Have You Ever Been in a Fight or Flight Situation? | PKA Patreon AMA

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and we're live here's an interesting question i've been thinking about a lot of events for me have you ever had your fight or flight reflex activated if so which way did you go fight or flight and um i i've had a couple incidents now most of them i've talked about before right like um the burglar that robbed my house all those times when i finally caught him in the act i you know confronted him i hit the door on his fingers and yelled at the guy and chased him away and thought it was real like brave um there'd been a couple other instances too like especially with like like ocean rescues and stuff where i i felt like i acted pretty bravely but i've had a couple others like um like i talked about a fight where that guy broke my nose that yorgie guy and um it's weird he broke my nose i've had it broken four times i count this one as twice because it broke two places but um that night anyway it was my off button and uh like as soon as he hit me i didn't want to fight anymore like i was really taken aback by how much blood i was bleeding and uh i felt like guilt over it for a while like i was some kind of coward like you know you watch guys fight through bloody noses all the time and it on this one day it totally took the fight out of me um i've had two instances uh once on a motorcycle like a long time ago in my 20s or something where i for some reason i guess i thought i wasn't going to make the turn so i just hit the brakes really hard and i ended up stopping in time and i think i would have made the turn if i just piloted it better but um i reacted the wrong way like i wasn't the cool calm collected best version of me i was in the red and then there was other time i paramoted when i was first learning and the motor went out and uh had mine it was so early my instructor was still you know in the radio and had he not like said you know okay this is going to be fine you're lined up on the runway you know go flare and like had he not been in my ear talking me through it i don't know i might have just froze i don't know and just glided to the ground and smashed or something like so i feel like with people and like if there's any time i've i've been the real brave perfect version of me it also depends what it is right like courage by definition is when you're overcoming fear like you have to be terrified to be courageous like if you're if you're just not afraid then it wasn't that courageous you know like like like and that's why superman's never been courageous sure right and when i think about you frankly when you go out there and save the people uh who are drowning or whatever like you don't have any fear you have excitement you're like oh i get to go do my thing right now this is what i do yeah so you're not afraid so so there's no flight or fight reaction like what i've always experienced is if it's something like hanging out of a helicopter or like going down a really steep slide or like swinging from a rope or being in a vehicle that someone else is piling and like i really am not afraid of that um or at least i'm able to master that fear and just basically what i do is i say look being afraid of this will change the outcome in no way other than negatively your my fear here can only hinder me if i'm if i focus and just try to make the best of this out of control down a hill in a thing situation then i might make it out of it but if but but the worst thing i can do is panic and be terrified and like freak out because then i lose control um but if it's a different kind of scenario i'm not i'm not getting a fight-or-flight reaction from those things it's what i'm saying but if it's something that's like major issues that are like real world life-changing issues or if i have like uh like i've had a lot of altercations i i go i have a panic attack i [ __ ] have a panic attack i i i go unconscious i don't hyperventilate first everything just it's like when you stand up too quickly uh and and you know you see stars for a moment it's like that but it doesn't get better it doesn't get better it start it i can feel it wash over me from from top to bottom there's a cold sweat and then that that immediately like burns off into a fever and then i feel cold and tingly at all of my extremities and my hands and my legs things start getting dark from the outside growing in it's it the peripheral it starts getting fun how many times has this happened to you oh bunches of times i have lots of panic attacks not not not recently um i've had them before and like passed out outside on concrete and like [ __ ] my elbow have you ever taken anything for it um well it's not something that happens regularly enough to like you know to to to to deal with it's it's it's literally like fight or flights uh type situations that trigger it it's not like tony soprano i'm seeing the uncle ben's rice and i'm like oh and like falling out on the floor with the cold cuts it's that like if something major happens if i think that like everything's melting down or like i'm about even if i'm if i'm about to get in a fight maybe even then i will i will completely have a panic attack i need i if and if i don't sit down i'm going to fall down and it's not going to be one of those like let yourself down to the floor slowly with like one leg and be like i just need to sit here for a minute i don't feel too good it's like i'm blind now i'm blind now where am i three two unconscious that's how it goes so like i said you are exactly like these fainting goats yeah where you get startled and then like if you scream at them they just faint just bad just fall over next pka hang out or something like i'm gonna open an umbrella at kyle just to see it just trying to disorient him man that sounds a lot you know i've never experienced anything like that instead of just passing out for now i've never had that happen off the top of my head like like it happened at that time when i was like when i had the uh the the open weapon charge when i was 20 22 or whatever and the judge is talking about sending us to prison and finding us tens of thousands of dollars and we're in the right we had carry permits we weren't doing anything illegal we were just open carrying in a walmart permitted to do so the whole nine yard and this judge doesn't know the goddamn law because like the level of judge he's at probate judge or whatever he didn't even go to law school he's like an elected official you know and and i'm like i've got all these printouts like 22 year version of me is coming in there like a matlock like like nah we don't need a lawyer i got this handled like like i'll just explain to him hey we don't need that's what i told my i'm like we don't need a lawyer i was like i'll take care of this and we get in there and i'm like and and i'm like i'm like no sir you your honor you see here like this is where the the district um the um attorney general of georgia you know here's a quote from him from two years ago where he talks about grocery stores being permissible like how does walmart not fall in with a grocery store like the same [ __ ] thing it's it is a grocery store and he's just like oh that don't count there and this and that and i'm like would you read this paragraph and i could tell he didn't want to read it out loud and i noticed it i was like because there's a recorder over there recording everything down and there's like multiple people up on the bench like he's not even like alone up there i'm defending myself before four of these people and like they're assisting him and handing him documents and like whispering in his ear and stuff it's outrageous and i'm just getting more and more stressed and i'm scared i'm terrified because it's not going my way it's like he's being resistant to all this he won't hear my 22 year old version of this this 60 70 year old judge is not hearing it and i just go on and on and with all this proof and finally i'm like can i get some water i'm like my throat is so dry and they're go we don't have any water 30 seconds later i'm unconscious and there's a deputy on one side like holding my belt and my shoulder and my cousin is on the other side with a belt and a shoulder and they're hoisting me out of the [ __ ] courtroom into the back like alley area like behind the like the judge's chains jesus chambers like all of a sudden there's hostess snack cakes and coca-cola on ice like they're pouring it for me i'm just like well all of a sudden we came up with some some [ __ ] beverages someone had a hidden snack machine i didn't want anybody to know about i'm like immediately because that's the nature of this every single time there's nothing wrong with me my body just flipped it's you know it's switch it's like oh voltage too high we're [ __ ] reset mode i flipped the breaker that's what it's like i flipped my breaker and uh and my body is like root boop it just turns the breaker back on and i'm just like oh instantly better and so i'm like what's what's happening and they're like the judge said he needs to look at that paperwork you brought and he needs to think about this some more and ask some second opinion so my brain goes oh we're good thank god we won um they go and the ambulance is on the way and i'm like oh i gotta go and we got the [ __ ] out of there as quickly as we could and very embarrassed um got in my car and we're like driving away as the ambulance is coming in like a bat out of hell like pulls in two paramedics are running into the courtroom and i'm just like oh i'm gonna get out of here out of here man like this was talking about the fight-or-flight response thing because i've got a good one that's more funny than anything i don't know if i've talked about it but it's not strictly fight or flight but it's uh so my girlfriend in high school we were on a vacation with my family she just came along to the dominican republic and we're hanging out on the beach obviously and getting swindled by the [ __ ] dominicans who you know i'm walking down the street you know 16 17 whatever with my american wallet and they're like hey you want to buy this coconut for i think i bought a coconut from this large dominican guy for like six bucks there were dozens of coconuts laying around but he was costing us and he's like six dollars for these coconuts and it's like dude if you don't like five dudes like take the six bucks like let me go like you're gonna stab me and i'm not confident enough to hold my own when there's i'm the only tourist in this region right now and they also had boats the little canoes that you could take out there and paddle around obviously not regulated just some [ __ ] dudes canoe and we rented it because my girlfriend at the time wanted to go out and do it and i was already getting stressed out because i'm the complete opposite of woody when it comes to the ocean the thought of just swimming out to sea for the [ __ ] of it just see how far you can go that makes my palms sweat like i'm so freaked out by the ocean of what could be there like what the sneaky whatever the [ __ ] i don't know it freaks me out and we were in there we were paddling out and i kept trying to like hold it in to the point where it was embarrassing where like i'd be like all right that's 30 yards out getting pretty far right like all right let's let's reign it in and take in the sights and she was like no we need to keep going out let's keep going out and i didn't want to look like a [ __ ] and so i just kept pedaling out there spending more time with my head behind me like oh my god it's getting so far away like the land is so like because my only thought is like if something happens and i have to swim back there is so much time for a monster to to seize me or for something to grab me from under the depths because i can't see yeah i'm a fine swimmer i'm confident in my swimming i'm fine with that just the unknown and we got out there to a point where i started to get like actual like sweaty and scared and like she was trying to be like upbeat she was just enjoying herself like oh this is so much fun we're seeing all this fun stuff what a neat place beautiful weather and i'm like white knuckling this [ __ ] three dollar half broken ore like can we go back can we go back and she's like no we got to keep going so i went a little bit further and she started to rock the boat being cute with me cute and i lost my [ __ ] i ruined that canoe trip before her at that point because it wasn't like hey settle down you're gonna ducks in the water it was like what the [ __ ] do you think you're doing stop stop [ __ ] rocking the boat we're going back we're going back right give me your ore no you're not gonna fight me on this give me your [ __ ] horn we're going back this is ridiculous there's a pool that's a hotel and there's no sharks in the pool and then you just keep going oh like it it was such a stupid thing to get so anxious over and like so stressed out but like it was just like something i couldn't overcome of like being out there it wasn't like i chose to get upset it was just like that switch i guess instead of me passing out and drowning like kyle's body i just hit a point of like this is [ __ ] and i will not be dragged into this death swamp any further with you like i'm not i'll tell you anymore another flight response that i've had uh when i was like 14 or something there was a bully that i had an issue with he was much bigger than me and like he like he always guy yeah who's walking around like a [ __ ] walking boner and just wants to punch something he was that guy and just just much bigger than me and it wasn't like we had a regular issue but we had an issue today and for whatever reason i said ah i'm gonna stand up to you and i'm like i shoved him gave him the double palms in the in the chest even though his chest is up here and it's like [ __ ] you i'm not gonna take your [ __ ] and he gave me one back and he's like i'll kick your ass but he wasn't completely confident like i definitely rebuffed him and he never gave me any more issues after that but his threat was terrifying because he meant that [ __ ] i had seen him do it i had seen him beat up three different men and they were men that he beat up he would walk up i saw him one time walk up to this guy who was the biggest [ __ ] guy that was that was the biggest white guy that i knew and he just he's just smiling he called him smiley and he [ __ ] boom just decks the guy and then he's just like ah now we fight like he just instigates a fight with the big guy and he's like now we're gonna roll let's go like that was his deal and so his threat meant [ __ ] and he scared the [ __ ] out of me but i didn't pretend like i didn't but i immediately got the worst diarrhea i was like i my body has to [ __ ] right now your body is hilarious in this situation walk to the bathroom with no permission like we were in like medals like shop class so they're very little supervision that's why we were having the altercation i i went to the bathroom and i remember just [ __ ] my ass off at school which i had it was the only [ __ ] i had taken ever in high school i was like today we [ __ ] at school because it was it was just like when i said [ __ ] you ever took in high school yeah it's the only [ __ ] i've ever taken in high school because it was like weird like and joe broken has talked about this before he's like he was talking about this video where these two bears are fighting and they're having this life or death battle these two grizzly bears and they just start one of them just start [ __ ] just [ __ ] just just [ __ ] everywhere just explosive diarrhea [ __ ] because his body is good we do not have energy to get energy depend on digestion to the claws or whatever you know and that's exactly what my body was doing it was like oh we about to throw down time to [ __ ] bro that's because you were gonna ink him yeah because it would have been a real woman if you decided to take to that level i don't get like if we were to compare kyle to electricity like where he can sometimes black out i'm more inclined to brown out and it happened last year on my paramotor so i'm i'm coming in for a landing and i think everything's fine i've flown for like an hour at this point and uh it's not in the very end like maybe i'm 20 feet off the ground i hop out of my seat now i'm suspended by my leg straps and they're buckled up wrong so really i'm suspended by one leg strap that's much tighter and the other one isn't and now instead of coming in for landing nice and straight it's turning me i'm landing on my side everything's all [ __ ] up and like i'm um in the end i land but i kind of like take a knee and almost fall forward maybe i do put my hands on the ground everything's fine but get your achilles though i turned it off you know they did turn off it so um but i'm embarrassed that i didn't nail landing and i hate that i knew that i had the skill set to handle this problem i just wasn't the best version of me well anyway to turn up my buckle on my leg was rounded wrong but i didn't know that i thought that the problem was because it was like caught under the keys in my jeans and just caused it to not hang right so i was like all right no problem take the keys put my jacket pocket and just fly again the next day next day same thing happens right because it wasn't the keys that buckle was routed wrong and um i'm like all right woody you said you had the skill set to handle this you know you just need to like be asymmetrical on the brakes as you come in and counter it here's your chance big shot nail this landing it's happened again and uh i felt really good because i did and i just needed a little more experience to to be the the clear-headed best version of me and that like going into the red or going into the yellow is something that like i kind of actively work on whether it be like motorcycling or paramotoring or what have you um an area i talked about in my last video my friend at uh the zombie air force base where i sometimes fly brought out a dueling tree for a pistol kyle knows this and uh so i get up there and i there maybe there were six of them all six of them i hit him in a row like i'm a big shot and uh it's like yeah i'm not a great shot or anything but something i usually hit when i'm pointing it and then uh i'm going against this army guy and he's like all right let's like do a competition and we lay out the rules for the dueling tree that we made up and he's like i'll go one-handed and you can do whatever oh my god i couldn't hit [ __ ] i couldn't hit a [ __ ] thing now that i'm in competition against another guy and there's like stress and like if i had done what i did in practice i would have that would have been handling i think but uh yeah oh that's absolutely true that's true with it like i've uh that that my my shotgun suppressor like i remember we were in that field and i'm out there throwing three three skeed up getting them and i'm like all right we're ready to film i'm tuned in right i couldn't hit [ __ ] [ __ ] i can't i do and the thing about it is like when you've got with that shotgun with the suppressor on the end it's so heavy and there's a there's a motion to like throwing the skeet and shooting them where i'm holding the gun right i throw them and then i let the gun fall down and then i sort of catch it with my left hand as it's recovering from the throw and go and so there's this repeated movement like this with your left hand of catching a heavy gun and and lifting it upwards and then being steady immediately going into a stance that's that i had done 80 [ __ ] times in a row and i'm just like i don't know if we're going to be able to do this i don't know i just don't know too much practice i couldn't [ __ ] calm down and that thing was it's so hard to shoot with that yeah and get it your psychic is weird so when i see these people miss an actual combat i think woody if you're half the shot in competition that you are in practice are you a quarter of the shot you know in against bad guys like i can see like sometimes i see guys i saw a video two people on either side of a pool table they both had like seven rounds in their gun no one hit each other they're just ducking and popping up like opposite a pool table you would like how do you miss someone from four feet but sure enough they managed to miss like seven times both of them ran out of bullets i knew someone who had gotten in a gunfight uh outside a bar and uh the bullets in his car uh they were shooting into his car at them they were just feet away and he was returning fire out the window and the bullets the windows were rolled down in the in the truck and the bullets were coming through the door and shattering the glass and making it spray up and out you know he's just like the glass was [ __ ] spraying everywhere and like i couldn't see anything i was just emptying the [ __ ] clip and it like nobody hit anybody they both just [ __ ] empty their clan and he then he just sped away and like they just called it even it was even lived a fight another day right he's got body work to do the other guy who probably needs to buy some new pants like i uh yeah so i that concept of like going into the yellow or going into the red like that's i know somehow the fight or flight thing sparked that in me yeah that [ __ ] sucks i hate i hate having those i um i kind of enjoy working against it you know now you know i don't want to have repeated gun fights but like the other stuff like the motorcycle the paramotor like sometimes i go in a motorcycle turn and i'm like all right this is a little faster than your comfort zone but you know what to do you know look where you intend to go take your turn smoothly use proper throttle control and your bike can do a lot more than you think it can and i love those moments when fear makes time slow down a little bit and you get to be that super version of you for for like a split second are you afraid have you had this like like where the adrenaline it makes makes your perception of time seem to slow just a little bit where you feel like the puck is coming way slower than it is and then you watch like a game tape replay and it's like that shot only took a tenth of a second to get there but it feels like you're like i'm moving all my stuff correctly it's almost like you're focused on so much stuff that it slows it down like this focus your perception of time completely changes like like in that moment with all that adrenaline your brain is focusing on that one thing and and everything slows down just a little bit so you can be a little bit better version of you whereas if you're in the dmv and they shoot a puck at you you're just going to get hit because you're not you're not ready your adrenaline is very low yeah dmv i wonder like what kind of performance enhancer adrenaline is because you know it's always used to you know fix a bee sting allergic reactions and stuff like that you know but but but is there anyone like like who's ever used it as as a as a performance-enhancing drug of some kind right like that's not a between rounds two and three in the octagon they just like pop it in your leg and oh see what you got or if you had like a really short term though isn't it like okay okay let's do this you'd have to knock him out in like 10 seconds or i don't even know how long it would last i have no idea let's say it's 10 20 seconds right there are races that go that long 20 seconds is a 50 meter free in in swimming and it's 200 meters in uh in track and field yeah so i don't know maybe addressing the picture like shaky oh i lost you you got robot in there for a sec oh i i i think it's makes you like like shaky or if it makes you not as coordinated or something where like you have more raw power diverted to the limbs but they're not quite just coordinated muscles burn out faster or something like that who knows i i bought those canisters of air the other of oxygen the other day to sort of test their performance enhancing abilities i've been uh i've been testing to see if i can hold my breath longer with them and uh doing like like not like powerlifting yes i i think i can but it could be a placebo well just like 95 can of oxygen right so like like i'll just i'll take like a bunch of deep breaths from it and then hold the last one and it feels i could be wrong it could be a placebo but it feels like oh this my when usually when i hold my breath and i start like running out of breath it starts like it feels hot right here in the center of your chest and that burning kind of flows outward from the center and that burning starts off at more cool it feels like to me and maybe my placebo mind or maybe because oxygen really how long can you hold your breath just standard ish like a i didn't i haven't done it we did this there was a whole controversy because because you didn't like the way i held my nose or something like that he was like all right i'm holding my breath well i i i i it's just like do i have to do this the whole time yes like like do i have to like you need to do it well just any solutions my heart rate goes up to me that's the only way to do a breath check thing because even you could just hold it and i feel like there's a natural flow whatever the current in the room is that's giving you something that water doesn't like by osmosis like you're getting just like there's some flow maybe you're taking micro breaths i don't know [Music] [Music]
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 12,131
Rating: 4.9430199 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, pka podcast highlights, pka plays, pka highlight, pka moments, PKA 325 w/John Henson - N*ked Marines, Amazing Vacations, Joe Rogan Inspires, Have You Ever Been in a Flight or Fight Situation?, PKA Patreon AMA Saving draft..., ama, ama questions, pka ama
Id: 2NbRcDEAipk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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