The Most Outrages Revenge Stories - r/NuclearRevenge #10

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i reported my mother for welfare fraud three incredible revenge stories of r nuclear revenge about an evil friend a psychopath mother and a bully co-worker help destroy my trust in humanity i put you on the news once upon a time i almost 49 f had an extremely close friend mindy hell she was not just my friend she was like a sister we met in grade school she pursued my friendship always tried to sit next to me always wanting to talk over the years we would spend lots of time at each other's houses but by the time we were 19 my house was our meeting place because she had extremely bad family trouble my parents kind of informally took her in because they sympathized with her situation i always tried to make her feel like she belonged and avoided luxurious stuff if she could not afford it expensive shows nice clothes she might like but could not wear other times i just gave her some stuff from my closet she was nice outspoken and made me feel like i had the most loyal friend on the planet the years go by i'm fresh out of college and got a nice job mindy's life has improved she had her own place and a very reliable job by then we had a group of friends all young professionals trying to make our way i remember that time in my life as bittersweet we would often reminisce of our college days and because this happened in the 90s there were no social networks no texting if you wanted to get in touch you had to exchange phone numbers or emails now it's fairly easier so exchanging old stories glued us together as we wondered how things worked out for friends we may never see again gatherings and get-togethers happened in my apartment i loved that place it was spacious still half empty because i was careful not to throw too much money into decoration around those days mindy began to look sickly and quiet not herself i was worried and loved her to death she had been there for me especially when my fiance broke up with me for no reason i guess we now call it ghosting he was the first man i ever truly loved i was never able to get him to express his love like i did but i accepted him for who he was he had some cold stages which left me wanting but i thought i could manage basically i was settling for being bread crumbled he was gorgeous successful and protective so when he proposed i was on cloud nine and decided to ignore the negatives i had saved a lot of money for our wedding to be fair he did the same in a separate banking account things came to an end when all of a sudden he broke up with me he told me he did not want to get married and did not love me nor wanted any type of relationship he let me keep the money from our joint account plus some of his things at the apartment workout bench clothing pretty much everything this had a bad effect on me i felt like he despised me and wanted to cut ties no matter the cost invitations had not been issued so calling off the engagement was not such an ordeal mindy was there for me listening to my pain my rants and endless sobbing i lost so much weight i was embarrassed to be seen out on the street she had a boyfriend george and he was awesome about letting me crash at their place whenever anguish and pain hit me hard they both cut ties with my ex i had made so many life-altering decisions for him only to be left in the dark mindy and george sat me down and disclosed that my ex was seeing someone else i remember the shock and emotional pain my heart was racing and i ran to the bathroom because the bad news made me throw up i never understood how my ex treated me like that those christmas were so bad i would sit in my living room staring at the wall mindy and george and helped me set up a very 90s posh concept christmas tree to cheer me up only white lights a few golden ornaments and natural pine i was so depressed the tree stayed put until next spring by summer mindy broke some devastating news she was terminally ill i was so angry she didn't deserve this her diagnosis was grim so bad that george proposed earlier than he had planned because he wanted to live in the moment she had always dreamed of a huge wedding it was her obsession we would go into bridal shops and try as many dresses as possible when we were teenagers the wedding of her dreams was now out of the question her family would not pitch in she'd left their home on very bad terms and george could not pay it on his own george was now barely out of medical school and up to his neck in debt i decided to pay for her wedding it would be a small event but i would make sure the decorations and her dress were as dreamy as she had always wanted i still had the money i had saved for my wedding and as financially risky or stupid as it may have sounded back then i was sure those final days with mindy would be worth gold when she was gone her illness made me realize there are worse things in this life other than being unceremoniously dumped by my ex i threw myself into it i was also happy and hopeful as mindy was able to go to her chemo sessions by herself without becoming too sick she also looked much better than other patients our group of friends also helped her a lot there was not a day when someone would not bring her groceries or help pay for a random utility bill as she was now out of work i had initially offered to help her set up a better health insurance plan but she declined pay attention to this more on this later so i decided not to intrude and give her the fairytale wedding or as close to it that i could that she wanted she had picked a nice rental dress in tiara the florist was to accommodate her taste and create an indoor garden the venue would be my apartment the baker had been retained for a six-year wedding cake there would be 35 people with tables an island a musician to play some music we could not do the loud disc jockey thing now back to the insurance issue my first job was as a junior sales executive for a health insurance company there was a legal dispute against another insurer and i was called in by the court to be a witness as i was getting cleared to enter the building i saw my ex my stomach churned i immediately thought courtroom wedding by the time i reached for the elevator he had already vanished that messed up my day i relived the lack of closure all over again i could not let it go i contacted a good friend who i knew was doing her law internship at the court district she helped me by checking any legal records regarding my ex no court wedding i was relieved i know it sounds silly but there was a fraud claim and he was the plaintiff i didn't make much of it but it was strange he was very smart and getting screwed out of his money sounded too uncharacteristic i still wanted to help mindy and try to set her up with a good insurance plan i knew it was difficult given that companies treat terminal patients as money dumping risks i pleaded with my old boss and he searched her name but she was not in the company database maybe she was using a different insurer but that was odd because she clearly told me what her insurance company was i felt guilty because i was kind of snooping things were normal for a month until my friend at the courthouse broke some disgusting news the defendant in my ex's lawsuit was my best friend mindy she asked me if i knew anything about it i had no idea or clue she then disclosed that the case had become popular gossip among courtroom clerks because my ex had fallen for a complicated cupid scam as it turned out mindy and my ex had an illicit love affair behind george's back and mine it spanned a full year and she was not out of work she had been fired for embezzlement and larceny stealing from an employer i did know that she kept moving apartments but i thought she had been trying to save on rent so she had kept looking for cheaper and cheaper places she moved around towns in the same city first she took my ex's money for some investment and she used her former employer's credibility for it never got too many details then she got him to help her with medical bills and scammed him out of close to 20 000 her illness was fake i avoided her for a week i hired a private investigator to help me get whatever i could without much hope as their fare had ended the pi managed to help me get some closure his name was on her lease for a small studio everyone in the building thought they were a couple it was their love nest and it was two hours away i never suspected anything but apparently he had been lying to me about his actual working hours he had also helped cover for her car payment at least six times in a year she had my ex as her sugar daddy she had seen me cry puke curl on my bed and had broken the news that he had someone else herself my ex seemed salty over the fact that she had chosen to stick with george it was simple math my ex was very successful but george although not wealthy yet had become a physician and was spoken for to start a small practice with a potential partner she upped and left and cheated him out of money along the way apparently my ex figured out she had been lying about her condition the disgust pain and disappointment hit me fairly hard but somehow i had so heavily invested myself in helping her that i had emptied myself of any potential nerve-wrecking reaction i was numb i went straight to all the wedding vendors and canceled before it was too late to get my money back i defunded her wedding no cake no dress and no veil i sat down with george on a friday afternoon and offered him all evidence and proof he cried but at the end admitted to feel painfully relieved yes he loved her but he had felt pressured to get married he confessed to many red flags she always went to her medical appointments by herself and became irritated if he asked too many questions she had shown him some test results that were incredibly well crafted but now knowing what she had done he thought the medical documents could be fake he confirmed that the sneaky way having his nurse ex-roommate run her name in the computer at where she claimed to be her doctor's office it was logical on her part as back then a fairly small town had only one oncologist we also suspected that she may have been having a new affair as she spent more and more weekends with her all-girls church camping group she claimed it was her sanctuary and helped her a lot it may have been a front george and i accepted the fact that we had been cheated taken advantage of and emotionally destroyed by the same person i personally felt a loss of innocence now i understood why she wanted to keep her wedding thing almost a secret it may have been possible that making it public may have blown her cover one way or the other george and i decided to do what was right i paid for a video tribute to my loyal friend and decided to send it to the local news as the heartwarming story of love and healing it featured her in george's apartment compound on purpose so that everyone wanting to serve her court papers could find her i did not want to see her and i made up excuses but george had a hard time feigning happiness once she had returned from her camping trip it was an agonizing week the news weren't showing our positive note yet and we were sick with the waiting it all blew up on tuesday morning the news channel enthusiastically showcased our story with a collage and lots of information about her and how she was about to get married and had almost already beaten cancer dozens of ill-spoken haters popped out of nowhere as it turns out this had been her second illness story i never knew someone so close to me could lead such a scummy double life my ex went straight to the channel and was interviewed oh man it was pathetic he poured his heart out about how crazy and love he had been and how she had only used him i think by then he did not care if all our friends and families found out what he had done george confronted her with all the information she denied it then said it was a lapse of bad judgment she moved out without too much drama it took george over a decade to forgive himself for allowing someone to make him look so stupid as a person and as a physician she left me some voicemails with lots of excuses i picked the phone only once and told her i had defunded and pulverized her wedding and that it was me who told george what was going on i used a leveled voice to tell her to never call me again unless she wanted to find out how far i would go to see her pay for her unlawful actions i cried immediately after i hung up it was so surreal george and i slowly found normality but it took some time he dated a couple of girls here and there but was not ready i myself became shut down she avoided jail i don't know how even when our mutual friends filed petty claims for all the money they invested buying her stuff while she carried on her false pretenses eventually i used the wedding money to partner with george and we opened a small clinic best decision ever over the years george and i became best friends and grew closer we got married some years ago in our proud parents to a happy family fun fact i got a facebook message from her seven years ago she began very sweetly but then proceeded to blame me and accused her of stealing her man and her life i blocked her fun fact too i ran into my ex in 2001. he apologized profusely i accepted his apology and told him it all worked out as i now have a life with someone who truly deserves me back then george and i had begun dating fun fact 3 mindy avoided doing time for her deeds back then but was prosecuted for setting up crowdfunding for a fake cause and stealing from an elderly person my mother lies takes money from me then gets screwed over financially i'm 19 years old and female and had only been living with my mother for a good 3.5 years was put into foster care at a young age and don't remember living with my mother at all before moving in with her she would tell me how great it would be for me to live there and how i would be treated with respect and yada yada yada well since i started college things went downhill my whole life i wanted to go to college for art but my mother convinced me that it was stupid and so i chose to go for a business degree i got into my state's business and marketing honor society during my last year of high school for having a 98 average in all five of my business classes my first semester of college everything started out fine then the end of september hit and i got a reimbursement from financial aid let me add my mother is on supplemental security income for minor disabilities and hasn't worked in the past 18 years she has arthritis and fibromyalgia so apparently she can't work i got public assistance that i never knew about since i was never allowed to do paperwork for anything i thought we only got food stamps but apparently she lied and said i was paying a couple hundred dollars for rent so she could get more money so she was getting nearly 500 a month for my needs i never got anything unless it was christmas and 350 a month for food stamps my boyfriend had to buy me food because i was never allowed to eat at home and didn't want to get a 3 000 meal plan on campus anyways i got a healthy 2 dollars back from financial aid which i originally planned on spending on clothes i hadn't had a pair of fitting jeans since i lived with my mother a laptop for school and food well apparently every time i get money it belongs to my mother she demanded i give her most of the money so i spent 1 500 on some jeans for me and a brand new ps4 system ps vita ps plus and a bunch of ps4 games for my boyfriend i know that sounds reckless of me but he's paid me back for it she was pissed and belittled me till i gave her the rest of the money for rent and bills and food she went off and bought her boyfriend drugs i was mad because obviously that's just not okay i just pushed through the semester and kinda sucked it up like i usually do february came along and pretty much the same thing happened she demanded my three thousand dollars i got more this past semester because i only had to pay for one textbook to pay for rent electricity the wi-fi food and everything under the sun she got mad when i refused to give her more than 350 i went off and spent the money on my anniversary including outfit gas two meals and some gifts a new phone my phone barely worked and was seven years old and prepaid my phone plan for the next few months i also bought myself some food for when i was home she was irate how dare i spend money on my boyfriend and not the woman who birthed me i tried staying away from home as much as possible driving around with my boyfriend for the most part but every time i came home i would get yelled at well march was when poop hit the fan i needed my medicaid card they put cash assistance on that card for convenience and birth certificate for a program that helps people get jobs in the area and she wasn't having it apparently saying i needed them was being rude and disrespectful i ignored her for the most part and kept insisting that i needed them right away because i had to leave she gave them to me after half an hour of me telling her i needed to leave and just started yelling at me so i left for a few hours and i got a call from my case worker asking when i would turn in time i had to get a signature from each teacher stating i was in class to keep my insurance benefits and the food stamps i didn't know about the cash assistance and she told me i could lose the cash assistance if i didn't i asked her what she was talking about and she told me i got approximately 500 a month to pay for rent and other things i needed i informed her that i never knew about that and she was very upset that my mother was using the money on god knows what she told me to change the pin on the card and to not let my mother touch it so i changed the pin on my card went home and my room was torn up my clothes were everywhere my old laptop was missing my christmas gifts from my boyfriend were gone i was very upset i told my mother that i wanted my stuff back and she just threw everything at my door i started packing my bags cause i was done with her garbage she demanded i give her my medicaid card back since she keeps everyone else's she got in my face threw my glasses onto the floor tried throwing my new phone and was just screaming at me till i gave it to her i have post-traumatic stress disorder so i panic whenever someone is even slightly loud after she went to the store and tried buying something with it she came home and started shoving me around demanding i give her the pen i was just like my father i was a piece of garbage for buying jeans that actually fit me for once in my life i was trash for liking the presents i got from my boyfriend and not from her i got pants that were two sizes too big and very low rise for christmas yeah no etc etc she actually hit me because of it and hit me till i gave her my pen so of course i was dumb and gave it to her someone for some reason called the cops and they showed up shortly after and her and her boyfriend started telling them i was abusive and manipulative and a pathological liar i showed them where she hit me and tried explaining that she took my medicaid card but they didn't care the cops never care because supposedly my mom's boyfriend has put half of our local police force into the hospital after the cops left my mother said that my boyfriend who has done nothing and has only been supportive of me throughout this was a pedophile i'm a year older than him and that he was not allowed to enter the house again then she said i had a new curfew of 6 p.m i had a class that ended at 5 and it took me two hours to walk home so that was stupid and if i left the house i was to never return so i left my boyfriend took me to a homeless shelter specifically for teens and young adults that were in abusive situations and had nowhere else to go i got my own apartment with the potential of getting a roommate at some point and i honestly have never felt better in my life the following day i go to get a new card and my mother had taken out 260 dollars at 5 a.m with the help of my oldest sister i had four dollars to buy food for two weeks before i could apply for my own food stamps and cash assistance case most of the time i only had water and i would eat every three days at my boyfriend's house when the virus hit his dad refused to let me over even though he knew what was going on to a certain extent i didn't eat anything for a week before being able to get food stamps i wish i had gotten a job but having eight classes one of which was six hours a week for a measly one credit took up the majority of my time the college suggested i withdraw to focus on my mental health i was afraid of leaving my new place because i didn't want to be attacked by my family or my mom's bf's drug addict friends i went from seeing my therapist for half an hour every other week to seeing her for an hour every week she suggested that i cut contact with my mother permanently even though it meant losing a good three thousand dollars worth of stuff i bought myself over the past 12 years i got paid to babysit and take care of the farm while in foster care i was so so upset about losing all 40 of my stuffed animals they really meant a lot to me and they kind of were the only things there that helped me calm down from a panic attack i know it sounds immature but i've had most of them since i was about eight years old then something popped in my head while i was applying for my own food stamps and cash assistance case the revenge i realized that i could easily report my mother for welfare fraud not only had she been taking my 500 a month but she had lied and said her bf and her didn't share food and were roommates she paid to use other people's food stamps and she has sold her food stamps for cash to buy fast food or drugs so i did just that i went to our state's website and reported her fraud adding when she took the money from my card at 5am that one day i went into detail gave the exact location of where she did it and everything i said she used other people's cards all the time which was very true and how she demanded my card whenever i had it a couple weeks later i get a letter from the department of social services dss they accidentally sent it to my address instead of my mom's thinking she moved along with me i open it and i read that she was denied public assistance denied medical insurance and denied food stamps she met the requirements for getting them but because of my report she lost everything but ssi as far as i know what probably helped was that i told dss she stole my card and requested a new one and the lady at the front desk was mortified i found out she took the money out later when i set up the card online and saw previous transactions for the past year she's out 850 a month more than her ssi and out of health insurance which was paid for by the state all because of me and i boasted about it to my therapist my therapist actually congratulated me because i'm very shy with people so to report something like that was very unlikely of my unless you got me very angry not sure if this was appropriate here but it took a lot out of me to be able to even do it thanks anxiety co-worker tried to get me fired over breast implants so i pulled a reverse uno card four years ago now when i was 24 my mom died of breast cancer and as both my grandmothers had also died of it i saw a specialist for a screening i found out i had some cells in one of my breasts that could have turned cancerous at any given moment i was told i had a few options i could have regular screenings every three or four months until it does develop into cancer i was told the risk of the cells becoming cancerous was very high due to family history but it could also potentially never could turn so i'd just be getting these screenings for no reason i could get a single mastectomy on the breast with the bad cells but they'd need to keep an eye on the other one so i'd still need regular checkups for the other breast i could get a bilateral mastectomy and remove all of my breast tissue basically eliminating the risk i went for the bilateral mastectomy it was admittedly the most drastic option but after seeing what cancer did to my mum and grandmothers i didn't want to risk it i was warned about scarring but told it should be fairly minor it wasn't and i was left with two huge pink jagged scars on either side of my chest each about an inch long and half an inch wide and it caused me to go into a severe depression where it got to the stage of me not even leaving my flat because i didn't want people to see me throwing out my mirrors and getting physically sick looking at myself i went to a therapist who suggested a plastic surgeon the therapist said they'd never normally do that but it was clearly something i was struggling with and i might never get over it and the therapist could see why i struggle with it although i'll admit the therapist did send me to ask about scar reduction the plastic surgeon suggested a cream a laser or implants the cream didn't work and the laser was both expensive and risky so i went with the implants my natural boobs were an f cup so i went with a slightly smaller dd since then my mental health has improved and i feel a lot better about the way i look my confidence has gone up as has my self-esteem i know i shouldn't put so much into my appearance but i wasn't exaggerating about these scars huge bright pink jagged raised just really awful to look at and i hated seeing myself and they are now nicely hidden away and you can barely feel them in the present day i'm 28 years old and working in an office i'm doing a lot better than i was my co-worker jill found out i'd had a boob job but not about the cancer thing when myself and my friend from years before the mastectomy were planning a holiday and she made a joke about me going on a plane with my implants and jill overheard by the end of the day the entire office knew i'd had a boob job but not why and half a dozen people confirmed jill had told them over the next few months jill made many jokes and comments about my chest to co-workers when i was in earshot at one point saying i had more plastic than barbie and calling me fake in two ways i didn't hear this one myself but a friend in the office told me that jill had at one point referred to me as a sack of silicone i don't know what her problem was exactly but at one point she mentioned the nhs so i assumed jill thought that i'd got my boobs done for free on taxpayer money i'd gotten the mastectomy on nhs but gone private for therapy and implants i asked her to stop more than once but unfortunately the places i'd talked to her were places like the lift and the women's bathroom where there weren't any cameras and jill just kept making comments no matter how often i asked her not to i wouldn't say it was every single day but i heard at least three comments per week for three months i hit my breaking point when me jill and a few other co-workers were having lunch i referred to something as being shallow and jill said you'd know all about being shallow while gesturing to my chest i snapped i said do you know why i have these a few years ago the doctors found potentially cancerous cells in my breast tissue i was advised to get a mastectomy and was left with huge ugly scars on my chest i went to see a therapist who sent me to a cosmetic surgeon who advised me to get implants to hide the scars and i did just so i could look at myself in the mirror without crying so maybe next time you want to judge someone for having cosmetic surgery you should ask them why they had it first and feeling like that was a mic drop moment i picked up my food and left for the rest of the day i had about one third of my office come up to me and offer support and the rest tell me that jill was just joking around and i was being a witch i replied that jill was being a witch long before i was i then got an email from hr saying they wanted to talk to me the following day and when i called for clarification they mentioned a hostile work environment note this is apparently an american term and holds little weight in england but it's what was said over the phone i knew the person who signed off the email and i'd spoken to her name was debbie and she was jill's friend in hr so i was fairly confident on who had reported me i realized that if this was already being sent to hr i needed as much ammunition as possible so i went about collecting my information as debbie had dealt with me so far it was safe to assume she would be the person reviewing the complaint with me and if that was true i was in trouble however i vaguely remembered a section on complaints that was in my contract when i first signed with the company i flicked through the contract and there was a part in complaints section that said i was contractually allowed to request a change of reviewer if i felt my allocated reviewer was biased it was called an impartial overseer i photocopied the page and highlighted that part then i messaged the people who had offered their support over facebook and said basically hr have asked to see me do any of you remember jill insulting me to your face and are you willing to write and sign something saying what you heard and when not everyone was willing to help as jill is somewhat feared in the office due to her befriending hr and management but about 20 people were willing to help me i guessed roughly when i had asked jill to stop previously the four asks over the last few months some timings were easy to guess as they'd happened on my break or when i'd first arrived at work and i wrote them all down along with a rough time of when the lunchroom confrontation happened and a list of names of who was there for the lunchroom confrontation i got to work slightly early the next morning i went round everyone who had messaged me and most of them managed to give me a printed and signed letter some didn't manage to write one but no big deal this isn't exact words as there's 16 letters to sum up here but the gist was my name is their name i work with jill last name and author on date at time approximately i spoke with jill last name during which she referred to author as quoted in salt i felt this was inappropriate as it directly related to author's appearance and am willing to go on record further to establish that jill last name has been discussing author in the workplace in the same manner for three months now causing me discomfort and creating what i feel is a hostile work environment signed their name i wound up with about 16 letters all from different people and one of them was in the lunchroom for my conversation with jill some even had bullet pointed lists of everything jill had said to them about me or other people as it turns out jill has issues with a lot of people's appearances she apparently made comments about one co-worker's weight and something anti-semitic about a different co-worker's nose all of which were put in these letters there are about 45 people in the office so while 16 wasn't a majority it's still a decent amount the letters weren't hugely long most were only a paragraph but they had all the necessary information i was asked to come to hr at 10 am i took the letters from co-workers the photocopy of the page and my contract and my dates and times in a little folder with me i got there and debbie was the one overseeing the interview she got up from her desk ready to lead me into another room i immediately turned to the other hr worker that was currently there and said so is my meeting with you then debbie said no you're with me i replied that this wouldn't sit well with me as my contract states i have a right to an impartial overseer and as i said this i took the contract page out of my folder debbie read it i wouldn't let her take the paper when there was a shredder so close by and said she could be impartial i replied that i really didn't mean to be a pain but i had it on good authority that the person on the other end of this complaint is her friend and my contract does say i'm allowed an impartial overseer debbie stomped off to get a supervisor the supervisor asks how i know she can't be impartial and i tell him that i have it on good authority that jill who was on the other end of this complaint is a close friend of debbie he asked debbie if this was true to which she only replied i can be impartial the supervisor took a deep breath asked the other hr rep to come with him and the four of us all went to review the complaint i thank them for being so accommodating i was worried i'd annoyed them debbie took out the complaint and all three of them went through it with me debbie looked homicidal the whole time the interview was happening as she had clearly anticipated firing me or at least recommending me being fired the interview went something like this it took like over half an hour and they kept asking me the same questions but phrased different ways so this is a really drastically condensed version q you said outside that you think jill last name reported you why is this a jill has had an issue with me for about three months now q why didn't you come to us when you realize jill had an issue a i have no issue with her q what issue does jill have with you a four years ago a specialist identified potentially cancerous cells in my breast tissue i had surgery to remove my breast tissue thereby removing the cells and the risk after the surgery i was left with large scars on my chest i went to a therapist for low self-esteem and depression the therapist suggested a plastic surgeon who suggested breast implants to cover my scars all of this is in my medical history which you have a copy of in my file and my full permission to review jill found out about my breast implants but didn't know about the cancer jill had a problem with my breast implants and decided to communicate this problem to our co-workers q why do you feel this is true a here's 16 signed statements all from different co-workers all testifying that jill told the entire office i'd had breast implants on the day she found out and has since made comments about these implants frequently they have quotes of what jill said to them about it in rough dates and times q rough dates and times a no one knew this would be escalated to such an extent so no one really took notes as and when it happened q what event or events do you think directly led to this complaint of harassment a for me harassment began when jill told everyone about my breast implants without my consent but as to the complaint placed against me it would probably be what happened at about time yesterday in the lunch room jill made a comment about me being shallow while gesturing to my breasts and i replied by giving her an abridged version of my relevant medical history and ending with a comment about the importance of getting the full story there are cameras in the lunch room so i'm sure you'll be able to find that conversation i'll admit i could have handled the situation better but after three months i felt i had to put my foot down here's a list of names of people who were also present there were six people at the table including myself and jill one of these people is also in those letters and has written their account of the conversation and signed it q had you had a conversation with jill prior to this regarding her comments about you a several spaced out over the last three months each time i communicated to her that i felt uncomfortable and upset with these comments she was making and would appreciate it if she were to stop q to your knowledge was jill made aware of your former cancer at any point in this time a no it wasn't mentioned in the conversation with my friend she overheard and i didn't tell her because frankly it's none of her business and i did not feel the need to detail my medical history to a co-worker in order to avoid further sexual harassment the supervisor stands up and says well i think we're done here he shakes my hand and sends me back to my desk saying that i'd hear from them after they reviewed the evidence letters cctv medical history and anything they had already and made a decision on the case i got back to my desk pulled up my cv and prepared to start the job search again about an hour goes by then the person who wrote the letter and was there for the lunchroom conversation gets called for a meeting with hr they come back 10ish minutes later the other people who were also there for the lunchroom conversation get called one by one except jill all of them are gone for about 10 minutes then come back find a co-worker and say that hr wants to see them then the people who wrote letters but weren't there yesterday are also called one by one and are each gone for about 10 minutes each some longer some shorter by about 3 30 it looks like everyone who wrote a letter or was there in the lunchroom has been interviewed then finally jill gets called in she's gone for about 30 minutes and comes back fuming she glares at me while i work but i ignore her 4 colon 30ish jill gets called into hr again 5pm rolls around everyone is either leaving or getting ready to leave when jill storms back into the office she glares at me the whole time she packs up her desk she then starts telling anyone who will listen that i got her fired before shoving her way onto the lift an email comes in from hr my case is closed [Music] thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell click the right box for the nuclear revenge playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 122,059
Rating: 4.9290671 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts revenge, reddit revenge, reddit revenge story, revenge, revenge stories, r/prorevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, pro revenge, reddit petty revenge
Id: CxUgC9v_qHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.