People Share The Worst Adult Temper Tantrums They've Seen (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what is the worst adult temper tantrum you have seen worked at a wendy's for a few years during college the meltdown of legend was when a little league mom came in with the whole team of kids and ordered food for all of them and some of the parents she then began to grow increasingly frustrated visibly upset at the amount of time it took to prepare such a large volume of food she begins to pointedly ask why her food was taking so long over and over each time her voice getting a little higher after a few minutes she starts saying this is simply unacceptable and asking for a refund despite the fact that she can see the poor sandwich maker is standing right next to me working frantically to put all her cheeseburgers together i say okay let me just get the manager she then starts screeching she wants the refund now and throws her carry a tray of frosties onto the floor gets down on her hands and knees and i shtu not proceeds to start grinding the spilled frosty into the carpet with her bare hands all the while shrieking as if her child had been run over in the drive-through i met a girl online and we talked for a while eventually i paid for her to visit me from la she was okay at first but started complaining about the stupidest stuff like that i have a cat which she already knew the next day she freaked out over red robin and made a sleeve by then i had enough but was biding my time eventually the time comes for her to go home and i give her a ride to the airport while we are walking and she gets mad about something and i can't even remember what it was here is where it gets good she literally lays on the ground and starts screaming and flailing like a child woman is 31 years old i just dropped her luggage and walked back to my car and drove off fun post script she missed her flight and called me trying to get me to come stay with her at the hotel uhh no working at burger king a lady came through drive through just as we opened at six demanded a mcbridle and drove up before we could tell her she's at the wrong place she screamed at us where it at where's my midgriddle wouldn't leave the drive through until we gave her a mic griddle yes she was drunk yes the police came i was working at a small convenience store i usually work as a cashier and another person works in the back of the store at the deli well this guy comes in and wants a breakfast sandwich from the deli and my co-worker tells him it'll be about 10 minutes because she has to make it he starts to get really mad that he has to wait i guess he thought they were pre-made or something anyway he waits while she makes his sandwich and comes up to pay and i ring up his sandwich the price is three dollars 99 and it's written on the sandwich but it has a tax for prepared food so it's actually a little over four dollars he starts yelling at me about how i had the price wrong and he's in a hurry when i explain we have tax for sandwiches he gets pissed grabs the sandwich and flings it right at my head and runs out of the store so he pretty much wasted 15 minutes and i got a free breakfast sandwich for lunch i was walking home one night and in the parking lot adjacent to my building there was a guy late twenties maybe early thirties sitting on the pavement waving his arms around and yelling he was surrounded by four police officers who were trying to get him to calm down as i walked by i heard him yell just wait till my dad gets here he's bigger than all you [ __ ] stan comes into office and notices bill has muddy boots propped up on stan's desk stan goes red in the face leaps onto bill's desk and proceeds to do what i can only describe as a reverdance how do you like mud on your desk stand screams i about steam myself laughing i watched a guy in walmart flip-ish tea at like 10 p.m because some sections at the store were blocked off to be waxed overnight he had his entire family which included four young kids and was freaking out at the self-checkout lady over the section being blocked and asking why they didn't do it later in the night even as she explained that it's a long process that takes literally all night i used to work at a grocery store i once watched a lady go into a screaming swearing fit because we wouldn't let her into the meat department to buy sausages because that section had been blocked off by the fire department there were three or four firefighters there in plain view of the woman in turnouts tearing apart one of our refrigerator units because the motor had started smoldering you could see and smell the smoke lady screamed at my supervisor for five minutes before one of the firefighters came over and literally told the woman to fck off which absolutely made my day our store manager sent the fire station a giant gift basket afterwards i watched my boss loses f king mind when another employee wore a collared shirt with his most hated rival football team i saw a full-grown adult picture fit about the increased price of milk they went and grabbed the receipt of their last week groceries the difference was three cents they proceed to go through every derogatory word to describe the poor hourly worker stomps their feet after 10 minutes of this the managers finally arrived to only have it repeated for another 10 minutes management caved and awarded the individual the price of milk for a week ago all of this was over three cents i almost had to call tobacco at work because a 50 year old man followed a 19 year old girl into the store and tired to fight her because she was driving slower than he would have liked in the parking lot i worked part-time for a marketing company promoting food brands many years ago i made some simple dishes and served them in the store from a food cut this family rushes in with five plus kids and plunders the samples after stuffing themself the parents ask if it was pork meat in the food all meat dishes being pork i said yes they threw a huge tantrum since they were not allowed to eat pork you would think that would come up beforehand typically people who don't eat particular foods primarily religious belief or medical reasons put more thoughts into what they are eating before having a problem of course then there are people who want to blame everything on everyone else in grade eight the foods cooking teacher lost hush tea and because my group's kitchen couldn't find the right size mixing bowl she went through our entire kitchen frantically opening every single drawer as though a large mixing bowl would be hiding with the cutlery he screamed at us for losing this precious mixing bowl as though we stole her wedding ring and flushed it down the toilet the rest of the class stopped making cookies to watch this short fat french canadian woman doing her impression of an angry tornado while shouting in friendlish just as she was about to burst into tears a kitchen group across the class found the mixing bowl turns out someone accidentally placed it in the wrong kitchen a week later she shouted at us for an entire class because she found a gray hair in another class's brownies it was pretty obvious it was her hair i saw a grown woman yelling at her 14-15 year old son because she told him he could get anything off of the menu and he happened to pick one of the more expensive meals and i heard her go i can't believe this you kids think i'm made of money you kids are going to kill me my chest hurts just arguing about this he responded by saying something like well then you shouldn't argue i told a lady that i couldn't return her 45 pound bag of dog food that was probably 75 percent gone she started screaming that the customer is always right and continued to scream it until we had to ask her to leave i wish people understood what this saying means it means that companies that don't cater to the customer will lose business and this will be reflected in the profits it doesn't mean that you can walk into a place of business and make any ridiculous demand you want a woman lost her mind at the movie theater concession stand because they only sold coca-cola beverages but i only drink pepsi i can't believe you don't have pepsi what kind of business is this full stop this went on for several minutes then she demanded to speak to the manager and insisted that she be refunded her ticket price because she never would have bought i.t if she'd known they didn't have pepsi the manager refused to give her a refund of course she ends up in the same theater as me and my friends and she winds to her friend the entire time up to the movie start then you know the bit they play before the preview is where they promote the concessions lol a giant coke bottle goes up on the screen and she must have felt personally taunted because she yells f ck coke full stop someone walked out of the theater and returned with an usher in the manager and she was escorted out with her friend scurrying behind them he had to have been in her 50s completely bath tea crazy i worked at an arcade and a family came in being extremely rude talking about how sh tty our prizes were and how expensive they are it's an arcade it's not going to be the highest of quality the mother came up and told me to give her the big bear on the wall i told her i couldn't she doesn't have enough tickets she started yelling at me saying why the fck not it's obviously been up there for years just f king give it to me even told me she was planning on calling my manager since i wouldn't give her the bear i said that's fine and gave her the number she stormed out and i went in the back room and just started flipping her off i hate customer service at o'hare boarding my flight a lady handed her ticket to the gate agent and was informed that she was at the wrong gate as this flight was going to dfw and she was going to lax now a same person would assume that the person who works for the airline and just let 50 people on the plane with boarding passes that say they are going to dfw would know where this plane is going but this cunning traveler wasn't having it they told me the flight relax was at this gate you're lying to me and then the gate agent offered to look up what gate her flight was at but she just snapped back and asked the gate agent are you sure about five times each one louder and angrier than the one before then asked the people right behind her in line including me are you sure this is not a flight to lax and then she stormed off presumably to find what gate her flight was actually on and run in that direction but that's what a sane person would do so who knows my friend's husband let the air out of my tower because he was mad i was at their house didn't really think that one through when i was walking down the street in the afternoon with my friend when we were no older than 12. a man frantically pulled up to us and got out of his car with a golf club screaming at us and accusing us of throwing an egg on his car multiple times he threatened that he was going to beat the shitty out of us with his club my friend and i were maybe four houses down from my house and i'm sure it was some other random group of kids that did it and he just drove around with his golf club looking to kill a child that he could easily beat up even without his golf club my friend and i looked at each other in a mix of fear and confusion and decided that we had to explain that we had been on my street the entire time and had no eggs on or near us after screaming at us for several more minutes the man decided that we were not the children he would be to death on this day and got back in his car and sped off i kicked a girl out of my store for repeatedly passing out on the ice cream freezer in between trying to shoplift items from my store this didn't make her too happy she repeatedly called me a [ __ ] in the voice of what i can only call an eagle on cocaine and told me she wasn't doing anything wrong eventually she hit me and ended up getting an assault charge guy bought tickets to a movie in the theater had reserved seating when you buy the tickets you choose the seat the seats number is printed on the ticket he decides he doesn't like the seats he's chosen so he goes and sits somewhere else problem is though the seats were sold to someone else and they came in and asked him to move the guy refused they call us in the managers and the guy throws a massive temper tantrum in the middle of the theater complaining bitching and whining about why he can't just stay there we explained to him multiple times about the reserve seating and he wasn't having any of it we had to call the cops to get him out because he was screaming at the managers and threatening to fight other people in the theater because they were telling him to gtfo when the police came in to remove the guy the entire theater applauded probably one of the most ridiculous things i've dealt with i was at my local comic book store a few months ago i was browsing and picking up some new books while i was browsing a middle-aged woman and a senior gentleman were shopping there together the senior man presumably her father kept saying the comic books were expensive here and that she can only pick a certain number the middle-aged woman started to tantrum in the middle of the store saying i warned you this was going to be an expensive week i need all the issues so i don't fall behind i told you to save money for this i need them the man kept saying no they're expensive pick a couple and we're leaving and the woman kept sobbing screaming and stomping her feet saying i told you to save money i need them all i told you they were expensive over and over i couldn't believe my eyes ouch any chance she might have been disabled i worked at a grocery store on boylston street during the boston marathon bombings store was closed for an entire week as the street was considered a crime scene the day before we reopened we were then and only finally then allowed to enter the store to get rid of the thousands and thousands of dollars of spoiled food due to the store being shut and the power being cut we had hardly any perishable food we got some things from another store i believe because yeah no crime scene cue woman freaking out for far too long about us not having the salad she wanted the pre-made shitty ass salad yelling about us having poor customer service about how we can't do our jobs that we're obviously being overpaid for our lack of effort at our jobs she told someone to go back to school cue my manager basically saying there were bombings a week ago people died your salad is irrelevant woman goes red obviously forgetting she was on the street of the crime scene and we had a more than reasonable excuse for lack of products shamefully woman leaves customers cheer many years ago when my sister and i were in high school our dad was driving us home from the mall and stopped at subway to get our mama sandwich it was a really nice day out so my sister and i rolled down the windows and chatted while we waited for dad to come out all of a sudden the subway door flies open and this lady comes storming out with her boyfriend in tow ranting about they can't treat you like that and generally acting unhinged while her boyfriend tried to calm her down i really wanted to make a snide comment about it to my sister but they were standing like five feet from our car the windows were all down and i was afraid this lady would attack me as she heard me say it a couple of minutes later dad comes out with mom's sandwich i ask him what that was all about and he says that the cashier had politely asked the boyfriend to stop swearing as there were children in the room and the lady had flipped out and started screaming and breaking things when i worked at panera bredes lady kept trying to get her food for free by saying that she was given the wrong order the night before but didn't have any evidence to back it up after a co-worker explains that we need evidence she proceeds to call him a monkey ass n word even though she was black and repeats it over and over again until we kick her out this happened on my first day safe to say i was given a pretty good impression of the place i love when she happens i was at gamestop looking around when a guy probably between 40 and 50 came in wanting a refund on a game he had the employees told him they couldn't take it back since it was scratched up and cracked the guy proceeded to yell at them and how they are failures in life and he demands a refund and they must give it to him he even threw the case of the game at them saw a 43 year old guy trash his car with a baseball bat because he missed a green light oh man the things you see working at a pharmacy people are entitled to their time understand but when i tell you we ran your prescription through the insurance and it saved you money so your co-pay is 11 please do not rage at me for the price that's not my fault and if i had five other customers in line before you don't rant that you waited five whole minutes at the drive through and waste even more time i apologize and empathetically respond but that's just not enough sometimes people make me question why they live so angrily i've witnessed a number of parents having meltdowns at disney world and yelling at their children for being gasp children if your toddler is a bit cranky at 10 pm from you dragging them around a park for 12 hours for the fifth day in a row to the point where you as the adult can't keep yourself together you're vacationing wrong throwing a tantrum at your three years old who is up way past their bedtime is not going to turn their behavior into that of a well-rested mature adult you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 24,321
Rating: 4.8785834 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, animated, animated stories, adult temper tantrum, temper tantrun
Id: v4NJvezE8Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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