Doctors Share Worst Things They've Seen On The Job r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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doctors and nurses of reddit what's the worst thing you've seen on the job my mother was once lifting up the folds of fat on an obese person to check for abnormalities and found a biscuit not a doctor or a nurse combat medic in the army this is a story a PA told me a girl came into the clinic complaining of real pain and when he went to examine her she found she was having thick raves in VO discharge he tried to prescribe her medication for it but she refused to take it why because her boyfriend liked the taste a homeless paraplegic woman was brought into the ER for pneumonia we had to strip off all of her dirty clothes and put her in a hospital gown as I took her pants off I noticed a cockroach which I thought was weird as we took her panties off out came the swarm roaches had nested in her V and she couldn't feel it because of the paralysis nursing student here had to insert a catheter into a pretty obese lady saw a black string hanging from her V I asked her if she had a tampon in and she said oh I hope it's not still there I ended up having to pull it out and the stench will be with me forever not to mention the white pass and brown slime covering and now black tampon apparently she hadn't had a period in months so who knows how long it was in there edit what a great post to call my first friended contribution my sister Jean ecologist told me this one girl comes to hospital complains that she's unusually smelly down there sister takes a look sure enough there is something not right there upon further inspection my sister notices there is an object deep inside her sister there seems to be something stuck inside your V do you know what it could be I'm going to take it out patient no please don't touch that it's the cap to my deodorant I'm keeping it there is a contraceptive sister what not as gross as some stories I'd read but this is one my mother told me after a night working the ER a guy came in with his be broke sideways he said my girlfriend got a little - excited another one where my dad was driving an ambulance it was time to remove the cast for a very large woman who broke her leg he was sent to pick her up she never got up from her chair since getting out of the hospital for months she written pissed herself in her recliner my mother is the one who removed the cast the cast was full of cockroaches and Roach eggs they said the ambulance and the exam room smelled for days I am an EMT so not a doctor or nurse but this story makes even my ER surgeon friends nauseous a few years back I got a call over my radio saying that there was a trapped woman in her home who needed medical assistance I was the first responder so I go into the house with my bag and immediately am hit by a wall of stench now this odor is not just for God you need to have this place out odor it's the sweet Mother of God I can taste it it's in my eyes I have to burn the clothes I'm wearing odor obviously this woman was some kind of hoarder there were cats everywhere they were just sitting on top of it that had piled up in the house there was cat it on the walls the floor I saw families of cockroaches skittering around disgusting so I called out to identify myself as a paramedic and I hear this woman calling me from down the hallway as I pick my way through the house the odor just gets worse it was like someone it covered themselves in baby vomit and then rolled around in a field of rotting flesh I come to an open door and lo and behold there is the woman or should I say well this woman had to weigh at least 450 pounds she was naked covered in it and wedged between her toilets and her bathtub I nearly lost my goddamn mind the desire to vomit was so intense I asked her what happened donned my gloves as well as a mask and started to think of how the duct I was going to get this woman out I'm not small 5 feet 8 155 pounds woman but damn I'm not Hercules it's about this time that more EMTs start arriving as well as a few cops this rookie cop comes racing in sees this woman covered and vomits right onto her this sets off a chain reaction the woman begins to vomit more EMTs and cops come in and everyone is ducking vomiting I'm standing in an inch of vomit juices that is now mingling with it and I'm just trying to figure out what to do turns out we had to call the fire department get the jaws of life and rip the toilet out we didn't have a stretch of that could support this woman's weight so we had to improvise when we got to the ER the doctors and nurses looked so incredibly disgusted now keep in mind we're covered in it and vomit with that horrible odor of the house clinging to us we had to go into a decontamination room to get cleaned worst day ever TLDR some grossly obese woman got wedge between her toilet and tub she was stuck there for several days had explosive diarrhea and I was the first responder cops and other EMTs started vomiting everywhere I was covered in it and vomit by the time I was done I honestly wish this was a fake story mom in the ER guy came in with a pencil and a straightened cloth ashamed her up his urethra both stuck good apparently the pencil was for fun and the hanger was to attempt to dig the pencil out when I was doing my OB gene rotation we had a woman come into clinic that had a condom in her v apparently it came off during 6:00 with her boyfriend but they didn't take it out and she waited like two weeks to come in to get a doctor to remove it she stunk the entire office up so badly I found a nursing for him once that had a huge threat of OC worst thing stories the one that stuck in my mind the most was a patient who was recovering from a colostomy operation and went into cardiac arrest as they were doing chest compressions semi-liquid it was spurting from the brand-new colas to me hole dart I'm an EMT and some of the worst things I've seen are the atrocities committed at nursing homes just as an example we picked up a guy last week to take to the hospital who had shoe down to the first knuckle on his index finger when I asked why he had done this he replied so I could get out of this place I truly believe apt nursing homes are the worst places to send the elderly care for your parents when they get elder don't send them to these in holes edit spelling a friend of mine worked in a psych ward on a night shift a guy jumped from the second floor not sure how he got out I never asked the nurses ran out and was surprised to find him standing on the lawn outside he was screaming his throat out but was still standing upright for some reason as they got closer they realized why he'd snapped both his legs straight off in the fall causing his splintered shins to impale the soil like a couple of organic javelins my friend still shudders when referring to the blood the creaking of the bones and the screaming gasps I've been an RN for over five years the story that sticks out in my mind is this elderly woman who had colon cancer I was newly pregnant very very bad morning sickness all day long she was on the verge of death and started vomiting the contents of her bowels when the bowels stopped working the stuff can come up out of the mouth we had to get a tube down her nose a SAP to stop sucking the stuff out so she could no longer puke it and die in peace those are hard moments watching someone dying and you are almost physically unable to help them and usually I pride myself on being able to handle the most disgusting of situations someone had to come in and help me thank goodness and we got the tube down her nose a friend who was a field medic and the army told me this story while he was in training at a military hospital they would provide free medical attention to civilians that couldn't afford it on their own he said that a black woman in her 70s came in with what turned out to be a prolapsed rectum doubt but that's not the interesting part when they went to roll her onto her side one of the guys grabbed her arm and it just flopped freely like it was just hanging on by skin they freaked and said are you okay does it hurt she replied now that's no big deal I just have a bad arm as it turns out when she was 16 years old she fell down and completely dislocated her shoulder they didn't have access to medical attention so she just lived with it like that for 50-plus years she just conceded that she would never use that arm he said that it could have been reset very easily without surgery if they would have taken care of it when it happened this story makes me some sad every time I think of it after reading this thread I feel like the picture of health thanks ridet my dad is a doctor and the intensive care unit one day he had a lady who was crossing the street when a coach bus ran her over she was dragged for two blocks before someone has stopped the bus she came into the hospital missing like 80% of her skin and was disemboweled but conscious for the whole thing it most disturbing thing I can remember in recent history with someone with cysticercosis tapeworm infection of the brain I got a script for a tumor with a ridiculously high dose I called the dr thinking it was a mistake and he told me what was up we both agreed there was very little chance of it working but he said there were absolutely no other alternatives a woman came in with complaints of abdominal pain screaming about how her baby was dead her record showed absolutely nothing about yet being pregnant after having her change into a gown the most ungodly stench fill of the room my doc began a pelvic exam with me as a standby I will never forget his face as he removed a pinkish Brown clotted mass a chicken leg turns out her baby was an uncooked chicken she chopped up and inserted into her V her baby might not have been dead but that chicken sure was guy came in with severe abdominal pain turned out he had painful hemorrhoids which had lead to him being too scared to take a dump for one month he couldn't tolerate any of the normal treatment laxatives and enemas so he ended up being taken to theatre where I the most junior member of the on-call surgical team had to claw out this monstrosity of a turd with my fingers it was this dense mass about 4-5 inches wide that felt like hard and clay and smelled exactly how you might expect a ball of it that's been brewing for a month to smell like took a good half hour before I managed to clean him out all while the nurses tried to stand as far away as possible and my seniors pissed themselves laughing at my horrified expressions mine is not a story of genitalia nor hilarious STDs I'll warn you now both my parents are doctors they were working on the 11th of September 2001 at military hospitals in DC when the planes hit the supposedly less populated half of the Pentagon there were hoards of burn victims I was relatively young at the time that their faces when they came home is something I won't soon forget they told me about a burn patient who was literally covered in third-degree burns across his body from behind the ears to his tear ducts all the way down to the soles of his foot from what they recounted he was absolutely silent when they brought him in despite in essence having the raw meat of his body exposed to air something that should be excruciating skin turns out is the biggest defense the body has against infection within 24 hours his body was covered in massive black bleeds and infected sores he still didn't say anything not even a moan or so I'm told until he died tl doctor sometimes it is worse to live through a terrorist attack here's a story from my cousin who's in med school currently there was a PCP who went to some part of Africa I don't remember where specifically sorry for the Peace Corps when he came back he found he was always more tired than he was when he left for Africa one day he felt a pulsation in his eye and went to the ER once there the doctor found a small worm wriggling around in his eye the wound normally lives near the brain but had somehow made its way out from there and into his eye the ER doctor hadn't seen anything like it and called in another doctor to come and look at it by the time the other doctor got there the worm had made its way back out of the I cut to about a month later and the PCP feels the pulsation again but instead of returning to the hospital he decide to take care of it himself he takes a needle and heats it up using the stove he then puts it into his own nine order to remove the parasite over the course of the next year or two he removes if I remember correctly around five of the worms this way before feeling better girlfriend a nurse early one morning a man came in with a broken off plunger up his butt he was sodomizing himself when it somehow broke off splintered his finger and lodged itself deep within his rectal cavity needless to say it was quite gross to remove and looked incredibly painful an ex of mine is a physician his holy ducking it you'll never guess what I saw today's stories always involved fat people and poor hygiene like cheesy infected smelly folds often harboring remnants of snacks and the like also he was present at a birth once that involved a stillborn , he said that was pretty horrific emotionally and physically I'm a pill runner at a hospital on Long Island I've seen gunshot victims stabbings car accidents etc but these gruesome injuries aren't the worst I've seen a young guy overdosed and was in IQ with a coma for a week throughout that week it seemed like hundreds of people came to visit the kid it was extremely sad seeing how many people cared for him and how much he was loved I'm a pediatric ER nurse the worst stuff I see relates to abuse two weeks ago I treated a baby who had been beaten so severely that his skull bones kept shifting under my hands when I assessed him and assisted in putting a collar on him a few months before that I saw three month old girl with a torn V from being a victim of abuse by her 15 year old cousin but then yesterday I took care of a really cute four-year-old who hugged me for making him feel better : I am NOT a nurse or doctor but I remember a story my grandmother told me who is a nurse she was telling my about a Jewish guy who fell off a Mentos bike and was in critical condition he was in desperate need of blood but his family would not allow it because having foreign blood would make him impure or something my Nana thought that it was ridiculous and through some persuasion managed to get the consent from the family to give the guy his transfusion although afterwards his family disowned him and he later said that he would rather died worked on a rural EMT team during summers off from college and responded to a drunk driving accident when we arrived I thought clearly this guy has to be dead mostly due to the crumpled car that the firefighters had cut apart this guy must have been drinking a lot because there were beer bottles all over the place with broken glass shards all lodged in his skin but that wasn't the worst part he had the remnants of a beer bottle lodged in his neck which in and of itself wasn't too bad I've seen worse except the bottle was the only thing keeping his head attached to this body the man had decapitated himself I'll never forget seeing his eyes moving and mouth attempting to speak or the six sucking sound that were emanating from his neck as he struggled to breathe obviously he did not survive the night my wife worked as an ER in Dallas TX for a while while she has many stories of mutilated bodies burn victims and gunshot wounds the one that got me was this one a kid about 13 and his mom come into the ER the mom had dragged the kid in because he was complaining of real bad adjusted problems the kid had convinced her he was fine until he couldn't hide the bleeding coming from his anus they take him in for x-rays and see clear as day a 14 inch is black rubber cork like in that movie they didn't know it was black then found out later obviously this thing had wedged itself up far most likely due to his efforts to remove it was pushing on the walls of his intestine and had three days worth of it piled on top of it they take him into a private room and ask if there is anything he wants to tell them before they discuss specifics with his mother it's going to need to be removed surgically he tells them no he just felt sick they told him they had found an object lodged in his lower intestine his response oh I may have sat on a marker poor kid just experimenting with that sexuality with a black 14 inches rubber [ __ ] I really hope relevant rule 34 doesn't show up for Arps post more Thant chick was letting John's duck her colostomy hole I think I'm done not just with the internet I'm just done I'm out GG my mom used to be a nurse at a Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh the worst I can remember her telling me was there was a little boy born without eyeballs other than that it would be the families that would bring their kids in a not even visit until it was time to take them home my roommate is a nurse and there is a homeless guy that comes to ER regularly apparently this guy had a major surgery in the last ten years where they removed something from his stomach or that general area after the surgery he woke up and just left the hospital without letting himself healing he proceeded to do drugs such as meth and his body was never able to heal properly apparently he comes to the ER about once every week to rebandage his intestines the nurses have to rinse and sanitize the intestines and rebandage him up every time he comes in they simply take a large bandage and wrap it around his midsection he has been seen outside the hospital holding his intestines with a plastic bag pressed to his stomach while smoking cigarettes was at a hands Rosling lecture once when he talked about his time as a doctor in Mozambique to illustrate how rudimental the healthcare was he we told a story of a pregnant woman who had been in delivery for 48 hours risking to die the baby had one arm prolapsed apperently cut off from the rest of the circulation it had started to muscala from necrosis and was effectively stuck emergency caesarean was not an option where he was at Rosling couldn't say for sure that the baby he was dead he thought he might have heard faint heart sounds but he knew it was going to die either way and so was the mother if he didn't do something after discussing with the pregnant woman's mother hands commenced cutting up the baby from inside apparently not an uncommon procedure if the baby is dead and you don't have access to the equipment required to perform a cesarean and pulled the parts out apparently the woman survived wife is a nurse back when she was working at another hospital she had been taking care of a meth addict this person looks like your typical user off Breaking Bad anyway she tells me that this one time someone came to visit her and while the visitor was in there one of the other nurses saw the visitor putting something in light fixture the other nurse thought it was strange and went to go see what it was thinking it was probably more drugs or something anyways what she pulls out has got to be the most disgusting thing I can think of she takes it out and shows it to my wife my wife immediately knows what it is until so she needs to get rid of it and wash her hands right now what was it well the person visiting was also a meth addict and had pulled off some of their scabs which for those unfamiliar can contain meth and placed them in light fixture for the patients to eat later so they could get high RN here and I got to say as horrifying as these stories are I am laughing as much as retching guess I've been a nurse too long in a home here's my fun tale had a very obese man 400 plus lbs with a swollen scrotum no kidding his ball sack was the size of a basketball just dangling there between his legs the gross part was when he went to sit down yes he could walk a few steps with lots of help he would grasp the handlebars of his Walker and start swinging his hips back and forth back and forth to get his ball sack swinging then at just the right moment when his basketball sized junk was out in front he'd sit down quickly so as not to crush anything I pride myself deeply in being able to keep a straight face through that ritual I never once saw a male nursing assistant who didn't choked with laughter watching him do it maybe not a grossest story here but it might at least not give anyone nightmares she was just making a little money on the side I tried to read this thread while eating breakfast my mom worked for a urologist she came home with a story of this guy that had a master lock attached through his Dee he misplaced the key and was looking to get it off he also rode his bike to the office they had to refer him to the hospital to remove the lock my GF worked as an EMT for a bit she had a case when she was in training where a guy took some kind of coactive dragon thought his fingers were trying to attack him so he shot them off one by one with a handgun it was just a bloody pulp e stump left on his left hand he obviously had to stop when he wanted to shoot off the fingers on his trigger hand not mine but my sister she was working at an old-folks center near our house and she was with this one older gentleman on his hip was the black head the size if a dime on top of a decent sized lump about two inches long an inch wide and half an inch tall so she threw on some gloves and squeezed the black head with the permission of the man of course I'll pop this roll of gauze that was left over from his hip surgery ten years prior that he never bothered to get removed apparently the smell was horrid and she will never forget it fourth year med student in Nicaragua while working in the family planning ward of a Health Centre a women comes in for a postpartum checkup we asked her if she is keeping her v clean she says she is she is lying we asked her to take off her pants and she keeps making excuses too but eventually does it the moment her pants go down panties are still on the whole room smells like rotten cheese and this only gets worse as the rest of the examination goes on looks like she had candidiasis the other doctor with me dust checks a uterus with a speculum and then takes it out and has to sniff it this was my first time checking a uterus asks me to look into it and then makes me sniff a speculum stick sits right up about one centimeter from my nose and there is a blood clot on it I feel like a part of me died trying to suppresive on it TLDR girls couch becomes playground for mushrooms and smells like rotten cheese [Music]
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Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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