People Who Have Gone Missing,What Happened? (Reddit Scary Stories r/AskReddit)

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serious people who went missing what happened I walked out of my life when I came home to find another man in my bed with my girlfriend spent a year hitchhiking no missing persons report no one looked for me no one missed me dang man really sorry to hear that I was about six years old one day I was playing outside there's a petting zoo about four kilometers away from where we lived and I guess I decided to go there so I did by myself barefooted in my pajamas when I got there the manager found out I was alone and had reached my parents by phone I don't actually remember much of it but it's pretty hilarious this reinforces my belief that children are basically just tiny drunk people so back when I was in Boy Scouts my troop lost me twice in the same night while I was still in my tent this is not an exaggeration the story is thus we were at Camp Decorah in Iowa we had the idea to go and perform a raid on the counselors tents cabins I however was feeling ill so I specifically said I'm not feeling well I'm going to sleep they acknowledged this expressed regret that I was not coming along and went to have their fun they have their fun they retreat into the wood line then they take a head count I am NOT in the head count they expect me to be in the head count because they forgot so now there is a missing camper the entire camp is set to searching for me some time during this a guy from my troop decides to get this check the tents I am in my tent as I should be so he goes to report that I am found I go to the bathroom during this time someone comes back to the camp and checks my tent I am in the bathroom so I am NOT in my tent I am now missing again I get found sooner this time when I was four I got lost in a city and was rescued by what my dad thought was a gang we had dinner in Chinatown with another family five kids in all crossing the street after dinner we were holding hands in a big chain my older sibling let go when the lights changed one crossed I stayed on the sidewalk I was looking through a window into a barber shop where some huge guy was having his head shaved can still picture the scene when I finally looked around everyone was gone I started to cry a group of teenagers approached and asked if I was lost I said yes a tall kid hoisted me into his shoulders and started down the block other kids split up and went in different directions we rounded a corner and I saw my dad he turned white and ran toward us the kid lowered me to the ground a few other kids were there they stood around awkwardly while the tall kid explained what happened to my dad my dad not a demonstrative guy flung himself at the kid and hugged him my mom appeared and picked me up yes later my dad told me he saw the same group of kids hanging around when he first parked in the city that evening and was suspicious that they were a gang he was embarrassed and tried to be less judgmental after that wish I could thank those guys this was a long time ago that was actually really smart to put you on his shoulders my high school American football team had an away game in a somewhat sketchy city bus took the team back to high school afterwards I was too young to drive and I was grounded and had my phone taken away I waited at the school for an hour and a half but my parents never came to pick me up so I started the four mile walk back to my house carrying all my pads and schoolbooks while I was walking back my mom showed up and I wasn't there she panicked and found the coach and told him my coach sent a group text to the entire team asking if anyone knew where I was came to school the next day and everyone thought I had missed the bus and gotten lost it ended up being a team joke for the rest of the year bonus my parents never took my phone away again I went sleepwalking one night when I was 10 years old unlocked the front door and went for a stroll through the neighborhood I woke up a few hours later in the middle of the street barefooted in a cul-de-sac I've never been in before scared the bejesus out of me ended up running through the streets until I found my way back home my parents had been [ __ ] bricks looking all over for me they put a lock on my door after the so I couldn't go for any more midnight strolls my cousin once disappeared while sleepwalking her parents woke up in the night and she wasn't in bed they searched the streets for her but nothing so they eventually called the police the police asked them if they had checked inside the house they hadn't she had fallen asleep in the hall closet I was hiking to see the volcanic eruption back in 2010 the one before all the grounded flights on the way back I got separated from my group we were about eight ten one of which was a very good friend of mine anyway I tend to walk pretty fast especially on my way down from a mountain this was in March in Iceland so it gets dark pretty soon and fast unfortunately from the I didn't have a torch on me and in maybe half an hour everything went pitch black I had chosen to walk the same path as the one I went up this was extremely stupid of me as that path was about 5 meters away from a 15 meter drop into a canyon not only that but the path was beside a waterfall waterfalls tend to have a lot of mist coming from them said mist goes onto the path and because this is March in Iceland and on a mountain it's about minus 5 degrees Celsius without windchill that miss turns to basically an ice skating rink on a 45 degree angle that was an experience I had been lost for about five hours I didn't turn up until I got down from the mountain but I was one of 20 that got lost that Saturday two of whom died Icelandic saga rupes were quite busy that time once when my grandfather was watching my younger sister and I I decided to take a shower and didn't think to tell anyone I took my leisurely shower and when I came out no one was in the house I went outside to see if maybe they were out there it was summer so reasonable to spend the evening in the yard it turned out my grandfather and sister had alerted the neighbors that I had gone missing and the entire neighborhood was out looking for me it wasn't even that long of a shower it's annoying how much of an overreaction people can have when I was a young lad my brother and I used to go to this gymnastics play area they had trampolines those bars you swing around and a tightrope over a pit full of pieces of foam my brother and I decided to play hide and seek I hid first about an hour later the place is closing my mum asks my brother where I am he says we're playing hide-and-seek and I've hidden really well three hours later the stuff have locked all of the doors and phoned the police my mum was in a blind panic my brother had given up on finding me and was bouncing on a trampoline the staff were frantically tearing the place apart looking for me my brother got bored of trampolining so decided to play in the foam pit he jumped in and heard a loud ouch I climbed out of the foam and said did I win we never went back to that place dang you are dedicated to the art of hide-and-seek I was at a college house party I went there with several friends I didn't have a cell phone yet managed to hold out until 2004 our dorm rooms came with landlines at the time I ended up going home with a guy and hooking up with him woke up the next day checked my email on his computer and found a ton of frantic emails from my friends they actually thought that I'd been abducted roofied or killed myself I was very depressed at the time they filed a missing person report on me with campus security and several friends were searching for me in the woods I drank too much left my buddy's house to get my phone out of his car woke up several hours later with about five cops standing on me yelling at me - quit resisting turns out I had wandered through two gates a front porch and into his neighbor's basement when the cops showed up I was snuggling with his neighbours two Rottweilers on their basement floor reminds me of Lethal Weapon 3 now they said I was lucky they didn't eat me I was also lucky I didn't get shot this took place in a small town near East st. Louis pretty rough neighborhood I was arrested for felony Breaking and Entering luckily the cops ended up being cool and understanding my buddy's elderly neighbors were just freaked out by a drunk naked white guy sleeping with their dogs in their basement my buddies had no idea where I was until the next afternoon when I called him from jail lochley he was a good dude and bailed me out all the charges were dropped when I walked up to the attorney and judge at court they all pretty much made fun of me and just asked if I learned my lesson was to three years old at the beach with dad and bro on a camping trip just started walking around picking up bird feathers my dad and bro and the rest of the people we were camping with went back to camp I just kept picking up feathers after a while my dad realized he forgot me and went back to the beach in a panic and found me with a large amount of feathers in my hands I didn't so much go missing as much as got forgotten I was living with my new husband in a town about a thousand miles away from my mother who has always been no world class warrior this was in the days before everyone had a cellphone his entire family was going to be invading us in a few days so I was polishing up the apartment to look good and in the process of wiping fingerprints off the phone I turned the ringer off and did not notice that we just moved him so several days without any calls wasn't unusual fast forward the in-laws have just arrived while I am lying down in the bedroom taking a nap because I have been spit-shining everything in the place and making tasty baked goods all while coming down with a bad cold there's a knock on the front door my husband comes to the bedroom and says there's someone who wants to talk to me it's the police and they insist on talking to me alone in the hallway to make sure everything is really truly okay then they tell me to call my mother I come back in to see his parents sister brother-in-law their seven kids and a passel of assorted aunts uncles and cousins all staring silently at me but wait there's more mum didn't have our address all she had was a description of the building the town was small enough that the police knew just where that was but they didn't know what apartment so they knocked on every other door in the building before getting to this on the top floor corner unit I got blackout drunk on the fourth of July and presumably tried to walk home from my friend's house first thing I remember is being at a really sketchy part of town about eight miles away from my home with my phone dead and still crap faced went around knock on people's doors at 3:00 in the morning trying to use a phone I eventually stumbled to a grocery store at like 5:00 in the morning and asked for directions when I walked outside these two real gangsta looking guys who were picking up more booze at the store asked if I wanted a ride being a very trusting person and drunk as crap I accepted they lit up a blunt and we smoked it as they gave me a ride home I stumbled into my house at 6 to be screamed at by my girlfriend who thought I was dead because the last text she got from me was help I lost I was about 10 or so and I was a member of a club where I learned to shoot air rifles my parents would drop me off then go and take off a gang and pick me up when it was time one day they didn't show up I waited for an hour called home no answer this was before cell phone so I was stuck no idea what to do well I didn't have one idea I knew how to get home it would be about six kilometres walking but I had a good mental map of the way back and the weather was fine so I left the club and began to walk home I made it about half way before my parents pulled over next to me and they were kinda angry with him also kinda apologetic because they'd forgotten about me they told me not to wander off like that again and I told them not to forget about me again didn't get any punishment almost exactly the same thing happened to me except I played table tennis and I made it 5 strokes 6 kilometres before my dad picked me up in his car be right back googling statute of limitations k were good when I was 16 I stole $5,000 and ran away to New Orleans before Katrina when it was still fun I'm old good times were had my dad my parents are divorced and I only saw him a couple times a year my grandparents on his side that I saw even less and my sister went to this huge water park apparently there was a water-ski show they all wanted to watch I asked if I had time to stand under the big bucket that splashes everybody they all walk to the big bucket thing and seven year old me spends five minutes tear as the bucket waiting for it to tip over when it finally happens it is awesome then I look around and my entire family was gone they only had two kids to keep up with I being a rather intelligent child walk to the front of the park and got them to keep calling them on the intercom they didn't come until an hour and a half later after the show had ended they told me after the fact that they indeed heard the announcements and thought I could find my way back I didn't consider myself close to this side of the family as it was but this was the first event that made me start distancing myself from them my best friend and I decided to play near the river I was six or seven the thing is it was 5:00 p.m. and when crap got dark we didn't know where to go so we stayed near the river for the whole night telling scary stories while sitting near a river with no light is not the best thing to do here's Bob Ross holding a baby raccoon to brighten your day if you enjoyed the video subscribe and comment if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 142,092
Rating: 4.9346371 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, missing people, missing person, abductions, gone missing, scary, scary stories
Id: I-8F93wvEr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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