Pregnant With Greatness! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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while you're standing i want to summon your senses and invite your intellect above gospel that is recorded by Luke while you're standing while you're standing I want to summon your senses I'd invite you in too late to the gospel that is recorded by Luke chapter number one and it is there that the holy spirit has highlighted for us this context of Scripture beginning with verse number 34 Luke chapter 1 verse 34 while you're landing there I thank the Lord again for our music and arts today that has blessed us and the band from the Fort Valley State University thank you all for being a part of our victory Sunday Luke chapter 1 in verse number 34 the Bible should read then said Mary unto the angel how shall this be seeing I do not know a man and the angel answered and said unto her the Holy Ghost shall come upon you and the power of the highest shall overshadow you therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of you shall be called the Son of God and behold your cousin Elizabeth she has also conceived a son in her old age and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren for with God nothing shall be impossible and Mary said Behold the handmaid of the Lord be it unto me according to your word and the angel departed from her and Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste into a city of Judah and entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth and it came to pass that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary the babe leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost and she spoke out with a loud voice and said blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb and from where is this to me that the mother of my lord should come to me for lo as soon as the voice of your salutation sounded in my ears the babe leaped in my womb for joy and blessed is she that believed for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord and Mary said my soul does magnify the Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior I want to tag this text pregnant with greatness you may be seated in the Lord's church several years ago my wife and I were celebrating our wedding anniversary we went on a cruise and one of the ports of our cruise was in Jamaica there we had planned to experience the excursion of swimming with dolphins we were excited we got off the carnival boat took the ride over to the excursion location excited about this first-time experience we get to the location and they tell my wife that she cannot swim with the dolphins and we had to tame the hood that was in us because you can't tell me I can't swim and somebody unpaid-for and so we in the process of taming that we had to ask them why and the man looked at us and said ma'am you you can't swim because you're you're pregnant and if you get in the water the Dolphins will not perform they will stay focused on the life that is in you he didn't know he was talking to a pastor and his wife he didn't understand that he was preaching at the moment so let me share with you his sermon he was telling us that because of the life that is in you it changes what happens outside of you and there's something on the inside of you ladies and gentlemen that when you walk in the room what people intended to do their rocks and their routines and their plans get changed because something on the inside of you won't let people behave the way they would normally relate behave when you walk in the room people not acting funny towards you they just see something in you that you may not see yourself they're not acting strange they they already know that they can't handle what's inside of you because typically lady ladies and gentlemen the first person who identifies God in you is somebody who's got the devil in them but if anybody can detect heaven hail King it's a lot of times ladies and gentlemen it's not because people are acting strange and funny it's because the devil in them can identify the God in you so when you step into the lunchroom they go out when you walk into the meeting they be quiet when you step into the room the atmosphere of the room changes because greater is He that's in me then he that's in the world touch somebody and tell them you got greatness on the inside of you you've got life on the inside of you you've got something special on the inside of you which has the power to shift the whole such as the discipline discovered in the discourse of Luke chapter which it was this time that God was in the process of shifting things it was time to close the Old Testament and open up the New Testament and the Old Testament close with a prophecy about an elijah-like person who would come and be the foreclosure of the Old Testament and the forerunner of the New Testament his name is John you know him as John the Baptist but John is just classified as John in Luke chapter one and his story is tied to his father who was a priest and his mother who was just a devout woman of God problem with her is she was barren she was not able to have children and all of a sudden Gabriel visits her husband while he's in the temple and when God's intellect time he visits her husband and tells her that you and your wife are going to have a child his name shall be called John he is going to be great in God and Zacharias did not believe the report of the angel Gabriel so God struck him with silence and closed his mouth for a season while he went there to impregnate his wife she's six months in and six months later that same angel Gabriel visits Mary this teenager who is a virgin tells her that she has been sovereignly selected by God to be the mother of our Lord she raises this question in verse 34 how shall this thing be seeing that I do not know a man how is it possible that I'm gonna have a child when I'm not even married yet she's not married to Joseph at the time of the revelation of her conception she is engaged there only a fiance couple they are not married yet and the angel explains to her that the Holy Ghost is going to be your baby daddy [Applause] and he is going to impregnate you and you will conceive of the holy ghost and during his discourse with her he makes mention catchy church he makes mention about her cousin Elizabeth who is six months into her pregnancy after having been barren read the text one more time Gabriel did not tell Mary to go see Elizabeth he only mentioned her as a reference point to feed her faith about what he said about her let me try to do he did not tell Mary to go see Elizabeth he only mentioned her so that she could see that God can break Baroness he can do something with you when you've got possibility I'll try it again if God can do something with impossibility he can definitely do something with possibility catch this ladies and gentlemen Mary and Elizabeth are opposites yet relational one is old and barren the other one is young and a version one of them is carrying the man of God the other one is carrying the god man one of them is passed years the other one got possibility on a side one of them is too old and too weak and appears to be broken material while the other one is in the midst of a scandal because she has told Joseph that she is pregnant and he wants divorce one of them man is silent the other one wants separation while the closest of them is walking in what God has called them to do and they both got to live with rejection from the people who slept with them ladies and gentlemen might I suggest to you that oftentimes when you're pregnant with greatness it's the people who are closest to you who will struggle with what God is doing in your life might I suggest to you ladies and gentlemen that oftentimes greatness has to be affirmed at a distance the text says that Mary gets up and goes to the hill country of Judea now ladies and gentlemen Elizabeth is living in Judea Mary is Lizabeth living in Nazareth of Galilee she gets up and goes to travel to Judea to go see a sign of what God is doing in the life of her cousin to affirm and feed the faith that she got for what God is doing inside of her catcha church she's struggling with process when God has already finished the process that's God's word for somebody in here why are you sitting I'm trying to figure out how God don't do this he done already done it I can't get no help in here she doesn't understand that this is no new revelation for her this is the fulfillment of prophecy she just got to catch up with what God has already done in her life that's God's word for somebody in here stop sweating it stop learning about it it's already done that's why you're not fighting for victory you're fighting in victory it's just a matter of time before you catch up to the finished work of God in your life tell somebody it's a finished work already it's a finished work here's the point here's this sermon in a sentence greatness is never individual greatness is always a relational event let me translate this for you if you're great and you're the only one great you ain't great okay you don't want to talk back to me if you great all by yourself you have a false sense of arrogance and you're confusing greatness we're conceitedness but when you're really great you know how to make other people great you're never great by yourself greatness is never an individual event it's a partnership [Applause] tell somebody I know you think you all that but sir is somebody behind you helping you no no no there's some people working behind the scenes to help you to get to where you are you are never great by yourself because greatness is too heavy to be handled by one person I'm a preacher my soul get happy I said greatness is too heavy to be handled by one person that's really the lesson of this text today you got greatness in you but it will never flourish if you try to do it by yourself so look what look what Mary does Mary goes to the hill country of Judea she travels a distance to get to watch this to connect with somebody who can comprehend purpose [Applause] I said she travels at a distance to connect with somebody who can comprehend purpose she goes and finds somebody whom God has impregnated casinos what she's dealing with everybody can't relate to [Applause] she's struggling with something that is a divine burden and she needs to connect with somebody who's got a similar burden okay y'all missed it ladies and gentlemen Elizabeth is barren which means she couldn't have children Mary is a version which means she shouldn't have children so if both of them got children and that which shouldn't connects with that which couldn't then they understand we both a miracle because folk don't understand what God is doing in my life so I need to work a miracle in your life in your life check your Road check your Road see if there any miracle people on your road they're either one of those people who should enough or cut them but with God nothing is impossible gotta connect with somebody who testimony was it shouldn't have been me it climbed up in me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if certain people death you got to be intentional about connecting with I can't get no help in here cuz ladies and gentlemen folk who have nothing uncomfortable which you have in something and how dare you want something when I ain't got nothing so they want you to stay on a nothing level so they can be comfortable with nothing but the minute you go get something now you got a problem which means you got a KOCO connect with people who got something [Applause] [Music] if you got a business in your belly you can't connect with people who are comfortable being broke if you got a ministry in your belly you can't connect with people who don't want to do anything for God if you got some kind of aspiration in your spirit you got to connect with people who I practice with the same purpose I got to get around people who comprehend purpose I gotta get around people who know what it's like to live in a miraculous season when you look back over your life and realize it couldn't have been me oh it shouldn't have been me then part is intervening in your life so that you don't live watch this with survivors remorse you got to get around people watch this you got to be around people who who won't what that you feel bad about being blessed I'm preaching in here but you don't want to say never so I'll shout myself let me talk to the hundred of y'all I'll make number 101 who testified I've got to get around people who walk happy with me being blessed and not mad with me being now get around somebody the comprehends purpose but you also got to get around somebody Church who confirms purpose [Music] pick your face in this text Mary goes to Elizabeth's house I must say this slow so you can get this Mary goes to Elizabeth's house because Mary needs a sign only to show up at Mary's at Elizabeth's house and while she's looking for a sign through Elizabeth's pregnancy Elizabeth's figures out you're the reason why I'm pregnant you trying to figure out your pregnancy when the truth is I figured out my pregnancy when you showed up ladies and gentlemen elizabeth is happy because she is in Mary's story and the only reason why she's pregnant it's because she's connected to somebody who got Jesus in on this whole act in front let me talk to the real people who testified you got some presses in your life cuz you connected to somebody else anyone yo degree in one your hookup it weren't your information but you connected to somebody else who's got Jesus in them and the reason why you're blessed is because you connected to a blessed person ladies and gentlemen there are certain things you got in life because you're in somebody else's story okay all right okay since all that confronting hey I'm here right now cuz I was in Willie read story for him cuz this is my blessing but it's his story grab your neighbor tell your neighbor neighbor don't you act like everything you got you got it on your own you was in somebody else's story and you better praise God that the story you received was somebody who got Jesus on the inside i'ma prove to you you in somebody's story cuz somebody else prayed for you took the time and prayed for you they put you in that class and now you're blessed in your life hey lady the reason why I'm pregnant is because God wants you pregnant watch this search cuz there's no need for me to be pregnant with John if you ain't pregnant with Jesus [Applause] jean has no purpose Jesus ain't coming and the fact that you pregnant with Jesus is the reason why I'm pregnant with John but here's the point y'all God never gives revelation without reference [Applause] Gabriel shows up to Mary and said man you're gonna be pregnant with with Jesus but your cousin is pregnant against physical law she was barren and she's already six months pregnant ladies and gentlemen whenever God gives revelation he gives reference cuz he knows your mind needs some help dealing with what he said but the good news is the reference is older than the revelation the reference is already in the earth six months so ladies and gentlemen if God told you something and you have no reference point to it then the Lord didn't tell it to you okay y'all missed it y'all missed it so let me shout myself when Elizabeth opens the door Mary walks in the house the Bible says the baby leaped in her womb which means Sims that when you come in the room something inside of me responds to something inside of you but that ain't the killer y'all here is the killer she said Mary blessed are you among women which is the exact same thing that Gabriel told Mary in verse 28 but Elizabeth wasn't in the first meeting but she says the exact same thing that Gabriel said to Mary in verse 28 because ladies and gentlemen whenever God gives revelation he gives confirmation and if he don't confirm it didn't the core didn't say it but here's the good news you need to be around somebody who will confirm you without competing with you watch stolen Morgan back door your brain here go Elizabeth told Mary hey lady you are blessed among women and then she says who is this that the mother of my lord would come and see me Elizabeth how you know you wasn't in the original meeting here's how we know the text says Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost so the Holy Spirit in Elizabeth connected with the Son of God in Mary see the guard and you got to connect with the guard in somebody else so that you can confirm them away Cho she said you're blessed among women and you are the mother of my lord you're mister I'm six months pregnant but you showed up and you're the blessed one among women and you're the mother of my lord still sleep i'ma try one more time gully when Mary shows up she says to Mary you're blessed among women and you're the mother of my lord do y'all know what she was saying let me tell you what she was saying she was saying Mary we're both women but you're greater than me what's in you is greater than what's in me I knew you weren't gonna say nothing cuz y'all don't believe this part about God God is not an equal-opportunity gift distributor there are some people who walk in a level of gifting that's better than you and sometimes they come around you to see what kind of character you God because when you really comfortable with what God is doing in your life you not hate no somebody else because they walk in a greater level of gifting than you there are some people who got greater gifts and abilities and the character in you is revealed when they come around listen what she said she said lady I'm gonna honor what's in you is better than what's inside of me and I'm going to confirm you and compliment you without competing with you God deliver us from people who can't stand to be around us because you don't like the gifting that God has in somebody else if you decide to stop being a hater and stop being selfish God just made bless you with what you can handle take a minute and just compliment the person next to you take them and just compliment them just you even got to know just just complement oh I'm helping you get some practice over you're jealous spirit I'm helping you get some practice over you're envious spirit why you waiting on somebody to compliment you you might want to compliment somebody else because if you know how to sow a blessing you will reap a blessing alright y'all still ain't happy sauce shot myself hey hey hey mr. Hall here's the text I've been talking to get to this one point here it is you ready I'm about to say it too even if you ain't ready John Jackson Elizabeth confirmed Mary and she wasn't showing you [Applause] she just got the revelation a few days ago her nose hadn't started spreading her feet had started not swelling her belly is not showing she has no sign that she's pregnant at all nothing but the sanctum in Elizabeth spoke to the nothing in Mary and she was able to confirm her when there was no evidence of her claims see ladies and gentlemen you missed the whole point so I'll shout myself you need some faith friendships and not some flesh friendships you need some people in your life who can speak to your faith and not just to your flesh preach pastor Morgan wouldn't look like I'm doing the touch somebody and tell them neighbor how many faith friends do you have you need some people who are see things in you that ain't even showing yet who appraised some stuff that's not even showing yet [Applause] if you only got friends who will lay with you but won't stand with you you need some new friends if you only got friends who are connect with your past and not your president or your future you need some new friends if you only got friends who speak to your carnality and not your spirituality you need some new friends I am not apologizing because your friendship list just went down right here in this church you need some more people in your life who will speak to your faith and not your flesh I'm quitting thank you I see y'all next son to him I'm quitting mr. Claus at a sermon this is listen I'm doing Lamine this text reminds us that to conceive a thing is pleasurable but the birth that is painful I thought the sisters would have said something [Applause] it might be pleasurable to conceive it [Applause] but it's gonna hurt you the perfect [Applause] so you need somebody around you who won't just be there in the pleasure [Applause] but we'll stick around for the pain when we read Luke chapter 1 Mary stayed with Elizabeth until she gave birth to John and that baby that leaked in in Elizabeth womb came out of the womb natural birth baby John is here but watch this search he didn't just come out for natural reasons he came out for spiritual reasons because he shows us y'all that sometimes you'll come out if you learn how to shout in a tight spot [Applause] good night church may the Lord God bless you real good but I need about 200 people who would testify that you not out get you in a tight spot but you got victory while you're in cuz you know how to give Him praise if you learn how to give him glory when things are tight eventually he just may bring you out cuz you knew how to praise him on the inside and therefore ladies and gentlemen six months later Jesus comes out of Mary's womb it was his birth but it was painful which means his birth is a preview of his death [Music] Jesus death was a birth cuz it was gonna cause him to go through pain to give life and the reason why some of y'all in here right now it's because Jesus went through the pain of giving you life tap your neighbor and tell your neighbor neighbor you can't have victory without Jesus excuse me while I give God praise for the pain that Jesus went through to give me the victory he was wounded for my transfer no bruise for my iniquities the chastisement of my peace is upon him and by His stripes I'll touch your neighbor until your neighbor it's time to celebrate now just grab your neighbor tell your neighbor you going through the pain but life is gonna come out of it how to praise Him in a tight spot to bring you out that's what happened it was a three days out of a week in his hand which I'll do me a favor I said what y'all do me afraid not because of what I see in me because of what I see I see [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's got crap open your mouth and give him glory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody and who who got everybody in here who has victory we're getting ready to move on but I need you the greatness in you is getting ready to pour the greatness out of who's standing next to you I just need you to start praising God for your neighbor because whatever is in them you got the power of greatness on you to push them into greatness today is the one day today is the one day you don't have to encounter any haters in the Lord's Church [Applause] everybody in here is rooting for you looking for you I don't know who I'm talking to but there's some good things gonna happen to you cuz you're a part of somebody else's story and whatever God is doing in the life of the person whose story you're a part of something great is gonna happen to you [Music] cuz you're connected to somebody who's got greatness on their lives would you lift your hands all over this room lift your hands would you help me send up worship to God because he didn't leave you alone he connected you to somebody I need you to open your mouth all over this room and start worshiping the Lord Jesus come on he didn't leave you alone he's connected you to somebody who's not just in your life for your flesh but they're there for your failure come on church open your mouth [Music] father we send up worship to you now father we glorify you now come on church open your mouth everybody don't clap your hands open your mouth and give him the fruit of your lips if you're watching wherever you're watching I dare you to open your mouth where you sit lay stand walk work and just receive this glory that's it in this house somebody ought to be worshiping coz greatness is on you but the greatness that's on you he didn't leave you by yourself he connected you to somebody [Music] we connected you to somebody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is what your victory is that sir this is what your victory is that man [Music] [Music] [Music] to every man in this place I want every man to hear me you are not what you have gone through god only sent you through it so he can shape you and mold you into the man that you're going to be and the man that you're going to be is going to bless so many other men I need every man in every space to just go find one other man and tell them you get ready to bless people tell them you get ready to bless people just find a man sisters find a sister fine assistant one sister and tell them I'm not your hater I'm not jealous of you I'm gonna speak to the greatness that's inside of you even if your gift is better than mine if it's greater than mine I'm celebrating everything about you [Music] come on sister spine assistant [Music] what's in me is leaping because of what's in you what's in me is judgment because of what's in you no jealousy no jealousy [Applause] [Music] I speak to the greatness that's it yet past doesn't matter it's all about your teacher I speak to the greatness in you [Applause] [Music] [Music] hear me God said today you're victorious over physical violations drugs pain abuse rejection neglect you got victory over all that today because God will now connect you to somebody who got purpose in them just like you got purpose in you and they're gonna push you to the greatness that's in your life
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 16,832
Rating: 4.9248118 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Rev. Tolan Morgan, Pastor Tolan Morgan, Dr. Tolan Morgan, Rev. Dr. Tolan Morgan, Michigan, Warren Michigan, Detroit Michigan, New St. Paul, NSP, Fellowship, FBBC, FBBCWarnerRobins, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Preachers, Black Preachers, Preaching, Warner Robins, Warner Robins GA, Pastors, Pregnant, Fertility, Jesus, Mary, Elizabeth
Id: RYytC6M-Zks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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