Showing Her The Power of Monkey!

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bruh bruh you spooked me guys you were waiting why do you all get spooked like i'm just going to leave it on the starting stream screen all right there we go i won't spook you guys anymore all right everyone's ready let's give them a call let's give these gamers a call hello oh she's like a robot hello oh hello milky hello lord ethelstone mouse your mic sounds funny she downloaded a virus right i'm i'm gonna start up the mario parties are you all accepted right yeah oh my god milky that was oh sorry that was just great it was too loud i'm so hyped let's do it is there an easier thing to call you i feel like lord no i need i need all four syllables every time no you can you can just call me usually or if you really want to suck up to me you can call me lord but i'll go with ethan i'll go with etho if you want to play with someone else press b to end your current session oh okay would you like to end it it's like anyone asked me if i was sure it was just like get out of here bro turn around run do you really want to play with these people all right let me try it again oh [ __ ] this is exactly like the n64 remember this yoshi gang rise up that's so good which one are we doing which one do you guys want to do everything except for the space one all right let's do the space one then i swear you don't like the space one all right let's do woody woods that is [ __ ] terrifying [ __ ] dude okay man i love the like uh the butt animation he had that's why i picked him wait what's this what about animation does he have like he's just got a really thick butt look oh my god look how juicy oh my god yeah the way they pushed me i know it looks so passive aggressive man like damn like i thought this was a party game get them out of my way hey seth rogen i hate you i love this one oh my god oh [ __ ] dude this is so nostalgic so he puts up one side you put the left side right like that there you go all right let's do it it's like squid game shut the [ __ ] up oh this is a delay on my thing okay this is oh my god milky's too good milky is too strong uh item uh double i gotta roll 14. come on please oh god this says a lot about society there's no coins in there where do you deposit i think if you pass over the square you have to deposit five coins each so then whoever lands on it gets it oh [ __ ] well a ripoff a ripple what a rip-off what a rip-off mate oh wow you do such a good british accent realty i wonder how you do it could just say no thanks i always get scared of my accident it would be such a shame nah you know what somebody else deserves it so it's like yoshi naked or what like what's going on then he's not naked he's wearing shoes yeah and his little saddle so if i stream on twitch with a saddle and shoot gonna play a little mini game uh uh what wait what what mash whoa what wait what all right x-ray payday what is that oh oh [ __ ] i love this one oh i'm ready i'm gonna go for a walk right man he's gonna make it on a summoning salt yeah it's gonna be that bro i can already hear the intro something music holy [ __ ] god jesus christ i could have gone faster i let up for like one second what that hand be doing shut up chad all the training finally paid off change the sign uh yeah sure why not all right wario why does wario announce his name so hard like why does he go so hard i mean look at that look at that ass in that chin i can't look at the ass why does it cost you one what the [ __ ] this says a lot about society i'm gonna keep saying wow just cuz just because she got a fat ass oh [ __ ] three men versus one giant ass oh it's this one i believe i believe just like squid game guys oh he's wearing a bowser outfit hey i got the five let's go pog are we good we're good we're winning we got a lot of money on the line here decide how many coins to wage you oh okay oh [ __ ] okay yeah mushroom makes okay oh [Music] that's horrible [Music] oh i felt so bad you were colorblind that's so unfair this disability haunts me next game will be like spot the color or something oh this this one's so good oh this is the one where they're like okay mouse can like turn it and then we have to like not get uh oh [ __ ] oh famous let's go team let's do this let's destroy this this mouse we gotta get in her head we gotta think like her what would she do uh gremlin noises do it quick now beautiful come on connor this is all you bro you got it you got it this is what it's meant to come down to my heart rate my heart is actually like one thousand one thousand heart rate my heart rate is like a hundred right now i'm ready for jerk [Music] what a bowser revolution [Music] what a funny fish i want that i want to see what that is oh no we're just poor but it's going to be equal okay nice yay sucks you landed on a bowser spot and got 50 coins no no no this totally [ __ ] me over i just want to go this [ __ ] way man stop laughing mouse gonna go pay my taxes again oh [ __ ] it is socialism oh my god [Music] at least you're not in the last oh [ __ ] i'm sorry dude shut up all right guys uh it's i gotta be honest up until now i've been playing left-handed all right i'm not left-handed blow me away all right seven that's good this is the right hand coming out what are you doing with that right hand you do not wanna know filing taxes rocking raceway you got a rock yeah you only have like certain stamina though so like if you use up all your carrots you'll bust and you don't want to bust why you call it what's up with that well because you know when you bust you get real tired and then you don't feel like moving oh [ __ ] i bossed it okay okay i beat mouse that's all i want that's all i want okay this is difficult to start oh yeah yes mouse this is a great this is a great chance for all of us well for me but in turn you'd be giving him the star essentially if you turn it what why would you give him the star we live in a society guys can't believe this bro how much you pay mouse huh honestly the answer might shock you what is it shock me i've given up my soul dude oh what's this pay 50 to steal one star milky dude i i'm so sorry boulder ball boulder ball oh we gotta get to the top i see okay i understand now holy [ __ ] what it what you guys are playing so good now uh yo what the [ __ ] you sneaky dude oh [ __ ] you sneaky you thick devil you milkshake ass devil oh how how did i not make it up are you kidding me oh no i got so lucky with that last one i don't want to talk about it your plunder plunder something mess oh it only does coins only coins yeah oh with from though i coins even though we have a vendetta look at the sheer amount of wealth wario has look at that think think about how great it would make you feel steal from oh my god are you [ __ ] serious there we go all right just she's giving it back now take him back what's rightfully mine i'm sorry okay i'm ready i get the deal i'm blocking the view of myself all right guys just trust that i'm winning you don't even see me [Music] you're in the highest i see it's how far people climb okay i think mouse did me whoa whoa oh oh baby [Music] yeah we'll just count louder we'll go team matt team mansplain let's try let's try one two one one two okay there's voice delay it doesn't matter let's just do it let's just sync up mentally oh hell yeah yeah yes no nice bro we're good we good we good wait watch it all right we good ruff come on oh [ __ ] so how the game works is you you want to put both feet at the same time with your teammates oh my god i want to put no thanks why would you do why 1v3 again oh [ __ ] i'm sorry mouse it's got a warning to avoid it i'm going to do the palm of my hand i'm going to lube up a little bit holy [ __ ] bro compete against three people no i think you get like a buff no my carpal tunnel yeah you shouldn't be doing that no not allowed you got carpet tunnels dude yeah i got carpet i'm sorry dude i should have went left-handed that last round [ __ ] i don't think that's enough actually i think i needed more i think i needed six oh no i think i might have just got it okay oh no that's bad for me now oh [ __ ] one two three four oh dude bro if i got a 10 and it was flipped the other way i got two in one turn that'd been nutty okay finally i get to be the one off oh no i hate football oh wait you can all kick it once what is that good for this lag too i gotta like predict in like four minutes where they're gonna be whoa he's pretty good man yeah he's pretty good well now that i know how to aim up wow that's impossible if you're the goalie oh a golden [ __ ] pipe holy [Music] that was pretty good [Laughter] [Music] i'm winning on this one this is it oh it's a mash-up just just matching both yeah come on i'm losing my grip please come on not feeling good about mine man i hate this bro my heart can't handle this i'm still going oh no i got tired come on milky fourth place goes to you okay so he's gonna give me something right oh this guy donkey i can just get panned out this is amazing oh yes all right [ __ ] up mouse you you gotta get this you gotta roll a seven oh please come on you can do it dude oh wario's not gonna get it gonna get a three i'm not gonna get more than a seven it's impossible let's see let's see what warriors gonna get don't get crushed i will find you and i will crush you no no you're done get her mouth oh [ __ ] for me probably yeah i have to but it doesn't change anything you're still like wet you know when i set the turns to 25 i didn't think it would take longer than the 70 predicted minutes oh yeah how long have we even been playing for it i think we're about to playing this game has taken like two hours nice honey 45 changed my life right you start acting [Music] bro [Music] oh you you're crazy i have choked every single game i'm losing my mind at least i can get the money oh that's right imagine the lag and i missed click that would be hilarious i feel kind of dirty right now i feel i felt kind of dirty huh that's like a golden shower i wonder if i can trade these uh 74 coins for some nfts or some [ __ ] i don't know hell yeah half off baby got a coupon oh my god you're right next to it can you get that as well i don't have enough coins maybe you no no you can get the extra roll but i don't got enough coins wait is it forever yeah i'm pretty sure only once okay go for gold go for gold [ __ ] god that's fine wait did i do it you actually did it oh god messy memory this is me when i look back at parker's head oh no she just gotta memorize okay oh i got no time i know i know where to put them whoever's top left is is cracked out i know how you pulled it off i don't know that's it exactly all right at least you can get the star now okay this game's going to be kind of even then huh anyone can win it but me all right holy [ __ ] oh okay archer ival trail set arrow okay i'm aiming well i'm cracked what what an intense minigame to end it on huh house what is keep space all you bro [ __ ] legolas what else we how did this happen it's finally over yoshi gang rise up we can do like a shorter one like like 15 or 10 if you have time i'm down for whatever sure no i'm not bad oh you son of a [ __ ] how could you do this again nice oh you hit that lucky number paths of peril what's this from oh oh i remember this one bro this is so difficult oh my god the lag spike is like that lag spike is brutal [ __ ] i can't even stay off oh there's more oh man bro this lag is brutal all right what's going to happen why is he going to look dead on the camera like that wait what it's night time what does that mean please roll a three all right i'll take y'all oh [ __ ] nice roll i gotta win though the mini gamer it's all for nothing give me that big two let's go are you serious how did you get that give me them ten coins oh my god you have got to be kidding me well you have to hope that i don't win this mini game huh oh okay make sure you don't win this one boy all right let's do it let's just do it i don't understand how this works but let's just do it [Music] did i just win it well played well played you know how it is that don't mind if i do why would they have this sticker dude look at it look at yoshi's what it looks like he's just oh god oh god pushy penguins oh look at these [ __ ] ass penguins mouse is standing still all right good luck gamers good luck what the [ __ ] there's a massive max you got to move out of here oh [ __ ] i can't no winners oh my god i'm never gonna roll anything significant again lucky space you get to die or something i don't know yeah [ __ ] me skeletons no no no not nice it's like one pence actually bending over like that what's up with that yoshi super all right all right all right just loading the wall ah mash it mash it let's go let's go bro she's insane wait wait wait [Applause] i don't even know how i did that that felt kind of lucky someone said i choked in chat they preemptively typed it [ __ ] that guy you wanted to be the first to say it you [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] up so close yoshi it's your turn what do we got a double dice what this is the double dice speed run perfect one just to fake you out and then hit him with two perfect okay now i'm actually just gonna actually select the right number this time i just lost my style i just lost it yeah how's it feel connor hey connor how does that feel it hurts it hurts doesn't it it feels like i've been yo she'd stick it man let me shut the sticker again please oh [ __ ] take my money what's up my switch died what yeah oh oh no oh we find out what happens with this oh this is where you can give like a star yeah oh no oh wait i haven't got a star at the moment okay well then yeah i'm in danger here that better not be me come on big yosh oh yes don't no please i'm sorry this is the best timeline i'm glad we reset that's fine that's mine that's fine that's fine donkey kong needs a seven baby come on let's go let's go let's go rosalina dead dude it's all you all right you gotta carry us no i'm gonna skip this against the computer you gotta carry it come on you got it from the dead dude chance time i'm gonna take a star off of uh wario all right let me give it give me a [ __ ] oh nice nice that's great i just gave it back nice oh thank you for that golden shower thank you milady oh nice oh my gosh give me that sweet star that thank you big yosh hell there's one star let's go lose one star would literally make me cry wait who's toe gonna give stuff to who's in last he might get some stuff king bro oh you son of a [ __ ] are you sick i got a boo bell oh no i'm sorry milky what oh you took it from did you mean to do that yeah the betrayal oh i love this one i remember this this is like squid game not bad and certainly not good pretty good i wonder who got the ball connors is there we go yes where is the next one well i'm pretty sure i can get it actually very paul you got to get at least what a three yeah man if only like i had some the thing that guaranteed me oh [ __ ] looks good my brain is like badly functioning right now the only words i can remember is squid game i know man i know all all right let's turn and then we we can escape this hellscape known as being trapped in mario party for six hours there we go i'm just gonna die with my money here we go come on give me the poke you won't [ __ ] bro why that why did you deny me challenge are they always deny me the free w oh this one i'm ready i'm ready to stop yeah this is this is amazing this is perfect oh what the hell yeah i'll take that i don't know who's gonna win this man yeah i don't know hi i know he's going to win you think you're going to take it i think i got it man i got it rich rich bonus who's rich bob it's you bro it's not even a doubt it's gonna be eventful could be anyone i feel like we all landed on quite a few yeah [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] this son of a gun did it bro look at you look at you quivering you're nothing like in the photo all right that was fun thank you so much guys dude i think everyone had like a ton of fun this is one of the funniest streams i've had in like ages yeah all right thank you so much guys well if you did enjoy that mario party extravaganza make sure to smash that like button subscribe for more mario party content which maybe we'll do and hopefully i won't quote as many memes i hope you enjoyed that check out the live streams i'm live right now i think probably i don't know [Music]
Channel: ConnorDawg
Views: 1,176,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cdawgva, CDawgVA Streams, CDawgVA Highlights, CDawgVA Stream Highlights, Highlights, Connor, ConnorDawg, CDawg, mario party, mario, vtuber, ironmouse, hajime, hime, lord, aethelstan
Id: WAqB-R1cJKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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