Taylor's Bible Story: The Tale of Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego | PKA

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it's true if we're looking for a new topic I outlined a little Bible tale for us it's been a hot second oh I'd love that what what are you gonna regale us with today Taylor I was gonna do Easter but I wanted to do something a little less common knowledge and so are either of you familiar with the tale of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego it again Shadrach Meshach and Abednego yeah it's Kyle doesn't know it I took Church you know i legit thought he'd made up an 80 meeny miny vote Daniel three through six I think is where yeah I know because I reread it reread it please tell me the story and I just disappointed my parents and your parents mr. and mrs. Woody's parents I dare you to find one thing wrong with this long so basically Shadrach Meshach and Abednego three Jews hanging out in the Old Testament and this is one of the many times that the Jews are the State of Israel was just getting or maybe Judah the time I don't remember they're just getting what by whatever powerful people there were at the time there were the Babylonians like Assyrians like all throughout the ages this was a babylon time and so they were under the thumb of king nebuchadnezzar the original Chad and King Nebuchadnezzar was he had his Hanging Gardens of Babylon like they were the most powerful Empire in the world in their known world at the time and he had all this dope and he had so much extra gold sitting around that he was like you know it would be tight I'm gonna build a 90-foot solid gold statue of like myself or some like guy who's kind of like me they're some you know God they don't even like really say what it was and so he built some dope-ass statue gold 60 cubits high and what six cubits wide and I looks that up that's like 90 hundred and nine feet wide like a cubit is apparently like one and a half feet okay so this is a lot of gold it's a real flex on the rest of the world and so he builds this and he's so stoked on it that he invites all of his and I remember all the words I read I'm down all of his officials from the kingdom governor's senators sat traps I assume some kind of mayor judges treasurer's everybody from every corner of the Babylonian Kingdom all the high rank and you know hullabaloo people show up and they're like you're right you're right King Nebuchadnezzar this is this is really cool and he's like it doesn't stop here guys anytime you hear music from and I'll read this list I'll just read what the town crier said nation and people of every language this is what you are commanded to do as soon as you hear the sound of the horn flute zither lyre harp pipe and all kinds of music you must fall down and worship the image of the gold King Nebuchadnezzar and so first of all pretty sure a lot of those instruments are made up he sends all the governor's everybody back they relay that same message and Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they weren't just like three random Jews walking around the street and like shitty-ass sandals they had like not the the overruling part of a province but they were like a couple levels down they still had nice houses nice like they weren't in poverty or anything and pretty much immediately as soon as this town crier said that he added an addendum which Nebuchadnezzar also instructed where he's like and make sure they also know anybody who doesn't bow down as soon as all these made-up instruments start going they're gonna be brought back to me they're gonna be brought in front of me and I'm going to burn them alive in a really cool big furnace I also made and believe it or not that was compelling to most people that got them on board and so as soon as they heard the zipper and the liar boom right down like almost like Mecca they're like even if you can't see it from whatever province they're in they're like I'm not risking some ancient cop fighting me and ratted me out I'm aiming right there and pray and Nebuchadnezzar Shadrach Meshach and Abednego say you they don't say you they say no thanks no thank you their overseer goes to King Nebuchadnezzar goes hey Neb never goes don't call me that King Nebuchadnezzar these three Jews not bowing down did you tell him about the furnace thing yes I led with the furnace thing of course I told you brilliant King and so Nebuchadnezzar is like okay bring him to me bring him to me as far as I can tell they're doing a good job on paper but if they're not gonna do what I want bring him here so he brings him there and he tells them hey and King Nebuchadnezzar is like in the opposite situation of like a rock and a hard place with he's between like tits and ass no matter which way he goes it's positive if they show up and they say I'm not bound down he gets a handful of tit so to speak where he gets to throw them in the furnace burn them alive and ensure that everybody's like yeah that is not playing he will burn you alive bow or if they do what he wanted them to do nice handful of ass and they bow down it's a little ego stroke where he's like yeah all it really took was them seeing me in my glory for them to bow down and do it all right so they show up he says bow down or you're going in the furnace no other options they say I will not I will not bow down no not bound down no that's not my god I'm not bowing down to your false idol or whatever the and he goes like probably a little like kind of like happy about it like okay time to break in the furnace but he tells his furnace guy first he goes turn it up seven times as hot as normal and in my head I'm thinking like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego at this time we're kind of relieved or they're like oh oh he said seven sevens one of those numbers that works out well God if he had said it up twice as hot I would have myself but seven we should be okay thank God and so Nebuchadnezzar bit little number like yeah all delete a lot are you talking to you know I know that yeah things happen in sevens all the time in the Old Testament and in the new and so Nebuchadnezzar wasn't just content with normal soldiers tying him up because he's brought some of his governors and sat traps and people to see this whole thing because he thinks it's cool it is cool and he brings out his most burly ripped soldiers to tie up Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and then he tells him throw him in the fire and he says that the fires were so hot that when they went to open the furnace to throw the three Jews in that the men throwing them in themselves died and so he wasted a bunch of juicy man muscle just in trying to get his point across which I wouldn't have done I would have used worthless soldiers but what do I know I'm no net hmm and so he throws him in there and he's sitting on his cool gold throne the extra gold that was left over from the statue just kind of watch and I guess there's a window in this furnace to see what's going on and so after a couple minutes he's like pure what I see honey I mean Jews are we Shadrach Meshach Abednego was there another one they got a Kofi has names was if there's four people standing in there right now well don't take him out yet because even if it is their God maybe he'll run out of magic and they'll eventually burn you know like maybe he could only stave off the flames for so long so he leaves them in there a couple more minutes to simmer becomes clear God's not gonna run out of magic and so he goes take those guys out of there take him out of there and so he opens up the furnace three the three you know Shadrach Meshach and Abednego come out totally unscathed it says they don't even smell of fire are they naked like they've been there no their clothes were fine too and so they all come out and all the governors the satrap surprised they were there looking and so King Nebuchadnezzar has to pull a world war to Italy where they switch sides and pretend they've been on that side the entire time and so he goes wow your guys god is really cool I'm on board you don't have to worship this statue everyone we're keeping statue it looks awesome prey to it but you're not kidding no I don't we're not getting rid of it that's funny we're keeping the stage and so he keeps the statue and then also he's talking to Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and being like wow your gods like legit real my gold statue didn't do anything but shine brightly and so he asked some about their God they kind of have a little back and forth and then because King Nebuchadnezzar still has to appear hardcore he goes all right we're all following the Jewish God now and any of you anyone in my kingdom who questions the Jewish God I will have you and your family cut to pieces and your homes razed to the ground and everybody's like 40 minutes ago we were talking about whatever you say dude we're all on board with the Jewish god I don't want to get cut to pieces and then to end it all he gives Shadrach Meshach and Abednego a raise and a promotion so what did we learn I hope I was I was hoping for insight because I didn't learn anything nothing at all oh it's it's a little similar to David in the Lion pit you know I feel like I feel like they maybe they they just recycled that one at some point you know they probably do but if you think about it they're like identical stories right except young lions instead of fire you think that like one scribe or whatever prophet back in the day was writing that and ascribes like this is very similar ish this is very similar to to David in the Lions Den he's like no no it's not no it's not named name change simply like to take the teacher hands out a project and she's like no group projects did you get the rod yours might get Alliance no mine's got a cool statue King Nebuchadnezzar we should run both through one of those like later ISM shekar's they use in colleges now yeah definitely that would be funny it's like you know Jeremiah ripped all of his it's like that year the end of it that the to deep impact and Armageddon came out the same year you're like wait I what what well in ours - droid hits alright but I've learned the most is the more like I read these Old Testament stories and like I've got a couple more stories outlined for the future I just like doing them in our just us girls Chad's is I'm not learning anything I'm not learning any morals any sort of compass for my life for most of these stories it's really just like come on you get it though right you do you do I get that you're supposed to praise this god no it's about faith under fire literally yeah but it's trusting God no matter what and and in God life doesn't work at all you become a martyr lots of people get cancer and they had no believe just as much as these well that was part of God's plan you know that's a convenient out that's the truth question it and you can burn - I just feel like if I had put my faith in God instead of my reserve parachute two months ago this show would be down one host yeah dude if if the afterlife Israel that would have been God's plan if the afterlife Israel race is mocking Saint Peter next to the pearly gates is gonna pull up one of the many YouTube compilations you listeners have made of my Bible stories and I'm going straight to hell for that thanks for that but it's not real so don't worry that's the list I'm like 99% sure yeah if it is for you 100% or cuz I'm only like 99% no I would say I'm like high 90s % but if there if I die and it turns out it's real poof I am NOT gonna be pleased me either and you know think about it you you wouldn't risk like like how to seatbelts work in your car it says high 90s 1993 94 percent of the time they were really it doesn't that concern you like aren't you always worried about every time you get behind the wheel I mean that was they taught us that in school as like an argument to believe in God was called Pascal's wager and it was if you believe in God and it doesn't exist you have lost anything if you believe in God he does exist you go to heaven if you don't believe in God and he doesn't exist nothing happens if you don't believe in God he does exist you go to hell so it was like well mathematically you should believe in God and my thought even then was like he's gonna know I'm faking it know that I'm only doing it out of fear of not going to hell think so based on what I've read he seems pretty okay with scaring people into worshipping him yeah Old Testament God was much more into the fear Jesus was a little nicer but Jesus also did well not even mean funny stuff like whip people and the when they were like using his like the Pharisees and Sadducees were using the church as a bartering ground and trading and financial place instead of using it as a worship place he's goes in there it starts cracking the whip on all these Pharisees and overturning their tables that was a most fun yeah I like that was a good scene I brought that up in my my drug class in prison I don't member happy yeah yeah the teacher was an absolute and and he brought up something looks like he'd get he get like really stuck in the mud with the conversations like he'd start arguing with us and we knew how to just like drag him down into the mud so he didn't get to teach us anything somebody came up something came up I don't remember where it came from but he was just like you know Jesus it what wouldn't would never did anything violent yes was all about peace and I'm like by the time he quipped all those guys he said we talking about the time he went to the where the tax collectors were in the temple and he whipped the out of those people wouldn't turn their tables over as our well those were Jews and I went look around it was it was three white guys and eight black guys I was like none of them are here to complain about this damn it I mean they were but they weren't just Jews they were Pharisees Sadducees like the bad kind of religious people that were just manipulating the Old Testament into making money are you so my shoes or the bad kind cuz they make money no no yeah yeah that's why Jesus was so against him he's my shoes what Dave you said that and also like he said Jesus never did anything violent there's literally in Matthew a verse that says I bring not peace but a sword well that was a metaphor not the way I do even better than Woody's parents they want to dispute that no joke I think they're in Israel right now getting extra lessons straight from the source right now yeah they go walk around just does she not know that like like people in Israel aren't Christians some are I don't understand most of them are why it's so cool but yeah that's like Euler favorite place to vacation and they go to Israel probably more than once a year they call they if they're not in Israel right now then they just came home I wonder did like nice beaches and stuff there it's right on the minute that's not what they're doing they're like taking camels and checking out Moses is 40 mile walk or something like that yeah they do have though I've definitely seen them on yet let me let me try to find a picture yeah they're nude beaches Israel does I figured they'd be way too conservative for that kind of thing no I'll just look up Israeli nude beaches let's see where can i sunbathe nude in Israel hmm you got a massage or like even like porn isn't legal in Israel you go nudist beach at the oh I found a youtuber heading to the nude beach on the Dead Sea in Israel the dead season Israel of and she's naked for some reason I thought it was in like Eastern Europe or something like was this uploaded September 23rd 2015 sure was we're on the same video you're gonna want to skip on forward to when she gets naked she blurs everything but I'm still pleased she's got something that dead sea mud she's rubbing it on her face like war paint oh she's got a tattoo big no-no in Judaism anyway yeah definitely nude beaches in Israel yeah well the more you know the more you know the Dead Sea is somewhere that would be less your mom normally she went to go on to the nude beaches you don't know yeah your parents I wouldn't put it past another hike the we're gonna hike the Sinai desert trail myself I'm never gonna get our freak on is Masada the one where the Israelis held out against the Romans for like a long time and then they suicide it at the end so the Romans could claim to victory I don't know is this a Bible story or is it like in the Middle area like where the Maccabees were well I don't I don't know my Bible that well but I'm I thought that that was the story of Masada it would make sense cuz Mossad is like they're CIA so it makes sense they named it after something like that um I don't well that's the Mossad I don't I don't know if that's I mean maybe Mossad was I don't know yeah yeah let's call the whole yeah in 66 AD Masada was a Roman garrison a group of Jewish extremists overcame it and settled there in the next several years more people joined them and then they were there was a siege led by Lucius Flavius Silva and 72 AD it lasted about two to three months and it culminated in the construction of a siege ramp and Tower to try to get at them but seems like 960 Israelis held out for like a really long time like over a year or something like that and at the end they did a like a mass suicide so that like the Romans could claim no victory that's a really cool story I can't believe I've never read about this that's yeah that might be fun also like like what you say Flavius whatever the hell yeah Romans head cool six names why can't we bring that back black people have I went to school with an Octavius okay well was his Octavius Flavius Caesar or no no just now he's dead now he's dead now and he's cut like the butt
Channel: PKA Clips
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Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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