Planet Zoo Ep.1 - 🦁 🐯 🐻 LIONS, TIGERS, & BEARS, OH MY! INTRO & TUTORIAL!! (Gameplay / Let’s Play)

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was going guys too suave here and welcome to Planet Zoo now if you guys don't know this is a zoo simulation game where you get to take control of zoos and then build the habitats for animals and stuff like that so this is gonna be a pretty cool series if you guys watched my planet coaster series you guys will see a lot of similarities between this game in that game same thing if you guys watch my Jurassic world evolution series so anyways without any further ado let's just start our career mode start our first steps and looks like the first scenario is gonna be our tutorial level so stately home schooling Goodwin house renovated and renamed after its purchased by Bernard Goodwin in the 1980s Goodwin house has become one of the most respected zoos of the country more recently it has undergone a further renovation to update many of the habitats and facilities but due to various issues and the morgue hasn't quite been completed which is where do you come in alright what let's start this scenario and us you we have to clean up here so this is gonna be kind of a I feel like it's going to be like a hybrid between Jurassic world evolution and planet coast gene and where we have to basically take care of animals you know similar to taking care of the dinosaurs address world evolution as well as just kind of build and maintain a part kind of like in planet coaster make sure we're profitable make sure we can afford things and upgrade the park and make it more beautiful and all that stuff yeah oh sorry about that I I have a habit of slipping back into the Planko language it's good to finally meet you in person I'm Bernard although I insist you call me Bernie the only person who calls me Bernard is my wife and even then only when I've tracked elephant dung into the carpets as you know I own several zoos but I always like to show people the ropes here at my home this is the first zoo I ever opened and a source of great pride for me and prides thanks to a lion breeding program we ran in the 80s but we're in the middle of a big renovation and that's where you come in sadly our old contract had to retire after the nothing of fur allergy poor devil kept sneezing his dentures into the lion habitat so it's up to you to finish everything off don't worry though I'm not completely throwing you in at the deep end my head keeper Nancy Jones will be lending a helping hand oh she's a hard worker and she'll expect you to be too but I'm sure you'll get along like a house on fire even better one that isn't on fire less shouting that way hello there from that rosy fresh face of yours I'm guessing you're Bernie's new hire good now I hope you're ready to ditch your diploma because we're about to get really hands-on but before we begin the real work how about we familiarize you with a zoo by learning how to fly around it and visiting some of our beautiful animals we'll start by popping over and having a look C at the grizzly bears in their habitat is the grizzly on did you know that grizzly bears also known as Ursus arctos horribilis can hibernate for up to seven months a year / then again given the chance I think a lot of people would do that - yeah I would 7 months a year don't mind if I do its information panel it's like the mirror this is where you can find out all kinds of information about your animal the most important thing being its overall welfare you'll learn more about animal welfare today as we go through your objectives but for now let's enjoy this magnificent animal why don't you select the camera at the bottom of its information panel alright I feel like this is uh this is gonna be kind of small for you guys so let me fix the UI here so it isn't quite as tiny alright let's see this oh here we go here we go this might be it might be a little bit too big but at least it's a little bit bigger than before right but we have our objectives over here so very reminiscent of planet coaster so don't let's get that out of the way for right now but yeah they want us to us like the camera here so like that see now this is a fantastic way to get a closer look at your animals you can also get this view of an animal by simply double-clicking on it no interesting oh okay when you're ready let's pop over to the other side of the zoo and take a look at the Lions I've marked their location for you to find all right so we're gonna go look at the Lions now hopefully I'm like we don't have any dentures so uh we're not gonna oh gosh oh yeah okay no zoom out and us you've open here we go here's the lion area over here so let's zoom in on that I'm Leo Leo do you and me lions are the most social of the moon guns and there can be as many as millions in a ride although prides of that size are pretty rare as Bernie would say those lions are awesome which is precisely training instead these days anyway how about we get started on those objectives come on and see what needs doing there all right let's move to the empty habitat shall we all right let's look at the lionesses over here though oh gosh yeah this and we got a little cub back there too oh my gosh let me click on him oh my gosh you guys I am liking this we did actually get pretty good close-ups of like dinosaurs and stuff like that baggy Jurassic world evolution so that's pretty cool that we're getting basically same thing with actual animals here in Planet Zeus that's awesome all right let's see try and find that empty habitat and though we're gonna be working on that oh here it is over here all right let's go zoom in on this as you can see it's a lovely space for animals but it's missing a certain something well to some things warthogs so I'd like you to adopt a pair of them to adopt animals we need to open the animal market which is in the animal trading section all right let's go to animal trading let's get are still some warthogs there we are a pair of perfectly splendid warthogs for I was ooh just click on them and select adopt from the side menu normally the animal exchange would be full of animals but I've emptied out the market while you learn how it works the last thing I need is you accidentally ordering a dozen elephants yeah that's probably gonna happen later on industries I'm probably gonna be like low on money accidentally order a trillion elephants and be like oh whoops you guys what's your return policy I know it looks like we have both a male and a female warthog oh is your stress good let's adopt both of them there you go and let's adopt male when you adopt an animal it's automatically placed in the trade center where they're held until you're ready to move them into their habitat which as it happens you are so how about you move them into their new home appears our animal storage over here so let's just I just grab you and then move to this there you go delivery and you want to be doing the same thing for you when you ask for an animal to be moved into a habitat your caretakers will go to the trade center collect your animal and deliver them to your selected habitat I've marked the trade centers location so let's go and watch the caretakers in action we just skip over there right if we go over here and then well as you can see those caretakers don't hang about they'll move those animals to their destination as fast as possible of course normally we'd have to place the animals into quarantine before moving them into a habitat but I am assured by a person of good standing that these warthogs are in the very rudest of health right let's get the warthogs habitat finished up so we can keep them nice and happy you see each animal in the zoo has an overall welfare statistic basically how happy they are and that overall welfare statistic is itself comprised of four different areas nutrition social health habitat and enrichment luckily if you select an animal you'll bring up the animal welfare information panel which we saw earlier where you can see how they're doing that way you'll know exactly what areas need to be addressed don't worry if that's a lot to remember you can always check the zoo pedia for more information black start by making sure we're taking care of the warthogs Nutrition welfare to do this we'll need to place a food station and a drinking station now each animal requires a diff type of feeding station and for the warthogs it's a small feeding trough so let's add one of those and a water bowl all right let's get ourselves a food trough over here small one hundred dollars I'm like we've got almost 200k in the bank so this is nothing it's just kind of a tit should we get it in the middle what's that in the middle that way they're gonna be feeding and everyone you can see them there you go here's those a water bowl as well might as well place that nearby so as also require stimulation to keep them happy let's add a lovely mud bar for the warthogs to roll around in that bath will count towards their enrichment welfare specifically their toy enrichment welfare ah nice work you've got a knack for this I see now our contractor had to leave in a hurry so this place is in a federal state and finished thingamajigs and whatsits all over the shop but the first thing we need to finish is the ostrich habitat it's over the other hippos alright ostrich I'll attack let's go here we are Oh before we actually start building our ostrich habitat let's pause the game just click the pause button in the bottom right corner it was part of the game that's more like it a quick break sometimes it's a good idea to pause the game whilst you're doing something which requires your concentration because it does stop the zoo spinning out of control while you're looking the other way let's keep the game pause while we get this ostrich habitat built okay job number one here is to add a habitat gates before we complete the barrier every habitat needs a habitat gate after all how else would the keepers get in and out just make sure it's hooked up to the path so the keepers can reach it alright let's make ourselves a habitat gate so people can go inside and out so this objective thing all the way there you go habitat gate let's add that right there and it automatically adds a path nice right let's complete the perimeter barrier so we can adopt us some ostriches I've marked out an area for you to use so I'd like you to finish off the perimeter using the brick barrier alright let's do that how's this always going to be sharp curve right there Oh wondering what are these other ones flat top flat topped with editable bottom length so we could customize the length and all that kind stuff their window Rousseau we'd add Windows here I could have glass windows let's see how that looks oh here we go look at that I bet she's gonna be like oh man she's probably won teach us about the windows a little bit later but let's just make a regular brick walls over here so there you go let's continue building until we hook it up over here and there your noise good work remember before you can place animals in any habitat it has to have a full loop of connective barrier now you've probably noticed that guests can't actually see into this habitat at the moment at least not without a stepladder yeah but seeing as they're banned i'd like you to select a piece of barrier and swap out the brick for a glass barrier so the guests can see in alright well they want me to place some glass your sue oh ok so it is kind of like a roller coaster or not really just taking planet coaster breeze like like multiple things at the same time so that's good so I guess I'm going to be replacing all those with glass and I'll go like all the way to the door maybe not that that one right they let me let me pull that necked like right there that should be good let's try that let's replace all those with glass there we go adding in more windows gives guests even more opportunities to see the animals in a habitat it's always best to make sure the guests can get a good view into a habitat from the path they're walking on because it makes them happy and because this would be a pretty terrible Zoo if they couldn't yeah the last thing we need to do is to add a donation box you see when guests enjoy the view of an animal they'll make a donation just make sure you put them in easy to reach places like me reviewing points donation boxes are one of the main sources of income for the zoo so make sure you remember them it's put right here on this corner that might be pretty good let's do that now before we adopt our ostriches you should click the play button after all is the game's pause then so are our caretakers which will make it a bit tricky for them to deliver the ostriches a by the way as well as pausing the game you can speed the gamer by clicking on the fast-forward button it'll run everything at 2 x + 5 times faster it can be useful especially if you're waiting for money to accumulate or for animals to be delivered to your habitat personally I use it when I'm waiting for a brew to finish yeah all right you finished the habitat so it's high time we adopted those ostriches don't you think let's get four of them in here let's go to animal trading let's give ourselves four ostriches so let's go I'll walk to the animal store up there looks like we have a three females and one male so maybe that's going to come into play here in the future like breeding these guys together and stuff that'd be pretty cool and like I think that guy earlier well is the name Bernie talked about breeding lions earlier so that'd be pretty cool if we could get some money from just breed and sell these guys off right that'd be pretty cool I know this let's get ourselves four ostriches let's adopt adopt adopt adopt I'm like money's not even an old man fertility so on that one money's not a problem right now so we can just get them no problem we're almost at 200k right now holy heck and I just go down to the storage and let's select them all and move them all to this area down here so there you go there's one to get the other one order the other three that is let's back down to animal trading ask if the other ones and move them over here right and thankfully we have that that door over there so they can go in well we wait to them to be collected by the caretakers and brought to the habitat you should get it ready for them add a suitable feeding station water station and an appropriate food enrichment item hmm it's often best to place things like enrichments and feeding stations near to the habitat perimeter so guests can get a really good view of the animals yes well that's why I place the other one like not like it to inward you know that whales kind of out in the open people could see oh gosh I guys delivery an ostrich he's delivering an ostrich live animal inside of the box watch out oh just throw God nice we've got a food bowl large of a slow feeder and water troughs should we put the water trough like right here on this corner his water is like super duper important I'm probably gonna be drinking out of that you know like angled like this that way that way people could see them there we go and then I guess we put the food bowl large here and maybe we get a slow feeder over here to you Oh from stars oh good to see the ostriches have some where they can really stretch their legs did you know they can actually run at 43 miles per hour Oh heaven forbid they ever escape the speed camera finds a loanword bankrupted well Bernie certainly seems impressed did he do a speed camera joke every time we get an ostrich so now we've made the ostriches lives a bit better let's do the same for the keeper Sheree to make it easier for the keepers to feed the ostriches and hippos we should build a new keeper huts keeper Hut so we're the keepers prepare the food for animals so they should be placed near to the habitats to make sure the keepers don't waste their time walking when they should be looking after the animals mmm so which one should I guess I need to rotate the keeper hats to get it to connect up to the path yep zoom controls this planet coaster so that's pretty good and of course angle snap yep we've got that over here too so that's pretty good all right so let's see which one do I want to get the plan is you keeper Hut small or the classic keeper Hut small which one's gonna fit in over here probably this one honestly let's get this one so however we want to orient this one oh there's the door right there okay let's get that like right here there you go all right there's the keeper Hut this keeper had to only have space for one keeper but the larger keeper hurt can allow multiple keepers to prepare food at the same time oh but bear in mind that keeper hats and other staff facilities shouldn't be placed near to areas where there are lots of guests guests don't like seeing facility buildings and it can affect their happiness negatively in case that wasn't clear yeah something that all facilities shops and a whole host of other objects need is power and that's obviously includes your newly built keeper hat so let's place it transform and next to it shall we all right so looks like we have a power mechanic that we need to work with here so let's get a transformer the reason everything has gone blue is because you're using the power heat map this map allows you to see what is and what isn't powered in your zoo so once you've placed your transformer you can click in the bottom left to turn the heat map off interesting so it is seen some drastic world evolution stuff here there again that's just plays about right here now the keepers can start using the hat to prepare food and thanks to where you put it they will need to walk very far to deliver it to the ostriches and hippos let's get on to your next objective then Bengal tigers we want to adopt some but I'm afraid there's nothing ready for them yet head on over to the plot of land I've marked out it's not too far away righty your next job is to build a habitat from scratch and concrete and glass I expect so go ahead and build it just make sure that the habitat includes that big hole we've dug oh and don't forget to add a habitat gate to the barrier all right what looks like we're going to you oh and make sure the guests will be able to see the Tigers all right what looks like we're going to be building this uh enclosure all by our lonesome so guess it's time for us to I guess please down the habitat Kate first now where should we place that one kind of keep it like somewhat out of the way I suppose right let's see well is that thing right there oh that's one of those transformer things okay let's see what else is around to you oh there's that shop and there's a food place right there nice okay that's good so they're really enclosed by those are we could put the half-decade right here and then place about right there all right now we could place the uh we're going to make the wall a little bit shorter though so let's make the length go down to like me for meters instead of eight just kind of cut that in half and there we go alright let's make this go up this and slowly make it go around the entire perimeter that way we have as much room as possible for these lions or Tigers I forget which one just make this a little bit longer now and let's go to that eight meters because we're getting away from that a little a little wall there so let's continue placing these all around the perimeter and then of course we got to get some mass some windows here you guys we got to replace some of these barriers with actual glass some people can actually see inside here now do I want it in 10 do I want to make it out at Conakry instead of the brick I don't know I'm like the brick now let's see take a look around here this is made out of brick here so I guess it could go along with the theme so yeah let's keep it as brick I feel like if we go to concrete it'd be kind of a kind of a little bit too different you know now Bernie takes safety very seriously at azuz so we should probably make sure those tigers can't jump out of the habitat don't you think the way we'll do it is by changing the height of the habitats barrier okay then you should start by double-clicking the habitats barrier which will take you into barrier editing mode great now highlight the entire perimeter of the habitats you can do that by clicking and dragging the barrier selection tool I don't know how much I want to make the last honestly like do I really want to make like basically the whole thing out last night I don't know maybe just uh you were just up to here and then this corner will be kind of blank perhaps that'd be kind of interesting I guess we could try that out you guys there you go and then let's make nests out of glass there you go and then no they want me to mess around with a height so I suppose we'll go to oh never mind they want me to specifically make it three point seven meters tall so let's make it three point seven and Oh remember the hole okay I think that maybe the whole thing has to be that so let's select everything it's not just a glass make everything three point seven meters tall now you've got all of the perimeter selected you can increase the height of it by clicking and dragging the barrier height tool upwards you want to make sure it reaches a height of at least three point seven meters Oh yep I was like one step ahead of them right there whoops yeah there you go I think that's a no it's literally one point zero one meters that was point and someone near you now that the habitat is in place don't forget to put down a donation box needs your viewing areas we need every dollar we can get especially as these Tigers aren't exactly eating instant noodles for lunch I wish they were jolly can we make this smaller like 7 1 I don't I don't think they can let me do it right now they want me to build the donation box though yeah let's put this on the around the corner again or do I what else put on this corner or should I oh you know I can't Lisa on the inside well I can but okay that's the habitat boundary complete the habitat gates in place and most importantly the Tigers won't be able to jump active it anymore I think it's time we adopted those Tigers I know let's get the Tigers animal trading I hope people don't mistake the donation box for the trash can or the trash can for the donation box right literally throwing away money if they do that but you actually uh select the barrier here and make it any shorter I don't think that yeah they're still let me do the tutorial stuff right now so let's actually get the Lions then I'll worry about making that shorter a little bit later but let's actually get the tube oh man - those Tigers right here $12,000 $10,000 at least we have a male and a female so let's adopt an let's adopt there you go nice it looks like they're already showing up here at the this animal storage so let's move them over here to the habitat ba boom and still grab the other one and move you whilst our trusty caretakers collect and deliver the Tigers let's take a look at preparing the habitat for their arrival we'll start with the basics add a suitable feeding station for them let's get a feeding station for these guys food tray large yeah these guys are want to have a huge food feeding station well maybe we'll put this on the corner - this time instead of adding a water bowl let's try something different some animals need a pool in their habitat so they can go for a swim but they can also use it to drink from all you have to do is make sure the banks of the pool have a gentle slope so they can easily get a nice refreshing drink there's already a pool excavated but you still need to fill it with water you should do that by going into terrain and selecting the water tool yeah it looks like you're getting into the pool a little bit too early there's no water in there all right fill this in with cold water rough water does that look like actually fill that in with rough water earlier I can't let's do calm water oh my god there's another tiger inside there I can't my voice is down you guys oh no I want to add some water maybe some rough water if I can I just wants to get out of the pool yeah get out of there what are you doing in there oh here we go here yo can I fill this in with the rough water oh nice don't let me let's do calm water then yes that'll do nicely of course just like the warthogs and ostriches these tigers will also need some enrichment why don't you add some suitable toy and food enrichment items into their habitats oh here we go you're some rough water right there and it's a little bit taller too so let's I have that keep that there that looks pretty cool see if they're gonna go for a swim Oh what are you doing huh there you go oh no you're gonna go for a slurp there you are all right let's add some toys for these guys to play around with maybe a living toys if you will oh is it a trick-or-treat neem frozen blood pumpkin wood rubbing pad uh I don't know where to put this pumpkin now let's put on the boot over here there you go sure rubbing pad let's add that over here let's retain it and put a like right here that way they're gonna scratch it people gonna see it through the window okay it's really starting to take shape now the Tigers will need a shelter in their habitats so they can hide from the guests or more likely the bad weather although given that we're in England you might want to think of that just as normal weather go on add a shelter to their habitat you can either build one from various suitable bits and bobs or if you like just down the blueprint that I've already built for you okay I'm getting a little bit too distracted by them eating the second bloody poem Konami jeez that thing replenish yourself frozen blood pumpkin call keeper to habitats like to habitat I guess uh uses last month zero okay well it ran out it's gone so I look at that it's gonna get replenished right here well you don't casually walking past these 200a that the flat pumpkins back and you don't even think I don't care there's another balloon or anything you guys know my gosh that's free money for us you would just let another balloon was it with all these balloons can I pop is it like really cold is it like a roller coaster thank you a good problem oh my god it is I like I think I tried that and planets are a planet coaster and it didn't work oh can I do it wow oh yeah this is gonna be so mean I'm gonna make all these balloons pop oh I'm done trolling these people she should let's make shelters for these guys here you plans new shelter pre-made shelter it's just place it actually uh over here isn't that bad of a place to put a list but like right here should we do that or sure you put it in this corner where it yeah let's put it on this corner yeah let's put it here because this is where I kind of want to keep those bricks you know so uh you know it's putting like right here that way yeah and there's that blood pumpkin I shouldn't be able to move that right let's try and move that here just a bit oh poor dabs I'm sure it can't have escaped your attention that the Tigers look a bit miffed that's because they aren't too keen on the type of terrain in their habitat select a tiger and bring up its information panel you'll see ratio check on the terrain tab that way you can view the terrain information and see how they feel about the different types of terrain that'll tell you what the Tigers need more or less of in this habitat well here we go we need more plants for these guys we're just kind of funny because you know carnivores and whatnot but of course they do need some vegetation let's go over to train there you go okay then Oh when the terrain editing tool select painting and give them some more soil yes that should help with a habitat part of their welfare it's so similar to Jurassic world evolution where they they need certain amounts of a let's see and then painting and then soil let's see where's that gonna be soil light does it say come on kappa some are just soil okay i guess it doesn't matter which one then huh just get us let's get some soil light let's put that down let's put it around this water here that'll be good see i might need just slightly more there you go just slightly enough right there long grass now let's get some long grass there you go and see looks rather short over here so let's add some long grass we can i think that already has long dress oh man it's eating to a soil there was this have la crosse oh this is even long grass over here okay let's had long grass over here oh wait i was reading the long grass wrong in there he has too much long dress let's get rid of some of the long grass now okay it's Alyssa I guess just get a hecan't lawnmower over here and shorten some of the grass so uh here we go shortening some of that long grass down into short grass and hopefully we'll be fine so uh there you go and okay there we go too much long dress era that is that good was he doing is he cleaning up poop or something does he poop over here there's literal oh yeah actually is he's sucking up poo inside of that little little little gun or whatever that is I know he's too much short your ass down so let's get a little bit longer ass to get ya bounce that out a little bit and add a little bit of soil too so let's get some light soil around here noise right then all animals need plants and trees from their own biome or continent you know deserts savannas or Asia you rub that sort of thing it looks like these Tigers need a few more plants in their habitats to get a perfect fit use plants from the rain forests and temperate biomes that are native to Asia although if you have to you can get away with using just one or the other the Tigers will also want a certain amount of their habitat to be covered by those plants to find out which plans to use and how many select a tiger and go to the environment tab now as you can see some of the plans currently in the habitat aren't quite right for the tiger like the wattle bushes you can remove them if you want you can find all of the plants you need in the nature section and you can use the filters to only show the types of plants you want to see in this case that's plants from the rain forest or temperate biomes right biomes rain forests and temperate sauce go to temporary and I'm not seeing rain forests but tropical probably counts is that right so there you go and just use the plants for meters so let's get rid of the waddle bush so that's that thing right there I don't know if there's a bulldozer or what there's the water bush okay let's get rid of that there we go demolish that trash and get that out of here trash and let's look down the tiger again go to environment and let's see what else it doesn't want here I still wanna wish somewhere oh there it is right there I guess get rid of this trash another waddle Bush get that garbage out of here you don't belong here either let's get ourselves Touma let's see well there's one more here to all the tree over here though the hook thorn acacia tree is get that out of here that's the wrong tree let's get that garbage out of here let's get some actual fitting trees here like a coconut palm there we go look at that let's put that on the corner I like that kind of symbolic there get another coconut palm put that there sure that's but yeah I definitely want some of those palm trees to be here next to the the water s pool put a few of those go in there noise and see how they think of that what they think of that let's go to their environment tab and yep they're completely fine with that cuz that's from their environment - tropical temperate or grassland so that's good I said some other plants here though cuz right now yeah we need more coverage we have to get that up a little bit right there so let's get a let's get some bushes and stuff banana palm those over here - there you go it looks like the one from Planet coaster another plant banana palm man here we go just get rid of the waddle bush or whatever we had earlier so let's get rid of that and replace it with these banana palms so there you go so need to get some more plants so elephant ear plants element tree yeah I probably do want so let's put this in the corner yeah y'all get one of those in the corners put another one in this bit in this corner it's get a different one elm treat you a different very Oh big strong trees but that one that in this corner and then put the smaller one in the other corner so let's get this elm tree there we go lay that guy big big strong tree with this other one over here you know and we're getting closer looks like we need to hit 20 percent on that coverage right there so uh what else do we have your Hawthorne bush I think that's what we have right there yeah yeah so let's definitely get a Hawthorne bush variant play some a holly tree interesting well yeah let's definitely put something over here next to their little Hawthorne acacia tree isn't what we are Oh thorn attrition acacia tree isn't that what we just got rid of uh we sit down and then let's see let's see not from the same cuttin isn't as the animal Oh continent is Asia so I guess if we go to this we can go to cotton oh yeah here we going then Asia there we go so that'll both filter out the biome and the continent okay so that explains why we saw the tree right there showing up in the in the biomes but it doesn't belong in the continent so yeah that's that's why that's yelling at me there but let's see if there's a Bracken let's get there that's what we have right there well I guess we could put it over here there you go get a couple of these over here on line the side this little enclosure all those those are floating right there whoops yeah let's fix that yeah get we get that out of the way they're a variant to that ranking - here we go you ask if these yeah alright nice good few of those right there and maybe we could put some nice put it around this tree yeah yeah just a few more around that I think we should be fine let's look at the tiger and let's see how we're doing on the the Tigers oh gosh I just selected a rock what that's the environment and we still need to get some more plants it looks like so coverage is that 20% right now Stu might want to get some more so yeah let's get a Bengal bamboo bamboo interestings get these I'm gonna put a right to them right there another bamboo only a lot of bamboo right there you guys oh yeah leave all those trees right here another 4 meter golly look at all these trees man a little a little forest right there and we got the Silver Star they say the good fences make good neighbors I guess that's doubly true when one of the neighbors is a Bengal tiger still those Tigers look so happy that I doubt they'd leave even if you did poke a hole in their fence open for heaven's sake don't test that theory right let's head over to the Indian pee files I've been told that we need to improve their social welfare all right well before we do that it did want to modify this to be a glass so it was differently see if we gonna modify this oh I guess I can do it yeah I still can't do because we're in the tutorial thing but whatever I guess that's gonna be a brick for right now but over here it looks like that guy's gonna go replenish the bloody pumpkin over here again all right man there's so many balloons what's with all the blue there's another balloon shadow right there man is it's like they're just asking me to pop every one second balloon get out of here get out of here get this you'll buy us some more balloons and give me some more money ada red $250,000 you guys holy egg and I was this continuo eggplant whoo-whee I'm in here just find one of the P fellows and select them to open an information panel then we can have a good gander that's how they're doing although technically I suppose ganglion would just be Fergie's expand their social welfare and we can get a bit more detail apparently there are like actual other players in Maya in my in my zoo right house that's kind of cool weed question mark guy over here or gal it looks like right there I know this go to our objectives and let's go to the A&P fowl enclosure where is that at because we just apparently oh there it is over there because we just apparently passed by and I didn't realize it always like a maze this is a pretty amazing area look at that thing oh my gosh his name is Phil Phil the peacock or peafowl whatever you only thought I know it's experience social welfare now what they've clearly got plenty of space and they're not stressed but it looks like this social group isn't quite right so let's find out more click on the social tab at the top of their information panel to see what's wrong no no enough don'ts as you can see there P Fowler's need that population to be larger to solve this little problem you'll need to adopt three more female P files off you pop to the animal market then alright and what's ready and let's get three more females got to make sure we get the females or at all and they're all females here okay that's easy under $92 109 704 so let's get all those bad boys coming here and then of course an animal storage let's move them on over so bobbin ants move you over Babu ass moving you over good work on those pee fouls I expect they'll be delivered soon but sadly it sounds like I was snow leopard is a bit grumpy let's head over there and see what's wrong with her oh just like people animals can suffer from stress if things aren't quite right you know like when you see someone put in the milk before the tea bag in the case of these snow leopards they're a bit stressed by the lack of privacy you can lower their stress levels by swapping out the normal glass barrier by their cave for one-way glass it's not a cheap option but I think they worth the expense don't you this will give the Snow Leopard somewhere to go when they want to get away from the prying eyes of the guests wait a minute is this the one-way glass oh it is look at how she is whenever you're looking from the inside out but completely transparent going from the outside in interesting okay so it looks like right here it has a problem seeing all the people so this is a regular glass right here we won't have to upgrade this it looks like to the let's the Edit barrier there you go to the one-way glass of course when an animal isn't in its natural biome it's probably going to be too hot or too cold and surprisingly for the snow leopards it's too hot even with the terrible British whether you should help cool it down by adding some coolers to their habitat but let's start by opening up to temperature heat map and having a look-see at the temperature in the leopards habitats ooh that's hot as you can see we already have one cooler in there let's pop some more down and get as much of the habitat as chilly as we can luckily for us this habitat already has power but you'll need to make sure of that in the future just so you know if any part of a habitat is powered then the whole habitat will be powered that's good to know just gotta get one small little edge of it powered and then the whole thing's powered so that's good I didn't want to duplicate that I guess I can't just duplicate it make it easy like that at least right now in the tutorial I got actually go here and then place coolers yep there you placed another one let's place one in this corner you get this corner covered so bobbin and I assume it's gonna take a little while fat to kind of kick in so let's go to a real likes this cave over here so it's definitely a placed one over here there we go keep that nice and cool there and then we're probably gonna want to have one here you can find heat maps for all sorts of helpful things so don't be sure to explore them and make good use of them all right it'll take a little while for the temperature to adjust once you've added coolers or heaters but now we've got the coolers in we can address the Leopards terrain welfare you see what the leopards really wants in here is snow and rock so let's make that happen all right well we did see a little bit of snow over here just randomly so definitely want to fill out the whole thing with snow so if you're some snow let's fill this out with snow no that's most three to snow and Snow Leopard let's actually see how much snow at once so where would we be probably like terrain yeah I did it want some more snow there so less yeah less long grass more snow looks like right now yeah and then everything else is fine so long grass yep this is all along grass over here so yeah let's definitely cover that up with some snow you guys sheesh so bah boom and of course we got ourselves some coolers around here too so I essentially kind of connect this up there we go all right now if I put snow here is like want turn to ice and got strange if so not necessarily a bad thing let's keep looking at this yeah less long grass just keep getting oh gosh let's keep getting rid of that longer a seat guys so above and you're covering all that long grass up with that snow all of that should give you a pretty good understanding of how to make animals happy so I'd like you to go and check on all the other animals in the zoo and fix up any issues with their habitats that'll increase the average welfare of the animals across the whole zoo and that average welfare is a very important statistic now to quickly see how all your animals are doing in the zoo you should go into zoo management's and then into the animals section you management you say down there yep down here Slough this much like our pea fowls are hungry so that's probably the main thing we need to watch out for you guys as you can see this list shows you the animals overall welfare so if something's amiss then you can quickly pop over to them using the locate button great I'm off for a catfight while you make sure what all the animals are well looked after all right I know we've got zebras over here we got Turtles / tortoises giraffes what does that thing can you see what that thing Oh Lehman's poison frog interesting let's believe that I don't want to go look at the Frog enclosure all I can't buy Pro I can't even see it's probably like so small I can't even see it from this view I bet huh but I guess it's inside here yeah society's like oh here we go here we go can I see here oh look at that there's a little frogs right there is he over here I don't know maybe I can't actually physically see him right now where if he actually isn't here for all the tarantula that little tarantula of lino arachnophobia in the comments but there's a big old spider right there like that guys sheesh is this the front yeah I said yeah that's the Lehmann frying that's like its scientific name right there so see we could find this little frog because we just saw that little tarantula or big tarantula always hanging yeah we still have a yeah all the pika oh man even the poison dart frog is hungry now forget about the frog right now that all the peacocks and stuff are freaking out and hungry and all that kind of stuff you guys looks like they're slow feeder over here is uh what about this big thing I think it's completely empty call keeper to the habitat yeah come on yeah jeepers is enroute alright well that thing needs to be replenished so hopefully it's gonna it's gonna feed him might might want to get oh yeah yeah we had one peacock in here or was it called again peafowl I think it's the technical term we have one peafowl one here earlier then we just got three more so differently when you have more food bowls trees cats so there you go there's another food bowl right there and of course the slow feeder thing that's not gonna be good with the uh don't want to have one over here though by that by that maybe animals starving oh gosh that one oh man that one needs to go eat uh hopefully uh that one guys gonna come up here to replenish this thing hopefully hopefully hopefully that's still a guy on route apparently this one filled up that was not filled up either keeper on route okay uh where are you oh they're the old manly that guy is not a - running over there you guys look at him speeding over your sheesh yeah you better feed those peacock cuz they're they're actually dying so if they die it's your fault keeper you call yourself a keeper these guys are acting dying on your watch you know that right what in the world is gonna fill up the other one for some reason there's some feces right there - you're gonna step in that you're not even it it's over here your feet there ya go go fill that one up - oh there's a guy that's gonna suck up the feces yep oh look I leave that all right well where's the other guy or where's the other feeder thing at you're still a keeper on route apparently I don't know where he's at to fill that in okay whatever you wanna check up on the other frogs over here sure you check up on their feeders if they have any I don't know if they actually do know--this see oh that guy's cleaning the window or whatever so see if there's like a feeder I need to make for these oh look at the other the the the pea fowls are no longer in the animal alerts thing so that's good look at the objectives here so increase the average habitat species overall welfare to 90% we're at 86 right now that's good let's see if we can actually get any other welfare up so we need to go to zoo and it's look at the other welfare who has the lowest welfare it looks like zebras up next it's gonna check up on them see what they want over here let's go check up on their welfare exhibit what about the exhibit the layout I don't know how we're gonna improve the layout you guys let's go together uh your your layout let's see enrichment level three not yet research so I don't think I could do anything for that you guys yes we're just going to old look at that we got a giraffe just kind of a sleep right there too and alongside some zebras look at that giraffe snoozing or something was it doing oh gosh oh gosh it actually is Susan I guess giraffes sleep like that in the ball I wouldn't know I'm not a dress specialist but then it's pretty interesting you guys huh any giraffe specialists out there we only let me know in the comments down below whether or not dressed actually do you sleep at a ball like this because if so that's pretty cute and it actually does make sense cuz it's got that big long neck so I guess you're kind of curling up into a ball like that kind of keeping itself a little bit protected they're in kind of a fetal position if you will anyways check up on other welfare oh gosh that's wrong thing although is there a welfare animal well fall here we go here your animal welfare heatmap here so you know looks like that zebras are the only thing that are really kind of shown us in the oh gosh enrichment oh so we have our enrichment for the giraffes and the zebras we need to watch out for okay let's watch out for that you guys so look at the what we need to do for them so food enrichment and toy enrichment let's get the let's get these guys some toys so oh yeah definitely one of curious species let's go - oh gosh what are they actually called them planes that zebra okay is go to planes that zebras those like that let's go to giraffe so what was the technical name of this guy reticulated giraffe let's go to our it's like to you and let's see what toys and stuff we get these guys so grab all that's kind of interesting I don't know what that really is they don't have any closure over here I think they do yeah they have this thing closure over here so I think we need to build another one of those herb scent maker enrichment heater grazer feeder ooh any greater feeder that might be pretty interesting for these guys I'm not seeing another one around here so I suppose how a place went down like right here there you go yeah one of those going it looks like we already have one of these things feeding trough medium over here large yeah that's big right there you guys holy egg so let's see what else we have around here enrichment items so yeah we just placed down the grazer feeder grazing ball feeder I guess I'm get one of these two maybe place it yeah where should we place this one let's place it like right here there you go sprinkler woo sprinkler is suspended high great oh that's going to be further to raphus but I assume huh so let's get that right here to Ariel so we have one for the zebras and one for the giraffe and a rubbing pillar hey like I don't want to have too many things like right next to each other you know but there you go I think it's fair to say that you've passed the first part of your training with flying colors there's still lots more to learn but we'll have to head to another one of Bernie's zoos for that if you want to grab your passport we'll head off shall we alright well I think we just finished the tutorial phase you guys mmm sounds like you've got the whole zoo purring away nicely well purring grunting screaming booing all the appropriate noises I guess I was right - huh don't tell her I told you but Nancy wasn't sure you'd even last the morning so we're happy this is working out and Nancy owes me a foxy coffee as strange as it seems considering we just met when I look at you I feel like you're the child I never had after the one I did have obviously but you see zoo keepings not for my daughter don't get me wrong Emma absolutely loves animals but she set her sights somewhat higher mm-hmm wants to save the entire planet I'll just settle for saving a couple of species and maybe having a type of frog maybe they have to be some sort of frog named after him sheesh seems like this area over here is is cleanse it's not clean at all it needs to be cleaned there's poo all over the place I just called a keeper over to here so hopefully it's gonna get cleaned up but yeah that's awesome you guys looks like we oh there's already a keeper coming up oh that's the wrong type but there's a second hippo right here only this gigantic guy only a big thick boy but I think we're gonna be moving on to the actual four Oh God oh my god and it's like spritz like Fanning it with this tail I know that I know I've seen that like videos of them doing that that's disgusting disgusting are you disgustingly realistic [ __ ] all right well we need to have that keeper over here because these hippos just keep Fanning their poo literally all over the enclosure so we need this guy to like if that poo like suction up vacuum thing to clean all this like just disgusting mess out of here because this is disgusting this is unsanitary and disease-ridden to be soon like right let's see yeah disease risk over here because this whole my gosh I know it oh yeah yep yep there yes like a ball that poof finally go and oh my gosh I really don't know how that thing works but I am glad that it exists a poo sucking vacuum oh alright I think that's going to be for the tutorial stage and that's gonna be it for episode 1 of planet Zoo I hope you guys enjoyed the video because I had a ton of fun just kind of learning the the game here with a tutorial phase and hopefully this was a pretty good introduction to the series as a whole because this is basically what we're going to be doing the whole series just maintaining a zoo and adding creatures to the zoo adding stuff to their habitat to make sure they're good and happy and all that kind of stuff you know just kind of maintaining a zoo making sure both the animals and the guests are happy here in the zoo so differently excited for this series ahead of us especially if you guys watched my planet coaster or my Jurassic world evolution or both because as we've seen it is kind of like a hybrid between both of those games now I'm definitely looking forward to playing more here in the future and I hope you guys are as well so thank you guys all very much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video we should let me know by leaving a like down below and if you guys want more of these awesome videos be sure to hit that subscribe button not about my latest videos on YouTube homepage as soon as they come out so you don't miss an episode but until then though you guys all very much for watching and I'll see you guys next time some more oh gosh just zoomed in on that Tiger boy next time some more plant as you were looks like we're gonna be starting on a very first actual scenario beyond the tutorial stage so I suppose right now we just exit the main menu let's actually go get a sneak peek of what we're gonna be starting next episode what our first actual scenario is gonna be and looks like we actually have another tutorial stage we're gonna be moving on to so the ape rent test ship few second puns all over the place you guys same thing right here I of the taiga jeez that's gonna be the first actual scenario but it looks like we have another tutorial right here and probably another one right here bare essentials I'd say it's definitely worth it to do the tutorials I don't I don't want to skip them and be like oh man how do I do this how do I do that you know so it looks like we're going to be moving on to the apron test ship next episode and we're going to be starting the Madiga in the simian conservation project the Madagascan simian conservation zoo is the culmination of Bernard Goodwin's work in the region specializing in simian breed and release programs as well as championing and highlighting the diverse species of apes and monkeys but never one to be complacent Bernard now wants to see what you can do in this most promising of locations all right that's going to be pretty cool looks like we're going to be messing around smacking monkeys next episode guys so he has all very much watching and I'll see you guys then Oh bye there [Music]
Channel: TheWaffleGalaxy
Views: 72,722
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Keywords: Planet Zoo, Planet Zoo Gameplay, Planet Zoo Let’s Play, Planet Zoo Playthrough, Planet Zoo Ep 1, Planet Zoo Walkthrough, Planet Zoo How To, Planet, Zoo, Gameplay, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Ep 1, Walkthrough, How To, Animals, Breeding, Campaign, DLC, Deluxe Edition, Episode 1, Scenario, Tutorial, Planet Zoo Tutorial, Game, Gaming, Planet Coaster, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, Zoo Tycoon, Tycoon, PC, 1440p, 60fps, TheWaffleGalaxy, Waffle Galaxy, Family Friendly, PG, Clean
Id: hJEf1GHP1Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 35sec (3215 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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