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I just want people to stop yelling into mics. Jesus.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Xellith 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's up its meantime I have my hat on backwards and it's time to [ __ ] party it's the only cure for sadness are you guys all ready to secure that sadness are you ready to say not today depression because the memes are rolling in me me cause you're probably wondering what the things on the sides are I got new shelves they're very nice now I can hold my things also my banana gets one shelf all to itself speaking of bananas I give you the banana potato what this is an abomination on to science you can't merge both of them I tried this last time you saw what happened now the question is does it taste like a banana or does it taste like a potato bonauto but a NATO banana banana that's a good one oh great we've more of these Sean meme Lachlan the Sean McFly : eats the lawn McLaughlin at dawn McLaughlin and gets then Sean McLaughlin dammit man that's too good leave something for the rest of the people okay you can't take one meme and explode it into all the meme possibilities it's like those people who had like the markiplier e meme and then I think Felix was the n1 and then people turned me into Prince Charming on the D meme and I was like oh funny it spells end like end this meme and then somebody came out and did the entire alphabet and everyone was like come on man you make the kid who comes over to someone's birthday party and pisses in the pool cuz you thought it was a cool thing to do oh sweet Jesus this this meme teacher what are you laughing at me nothing my brain rack sceptic I now you're evolving now you're getting beyond just the Sean mcLaughlin means now you're going into the jacksepticeye was this is you must be stopped song McLaughlin song actually is that when somebody loves you it's no good unless he loves you when somebody needs you it's no good unless she needs you what is this song teacher what are you laughing at me nothing my brain Billy Irish [ __ ] hell I I thought that you would run out of words to rhyme with Sean and then eventually this mean would stop but now it's gone way beyond it should have you know when you've created this abomination in a lab and it's wandering around the room and you're like okay put it down it's time to stop this and you're like you know let's see what it does and then it breaks out and roams the land and kills everyone that's what this meme is also I bounced my pen off of my desk and it flopped back and landed right between my glasses like that can't write this [ __ ] people meantimes crazy my brain during exams snack septic eye he trying to tell me that I smell or did have a full-on snack what up you can't see me I'm all blurry in the background this is my luck for the rest of the video now I did this for a bit and I'm sticking with it because it's stupid if I change back shut done mcLaughlin now you're really stretching it you're stretching it about as much as I can stretch this banana which is very very far but eventually the banana will burst and the powder of shame will land on your life little misfortunes great though Shan mcbrick 'ln I know I used my trusty frying pan as a drying pan that Brock actually say that because that's genius I'm happy to be part of this what are you having nothing long mcLaughlin that's not long mcLaughlin that's squished McLaughlin squash McLaughlin he just warped me you didn't make me long I'm already long and real a very tall very tall people who talk about all the time big news big tweets trended once my card it's a Minecraft font teacher why are you laughing me nothing my brain spawn McLaughlin can I can I kill this meme can this die can Felix review this or something and kill it Oh sake wrong mcLaughlin no you don't know there's a picture of my brother [Laughter] also I'm gonna say that you were extremely smart and you wrote McLaughlin wrong because it's the wrong McLaughlin and I'm not just gonna point out that you actually wrote my name wrong and completely destroyed the meme okay that's it's gone no more I'm not looking at any more of those [ __ ] memes okay that one's done it's buried its legs are broken and it was brought out back and shot stop nobody Sean's autofocus there really be wouldn't like though it's just speed it up a small bit it'll be like that we're on manual you see what you make me do I've tried everything by the way people keep my camera was [ __ ] fine and then people an hour like Jack why don't you just set it to this and this and this I've tried it all it doesn't work since I put in the shelves though it's slightly better I think what it's trying to do is that it's always trying to differentiate my face from the background so it's like dude which one is you the one with eyeballs you stupid [ __ ] I found the first ding ding ding I do not remember this at all Oh idea white bulbs oh my god that is the first this exact same thing ding ding ello idea ding ding ding white bulbs that's weird it's rare to hear the ding ding ding be the exact same but the rest of my voice is completely different Oh idea Diggy ding light bulbs I don't know why I talked like that Oh idea white bulbs white bulbs Oh Jack a boy young tiny small boy when Jack finishes a really good series oh no it's like the sad cat memes the sad crying cats are so sad looking I know that's the [ __ ] point but every time I see them I'm like oh who hurts you what series that I finished out that you posted this my first range little misfortune there's a lot of good ones out there I mean I get the exact same way it was the same last year was such a good year for like long Let's Plays I did Detroit become human I did God of War I did spider-man and each time I finished them a little part of me died inside because when you finished something that's really good everything else is [ __ ] in comparison it's like the first time I ever played Dark Souls every game after that I was like man what's the point of living anymore it was the same this year when I finished Resident Evil 2 it's so much fun recording that and just recently finishing death stranding when you have something going every day it's a nice vibe and atmosphere and I don't know it's fun to just see something every day who knows what the next one will be we might get a really good game soon I'm really excited for the Last of Us to to come out next year but we're gonna have to wait a good few months still for that but I will do that entire game when it's out when Jack makes a book the history and social influence of the potato I also don't know if you're the first person to post this or you're just a person who yelled it the most because or the loudest I should say because every now and then the same meme shows up on the subreddit and it's pasted it like 20 times and I have no idea who's one is first I could go through and check all the timestamps but come on I'm just trying to look at memes here what is this it has 4,000 up votes it's just called potato Jesus [Music] oh I'm yelling potato I don't know what the [ __ ] was going on Jesus Christ this is spawn McLaughlin for sure can I have this it's amazing [Music] I need that as a boss in minecraft can I put that into my game and fight myself or someone make me like my voice is going somebody make me like fluffy bananas in the game or like dual wielding bananas where I can just run in and be like top of the morning to you laddies so yeah I could beat my own sound board if we won potato it's really fun to replicate sounds that you can do exactly I always like replicating sounds as a kid and that's why I love doing voices and sounds all the time but when it's something that you've said a lot and then I can replicate it perfectly he'll kill you don't mess with him you want to go I'll kill you let's [ __ ] phenomenal Jesus thank you I love the expression snow see thank you very very much damn snow she even got a silver for that people in the jacksepticeye so bred to be rich no ninja getting 230 million subscribers na jacksepticeye getting 230 million subscribers mm-hmm is this what we're doing again wasn't it the same home we're trying to get to 23 million subscribers but YouTube recently deleted 200,000 subscribers off of my channel thanks YouTube appreciate it I don't know there's no [ __ ] way they're all BOTS it's probably just inactive accounts don't you love when YouTube doesn't send all your stuff to people and then those channels just end up not getting notified that you're uploading and then it's up sending them some more and then it's upsetting them so much that it sees them as inactive accounts and then just deletes them from your channel move it then again YouTube is doing purges all the time I I think they used to do them like every day or every week or something and then every now and then it'll break where they haven't done it this ha this happened before I remember I think it was one of hitting 11 million subs I went below it and then I hit it again so we just hit 23 million subscribers again what I think happens is that it doesn't deletes the inactive subs every day so then it just builds up and up and up and then suddenly it's just like boom get rekt at the end of the day gigantic sub numbers don't mean a whole lot I mean it's great that a lot of people subscribe to the channel and know who you are I guess but as long as there's people here at all and I get to keep doing this as my job and have fun with you guys that's all that really matters and at some point everything kind of plateaus anyway people get to it their views and their subs go up so quickly and then suddenly the view stop going up but the subs keep going up how it works it's the bean boozled challenge all over again oh those are some good faces this is my acting head shot thing where you just give something like this look at my range that's Krusty the Klown and Simpson said one time they said this is my range I can go from gagging - gagging - gagging - crying hit me up Hollywood I see no God up here other than me Oh bebe so cute he just wanders into all the shots all the time he's like hey what are you guys doing like just take over the video please it's yours now you can have it bebe is the best content that's been on this channel for a very long time jack posting defeating the ender dragon no stinky but I'll do it okay get off your arse and kill the [ __ ] already give me some [ __ ] time all right it's it's gotten so long now at this point they're like okay now we can't have to leave it for a special occasion maybe it's a bee or Christmas present or you know what we'll do we'll do it in a way that I'll fight the ender dragon and then I'll tighten the video something like if you play this video at 1154 at midnight I will kill the Ender Dragon and then that'll be your New Year's video and we can all ring in the New Year at the same time watching me kill the Ender Dragon how about that but if I actually try him and can't actually beat him I mean it's taken so long now at this point I think people just want to see it no matter how I do it even if I had to use creative them people like I just need to [ __ ] see it okay I need to know that you can do at all sadness jack meantime oh no no oh no no the cat is definitely the meantime the happiness those bottles were full of nothing but sadness it is it's funny how the ones that just didn't taste like [ __ ] were suddenly like oh yeah I could drink this but on any other day it's like no you wouldn't they were all pretty bad people have posted pictures of a people of posted in the subreddit and on Twitter and stuff of a pickle soda there's a bunch of other ones like spruce soda and weird [ __ ] but people have posted a pickle soda and apparently it's disgusting and I really want to try it me going to bed at a reasonable time honestly same I go to bed at like 4 or 5 a.m. every night it's kind of ridiculous I shouldn't do that but no meme template is this new meme this could mean this this good meme I like this me final exams that one hits hard I hated exams when I went to school they sucked I was I always had a good memory for like memorizing things not from learning stuff in class and remembering it going into the exam I could always look at stuff and completely memorize like 3 pages worth of stuff and that's the only reason I was able to pass any exams which is a problem with exams in the first place if I don't know the stuff before going into the exam why should 24 hours of non-stop grinding to memorize it be the thing that lets me pass I haven't learned anything all I've done is memorize something at a geography exam I think for my leaving search in Ireland which was the final exam before college and I remember I had it as an essay to study that I was if this question came up you put this in like this is basically if you if that question randomly came up and you got lucky and you memorized this thing you could throw that into the exam and you would get like top marks on it basically that's what the teachers were saying so I study this three-page essay learned it word for word walking back and forth across my yard the day before the exam learned it word for word the question never came up so what did I end up doing regurgitating as much of it as I could into a question that did not have it I still have got great results but it just showed the whole system is [ __ ] about in school alright this is how about this really big hot take are you guys ready for my really controversial opinion how about we start teaching like self-help and how to do your taxes you know the stuff that people keep saying that we should be teaching in schools already and we don't but no learn all this mathematics [ __ ] that you're not gonna need true you need to learn some math you need to be able to do basic math I forgot it all 2+2 don't know her but all this [ __ ] about like Pythagoras's theorem and algebra and everything it's it's useful but I feel like there's other stuff that is far more useful at least teachers the [ __ ] names of things like taxes are a prime example when you go to this is gonna for a big engine when you get out into the world and you finally have to do taxes for the first time unless you did business or tax or accounting or something like that in school already I had never heard of all of these terms that were in my taxes until I had to do them myself or with my accountant and then he would come in and be like okay this is what this means and that means and I'm like oh okay why don't we just teach this stuff in maths in school maybe they're teaching it now I don't know when I was in school there was nothing got to do with taxes and everything and then when I got out into the world I was like man this is this was really important why didn't no one teach me this but what do I know I'm just a [ __ ] [ __ ] on the internet throwing bananas yelling me me that thing I did two years ago literally anything else oh my god so much all right there's always these things that I go over in my head and I'm like man do these people think that I'm a [ __ ] idiot now were they talking about me after we left because I said this one thing like no they were probably worrying about the thing that they said was always worried about the things they said a long time ago that literally means nothing anymore the thing you did two years ago it's fine no one gives a [ __ ] anymore well less you like killed someone and got away with it people care a lot about that weirdly but we lay in bed at night going like ma'am why didn't I say this during this time is like thought that was funny what didn't I say this going over all these conversations that are dead and will never return what am I gonna do show up the next time and be like guys remember that time when you said this a year ago I have an answer good morning everybody no way is it a bitch-slap it's just a high-five I actually think the sound effect today I used for years was a whip crack I don't even think it was a high-five sound effect all this time I don't know it might be a high fight sound effect on the internet now but it was like whip smack number five or something like that when I found it so it's not even a high five guys you all have been lied to I'm also that's his ladies not ladies she's a little lady you know didn't realize she did that I don't think she would have even realized she did that I want to show that to her later and she'd be like what did I do that that's my impression of Evelyn apparently what like that also I'm living for these little misfortune means I love it I'm a little lady you know the back when you hear your crush fart while stalking him at his house oh my god I'm basically the drew gooden me or not drew gooden drew Scanlon drew gooden is a youtuber I'm the drew Scanlon meme the the white guy meme that is what is it that even called this one his name is drew Scanlon it's real that I know him as drew Scanlon meme first because he worked a Giant Bomb and everybody liked them or used to I don't really watch them anymore but it's called the blinking white guy meme it's a [ __ ] terrible name for me here now you have the blinking potato meme professional fighters be like get a whiff of that one what there's another Burton jokes Jesus but tasted disgusting though it was so bad have any of you drank ranch soda before it's not good right it doesn't even taste like ranch I've had ranch ranch is good ranch soda is not how many more times can I say ranch ranch ranch ranch like dr. Phil is this what I think it's gonna be Irish porn NSFW is this is this just gonna be potatoes oh goody gumdrops that's good [ __ ] well that's all the meantime we have for today I know the sadness it creeps in once more like the darkness from below coming scraping at your ankles but just hold out hope Liv the memes the best you can also during the sub read if you want to the subreddit is going really well there's like a hundred and ten thousand members on it right now and that that's where I take all of these memes from so if you want to be part of it if you want to get into a meme time video or you just want to hang out with people and have fun posting means all the time right it's a really great place for it so Cody jacksepticeye subreddit it should be in the description go subscribe to the subreddit have a great time there's lots of nice people there also you can buy them means is memes hoodie or shirt there is stuff in the jacksepticeye comm store right now if you buy it now during december when this video is out you you will also be helping out the charity stream for this month we are we're raising money for child's play who are an organization that donate toys and video games and stuff like that to hospitals for people to be able to interact with during their stays at hospitals really great charity doing the stream for them on December 14th I don't know when this video will be going up probably after that but the tilta fight page should still be open and all of the merch proceeds the pins all that stuff you can buy all the old pins from the start of the year as well as the new thank miss one all of that stuff is going to be going towards child's play as well so if you want to get memes as memes now is a great time to get it because you helped out a great organization and also you keep the sadness away I don't have to make it sound like buying merch keeps sadness away cuz that's a very bad message but in this case it does because it's going towards a good cause and you can bring a lot of smiles on people's faces by contributing but that's got to be it for me your meme Lord for today I must go now my planet needs me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,674,487
Rating: 4.9648328 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, funny, funny meme, memes, jacksepticeye memes, reddit, subreddit, community, community memes, community subreddit, jacksepticeye subreddit, reddit memes, fan, fan submitted, spicy memes, funny pics, reaction, react, green screen, funny memes, funny green screen, dank memes, funny mug, jacksepticeye mugs, floppy banana, jacksepticeye floppy banana, billie eilish, billie eilish meme
Id: 6x7YeyhSwQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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