Reacting to Garnts Biggest Streaming Fail

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do you like me i can provide them to you it's just a small right let's do memes last year i'm wearing the trash taste hoodie because we're on the trash day subreddit today so i thought why not wear the trash taste hoodie you guys occasionally post funny memes on the subreddit as you all know we've done this many times so today we're gonna review your memes again over the subreddit and we'll see see how it goes and also guys we have where is it you can't forget there's the connor approved meme award which i will give to our favorite meme the best meme of today so we'll see who gets the award this is sir graffo and he made this this meme image that was i finally watched all the translate episodes shows them all i can finally and then somebody asks what about the streams the what i recognized this meme format and i was like oh it's like the actual guy i clicked on this guy's account right where is his where's the cam 8.6 million karma bro this guy like definitely what's crazy is right is that you see this right you see this post it's like oh that's cute that's cute thank you i really appreciate it i appreciate it man you're really cool and then you go down and you read the comments right and you're like oh didn't expect sir graffo himself to watch all the trash nice episodes any chance you being a guest sometime and then this man replies in memes and then he's like then go to japan it's probably cheap replies again with another meme this is crazy how does he do this i don't know how he does this so fast i would love to talk to this guy he seems really he seems pretty funny the trash tastes boys got featured in the metropolis japan magazine i love how like joey looks sick all this good and then i'm like oh [ __ ] look at that oh this is the with the figure special everyone got really annoyed about everything and i got annoyed about everything genuinely at that time i thought all the crewmates were the same when people were saying that the crewmates were different i thought they were they were genuinely [ __ ] with me why would i think that they're all different they're literally like you choose the color at the start i just thought it was the same fireworks are bend so i improvised happy new year everyone [Music] no matter what happened what the year brings you are loved and you are strong i love how that's tiny compared to the massive bang bang bangs gone loves japanese hambagu which is just hamburgers without the bread hates pizza crust the breadiest part of pizza thinks all bread tastes the same i think this guy just hates bread it's so true he just doesn't understand bread he doesn't think bread's good get a jojo figure and do the exact same i'm so glad somebody called out jay that was so good you know we when i saw his video i didn't even realize this i watched it and i just thought well yeah that is his pose so it didn't seem off to me but then i realized this is the exact same pose thank god for the redder detectives sydney irl i saw some other screenshots of this anime character that what they were saying and i was like that is weirdly i could see sydney saying that joey oh this is so good i saw somebody did this like two days after the special went live it was crazy this is kind of what it felt like except i was watching like a novice run of doom joey was really struggling to kill that fish it bled a lot more than i thought it would i knew that fish had blood i just didn't think there was gonna be like like that much i think joey did it the wrong way which led it to be really bloody oh this is cute fan art this is really cute oh [ __ ] i just i've seen this image so many times i thought this is the mika this is the edited version i didn't notice chris outside you see god got to like the top of live stream fails with this [Music] bruh bruh must watch must watch bruh [Music] dude if i wasn't already hyped up on this before this has now gone into a must-watch holy [ __ ] let me let me see what what was that [Music] it's so good it's so good it's like accidentally perfectly timed it's so good oh my yuck i remember this image came out from like the daniel radcliffe thing years where the movie came out and then the movie was like meh that's crazy that's such a that's like that's a good edit list of channels that mood and edit edit manage c dog va conor dog connor clips trash taste trash just after dark sid snap the anime man iron mouse trash take highlights mood and mood on tv he also edits for some of joey ackee dearest uh also uh sea dog clips and some other [ __ ] too man is a beast he is oh thank god i've been one of the talking about this mailing critiquing garn oh dear oh dear gorgeous million critiquing joey and connor you [ __ ] donkey bro grant incoming rant warning is [ __ ] you know it's true though it's true how long was the judging section on on youtube hold on so it's like four minutes three and a half minutes of critiquing right irl i think it was like 10 or 15 minutes i remember just sitting there being like tell me the score god had the hardest dishes by far that's true gaunt did there was this point where chef koji was explaining to bailey was like hey so because we deep deep like fried stuff earlier it made the oil like worse to cook with or something and i was like yeah yeah what he said but meleen was like not having it really was like no no i don't care it was [ __ ] she was like you know connors was like yeah i don't really like the dish you know the presentation was really bad you know i'm not really fond of this this food you know and it was like okay okay whatever you know six out of five ten am i all right millions picky it's like gone it's like it's inedible it's [ __ ] there's there's bones there's nails uh you served it like it was slop uh also six out of ten i'm like what and she mocks me for being so salty and i'm like well it's because i am i'm very salty because that was [ __ ] the boys sleeping in tents with vending machines and cars to warm them up crystal the top of mount fuji sleeping on a rock you guys say this but if chris had the option of a vending machine and a car you telling me that chris wouldn't take it chris only took that because he was stupid enough to go without a vending machine in the car gigachad giga idiot that's that's what i'm saying why is it restarting [Music] no oh god the music oh my god oh my god that was so good i was laughing so much though jesus trash taste after disney's acquired by geek's flaws yo but i got a good jawline though look at that that's a damn good jawline i feel like they just they just saw the joey one they were like let's just find two other dudes that look kind of like them i mean they gave up with gone straight up i mean if you get a white guy you're already pretty close to me i think oh yeah conor's race for the english double spirit chronicles i'd show you guys but i'm pretty sure that would break copyright rules but uh yeah you can go watch it i think uh episode three is out i don't know if episode falls out but yeah you guys can see my voice acting if you want to see what i'm i'll i'd be like in anime connor hosting the next trash taste awards is this legit his suit how is it the same outfit with a wine glass too that's insane how is it it's like they made it after me what are the odds of that holy [ __ ] when god said he used to work at the bbc when god explains why he left the bbc did you guys watch that video it was really good you guys should watch gantz why i left the bbc video it's really really good we have never seen these two at the same time anywhere coincidence i think not mouse can you confirm are you the same person [Music] sorry lol exactly has regular streams at multiple times a day to accommodate all his audience collaborates regularly with famous v tubers streamers and youtubers practices the craft of live streaming and is slowly perfecting it audience is growing but still within the trash taste fandom fair enough has a single reaction stream to sabiki bisco trailer reaches top of the r slash live stream fails man god's a better streamer than me confirmed ratio you fell off make sure you fell off when jojo fans meet each other oh god all right guys check this out i'll simulate it what is that [ __ ] chuck that on connor that's a good one that's a good one i guess like this i i enjoy watching some like who's the iron mouse on twitch um but like i wouldn't like say i'm like yeah i'm know what i gonna symbol i was saying earlier the singer was so good that like i started my stream like five minutes later than i intended because i was like okay one more time all right one more time that never happened i want more okay okay you guys have the wrong stream you know what's a i was talking about myself you know i was throwing it myself you know what can i say jojo fans when they see an unsucked [ __ ] i like joseph's adventure i don't think i'll get a bigger w today bj consider i i don't know why the the consider thing makes it so much funnier than like if it was like do like press x to bj bj consider babe wake up nougat expression how does it how does he consistently do like the best the best reaction faces this man's reaction faces are like next level he somehow conveys like really specific emotions i don't know how he does it oh my god how many times they sing here how cool that was could you repeat that they go back that's crazy look they they go back together did you repeat that they go back you're to the right together they go back and jump okay now that is too much when it's like one one jump up like this that's fine that that makes sense that you would naturally just sync with that sometimes especially when you see someone moving it kind of makes you want to do it but like what the exact same movement repeat that we can't stream so we found a meme recently they are robots i'm convinced they're robots this is why they're always fighting me together you did it little did they know that i i immediately then did the much much harder new babe plus which was so much so much worse than this one oh no no this clip this clip hurts i know this clip [Music] oh it still hurts it still hurts [Music] that's the best part of that clip is mouse comforting me thinking that the like the fall wasn't that bad and then mouse you could then see the stream delay caught up and mouse sees how bad the four was watch this again all right did you say yeah joey does jerry gets to chill dude this is so good check joey dude that's joey always is like kw in the background i mean ghana arguing what is this oh my god what i feel like i look like i've been put through this filter like 15 times 10 out of 10 wood bang thanks chad i know you guys got my back thank you i appreciate it connor's life highlight well thank you i'm glad i'm glad someone made it i'd i'm i don't need to make one now i'll just hand this to my kids when they ask what am i what am i what's going on in my life man why does no one like my ships my ships oh that's a really nice picture though hearts aside i knew people would love chef koji we love chef koji he was so nice so patient as well okay hold up we got a video edit i got to prepare myself for this go on talking about [ __ ] for one minute 14 seconds straight look over and there's a fat [ __ ] [ __ ] how fat are we talking it's it's it's about it's about that size okay that's pretty easy that's a decent size it's it's a it's a decent it's a decent sized cop um and it wasn't a pleasant experience at all we were looking at it it was it was it was flexing we literally escaped thailand so we didn't have to experience this again and here we are moved into our new place where it's we've been here for like a month and we have a single [ __ ] in our house eventually i'm just like i started going on amazon and i buy like every [ __ ] related product i could find yeah i started doing research about japanese it's right in the center of my living room it's got a lot of balls it has got a lot of balls right on the kitchen and i [ __ ] freeze up i'm just like [ __ ] how do i get rid of this i'm kind of scared that it's just going to like like hit me in the face again like maybe it's gonna be my similar experience to what happened in thailand i was like ah sydney runs down right she's like panicking because all she heard was like wham i mean just like heavy breathing and all sydney witnesses it's just me standing over the standing over the dead corpse of this [ __ ] like a booty in my mind i was like do you see what you get oh my god that's such a good edit dude everything about that edit works like all the like related uh words up before the [ __ ] also makes sense chris is built different this is chris's ski gear i remember the first light day chris didn't have like a a helmet and we were all wearing helmets like you think i should get a helmet we're like yeah chris i think you should get a helmet in case you fall over i don't know how he wasn't freezing every day he was like you'd see him and his face would be like frozen over like when you like wear like a a piece of cloth or something chris i don't know maybe you should try wear something because he's a chad it's true actually best girl makoto happy worst girl futaba sad is that true persona fans i don't know persona fans hot milk from an isakai the hot milk hot milk dust insects oh my god as a german i fear as a german feel personally attacked that god thinks all bread tastes the same dude germans don't realize how lucky they are man you guys get like the insane selection of bread at your supermarket you guys are so lucky you've met black goku have you met white buzz was that in one of our videos or something where is this it's been soaked in the jar we were all thinking it but don't say it out loud guys come on it is like a cum-colored buzz why why is oh my god what is this defending yourself against trash taste fans 101 what is this today i will show you how to defend yourself against a trash taste fan if a guard fan pointed a gun at you just remind them that their mother always said to clean their plates or african children will starve the realization of how many children they indirectly killed by leaving pizza crust and boneless chicken behind will make them depressed that's your moment to strike if a conor fan attacks you just say that instead of shipping him with every v tuber he collapsed you should instead ship yourself to the nearest [ __ ] in the neighborhood this will daze them while they are dazed pin them to the ground if a joey fan tries to strangle you ask them to divide any number by the amount of anime anime man watched in 2021 [Music] this equation is impossible to solve while their mind is blown smash their skulls into a wall that's pretty good who is this man these are all the names i go by conla dummy all right connor dog voice actor my boyfriend la mao just connor cobbler yeah they call me cobbler i think that started because uh dallas and emily and why we always play games i think i think dardis one time typed copper instead of conor because b is next to n and then it just stuck for some reason so they call me cobba aquatic canine you guys don't call me aquatic k9 youtube comments choke dog va monkey 93 many names many names that beer was good i want to go back there and drink that beer tungsten rat's canonical hype estimated in comparison to conus i think this is because i was the jojo though right i noticed that the models shrink even when you put your height in vrchat it changes a bunch it's really weird god all i'm saying is in eurocamp they [ __ ] lied to me they went camping in the winter and they didn't even need to go into the car to warm themselves up euro camps season two episode six i think we might be a little over our head once we started getting used to winter camping oh they actually had an episode where they went inside pretty accurate gotta say that's what we did in real that's what we did in real life so yeah the taste is so good but i don't like that the way i feel after eating it you could have spent more time presentation i'll give it a six the rice is not even fully cooked there are still bones left my ball layout looks like you had a personal grudge during the play-doh process also a six that's what i'm saying i was robbed i was robbed so hard all right what's this get it done wow that's pretty good holy [ __ ] [Music] what are these expressions is that me doing that noise [Music] oh my god [Music] wow oh my god this thing committed [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] they see it unsucked that was kind of good that was kind of good wow that was pretty impressive that was very impressive have you ever licked sweat nanny what you don't lick sydney sweat sorry that was a strange thing to ask yeah that was a very strange thing to ask thank god we got it on filming oh whoa i haven't seen this whoa whoa that's crazy dude that's so cool connor breathes iron mouse so anyway i remind him i'm puerto rican true that's true for you goes off on connor and gone i had like some chicken and rice i think i this is a v2 i don't know who this person is change into my pajamas put on trash taste on the side and then i go to bed and i'm like set my time and then you know i'm hearing some of the conversation like it's entering my ear and leaving at the same time i wasn't really fully paying attention and then connor out of nowhere says new york style pizza is better than stone bake my eyes shut open i woke up so quickly so i rewinded the stream a little bit i reminded the podcast a little bit i was trying to see what's going on and we're talking about pizza stuffed crust you know the usual stuff and then connor has the audacity to say that new york style pizza is better than naples pizza what what i was saying like what the [ __ ] do you mean and for the first time ever gant actually embodied my opinions properly which she was like is wrong with you connor i'm convinced you don't have taste buds that's basically what he said i was with team gantt the whole way until god said 90 percent of bread taste i'm like oh my god that's pretty good [Laughter] mate i felt the germans die but he also said that you can't have bread as a meal uh pretzels our friendship was in jeopardy yesterday we ordered burgers and some crisps and some chips as well so i could have had a burger but out of spite i had rice and bread [Music] fair enough fair enough fair enough but i'm right i'm listening to your argument but i'm right boys being boys real stock photos it doesn't like a stock photography i think we did that on purpose the boys discussing the points in the first figure episode the boy's discussing the points in the second figure episode listen there was just a lot more on the line man we just cared a lot more we were out for blood you know it is what it is it is what it is boys on the way to the studio for hentai episode two [Music] oh dude there's those [ __ ] coats of badass it's a work in progress oh this is really sweet so if you guys don't know we kind of like roasted this dude's pc setup because he included himself in the roast thing and then uh like a few weeks later he posted him cleaning it up and it was just the most wholesome [ __ ] and uh i i was reading all the comments and the replies he was saying and he mentioned he didn't have a vacuum so we bought him a vacuum we bought him uh we got him the dyson i was like we'll get you a dyson we'll let you join the gang he cleaned it up by hand and i was like are you insane you can't do that you got to get a dyson bro get that good sucked so we set my dyson i think should arrive soon it should arrive like any day now i think but i hope he uh i hope he keeps uh cleaning it it looks like it uh it's coming together all right what's the meme what's the meme that we're gonna give it to today we've seen some amazing memes but i don't know which one deserves the sea dog approved meme it could be the song it could be the [ __ ] for one minute ask you guys i'll ask you guys i'll pull it the other song was better i mean i think either way the chat wants the [ __ ] meme i guess we'll give it to the [ __ ] meme all right let's give let's give it to you sir for the great great meme and give and then there we go it now has the uh the connor seal of approval wow we we get to give one out every now and then if you did enjoy these memes please make sure to subscribe to the connor dog channel so you can keep up with the latest meme reviews that we do i'm doing them all the time and i upload tons of other content so subscribe to the connor dog youtube channel and while you're at it come to twitch.tva to come watch these live i think you guys love these uh streams you guys have a good time so uh come check it out make sure to follow me there i'm streaming quite often so uh you can come [Music] you
Channel: ConnorDawg
Views: 1,124,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cdawgva, CDawgVA Streams, CDawgVA Highlights, CDawgVA Stream Highlights, Highlights, Connor, ConnorDawg, CDawg, trash taste, meme review, reddit, garnt, gigguk, fail, react
Id: -I0r6LJv6Cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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