Pestily ALMOST DIED in the Army | PKA

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see Facebook play was there ever any like survival type training that you did like I gotta imagine especially because like like alright so when Americans think of Australia we think of a gigantic desert and obviously there's the coast it seems like to me correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like most people live around the coast and that and there's that huge part of Australia that it's like yeah we don't go there so pretty much everything that's not on the east coast or the south like rush there's like imagine the youth a you so the west coast south coast and East Coast are all fairly populated West not so much and there's one major city at the top in the middle and there's one city in the dead center and then everything outside of those is just uninhabitable it's a city in the middle yeah it's called Alice Springs there's not much there you know and that's about it I've never been there but I just know there's a casino from a book I read that's on the eastern side like that's where I like this stuff you guys would don't like Sydney and and Melbourne and you know all that so did you ever do any like survival type training very much so okay so you in Australia like you do like all your first-aid stuff and they focus um a lot more on snakes and stuff like that cuz yeah I probably stepped on I didn't step on by nearly stepped on probably about five snakes during navigational exercise than that and they were like nasty ones too well mate honestly saved my life probably three times I just didn't look down that much you know um but um when we went to Thailand with one of the exercise we had like the tire special-forces do a survival thing and that was loose they like he had like snakes blood for us to drink he had like just the most random [ __ ] and what are the ones with the dude two dots on the back of their head that King coppers I have no idea we don't have anything else here I think that king cobras he had like us in a circle and wasn't a big circle and just Chuck's one in the middle of us and he's got a stick he's just flicking it back to the middle every time it started moving towards the edge and it was just like it was loose he was like playing with all these snakes and that and he pissed in a bag and drank the piss and it was just like this is Louise Bear Grylls like the Thai Bear Grylls I'm God yeah and oscillation of Alice Springs is 25,000 that's a town at best yeah well we got a lot of suburbs yeah and then in Malaysia there was a survival thing that I didn't do that one but I went for about a three or four-day whose name we build huts and I think they get like a rabbit and they skin a rabbit and eat the rabbit ran and stuff like that did you in did you see any Thai guys do that thing where they stick their head in a crocodile's mouth and like dare it to bite down no now that [ __ ] so like I always explain the Army is something like this is like 65% is sitting around bored out of your brains there's about 30 30 each percent of like back-breaking short of breaking knee breaking agony of like walking around or lifting heavy [ __ ] and there's like one to five percent of like the most coolest [ __ ] you'll ever do so you break that out down in two days there's like maybe two weeks of the year actually do anything cool and then the rest of the year you're either just sitting around or breaking your back the cool stuff like I got to imagine that's when you get to play with like different weapon systems right mmm of shocks pretty much everything they shine army has for a normal soldier not special forces or anything um just some of the places you go sometimes you you're in the moment you don't really think about it then you stop you might hop we shouldn't cool like some of the stuff on top of mountains in that I'm big on mountain so for me going somewhere really scenic is always nice I just I don't know this is some cool [ __ ] you do I need to I need something to trigger my brain to think of them did you get a blowy shut up uh deck we've used a lot of det-cord when I was in I'm blowing up trees and stuff like that yeah banking claymores I think the most amount of claymores I've I've had seen or seen been banked up was for about 15 to 20 mm-hmm so that was a pretty big bang when that one went off claymores aren't really that deadly like obviously you would want to stand in front of them but the bang is brutal like if you were like anyway within 50 meters of Claymore and you weren't ready for it you know you'd hit the deck you'd be [ __ ] yeah it's a real sharp explosion - it's not that like rolling Oh miss system knob it's very very loud anything plastique is you know a det cord is really fun though det cords one of the most fun things to play with yeah so I prefer I think the cut remove the rule is but you to set amount of laps around a tree for every - every thickness and then you can blow up trees and [ __ ] I felt plenty of arm carl gustaf 84 millimeter of inches and simply near jav's been shot I shot plenty of 66 mil 40 mils are always fun there add fluid that the rule is you go try and get as many in the air at the same time so like when you're at the range you like you like we can bring yeah I've shot the automatic grenade launcher the mark-19 that's fun that's probably the coolest kind of shot actually got a really interesting story for ya so I'm sure a heap of 50 Cal and so we all it wasn't we used to be mechanized when I first got in the battalion I was in so we've got we all had to get trained on how to use the 50 Cal so if we have AG like you know could we get in the vehicle and start shooting it if we have to but we did a lot of ground mounted stuff as well so we had on the tripod in this one time we did this massive attack and then we like change white position so I had to do the support position where we were just shooting to the background well this platoon was pretending to attack up to shoot itself all life on so this was one of the coolest things I done this stage so it's platoon probably had about 30 people they're attacking towards these targets popping up they're shooting you know just all their normal guns and throwing grenades west off to the side pretty bout 150 m/s died with a we had two eighty fours - 66 s going off non-stop we had to ground mounted 50 cals and I think someone shootin 40 mil all going off into behind to where they should they're attacking so obviously it's safe for them they're not gonna get here because we're shooting like but it's just simulate a fuckload a noise like realistic noise as they're trying to attack a position anyway so I'm behind this 50 Cal because I you had to be call fought on the guns to shoot and I'm behind this 50 Cal and I'm shooting and I get I got about three or 400 rounds you know had the stoppage as there's different types of stoppages but this one was called called a hard [ __ ] and so what happens is the cocking handle wouldn't go all the way back it was jammed halfway and so my section commander came over and started kicking the [ __ ] out of it well that's actually how you actually get it out or I see you got to just kick the [ __ ] out of it because they're big [ __ ] guns he kicks the [ __ ] out and it finally dislodges the the the round it was stuck in there or whatever it was and in the process of this something happened and I'll get back to that so my company sergeant major said a row behind me he's in charge of the gun line he's like he'll continue firing I might yep seen on firing down and I went to shoot it and the gun blew up right legit just a massive breach explosion big Catholics smoked and just metal going around and like a natural reaction I covered my face and hit the deck right because and try to explain it but Majan have you a tripod going I don't know down like that hat it's hard to [ __ ] explain it you have your feet up on the [ __ ] legs and your groin he's aiming directly at is [ __ ] 50 Cal so you dig evidence just expose this gun and the breech on a fifty callused underneath it so everything that comes out goes down so when it blew up I hit the deck I'm covering my face my comments I didn't maybe was down behind me he's like you're right you're right but yeah if face is good but my leg [ __ ] hurts and there's like blood coming out of my leg right next to my right where your femoral artery so it's like right up in my groin [ __ ] and it's this like seeping out like not like gushing but I was like it was [ __ ] heard and sorry instantly like when you sat in happened and a bit of the the cartridge blew out of the bottom when in missed my femoral artery is misdemeanors and just lodged right up my groin and like it was like the first time anything like that had happened anytime recently so I was like big stop stop start and then the ambulance got called forward with the ambulance didn't know where the [ __ ] they went to the wrong spot and it's like you've golden hour rule in the military you always could be within a narrow who tell you I thought I was [ __ ] gonna die that day within that hour nowhere into the hospital it like instantly as soon as it happened like pants ripped off like it's like it everything's out exposed my mates goodies armor me he Gans I'm with I can groin it's like [ __ ] [ __ ] was going everywhere sister like Norma slurry and I was actually a pretty [ __ ] freaky story and yeah to actually explain what happened I think in the process of the actual gun being kicked the barrel dislodge so the way a 50 Cal works the barrels lose and it and it comes back and it gets pushed aside and I think in the kicking off it it actually pulled its center so it was actually just sitting in there and when I cocked in a cocked the gun and put the next round in the imagine that's the whole the gun and the round sticking in the back it actually had a bit of that car trees still sticking out the back to when the firing pin at the primer cap it blew the back of the cartridge out and like the actual bullet of the fitti Cal was stuck halfway up the gun with half the cartridge still attached to it mm-hmm because I actually cut the barrel I've been on the investigation and all the other part of the countries came out at the bottom in intimate like yeah II just made a little it's just a little brass pipe bomb at that point we used to we used to take empty 50 Cal holes put some black powder and then put a fuse and crimp the top and you've got that little mini hand grenades you know yes and that just blew up right next to your dick yeah sorry I missed all the crown jewels so everything's all good there but um yeah it was [ __ ] pretty scary moment and also a back way to lose your dick there would have been yeah how that happened well my commanding officer it was kicking the gun I was using and I tried to fire it and now I don't have a dick like that initially my May everyone was playing me saying I it was a call to cook-off so you shoot too many rounds and the feed gets too hot and it boys up because there's like the round goes unit and before we could even fire it because there's so much heat going through it just blows up the round and that had that's actually quite common I've actually seen a fair few YouTube videos of it mine was definitely not a cougar I did nothing wrong potentially like I was only a new soldier anyway but um later on that year when I was in Malaysia there was an actual another guy he actually had a cook-off and he's blew up and as she went into his testicle went yeah and he was screaming that it was on fire and no one believed it like because I knew he blew up I blew up but he's like I'm on fire and I started calling Ricky Bobby from that point on was cause he had a ferocity and I've never met anyone else in the military that had that it happened sorry wow what a lucky way yeah yeah so you get a I don't even know how it works in the US military like do you get a Purple Heart or something for getting injured or only is that only in like actual like - no I say you get you you always caught under Veteran Affairs in that if you ever get an injury in the military it's a bit of a process to get all the claims and that in but once you do have it you covered for life so for example my leg starts to play up now which it hasn't yet I would have it permanently covered for rest of my life um you know like I've had busted ankles and and stuff like that that's all covered because I've filled out all the documentation for it sorry if I ever go to a hospital and like you know my ankles playing up and I need to get our ankle reconstruction don't pay for it but you gotta fill the paperwork out it's pretty much the process you're also covered for cancer except for brain cancer is a few things even just as soon as you've served you get covered for certain things seems like brain scans are covered okay one of my best mates has brain cancer so and he's still serving so we can't afford to cover the brain cancer of therefore all those tests we run on them well tell you what's the dream now because he's gonna have to get kicked out eventually there's gonna be a point where he's gonna lose function to Cathy's body he's not gonna be covered by the military that's essentially yes that's [ __ ] yeah they're paying these bills at the moment but at one point of like in bed the good thing for them is they're using him as a poster boy because like this guy's got cancer and he's still serving and doing all this great stuff for cancer you know research phrasing money you know cancer does he have don't worry about it so yeah is he gonna lose heart no he'll die for that sounds pretty bad yeah sorry I don't know the exact name of that his instagrams will be beating cancer and it's a tumor in his head they can't operate it out if they do operate it out the way it will what will happen is probably lose function to part of his body a half of his body just not sure what severity but because he's so fit and healthy already the surgeons pretty much said live your life now because it'll be better than being you know half paralyzed they're not becomes do anything but you will eventually either get the surgery done and then have a few extra years or it's that coin flip like what do you do do you leave every how you said it was hard to get fired in the service I'd put that to the test Ranko a wall live my best life which probably involves not working a bunch well whilst getting chemo and all that he actually got an opportunity to uh just pretty much taken as much time as he wanted off there's one week of the Monti to have chemo and then the week after he'd be [ __ ] hmm and then he had two good weeks so the two good weeks healer just did whatever he wanted yeah but they need bit you know then back to the chemo week and it was [ __ ] again and he needs whatever drugs they're pumping into Ruth Bader Ginsburg if he's even still around because if it could knock out you know Stage four pancreatic cancer my understanding the most lethal cancer out there it could help with brain cancer right she needs to share the load share the love maybe share the load is our charity Gamgee quote I like it yeah that's [ __ ] that sucks I mean how old is he he said he was finished young guy oh Jesus 44 he's magic yeah day he was it was one of my tickets when I was uh Lance Corporal I was in charge of him what is it digger I sold you I just named Sherman okay profit it caused Eagles [Laughter] I was hoping you would say he was much older than 24 that's pretty tragic buddy quickly for another 20 years yeah if you lose healthy and I keep it it could hit him all of a sudden and he's look it's not gonna see the thing is he'll know he was gonna know it's having effect on because it'll slowly put more pressure on that part of the brain and you'll lose slowly start losing strength in half of his body his hand grip will start getting weaker and you'll know it's coming along so that's when you'll take more drastic actions on what should happen but by that stage you could even be too late to get surgery so man I'd so much rather just get hit by a bus one day and not know you know just like you're gone you know and hopefully many men are you sure I was like a little kid like knowing that it's coming like oh I was trying to do my workouts in state fit and I couldn't hold onto the dumbbell my right hand you know I thought it was kind of thought I felt something last week but no I thought it was just you know maybe a nutrition thing but oh man now it's coming it's coming down the pike and it's not gonna stop that's here massive into just partying and traveling which the traveling parts all good but now he's actually started to do a lot more meaningful stuff with life as in he's actually doing the things he wants to do like you know drive fast cars and go do all this cool stuff because it's kind of just said was not just about partying now it's about living life to how I want to live it and that's how I know how I'll live as well now I've been doing that for a while though I want to go to here I'm gonna leave in year yeah there's a really good song that reminds me of it's called live like you were dying you know the guy finds that he's dying of cancer and it's like you know you think he's he's like he took a good long hard look at what he's gonna do and then it's like and then the course is like he went skydiving rocky mountain climb and you went to point seven second so on a bull named you know what bull riding late like he he took that as the initiative to like really start living life to the fullest I'd give every drug go just to see ya see ya Eisen and there Col Smith was a [ __ ] I can do better know what did what did she die from drugs right G OD I think I have no idea maybe it's two older we'll see but I wouldn't OD on the drug I would try my brain tumor and then I would be like I'm giving heroin a shot oh that was pretty tits oh I'm gonna be a dick met really stresses me out I can see why people like this it turns out the tumour hates the heroin Taylor we're gonna need you to really how one man cured himself and it's me shaking in the middle of a street in a cardboard box I'm all better with no teeth yeah G gaunt is [ __ ] yeah now I try that one I'd wanna skydiving that's it it almost seems cliché yeah I would I would do that if I was dying combined drug intoxication yeah yeah too many drugs you
Channel: PKA Clips
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, Dr Chiz, pka podcast, podcast, pka 476, pka 476 clips, pka 476 highlights, pestily, pestily pka, pestily army, PKA 476 Pestily - Come For the Cure, Pestily Army Stories, Spiritual Experiences, australia, twitch stream, escape from tarkov, pestily escape from tarkov
Id: PFQlfOsivWo
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Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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