People Who Left Their Family And Never Came Back, What Happened? (r/AskReddit)

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people who have gone out for a pack of cigarettes and never went back to your family what happened after you left serious just failed out of college moved back in with my dad things weren't going real well between us I was depressed in not really going anywhere I was angry at my dad because he came down on me so hard but I was mostly angry at myself and his attitude told me just kind of compounded it all anyway one day after being out at a friend's house and hanging out all over the city for a couple days I finally came home and things around my house were just tense and I felt like nothing and like I would never get out from under this weight so I just started packing some stuff as I was leaving I remember I was coming out of my room with a bag this wasn't unusual because I would often take a bag with me when I'd be gone to a friend's house but today my dad was standing at the top of the steps just looking down at me I remember very vividly him standing there with his hands in his pockets kind of looking at me then looking away and he quietly just asked where you going son I just looked up like everything was normal and just said I'm going to so and so's house he nodded slowly when yeah coming back I shrugged slowly I don't know dad somehow he knew I could feel it I never came back home days turned into weeks and months and then years I could tell he knew it makes me so sad now when I think of it like I tore his heart in two he has never been a very expressive man but I could just tell how sad he was I needed this though I needed to go off on my own and suffer the real world and grow up some it still hurts my heart to think about him slowly nodding after I told him I don't know dad I was ten years old when my mom and dad split up we had been expecting it but I didn't know that my mom had packed up suitcases for herself my sister and I one day we went to school like everything was normal and went to my mom's parents off school it wasn't unusual for us to have dinner there but then mom sat us down and told us we'd be staying there for a while ended up being six years before we got our own place I never got to go back to my bedroom again my dad got remarried and his wife's daughter moved in and repainted my room when I had to visit the my slept on the couch while she slept in my room I was living with a very mean and controlling girlfriend if it wasn't her way or all about her she threw a fit one day I had enough and said I was going to the store and just kept driving I literally drove for 12 hours and showed up at a friend's house five states away and asked if I could crash on his couch I called my boss and said I wanted to quit work he was pretty cool about it he knew my girlfriend and actually set me up with a job in my new city I have never spoken to my ex since soon after my relocation I met my now wife and I could not be in a better relationship best thing I ever did when I was 18 I moved out from my abusive father I was commuting to college at the time and I had morning classes so the night before I packed my car with as much of my stuff as I could and set off one of my professors that I regularly talked after class noticed that my car was full of clothes and asked if everything was okay over lunch I explained my situation and he offered to take me in I had already made arrangements to live with my mother after my classes for the day were over I went home for the first time since I was a child to live with my mother I slept on the couch for months before getting my own bed and we didn't always have the money to eat but we made it work I have seen my father one time since then because he swore to me that he had changed that night he proceeded to get wasted and tried to put his hands on me I haven't seen him since and I have no regrets lived in an abusive house with my mom got a job after college and in three months rented an apartment and went home took a garbage bag full of clothes and booked she didn't want me leaving because she was taking all of my money she would take my car when I didn't pay her my full paycheck I had to resort to pulling fuses when I parked because she would hide my car on different streets trying to get me fart even in college I had finals to graduate and took my car and I had no way to get there had to rent a car just to take my finals got the stories I could tell anyway waddled in the apartment with my garbage bag and nothing else slept on the floor and for the first time felt peace now have a decent job house wife and a kid I didn't go out for cigarettes but I pulled a similar stunt my mom is abusive and I had no spine so I told her I was going to move in with my dad for the summer I said I would be back before the end of August after I moved in with my dad I got my state ID my mom didn't want me to have any kind of ID and I finally got my driver's permit a few weeks later I felt bad for lying at the time but now I'll know if I didn't lie to her I would have never got him out of there I would be stuck living on a shitty little hobby farm with a woman who did everything in her power to tear me down and hurt me throw away for good reason I've always lived in an abusive home both mentally and physically and never saw a proper way out I started working at 14 years old in a convenience store for $8 an hour and hit all of the money I made in a locked container in a nearby wooded park area I did this because my parents would have taken my money if they knew I was working at all by the time I turned 18 I had close to 10,000 saved up and had finished high school I was supposed to start University that year but early on in the summer I waited until my parents went out to work found and took all of my documents unenrolled out of the university program I was supposed to be in and left I took a bus to Alberta and I've been living here since doing labor it's been a year and a half and they haven't searched for me yet not that I'm aware of at least how is my life now I'm poor barely getting by but at least I'm living alone and happier than I was before this is my throw away got married right out of high school everything was going well but we were young and both were our first partners came home early one day and walked in on my wife with another man standard insanity ensued followed by her begging for forgiveness and we went two months of counseling everything seemed well under D she seemed like a totally different woman and couldn't live without me one day I log into our desktop PC and her facebook is loaded and there are multiple messages and I had to look I found exactly what I knew I would find it crushed me but I acted like nothing happened that weekend I packed up my favorite clothes and belongings that meant a lot to me and snuck them to the car Sunday evening I said hey I'm going to take the dogs to the dog park and hike for a few hours when I left I texted our neighbor to see if anyone showed up at the house she replied pretty quickly that a male visitor was by very quickly I told her goodbye and the dogs and I just drove I had a decent savings and thought Duquette start off somewhere new and that is what I did my ex-wife didn't even try and contact me until around lunchtime the next day when I didn't respond she blew me up with photos and videos of her with multiple men and about how bad of a lover I was it ducked me up but I just kept truckin I ended up in a smaller town where I saw someone was hiring for my trade years later I remarried to the best human ever I went home not long ago and my mom posted a picture of a satyr gathering my exit up my Facebook and asked if we could meet for a cup of coffee she would like some closure I obviously would like as well I have to say for all the resentment and hatred I had told this woman our conversation was pleasant and I felt better after we talked she understood why I left she apologized deeply many times and it and try to blame me for anything after an hour and a little bit of Tears awkward as hell in public hahaha she asked if it was okay to get a hug we hugged and said our goodbyes once I got home I told my wife about the visit and she got awkward for a few minutes she left the room and I didn't follow I thought oh I'm sleeping on the couch tonight five minutes later she came back crying and just gave me the biggest hug ever she told me she forgot what I went through and she was sorry and glad our life is good closing I left a terrible human for the best human ever I was living with my parents I was 17 they told me to leave then tried to stop me from leaving I have been in an abusive relationship with my mom and my stepdad for years friends helped me load the car that was 12 years ago never been back I still regret not being able to say goodbye to my sister 12 years ago I said goodbye to my brother and my mom but I was the only one who knew I would never come back I move 300 miles away I have seen my brother and my mom twice since then I haven't seen my sister since I put her down for her nap that day before I knew I was leaving after I left my mom got married my sister went to live with her grandparents my brother chose to be homeless rather than let her mom drag him around different cities in the middle of a school year I was able to finish school which wouldn't have happened if I stayed I stopped trying to accidentally walk in front of traffic or overdose on my prescriptions started eating food got basically blackmailed into seeing my mom after six years while my ex pretended we were together I finally found a family that actually liked me met my boyfriend friends for eight years together for four got my own cat I have my own apartment with bills paid early overall it has been great in between my mom popping in to my life I left my home like this one night I just packed the essentials into my backpack walk to a train station and got on a train to Newport News Virginia from Pasco Washington no one knew I was gone until 3 o'clock the next morning it was to me with a girl my family was totally 100% against that was a year ago it's all working perfectly I am happier now than I ever have been before when I was 16 I moved out without telling my stepdad but my mom was in on it and I just moved in with my grandparents I left on a Friday got all my stuff and just two trips I was told he didn't even notice I was gone the first weekend he was pretty mad once he figured it out but it was all mostly a non-event everything turned out okay for me it will have been 21 years this September kind of late but I'll share my story I grew up in foster care and all the homes I lived in either were abusive or run in a business collecting cash to house kids format my actual mom was a very heavy drinker and was abusive hence being in foster care as an adult we had a very good relationship she was proud of me impressed with my work ethic and amazed that I got a fully paid for education via scholarships at the state university everything was going swimmingly until I started to do better than my immediate family they started to think I had abandoned them and that I was too good for them once I started pursuing my education the last conversation I had with my mother and sisters occurred on Thanksgiving 2011 when I drove three hours to sit down and have our first legitimate family dinner in several years I showed up my mom was drunk and my sisters were incoherently intoxicated on narcotics my sisters yelled at me for abandoning the family and called me unforgivable things my mother said to me I hope you achieve all of your dreams lord knows you've abandoned ours I got up from the dinner and left I spent the entire drive back home for three hours hysterically sobbing I haven't talked with them since I know it was bitterness and the drugs talking but it really shattered me to the core my mother passed away this last year that dinner was the last time I ever saw her or spoke with her both of my sisters were incarcerated at the time so I flew home to clear out her estate she didn't have anything but a mountain of bills and a house full of items to sort through I donated almost all of it to Goodwill while sifting through her belongings I did find a lockbox though the lockbox contained her wedding ring from my late father and some photos of my sisters and dyers kids perfectly preserved it also had a single note inside which was addressed to all three of us with corresponding paragraphs dedicated to us my paragraph said Daniel words cannot describe how sorry I am for how much I have hurt you it has eaten madly every day for the last 10 years I drink because I wish I could have been the mother you deserved you are the strongest man I have ever met I'm sorry you deserve so much more than I gave you I love you with all my heart I hope someday you can forgive me mob it destroys me inside to know that mom died thinking that she didn't mean the world to me if I'm being honest I started drinking very heavily after she passed she died thinking I didn't love her with all my heart I carry her driver's license in my wallet above mine so that every time I take it out I get to see her but more importantly so that she can't see me and know that I'm always right here anyway that's my story read it thanks for reading didn't leave my wife and kids as I don't have any but I did walk out on my mother and siblings without any notice dad was not in the picture after best decision of my life my mother refuses treatment for her very serious mental illness or illnesses and was incredibly abusive physically as well and neglectful while I was growing up I saw the effect it had burn out older siblings with no motive or drive and instead embraced the crazy just to feel sane in the toxic family home we lived in I was homeless for about a year and a half living out of a duffle and bumming food from friends I feel like my life hasn't even started until I left it behind I feel like it held me back for 17 years and I now I'm finally being able to find out who I am mom never came looking for me I reconnected with my estranged father whom I learned was in the military from the moment he was 18 until he was HD at 43 he has severe PTSD from his three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan he's now getting his master's in outdoors leadership which I believe is a perfect way to use his massive skill set I don't see him much if ever but at least I know some blood is still thicker than water [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 933,892
Rating: 4.9087429 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, reddit top posts
Id: uE0HaEf859o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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