What Was The 'Quiet Kid' Known For At Your High School?

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what was the best thing the quiet kid has said or done in class once it was right before winter break and just as the bell was about to ring to end class our teacher cut in with oh i forgot you have homework over the break everyone groaned and even the choir kid in the corner let out and what an [ __ ] well teacher heard it and said what did you say to the kid to his credit he put his head up and loudly said what an ass hole semicolon we all stated cracking up and the teacher's face turned so red i caught up with the kid after the break and his excuse was the teacher already heard it anyway i wasn't going to get away with it so since he asked i answered there was a guy named phil in my high school psychology class who had pretty severe aspergers people were often mean to him because high school but i genuinely liked him and while he was very quiet when he did speak i thought he was hilarious one day my teacher was jokingly giving me shti about protecting my sensitive information i yelled out my social security number extremely quickly almost in gibberish phil repeated it back verbatim and told me he was going to steal my identity then he put his cape on and ran out of the classroom i hope phil is doing well these days he was awesome i was best friends with the choir kid in high school he spoke to me almost exclusively and quietly enough that others rarely noticed one day the loud girl noticed oh my god he talks i haven't heard you talk since sixth grade without looking at her he leans in real close and whispers something to me he says he only talks to interesting people i'll always remember this partly for the ego boost he gave me but also because of her reaction screw you i hope i don't hear you for another four years korean kid in canada socially awkward didn't speak english very well physically not coordinated playing any sport even running that was until we were on a field trip and at lunch we went to a place with dance dance revolution it was like the videos playing on both pads hands on railings blasting the game to oblivion setting high scores only to beat them he had the entire letterboard before we left first time i saw him smile one of the most impressive things i have ever seen my friend decided he hated the quiet weird kid he wasn't super quiet but he didn't have any friends one day my friend kept throwing those tiny chips ahoy cookies at the back of the quiet kid's head who was sitting by himself at lunch quiet kid picked up one of the cookers stood over my sitting friend and smashed the shitty out of that cookie on my friend's head it was amazing edit for those asking if we're still friends or why i was friends with someone like that it was the first time my friend was being this way it was off-putting to several people and no we aren't really friends anymore scene biology teacher now even though clones are the same genetically they may come out differently if we clone james here his clone might have more access to quiet kid friends teacher doesn't even argue and just look sadly at the kid not as extreme as others but still completely unexpected not in school but i teach middle to high school kids 13-17 how to umpire baseball games there was one kid 13 years old who was very quiet reserved and shy and i thought this is not the vocation for him a week later i swing by the field to evaluate him and see if i can help him with anything i arrived about five minutes after the game started and i could hear loud confident and definitive calls coming from this kid i was flawed his mom came up to me and said that becoming an umpire has completely changed his personality sixth grade science class teacher was out of the room and we were fking around with hot plates while messing around one of my classmates burns his hand pretty bad on a hot plate and has to go to the nurse right after he leaves the room quiet kid enters and casually says smells like burnt flesh in here and just sits down like it was nothing everyone turned and just stared at him seventh grade new kid named nick started school halfway through the year he sat next to me in english class and didn't say anything ever one day we were reading poems out loud and critiquing each other one sorry fellow readers and every line started with if i was a bird apostrophe if i was a bird i'd live in a tree if i was a bird i'd fly to school if i was a bird few people offered polite criticism the teacher called on nick for his opinion and he said if i was a bird i'd poop on all of you he got kicked out of class and i still laugh every time i think about it we became friends and he was actually a pretty nice guy i think he just couldn't resist making that joke there was a girl who went the entirety of middle school never speaking a word unless absolutely necessary one day the class was being rowdy while the teacher was out of the room and in the raspiest deepest voice ever yelled shut up we all shut up i remember going to jr high in this small hick town in texas while i was on probation that's a long story had a quiet kid who was actually really popular not bullied at all like most quiet kids anyway i was new i'd only been going to the school for about a month when this happened we had a substitute teacher for one of our classes she was doing a quick roll call and got to his name purges she said that's an interesting and beautiful name what does it mean he said lice there was dead silence and confused looks all around this kid had been going to this school since kindergarten small town and had always gone by pious which was his nickname nobody had a ref king clue what it meant let alone that it was his real name all of his paperwork at the school had to be updated and everything i thought it was hilarious beat the shti out of the kid that kept poking touching slapping at him i think it was around the seventh time he said dude please stop before the blood came there was a fly in the room he threw his pencil straight up and f king skew at the fly and the pencil got stuck in the ceiling it was those really weak ploster tile things but it was the coolest thing i've ever seen i wish i could go back in time and record it this one kid in high school said he wanted to go to harvard this quiet dude in the back of the class said harvard no stewards maybe stewards is our local cosmetology school whole class lost it classmates used to throw crumpled paper balls at her every day because they knew she wouldn't react one day she started picking them up spitting on them and throwing them back the teacher just smiled and watched edited to add context the teacher was no nonsense and regularly yelled at and gave attention to those shticker kids but being strikers none of that ever stopped them so when quiet girl decided to step up he just let her do her thing one girl screamed i just wanted to fck randomly in class sell drugs he was the typical quiet good kid who always made good grades he was also the best drug dealer at our school since all the teachers saw him as this innocent angel he never once got caught the quiet kid in my class was sort of bullied by this kid who had a cleft chin one day the cleft chin guy insulted the quiet kid and the quiet kid came back with the insult is your mouth so filthy because someone f kept you in the chin full stop it was sixth grade and the whole table we were seated as groups busted out laughing it was a dirty joke so check and it was aimed at a bully double check he became known as the chin f ked kid which was hilarious to us sixth graders my friend was the quiet kid in high school drafting class back when drafting was done on paper there was another kid harassing him from across the room he took his t-square about two feet long made of wood sharp edges and whipped it across the room hitting his harasser square on the side of the head the resulting head wound required several stitches i guess that set him straight [Music] when i was a kid i was obsessed with the simpsons and one day i kept narrating everything and the duffman voice duff man says oh yeah etc eventually the quiet kid next to me stood up and screamed shut the fck up i don't give a rfck what the duffman says he got in trouble and i didn't cause the teacher hadn't heard any of my duffman quotes i still think about him sometimes i'm sorry man a girl that used to sleep during class went to the director office because there was too much noise in our philosophy lecture next class right after she started sleeping and the quiet kid woke her up and warned her he wasn't going to let her sleep ever again legit my wife told me of a really really quiet kid in her class no one ever heard him speak because he has some sort of mental thing and the teacher knew not to call on him the last week of school this kid finally speaks 100 british this is in the cornfields of the midwest edit thanks for the gold p s i don't think british people have a mental thing i was in a marketing class once and the instructor put up a slide with advertisements for axe body spray he asked the class what do you think this product is for we're in health class on the topic of domestic abuse somehow the subject turns to how britney spears received backlash for abusing her kids kid in the back says we had a kid at our high school who refused to speak for the entirety of our high school career even if a teacher called on him the day we graduated he spoke for the first time his reasoning for his four years of silence was just because i could he took a frozen pizza out of his bag and threw it at a window shattering it my sister told me about a quiet guy that asked to go to the bathroom but the teacher refused and so just stood up and pissed himself in class quiet kid in my theater class therefore the crew type jobs our teacher asks us questions daily and the day's question was what's your favorite easter candy or normal candy if you don't celebrate one kid said chocolate bunnies and the teacher asked what they liked it filled with kids chimed in with stuff like peanut butter or marshmallow cream but this girl just says organs in the most monotone voice imaginable a little short blonde girl with a really high pitched voice reader poem she wrote about how death is inescapable and everyone will die fats is my girl geometry teacher was bragging about how well he drew circles and going on about how one day he would draw a perfect circle he asked us what would happen if he drew a perfect circle my friend a sweet quiet girl says rather loudly you die can't really remember the reaction of the class but i laughed and the teacher looked totally crushed the dorky short pudgy kid was being bullied by the really popular class jock dork rushed the jock pulled his shirt over his head and began beating him pretty good hockey style the jock actually transferred schools the next year not sure if it was because of that or what but he wasn't popular anymore some pudgy girl was insulting a quiet kid at lunch and said he was a trash can because all his ideas were garbage he told her she must be a refrigerator because she seems like where all the food goes not a crazy thing but a bit of a mad lord moment edit thanks for all the attention i'm glad everyone enjoyed the story i'm new to read reddit and thanks to you guys can post in many more edits now but i won't forget you all thank you in the last trimester semester of senior year we were assigned a pass fail essay if we made any grammatical stylistic or formatting mistake we would fail it was traditional for the seniors of each year to write and bomb said essay and the teachers would never stop gloating about how impossible it was the quiet kid in my class wrote a perfect essay smart nerdy quiet kid in the front of class always answered questions correctly when called on one day the teacher calls on him and before he even answers the teacher just lazily says correct and turns back around to write on the board the second the teacher turns around the quiet kid just rockets his pencil upward into the ceiling like an arrow the teacher doesn't notice it was just such a sudden unexpected act of rebellion from the choir kid that never said anything the whole class saw it and by the time the teacher turned around the choir kid was playing it cool as ice and taking notes again the teacher doesn't notice finally the teacher turns around again to ask another question and the entire class is trying not to laugh and everyone is trying not to look at the pencil stuck into the ceiling the teacher still doesn't notice a couple of people laugh and every time the teacher asked what is so funny the situation became even more hilarious finally the teacher turns around again and continues the lesson completely oblivious it was boring math class and it was the funniest thing that happened all year not in class but i once had a co-worker who was quiet and adorable and generally kept to herself she overheard me call another co-worker at what waffle to which she responded to what waffles sounds delicious full stop professor was talking about the personalities of different cities and says something like some cities have a lot of personality and talk a lot some cities whisper and some cities don't seem to be saying anything at all at which point this quiet kid who had never uttered a word says almost under his breath topeka that was all kid had some feelings about topeka kansas we were having a class discussion or game or something and needed to come up with hypothetical situations for some reason this was 2013 so the band one direction was extremely popular with some and hated by the others teacher name a place you'd never find one direction class gets quiet for a split second the same moment quiet kid murmurs the grammys it was almost too perfect made more perfect by the fact that it was obviously just supposed to be to himself what a legend i saw him jotting some stuff down in a little black book me what are you writing him blank steer i'm adding you to my death list this was the early 90s and we would chat from time to time so it never registered as anything but a dry af joke the quiet girl in my class roasts me all the time like she's super shy and all but if it comes to me she goes all out edit jeezy's come out to be trans and i did ask him no he she doesn't like boys edit too i'm also beneath the average when it comes to the whole beautiful thing maybe she's into you she's probably got to crush on you that or you're just really easy to roast no offense i'm tired of this tea while i'm zipping his backpack in college my friend harry was the choir kid but one day in the dead silence he randomly said oh if i were a turtle edit thanks for my first silver also the replies are hilarious it wasn't in class but during our high school's variety show my senior year this quiet guy who typically sat in the back of class and didn't really chat it up with anyone played the most epic guitar solo ever it was amazing still remember it 10 years later semicolon edit my first ever medal thank you kind souls super excited to chat with this guy at our hs reunion and tell him how awesome everyone agrees this moment is one kid would be able to have super quiet phone conversations with his mom during class everyone right next to him would know he was on the phone but the teacher and the rest of the class had no idea granted these weren't long convos but they were still hilarious to witness sorry if this is interclimactic it was something that was a lot better if you went through it there was a quiet kid in my class and he always got up five minutes before class ended every day like to the exact second one day he got up 20 minutes before class and i sht you not a whole class gasped when the teacher asked him where he was going he responded i need to go check my blood sugar a little earlier today because i'm going home early to visit disney kid was so quiet no one even knew he was diabetic he didn't mention it ever mean girl told quiet friend she was going to beat her up in the parking lot the next morning half jokingly i said grab that [ __ ] by the hair and feed her some uppercuts full stop next morning i pull in and lo and behold she's got the half conscious mean girl by the hair and is absolutely destroying her realized i never told her when to stop and jumped out of the car and broke it up college conversation yeah guys with beards do the dirty jobs like been men in that hey quiet kid you have a beard do you do dirty jobs quiet kid depends on the girl semicolon quiet kid in summer school was being constantly bullied by the louder shot kid behind him a shot calls the choir kid a very uncool name without missing a beat and in the flash of a second kid spins sticks a pencil completely through the guy's hand and sits back front ways it was so quick we were not even sure it happened except for the pencil stuck in the other guy's hand and the screaming and blood you went to summer school with john wick halloween one of the hottest girls comes in late dressed in all white rubber tyre white leggings white top again it's halloween class is dead silent because she's late quiet kid what efck are you supposed to be a straw whole class teacher included busts out laughing i've never seen her embarrassed it was deserved i was the choir kid in my grade my gym teacher always liked me because i was a good athlete but he was very against swearing i would stand near the girls who would bully me and yell out swear words when the he wasn't looking and he'd always assume it wasn't me as punishment he would make the girls do 10 push-ups per swear word small victories like that got me through high school quite kid was making bad grades and teacher was bitching him out in front of everyone kid replies i really don't care not at all first thing i've ever heard him say teacher was beaten she sat down in her chair [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Tales
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Id: DzjSIb-kaeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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