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you did it oh my god you made it to the second episode oh I'm so proud of you so hello welcome back to zoo the zoo tycoon no planet Zoo easy to get confused between the two would you believe so what has changed James promised that he would do different things between episodes and is there well yeah there is actually would you believe so we have actually oke oh no I did not mean to do that oh damn it okay never mind quick things you never know what 11 so this is the new enclosure I don't know what's gonna go in here also I just saw what I thought mess around with the the scope D tool and I made a big mountain and about some rocks on it I also made a bedding area this oh god you see it's actually kind of weird like you have to move up you can move up and down and then zooming in as well as another thing but then you reach a limit with one of them and it kind of makes some weird things but anyway anyway so this was like the regular bed and then I just extended it out as you can see there's definitely some change in the logs there and then just added some stuff like that some logs which I grouped together and duplicate yeah if you want a group because I'm sure there'll be people who were watchers who won't know there's a thing here on the bottom right you click that and then you click one and then hold shift and then click more and then you want to click merge scenery into group but if you want to make a blueprint you can clip poo print the difference there is that you actually save it and then when you go into construction and stuff I think it's it's something like that blueprints here we go so they're their habitat education stamp that's good and where is it there it is log wall segment but having this would be a really good idea for the young they're watching McCall it's the Komodos now that they have mated or decide well they're they're partners Hold Steady or no too observant do anything just yet so I think it'd be really cool there's loads little details you can look to snow there for which I think means don't feed the hippos boo sorry don't feed the animals but at the same time I'd like to put a little information board here is it an LCD screen it looks like it is hold on it is how could we have that in the room we can't have that in the rain ooh oh we're gonna have to we have to make some sort of shelter for that so I'm gonna put that that's a bit high isn't it so we'll move it down yes now it looks good click okay I don't know what that does Komodo dragon yeah there we go we're showing stuff pure luck power cost and we can change the colour of it and now we can go control X oh my god oh god I'm clicking multiple things well I've made another one of it I don't know how it turned out oh my wait it floats Wow okay so you can just have a floating screen so we can delete that hold on let's delete that yeah see what why does that change why do i if i click X why do I get the heatmap coming up that's weird I've been clicking X this whole time and that has never happened so quick okay with that we'll do control X and we are doing this again we can pop it over to the other side flying over this way oh it's gonna be in a curved wall this is gonna make it a little bit awkward we've also researched quite a bit of the Komodo dragon as well so we're gonna get some new new creatures coming in because I've got an enclosure I'm ready there we go there we go and then of course Komodo dragon I've bought I think two new vets or at least one new vet so we're going to here we're going to zoom know to make two mechanics that's right I got a mechanic who I've promoted even though he's new maybe I should have promoted this now how can we tell if they're going to mate or anything is that oh they need sand oh you should have just said there ya go if I go into duty to do habitat K for Komodo dragon aha there we go we've got a football kind of want it facing this way yeah like that and you know what because I'm spoiling you I'll put a football in the corner Oh enrichment 50% species food enrichment Oh oh so they don't need the football which I guess is the frozen pumpkin that they can have we could probably put that over here next to the water and then if we check them now we have a hundred percent oh happy days 100 percent of that nervous and terrain I never sent a coverage but now we'll get to see them interact with that so now that we were pretty much a komodo dragon Pro I think at this point oh god did I click it again oh please stop clicking things will go into here and we'll go into zoo and let's see what kind of animals we can buy I read it on the air box but there's only males one more hot dog should we just get one I've read a poem on a really beautiful wood nope are we having a glitch we're having a little bit of a glitch we're still we're still in like the beta this game has just been updated for me so maybe that's yeah there you go so so so so why should we put you I'm thinking the bigger one I like this I will know how many odd fox you can have together now odd Vox our kind of animals that like to be by themselves they they're amazing they're so cute as well when I wonder San Diego San Diego Zoo actually I saw them in San Diego Safari Park because all of us youtubers that went more got agreed is really really good had like a special oh no I do have a gate I didn't even see that we had a special interaction with certain animals hmm why do we just get two extra oh man we're almost done we've almost fully researched our only animal hi here it comes so I do have a engineer who's coming to do this sort of area oh yeah also sorry I completely forgot it's been ages on this part of the park just to make it you know kinda pretty I don't know what I'm doing with these guys I'd love to put little faces on them but can't really and that's kind a little bit out but this I was thinking we could have this a home on the range so we could have bison and maybe or the wildebeest would they be happy together but something like that oh who is your beauty oh my god I love dogs when you favorite I don't know what it is I don't know what it is bad box they're just super super cute so they needs a lot more grass short totally got way too much space and yeah wonder if we can put it with anything else so we'll just get rid of all the grass lawn although just quite a high need for it so we'll make it like Oh over here that's where he goes all the time so you know it's quite dirty so that's okay but we need a hard shelter who didn't see that and we need enrichment how many people do I have I'm just gonna let him wander around actually no I'm not gonna pause it because we don't we don't even have any food balls food bowls small he only needs a little food bowl so you place them there woohoo and curve it a little bit make it look nice make it look pretty how is that now hopefully if I cook the aardvark he's still okay escaped well apparently I'm gonna click Play to see what happens have you got broken glass how's it going [Music] this this Nick yeah super Cuevas Nick are you still you're still asleep emergency capture animal for a thousand I don't know how your escaped you're definitely not escaped it's counted this is an enclosure I think we're done are we done with Komodo dragon there we go we know everything there is to know about Komodo dragons she she needs a pay-rise hold on hold on where is she I think I think that's her or she'd oh she's a pet oh there you go you need a pay-rise you're doing you're doing the gods work here oh you're there we go look at him he's fixing it beautiful I still don't understand we need I think we need to capture this guy it's costing me $1,000 though can we can we call a vet we've only got one vet down but we need more vets oh you will be placed right on top of them okay apparently not because you don't want to go there and you and now that we've got you to research can you also go on I was gonna say let's get some campy law practice or whatever it's called let's start researching some diseases oh you got him did you get it how did that where you taking him where's he going oh because he was supposed to be in the other enclosure that's why oh okay so you hadn't really escaped okay we need to move them we're gonna move them into that one delivered status there we go you won't even see got you okay we're getting I think if we research the barriers let's have a look it's taking ages to research these look at this African theme I guess once we research the African theme we're gonna and there two stars to be fair are they okay what's this guy he's Idol he better not be commuting us computing oh okay right if he's low on energy the vets also low on energy the high workload for this guy can we go to him oh no no no no no no please tell me that didn't I just want to go to him where is he it should be he's resting tyranny I can't just go to him but hey ho there we go so how are you okay in here welfare is pretty low you're okay with everything you just need a hard shelter your tropical and grassland what about social no you're completely fine being by yourself so I've gained all the animals that just are happy being by themselves I thought aardvarks would be actually we're learning here he's got can we no radom himself you're the best step is the best but we need now habitats so we need a wooden shelter now I'm assuming the wooden shelters all right for the aardvark it's not giving me the big shelter for whatever reason and I love messing with this I love going okay let's you click on that okay let's add so add a partition here and then this one can be guys yeah I love it it's so good I don't know what I just really like it so can we add one here no we can't okay but we can add we can add a segment here and then you can just click on this nangou wall damn this place is awesome I love this game it's so it like it's the only thing about it that I don't like is the paths I really don't like it the way the pattern Oh is he resting in the shade I need shelter don't worry I'll get you one we're low on funds apparently we're losing money probably because of the welfare so I'm gonna pause this we're gonna get you yet tiny little hole I think actually you know what the yeah this is a my assigned to what's this for look at all the tags hashtag everything I think what would be best is if we placed it kind of like that coming up oh you can't rotate it interesting okay so yes on it we're definitely doing that I'm gonna put that there then we're gonna go into habitat you know the drill of this point and we'll just move this a little bit back that way like so apparently that I didn't click okay so that didn't work war said smooth I didn't say paint grass yeah yeah oh my god this get so good okay sampled yeah there we go that's much better why would the automatically pain that's so weird so he's got his little hidey-hole I one thing I don't think I have actually is a zookeeper assigned to this my dude Zachary to work area to because work area to covers basically just these two while these three now enclosures apparently it's okay and it doesn't really need too much coverage which is interesting but it does need tropical so we're gonna go into here we're gonna go into the list so who are no terminal tree I don't even want that one doing it's a huge well let's find out what do you like shall we well click off that will click on him and now let's through the process of elimination I'd be really cool but I don't think he's gonna like that one that's really like that one I don't know let's see oh no oh it's too much I will give one donation bucket there and that's pretty much it and we'll make it the same color as little rd there we go he's already made $100 I don't know what he's done like but hey he's doing it oh why do I where the hell do I put this and why does it automatically select this sort of thing oh right so if they're in danger this is another another form of education I look it shows whereabouts wait what the indigenous to all the way over there for an Eskimo Dennis who does not require power Oh hold on hold on create a heat map for something education incorrect unassigned origin incorrect education there you go that's good well lit while learning people ah so you can also check negative impact on guests and these are is up the toilet yeah oh oh they only go into it for a split second when they go to the toilet so it's really not that bad building's unhappy for this one Oh why power we're still within range just of that power so don't have to get anything else with nothing else water temperatures okay an animal welfare greet oh oh oh my god right okay I want you in the comments if you think you've got a cuter animal animal than this thing I want you to put in a comment because I don't think there is I know there is such a thing that's cuter than that but also I've completely forgotten too I've neglected his little thingies yep that's all he needs just one tree can we do anything interesting with the terrain maybe we could give him like a like a hell no I don't mean rocks actually affect it it's mainly just trees which is awesome he's got his own little Pride Rock there you go no he's adorable wait dammit ah I need to click on something yeah just double click off and you're all good as you got food what are you doing are you researching is he ok for food I just want to make sure that he's actually being fed nutrition's are really high animal welfare all right whoa what's this Zoo low on cash that's fine research there we go we researched a little bit oh we caught an Africa theme awesome oh that's great I need oh we've almost got barriers now as well we had something here I can't find accessible research route I really want a baby dope a really what is your baby odd bug we can get way more sand grass long get rid of that grass long I want more sand yeah there we go now we look a lot better kind of break it up a little bit there we go little bit patchy female about 3 grand and spending it all boom move get her in there yes oh my god she cost me everything I would love to see a komodo dragon interact with one of these though and because Komodo dragons are lizards right they would lay eggs when they have babies so their welfare is 89% for you I mean the only thing that's lacking is social I don't know how to get social up though we have a look social - I don't know - we do we put in a little water cooler and they can conversate over that oh this is so cool and then look we can we can learn about it so climate changes it definitely works I was wondering if I can rotate that a little bit unless hold the phone because we're amazing we go whoo and there we go now we've got a little bit it's almost like it's built into the enclosure and that's that's what's important so are you still funny hard to research can't find accessible research research what Center with space oh there it is ah so we need another research center so this is small look so I mean we got loads of stuff here so we can a would depend how much it costs actually let's go for staff facilities oh it's all too expensive animal trade and keeper hood yep Oh is she here did she arrive hold on I also want to check what researchers we've got done have you got another one is this must be the barriers oh no it's the campi thingy majiggy but do we not have this one done I thought we did okay barriers fantastic so if I go into barriers now how many do I have I see a gap Ian and I think that's it unfortunately we just got worn Heijn has always been a thing so that's a shame but she should be in here now she here oh there she is we got so we got ember and Latifah Latifah she's actually way better than him for Tilly's eighty-three percent and as far as general rating goes he's got no real way what are you doing you look like you're trying to line up some animation there okay yeah she's three stars she's a boss but I wanted to check the research for the aardvarks cuz I kind of need that done and it to be fair it does get done pretty quick oh oh is that it are we done yet these guys seem to be wanting to do some so there we go we've got some research maybe maybe now we've learned something about the aardvarks Oh a large barrel feeder in fact actually what kind of enrichment do they want okay so and have some food enrichment oh they'll be so adorable to see the play with that and there you go and now we need the toy enrichment rubbing pad I assume that's gonna be it and we could just rotate that this way boom yes there we go oh I'd love to see these guys interact with them oh that's awesome so we've got the aardvarks in we're turning how much your profit twenty twenty dollars it's really not too great is it but wait wait wait wait if can we place the is in facilities I want to place the information thing African picnic canopy oh we've research that oh no you're gonna do it you can do it are you gonna do it I'll make it we're seeing history here okay can we could we check on the vets to see if they are actually covering like works on to how'd you check work zones though pretty sure to works on to work zone here we go here we go books and more books on - can i there we go there's there's how I go and see them so what what are you doing exactly ah it's not ah that's because I split it right okay I was wondering because I split it this became a new work zone and because you know you have to update this I didn't realize so there you go works on two so now he should be coming in yep he's rushing over we're learning we're learning also I'm just gonna not you want to select that when they move them in that way there we go Oh God because I moved the thing they they quickly okay soon as you edit the barrier they get a they get put into a box so sorry if you were in the middle of doing something guys but hopefully you'd be released soon and we need another research center oh we're only on 600 what did I just oh did it just cost me 2002 emergency transport I think it did whoops is it always just Latifah it was just Latifah she cost me a ground to do that hope you happy God where is it the one where zember lembas okay yeah he's coming over oh yeah there you go you've got your wallet now I think at least yeah there it is we're gonna see his tongue hurt small research 1370 and we're gonna have to probably make his space in here I'm thinking and this can be where the research and then there could be another keeper hood and that's gonna be great for just generally you know them having a rest bites spot to go and work on animals in here and then the three different habitats that are gonna be in here oh whoa what is this we got a blood cent market oh my god okay this must be for the Komodo dragons what right to the face oh they all they ate the pumpkin thing oh no I have no power oh dear I'm gonna have to start thinking about how do i power stuff oh they whack the ball at least at least that thing Oh God money's down buddies down how how do we get money back up what asuka's have been spending on things income purchase okay three thousand that's fine whoo okay as long as I stop buying things hopefully money should go up play with it good luck it again good oh you got the stuff out of it I don't understand how we're losing money oh we're up is it the rain do people just not wanting to spend money in the rain possibly how much money they're making 160 Wow Komodos makes so much more 2005 grand Oh moving he's got a steam on yes also I forgot about the temperature I need to check the temperature to see if the aardvarks are okay it's a bit like a temperature these guys cold there yeah there are little [ __ ] Sam weeks all right okay so we need to make a heater so exhibit cooler cool god no he dead we can put do we put a heater on top because then the heat rises doesn't it I mean technically that wouldn't work realistically there a place it there Oh God that I just place to a place to delete one very good and oh they have no power oh no okay right I've really got to do this power thing do we have power yeah there we go okay twenty is 25 degrees a bit too hot for them it's only one way to find out go on the temperature nope they're completely fine I feel like with the Komodo dragons maybe maybe we should have two oh god what was that oh I don't know but maybe we should have two heaters you know it is a tree doesn't look too bad when it's like that it's a proper spider tree but maybe there's a little bit too too high looks like it's a bit sentient spaces hmm they need more space apparently you wouldn't have thought so I didn't even realise that how how the aardvarks for space I haven't checked that space on a percent social group 100 percent everything is the right kind of recipe for these guys to make cute little babies and now we've got power so we can educate them and they'll be more inclined I assume to Condor your zoo has no security do I need security guards alright then there you go you could be I don't know do you need to be assigned a zone zone one I guess that's the really big zone so you can do that get the entrance and everything else Oh what it's nothing on the rock is that my boy that's Themba member my boy on the rock there you go what a cutie and realize that they would climb a tall that's awesome I want to make more rocks I want to make a rock corner I thought she was gonna leap up there you're not doing that yeah I'd be very surprised if you could leap oh whoa I made two whoops oh I'm in love I love this game okay guys I just wanna show you big thank you for even watching episode two and sticking with me if you have any suggestions don't hesitate leave them in the comments I will read them and of course because this video is probably recorded wait oh ah well don't worry about that place there's nothing in there but because like these are pre-recorded it'll take me a while to catch up and read the comments but I as soon as the video goes live I'll be there reading comments and everything like that so if you enjoyed this video leave a like it until next time I'll see you later Oh bye bye [Music] you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 504,936
Rating: 4.9645424 out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo exclusive, planet zoo walkthrough, planet zoo gaming beaver, planet zoo beaver, all animals, aquatic, prehistoric, secrets, hd, funny, montage, funny montage, fun, animals
Id: PxfczQwSGFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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