gonna fall asleep she can watch from inside to have unless you want to stick it out I mean we're gonna start small so we'll find out if she freaks out or not all the pretty colors just for you I got one just for you Cora if you start small she'll be okay I think so yeah we got the lights on we're about to launch maybe do like a little 10-minute warning shot I feel like I need to launch something everyone still swimming getting ready man else is getting dark glow sticks are coming out I think we're ready to go wow it might be really hard to see me right now but guys but enjoy the show we're gonna start light and fire and yeah I'm pumped let's go hey hey hey show's canceled shirts canceled go home Jace they're all waiting bro they're all waiting on you man does that no what is that Noah I can't see anything I can't see anything whoo I got it there we go you ready for fireworks yeah all right we're gonna have some fun just waiting on chase money come on man you're ready you ready mm-hmm that's a time it's time do you have five minutes five minutes you're gonna kill him the kids are up there with picket signs yeah you're right there we go first ones are fountains for my mom she loves fountains oh I think the whole fields on fire dude I lost fountains so we're rocking those for her though these fireworks dude no what's crazy is around the hole [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I can't still going whoa my torch won't light dude scared are you done no tits so pretty [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I'm losing track my pute my thing keeps going out [Applause] [Applause] those are cool see that yeah there these are amazing we're not even done with the front row uh-hum I think he's going out [Applause] [Applause] [Music] however getting into some bigger ones way back up you see boom no this one's not stopped this guy's going all night that guy took over on me nothing still going going you're working under this condition working under these conditions so cool god I love flowers holy crap I don't want to walk up here oh my god oh my that it what we got left up here okay my ears are ringing okay last two before we do the group [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you enjoy yeah that was awesome oh I can see you put your light right here Haley did you see the blue and pink that we picked up whoo my ears are ringing solo wait she asleep oh I was about to say hi Cora did she actually listen to them all oh I need light and that concludes our fireworks better than last year all right I don't know that's fun though did she see him did she see her pink ones I got pink ones just for her what is on my lens though the aftermath is insane the yard is complete destruction this box has just self ignited and it's it's hot but it is just hard to even see out here it honestly looks like some of these are going to catch on fire like they're smoking or smoldering they're red I don't know I'm not touching them to doll that you guys hear the frogs back there all back out when the fireworks went off they just disappear it's like chief our Birds doing burn him up my brand-new grass oh yeah I burn it up too okay check this out okay yeah guys what a great night man hope you guys enjoyed that tried to fill them as much as fossils a little crazy trying to get that torch to stay lit blog watch boat I don't know it was crazy hope you had a good time hope you have you had to get that yeah yeah well it looks like a pretty darn good day man place is trashed kids are going home everyone get some sleep I really can't believe she's still up it's about 11:30 yeah get her get her Cora she's usually like fighting to keep her awake at like 9:30 it's 11:30 she's still Rocking George you like the fireworks Britt said that she only had to hold her ears for her and she was just watching the whole show so I'm so happy about that I literally just like powder ears that I notice look at her no get it Cora about to just lay down she said I'd get it Cora get your binky oh well guys thank you so much for joining us on another 4th of July vlog oh girl she's fighting it oh I wore myself out today man I am so too I was soaked in sweat after lighting the fireworks I jumped straight in the pool is my sweat pants our baby we're about to be married we're about to be married what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours we love you guys so much thanks again I'm gonna go up with the boys to bed but it's gonna work on her and we're gonna pass out thank you guys so much for being here today being a part of our family cook bomb hope you enjoyed it we love you I hope you had a great day as well see you soon you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 7,914,818
Rating: 4.9031444 out of 5
Keywords: July, 4th, fireworks, celebration, celebrate, family, family friendly, house, home, atwood, Atwoods, backyard, slip and slide, biggest, pond, fun, show, display, pets, donkey, husky, flash, empire, kids, noah, kane, cora, Brittney, Roman, inspire, uplifting, inspiration, motivate, motivating
Id: LBjhAkrUlDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2018
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