@Corpse Husband Challenged Me To Beat His Favorite Rage Game

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after destroying one of the hardest games pogo stuck corp's husband you might also know as the other deep voice guy on youtube challenged me to try golfing over it which is the mixture of getting over it with a golf ball so here's how that went what about you could play golfing over it if it's got a three hour average you have three hours you really think it'll take me three hours to beat it dude you're probably fine right like it took me two and a half hours my first time but i've never played a game like that prior oh actually this looks pretty fun oh no this looks hard [Music] all right how hard can it be oh you've got this tree [Music] oh i see okay this is interesting oh that's this is this is interesting so i'm guessing the probably the best was epic oh wait so if it hits the surface i can't hit it again i know i can't yeah wait so when it goes black i can't hit it again yeah that's interesting doesn't seem too bad yeah you're doing you're doing much better than people do on their first try usually this is the way oh oh no no it's a hatsune miku horse that's pretty impressive yeah yeah it's probably like the unity asset store right yeah it's a pretty interesting game it's crazy how much effect that one game has had on like gaming culture yeah no piece of i don't feel like this is nearly as horrible i love the student's narration i can feel the blue yeti energy i feel like getting the hang of this oh 30 hours of this game no this is already way easier hey hey we're the monkeys we're just mugging around what the it's a really famous band you probably know some of their songs no what i don't know really really oh that is oh that's kind of annoying actually here it is this is literally like the only hard part oh no oh okay but you fall all the way down from the top uh yes but they have this mechanic in the game where if you fall from a really like high thing that it'll give you like one chance again it'll put you back up there that's extremely generous of the game connor based on your recent gaming history we have reached the conclusion that you must be a bot that's not a full power i yeah maybe [Music] oh get out of this stupid hole hi connor what's your favorite fast food restaurant thanks god i'm glad you are what did you see where i landed whoa it's like when you flip a coin it lands on the edge dude this is horrible that's literally the jpeg crop from fighting nemo you can see the white lines around this is like what is this royalty-free nemo like holy this is nerve-wracking oh my god that was so close oh no no there's a castle to your left inside it leaves a girl her name is albatros she's watching you play silently wishing for you to make it to the top but be careful because there's a cannon pointing at for the fact that it will be challenging and potentially frustrating oh [Music] choke in both different ways thanks chat why is that a platform though that's so funny you game [Music] are you kidding me that's so cruel i don't want it now i can get back and i just failed it immediately this is the saddest thing on earth it's so nerve-wracking falling there into the dolphins sphincter never gonna give you up never gonna let you down oh that's tricky bro i can't believe you just did was that not how you do it usually you want to be like a bit more gentle in case it like knocks back and you fall down a bit but yeah yeah i wanted to pet the concept oh my god this is terrifying now yeah it gets really difficult here what is this what is this oh no this spot looks tough oh what oh no no that's that's ridiculous oh my god oh i gotta stop doing that oh no no not now that's so oh why why now this game i hate this game why couldn't they why couldn't they do it earlier that's so unfair my mouse is so sweaty you actually probably like jump king i don't know why you don't try it man no i like it i get don't have fun i think it's just like i get so frustrated that i want to be good at it and it's not like an enjoyable experience welcome to my strength welcome to my stream well as long as i don't fall all the way down again i'll be happy i shouldn't say that anime hairs feels like the full power is too much but like anything less doesn't do anything oh my god wait i gotta go on these blocks what that's so tough how the you do that yeah that's probably trouble with in particular really oh god yeah it's like a decently safe part as well just don't fall off the left of this moon thing no dude that's so cruel that's pretty much the top though okay well all right let's get back let's speed run it oh yes yes thank you god imagine i just immediately went back no no no i hate this bro i'm going too fast i'm impatient now because i i i know i can do it i see why you could do this fast now i feel like once you forget the core feeling of it down like yeah that makes sense no no oh no i'm trolling now oh god you're fun you're fun corpse i think you're still ahead of my christmas i can't believe i nearly did it god damn it of course i throw of course i choked at the end that's so typical for me i can't just have a game where i just do it like good this is actually the one of the hardest parts i'm not even kidding this part actually sucks this part actually sucks god that mechanic of the ball not being able to move when it hits something is infuriating yeah oh what a dumb mechanic oh no i ain't t i can't do it i need a cup of tea when i get t i'll do this easy i can feel the the inner peace within me this game is easy this game ain't no no no look at this i hate that it's either like 1 000 power or nothing this sucks are you ah this is just a pain oh he's trolling i'm not trolling i'm actually not why would you guys assume that that's really i've been stuck on this section for like 20 minutes how insane is that i literally like basically beat the game no i just don't understand what happened how am i stuck how am i stuck on like the easiest part no no i've just wasted my is that is she on drones don't like amazon basic drones conrad i don't know if you know this but people generally don't see any reason to hint in a single player game thanks this is just the definition of insanity just me being a me hello hello how you feeling you okay i'm okay [Applause] okay oh my god i'm trolling i'm i troll like i had this and somehow i think i've gotten worse oh and then i fall i'm not even kidding chad this is by far the worst jump out of all of them none of them are even remotely as difficult as that one listen don't act like you guys don't do this too i think i've lost my mind what the what happened why is everybody spamming that weird face because i said chat oh oh i would never say that yeah that's how you get to number one kids saying that you know how to give them what they no no i won't let this be in vain you saved me i will return the favor sake i just immediately jinxed it why did i do that slow down someone says go to your time at home we play fast here guys [Music] all right okay at least a little bit of safety until i choke inevitably again oh no no let me out of this hell hole oh my god oh my it was so easy earlier i don't understand why it's actually hard now this is a children's game this was easy this came free with my happy meal this is not a real game can we go back to pogo stuck oh it's just it just it just no matter what i do [Music] i don't understand oh god he went the other way mouse when you do that voice it's so funny oh god why why is he so big since why he's such a big guy why is he such a big guy i don't know i think he's born with it i'm back failing hard after you started trying to score soon she was your good luck and you forsook her i feel like i'm getting the hang of this oh my oh my god this is just dumb this is so stupid i'm still here going insane [Music] no oh my god you got something to say oops don't say anything you want to say anything man what are you what are you stuck on mouse i'm not stuck anymore you do that yeah hell yeah no no no this is actually cruel bro the game is really working when the thing that saves you is now cruel oh come on let me in the fox bro you're rushing i'm just trying to beat this game so i can get back to do your mom quick a chat right whatever you want to hear don't you want to hear chat i gotta be somewhere okay that's so cruel can message playing the game to like conor crying asmr i guess that's been the past few streams you're trying to beat this game tell me about it you are a god you're literally satan how i did i've done this like four times already and now i can't do it and now i just choked and that's great why do i choke so much i don't understand i know it's a choke dog va hilarious i'm sorry i'm so close bro i can feel i can taste it is it even worth trying to skip past this and now you want to land it like just on the flat part of the top without like hitting the handle of it i guess oh it then i got a don't fall in that crevice there it's pretty difficult to put in the words how disgusted i am how depressed i am oh no oh wow oh you can't oh is it impossible to get back [Music] i think you got it what do i [Music] [Music] i really thought so too i'm glad you had faith in oh my god that was kind of fun though that was a that was a cool idea i liked that game that was fun all right i'll see you guys later have a good one bye guys bye bye [Music]
Channel: ConnorDawg
Views: 601,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cdawgva, CDawgVA Streams, CDawgVA Highlights, CDawgVA Stream Highlights, Highlights, Connor, ConnorDawg, CDawg, golfing over it, rage game, getting over it, corpse husband, corpse
Id: 5nw-jIGS_2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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