Pastor Tolan Morgan • Tokens Of A Triumphant Life: It's A Family Reunion!

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i want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to genesis chapter number 46 chapter 46. and uh it is there that the holy spirit is highlighted for us this context of scripture beginning with verse number 28. genesis 46 verse 28 and we're going to also read the front part of chapter 47. let's begin our reading at genesis 46 verse number 28. your bible should read and he sent judah before him unto joseph to direct his face unto goshen and they came into the land of goshen and joseph made ready his chariot and went up to meet israel his father to goshen and presented himself unto him and he fell on his neck and wept on his neck a good while and israel said unto joseph now let me die since i have seen your face because you are yet alive and joseph said unto his brothers and unto his father's house i will go up and show pharaoh and say unto him my brothers and my father's house which were in the land of canaan are come unto me and the men are shepherds for their trade has been to feed cattle and they have brought their flocks and their herds and all that they have and it shall come to pass when pharaoh shall call you and shall say what is your occupation that you shall say your servants trade has been about cattle from our youth even unto now both we and also our fathers that we may dwell in the land of goshen for every shepherd is an abomination unto the egyptians genesis chapter 47 verse number one then joseph came and told pharaoh and said my father and my brothers and my flocks and their herds and all that they have are come out of the land of canaan and behold they are in the land of goshen and he took some of his brothers even five men and presented them unto pharaoh and pharaoh said unto his brothers what is your occupation and they said unto pharaoh your servants are shepherds both we and also our fathers they said moreover unto pharaoh for to sojourn in the land are we come for your servants have no pasture for their flocks for the famine is sore in the land of canaan now therefore we pray you let your servants dwell in the land of goshen and pharaoh spoke unto joseph saying your father and your brothers are come unto you the land of egypt is before you in the best of the land make your father and brothers to dwell in the land of goshen let them dwell and if you know any men of activity among them then make them rulers over my cattle i want to tag this text it's a family reunion you may be seated in the lord's church it's been over 20 years now joseph has been sold into egyptian slavery he has served time in penitentiary for a crime he did not commit he has been elevated out of prison into the palace of pharaoh because of his ability to interpret dreams genesis chapter 41 verse 41 was that space and spot of scripture where pharaoh elevated joseph to being second in command the governor of egypt ruler over pharaoh's house the minister of agriculture he has a plan for egypt and pharaoh to survive the seven years of famine his plan was to save in the seven years of plenty in preparation for the seven years of famine his plan makes sense his plan is practical his plan is not a plan to work against god's will his plan is a plan to work within god's will it seems to be working it was working so well that his father who was yet living in canaan got word that corn was available in egypt chapter 42 he sends his sons to egypt to go buy corn because both egypt and canaan are now the zip codes of the famine send the boys over to egypt to go buy corn only to discover that the person that they had to get the corn from was the brother they thought they had eliminated from everybody's life chapter 42 joseph knows who they are but they don't know who he is and for three chapters he hides his true identity gives the brothers a little bit of a hard time but yet stocks their supplies with corn and money and travel supplies to take back to their father in canaan so that his family could eat in a famine after about three chapters in chapter 45 when judah stands up and intercedes on behalf of his brother benjamin's life joseph decides at that point at the opening of chapter 45 to no longer refrain himself but to disclose that he was joseph the brother that they sold into egypt as he discloses himself the healing that this family needed began to happen joseph was healed of bitterness his father would be healed of grief and his brothers would be healed of guilt and now the journey begins to reconstitute re-establish and restore family by the time we get to genesis chapter number 46 and 47 joseph has told his brothers to go back home and tell their father to get the rest of the family and move to egypt where they can reside in goshen and there in goshen joseph would provide for sustain and maintain his family through the remaining five years of the famine and verse 27 of genesis 46 gives us a count of the number of people who migrated from uh canaan to egypt bible says it was three score and ten seventy persons from jacob's family who made the migration and when we get to verse 28 we discover now that after 20 plus years this is the first time that joseph and his father are seeing each other in over 20 years and the problem and the solution and the beautiful burden of this family reunion was that both of these men thought the other one was dead the brothers had already convinced their father that joseph had been devoured by some wild animal they brought his coat to the father soaked in blood giving off the impression that joseph was dead but on the flip side joseph was under the presupposition that his daddy was dead just by simple time and age and here they are two men who thought the other one was dead meets up with each other after 20-plus years and the writer of genesis spotlights the emotional response of joseph and not necessarily his father think it not strange church that the writer of joseph highlighted the writer of genesis highlighted joseph's response he says that when joseph saw his father he fell on his neck and wept for a good while that's really what the text says to highlight and spotlight joseph's emotional response of seeing his daddy for the first time in over 20 years i think we ought to back in the text through this uh door of tears because there's something there that you and i need to understand if it is the intention of the writer to spotlight joseph's emotional embrace of his father then there's some meaning as to why we get to see him cry and not necessarily his daddy here it is ladies and gentlemen joseph is crying because in genesis chapter 46 when he first encountered his daddy after 20-plus years this was the end of joseph's famine by the time we get to genesis chapter 46 we are clear that joseph was a necessary resource during the famine because he provided food for his family but what we clearly see church is that joseph was in a famine himself because joseph was not in a famine of food joseph was in a famine of family as a matter of fact every time joseph cried he cried over family he never cried about how that woman falsely accused him of rape he never cried about how his brothers forced him abducted him and forced him into egyptian slavery he didn't cry about how they lied to their daddy about making him look dead every time we saw him cry he was crying over family come here he meets his brothers for the first time in genesis chapter 42 and in genesis chapter 42 between genesis 42 and genesis 45 joseph asked those brothers three times was his father alive genesis 43 and 7 genesis 43 and 27 genesis 45 and 3 three times did joseph ask his brothers is my daddy alive we saw it again y'all in genesis chapter 45 verse 10 he was very clear to say that when y'all come to goshen the first purpose for goshen is that goshen is going to be the location of the family reunion he told he told his brothers listen go get your family and bring in the goshen get your children your grandchildren so that they can be close to me you see for the for the brothers goshen was about a refuge from the famine but for joseph joseph was about the restoration of family it's clear that what really mattered to joseph was family the whole thing joseph has been struggling with is family okay you missed it so let me let me see if i can help you here's what joseph teaches us today joseph teaches us both in this sanctuary and online that personal success was never meant to compensate for or replace family [Applause] catch him y'all he's the second in charge over egypt he has been elevated to position power and provision but he's still suffering from emotional poverty preached holy morgan he's got external prosperity but he's got internal poverty he shows us what life is like that even when you got a title position and money if you don't have family to share it with if you don't have anybody to love in your life to share success with you are rich and broke at the same time i knew you wasn't gonna say nothing because i've got some ambitious people watching and listening in this sanctuary and online who are so busy chasing money you forgot your family so busy chasing a position you've neglected your family so busy providing for other folks children you ain't providing for your own children the devil is a lie you will be a successful and a failure all at the same time when you put success over family i knew you wasn't gonna say nothing today i understand i understand you know because it is the pedagogy of an oppressed spirit that we always chasing power and positions because we're the slaves [Applause] i can't get no help here and it's so bad when one go up and we see one going up which we start pulling them down when we're under them because we the crabs in the basket that's the that's the that's the pedagogy of an oppressed spirit one slave can't stand to see the other slave go up unless it's you the one going up i can't get no help here all up there by yourself don't have nobody to share love with nobody to share family with you are externally prosperous and internally in poverty and joseph says listen my position benefits everybody else but if i don't have family i'm still left empty and void because all i really wanted was family y'all don't understand how serious family is so let me let me help you understand how fam a serious family is family is so serious because family is where you first get a definition of who you are family is the source and sense of belonging watch this thirdly family is designed for you to have your first encounter with love [Applause] and fourthly family is designed to give you your first introduction to god the truth of the matter is you really ought not have met god in church [Applause] you should have met him at the house you should have met him you should have been introduced to him through your father through your mother to see provision in the house that by the time you got to church you was glad when they said unto me let's go to the house of the lord because all you're doing is hooking up with other people who've had an encounter with god at the house [Applause] jose's argument is that if you got power and position but your family is out of priority you're still unsuccessful because money can't compensate for a healthy family power cannot compensate for a healthy family chasing the next title at your job does not compensate for the next for a healthy family okay you still missing me come here this is so bad this is so bad because one of the first consequences of the fall was a breach of family [Applause] you know when when adam fell in the garden the first consequence was a breach of relationship between god and man the second consequence was a breach of relationship between man and his wife and the third consequence was a breach of relationship between two brothers called cain and abel and families fight right now because the consequence of the fall has caused a breach in every necessary relationship that we've ever had and what you don't understand is god has orchestrated your life to bring your family back together not to bring your family apart but to make sure that he's orchestrating life to bring it back together look at what joe says joe says every time i'm crying i'm crying over family because i really haven't been in a famine of food i've been in a famine of family y'all know what this looks like let me tell you what it looks like this is what joseph's really saying hey daddy man thank you for your coat but i really want your connection [Applause] you you're the same man that gave me this coat in genesis chapter 37 that started all of this fall out in the first place but at the end of the day i loved you before you ever gave me the coat and that's god's word for some father in here and some mother in here the most valuable resource that you can give your children is not the stuff you buy them [Applause] is sitting with them talking to them having a relationship with them being in a healthy relationship with them because what they really want is you and not your stuff [Applause] might i suggest to you that there's more to being a father than being a sperm donor there's more to being a mother than laying on a table and giving birth and walk around talking about i'm that child's mother no do you got a relationship [Applause] here's token number seven i'm gonna give it to you early [Applause] you will live a triumphant life [Music] when you prioritize the maintenance of your family [Applause] that's that's that's simple but it's still necessary because you can have all the money all the prestige all the position all of that and still not know who you are joseph's whole argument is you all need me for food but i need you for family because all i really wanted was my family he's in egypt in a foreign land got elevated but still has no sense of belonging and connection so what we have learned here first of all y'all is that family has to has to be an intentional means of importance for you you will live a triumphant life when you maintain and prioritize the maintenance of family watch this y'all he is he is being delivered from his own famine of family but he's also now because he's being delivered from his famine of family he is making family his priority now so he tells his brothers what to say to pharaoh in the event pharaoh asked them what do y'all do for a living [Applause] we read in genesis chapter 46 y'all got a bible don't get get the bible get the bible here it is genesis chapter 46 verse 33 and 34. he specifically told his brothers so y'all won't think i'm lying he said if pharaoh asks you what is your occupation you shall say we have been tending to cattle as a trade since our youth do you all see that at the close of verse chapter 46 jump over to chapter 47 when pharaoh gets in the company of five of the brothers pharaoh asked them what do you all do for a living what's your occupation the first thing at the mouth they said sir we are shepherds y'all obviously have not been to english class at the close of chapter 46 joseph told him if he asks you what's your occupation tell him your trade has been cattle still slow when he get in front of pharaoh in chapter 47 these jokers said hey man you won't know we do we are shepherds apparently y'all still have not been the english class joe told him if he asked you what's your job tell him you are a cattleman when they got before pharaoh he said no we are shepherds still missed it shepherds tend to sheep [Applause] cattlemen tend to cows that's not the same thing that is not what joseph told you to say joe told you to tell him we're cattle now joseph didn't lie because they did tend to cattle during their youth but here's their argument lord hold your boy here their argument to joseph is joseph you're telling us this because in egypt they don't accept shepherds shepherds are an abomination in egypt and you telling us to tell him something that's in our best interest so we know you mean well but if going negotiation means i can't be who god made me to be i'm not going to accept goshen if if being in goshen means it's the death of my identity in other words i'm not compromising who god made me to be just because you got an opportunity for me that's what we call sell it out i can't get no help in here and god deliver us from people who sell out just to get an opportunity you're going to become something that god didn't make you to be just so you can get a power and position the devil is a lie ladies and gentlemen you got to hear me and hear me well no opportunity is worth the death of your identity i'll say it again because you didn't hear me no opportunity is worth the death of your identity i'm not gonna stop being black i'm not gonna stop being a black man i'm not gonna stop acting like i'm from the hood i'm not gonna stop acting like i come from a black family just to adjust in your non-black world i am who i am i'm black and i'm proud i'm a proud black man and if you don't like it that ain't your job for me [Applause] that their job is hey man if we gotta sell out who we are to get goshen then the hell with goshen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because i'd rather be rejected for being who god made me to be than to be accepted for who you want me to be preach told and morgan what it sounds like i'm doing i'd rather lay down at night knowing i am who i am then they accept something from you because you want me to be who i'm not [Applause] i need y'all to help me preach this online and in this sanctuary and look at your name and tell them neighbor stay true to who god made you to be nope they didn't get happy look at somebody else and tell them neighbor i don't care what comes your way you stay true to who god made you to be cause i'm not letting my opportunities drive my identity i'm letting my identity drive my opportunity you you want me you better accept me for who i am [Applause] because what you're really asking me to do is hang out in egypt at the expense of forsaking me being an israelite i ain't doing that i ain't doing that tell somebody i'm gonna stay true to who god made me to be if the opportunity calls for me to compromise my identity then it ain't worth the opportunity [Applause] you know we need somebody to be such a such and such i ain't that [Applause] i can't get no help and i'm trying to help you people you know what i discovered what i discovered gary is if you study a chameleon a chameleon changes colors to adjust to their environment but what you don't know about a chameleon is that a chameleon loses days off its life every time it changes colors some of y'all will live longer if you stop trying to adjust to every crowd some of y'all would be happier if you stop trying to adjust to every crowd and trying to run with everybody who wants to make you be somebody you're not just be who you are and you'll live longer [Applause] i get invited to share these little easter speeches every now and then across america steve dent i get invited they invite me to get these little easter speeches and uh i go into different denominations you know and they do different stuff [Applause] per church but they don't invite me to be them i can't get no help here they invite me to be who god made me to be even in their environment okay okay still ain't feeling me uh spud check this out this is a true story i ain't got no lie to tell you i got witnesses on this last sunday we left church went out to lunch at the local restaurant just me and my wife calvin watson and his wife that's my best friend for 30 years so y'all deal with it that's my that's my dog that's my road dog right there we all go out to lunch we go to this restaurant and uh and and holland man after we ate we walking out the restaurant so we have to walk past people coming in the restaurant and we walking out it's a line standing in man i'm walking out and this dude caught my attention he said man ain't you a preacher i say yeah he said ain't you on tv [Applause] he said yeah now church i'm gonna try to say it as best as i can the way he said it y'all online y'all be all right you're gonna be okay he said i just saw you on the bleep television [Applause] and man you'd be spitting that bling bling word man man i was listening man man you was talking about the once brother that's got the lighter brothers and a lot of brothers got to submit to the one brother and man when you got done walking them scriptures man you walked out that bleep y'all think i'm lying i got witnesses y'all missed it and he was drunk now some of y'all ain't drunk and can't remember the sermon from week to week but he was drunk and remembered the word catch me church and i wasn't about to check him for cussing at me because his issue was hey man i know you're a preacher but you need to accept me right now the way you see me cause it could be i didn't listen to your sermon it could have been i could have turned you off [Applause] i wish i had some real people in here who testify sometimes instead of you changing people you better accept them the way they are first and let god do the changing [Applause] let me be true to who i am first and if you can't handle that [Applause] may the lord god bless you here's our prayer may he let heaven smile on you [Applause] they say to pharaoh hey man i know i'm an abomination to you but this is who i am and if accepting goshen means me compromising who god made me to be then i just won't have goshen but i'll have my peace of mind i'll be able to sleep at night i won't have to walk around being fake to myself [Applause] this text teaches us that family has to be important to you but secondly you gotta have some fidelity to your identity and here's the twist of fate here it is jackson they spoke to pharaoh knowing that what they said to pharaoh is unacceptable to pharaoh he said we know that shepherds are an abomination here and roy watch the text the brother spoke to pharaoh and pharaoh didn't speak to them pharaoh spoke to joseph and told joseph abra that's your father those are your brothers this is your family put them up in the best place of the land [Applause] man y'all don't know how to read the bible y'all should have shouted when y'all read that at a twist of faith you thought you wasn't going to be accepted but somehow someway what you thought wasn't going to be accepted got accepted and the man that you thought was going to reject you accepted you why did he accept you because he accepted who you was connected with [Applause] he never spoke to them he spoke to joseph because he got favored with joseph and because he got favored with joseph he got favored with who joseph is connected to y'all still so so let me help you ladies and gentlemen when you got favored with the one god god favor owned in favor will come in your life do i got anybody that will testify it's all who you connected to anybody grateful that you got favor because you got connection with god [Applause] they got favor on their life because they connected to the man that god got favor on that's why church you can't let the devil destroy your relationships because what he's trying to do is sever your connection with the one god favored okay i ain't talking to all of y'all i'm only talking about 10 of y'all i'm gonna make number 11. uh jackie my life is not always where it's at cause i'm the cup it's really because i'm the salsa because i stayed close to somebody god was pouring into and the longer god poured into them i just stayed right up under him and waited till the overflow started to come and when the overflow started to come it fell right on the saucer [Applause] you ain't got to be the cup just thank god you're the saucer you ain't got to be the one that's got the attention but you just got to stay connected to who god is favored [Applause] look at somebody tell me i ain't got time to fight you i got to stay connected i ain't got time to mess up no relationships with who god has favored i got to stay connected because if i stay connected to him what's running on the head we'll come down to the beard what's running on the beard will come down to the skirts of the garment tell somebody you got to stay connected favor fell on the brothers because they were in right relationship with who god favored pharaoh accepted them because pharaoh accepted who they was connected to y'all sleep i'm done here it is tree good to see you here it is here it is here it is pharaoh gave the brothers who were an abomination the best place in egypt to live because of the intercession of [Applause] [Music] joseph missed it all together because pharaoh and joseph are cool pharaoh blessed who joseph was connected to because he was sitting on the throne making intercession between the brothers and pharaoh so that pharaoh could have the favor on the brothers does that sound like somebody else y'all know who have been raised up out of a down place sitting on a high seat making intercession for us so that god's favor can be on our lives [Applause] okay let's do it let's do let's do let's do a jealousy test let's do a jealousy test i need y'all to do this on line two i need y'all to announce to the world to your neighbor that you got favor on your life and let's see how they respond [Applause] i'm just trying to do a jealousy test no no no no if if they don't if they don't get happy for you if they don't shout for you if they don't thank god for you you sitting next to a hater but for the rest of us in here who know you got favor on your life what they should have said is well i'm gonna sit next to you next sunday because if it's on your life i'm gonna stay somewhere next to you so it'll run on my life [Applause] sometimes favor is a result of connection i said sometimes favor is the result of connection ladies and gentlemen if you stay connected to who god favor then favor can run off on your life [Applause] everyone's standing [Music] [Applause] seek ye first [Music] the kingdom of god and all of his righteousness that's the connection and all of these things [Music] shall be added that's the favor still ain't feeling me if you abide in me [Music] and my word abide in you that's the connection you can ask what you will and it shall be done unto you that's the favor bless is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his lord does he meditate day and night that's the connection but he shall be like a by the rivers of water whose lead shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper that's the favor tell somebody i'm connected i'm waiting on the favorite people to give him glory because god put you around somebody that's got favor hey lord come on take me to church tell somebody neighbor i got favor on my life now get your preacher voiceover and tell them i said tell them neighbor i got favor on my life i'm blessed coming in i'm blessed going out i'm blessed in the city whoever's connected to me is gonna be blessed now let everything that's got favor on your life open your mouth and give him glory [Music] [Music] [Music] you got an intercessor still make an interception i need somebody to give god praise that the favor of god is on your life and the best is coming at the worst time yes i said hallelujah i said hallelujah i feel the glory of god the favor of god is pouring out on your right lift your hands in this place as the spirit of the living god [Music] so [Music] wow lord thank you for my family lord thank you for my family lord thank you for my family lord thank you for my family lord thank you for my mind lord thank you for your power lord thank you for your glory lord thank you for your anointing lord thank you for your spirit not let everything i said let everything i said let everything that's god give him glory yeah so [Music] i want to hear zion give him glory everybody open your mouth i said open your mouth i said open your mouth and let zion rejoice i said let zion rejoice yeah let zion rejoice come on give him glory i need y'all do me a favor if you no favors on your life i want you to just look at somebody you ain't got to touch them just look at them and point at them and tell them i'm going to pray favor on you because the anointing that's on my life the favor that's on my life i want to see it manifest in your life can you just start interceding for the person next to you and tell them neighbor i'm your favorite partner and the power that's on my life is gonna run lord it's gonna run in your life yes lord come on start praying for the person next to you pray favor on that life pray glory on their life pray healing on their lives come on church hallelujah oh my my my my god hallelujah i feel glory in here i feel glory in here it's a family reunion and we're bringing the family back together favor on your life [Applause] hey what's up family i pray that you've been blessed by this ministry through this youtube channel thank you so very much for subscribing to the fellowship bible baptist church youtube channel would you do me a favor would you pass the word along to your friends to your family that they're more than welcome to subscribe so that they can tap onto those notification bells and get indications of when we've uploaded new ministry for you we'd love to continue to be a part of your walk with god and we love you in jesus name
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 2,042
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Tolan Morgan, Rev. Tolan Morgan, Dr. Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan, Tokens Of A Triumphant Life, It's A Family Reunion, Home, Home Is Where The Heart Is, O'Jays, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins GA, Black Preachers, Black Pastors
Id: eOVj5Duac54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 27sec (3267 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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