"Shot Callers" in Prison & Shaun Atwood’s Run in with a Psycho | PKA

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you've gotta be very worried that you know who you're dealing with and as long as it's at that low level harmony is restored after the beef is squashed when they take two people in the cell under the stairs and say work it out do they ever talk it out like i didn't say jomo i said chromo i thought you had down syndrome and they all laugh it off and move on do they ever talk it out you know what to tony said he has huge humor to defuse many a potentially violent situation but talking out is more on the female side in the men's side it's the faster the fists you see a guy he'll be walking down the corridor he'll look at a guy guys say what are you looking at he'll say nothing you calling me nothing bam bam bam it's on just like that it's like a powder keg of stress especially for the guys who are unsentenced so being on sentence is more stressful because you don't know what's going to happen to you and you're looking to take that stress out on somebody i asked you what the strategy was right for a guy who's not you know hercules it sounds like losing is it like if i go in there i can't beat up these guys just go in show heart i hope they accept that it sounds like the toughest guys have the highest mortality look at nick you know he was proud of winning all these fights the more fights you win the more challenges you get everybody wants to make their name off the toughest guy in the building so eventually you're gonna become a cropper my strategy was i've done prison survival advice videos and one of them is titled make alliances with the right people i had wild man going in i had two tonys later on okay why did that guy torture you mentioned it was mostly drug dealers but was it all drug deal it sounded like he had a method or like a motive oh he loved it he loved it so he was i guess everyone needs a hobby okay he was going to court one day and he was in a holding cell and there was a suspected chomo so he held a kangaroo court with him as the judge and it and it was decided to stab the chomo tie him up and stab him which he did and then he put a knife into the to the um eyeball of the chomo he didn't gouge his eye out he just put it to the eyeball of the chamber like he was gonna take the eyeball out and he told everybody in there if any of you snitch on what i've done i will find you or someone in the prison system will find you we'll [ __ ] take your eyeballs that will [ __ ] eat them jesus so that was just kind of his some people like to read some people like tv shows some people like exercise and he liked breaking people's knees with ball peen hammers and threatening to go dry it oh yeah and the day he got arrested it was headline news they had like a tank on the street and they had like helicopters over the house and in the end it looked like he was going to go down in a shootout but in the end one of his female friends came forward and helped the negotiator get him out he was full-on hardcore were the different gangs like like he said like it's all about business at the end of the day they want to keep making their money they want to keep getting their drugs but was there almost like a hierarchy like among the non-gang-related prisoners where it's like oh okay thank goodness the uh the the italians took power from the aryans you know they all suck but at least the aryans you know they were way more brutal or oh the the hispanic gangs in charge right now i really hope that the the blacker or whatever gang takes power because they're being so brutal or was it all like mutually assured destruction the hispanics cut a guy's head off and so then the italians and the aryans do it and then the blacks have to show they have to do it too like just constantly one-upping each other what was that dynamic okay the reason that everybody's prison stories are different and some people will call other people out and say it's not like that that rule isn't right people don't behave like that well the reason that everybody's prison stories are different is because every prison yard has different prisoners different guards there's different rules depending upon who the leader is for example i was in one building where every night there was like a fellatio show there was a white guy getting a [ __ ] from a trans prison in the building opposite and we'd all watch it and just do this like running commentary of jokes just a funny thing but when the head of the whites got moved out of the building and a new head of whites came in they sent word to the opposite building saying that that white guy getting the [ __ ] was going to get attacked the very next day unless it stopped immediately so it depends upon the characters who are in charge and that's constantly changing that makes sense so i watch another youtuber what's weiss's last name is it watson watson yeah yeah and um he takes a lot of pride in the fact that he was a shot caller he was in charge but hypothetical woody doesn't want to be a shot caller that's a lot of attention and i don't think shock haulers have a really great track record of of an easy time right at some point someone is it good to be the shot caller it seems like a bad strategy if you're a big tough guy and you can handle yourself there are perks and respect to wes watson he's blown up on youtube he's doing really good my co-defendant wild man loves watching his videos every time i go to his house he's got a wes watson video on i think they're going to end up doing the skype i'm training wildman right now in skypes he's not quite there yet so wild man arrives at a prison he's just been sentenced and they come up to him and they say what are your charges and he says i've had a long day i'm going to sleep and they're saying no you don't understand who we are you need to tell us what your charges are so he knocks the guy out and he goes to sleep i'm going to go with a salt you shouldn't have done that we're going to find out who you are a wild man's like okay find out who i am as he's sleep and he wakes up and they come back and they say to him you um we know who you are now do you want the guy's job who you knocked out we need you to apologize to him but we're going to give you his job and while man well he's done lots of videos on my channel there's a wild man playlist about him running the building he's got to keep the whites the youngsters under control and he's running like he's making hooch he's controlling the gambling and there are a lot of perks in prisons are doing that stuff if you choose no money whatsoever everybody's got to get the hustle on one way or another so where's watson if that was his hustle so be it wow well i mean at least there's a lot of upward mobility for careers the [ __ ] out of that guy and it's like you know what was there like an offer of pay or like hey we'll give you drugs to do i assume like most of the payment was like you get your heroin or you're getting so sorry man is manufacturing hooch he gets to keep a percentage of the hooch if he's running the gambling tables he gets to keep a percentage of of you know the take now what if your charges aren't that good right like you're not a chomo but you're maybe like a big time tax evader do they like give you an extra hard like tax evasion they're kind of [ __ ] prisoner like how does that how do they judge you with it they're probably gonna go to club fed so the federal system has got more money because it's backed by the u.s federal government now there are some crazy federal prisons but there's also the club feds the luxury ones where the politicians go to and stuff like that the state systems have got no money and then the dregs and you know it's just like they just treat you like you're absolute [ __ ] and i spent a very short amount of time in a federal prison not one eyeball was plucked while i was there [Laughter] is it that the states have no money or that a chunk of that goes towards profit the states don't spend hardly anything compared to the feds on the prison conditions they probably just pocket it that's what they mean they have huge budgets arizona's got a massive budget for prisons i think education is like 20th and prisons is like third on the list so um someone's taking that money somewhere along the way but by warehousing prisoners feeding them food that you can barely eat and having two guards watching a couple hundred prisoners that's how they maximize the profits and that's why those are escapes in arizona they were so cheap they hadn't fixed the alarm it had gone off falsely like 200 times approximately in one month so when some prisoners did escape the guards were like all right it's just going off again falsely and those prisoners went on a murder spree and people can look that up it's online about the um arizona prison escape alarm going off guards ignored it and prisoners people got killed wow so in just curious in pop culture whether it's movies tv shows i'm sure they get prison all bits of it wrong all the time but is there a show or something out there that you watched about prison you're like holy [ __ ] this one this one feels way more real than the rest so none of them are hitting the mark so there are some silly ones but there are some good ones as well none of them are 100 i think um profit was a french film it was really gritty and depressing portrayed it well there's a movie called shot caller and there's a finance guy he's got he runs a red light with his woman and his friend and her wife and his friend dies and he's had too much to drink so he gets sent down now when he goes in with the new rivals in the night the skinny black guy walks in and he's looking down really nervous not giving off the right body language that guy gets gang raped in the night so the finance guy's like [ __ ] you know the ab guys have been checking him out and they think he's a lame so when he gets challenged the next day he just starts throwing punches he's like i'm not gonna lay down for nobody and that happened to me and then the gang starts to see his potential they have him carrying drugs carrying knives putting in more and more work but then he gets so much time well i don't want to spoil it but you know basically just makes the situation way worse worse for himself and that movie answers one of the questions you asked earlier about you know shot callers you know yeah they can get their hustle on and make things out of it but also they can get a hell of a lot more time added on they may not never even get out wow yeah that's a good movie i saw that a while back check that out it's got a what's his name that plays jamie lannister uh in game of thrones he's the he's the main character he gets bro brawl and cell block i can't remember the number but that's a good one too
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 110,171
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, PKA 492 w Shaun Attwood - Keemstar vs H3H3, Prisoner Eye Pluck, Convict Code, shaun attwood, prison, jail, fpsrussia prison, fpsrussia prison clips, shaun attwood prison, pka 492, pka 492 clips, pka 492 highlights, wes watson, inmate, prison story
Id: 9qrEy3D1Fig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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