Super AWKWARD Sleepover Moments (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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my weirdest moment was when i cooked a fidget spinner

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's the most awkward thing that's happened at a sleepover about 11 years ago sleepover with girls and boys all lights are out for about 10 minutes we have all settled down and gotten silent for sleeping then we hear a grown male voice clearly enunciate the word wat now let me be clear this was not a child's voice this was like hearing James Earl Jones say what there was about a 10 second silence and then one of the girls says who said that silence then one of the boys starts laughing uncontrollably we turned the lights on and he is laughing so hard that he's crying here we are all freaking out about some strange man in our room while we sleep and he's peed himself laughing he finally calms down enough to tell us that it wasn't a person who asked what he farted the word his fart sounded exactly like the word wat we all cracked up to this day everyone from that party still answers phone calls from each other with Wat when I was six I watched Jurassic Park at a friend's house one night got so scared I demanded my mom to come pick me up and take me home so I said I was sick my mother did not believe me so I crapped my pants in my friend's living room on accident so she would have to come get me I didn't really go over to my friend's house that much after that fear can make a child crazy especially fear of velociraptors our entire friend group and my poor friend Baxter that seems like a fun name watched as my science teacher got a bj from Baxter single mom in a hot tub from the window we were 13 there are some things you can't unsee your mom is sure does care about your schooling son there's a Boy Scout trip count well if it does here it goes I was in BS in an inner-city area the older kids were dongs well my first weekend trip my dad loaded me up on goodies to share I fell asleep and the older kids raided my bag and took just about everything so it sucked but whatever I go home and tell my dad and he was peed but really composed which was odd for my Irish launcher Sherman dad so next month as my next trip and my dad made a big batch of brownies but told me not to eat any or share with my friends he told me leave em in my like I did last time sure enough I woke up and they were gone and three kids were [ __ ] themselves like crazy yup my pop six lakhs the brownness he showed up that same morning to the campsite with another goodie bag for me to share never had my bag raided again your dad is awesome I was ten I think and it was the first time I stayed over at this kid's house while we go to sleep at like 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. and all seemed well then suddenly his drunk grandfather charges in the room and gets the poor kid in a headlock and drags him to the floor oh and he was naked I guess he suffered from PTSD or something I kind of ignored the world event while it was happening and did not acknowledge it the next morning I did not go back again I was out camping with a neighbor friend of mine when we were 14 I woke up hearing the shuffle of her sleeping bag I asked her what she was doing and without breaking a stride she said that she was warming herself up then I turned on the lamp and found her on top of her bag naked and masturbating she immediately stopped and pulled her sleeping bag up over herself and she turned out the lamp we sat there in silence for about three minutes then I said you can finish if you wanna no you ruined it we didn't speak much the rest of the trip you gave her the opportunity to finish at least I once slept over at a friend's house he was a bit older than me this difference was where he had discovered masturbation whereas I had not anyway I heard his bed furiously rocking back and forth I asked him what he was doing he said he was doing push-ups it was dark so I took him for his word so then I asked if I could do push-ups with him yes later it all dawned on me you had no reason to doubt the man was getting swell in the middle of the night in about grade seven I had a sleepover with a few friends one of them started crying when we started watching The Simpsons because he wasn't allowed to watch it at home we couldn't calm him down for almost an hour real life rod Todd back when I used to pee the bed in third grade I fell asleep in my friend's bed during a sleepover at his house I pee the bed it it was awkward and I never stayed the night at his house again but what was most awkward was that when I woke up he was sitting in a chair staring at me waiting for me to wake up you know what you did finally invited to a sleepover at a popular girl's house started my period and bled all over my PJs which I borrowed from her and her sheets the day after the sleepover my friend wouldn't let me leave no matter what I did around 6 p.m. his dad finally said I should probably go home friend burst into tears threw himself to the floor and was begging his dad to make me stay there's nothing worse than being a kid that the house the next day wanting so so so badly to go home when I was 12 my friend Peter had a disco themed birthday party no I don't know why at his house the party being on a Friday we all stayed the night being preteen boys with limitless Cola we ended up staying up all night and decided to watch the Sun Rise on his back deck as we are looking at the Majestic slowly lightening sky our peaceful moment is shattered by a shrill screaming voice looking to the source of the sound we see his fat topless 50-plus year old neighbor lady yelling through her kitchen window that word the generate clever --tz-- she was under the impression we were all staring at her once the yelling started we couldn't really help it and that horrible image will be forever burned into my mind I'm 29 now of course she thought that you can't handle these lumps me and my friend slept in his mom's bedroom on the floor because she liked company since her husband passed away a few weeks before apparently when my mom came to pick me up the next day my friend's mom said I climbed into bed with her I had no idea classic case of sleepwalking friend's mom walked downstairs to find eight sixth grade boys huddled around the TV watching pee we instantly pretended to be asleep and nothing was ever said after that I still think of it every time I see her I'm imagining you all just falling over like those narcoleptic goats with the pee still playing in the background took the most wholesomely fulfilling crap in my friends bathroom and ended up flooding the bathroom at 2:00 a.m. the parents had to clean up the entire mess it was an awkward breakfast the next morning five people in one room and their sleeping bags about to sleep and all I hear is a very slow fapping noise we didn't find out who it was in the morning I was about 10 sleeping over with a group of pals including my buddies little brother who was around 6:00 we finished up a few rousing games of Donkey Kong 64 and Hydra thunder and all went to bed woke up to find the little brother standing ominously above me but us naked except for a pair of christmas-themed tube socks on his hands and arms and peeing into my half open sleeping bag no more sleepovers at Ryan's house guess who played two different kinds of hydro thunder that night not really a sleepover I was 23 at the time and drove to California to stay on a buddy's couch I drank a bunch of beer after the long drive and pass out woke up having pee myself on his couch it is about 5:00 a.m. I grab a towel and lay on it on the couch resigning myself to being the guy who pee on the couch for the duration of my stay by some miracle the towel absorbed most of it him and his roommates woke up around 9:00 a.m. and nobody knew a thing edit except his cat his cat knew please tell me his cat was not named towel camping in the backyard with some friends when I had to pee super bad I couldn't find the zipper to the temp to get out and I was about to burst so I ended up trying to pee though the mesh window I don't know why well peeing through mesh doesn't work very well especially with terrible nine-year-old daymond I ended up laying a pretty thick layer of atomized urine all over everyone else in the tent in the morning turns out one of my other friends was awake pretending to be asleep and saw the whole thing and told everyone it was me who peed all over everything in the tent dude was awake while he was getting pee all over him and said nothing what a freak man needless to say I was not invited to another sleepover for quite a while when I was about seven or eight me and a few friends were sleeping an attempt in my best friend neighbor's front yard his dad was a bit of an alcoholic quite similar to Randy Marsh actually anyways his dad comes home from the bar plastered bursts into the tent and wakes us all up saying we should all go up to the elementary school across the street we go with him the whole time acting like spies avoiding all the lights all under his drunk ass directions we get to the playground and he decides he wants to challenge all of us to a footrace so we all line up he yells go and we all take off surprisingly he kept up with us almost all the way to the finish line before he busted his ass fell flat on his face on concrete he also landed awkwardly on his arm breaking his wrist was awkward at a time but looking back on it 20 years later it's quite hilarious I like this story because it's a drunk dad that isn't doing some family ruining flicked up crap just having a good time breaking wrists etc mine are all things that I did when I was in grade one I had a sleepover with my old best friend and her new best friend I was jealous and felt left out the whole time that night I wet the bed and we never hung out again when I was younger I used to puke if I ate eggs even scrambled and my friend's dad made eggs I was trying to be polite and eat them but I couldn't keep them down and ran to the bathroom right off the dining room to throw up his nice breakfast third one and the most mortifying I was at a friend's house and got my period I was wearing a thong and she didn't have any tampons just huge pads so I tried to make it work anyway the next day we were sitting on the computer and there were only seats for two of us so I sat on the one girl's lap after a while I got up and realized I bled through my jeans and all over her leg she laughed her Soph thankfully instead of being disgusted her mom had me sit on a towel when she drove me home I was sleeping over at my cousin's house we stayed up and snuck out into the living room to watch Cinemax it was after midnight and back in those days that was when all the titty flicks came on one came on that my cousin was really into he started touching his raging erection in his pyjama pants and then he let out a blood-curdling scream somehow he ruptured a vein or something in his peen we had to go wake up his mom she looked at it and decided we had to go to the emergency room our whole family still makes fun of him for that until this day when we get together told my friend I hadn't changed my underwear in over a week I learned a lot that sleepover like change your underwear frequently one time at a sleepover I left my dirty skid marked underwear in my friend's room and when she asked everyone whose it was I had to lie I learned that wearing dirty skid marked underwear was not normal at that sleepover I was a gross child my friend's dog woke me up with his tongue in my mouth one time I was over at a friend's house for his 11th birthday it was myself the birthday boy and three other guys we all slept in our sleeping bags in the basement at around 5 a.m. we all awake to find Jake yelling at the birthday boy Derek the reason Derek thought it was funny to take a pee on Jake's face while he was sleeping and Jake freaked out Jake walked out after right after that while the rest of us stayed up and called our parents around 7:00 I went home around 8:00 and in that time Derek was still trying to play it off as funny but Derek lost 4 friends that night it's his party he can pee where he wants to my friend sitting next to me saw a kid shove a Lego ax up his butt in the middle of the night while he thought my friend was asleep I was in fourth grade and sleeping over at my best friend's house I wet his bed and then clogged their toilet with a massive dump I didn't know what to do so I shut the lid and ran into their garage to hide 13 or 14 years old all night RPG session pen-and-paper with my buddies in my friend's basement is awesome and very traditionally Chinese mum brings us course after course off food throughout the evening as I vainly try to GM an adventure where my friends are more interested in creating in-game simulations of being drunk gurps had a skill for that like everything else than in actually playing the game the night wears on and we finally pass out with Dorn quickly approaching shortly afterward I wake up with a start my stomach didn't like the awesome Chinese food as much as the rest of me did jump up off the basement floor and bolt for the bathroom only I'm really tall and have a problem with passing out when I get up too quickly blackout in the doorway and fall hard wake up a moment later with my friends standing over me that's when it hits me that looming feeling of dread when you realize that you had just crapped your pants in front of a room full of your peers is this real or am I dreaming these terror filled thoughts are interrupted by a renewed gurgling in my stomach apparently it is all too real I claw my way into the bathroom and slammed the door shut on my startled friends I pull my pants down and unleash a foul kind of heck in the toilet even as crap continues to soak into my all fitting jeans this happened in the 90s but wait there's more suddenly I need to vomit because this delicious food apparently cannot leave my body fast enough I do the only rational thing that can be done and start puking into the garbage can as I continue to add to the mountain of poop underneath me apparently I had offended some vengeful deity that day because obviously the basket is wicker so there I am pooping everything that can be pooped as I vomit into a garbage can that is at best straining it the florists covered in vomit my pants are full of crap and that's the day that my social anxiety started welcome to the next decade of your life kid you have been visited by the Pete's off sleepiness good dreams and rest will come to you but only if you comment sleep tight Pizza if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, sleepover, awkward, awkward moments, awkward sleepover, funny moments
Id: hmyFY3y3J8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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