Jurassic World: Evolution Ep.1 - A NEW NOT-SO FALLEN KINGDOM OF DINOSAURS!!! (Gameplay / Let's Play)

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[Music] wisdom I guys too suave here and welcome to Jurassic world evolution now this is the game I've been really excited about for a while now if you guys don't know this is where you can basically create and manage your own Jurassic world theme park so I'm very excited about this I hope you guys are too anyways without any further ado let's just jump right into a new game hello may I say welcome my name is dr. Ian Malcolm you may have heard of me well correction you should have heard of me especially now that you're here so before you are the islands that you need to manage if you can the five deaths jeez if only if only there had been five okay this is as good a place as any to begin Isla Matan Santos it's relatively stable yeah you can you can get your feet wet here and you should just diving into the deep end of the pool is where the big Angry hungry things are and you want to be ready before you try that man this place look crazy kind of empty though I bet we're gonna fix that here in a bit there you guys oh I see what looks like a DNA place I'm Cabot Finch public relations and crisis management and I'm here to help you you'll start by building a Hammond creation lab ooh let's create a human creation lab we've already started on an enclosure for you you should just attach it to the side but watch out for dinosaurs ah just kidding yeah seems pretty empty over here anyways yeah seems like there's an area right here that's actually kind of a kind of empty right now yeah let's see you wonder why the costs kind of changes there I don't wonder how I could rotate as well hmm now you zoom in rotate left and right that's how you do it there on the bottom left and I guess there's not really like any room for me to to me a little bit sideways or anything like that you know so I might need it to correctly aligned what in the world oh I think I yep there you go all right we good now yes yeah we should be fine I'll just put it like right there that's not that big of a deal let's focus on what you're here to do which is create dinosaur facilities on the islands we call the five deaths actually last sinkhole where tez because Spanish is the lingo of choice around here yeah I could tell by the east love whatever this place is called path not connected you'll need to connect it to the pre-existing network of paths and the power grid hmm how do we do that y know how to rotate now but looks like we need to create a path so let's grab the cheap path and I guess just connect that entrance there it's just a straight path I suppose huh boom there we go now comes the real test incubating a dinosaur ooh you'll start with a struthiomimus select the creation lab and pick a hatchery Bay there's enough genome data for your first viable dinosaur oh ho ho you guys hatching Bay let's just do the first one incubate dinosaur where's this over here a status operational very interesting so upgrade slots cool all right well view genome library what do we have here ooh now which one did he say die or I forgot but I guess we could do won't leave that Triceratops edmontosaurus Ceratosaurus I think it might have been this one yeah true some made up I'm just letting you guys know RAF the bat I can barely even speak English let's just face the facts so these dinosaur names I'm gonna be butchering these names throughout the entire series so just to let you guys know rather bad don't expect me to present anything correctly here sheesh what is this trike correct tops tops I know I know I'm just me man I know is yeah seems like we need to make you this one so incubate $30,000 sheesh ooh and we can modify the genome ooh maybe we can make an indominus struthiomimus let me see what does it say though ooh look at this you could actually see like the strands of DNA with all the genes and stuff who attack defense lifespan resilience viability rating incubation cast so I assume if these things were a little bit more complicated a little bit more wailed on applied ooh know what gene no gene I assume I can't really do it is this collar Ajira viability hmm I guess we're gonna be learning about this stuff a little bit later hear you guys but it seems like this one's already applied area to pattern gene I don't know if I want this aired pattern Sheen especially here we're not really in an arid area to area try saying that a thousand times fast right but yeah this is County come on maybe we'll learn about the the gene splicing stuff a little bit later but for right now let's just incubate it like you said imaginations of the ambitious undoing extinction playing with nature's laws what can possibly go wrong come on doctor you know we've learned so much and invested even more in our Jurassic operation since the last time yes mr. Finch yes the the last time there's always the last time and a next yeah yeah oh man look at that man that's incubating fast I didn't notice that and it's done I guess we could release the dinosaur into the little area back there released a dinosaur release McCracken release oh wow life it begins the most precious moment the result of incalculable actions and reactions trials and errors genetic mutations and unknowable combinations chaos all leading to a living breathing thinking being an entity distinct and unique whoa and now we you just manufacture them so well done I guess yeah like I've never done that before right dad free camera all right well it's uh way this guy rotate around him you go and take a drink oh look at that he is fuller went up the water well you like huh is that it you done the up no he's going for another floor may he keep floor pan over here you done there yeah I think he's done now all right well show dice or statistics down let's see what this is all about water so I guess if it's in the red that's a bad thing and apparently health is 100% that's really good food is you know it's in the blue area so that's good it's not in the red waters right there I'm like he's drinking water so I assume that's gonna go up even more net little knot right there is he gonna drink more he's walking in the water comfort is a hundred percent grassland and forest and population ooh so I assume we this guy is more of a lonely type of guy he doesn't want to be in packs I'm learning here guys so I assume if we have like you know ten of these guys it'll turn red or this little notch will go over to the red area right there social oh yeah like I guess population a social kind of wanted the same ish you know oh man II what kind of under the under the roof of the forest the Hammond foundation has three main areas of interest security entertainment and science I've already nudged the heads of each division to reach out to you personally they'll offer opportunities and in sentence for you to be part of their team choose one of their contracts it'll help you develop your facility ooh hmm Science Division entertainment of in Security Division science definitely intrigues me arrived mmm tip after this contract you can undertake more work for any division request additional contracts from the control room so this must be yeah and that's what these like three bars at the bottom are for interesting stuff so what should we do first security is definitely a big concern but with one little friendly little dinosaur down then I think it's a nerve before I don't think we will need to worry about security too much right now and like Security's always a good thing but not really the highest priority right now we might have some leeway to just kind of I guess do some scientific stuff so let's go to dr. Akash all do ah in the science division and do a contract for her dr. dua this is our new director of operations I'm aware covers I'm dr. Gioia I run the science division of our operation okay you're going to need to build your reputation in the science division not easy with me around but you'll manage that means managing our dinosaur population and seeing that they are flourishing oh man that's gonna be so cool look at this build connect and power an expedition center control power and connect an expedition center to your parched path Network I'm like we just did that so it should be pretty simple right an expedition center will allow you to send out dig teams across the world in search of dinosaur fossils the first step towards acquiring Dino DNA oh and I assume if we get more Dino DNA we can you know create them in the lab just like that one career we just did and then you don't let them loose in the area and just keep doing that over and over again that's really cool and we get $250,000 so that's gonna kind of make up for like was it the 30 that AI yeah definitely there's only 30 thousand we spent on that first one so we're gonna be good together let's do this one contracts can be requested from the division heads inside the control room complete these to increase your reputation and gain additional revenue to keep expanding your park mmm weird oh yeah over here yeah we definitely have some room over here okay some like basically empty plots I didn't see this area over here sheesh so let's see bill how do I rotate it and this one there you go getting used to the controls here you guys mmm 400,000 I assume if I'm only clipping into the trees and stuff like that it's gonna cost a little bit more because I have to like cut down the trees I assume definitely don't to cut down the trees it's always nice to have a little bit of a corroboree and whatnot but I don't wanna how close do I want this to be actually to the forest area back there oh that's not too bad let's do it about right there I think the base cost if it was 400 K so an extra what was that $50 maths not that bad so one more thing your reputation your rep quote unquote keep an eye on it okay if you have a solid reputation with a division you're more likely to benefit from them financially I mean but like like it's a balancing act each division is vying for your attention and if they don't get it they tend to take it personally all right so we might want to move on to like security or something next that way then all you know you get jealous and me just spending all my time over here with science and whatnot so anyways yeah look at that people think money makes the world go round but they're wrong contracts make the world go around my friend obligations and commitments complete a contract and your rep with the Science Division will increase meaning you'll be able to take on more complex and challenging missions sounds good yeah look at that we have a little notch down there in the Science Division little progress bar right there ooh help island management I guess that's you know des if I need help not necessarily someone needing my help right now Oh a transmission oh I've got an interesting opportunity for you to consider it will allow us to work together to create life pure life if you've been listening to dr. Malcolm then you know how important this is to us and to me absolutely Lou this acquire 50% genome for Triceratops Wow a client registered House genome this dinosaur has historically been found within North America in particular around the Lance formation dick site the mission will fail if any of the dinosaurs required by this mission are killed 1 million dollar reward cardio strength 2.0 I'm not quite sure what that means right now and it looks like I could just say hey right now I kind of want to do this is what the guy just said if we do too many missions for one branch I guess you could say then the other ones gonna get jealous and it's not gonna be good or a reputation with them we're going to go down but our reputation with them is basically zero right now so get any worse I don't know but this mission sounds very interesting you guys and it's a trike a classic dinosaurs let's do it but as well start to mention like why are 50% genome for Triceratops I knew you were my kind of person inquisitive driven and I knew you can resist this opportunity so let's get started yeah it says down there to use the expedition Center that's the one we just built to get there we can create a more authentic version of our dinosaurs that means a complete genome and I think you are up to the challenge don't disappoint absolutely alright so I guess we're going to be messing around with this building an expedition center will allow you to send dig teams around the world in search of new Dino fossils DNA can be extracted from these fossils which our scientists can then turn into living breathing dinosaurs and that's our true lifeblood oh yeah that's gonna be cool and there was a helipad down there as well that's gonna be kind of cool on whatever X we go to ride that thing now let's move on to next select a dig site and start an exhibition there with an available dig team ooh so I actually get to like choose where on the map they're gonna dig like we're in the US and what looks like even Canada part 2 down there too and even like locked areas there with a little padlock there interesting stuff what else is here the exhibition center will display an icon when it is ready to stand down a dick team okay so it looks like a little picture of two people with a pickaxe right there interesting stuff all right well let's see I guess we're gonna select it we already slice it yeah it's operational mmm view expedition map I guess we do that right now yep oh man even over here in what looks like parts of Portugal over there even northern Africa has a few places but they're locked fossils discovered in the morrison foundation $75,000 7500 hold on commonly found specimens stretch turn tops through Theo - I think that's the critter we just made right profit per minute a great variety of dinosaurs were to prove your island rating yeah we only have one right now so that's what I'm talking about if we could possibly get the full genomes or whatever like for the Edmontosaurus and the Triceratops will hopefully be able to you know get a diverse amount of dinos here cuz right now we only have one type over here is the Ceratosaurus I don't know if we want to get ourselves a carnivore already there's a herbivore this one exclusively is Triceratops so should we do the one where it's Triceratops only or the one I don't like this this is she did mention like I don't remember if it was earth we read it somewhere else but little ants formation we just read about that seconds ago so yeah let's go hear it sounds like the best place to go good your first expedition team is out they'll bring back what they find to the fossil center for extraction no I thought I was gonna go with the expedition team but I guess not I guess they're gonna go mad yeah they already left look at that the helicopters gone okay well I guess we're gonna move on to the next thing your job is simple really create dinosaurs which attract visitors to your facilities brings in capital money huh which means you can do more research to build better facilities and create more dinosaurs and there you go a circle of life development and resources nature in commerce say sample look at this guys we have the gate we have the front gate over here with the monorail and everything really cool Wow all right well I gotta want to do a contract for someone la security or something that can I do country yes okay this is where we go to do contracts and Lane that that's kind of cool so it looks like the next unlock will be extraction speed I assume that means we're gonna hopefully extract more DNA and whatnot a little bit faster from the from the site that we're going to you to you know get more DNA so what do we want to do now a head of entertainment head of security which one should we do have a touch risk to see a low loyalty bonus zero loiter bonus you know you know what this place needs me more specifically the entertainment division let's make it work Clement they're going to need to step up if you want to earn my respect Lambert kind of want to do security but at the same time entertainment that should bring more people here and you know because right now we don't have very much diversity in terms of the dinosaurs so if they're not looking at one dinosaur we have they're probably want to be doing something else with entertainment it's kind of you know get their money's worth so let's uh there we go whoa what do we do here enter summary mission can I not do these they young are they locked a new mission there might not be able to do these missions right now you guys enter for more info you should extract genomes from fossils that have been collected inside your fossil center that will increase the amount of viable data you have to create dinosaurs so it looks like we got some fossils and I think the font you appeared is right here fossil center so the fossil center lets you extract DNA from fossils and amber in order to create new dinosaur genomes exciting look at that amber right there man that's four stars there's like fossils and stuff over here that are only two stars interesting stuff so attract fossils to build genomes for each dinosaur viable genomes allow you to create dinosaurs at the ham and creation lab that's where we just were just Miller's ago when we made our first critter of course expeditions sometimes bring back extra fines that can be sold for cash interesting stuff alright let's see what do we do your view from view fossils I assume we just got some fossils from our expedition team so let's see what they might have gotten ooh new thing right there and a couple of local I guess medium quality assess two stars high quality right there for the truth Theo - see I'm trying over here but I'm probably never gonna get 100% pronunciation on these guys right anyways uh and this new one right here no DNA present but I guess we could sell this for kill Wow sell for a hundred K you guys Wow I cracked DNA for twenty thousand Jenna for thirty thousand how is this thing what oh wow it's rhenium soon that's probably why it's worth so much more than a heck and notice or thoughts alright well so which one do we want to do I don't like this was already 100 cent right this one's going to this little extraction is only sixty five percent uh stuff this one's forty-four let's do the Edmontosaurus that might be a pretty good one cuz I don't know how much we have right now but let's just extract the DNA for 10k forty four percent let's do it look at 30 seconds until that's done and I kind of want to see hold on where do I look at my like genomes and stuff like that Oh expedition Matt oh okay so we have different tabs up here research I'll do that and management and stuff like that navigation oh here's me right here lay all these other islands down here whoa all right well wow that thing's working for like 30 seconds it's probably want to be done here in like ten seconds but let me go check this thing real quick incubate now I'll wait hold on no oh wait yeah it's basically the same thing Oh hold on 65% I thought this was a hundred percent Lou okay we'll hold on let's actually go exhale this thing real quick let's go back just a fossil Center and let's actually extract the Oh what happened did it guess it's done whoa all right well let's get the 65% from this one and it looks like we have a few others that we already asked though because we'll extract from that one sixty five percent five percent for the same thing tricera times forty and four percent Wow let's do the same for that I bought the sorest genome 48 percent now I don't know if this is like overlapping or anything with previous fossils and whatnot oh and look at that it looks like you can only examine one fossil or extract one fossils DNA at a time so this one's going right now and this one's I guess queued up and it's gonna go right after this one's done in ten seconds interesting stuff now was this 100 Ceratosaurus whoa Ceratosaurus fossil okay well it's extract DNA from that now this one's almost done there to go it's done I kinda want to know this one no dinosaur it it shrunk let's just sell that and boom it's gone instantly okay that's cool and now this one's going for another 30 seconds so let's move on to over here at the hamon creation lab let's go over here to the library yeah look at that the soos real - maybe I'm getting better at that pronunciation leave a comment down below 70% it was like 60 something just moments ago and we have a few more than we need to extract so let's go do that real quick and oval is going to go up so Triceratops right now I think that's the one we're doing right now this one's at 44% let's see what it is here in a moment I think if it goes above 50% we're actually able to make him maybe so let's see the fossils and well I think I think it just finished ok so it looks like the the Ceratosaurus is going on right now Oh plus 1% Wow so I guess this is plus 1% on top of the 44% we already have her something I don't know oh this is Lambert head of security yours theirs and mine welcome to the island Thanks so here's our basic conundrum we want to keep our animals under control while simultaneously encouraging instinctive behaviors because these animals have potential as combatants look everyone's fair object myself included is to have these animals running free and loose in the park but we can't exploit them globally without taking some chances mmm absolutely successfully incubated dinosaur in the Hammond creation lab I did that earlier on but I guess I'm gonna be doing that once more whoo so if I do this reputation changes science goes down entertainment go Emily he's at zero so I go down any more than that right but science we we did a little bit right there just moments ago and the reputation went up so if we do this security one I guess it's kind of like a balancing act here you guys when we work with one more inch or whatever their reputation goes up everyone else's goes down and I guess we just have to deal with that so $100,000 cash reward we need dinosaurs so I suggest you get incubating complete this contract and in return you'll earn some pocket money and maybe my approval yes request additional contracts from the control room okay so I guess we can't just oh I guess I was paused I guess it's possible still yelling right now I guess we have to actually wait for the guy to actually start talking to us to do the missions and why not so anyways let's queue up the at once oh that one's just finished yeah let's extract DNA from this one and then this one and then the Edmontosaurus that one's gonna be third in line so there we go now we do having a contract here oh man require 50% genome for Triceratops is that like 44% but I think you just finished let's go see what it is now 48 percent oh okay so we're gonna need another DNA I assume we're gonna go back out and oh man look at that you just do the frills if I assume that Dilophosaurus right there sheesh and a little silhouette of it but I said we're gonna have to do yet another expedition team so I assume that are back yes I just need the helicopter any yes there's that icon right there it said whenever you see that icon that means they're ready to go so if you expedition map as soon we can't but go back to the same place twice or oh I guess you can but you can't go back there anymore once it's depleted it's this status partially depleted so I guess it's not completely depleted so I couldn't go back there you guys let's do it yeah let's do a $75,000 cost to go back there let's do it it's our expedition and I assume that's gonna make my reputation for these guys at the science area oh look at the helicopter well your helicopter yeah but I assumed my reputation for science it's gonna go right back up but my reputation for Security's gonna go to hell on it so that's kind of unfortunate but yeah if we get the 50% Triceratops DNA and then we actually make one we ain't beta Triceratops won't be able to get two birds with one stone right there you guys doing the 50% genome for the trike as well as making a crater at the thing so look at this 22% right there for the Edmontosaurus let's go see what the percentage is and over here on the I'm not even gonna try and pronounce that without the word being on screen now nice so it seems like these go up by I think like four percent or so I think that was like 70 percent just Mo's ago I had it attract DNA from two of those and itself - Oh leave that viable Jeana I'm just like I said whenever they hit 50% it seems like you're actually able to incubate I'm su mmm would this be a good critter to have alongside this true Theo - hmm attack eight defense zero lifespan 47 or four resilience viability rating 16 skin basic skin BAE they're very similar it seems in terms of skin is based both basic rating is 8 this one's rating at 16 a tag is 16 so it does double damage as well defense it's both 0 on both of them the guests are complaining about the lack of eating places available for do admissions and one huh there's like a picture oh yeah hold on how many guests to Miami you're like one fast food emergency shelter should probably a fast food gift at least you with fast food please well where are we able to put this well here's the entrance right here and I assume people are going to be coming in and they're gonna be like yeah I need a I need a burger right now hey des yeah let's play someone like right about I guess it going cos about 200 bucks for me to cut down there's trees right there $242 so which one right there all right and I guess I'm not gonna need to make a path because it's like right up against the sidewalk probably not the best idea to have a right next to a sidewalk maybe I don't know it's almost done there so hopefully thought one person that's apparently I guess here what do I see that though how do what the world yes injury lawsuits zero dollars that's good ooh engine database dinosaurs dictionaries paleontology locations genes ooh organized lot of stuff here you guys this game is crazy so far crazy interesting crazy do you see him so far I don't waste more fossils whoa silver Wow 120,000 dollars right there come on I do what is this one ooh yet more sushi truth Theo - fossils to star medium quality I guess I can extract him but looking out we have a trike one right there we should yes this one should take us over 50 percent and then we can make a trike you guys yes and then I guess we could do this let's ride DNA for this crater and I guess it's gonna be good here in about 20 seconds all right well what's going on over here at the fast-food burger place a fast-food restaurant that provides guest satisfaction pricing and staff can be managed to suit the park interesting stuff data selling dinah bytes at $2 hmm no no expenses $2 sell for $4 that means two dollars profit new viable Gino guys yes yes let's go make one we are making great strides so far I believe I may be on the cusp of something wondrous and I have you to thank at least in part for where I find myself now we need to incubate hatch and how's our dinosaur then we will know if our efforts will have been worth it no let's see oh look at there's our little guy down there look at him food is relative Wow he's starving oh my gosh what do I do with him hold on I'm like I am brand-new to the game you guys what if I could actually pick him up and hack and move him can I do that I don't know he needs more food or not my gas landscaping let me let me open up a fast-food restaurant here let me oh my god I can actually do it Oh what [Music] management fused hold on his health is getting low you guys Wow what do I do here starving they're affordable to all printers so definitely don't want them to oh he's going into the woods is he eating I don't know I did not know if he's eating right there okay well let's go actually start incubating on transcender tops you guys because we can actually make ourselves a heck and we could make ourselves an end mom's a source it seems like as well because I wasn't paying too much attention to that anyway it's right there does let's incubate or modify the genome I don't really know anything about the modified genome thing so I'm not gonna jump into that when I don't really know what to do with it you know so let's go into incubate for $230,000 defense 24 attack 48 to promote proper block now that's not too big of a deal right now I definitely wanna go check up on this guy he's like dying his fruit is that zero what do I do no I don't know what to do right now operations and closures map operations ACU Center ranger station provides a rapid aerial response to Park incidence yeah I don't need that right now Shh demolish management we use patrol room can I wonder if there's a place here for me to read about engine database to exercise paleontology dinosaurs let's go to dinosaurs oh we can really read about all the critters we have over 50% that's cool Oh contract complete I guess this means congratulations are in order well you're at we got one we got the contrary complete for the security and it seems like our tranq is ready to be a little least yes release dinosaur ah we're doing it the first strike has been released look at that guy and he's going to be friendly with our fella definitely don't want predators and here you guys our new specimens sorry dinosaurs are meeting expectations but we want them to thrive that's your next assignment making sure our specimens are properly cared for in other words dinosaur welfare the difference with dinosaurs is that they have no point of reference to understand humans so don't expect much in the way of thank-yous yeah well I don't know what to do about these guys like not eating food oh there it is right there construct a herbivore feeder that's what I need yes okay now where do I make that operations and closures power path landscaping I don't where in the world that be I guess by as yxh oh here we go enclosures let's go to carnivore feeder and live a feeder tall herbivore feeder ground herbivore feeder there we go you guys now where's that other fella this is where we feed them you guys very very cool there he is right there yeah let's put it about right there in the middle ish that's gonna be great all the other all the herbivores should you know just gather around I've been monitoring what you've been up to with great interest and I'm a little disappointed that dr. do what came to you for this assignment instead of bringing me into the loop as she should have done no I'll discuss this with her later the host the indominus rex guy yes yes okay I kinda want to make another one over here but it's 150 $1,000 so maybe I won't maybe I maybe I maybe I'm fine with just one for right now uh is there a wing oh well you'll add the fruit going up yes that's good healing as well feeding very good that are vulnerable dog predators yeah doctor rating seven a training for over abroad genome at staffs combat dinosaur skills get skill you see these guys alive goats and whatnot but of course these guys aren't gonna you know do that I don't think right I'm like his attack is eight so he does have an attack I think where's that at whatever I think that that feeding the goat thing I think that's the live bait one dude they won't worry about that a little bit later but the mission prehistoric life construct an operational ranger station and giving in release a triceratops 70% Genome Research item for a research center hookworm parasite oh and look at the Hat so we're actually making some good progress here you guys but the head of science over here with Kajal dua and George Lambert and of course you know Isaac Clemente oh yeah well we should probably worry about him a little bit later maybe next episode of good stuff done the first episode and look at this there's people although a lot of them are in lab coat so I assume this is just saw while you hold on that makes sense scientists coming over here to look at those stuff and I click on the people I don't know but I guess people are actually going around having a good time eatin burgers at the fast food place that's awesome going in for a burger yeah all right well it seems like my fast-food place wasn't made in vain but anyways like I said earlier I think this was a great first episode of got a lot of really cool stuff done and learning a lot of stuff along the way as well I hope you guys enjoyed if you guys did be sure to let me know by leaving a like down below and if you guys want more of these awesome videos be sure to hit that subscribe button that'll put my latest videos on a youtube homepage as soon as they come out so you do not miss an episode hey I'm Isaac I've been hearing good things about you I'm in charge of the entertainment division here what good is the world's going to show us no one sees it don't answer that's rhetorical and painfully obvious what I'm saying is that we need people in our parts fill up our facilities with warm bodies numbers bring revenue excitement and opportunities alright well there you go I guess we're gonna be doing something with Isaac Clemente next time $425,000 cash reward of course it seems like his reputation goes up science and security go down so the objective is perform a successful expedition in the Z luging formation the eggheads need to get a sniffles if we want a new tire source that means fossils this contract should help alright well I kinda want to accept it yeah let's accept it and then do it next episode but I always like I said be sure to hit that subscribe button and be sure to ring that Bell that way you join the notification squad and you're gonna be one of the first people to watch the brand-new episode as soon as it comes out but until then you guys all very much for watching and I will see you guys down with some more Jurassic world evolution leave this we have the Triceratops and we have our little friend over here that through steel - seems like they're getting along so that's good anyways that you guys are very much for watching and I'll see you guys here next time Oh bye there [Music]
Channel: TheWaffleGalaxy
Views: 544,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic World, Jurassic World Evolution, Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom, Jurassic, World, Evolution, Fallen Kingdom, Fallen, Kingdom, Dinosaurs, Gameplay, Let's Play, New, Ep 1, PC, Xbox, PS4, Alive, Scene, Trailer, Review, Live Stream, E3, Part 1, Game, All Dinosaurs, Trex, Giganotosaurus, Raptor, T-rex, Giga, Battle, Carnivores, Deluxe Edition, Hybrid, Ign, Isla, Movie, News, Water, Sandbox, Ultra, 1440p, 60fps, TheWaffleGalaxy, WaffleGalaxy, Waffle, Galaxy
Id: uQsGbEpQmos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2018
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