PKA Ranks Terrible People’s Crimes from News Stories

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and we're live kyle you were saying you have some some real pieces of [ __ ] to talk about tonight and i and for you when you come into a conversation saying here are a couple pieces of [ __ ] i know these are real pieces of [ __ ] yeah because you've got your head on straight for that kind of thing so who do you want to start i feel like taylor just said if kyle considers him a piece of [ __ ] right like that by that measuring stick they must be bottom one percent is that what you just said right kyle's very good at rationalizing the behavior of pieces of [ __ ] and so when he looks at it and goes i can't spin that you know it must be legit i'm a forgiving person you know i can see how someone could get themselves in a jam here or there and maybe your your actions could go awry but these people let me know which one of you these you'd like would you would you prefer the one that you perceive to be the least [ __ ] up of these [ __ ] up people and then [ __ ] up he doesn't yeah taylor doesn't want to what does joe rogan always say blow his wad right away would you say that yeah it sounds like a sex thing no he does constantly blow his wad that's like a joe rogan like like repeated term in every freaking fight he does and he's like what no it's a poker term like why why you guys make it so dirty it's a poker thing and he knows what he's doing that's definitely that's one of those sexual phrases like like clam or axe wound or like super super vulgar that you never actually got gash that you never actually say around women no woman wants to like you know be pleasuring you and hear like oh yeah let me blow my load it's like oh or blow my wad like no that's that's not a poker turn it's a little low class that is that is not a poker term well there's this 325 pound woman here uh florida woman i agree piece of [ __ ] yeah right off the bat right uh she's 64 year old veronica green brown uh let me human buoy uh i'll send you a link here see because i i feel like you need to see her face too because you could tell she's got a real didn't do nothing kind of vibe about her um she was going to punish her nine-year-old cousin doesn't really say what her nine-year-old cousin had done to deserve this punishment but she began by beating her with a ruler and then a pipe and uh and when that didn't i guess sink in as you as you would say she she sat on the nine-year-old for 10-15 minutes and uh you know the nine-year-old complained i can't breathe but i guess that didn't really sink in if you will to uh to veronica here and then the child was found to be unresponsive uh and died she follows the taylor method of starting slow and ratcheting it up right so this was the least offensive person that you had it absolutely is the least offensive person uh this isn't crushed a child to death and she's on the lowest end of this list that's this is going to be a good list right jesus right what if he how i mean how long into the sit did she realize something was awry like when the wiggling stopped yeah and the struggling stop do you think anyone half a brain would realize oh the child you know oh just said when her ass got cold she she might be in about a one-third brain is she a stroke victim no she's just belle's paul's dad now she's putting on a face that says oh i didn't just cold-bloodedly murder a child i didn't just sit on a child and crush him to death look at how asymmetrical her face is though the right side is drooping more than the left you guys don't see a little bell's palsy stroke going on there i i mean i don't know i'm not real good at diagnosing that um she's not all there because she did crush a child so any number of uh of uh of issues might be affecting this lady she sat on a child until that child was dead um 325 pound woman uh if she wasn't such a fat [ __ ] she probably would have had the cardio to give a couple more ruler wax and that would have been the end of this how old was the kid instead of resorting to crushing nine nine okay so the video auto audio play auto played sorry all right and it showed this like cute little six year old i'm like did she kill him nah he's okay she couldn't catch him no no his body was found in a dumpster his prognosis looks terrible according to me wings heard there was a large woman sitting on people and and he wanted to sign up well we get on the wig always goes back to wings that brings me to our next little topic here this uh this this is this may be the worst person would he give your rating on the piece to [ __ ] scale oh man like so we can see you murder a kid with what i presume is a poorly wiped [ __ ] given the fact that she's 325 pounds she had pain and keep in mind before even the crushing she was beating this kid with a metal pipe i'm gonna make her a two and a half out of ten right and one being the most evil just so i have ten being the most evil all right well then we'll go seven and a half and uh um and i'm just trying to give myself some room for whatever kyle has in store because i would have tender had i not known kyle's ranking well i'm going to say i'm going to say a 7 as well okay this gentleman she might just be so dumb that she didn't know she was murdering the kid i mean that's such a level of dumb look at her face i i i don't know when i see i don't know i don't know especially when you see another channel someone else would get on board with the whole belt's palsy diagnosis or or stroke that was bossy i'm all alone on that one oh my god i have to unblock ads for this article all right so this one uh is right out of wings of redemption's neck of the woods conway south carolina this white restaurant manager is accused of enslaving and abusing a mentally disabled black man he's been indicted on federal charges as you might imagine um let's see uh edwards who's 52 years old was arrested this week and pled not guilty in court on wednesday shortly after prosecution prosecutors announced the indictment uh let's see it says he attempt to establish peonage which is a new one for me slavery and voluntary servitude or human trafficking uh it carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison seems like it'd be more for being a modern-day slave master um and then this poor gentleman that he was enslaving this uh this smith man 39 year old with mild cognitive disability uh had worked for more than two decades without issue at the j j cafeteria washing dishes busting tables and later cooking the [ __ ] food at the folksy small town diner uh apparently this guy would beat him with a belt but keep reading so he worked there for two decades without issue but when edwards took over as the manager in 2010 smith said the job turned into a nightmare edwards would force smith to work from dawn until late into the night seven days a week with little or no pay no benefits no vacation time a smith alleged some days he would leave so exhausted and weak he had to be carried home and physically fed drink and food he was so exhausted from being slaved away couldn't feed himself said he called him racial slurs threatened to stomp on his throat and beat him uh people would not recognize him anymore taylor i'm always impressed with your vocabulary you got pnag stored away you know what that is uh i would assume just from the the context okay of peon it means that he's trying to make him into a peon like like way back in the day like you'd be the lord of a fiefdom or something you've got a bunch of peons it's sometimes called debt celebrity debt slavery or debt servitude so i had to look it up i'm not being smart this prison system i want to see what he actually did to this guy he said he threatened to beat him and then he said he also assaulted him regularly taking him into the freezer or back office uh in one instance he dipped a pair of tongs and hot frying grease and skull to the back of his neck oh jesus christ whipped him with a belt buckle that was smith lived in a squalor behind the restaurant in a roach infested apartment owned by edwards so basically like a prison it seems like worse than a prison like i mean like a gulag my yeah my understanding of prison is they don't typically dip a pair of tongs into hot frying grease and scald the back of your neck that they didn't even have that nos yeah right i thought that swastika tattoo was rough but honestly this might be worse you'd be the gracious that was a pretty sterile branding he did to him right get the titles bust so he at one point he didn't bring the food out to the buffet fast enough and he whipped him with a belt buckle now here you guys are giving me [ __ ] about being rough on the wait staff we need to readjust our bar like by this standard i'm pretty cool you've never burned anyone with eating utensils in conjunction with cooking oil so that puts you a step above this slave owner all right by the way i'm saying this guy is not as bad and i'm um sixing him wow i disagree this guy i'm giving six too because uh we have to have standards the one before someone was murdered a child nobody died but think about this is still reprehensible think about this way this went on for for a very long period of time this was day in day out slavery where he beat a mentally disabled man and forced him into modern day slavery whereas the other thing that nine-year-old will never see another day but it was a heat of the moment kind of thing where she says the child's out of control and she sat on the child to calm it down just saying you think that was the first time that child got a beating from a metal pipe i think it's the first time a 325 pound woman sat on the child because the last didn't look like a wily coyote cartoon i i don't know that it was the first time though right like maybe she's been ratcheting up the length of her dirty [ __ ] sit punishment over the course of her babysitting career and there is always the possibility that she knew the kid was dying and continued anyway and by the way i don't think my as i picture this i bet the kid didn't get like a solid so my understanding takes about four minutes to die from asphyxiation you know i think that's not getting the oxygen you need um it takes about four minutes to die but you throw in a breath or two in there and that can stretch out to like six or nine minutes to kill someone right if they just get one don't you think he did right he's under that ass don't you think he turned his head into the couch cushion and got a little stinky yeah i don't know if they said asphyxiation but but i'm thinking of it's like crushing it's like you know maybe his heart couldn't operate well i mean his whole his whole like this whole pulmonary system what i'm getting at is i don't think it was a four minute punishment i think she did this for like 10 minutes or better to kill someone yeah that happens i don't know right in the movies they hold them under the water and the second they stop struggling like they're dead like dude it's been 20 seconds he's fine you know like sometimes i do that just to get peace and quiet maybe it like it broke some ribs or something who are you gurgling underwater to get oh god no it's me it's me like we'll be at the pool you know colin's asking me if i want to wax the chest hair off and like other people are splashing around i just go to the bottom kyle how many more people do you have that are awful yeah i give this guy a little bit lower than the first person because no murder but he's still enslaved a mentally handicapped person which puts him right behind i'm going to say 6.5 for this gentleman kyle is you saying it's worse because he's black sounds racist dude it's worse because it's worse because he's he's [ __ ] i hear music is somebody playing like a video it's outside on the street behind taylor yeah so i went straight to the top of what i thought i've got a couple more but one of them is the guy who was like insane that i linked you earlier who was groping the girl the community college because he claimed his hands had the energy to turn her into a woman so he's grabbing her boobs and butt and vagina funny that when we saw his picture it seemed more okay right yeah can we show him i think people are curious by this point let me go ahead so to confirm this is another guy on your list of reprehensibles of deplorables so to speak yes hillary oh i have him well i hate his hair i love it oh my god i like it that's going to hurt quibble crops feelings my hands they have the energy to turn you into a woman he's just groping this chick he told her uh he told her he wanted to turn her into his little [ __ ] and he wanted her to i'm sorry okay but you know you should do that the eyes the eyes they're not open all the way is that a drug like i don't know my drugs that well do you think he's on something i bet he's on some kind of drug i mean not necessarily like some people just have yeah you know bad eyes i guess uh and it's a picture you know it's a flash frame of like and he's in the he's in the police station right now it seems and you know not everybody can be looking good for their mug shot you know it takes a special kind of guy right absolutely [Music] uh yeah well how old is this girl that he was messing with i'm trying to find that information yeah yeah i didn't see it it was at a community college though so i i imagined her to be 18 at least so kyle you think this guy is worse than the other two no i don't i'm sorry i wasn't presenting them in any particular order really uh i i thought that the enslavement man was the worst in my opinion that's when you enslave another human being that's worse than killing them i think no the child murderer is the worst but she didn't like it's not like she put the kid in a microwave if she put a crying baby in a microwave i'd have put out of she put her in her 325 pound ass she beat a child with a metal pipe and then crushed him or her to death like that's that's no [ __ ] yeah even my mom didn't break out of metal pipe you know yeah just fly scrapers and a ruler the high-heeled shoes were always uh an issue i didn't like that even then i'd take high-heeled shoes and ice scrapers over a metal pipe mm-hmm that's a murder weapon include i'm sorry i disagree in the comments down below please i legitimately want to know what do you think is worse this perhaps palsied woman who sat on a nine-year-old child and crushed the child to death almost certainly accidentally or this white man from conway south carolina who absolutely intentionally intentionally every day going back to work doing it more enslaved a [ __ ] black man over for years and gave him grease like hot tongs to the back of his neck beat him with belt buckles called him the n-word told him he was going to stomp his throat and paid him an incredibly small amount of money it was like three thousand that's a very even-handed non-agenda-driven presentation of those two cases this woman who you we don't even know she did it on purpose as the child was saying i can't breathe she was probably watching her stories and had forgotten because the child had just been enveloped into her ass fat guy you know we woke up in a sinkhiled to the swastika right above his bed like yeah they're both evil but it's very hard for me to be like to not rank the person who beat and crush the child to death at the top all right well hear me out for a second then like we've all had moments of anger where maybe like like i don't know if you've ever dealt with small children but they're a nightmare i it's it's really infuriating to be to be like triggered by something that you can't punch and like you just have to walk away from a nine-year-old but i feel like this lady being as large as she could as she was she couldn't walk away i mean she could get away from this little [ __ ] and she was just like ah i'm gonna shut you up sad honor in this moment of rage this this momentary lapse of judgment in her palsied mind and on the other hand you have a business owner a grown 50 year old business owner who is enslaving a man dude i i totally understand your point of view i just don't see the woman crushing the kid to death as a lapse in judgment quite frankly as a business owner i understand his point of view i mean no way this guy i keep reading this article the same things are jumping out at me i grabbed her ass boobs and [ __ ] so i can turn it into a woman i i asked her multiple times uh if we could go to if she could go with him so i could [ __ ] her uh he didn't know who she was but i sat down to her and she was beautiful and sexy this guy's one [ __ ] tic tac away from being donald trump this guy is i haven't read all of it yet but it seems like i don't he grabs it by the [ __ ] he can't help it you know he's just attracted like a magnet to uh to people he tried to [ __ ] her like a [ __ ] yeah the the difference is this make her married and give him a tic tac and there's no difference at all uh this woman is not allowing any of this neither of these other women has nothing to do eleven times he's been charged with sexual assault not charged accused accused okay eleven i mean i mean we've all been accused of sex right she slapped his hands multiple times touching the breast buttocks and inner thighs uh after this the victim or rice still asked the victim to go with him so they could [ __ ] because he wanted her to be his little [ __ ] where where where was this happening like in a bus stop i'm sorry taylor could you could you say all that a little bit slower with your sexy voice because it's it's working yeah do the raspy thing and draw it out he grabbed her breast in my raspy 1950s losing my voice would it be even hotter if i read that story again about the the crushing even better the ruler wasn't getting it done see kyle but like i i think you presented it in exactly the the downward area because in this one no one was enslaved and no one died it's still horrible yeah it doesn't compe it does not compare to a crush to that child really just a guy with no game and a girl who's about to write hashtag me too yeah i guess that's accurate am i being insensitive on painkiller already this is my painkiller already persona i don't know she's is there anyone else on the piece of [ __ ] list um i there was a clown who jumped out and tried to frighten a boy and but this story is only funny because of the sheriff's department's reaction um i guess this clown jumped out tried to scare a kid and the kid beat the [ __ ] out of the clown with a metal selfie stick and uh and you know that happens all the time of course it was an 11 year old 11 year old boy but the most interesting part was the sheriff's department's warning on facebook where they said quote evil clowns and anyone considering creepy clown activity should not expect to be saved we will not be there to save you if your intended target defends himself or herself and you may face pen other penalties as well like this seems like [ __ ] and what i'm hearing from that is that clown lives don't matter and i think don't matter clown lives do not matter clowns should have seen their ship sailing away in 1908 when the first you know charlie chaplin store dude come started coming out do an actual funny [ __ ] like no the clown should have known our ship has sailed but these stubborn clowns these stubborn clowns and their powerful unions are just protecting people who want to jump out of the woods willy-nilly and scare children and if they need to catch a beating from a selfie stick from a scared child you know as this clown pretends that he's not being nefarious he's like one of those male feminists like i'm super on your side let me get some titty grabbing you know those clowns are like i love kids that's why i'm a clown let me come on over here billy like no that i don't like this one bit [Laughter] you should not be able to just jump out and scare people especially children and then expect them not to freak out a little bit like of course would you not have swung at the clown if it jumped out at you as you were a kid yeah i bet you both would have um i don't know i i think i have more love in my heart for clowns than perhaps you do i i i see clowns as people you know what i don't see race all right well there's something you're terrified of then what if a new jersey housewife with a bunch of ice scrapers jumped out that that that's funny but then you said i see i don't see race i don't see that i just see the people there i was thinking i'm like you know what that's a pretty good statement like i like to think that i don't judge people you know on those things they can't control but you know what you can control whether or not you become a clown and so when i see a clown coming at me i don't internalize it as a person i i i wow that just makes you more clownist i'm absolutely clown phonic and it's in you know clown clown phobic or whatever that's called it's not i'm not genuinely afraid of clowns but if i saw one walking on the street late at night i wouldn't be pleased with it i'd cross the street that sounds a little clown phobic jesus christ taylor if you see a clown walking towards you late at night on a non-halloween day you don't cross the street because i do i toss him three balls and see where this goes maybe three rocks quickly [Laughter] hey there's something seriously wrong with the clown people like like i i don't get it it's it's it's not something that that people are endeared with anymore or ever i don't like everything post john wayne gacy like clowns are not in they're not cool children don't like them and there's a huge percentage of adults who are creeped the [ __ ] out by clowns like you noted mcdonald's dropped ronald you know they don't have his ass around anymore i never place any blame on ronald he he seems like a good guy he did he's only he's never even stood up from that bench maybe because so many kids come and sit next to him but yeah you're right he they really did fade him out i don't ever see ronald mcdonald anymore gone there was the ronald mcdonald house that raised money for uh kids with cancer or whatever all that shit's gone they so they just were like this clown's so shitty we're taking away the cancer research center it's it's [ __ ] scary i i don't like clowns at all like i don't know if you noticed but the uh the it movie uh was like the highest grossing r-rated movie of all time i think now it could be deadpool yeah yeah i think i think uh it beat deadpool i think maybe it's the highest rating grossing horror movie maybe of all time too i'm curious about it but not enough to go see it in the theaters yeah same yeah yeah i'm gonna watch it when it comes out it's uh i'm interested i want to see it but [Music] and
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 66,516
Rating: 4.8936033 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, pka podcast highlights, PKA 357 w/xJawz - Human Branding, Cumfetti, Child Crushing, xJawz PKA, PKA Ranks Terrible People from News Stories
Id: FAqhydAysIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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