Package Delivery People, What’s the Weirdest Thing You’ve Seen on the Job?

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delivery men women of reddit what are some of the weirdest situations you experienced while delivering packages to people's homes i'm not a delivery girl but i once fainted while signing for a package when i got back to myself my package was on the floor and the delivery man was gone he must have been really shocked but at least he closed the door when he left my husband used to deliver pizza he's had three instances the first was one night he knocks on the door the door gets thrown open and he gets doused with a fire extinguisher the second was another night he knocked on the door and gives the guy his pizza he turned around to see some naked chicks sitting in the driver's seat of his car asking him is he wanted a ride turns out the chick had been doing some sort of drug and the people in the house has to physically pull her out of the car cause she didn't want to get out the third was one night he knocks on the door and it gets answered by this guy in shorty shorts my husband was asked if he wanted to be famous they were making a movie called five guys and a pool cue and needed a fifth guy there have been many more weird situations for husband as well i work and live overseas in a country where getting weed is very much illegal very expensive and very low quality therefore i don't smoke weed in said country but when i go stateside i always smoke a bit so i'm visiting my parents and my buddy comes over and another buddy is supposed to join us and bring some pot but he couldn't make it we order pizza pizza comes i look at the guy and say you smoke pot don't you now keep in mind i'm dressed in business causal as is fairly typical for me khaki pants dress shirt dress shoes etc he gets all nervous and goes nah and i go look dude i don't believe you he goes okay i smoke pot i'm not going to jail right i'll laugh my butt off and say nah but do you have any in your car i'd like to buy some and my dealer dropped out of me he goes yay i'll go get some he runs back to his car grab simweed it was quite a bit i never weighed it but it looked like plenty to me i said how much he goes i would pay around 20 for this so how about 25 i said i'll give you 50. you just made me a happy man he tried to refuse but i gave him the 50 this happened to two of my delivery guys who were bringing out some furniture to an address out in the middle of nowhere now to start off our trucks have our logo all over them so it is clear who owns them so for this delivery the customer wanted them to meet them at a gas station since their house was hard to find but the guys get to the gas station and someone comes over to them and says he was the guy they were supposed to meet so they take off following his old white truck now this guy must have lived wary out there since they said they were following this guy down a dirt road for about 20 minutes before they get to call on the company cell phone from the guy they were supposed to meet apparently the person they were following wasn't actually the customer and the person on the cell was wondering where they were but they honk their horn but the truck keeps on going down the dirt road so they stop and turn around either someone was messing with them or they almost got robbed i worked for an ambulance company we had 9-1-1 contracts in a few counties as well as non-emergency wheelchair transports i was a new emt so i started out in this position doing this for a while before they let work on the ambulances anyways i worked night shift for a couple of months because it was easy and we only had three four calls per 12 hour shift i mostly got paid to sit around and read or watch next flicks and eat free food from the m's lounges at the department anyways it's about zero one three zero and i get to discharge from the air in the crappy part of town i don't think much of it but as i walk into the awaiting room a monstrous horrid smell hits my nostrils a woman of about 55 is slumped over in a wheelchair sleeping she has a full goatee dreads in her hair from lack of bathing the smell reminded me of something i between gorgonzola cheese a pig farm and pure human crap taken aback i chug on with my job and load her into the wheelchair van after we start driving she mumbles angrily and begins to smoke some poor more menthols in the back of the company van i'm forced to pull and extort the cigarettes from her we finally get the apartment and when i open the door i'm greeted by the most horrid smell i've ever smelt it smells like the lady amplified by about 10 greeting us upon entry is two shirtless old men and two more completely naked ladies in their 60 laying on the bare floor the apartment as a whole is in a state of complete and utter disrepair cat crap everywhere food on the floor and the smell oh god i wish i could describe the smell our words would not do it justice normally we get a patient inside and settled before we leave not this time though i was out of there so quick i was 19 and honestly shocked by what i saw i didn't know people lived like this colon i delivered a christmas gift to a mister and mrs lee when i worked as a messenger in los angeles in my sectarian mind i was expecting someone of asian persuasion to open the door but my jaw dropped a stan lee bopped outside to the gate i was standing at and received his package after signing my clipboard he pulled out a wrinkle dollar bill handed it to me with a wink and zipped back into his house i deliver the mail there are three stories i have all three happened this year one i was delivering a package to an apartment i knocked on the door and heard just a moment from within a man opens the door wearing nothing but a blanket i go to hand him the package and he drops the blanket and the package he was buck butt naked ikedfo and started a policy of leave the package knock and run two on my route i have several older customers and on this day i had seen this customer out walking with his buddies having a blast by talking smack on the mailman an hour later i was on his block and approaching his house when i see a body laying in the yard thinking the worst i rush to help only i find out it is just old man to drunk tawk he begs for me to help him to his porch and i assist after 15 minutes of trying to help him stand up he is finally propped up and as we take the first step and his pants fall down and of course free balling gong again three it's a cold day lots of snow and lots of mail to deliver i placed the mail inside the mailbox but with the wind and wearing gloves not very well after retrieving the mail that didn't make it in the first attempt i was placing the mail again into the box when the front door opened there stood a beautiful 19 year old wearing only uggs lace panties a see-through spaghetti top and an unbuttoned flannel men's shirt we locked eyes and she said sorry but she thought i was an intruder that was the best part of my year tl dr dong slopping everywhere and a hall of fame spank bank win used to deliver chicken wings in a college town cringe just thinking back to it i'm female and at the time i was 21 or 22 my boss always sent me on the deliveries to the back roads middle of nowhere places in the middle of the night with no street lights so i'm pulling up to this one-story house with a large bay window in the front i stop in front of the window to use the lights to check the total on the receipt as i look into the window there's a morbidly obese woman with thick framed glasses sitting in a recliner staring back at me so stoically her boobs cascaded down the fat rolls like a red carpet i stood in shock for a second before this leathery looking twig of a man comes outside and pays for his wings i then scurry off into the night never to return again used to deliver packages in the netherlands we drove around in 6.5 metres long vans which is quite humongous for a car here while driving backwards accidentally hit someone's parked car ran out mumbling oh crap oh crap oh crap checking out the damage an elderly woman saw it all and said to me just go the guys are drinking bastard anyway and so i drove away obligatory not me but my then boyfriend i can verify as i'd sometimes accompany him on his deliveries and saw this first hand and my boyfriend used to deliver pizzas for a crappy chain pizza place while doing the whole university gig and every thursday night they'd get a delivery for a deep pan pizza no sauce no cheese no other topping other than onion and mushroom i kid you not it was literally just dough with some dry onion and mushroom baked onto it they never ordered any sides or drinks or any other pizzas i say they as whoever ordered the pizza sent direct instructions via the website to leave the pizza on the doorstep and that the money always exact change would be in the letterbox they never phoned in their order they left their name as a smith or something else equally unidentifiable as to the order as name age gender we used to stake out the place after delivering the pizza i call it that in the lucis of terms and all you'd see is a hand emerge from a crack in the door that would whisk away the weirdo concoction my boyfriend graduated uni and we moved on with our lives but we still have no idea the story behind the no source no cheese deep pan onion and mushroom pizza and the mysterious unknown hand that would quickly retrieve it from behind the darkened or held barely open i used to deliver new and used furniture and one time my workmate and i delivered a second hand mattress to a woman she was vd scabs all over her face her house was disgusting and she tried to get us to stay shivers comcast guy came to set up the internet at my house my parents dog came over gots in his lap and emptied his bladder right on the comcast workers lap he finished the job and pretended nothing ever happened didn't even mention it just put the dog down and kept working then left comma just put the dog down that's pretty drastic i was delivering a pizza to a rather nice looking house walked up and rang the door ball and to my surprise a bikini clad brunette onto the door only other things she had on were rope tying her hands in front of her and a ball gag in her mouth she quickly took the pizza from a very surprised me and gave me the money before shutting the door pretty fast i was on a ride along after a driver had an accident we would ride with them and observe the way they drive this guy was a safe driver but he clipped a mailbox first accident in years of driving after a few hours of observation i was ready to get back to the office so i started helping with the deliveries the first stop i get to the driver tells me the homeowner wants the packages delivered to the shed in the back when he's not home he said it's tuesday so he won't be home i go to the back like the driver says and i drop the packages off i turn around and can see in the dining room bay window there's a 50 year old guy standing there butt butt naked drinking his morning coffee he notices me and quickly sets his coffee on the table and scampers off out of you i start heading back to the truck in disbelief when i look in the truck seeing the driver laughing his butt off apparently he knew exactly what would happen you see the guy works from home on tuesdays and thursdays naked and the driver from years of experience on the route knew this delivered a pizza one time in the low-income housing side of town knock on the door and it flies open and the guy jumps out from behind it and yells i'm naked psych i'm just kidding what's up man only he actually was naked though and just handled the rest of the transaction like he had clothes on it was weird i used to deliver pizza seven years ago and one time i encountered a very strange situation it's about 8 p.m on a friday night so as usual business is booming and it gets really busy around that time orders coming in almost every four minutes so i get my order and get ready to deliver it pack up the pizza and i'm on my way to am address about eight minutes away from our workplace i arrive to my destination and notice a small post-it that just has an arrow pointing to the right and a very horribly drawn pizza slice next to it four-year-old drawing skill fairly obvious so i follow the arrow i go to the right side of the house and again another poster with another arrow pointing right followed by a poorly drawn pizza slice at this point i'm a bit curious about what the heck's up with the blues clues around the house so i follow the arrow once more finally i get to the back of the house very nice backyard with a very nice built-in pool and water slides massive bar and grill area this house is amazing and very expensive i look around for some more treasure map posted notes and i can't see them on the wall but i find one on the floor pointing inside of the house what i saw that day has and will forever haunt me for the rest of my life i look at the post-it and i slowly look to the direction indicated by the arrow i start gazing through a double glass door set and inside the house are three men completely in the nude wearing nothing but cowboy hats and gun holsters with water guns in them drinking wine lots of wine and sniffing lines on a table by their kitchen they weren't even laughing or talking no music just silence and the sound of noses snorting sea next to the sea mountains was a 300 pound woman dressed in a clown suit with her shirt ripped in the breast section and see all over her face and a can of miller light on both her hands i have never been so shocked confused and scared in my whole life i see yet again another posted next to the sea and adjust his three dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign signs on them alongside yes the horribly drawn pizza i simply place the pizza on the kitchen counter take the money and leave found out later that the owner of the house was a normal dude with a good job and had gone through a divorce and lost custody of his two children kinda lost it and didn't care anymore he's in prison now for minutes 20 years of illegal drug possession or whatever it's called i worked at a hotel in austin in the mid-90s as a valet i was working graveyard in front asked if i could take a luggage cart up to a room because the bell staff was busy or on break or something when i knocked at the room heather locklear opened the door and pointed to her pile of bags and told me to just leave the cart and she would call down when she had loaded it up she was wearing a robe and it wasn't tied and she was only wearing a bra underneath no panties just a bra at first i was all excited thinking she was trying to make my day and playing a game then i realized that she didn't do it on purpose it just didn't occur to her to cover up because i was less than nobody tl dr heather locklear answers door weirdly half naked but only because i didn't count as a person i'm a courier in vancouver bc i was sent to an area in west van i've never delivered to before searching for an address in a pretty upscale neighborhood i followed my apple maps hold euro that's why to a small dead end street the houses on the street had no addresses posted and were pretty well concealed when i reached the end i realized that i was in the wrong place and needed to turn around unfortunately for me there was no space for my large courier van to turn around so i simply backed up to the nearest house's driveway to do a three-point turn and head out i noticed backing in that the house had a ferrari parked in the driveway and several black mercedes without license plates further in it was odd to me because the house seemed very middle class it was no mansion whatsoever and standing before the house's large plate window was a man holding his iphone up recording me he seemed to be yelling something at me behind the window and went as far as to flip me the bird i had no idea what he was so upset about by the time i had finally gotten turned around and was pulling out the man appeared to be intensely screaming at me from behind the glass so i got out of the truck and walked back onto his property to see what was the matter he saw me walking his way and jolted out the front door red as ever to confront me i asked him what the problem was and why he was video recording me he flipped his lid yelling that i was on private property and that i was trespassing and that i had no right to be there i explained that i simply just needed to get turned around he nonsensically blabbered and pointed his iphone at me even as i told him i was leaving and wouldn't bother him again besides the erratic behavior the shape of his piece in the back of his pants and the poorly concealed flower bricks out in his open carport told me i had better just leave and quick tldr i may have stumbled across a drug kingpin's home i delivered food for a third-party delivery company mostly to broke about college kids i was delivering something to a house and when i rang the bell the door opened and it was dark inside it opened more and i could see a laptop on the stairs open facing me and recording first thought was oh frick i'm about to be in some sort of snuff film i backed away about five or six feet put the food down and balled up my fists this dude runs out wearing a wrestling singlet in some sort of scary looking mask trying to scare me but he stopped when he saw i was about to cold dong him he took off his mask and mumbled some crap awkwardly and i handed him the food and walked away i probably had five inches and 40 pounds on this guy so i don't know what he thought would happen worst part was that he only tipped me like one dollar and fifty cents i used to do catering for a well-known chain the weirdest was a ladies only pleasure party they drink wine talk dirty and buy corn cobs from the hostess i'm not shy so it didn't bother me but i knew some of the attendees and they were mortified when they saw me because they are mostly trophy wives on the posh end of town been delivering pizza on and off for years took an order to a guy in a really nice house on the outskirts of town i rang the doorbell and heard it open just bring it inside this wasn't terribly strange so i do so and see a guy in a wheelchair i get these deliveries often so i walk in and ask the gentleman where would you like me to put this he calmly replies just set it on my lap the guy didn't have any legs i froze he laughed i laughed gave me a great tip i delivered pizza and subs for about four years and had a good amount of funny things happen and the best one was the couple gross were fighting outside a frat house as i was driving by and one of them threw the other out in the street about five feet in front of my car i stopped got out of my car and the fellow on the sidewalk ran up to my vehicle and tried to shove it over he proceeded to flip me off and ran away on the same street but in front of another frat house i was pulling up to a red light and had about 60 naked frat broth run in front and behind my car but naked over to the sorority house across the street apparently this is something they do every year as the girls were outside waiting as the flock of naked bros came back across the street one tried to dukes of hazard slide over my hood but his butt check got stuck and fell face first onto the road i've also seen probably six or seven boobs been smoked down given beers played be a pong etc it was fun delivering late night in a big college town here's one other delivery man comedy guy calls from the lobby phone and says hi this is dhl i have a small package laughed a solid 10 seconds calmed myself down went and picked up the box and made zero eye contact delivered pizza for a small mom and pop shop down in san diego for a couple of years received an order for a couple of large pizza some wings and a 2-liter soda upon arrival it turns out the address was a gated community pretty common in the sd area no biggie what does the special delivery instruction say on the receipt should be a gate code or something nope nothing perhaps a phone number to call nope keep in mind if we don't ask for the customer's phone number on a order our manager would get made at us and upon calling the store back to ask my buddy what the number was that the guy called on he told me that the number was blocked and there was no way to get in contact with him so being the cool co-worker i am i decided to be a hero and climb the gate and drive the pizza by any means necessary to avoid getting my friend in trouble keep in mind i'm not of the athletic type and i am a rather portly fellow so here i am by the miracles of the gods able to swing my leg over and avoid impaling my nuts on the top of the six-foot spiked gate at this point i am straddling the gate with the pizza bag and other sides and drinks in one hand as if i'm indiana jones holding up that german chick from falling in between the fisher at the end of the holy grail then i hear what i most feared a car rolling up and what does this douchebag do he doesn't get out of his car to help me or wait for me to decide how to safely get down no he press his freaking gate opener remote and the gate begins to slowly open keep in mind the way the gate opened was that it resigned it into a narrow hole in the wall and if i had stayed straddled on top of the fence i would have been the piece of playdough you squeeze through the past to make a machine in efforts to keep myself from being squished i swing the pizza bag and stuff into a nearby bush and swang my other leg over and began my decent by pushing off and in hopes i would stick the landing like a gymnast except my jean leg got caught on one spikes on the top of the gate and i prematurely pushed off causing the back side of my jeans to rip off all the way to my butt so here i am in my newly turned into atlas jean chaps and what does the driver say as he drives by whoa dude you got to be more careful needless to say i never attempted to climb another fence again my dad used to deliver figurines from his business he showed up to a house one day to find mannequins set up all over in life like scenes needless to say he got out of there as quickly as possible the two that stand out the most for me is the guy who told me he had aids after me knowing him for a total of maybe two minutes the other one was the guy who decided it was a good idea to finish jerking it's in his living room while i was standing in the kitchen of his one bedroom apartment delivered appliances when i delivered pizza i legit turned up to this guy's place who was around my age 20 the security door was locked but the main door was open i heard giggling of two girls and then saw them run topless past the door the guy then comes to the door in briefs and bunnies acts all casual like it's totally normal then grins at me as he takes the pizza and asks me if i want to come in about two months later i bumped into the guy at a party turns out he is best mates with my best mate and we never known each other if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 18,030
Rating: 4.8832684 out of 5
Keywords: delivery and labor, delivery vlog, delivery man, delivery driver, delivery service, weirdest pizza delivery, weird, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 7Lxs_Qpye0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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