I'd Love To Collab With This VTuber!

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guys i have a problem i have a massive problem i'm just not i'm just not happy now right that's a real that just sounds severe i'm actually miserable i'm actually just i'm i'm broken but you know the one thing that could fix me it's memes let's go meme review let's go to the trash taste subreddit let's go over the top memes of the month and let's just uh let's go over them all let's just see what's going on do you like imaginary dragon i do dragging these nuts why do you say my stream sucks what do you mean my stream what are you saying i'm going wide until i get an apology from everyone who said this stream sucks i take my i take severe pride arguably too much pride in the quality of my streams that's why i'm here right now in wide mode this is actually what my camera looks like when it's on the raw default output all right should we get to the memes should we give them you guys all the memes already all right let's do it let's do it god damn it the first one is a tweet i should just unfollow sydney i should just unfollow sydney i could just go i can just go to twitter all right fine another tweet are you for real if the next one right if the next one is a tweet i ended the meme review okay hold on it is a booby tweet all right that's different that's that's just different though we all love boobie tweets here if you guys aren't following booby vt i would i follow that man i wish i was him i wish i could tweet like him bang us all round iron mouse more like boring mouse am i right i left so much of that one that i replied so so right good one booby that was good tech w crin why it's a good tweet oh i'm sure the next one won't be [Music] i will see what it is let's see what it is i need to go to this spot next time in japan wag you it up with my twin here sake time what's the name of this restaurant cb oh [ __ ] it's like chris's tweet wait i can't get a good shot on this hold on here we go today i met the rock of japan he runs an outstanding wagyu steak restaurant and keeps this picture of the rock in the shop to proudly show off his uncanny resemblance to his idol and then you see you scroll down i don't know why that's so cute i can't believe chris brags about ken watanabe so much that's impressive but like dwayne the rock johnson oh my god he's like he's like he's trying he's trying to get in chris's dms but assumably chris wasn't following him back so like he couldn't chris just straight up donorwald the rock what is this all right what's up gamer and then it's mouse being happy excited and this is the [ __ ] you want am i dumb i don't get this i think i'm actually done it's tsundere you guys are so original i've never seen a tsundere joke from you guys god damn it oh i'm am i supposed to be blue in this guys that's cringe bro i'm just calling it right now first of all i don't text my friends what's up gamers all right you guys are the gamers well i don't always talk like an idiot that's just online i i do in real life as well who am i kidding all right another tweet pog we hate tweets except for these tweets these are good and they say nice collab when i would honestly love to collab with booby but as a b-list streamer i think it's like i'm reaching you know if i i'm i'm scared we follow each other you know if i were to dm booby i feel like i would be kind of reaching you know schizo guys come on allow me to just just play up a a little scenario or two right let me have this all right let me have this my own career is falling off so i'm i'm making a new one all right next up what's the next meme all right what's this it's got a video all right what's this this is the place fledged burger i've only been here one time with my boyfriend sea dog v8 i i this is narcissism this is so funny to me it's so good i want to see which what more creative ways you guys can use this reaction shot of me i'm interested all right what's this i hate titans turns into titans i hate ghouls turns into ghoul i hate vampires turns into vampires i'm not a big fan of v2 i don't see the correlation here guy unrelated pick am i right weird all right what's next dude next up thanks for hanging out chris these irl streams have been really fun likewise dude i don't know why but the the drawing of mouse here is like so cute but mouse in real life is i mean mouse is a gremlin gremlin yeah yeah it's good i love how they've drawn chris as the pringles man kind of even though i know that's not intentional because they've done it here i like this one get yourself a girl that looks at you like iron mask looks at connor thanks jet thanks jeff i'm really sad my favorite clip from that stream didn't really like do well food [Music] [Laughter] i uh when chris uh asked about the sagondi's food i was so worried in the moment i was like i have to tell him i have to tell him what it means because i i a part of me was like i should just stay quiet and see if chris like goes along with it and pretends that it's like a real place he's like yes i love someone these food i haven't actually been but i'd love to go sometime i thought there's a good chance chris would do that so i was like i'll i'll save him i'll save him i'll throw him a bird worst valentine's date ever listen okay this was my breakfast one day all right let me explain why this looks so pathetic all right and why it's a mess first of all it it makes me look like i've i've just examined someone rectally in the doctor's office like why this glove and this image of me is not flattering at all one i just woke up all right number two i don't like breakfast right i have breakfast all right to me though like a delicious breakfast is when it's eaten at lunch most of the time in hotels in japan right normally it's like you wake up nine is the latest you can get your breakfast now i don't know about you guys right but if i'm on vacation normally i've had a drink the night before right might want to sleep in a little bit i might want to sleep until like 10 but now i gotta i gotta wake up at 8 40 to get ready for break are you kidding me and for something that i'm not even excited about it's it's a buffet i don't i don't know about you guys but most buffets i don't really get excited over it's like by the time you get there at nine because it's last you know you're left there so they stopped making food so all of the buffet is already cold they've given up they're not refreshing it anymore so they're like yeah i mean here's there's like four pieces of bacon left they're all soggy they're all wet half warm it's like i don't want to eat this [ __ ] so i'll go for the stuff that looks like somewhat good which so happened to be uh at this point it was it was yakisoba two really shitty sausages and a pathetic slice of bacon i also got a coffee here and in this one they had a ramen making station and i was like well i mean i'm gonna try that so i tried it and it was awful it just didn't sound good you look like someone's boyfriend who they swear looks better next up what are you doing stand up connor did you forget why you're here dude i love i love these erin edits dude that's so good i'm so happy with that video i'm so glad a lot of people really enjoyed that video i thought that uh with wrestling a lot of people would uh would not like it i mean i you know i'll be honest with you guys if i saw a video about wrestling i wouldn't watch it so i i could completely understand why people wouldn't want to click on it and it didn't do like super amazing but it did pretty good and i got a lot of really positive uh feedback on that video a lot of people really liked it so i want to say thank you to everyone who watched that video my narration did good what here's the thing we had this fight in the end and i just didn't know what i was gonna do for it i had no idea how i was gonna make this fight work i thought i'll just narrate it like a like a wrestling match and just try and throw some funny commentary in there i think people liked it so yeah i'm happy with how it came out what universe is this that that was a really good episode of speak of the devil i thought mouse did very well with chris it turned out really well so down to a very fun episode although i wish they would stop talking about me i don't want to get ganged up on talking about how i leave the bathroom door open when i poop all right let me explain all right i don't understand why i wouldn't want the bathroom door open when i'm pooping or pissing right like i don't want to be confined to the room i want to feel like i'm in my house right i want fresh air i just feel like if you close the door you're not free the freedom is lost when you're confined to such a small space if i'm in a room with my with my friends do i leave the door open yes chris gets so offended by it i see it as a sign of trust i trust you actual psychopath is there that dump i don't i'm not yeah like somebody said i'm a poop extrovert in the chat i like to have my experiences shed with a gang types out an actual counter argument i disagree you're wrong plus l plus ratio i [ __ ] your mom last night i p oh [ __ ] you get no [ __ ] that's true for chris that's true chris would destroy you hell yeah connor i go a step further and leave the bathroom door open in public do me too so have small talk with people while [ __ ] me too so much better than just looking at your phone when you're around that's what i'm saying when i see someone's foot in the other stall i just grab it i'm just like let's let me just like let you know i'm here and i can i'm there for you if you want to talk but the japanese toilets are small i do let me do a comparison real quick all right let's say uh the room is the toilet right this is in a japanese toilet right this is the wall your legs are gonna be like here so i'm gonna leave the door open that's like here because i need more room right in america you guys are spoiled right the wall is like way over there you could be like you could do a long jump in america and you won't reach the wall you guys have so much space it's ridiculous perhaps i could be both your sister and your lover it's funny because i could have actually imagined gant reacting this way to this perfect date doesn't exist the poop museum was fun that was uh caho's idea as you can imagine we actually went to the poop museum like a year ago i think and carl's like we should go and film in the poop museum when we when we have we hired the uh the sister and the mother and i was like i mean sure why not it's in the same building a very interesting place that's for sure yeah i mean i see no issue with this connor it's booby i'm trapped in nigeria can you send 100 gifted subs to me i will give 1 000 gift subs back to you once i get out i don't know about that one booby uh i'm a big fan but i don't uh exchange subs yes i don't suffer sub let's uh stop doing that back in the youtube days dude what bro that's nuts dude i already uploaded this because i already saw it but like every every time i see this i'm always so impressed i love my eyes in this i don't know why they look crazy this is sick dude this is the giga chat i wish i was unfortunately i'm a i'm just a a beta a beta sigma chant trash taste but they're all chris we need a crisp cut only that would be amazing the chris edit oh yeah but he's always sitting on the same side so it's probably a lot harder oh that'd be so good though joey's dreams he's flying in superman connor's dreams i'm playing fortnite can't streams i'm guessing a super detailed society i don't know why i can't like see things in my dreams i i don't know how to do it low-res dreams yeah i don't know my dreams are in like low-res does anyone else get that does anybody else get a low-res stream well still argument senator why don't you back it up with a source my sources that i made it the [ __ ] up i feel so called out right now i might i might have laughed a little bit too much at this next meme what's this what is this for ants what is this gone after hearing connor and joey admitting that they've watched anime it's a good meme why is it so small i'm like oh man i i i love the meme outside of phasmaphobia lamount connor's so afraid of phasmo playing phasmaphobia connor don't leave me i couldn't believe how often mouse was peddling this [ __ ] that i get scared in games what where did that come from where did that come from huh mouse was like proudly touting that i was like that i was scared like mouse doesn't like pooper pants at like the first sign of any difficulty in a video game fanaf vr yeah watch it i handled it like a boss bro i handle that easily anyone who says that they aren't scared playing that fvr game straight up is lying that they haven't played it you haven't played it that game is horrifying awful game now i want to see mouse player then then i want to see mouse talk [ __ ] about me all right dude i love this fan art this fan was so good i i was so impressed by this fennel it's just so cute it's so cool just gremlin mouse eating ramen you just love the hair trash tastes highlights making connor like a maniac food poisoning is not an illness i didn't say that conor refuses to go to the hospital i didn't say that either listen this is my own editors are out to clickbait me what the [ __ ] i'm getting destroyed by my editors i said that it's not the same never said it's not an illness right it's different it's a different category i don't treat it as the same in my mind this is how i imagine chris to be every time he watches trash taste he's just like i wish i was on next time next time for sure i was this then of one of the best fantasy anime to come out and i mean come on do we do we really need a drumroll do we really need your trouble here's your drama we don't need drummle it's showcasing all right what what [Music] actually sad that's beautiful it was beautiful his life flashed before his eyes everything that he had faith in just flashed before his eyes conor rent a family video before watching whoa what a wacky concept after watching oh the misery true it was really interesting i really wanted to get across that video that it was like strange having these services is not a normal thing in many countries makes you question a lot about japanese society as a whole and why it's gotten to the point where it has but only in japan would you have an issue as as nuanced as introducing like your parents to your partner and only in japan would you think of the solution to to having somebody your significant other not wanting to meet your parents is to hire a fake mom it's like a it's like a sitcom you can't make it up so arthur grew up to be joey yeah it does kind of look like jerry the hair is very joey-esque it actually kind of looks like a joey's fursona just felt cute after taking a [ __ ] might delete later nothing better than taking a [ __ ] am i right good timing good timing i i want to say i did it first i took a [ __ ] first i i'm the og [ __ ] all right imagine all right one day one day yeah i wish i could get booby on hey cool i'm in a dream now what do i do now connor's brain you should kill yourself now what is this from i swear i've seen this image a bunch and i never understood why this is a meme low tear god oh i know this guy this is the guy who talks like insane [ __ ] right it's evolving just backwards oh god oh god lolly booby reads out his profile on his debut stream v tuber fans oddly specific but okay fresh taste fans wheezing i was trying to i mean i mean uh boobie i assume was trying to get the uh balance of uh you know inside jokes and uh uh you know making sure that everyone could have fun the drip king on conor stream what an intimidating shot this looks like a you know those videos where it's like skyrim npc all the thumbnails look like this it's not called trash taste for nothing an anime podcast me the chest stays on food [Music] sydney he's probably thinking about other wife who's gone watching pokemon i still can't believe that he watched pokemon in his mind i don't think i ever did that as a kid that seems really strange how do you how do you do that you aren't wishing for sydney without his phone waiting to do that phone also gone that was also [ __ ] weird why would you just sing the entire concert to yourself what my girlfriend apparently is an s tier crust gang member she only ate the bottom part of the slice because she was craving the dough and not the topping what the [ __ ] that's a thing why why would you do that i love this one [Music] oh my god why are all the tweets upvoted and this these funny ass edits oh what the [ __ ] hitting 100k subs connor singing friday true real [ __ ] what's this then [Music] so [Music] it's weird that i understood that and i feel like it's pretty accurate that's weird how that felt accurate every day yeah i feel every time i go into twitter like another one of my friends is becoming a vegan [Music] i like that god what iconic scene i love that scene that seems so good i've rewatched that like seven times i've loved that show nice yes these are their real heights goddammit wait isn't this meant to be an anime podcast not this time we created it not this time no not this time it's totally made up pure fiction no it's fiction it's fiction we made this one up it's a made-up tale it's a total fabrication it never happened it never happened this one was invented by the writer it never happened it's false it never happened it was so long holy [ __ ] not this time it never happened oh my god there's so many of them it's fiction we made up this one we made it up not this time wrong not this time not this time you're wrong not this time it never happened listen listen i watched god's video where he explained the start of trash taste i i always said i've always said this from day one i didn't want it to be just an anime podcast anime see i predicted the downfall of the anime man and the rise of joey the cartoon boy josh the manga lad based exactly i hope you enjoyed this meme review let me know down below which was your favorite meme of the episode and make sure to subscribe to this youtube channel if you haven't already and go to twitch.tva to come watch me live why aren't you doing that already let me know what your favorite meme is down below thank you and why is it trash chase is not an anime podcast i don't know what i'm doing [Music]
Channel: ConnorDawg
Views: 532,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cdawgva, CDawgVA Streams, CDawgVA Highlights, CDawgVA Stream Highlights, Highlights, Connor, ConnorDawg, CDawg, meme, meme review, trash taste, bubi, bubivt
Id: pw-7v6VYhQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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