The Tiger King Documentary on Netflix (Joe Exotic) | PKA

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but um Tiger King Tiger King Tiger King I've now I've seen episode 1 Kyle's finished it yes I finished it other people where are you I've seen episode 1 and a bit into two but that's all I've seen I think I'm in I think I'm into okay not sure all right so I heard about Tiger King I saw it on Netflix it looks dumb like this that like the picture of it or whatever it's [ __ ] I would have never clicked it if you hadn't said never would have collect it but I heard so many people talking about her right Bert Christ you're talking about it lots of celebrities and lots of people I know or just let you got to watch it you got to watch you got to watch it so we start watching this [ __ ] and essentially art so it's about it's about people who keep why Tigers Tigers they exotic cats on it and there's this group of people across the country ones in Myrtle Beach ones in [ __ ] Oklahoma ones in Tampa Florida and they all have these parks where they have big cats lions and tigers and bears and wolves and everything you can imagine yeah it's like a zoo they have their own little private zoos and they are all each one is more interesting than the last one of these guys is a gay mullet wearing gun-toting polygamist homosexual with about 12 piercings on his face he is the tiger King I'll another one he's funny another one and they are not related by the way they know each other like the same way that like Richard I know each other cuz like we sort of did the same thing and there's like a community of people who did that same thing or do that same thing and we all kind of know each other because we see each other conventions and like whatever like we're in the same like sphere of influence well there's this other guy in Myrtle Beach also a polygamist the straight kind he rides around on an elephant in his neighborhood and he's got like six [ __ ] and you might think but this is one of those like Mormon deals who are like Sarah Plain and Tall Sarah shortens Jokke no he's got six hot [ __ ] all right and he's got them all dressed up in leopard print and lion makeup and here's the dresses he yes he chooses all of their outfits and as an extra level of duplicitous nests and cultish nests makes them legally change their names when they show up so she'll be like yeah my name was Michelle now my name is Molly or my name is mala like he'd give him like a little like Korean sand and it was like oh this is like I was watching that last night after Kyle's recommendation I was like first of all thumbs up to this guy for running what every man wants to have all a bunch of cool animals no monkeys downside but a bunch of cool animals and a bunch of free [ __ ] and they're all so brainwashed that you don't do whatever you say it was a day they were 12 hours a day they get like $200 a week 100 $100 a week each girl and but here's the thing he's driven one point he's driving through his compound and he's like that's where Masha lives that's her house and that's where where - ah lives that's her house he's got each of these ladies in a nice [ __ ] house like he's got like two million dollars where the house is just for his ladies and then he prescribed antagonists yet the antagonist is Hillary Clinton she is so unlikable at least the cool cult guy is funny as [ __ ] yeah and he's clearly got some kind of mental impasse stuff like sociopathy like his eyes are open way too much every time he speaks he's enunciated in a way that seems forced sees me fractured the camera he's directing the first like little clip the head of him like they were talking and getting to know him and he's like alright alright so you come around the front I'm gonna go inside I'm gonna open it you say how are you doing I'm gonna say I'm doing great how are you and then I'll let you in alright and then he just like walks away and they're like alright well I guess that's uh we're doing directing his own reality show the other the other guy was just as funny where he's like he just had a 19 year old the tall live young your boy show up and he just convinces him to stay somehow like clearly through manipulation so the tiger king named Joe he's already got one husband write this up this guy with meth mouth who's who's a stocky fella who like good shape muscled up and pierced nipples tattoos all over him and your sides time to add another hubby and this is a 19 year old guy like comes into his little sphere of influence and they make a good point to explain to you dude wears a size 16 shoe dudes hands are enormous he's dark he's got this nice tan complexion looks like a knight Iranian hands like twice the feet at least twice the hands at least three times they're letting you know this guy's got a hog all right and Joe is all about it and Joe asked him he's like I asked him you know just how straight are you and he said pretty straight I said let me ask you this when you watch porn yeah i watch porn well when you watch porn do you like to see the guy doing the girl with a little penis or a big one and he said well I like to see it with the big one I said well you ain't that straight into basically being a receptacle for my penis when I am willing and it's like I don't know who was receptacle for who I bet it was a vellum tossed around a bit I guess it's probably irrelevant but but essentially two polygamists in this show right off the bat okay then we meet the lady who's trying to play like the Peeta I'm here for the good of the animals [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] because she that she's doing the exact same thing they're doing appetiser kills her but she's using the angle of I'm here for the good of the animals there they're just breeding Cubs to let people pay to pet them I charge people to look at animals and I should be the only one who can do that and she's trying to shut everybody else down by getting these like passed against what's a monopoly she's wants a monopoly over what she's got she is so evil I don't want to spoil anything let me just go over some of the pins yes please so I haven't seen as much as Kyle have i watch the first episode and even I'm a little bit like what makes her the good guy yeah and and she's she pitches herself as the good guy she said and the bad guys are like man [ __ ] animal rights people you know they're shooting into the lake this is what I do to animal rights we put Tanner right in the mannequins crotch took him like four shots to hit the thing a size of a giant peanut butter from nowhere I am an average shot and I could hit Tanner right like it's not hard anyway Christo yes you know we don't stand for that he repeat a mouthful anyway they all keep Tigers and she's saying they'd keep Tigers the wrong way but am I missing something he had been out you're not yours you have made fields he heard your cluing in on hypocrisy at its finest and look I'm not gonna spoil who is what or what is who or talk about characters who will be introduced here are some of the high points of the show some of the things that that I think you can go into it a little bit sorry to interrupt I think you can because the what happens in the show it's not a spoiler it's watching how it rolls out that's so entertaining like telling him that he's a polygamist that doesn't spoil anything it's just watching the way they behave well there are some things that happened that would be spoilers let me just tell you this is an incredible real-life drama that they captured on camera I texted you guys earlier with like some of the like I'll call them bullet points and these are some things that happen in the show I'm again these aren't spoilers these are things that happen I'm not telling you who they happen to or maybe it's even characters you haven't met yet in Episode one here we go Colts murder suicide arson prison times polygamy gold diggers animal cruelty meth animal attacks guns explosive explosives boiling crocodiles swingers and presidential campaigns mm-hmm these are all things that are the main characters of this show we'll be involved with and we'll all happen on camera there will be a death essentially on camera there is a there is a disfigurement that happens on camera there is a tiger attack on camera there are guy has that crutch thing in episode one actually no he has no legs that's because he that happened a zipline accident most white trash ever way to lose you're like okay he he could have kept them but he's working 16 hours a day for Joe uh walking around on the tiger farm and his leg his feet got infected or something they had to take his legs up to like the mid thigh and so now he's got these like cool like like prosthetics he's like a lot of people ask me did the Tigers eat your legs nah ziplining [Laughter] totally crushed my feet and good prognosis antara you no joke he said you got work and so I came back and I'm walking around on them and and like every single thing every from what I've seen I I'm thinking I might have got through all of episode two and part of three cuz I just had it on autoplay and every single person who is caught in the wake of at least the two cult leader guys the two polygamists they all blame themselves for anything bad that happens to him none of them blame the cult leader at least so far it's like no it's it's a master class and just manipulation for these events all great manipulators every one of them even Carol Carol doesn't pay her employees that was your niece followeth tears lightly at least the other guys pay like hundred bucks 300 bucks a week or 200 bucks a week and at least those guys are getting dick she does not pay them they and it's a cult there too essentially because it reminded me so much of cults I've heard about where like if you once you've been here a year you get a red shirt after the Scientology structure after - yeah after two years a green shirt and she and she's like oh really start noticing people until they've been here for five years and I'm looks like I've seen you around the line and she's got this fake Hillary Clinton thing where she rolls her eyes and does these fake laughs so Hillary - no I want a tiger to kill her so much I want lunch let me just say this there's a lot of people in this documentary that want her dead and there's a few that take some steps to make that happen yes yeah we talking about duty liner and helicopters what in a drunken age yeah that was a joke mm-hmm there are people who take steps all right he joked about what do we drop some grenades steps are taken do you remember the clans are put in motion and it was it was in the same clip as the shirt thing you're talking about Kyle so I'm sure all of us remember if that was episode one where some yellow shirt volunteer blue shirt or whatever like they're all in like a natural setting outside of some building you know I'll get ready to work and she's just joking with this woman like are you gonna be home for Christmas this year and the in the volunteers like no no Christmas for me I haven't had Christmas in many years it's like everybody's and she's like oh ha ha ha that's so funny all right now go clean up tiger [ __ ] and my dirty ass - dozous and it's like man she that was when it fully like when she went off the precipice where she can't be redeemed for me or it's like man you are up on your [ __ ] high horse so hard on this gay guy who just wants some nice dick and this in this sociopath who just wants a good [ __ ] and tigers and you are [ __ ] conscripting armies of stupid women who would otherwise be involved in multi-level marketing schemes and getting them to I could play Raymond Ray Vaughn yeah you could have you could have had a pink candle like basically and then they like they did a walkthrough of her kind of version of the zoo compared to gay guy harem and and straight guy harms hers looks horrible because it's so overgrown like they were like they're taking pictures and videos of like how you can't even see through the brush and the weeds growing up next to the side of the cage because it's so overgrown that like you have to go to certain angles to even see the Tigers and say what you will about those other two [ __ ] at least when you were looking at the clips of their their businesses you can see the Tigers they've got [ __ ] to play with it looks like a zoo it doesn't look like you it's my garage chicken wire they like the patrons hold the Cubs you know they they take selfies with them and stuff yeah enclosures that's bigger - yeah that's a big part of their their money-making operation it's called cub petting and and so here's the problem with that personally I don't have a problem with it because that these are endangered animals there's there's 4,000 alive in the wild and like 15,000 in America and captivity or some [ __ ] like that if they didn't want us to do this they should have [ __ ] better in the wild yeah they should look first of all hate cats so I don't care what happens to him this was dogs I'd be like okay okay let's talk about hanging as I'm not sure what genus they hail from I don't care what those things are with those big lady [ __ ] they have it's creepy and yeah the lady has her babies through like a long penis like vagina and yeah that's real [ __ ] it's like a pseudo [ __ ] pseudo penis I thought you were saying they're people it's a clip look like human penises look like human female penises and that's where my head I was like no no like hyenas have a penis looking thing yeah yeah it's a faux [ __ ] so yeah it's the most entertaining thing I've seen it's better than making them or making a murder excuse me it's better than making a murderer but it follows a similar pattern to making murder how at the end of every episode they're like oh by the way there's a witness and you're like bum bum bum and and it like somebody at the end of the episode will get mauled or murdered or kill or are dead somebody will die at the end of an episode as you get deeper there's seven episodes for about 42 minutes each it's the best thing I've seen in memory I can't think of the last especially something that's a documentary like this and look this is not one of those fake reality TV shows all right during the filming of this there is a reality TV show they're quite yeah yeah there's some there's gonna be some ramifications at the end of this and I don't mean after this I mean in the show there are people go into federal prison as well as you're saving happening in the opening minutes like it the guys in jail in the opening minutes the guy hires a murder for a contractor for hire to kill someone in the opening seconds yeah that's how they kick off the whole series well III there's more I don't know perhaps no I I think maybe there's some that I don't remember and and like the specific details are what makes some of this stuff not like crazy one of the things I will say is Joe Joe exotic accomplished meet country music singer the manually he's got two albums like 28 music videos couple dozen singles and they're on YouTube and at a certain point you're gonna want to hop on YouTube and start watching them he's got one where Tiger may be terrible no they're good that's the problem he's a good singer like legitimately good and like but like the visuals are a little cheesy lyrics music here's this single here kitty kitty here kitty kitty is I don't spoil I don't wanna spoil this I don't spoil what it's about I got trying to get [ __ ] on her no no this the other guy no it's an attack this is this is like a rap battle this is an attack against someone I hope to god Hillary Clinton made her own diss track I'll just say it without without without naming who or exactly what someone murdered someone clearly in the show the and he made a song about how that other person murdered someone with an impersonator of them that looks so close that you have to do a double-take this guy rules so far cool guy the week well I can't give it to him because the heart of a [ __ ] guy in [ __ ] Florida DS doc doc is the man doc doc literally has like they interview like one of his former ladies she's like you know I was 19 and my dad was like don't fall in love with your boss and I was like well and next thing I know he was paying for my titty implants I didn't really want to get him but it was more likely it was more like they just scheduled the appointment and told me when I was gonna go and then they show her with the new boobs and it's like it's a good thing you went on it was a good movie but also the way she was saying she's like and I didn't really want the tits but all I had in my head was you know I would get a couple days rest I wanted the rest so bad I got new boobs she got some nice boobies and then it was like it was an improvement all right [Laughter] you could tell she missed the cult she was like talking a little [ __ ] on it but it was like almost longingly yeah I wish they'd been like would you like to go back well maybe if he paid a little more it was like she was down to go back she's cuz her new life involves splitting her own wood for her for her heat in her home and and I could touch maybe she missed whatever like mansion that dock had her set up in or hanging out with Tigers and riding elephants and got starting a cult good idea I feel like Doc is gonna say what why would I take you back you're like 24 now he has a harem he has like six ladies and it's some of them have been there for like I called it - I called it we were watching and I was like I think I just got a call I was liking it notice how many how like all of his employees are like hot chicks like all of them like you go to Joe's place and he's literally hired ex-felons right off creo look like carnies they look at Carney that's good they're grizzled lots of missing teeth long straggly hair he's got him living in single-wide trailers with one AC unit no running water hard hardly there's rodents in their house then you go over to the other guy's place and he's got six rather attractive ladies twenty to thirty years old living in nice houses dressed up however he wants them to which is pretty scantily clad most of the time yeah for a minute intersession for children you know that's all I want to go it's how long ago yeah so what that what the one guys were getting like expired meat or some [ __ ] from Walmart I was gonna talk about that so to feed the Tigers is an incredibly expensive thing Joe exotic has about 230 250 Tigers all right these are huge animals you know they stand up there like 10 11 feet tall or something like that plus lately it doesn't even go into like how many lions he has how many wolves how many bears they said in thousand dollars it can is something like three-quarter million a year it's what he said right three well breathe a Granik at three get aggressive per year or something like that but it came to about 750 thousand dollars a year to feed the cats and one of the ways that they supplement that you know anytime is road kill the Highway Patrol calls they go pick that deer up for you to the cats and what Walmart words will do we explain the scenario which like oh maybe somebody takes their meat up to the counter their car gets declined well this person's handled the meat it's been out of the freezer or the refrigerator area they can't put it back so they have to throw it away well we get that so what his employees do is they pick over these big trash cans full of expired meat from Walmart pick out the good [ __ ] and that's what they eat well there's a away they could just show up with declined credit cards it's so good it's it's so so good you couldn't script a better show you couldn't like these something about the people who are into exotic animals already like they're odd odd odd people and these are like the oddest of them and every episode you get to meet you'll be like well we have filled the quota of creepy weird dudes on this show and then the next episode comes and they're like this is Jeff Jeff is a swinger who's a fake millionaire and a sin a conman and it's just like Oh God that seems awful I like oh he is I like how the series opened up with like some random [ __ ] fat bald guy who also clearly loved animals and he's like yeah I mean it's kind of just you know exotic animal lovers and you know in the trade it's kind of an extended family of sorts you know you got the monkey people who are just kind of strange honestly the big cat people they will stab you right in the back it's like how could this be a stereotype now the monkey people they'll treat you right with new friends but these people you keep your eyes jost firearm safety that man should not have first of all he's always got a revolver on his side I couldn't notice what it was I don't know maybe I spread the Wesson or something probably 38 it doesn't seem that loud he's always got a revolver on he wears on a gun belt with with with you know like a bamboo floor cowboy style it's just part of one of his finishes somebody this is a minor minor spoiler this is like a tiny little thing that happens in one episode but he thinks somebody sprayed his boots with coal which cats are crazy about they freaked out over it and so he's in the cage behind of selling in a bad way okay it's on his boots it's on him so he's in the cage with a couple of tigers and this tiger is clearly interested in his shoe and he's like she shoe come on now I'm trying to do my little thing for the camera tiger bites his boot and he's got good boots on to his credit well it bites his boot and starts dragging him and he's whipped he's hitting the tiger in the head with us like a cane like a stick you know it's not injuring the tiger but it's like come on let me go let me go and finally he goes into the pistol and he's just like shoots right next to his head bang and the cat like drops in me like the [ __ ] I don't know you had that well this has changed the equation now the other two cats are like honing in on him like cuz he's down now right and he's just like I'll shoot you right between the [ __ ] eyes nobody was coming to help Joe it was just Joe in the cage with three [ __ ] 800-pound Tigers or something like that and him with five shots left in his six shooters like I'll shoot you right between the five nights trying to limp away I can't wait it's yeah don't have a leg problem I'm getting me yeah yeah yeah he's a crutch yeah he's got like a knee brace and a crutch on and off because we're hopping around through time a little bit it's going to follow knows the knee brace thing related to that attack no he had that before the attack and during the attack I but that's not explained oh I don't know I like something meniscus tear or some chronic injury zipline related also real white trash why is it flying white trash it's not to me I don't know I'm just saying that I guess it going to be his exotic vacation you know like oh I went to Belize and took a zip liner with a the rainforests of the Amazon there's a zip line zip line I've done a good bit of zip lining I'm a big fan I like it a lot hey did you see McMillion I don't know I have yes madam McGregor think so no no no I'm gonna say as a fellow Georgian Millions is about the Mafia involved conspiracy to defraud them the monopoly McDonald's game of her oh yeah I'll watch that after tiger man or whatever the [ __ ] yeah Tiger King is the [ __ ] dude like I'm telling you this Joe exotic guy is the star but he's got a supporting cast like none other like I'm telling you like what are you been to his wedding his three-way wedding three-way gay one dude they're the the guy who plays the the female harem guy I'm sure is his name doc doc doc yeah he behaves like a villain casts in an 80s b-movie like way over the top in his the way he Clips his words at the end and everything is spoken in a very odd open-mouthed form it's like oh you're like trying you like got to earth four days ago and you're his he's like John Malkovich and Conair he is absurdly Cyrus the virus from Conair no we're not going to rape her yet okay she's a hostage yes no let go rape another [ __ ] why is hostage in no raping mutually exclusive no cause I go she ate for huh okay Connor is good and she will be worthless yeah so Steve Buscemi yeah I like Steve Buscemi he's good it's an elector [ __ ] I feel like it's masochist and not raper right he's implying that she'll have no value if she's raped really I still have value post sexual assault I think yourself well I think maybe it was gonna be like maybe a a mate you know a murder a murder ring well I will admit they're less valuable after yeah his like prison name was like Johnny 73 or something cuz he had like 73 rapes and he tattoo for every lady he draped Jane Danny Trejo plays a real bad guy what an absolute monster [Laughter] another tattoo [ __ ] like people sitting in the writers room they're like it's just how do they know he's right well you haven't thought about this yet have you Jewish writer promise you you promise you won't be disappointed we're gonna be talking about it next week because I'm sure the guys will yeah well we'll get finish it off much a few more it's it's so so so good I promise you you're not gonna believe what happens in the like third fourth fifth episodes and by the end it's like well [ __ ] you don't come back from that do you I just it's I think part of what makes it so good is you're both looking at a bunch of absurd [ __ ] and you're being clued in to an entire community and category of people that nobody knew existed I didn't know there were stereotypes about exotic animal owners that own different kinds I didn't know they had little rivalries and spats where they threatened to kill each other and had harms of women that they had yes but the only person I know who has anything like that is that at ox ranch right but that's kind of different like he doesn't really treat him like pets and he's got the wolf but that yeah how many [ __ ] are in his harem less than six I'm getting all that lovely wife all right doc yeah
Channel: PKA Clips
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, Taylor Murka, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, PKA 484 w Richard Ryan - Tiger King, Big Boys Do What They Want, Public Freakout, pka richard ryan, pka 484 clips, pka 484 highlights, pka 484, netflix, documentary, tiger king, tiger king documentary, tiger king netflix, tv, television
Id: kIRAjf_Ds10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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