Pastor Tolan Morgan - Make Your Bed!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hey fellowship this is christy and you're watching ship tv news be sure to like share and comment throughout our worship experience in fact in the comments we want to know right now where you're worshiping from and if you've never worshipped with us before or you would just like more information about the ship text keyword connect to 478-249-5426 the november edition of the navigator is available right now at navigator and if you would like the navigator sent directly to your phone text keyword navigator to 478-221-9661 [Music] it's been a long election season and finally in two days it will come to an end over 75 million americans have already voted in this presidential election if you have yet to vote make sure you visit to locate your polling place and on tuesday november 3rd take care of your civic responsibilities to vote there is too much at stake in this election not to participate in the process this wednesday at 6 30 p.m we are encouraging you to join us online for our final wednesdays in the word for 2020. join us as pastor tula morgan gives us a final lesson that will strengthen our biblical knowledge as well as inspire us to continue on the christian journey and then on thursday november 5th join pastor tolin and lady linney morgan for morgan shenanigans at 7 p.m live on ship tv after the year we've had we could use a few laughs ladies today is the day we will start reading our new book for our book club it's by beth moore and it's called chasing vines and don't worry if you haven't gotten it yet be sure to pick up your copy at barnes and noble or books a million we will let you know soon what days we will discuss the book on sunday november 8th we will observe and honor all of the veterans of fbc with a special veterans day service we are proud of the men and women of fbc who proudly served our great country and we look forward to honoring you at our next service next sunday family that's all for this week for more information on these and other events happening at the ship visit our website at and follow us on all of our social media platforms so you can always know what's happening here have a great week and enjoy the worship experience [Music] come on y'all hallelujah we bless the lord in this place come on he who abides in me will forever be fruitful [Applause] [Music] [Music] except that they come through we say hey [Music] except that they go through jesus [Music] come on in your yes with all your mind trust me trust me come on oh oh come on [Music] and he will take care of your situation you just gotta trust him yes god yes forever forever i gotta chose is you gotta trust in your situation but in all your ways [Music] you gotta trust [Applause] right my family on my job yes trust in trusted come on bless the lord right where you at right in your situation right in your circumstances right in your problems god is able to fix it he's able to do it you just gotta trust him you gotta lean on him you gotta know that he is what we bless you oh god we worship you oh god we give you glory jesus yes [Music] yes would you just take a minute to just bless the lord right where you are [Music] why don't you take a minute right where you are and express your heart to the lord and give him all the praise you can give and give him the worship that he deserves because worship is to his name hallelujah let your heart speak to god let your love speak to god let your emotions speak to god [Music] understanding everybody in this anointing let's prepare now to receive holy communion if you have [Music] your bread and your juice of water set aside let's prepare now i want to take holy communion in this anointing and we're going to go straight to the word of god you don't have to change the garage just stay right there just stay right there i want to give you a minute to get your consecrated bread and water or juice that you have designated at this time that we prepare now to take holy communion we're going to take it right in this anointing we're going to take it right in this anointing father in the name of the lord jesus we give you glory and honor today thank you for the power of the holy ghost thank you god for this anointing that we feel resting in this place thank you god for already answering prayer thank you god that you are in full control you're sovereign you're self-sufficient you're superior you stand alone as the king of kings the lord of lords and god alone we honor you and bless you today and i pray now in the name of the lord jesus that you will now receive our worship that you'll get the glory lord out of all that we say and do it's been an interesting week god but you brought us through another week you brought us through another month to see this new month of november and we're still giving you praise we're still giving you the glory i pray now god that you would sanctify and consecrate these earthly elements that represent your body you said as often as we do this we show forth your death and suffering until you come again we are reminded through this sacrament of the most important thing you've ever done for us in sending jesus christ to die in our place and in our state and for our sin thank you that his blood washes away our sins thank you lord that you raised him from the dead not as a weakling but with all power in his hands so now we celebrate and commemorate [Music] his death burial and resurrection our victory over sin and death and god let us not eat a drink damnation to our souls but let us do it to your glory now father let your word touch somebody today let this worship experience bless somebody today lord let marriages be healed let relationships be mended let breakthrough come let healing be today god draw somebody closer to you through this worship experience even online lord let your anointing be felt in the airwaves across this whole globe across this whole state across this whole city in every other place every other state and then father save somebody today in the name of the lord jesus thank you that there is still room at the cross and we give you glory for saved souls transformed lives and people who are encouraged in your word and your power thank you for your word thank you for your power thank you holy ghost for refreshing us for renewing us in jesus name amen on the night before jesus was to give his life he had assembled his disciples on that thursday before friday [Music] to institute what we now celebrate as the lord's supper on the table was bread the bible says he took that bread blessed it and broke and gave it to his disciples and said take and eat ye all of it but this is a symbol of my body which should be broken for you brothers and sisters let's eat together [Music] he reaches again on the table grabs the wine blesses it and disperses it to his disciples and says take and drink he all of it but this is a symbol of my blood which will be shed for the remission of your sins brothers and sisters let's drink together [Music] as often as we do this we celebrate his death burial and resurrection we're reminded we are his disciples and we're also reminded that one day the lord shall return he shall crack the sky the dead in christ shall rise and those of us that remain shall be caught up together with them to meet him in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord right where you are can you give god praise and glory that he has saved your soul that he has washed your sins away that he sent jesus christ to be the substitutionary sacrifice for sin to give us life and life eternal giving praise right where you are as we prepare for the word of the lord i want them to lift this chant up again that our hearts will be blessed come on yes [Music] is [Music] hallelujah this is the day the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting his truth endures unto all generations and we are alive and left to glorify the name of the lord jesus christ we bid you god speed we bid god's anointing his fresh peace to you today we give god glory for all that he continues to do all that he continues to express himself in a multiplicity of ways in the earth i pray that you have had some encounter with god this week that confirms and affirms that he is still alive that he is involved in the life of his people it's november the 1st it's we give god praise for preserving us and allowing us to see a new month a new day a new opportunity to see god do something special let me say good morning to all of you who are watching to all of the family of the fellowship bible church good morning to you we love and miss you in jesus name i pray that you're doing well that god is sustaining your family your health your finances your mind your strength to all of our guests who are worshiping here at fellowship today all over the country god bless you thank you so much you already know by now you identify yourself let us know where you're from we greet you in jesus name even if you're watching outside of the country we give god praise for you and we thank the lord for you happy birthday to everybody that has a birthday in the month of november if you have a birthday in the month of november post it let us know let us know it's your birthday this month also if you have a wedding anniversary happy marriage anniversary to you this month if you have a morning anniversary this month post it let us know so we can celebrate you and your husband and or wife for the glory of god give god praise for sustaining you for these uh many years that you've been married amen i want to also recognize today that in the state of georgia today is retired educators day and we want to honor and salute all of the retired educators uh that are members of our church and even if you're not a member of our church and your retired educator this day has been designated to salute you and to appreciate you and to thank you for investing into the next generation for investing into the progress of humanity sowing into the lives of young people who you may have thought they forgot about you but they didn't you impacted so many lives in the classroom on every level and so we thank god for you and we celebrate you if you are a retired educator uh would you please make yourself known we want to appreciate you we want to thank you for your years of service and again for imparting into the next generation of humanity as you've already seen ladies and gentlemen it's important that you get to church on time online uh our worship order has changed we are giving all of our announcements at the beginning of worship we start worship with that so if you um tune in at 10 o'clock you'll know everything that's going on here at fellowship and so we encourage you to get to worship get to your computer get to your uh personal device on time so that you'll know and be aware of everything that's happening in our church at the beginning of worship then finally finally this week has been sort of challenging as it relates to the pandemic particularly here in houston county you already saw last friday we neared a hundred thousand new cases of coronavirus in the united states in houston county here in warner in the middle georgia area where warner robins is located just this week alone from monday october 26 through saturday october 31st just this previous week along we had 152 new cases 152 new cases here in houston county just this past week and we're currently up to 3 700 cases and again as i've shared with you before [Music] the number of cases going up at this juncture is not my primary concern my primary concern is the rate of transmission or the rate of frequency by which these new cases are happening so we have experienced sort of a spike this week i want you to be cognizant and cautious uh to please ma'am and please sir wear your mask uh sanitize and wash your hands regularly uh for no specific reason other than to keep yourself clean as much as possible and again let's practice social distancing if you do not have to leave the house do not if you do not have to leave the house do not we all have to continue to do our part in uh slowing down and or stopping uh this this this corona virus so again please be aware of what's happening in our community in our in our area if you are not a resident of houston county and uh you know you live some other place some other state some other city be aware of what's going on in your area as relates to this covet 19 virus it is no joke uh it's nothing to take lightly all right so stay aware of what's happening in your immediate community so that we can all function responsibly in this in this day and age amen [Music] this coming tuesday november the 3rd it's voting it's voting if you have not voted uh be there tuesday get there early uh get there early uh it's one thing to have your voice heard is another thing to have your voice counted and you need to have your voice counted all right um i praise god that we have seen a record number of people who have voted early in the state of georgia and across the country we give god praise for that approximately about 92 million people have already voted and so we thank the lord for the responsibility civil responsibility that everyone has demonstrated if you have not voted be sure to get to the polls this coming tuesday it is official election day tuesday november the 3rd get there early and uh do not be distracted do not be deterred by voter suppression it's no way for your vote to count if you don't vote the only way for it to count is if you vote and so i want to encourage you if you have not done that fulfill your civic responsibility to vote this coming tuesday november the 3rd i praise god again for all of our staff here that undergird this worship our music and arts ministry our media and our security who are here each week to help deliver this worship experience to you and we thank the lord for all of them and we pray god's blessing on them as they've remained faithful in service to the lord i want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the book of acts acts chapter number nine acts chapter nine and uh it is there that the holy spirit has highlighted for us this context of scripture beginning with verse number 32 acts chapter 9 verse number 32. as you are landing there let me thank all of you who sent out salutes and salutations towards me last week and getting my master's degree i saw some of you even attended the virtual graduation god bless you thank you so much for your encouragement and for your support and uh i'm just trying to get better i got to get better y'all so y'all pray for me all right i appreciate again your your support and your salutations acts chapter 9 verse 32 we want to read this context of scripture your bible should read and it came to pass as peter passed throughout all the quarters he came down also to the saints which dwelt at litter and there he found a certain man named aeneas which had kept his bed eight years and was sick of the palsy and peter said unto him aeneas jesus christ makes you whole rise and make your bed and he arose immediately and all that dwelt at litter and sharon saw him and turned to the lord i want to snatch our subject out of verse 34 and tag this text make your bed make your bed the book of acts ladies and gentlemen records the first 30 years of church history after the resurrection of the lord jesus christ it also documents and records how the church was birthed at the outpouring of the holy ghost at pentecost in acts chapter number two but also significantly ladies and gentlemen the holy ghost was and is the spiritual presence of the physically absent christ the holy ghost fell on at pentecost to extend and empower the ambassadors of the lord to reach the world for jesus christ their mission was in acts chapter 1 verse 8 you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you to be witnesses unto me you need to highlight those two words to be witnesses unto me in jerusalem judea samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth these 28 chapters of acts chapter of of the book of acts these 28 chapters of the book of acts are actually just one long exposition and historical document on acts one and eight the entire book is about acts one and eight it documents how these now spirit-filled disciples of jesus christ went across the world on missions to evangelize the world for the lord jesus christ to plant churches that would serve as local embassies for the kingdom of god and they did it through the empowerment of the holy ghost where they needed to go and there was a language barrier the holy ghost gave them the gift of tongues where they needed to go and there was medical deficiency the holy ghost gave them the gift of healing where they needed to go and there was other types of deficiencies the holy ghost gave them the gift of helps it was as though ladies and gentlemen that the holy spirit met every need associated with the assignment that wherever there was a lack or a deficiency the holy ghost made it possible for that lack of that deficiency to be met so that the vision and mission laid out in acts 1 and 8 would be fulfilled but when we take a second investigation of the book of acts we discover something interesting [Music] we discover that the book of acts isn't just about the initiation of the dispensation of the holy ghost neither is it just about the birthing of the church but it is also an addendum to the gospels it is prophecy fulfilled that was prophesied in the gospels it is the manifestation of why jesus called 12 men to be his pupils his disciples his ambassadors his mentees that they might continue that they may carry on the work and witness of jesus christ in light of his physical absence as a matter of fact acts chapter 1 begins with christ's departure and therefore now these apostles could now move and flow in the anointing and the assignment that had been put on their lives we find one of them here in acts chapter 9 in the person and personality of peter who is a unique individual in the in the in the annals of church history he is labeled and recognized as the first bishop in the lord's church he gives the first post pentecostal sermon 3 000 people got saved off of one sermon and the sermon was literally on the preaching of the gospel of jesus christ no gimmicks no cliches no spooky props no antics just the pure preaching of the gospel of jesus christ three thousand people gave their lives to jesus christ in acts chapter two and interestingly enough peter had these moments in his ministry where the prophecy over his life given to him by the lord jesus christ came into full manifestation we find such moment here in acts chapter 9 verses 32 through 35. it is a small pericappy yet potent and powerful for our walk with god because the text says something interesting says that he is going about to just check the quarters of where the saints had dwelt particularly in this town called litter according to the history of this passage peter is going to visit a region of the area that philip had already evangelized philip was a preaching deacon who occupied acts chapter 7 went about telling of the goodness and the gospel of jesus christ and many gave their lives to the lord through the ministry of philip but philip was a martyr at the end of acts chapter 7 and peter now revisits those areas those places where he evangelized people for the lord jesus christ one such place was this place called litter the bible says among the saints at little there was a certain man named aeneas whom the scripture says that he kept his bed for eight years because he was sick of the palsy he was a paralyzed man the bible says peter saw him and said jesus christ makes you whole get up make your bed he got up made his bed and the scripture concludes very simply very pointedly that aeneas is miracle evangelized two towns full of people bible says in verse 35 that all that dwelt in little and sharon turned to the lord maybe ladies and gentlemen there is some things in this passage that we have to act strapped that is actually bigger than the miracle i want to suggest very directly that if you're concentrating on the miracle you miss the message that the miracle is trying to preach would you share with me very quickly this small story that has three simple direct lessons for us to glean watch this not about peter not about aeneas but about jesus uh look one more time there in verse 32. he's just going about doing some pastoral visitation he's able to do that now because persecution had settled down compared to the beginning chapters of acts and so so the persecution has settled down so he's able to now visit some areas that have been evangelized for the lord jesus christ he spots this man that is sick of the palsy he's been on his bed for eight years he says to the man jesus christ makes you whole we need to stop there and observe something very serious church it is clear that if you know anything about the life and ministry of peter one of the things that ought to jump out at you at this passage is that peter is effective because his effectiveness reflects an example he followed peter ladies and gentlemen had a front row seat to the many miraculous moments manifested by our master peter was there specifically when jesus healed a paralyzed man that they carried in the bed they had to tear the roof off to let the man before jesus recorded in the synoptic records of matthew chapter 9 mark chapter 2 and luke chapter five peter was there peter was also there in acts chapter three when there when he went to to pray at church and there was a lame man laying at a gate called beautiful peter in acts chapter 9 now encounters a third paralyzed man and he says to him jesus makes you whole may we may we first understand that peter is operating as he is because peter is following a pattern a precedent that was set before him i don't know who this is for but you can't be successful if you don't have a proper model let me let me be very bold and tell you that for all of us we have two most effective teachers in our lives one teacher is our model and the other teacher is our mistakes and if you got a good model you won't make as many mistakes there's some there's some lesson here to be learned that peter is effective based on the example that has been set before him uh since you think i'm just talking about peter let me help you to understand to every brother who is watching this message you are walking in the manhood that you are based on the manhood that was modeled before you to every sister watching me right now you're walking in the womanhood that you are based on the womanhood that was modeled before you you and i can't help but to mimic model either consciously or subconsciously whatever model was set before us and therefore we must embrace the reality that nobody is successful on their own uh you are as effective as the examples you submit to lord i wish i had some help here i i i'm standing here because i had a motto in my father you are where you are in your life because whether you want to acknowledge it or not you modeled somebody whether consciously or subconsciously as a matter of fact this modeling or following a pattern is actually biblically reinforced you will recall in exodus chapter 17. uh they were in the midst of a fight israel was in the midst of a fight against the amaleks and god specifically told moses in exodus 17 he says document this for a memorial for joshua because joshua is going to succeed you and joshua if he's going to be successful needs a model of how the person in front of him handled certain battles second kings chapter 2 there is a prophet there by the name of elijah who is getting ready to experience a no death transition and when he transitions in 2nd kings chapter 2 he has a pupil by the name of elisha and the bible says in second kings chapter 2 verse 8 elijah took his mantle struck the waters of jordan and jordan split they crossed over and now god sends the heavenly uber service to come pick elijah up and take him to heaven but on the way to heaven elijah left his mantle for elisha and in verse 14 the bible says that elisha took elijah's mantle went back to the jordan hit that water again and the water split all over again because elisha needed a model from elijah on how to handle waters that won't move out of your way still ain't feeling me jesus called 12 men and enrolled them in the university of christology because jesus ladies and gentlemen did something he did not do something that you and i unfortunately do jesus did not call people and then send them out jesus called people and then made them come in sit down and listen look and learn at his ministry before sending them out as gifted wild cannons lord deliver us today from young gifted people who got gift but no guidance who got gift but don't want to submit to authority i don't care how gifted you are how sweet your voice is how sweet your mind is you need wisdom and direction on how to guide a gifted soul jesus never sent anybody out before he called them in as a matter of fact these 12 men sat in the university of christology for three years before we heard one sermon from either one of them they had to learn how to walk with jesus talk with jesus pray they had to learn that they can't get called today and passed a church tomorrow they cannot get called today and go get their bishop kit from the bookstore tomorrow they got to learn how to sit down shut up and listen and follow leadership because the worst thing that you can do is put a lifted person who has no personal control might i submit ladies and gentlemen that when we study the lord's word there is no release before there is submission preached in here totally morgan there is no release before there is submission you've got to submit first and then god will release you to do the work he's called you to do you remember you know this person by the name of paul who had an encounter with the risen christ and even after christ left he didn't release paul to go do ministry look at this he called paul blinded paul and then told ananias go meet paul in damascus and have him to submit to you and while you get the scales off his eyes he's got to now be transferred to barnabas who's got to be his sponsor to the rest of the disciples because they can't get over the fact that paul who used to kill people is now a preacher of the gospel of jesus christ so barnabas had to vouch for paul then he had to always you remember growing up he sat under gamaliel to learn the jewish law i'm trying to tell you there is a pattern of submission that the effectiveness of peter is reflected in the example of jesus christ he was able to be effective because he followed a pattern and didn't just go out on his own i know you already upset and i could care less because everybody wants to do what they want to do when they want to do it how they want to do it and don't want to submit to anything or anybody and thus you are a hazard and a risk to yourself to your anointing to your ministry if you do not submit to a pattern that has proven itself to be successful peter says i can address you the way i address you because if jesus was here this is how he would handle the situation i heard him when he told that woman with the issue of blood your faith has made you whole i heard him when he told that man that they let down through that through that roof that suffered with paralysis sir you have been made whole i heard him when he told that woman who was bent over for 18 years when she walked in church he told her to stand straight up he said woman your faith has been made whole and since all this works for him i'm going to follow the pattern that has already been said might i suggest to you this text teaches us church about the pattern of jesus that jesus christ has established a pattern for peter to walk in and be successful in though he is uh a rebel though he is quick on the trigger though he will cuss you out peter if he's going to be successful in ministry cannot go about establishing his own righteousness preach toll in morgan but he's got to follow the pattern that jesus has set this text ladies and gentlemen teaches us about the pattern of jesus but the text also teaches us about the power of jesus you you you didn't you missed it so let me read it to you again uh here's what the text says uh peter saw the dude and says jesus if you've got an old bible that's what it really says it says jesus maketh you whole you got an old king james version that's what it says it's th but whenever you see th on the back of a verb it's the old english equivalent of a present tense active verb so what it really translates is jesus makes you whole or jesus is making you whole you don't know when to get happy so i'll shout myself uh here's what it really means it it it sounds like the way peter referenced and used the name of jesus sounds like jesus was not absent because if the action is in the present tense lord have mercy i wish i had some english people around here it's happening right now but he didn't say peter is making you whole he said jesus is making you whole because one of the underlying currents of the book of acts that most of us don't want to acknowledge is that jesus is active though he's absent all right still ain't feeling me uh uh when when peter first ran into that dude at uh acts chapter three at the gate called beautiful he said uh silver and gold have i none but such as i have give i thee in the name of jesus rise up and walk chapter four uh that man that got got healed in chapter three they had to go to court uh because they didn't believe that he was legitimately healed and peter stood up in chapter four and says uh y'all want to arrest me but this guy who got healed he's 40 years old and i didn't get him up the name of jesus got him up by the time we get to acts chapter 9 jesus showed up again if you've got a real bible it's in acts chapter 9 verse 13 verses paul got letters to go kill the saints and has an encounter with the risen christ and if you got a real bible in acts chapter 9 that what jesus said in acts chapter 9 is in red print which means he's not only said it he was there to say it which means he left in acts chapter 2 but somehow he keeps showing up somewhere in our lives ladies and gentlemen axe wants to teach us that though people were empowered by the holy ghost nothing happened in the name of the holy ghost it all still happened in the name of jesus the holy ghost was there to empower them to do world missions but they couldn't do nothing but by the authority of the name of jesus which means y'all the way peter framed this directive it was as though jesus was there though he was not present he was yet active and authoritative in the life of this man what's what are you trying to say pastor i'm glad you asked what i'm trying to say is in the book of acts jesus is absent but present through the power of the holy ghost and every now and then he'll show up himself but when he left and axe y'all can i tell you what he did the only thing he did was move back to his office upstairs and he's running things downstairs from upstairs preach man what did he just say what i said was he's running things downstairs from upstairs would you say that again uh-huh he's running things downstairs from upstairs all right uh y'all ain't feeling me so i don't know what you're doing at the crib so let me get your attention um uh if you if you're watching this little easter speech this morning you're getting audio and visual at your house through your computer or on your personal device you hear me you see me but i'm not the reason why you here or see me it's a dude upstairs in the sanctuary that's running things from upstairs down here he called the shots on what you see and what you hear and here's the trick about him having his office upstairs i don't see him but he see me i cannot hear him but he can hear me and when i need some directive i call his name and he moves the switches but he don't have to come out his office he can change stuff down here because he got an office upstairs does that sound like anybody y'all know his name is jesus you downstairs in your house but he running things from upstairs because he sits high and looks low anybody grateful that when you call his name he sees you even when you don't see him because he running things from upstairs anybody grateful that that's what happens here when you call his name he ain't got to leave his seat he'll change things from upstairs man i suggest to you that jesus is still got power though his seat is upstairs ladies and gentlemen if i tell this cameraman to span this room you'll never see who is letting you see things because he's in his office upstairs you can't see him nowhere down here but he can change the angles he can move things around because he got an office upstairs and thanks be to god if you ever need him you just look under the heels from which comes your help all of you have come from the lord who sits high and looks low because he got office upstairs and he's running things downstairs peter says hey man i can't make you whole but i'm a call who left and he moved back to his upstairs office he is making you whole all right y'all still don't feel me so let me snatch something inside this text did y'all to see something here ladies and gentlemen can i tell you why it's a short text uh matthew hudson this gonna hurt your feelings here it go he'll go it's gonna hurt your feelings y'all got the bible here you go peter walking around checking the quarters and when he checks the quarters he sees aneus and say hey bud uh jesus christ makes you whole rise make your bed go about your business okay i'm trying one time peter just out strolling the neighborhood minding his own business uh and uh uh mr watson he gets round and round little and uh sex says he finds a certain man now before y'all misread the text the text doesn't say that aeneus was saved the text says he was among the saints it's implied he might have been but he might not have been peter just saw him and say hey bud hey you can get up uh uh when you get up make your bed i'm gonna trap him again peter's out strolling uh he's riding around the galleria he's riding around the galleria and uh walking around from the store store and uh see this old lane pressing around there and say hey hey hey you sir you can get up did y'all notice he got up uh aenius didn't request to be healed aneus didn't pray anus didn't fast anus didn't beseech peter angels didn't have somebody to go ask peter aeneas got healed cause peter initiated this whole situation after eight years y'all still don't know when to get happy uh ladies and gentlemen uh aeneas got healed because one day healing was looking for him well i'ma shout myself i don't know who i'm preaching to but any day now healing is gonna find you any day now breakthrough is gonna find you any day now blessing is gonna find you any day now marriage is gonna find you some stuff you ain't got to pray for some stuff you ain't got to ask for god got some stuff ordained for you because it's just out looking for you lord have mercy today i can tell y'all don't know when to get happy uh cause some stuff you pray about it may happen it may not but thanks be to god is some stuff you didn't pray about that god just decided i just want you to have this can you type that and tell somebody healing is looking for you blessing is out looking for you and any day now salvation is gonna find you blessing is gonna find you the holy ghost is gonna find you breakthrough is going to find you you don't have to always ask for it it's just out looking for you and it was this day but y'all don't know when to get happy it was any day but it wasn't when anes anticipated it bud been on that bed for eight years he's probably at the point like look man this is probably how it's gonna be and uh i'm done no no this ain't how it's gonna be bro any day anytime it don't matter how long you've been in it it doesn't matter how long you've been struggling with it healing can find you blessing can find you salvation can find you breakthrough can find you just tell somebody any day now i want you to post that all over the world any day now something good can find you when you least expect it because that's what god ordained for you to have he says he says that's the power of the lord jesus christ that the power of the lord jesus christ doesn't matter it doesn't matter how long you've been in it he can end it on any given day that's why you got to still have your hope in jesus christ because any given day god can make sure that what you need finds you without you having to go find it preach it here told morgan thanks be to god he knows where you are he knows your address and he'll find you and make sure you get what you need i'm closing y'all i'm done this text teaches us about the pattern of jesus and it teaches us about the power of jesus but it also teaches us church finally about the persuasion of jesus i'm in verse 35 this is it uh the text says he told that man now when jesus makes you whole make your bed make your bed that's not a mattress that we know of uh that make your bed in its historicity is a small portable pallet that they can fold that they can move around he says listen now that you are no longer paralyzed make your bed because your bed roy tommy was a sickness of your weakness every time your bed showed up it indicated that you were weak but when we move your bed you have transitioned from weakness to strength you are showing that you are no longer weak and vulnerable but you are walking in strength and victory ladies and gentlemen make your bed means i no longer need folk to support me i'm strong enough now i'm wise enough now i'm better now that i can get up off of my do nothing and go get a job myself without people having to carry me around and me be a leech to people can i tell you ladies and gentlemen you got to make your bed because your bed is an indication of what was weakness to you can become a weight to somebody else but can i tell you church when god raises you up he's giving you strength to walk out of your weakness because it's a sign that when i make my bed somebody post this when i make my bed it's a sign that i'm no longer stuck oh lord have mercy i've been stuck in one place for eight years stuck in one bad relationship stuck in one bad business deal stuck in one bad ministry stuck on a bad job but this time i'm shifting out of my stuck place and i'm moving to where god would have me to be since y'all missed it he been in eight years eight is the number of new beginning and when he met jesus jesus whole point to him is i'm giving you a new start i'm bringing you out of what you've been stuck in because i didn't mean for you to stay stuck in this powerless position good night y'all rest well him uh we'll try this again next sunday uh but uh duke i want to raise this question uh it's it's in it's in that last clause of verse 35. it says uh they saw him and uh they uh they saw him in litter and sharon and uh they turn to the lord uh marv i'm a little slow so you gotta hold me right along here they they saw him in litter and uh sharon and they turned to the lord they didn't turn to peter they turned to the lord they didn't they didn't uh they didn't they didn't uh go find some some other little movement to be attached to they turned to the lord um first thing we got to learn is that it wasn't peter's sermon that made them turn to the lord it was aneus his testimony you see ladies and gentlemen you think you need to preach to bring people to jesus maybe you already got a sermon in your testimony if you just tell your testimony you don't need to know everything about theology and christology and pneumatology you just need a testimony but wait a minute here's the reality here we go here we go deontay here it is they saw him and turned to the lord now i'm slow so y'all got to help me praise him i got to help man uh uh uh y'all got to help me um they saw him walking and turned to the lord i'm not impressed by that that don't mean nothing who turns to the lord just off of seeing somebody walk you can only turn to the lord when they saw him on the on his feet if they knew he'd been on his back [Music] okay all right y'all slowing him so let me try it again seeing him walk ain't going to turn to the lord you got to be able to put the before with the after because ladies and gentlemen if you're going to buy the product you got to be able to see before and after this what i used to be but this what i am now i want to talk to a saint of the lord in here and tell you stop being ashamed of what you used to be because the real power of your miracle is not just in the after it's in the before you got to put that thing together and not be ashamed to let people know the reason why i'm walking is because god touched me when i was on my back and thanks me to god i'm not ashamed to let you know i was on my back because the fact that i was on my back brings power to the fact that i'm on my feet your miracle is a composite sketch of when you got power and when you didn't have power your miracle is a composite sketch of when you were in firm now you're a person of influence your miracle is a before and after your miracle ain't just before it ain't just after it's putting that thing together and say look where he brought me from brought me out of darkness into his marvelous light what a wonderful change has come over me anybody been changed by the power of god but you got to let people know not just your success you got to let them know your struggles you can't be ashamed to let them know you had a season where you was on your back uh y'all still ain't feeling me so let me just go and shout myself can i tell y'all why this is powerful because lauren sunday morning means nothing if it wasn't for friday sunday morning of jesus getting up means absolutely nothing if we didn't know he took nails in his hands and a thorn in his side and thorns on his head and thorns at his feet it means nothing if we didn't know they spit on him on friday they crushed him all night long it means absolutely nothing if we didn't know that he suffered and died an unjust death i got a witness here sunday's power is still attached to friday i need somebody you ain't ashamed to tell your neighbor let me tell you not where i am but where i was and what i've been through because i am not ashamed of the power and the gospel of jesus christ it is the power of god under salvation to everyone that believes have i got a witness here i need to know do i got anybody out there that's not ashamed to tell somebody he when you from have i got a witness here the bible says that he told aeneas to make up your way because you need of some sign of where he brought you from and the bible says cities of people turn to the lord because the power is not in what you know the power is in how we change have i got to witness here i would be remiss if i didn't tell you that one of the reasons why i love jesus so much is because jesus success was built and i struggled for six hours one friday and to see how god raised him up from a religion to see how god raised him up from being destroyed and mistreated and because he went through that he got a name love him that's above every that he people in jail called his name people at the house called his name and i am going to call his name in our empty church in front of a small camera because there's power at the name of jesus there's healing in the name of jesus and let me prophesy to somebody and tell you any day now jesus is gonna make you whole would you help me preach that to somebody and tell your neighbor any day now jesus is gonna make your whole you coming out of that stuck place you're coming out of that powerless place and when you come out you're gonna make your bed you're gonna show everybody i used to be here that was a place where i was stuck but i'm not stuck because whom the sun sets free is free indeed i need some people who ain't ashamed to tell everybody i say let everything that's got power open your mouth and give a sound like you got power i said open your mouth right there in your house if you got to shout in the backyard shout in the backyard if you got to shout in the living room shout in the living room cause if you got power you want to make a noise that celebrates you've been made let everything that's been made yes it the fire burning that's got the fire on the inside so oh yeah so race now hallelujah hmm listen the power of god is in your house in your place of work in the jail cell in the hospital room while you're riding or traveling the holy ghost knows how to meet you right where you are would you take a minute and just yield to his power because he's coming to bring you what you need in this hour and if he brings it you got to fold up your weakness throw it away because he's coming to bring your powers he said i come that you may have life and have life more abundantly today is about life for you you shall not die but you shall live to declare the works of the lord you got another day to make your bed to show everybody i'm coming out of a weak place and i'm walking in strength and when i walk in strength i'm gonna give him glory because i'm not gonna be ashamed of my testimony after today but the power to persuade others is not just in the after it's in the before i want to offer you jesus because he's still making people whole he's transitioning people from before to after and when they see your whole story somebody's going to come running what must i do to be saved i want to give my life to the lord jesus christ i want to do it now today i'm not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ because where he brought me from is where the power lies i'm talking to somebody in here that says pastor i'm ready to give my life to the lord jesus i want to do it today what must i do to be saved number one you got to be willing to submit to the lordship of jesus christ number two you've got to be willing to believe that he died for you and died as you and number three you've got to be willing to believe that he was raised from the dead not as a weakling but with all power in his hands and if you're willing to believe those three things in your heart and confess that out of your mouth today is your day to be saved [Music] the number is on the screen the email is on the screen text us or email us our staff stands ready to receive your confession of faith i want to let our church know on last sunday we have five people to give their lives to the lord jesus christ to commit to fellowship i want to encourage somebody else watching today today is your day god is pulling you out of that stuck place he's pulling you out of paralysis this is the time of new beginning for you this is the time of new beginning for you come on the body of christ is waiting with open arms to welcome you and the fellowship family is waiting with open arms to welcome you all you simply need to do let's give your life to the lord jesus and let today be the day that you start afresh that you come out of that stuck place jesus christ is making you whole i said jesus christ is making you whole now make your bed come out of that stuck place and go share your testimony so that somebody else can come can i tell you god healed you so you can draw somebody else to the healer i said god is healing you so you can pull somebody else to the healer text us or email us and give your life to the lord jesus christ let this first day of november be the first day of the next season of your life in jesus name and we're getting ready to transition to our offertory period but i just want these musicians if you will just give me 30 seconds of that praise right there go back to it and just give me 30 seconds of that praise because i believe somebody still got a praise watching that they just need to get out even somebody here in the sanctuary got a praise that you just got to get out we ain't even have to sing i need y'all to send us in and pray so we can get ready to give up to the lord here we go [Music] has given you listen church let's prepare to give let's prepare to give unto the lord let's give in the same spirit of worship same spirit of joy this is your day your time to give unto the lord listen god's been so good to us he's been so kind to us he's been miraculous to us and i want to respond affirmatively to god not just spiritually not just vocally not just emotionally not just mentally but financially we worship god through all of our substance we worship him through all of our substance and uh the bible says the earth is the lord it's the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein [Music] society says we ought to be one way but you know what god is in full control no matter what society says and he has made sure that every need in our life is met and all we can do is express our gratitude to him by thanking him in response for meeting every need in our lives this is a part of our worship where we sows tangibly the gifts of god and you have these options on the screen of giving we sow our times and offerings tithing is the first tenth of our income to god not just 18th but first tenth and uh we give that unto the lord because we're obligated to malachi chapter 3 verses 10 through 12. bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house says the lord of hosts and see won't i open the windows of heaven pour you out a blessing you won't have room to receive it i will rebuke the devourer for your sake and all nations shall call you blessed if i believe god for everything else in my life i believe him in the area of my finances and i want to be obedient to him in my giving those of you that are not members of our church if you're led by the holy ghost the soul and the fertile ground the same blessing that rests on this house will rest in your house and may the favor of god continue to be with you as you are obedient to him i want to ask god's blessing on our giving now so that we will be giving in obedience to him holy spirit speak afresh to our hearts empower us now to give faithfully cheerfully and to give submissively to you thank you for the blessings that are attached to our obedience we give you glory and honor for all that you continue to do to and through our lives in jesus name amen let's give unto the lord let's give cheerfully church for god loves a cheerful giver choose either one of these five options and give according to your convenience as god has blessed you and let's do it for the glory of god amen amen amen i pray that the favor of the lord will rest on your life that the blessings of the lord will find you and meet every need in your life amen church we give god praise for our gifts and uh before we conclude this worship we want you to be aware of what's happening this week here at fellowship beginning this coming wednesday this coming wednesday i with you all will be here for our final bible study of 2020. november the 4th november the 4th will be our last bible study of 2020 we spend the last couple of months organizing and preparing for the next year and so i ask that you would pray for us pray with us as we seek god about the direction of our church and you know planning and and preparing under these types of limitations and restrictions demands for prayer and creativity so we pray that you will join us in this season as we prepare for the next year for 2021. i want to thank god for all of you that were here this past friday as we celebrated our fellowship of uh our candy drive up with our lit nation youth ministry it was so much fun i pray that you had fun a lot of you were here it was great to see you and we praise god for you thank god for the leadership of our youth ministry minister darius duncan and his team that organized that event on this past friday was done in a spirit of excellence and in the spirit of safety and we literally ran out of uh bags literally so we praise god for all of you that stopped through and just had a good time of fellowship let's be prayerful this week again if you have not voted go vote be there on tuesday november 3rd for election day here in the united states of america and let's fulfill our civic responsibilities to god and to our country amen amen i pray that this worship has blessed your life today and i pray that you will walk in the words you heard for the glory of god the lord god bless and keep you the lord make his faces shine upon you be gracious unto you the lord left the light of his comments upon you and give you peace may any day this week be a day where the benevolence of god finds you may the grace of god keep you may the love of god use you may the power of god set you up to be a person of influence and impact in jesus name amen god bless you have a great weekend stay safe god bless you you
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 11,173
Rating: 4.8536587 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Pastor Tolan Morgan, Rev. Tolan Morgan, Dr. Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan 2020, Make Your Bed, Pastor Tolan Morgan Make Your Bed, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins GA
Id: JaqJuY0ikwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 0sec (6420 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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