The Online Worship Experience! August 1, 2021

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[Music] uh all night [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] tv [Music] oh [Music] on put your hands together right here come on come on [Music] yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice [Music] good morning fellowship i'm cheryl johnson and i'm mike dinkins and you're watching ship tv news so today is august 1st which means day is literally the first of the month and you know how we do it here at the ship at the verse of the month that's right so if you're celebrating a birthday or a wedding anniversary in the month of august stand up and shout yourself out if you're watching online shout yourself out in the comments this is your time this is your moment so celebrate well the august edition of the navigator is now available online go to forward slash navigator to read or if you would like to have it sent directly to your phone text the keyword navigator to 478-221-96 [Music] registration for sunday august 8th opens on tomorrow august 2nd at 8 a.m as you already know seats go fast so don't delay make your plans to register today on our website at and ladies don't forget to set your alarms and join the women of work ministry in prayer at 7am that's tomorrow on august 2nd the phone number and access code are on your screen now and you still have time to send your prayer requests to women at so you know there are two things you need to know about me one i love fbbc and two i got the victory church and because of that i wasted no time in ordering my lbbc victory sunday jersey and you shouldn't either be honest about it let's do it now so if you haven't done so already be sure to visit and order your victory sunday jersey we have sizes from you small to adult 5x you only have two more weeks to secure your jersey so don't waste time order your jersey today our christian education ministry is preparing to kick off the third semester of virtual christian enrichment on august 17th on your screen now are the list of classes that will be available registration begins august 2nd and will end on august 11th so go on and register for the virtual christian enrichment class of your choice and family be sure to tune in today at 12 30 pm eastern standard time for shiptown for the entire month of august we're recognizing small businesses at the ship and today we're kicking it off with christy hall's elysian oil bob some of the best field all in town also deandre and briana richardson will give expert analysis of today's worship experience be sure to watch ship talk today at 12 30 on all of your favorite social media platforms well family that's all we have for this week but for more information on these and other events visit our website at or follow us on all of your favorite social media platforms so you can know what's happening here at the ship and if you would like to have information sent directly to your phone text the keyword connect to 478 249 542 have a great week and enjoy today's worship experience as we honor our lord hallelujah let us pray dear god we give you glorion and praise for you are worthy we thank you for another opportunity to come and worship your name so father god now we ask that you would give us what we need at this moment lord god that would help fuel us to make it through uh life's journey father as we honor you through uh this your first sunday and that we will uh do and partake in communion father god we ask that you would bless our sacraments lord god and not just make it be something physical but something spiritual lord god that we would have a relevatory moment that we would unite with you with our heart our minds lord god so that we would live a life that is pleasing unto you lord we thank you lord we praise you for it is in the name of jesus that we pray let every heart say amen amen and amen let's keep on trapping those hands how many of y'all know that the blood still works i say how many look at the words here i didn't say our blood because our blood is finite but the blood of jesus is infinite it reaches to the highest mountain it flows to the lord's body the blood that gives us strength from day to day it will never lose its power so i need you to tell a lot of daughters and everybody and cool still works [Music] so uh blah blah blah blah [Applause] oh [Music] me me up [Music] is [Music] me let us prepare now to partake of the body and blood of our lord and savior jesus christ those of you that are online if you will now prepare with us and gather your symbolic [Music] bread and blood or juice of water that you've consecrated for the glory of god today as we partake in communion those of you that are in the sanctuary if you haven't already if you will get your communion cups let's sanctify our hearts and minds now on the greatest thing that the lord has ever done for us in sending jesus christ to die for us that thursday before the lord gave his life for us he had assembled his disciples and there on the table was bread and wine the bible says he took that bread blessed it broke it gave it to his disciples and said take and eat ye all of it for this is a symbol of my body which will be broken for you if you will lower your mass now let us eat together somebody say thank you jesus again he reaches on the table grabs the wine blesses it disperses it gives it to his disciples and says drink ye all of it for this is a symbol of my blood it should be shed for the remission of your sins brothers and sisters if you will lower your mass let's drink together as often as we do this we remember our lord's death burial and resurrection we're reminded that the lord shall return and the dead in christ shall rise first we're reminded that we are now reconciled back to god the father through the sacrifice of his son as you return your mass to your mouth and your nose would you just thank the lord with a big hand clap of praise that you're that you're saved i said come on give him praise that you're saved everybody those of you online can you celebrate the lord with us if you know the blood still works i need everybody to clap your hands come on everybody clap your hand come on [Music] now [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] hello wow yes come on put your hands together give god my bible says in proverbs 18 chapter verse chapter 18 verse 10 it says for the name of the lord is our strong power [Music] and we run to it and we are safe [Music] if you know the name of the lord and the blood of jesus you are to give god some praise right where you are hallelujah yes god the opening is stronger than sickness of [Music] and your name is more powerful than darkness [Music] and your name is bigger than mountains [Music] [Music] is [Music] the name of the lord is a strong tower is [Music] that when i am [Applause] [Applause] yes yes you are [Applause] [Music] [Music] we will stand and proclaim and win heartache [Music] we will stand and proclaim [Music] everyone [Music] is [Music] try to break up our marriages and destroy children it's coming down yes it is it's coming down it's coming down it's coming [Music] it's coming it's coming down it's coming down [Applause] it's coming down it's coming down it's coming down coming down lord we know it's coming down lord we know it's coming down your word declare is coming down we stand in chain declaring it's coming down at your neighbor yes it's coming down it's coming down it's coming down at your name it's coming down say it's coming down it's going down it's coming down lord it's coming down [Music] god is coming down at your name [Music] we will [Music] we [Music] but you put your hands together give god praise right there right there where you are would you praise god right there some of y'all are still sitting down as if god's name doesn't have that power it's your mouth that's covered that means we should still heal you lift up your voices and bless god right now he's worthy of the praise he's worthy if you celebrate your circumstances in your situation god will make it rain blessings on you we're going to declare that he is faithful when we are not he's still faithful hallelujah hallelujah would you just lift your hands everybody lift your hands lift your hands right where you are and whatever doesn't stay the same we will stand and proclaim [Music] and whatever doesn't stay the same we will stand and proclaim and whatever doesn't stay the same we will stand and proclaim whatever doesn't stay the same i feel the glory of the lord in here we will stand and proclaim whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on if you believe that come on testify with your prayers [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus there is something [Applause] [Music] say let all heaven and earth proclaim that kings and kingdoms shall all [Music] pass away but there's something about that name jesus jesus jesus church there is something about that oh master say jesus [Music] let all heaven and earth proclaim that kings and kingdoms they shall all pass away but oh [Music] that name and the church said yes come on help me go to church yes yes [Applause] clap your yes and give him praise everybody i said clap your hands and give me praise everybody i say clap your hands and give me praise everybody hallelujah your breakthrough is in the rules if you can just reach up and grab it your breakthrough is in the room oh bless his name be seated if you can [Applause] if he ain't done nothing for you be seated if he ain't healed you this week be seated if you ain't got a blessing in seven days be seated but if he been good to you not from the rocking of your cradle but just this week now it feel like church in here whatever else you got to give god you got 10 seconds to give him the best praise you can give him everything he's done for you he deserves the best praise yeah yeah those of you online you better grab this glory while it's in the room come on everybody give him the best praise stop right where you are and give him glory to everybody by god today you know you've been good to you kept you from dangerous some of y'all ain't felt this good all week you might as well get the joy of the lord you ain't felt this good all week where the spirit of the lord is liberty go head over and give him your dance if you got one go head on and give it whatever praise you got to give him give it to him right off here my continent i've gone to this now i need some intercessory appraisers i need some intercessory appraisers i need you to get one person on your mind that may not be in the room or they may be in the room and you're believing god to do something special for them [Music] i want you to give god an intercessory praise that what you believe in for somebody else somebody in your family needs to be healed somebody in your on your job needs a special breakthrough i need you i need you to give god praise not for you this time but for what you believe in god to do for somebody else get that person on your mind as a matter of fact call their name and when you call their name put a praise on their name i need you right now to give god a praise for what you believe in god to do for somebody else those of you online would you stop right where you are and give god a praise for somebody else for your child for your husband for your wife for your co-worker for your friends somebody give god [Music] for so many hours there's an anointing in the atmosphere it's coming through your television it's coming through your computer it's in the room [Music] this phrase is for somebody else [Music] that what you believe in god is coming down [Music] [Music] now get on a big ways i said give god a big praise everybody i don't need you to touch your neighbor but just look at him and tell him i feel better now tell him i feel better you ain't got to touch him but just look at him and tell him i feel better now cause some things are coming down [Music] at his name [Music] some things are coming down at his name let me prove it to you but god has given him a name that's above every name that at the name of jesus not some knees every knee must power every tongue must confess that he is lord to the glory of god the father get in the praise everybody give him a praise i came to church to give him glory be seated he's seated hallelujah what a mighty god we serve angels bow before him heaven and earth adores him and we love him i said we love him i said we love him i said we love him god bless this man [Music] now you spent two hours trying to get dressed to come to church you took too long to just come in here and sit and chill [Music] that's too much time wasted to come and just sit and cheer god's been too good to you he's been too good to me for us to give him a sit praise everybody just clap your hands right where you are [Music] this is the day that the lord has made and we choose to rejoice be glad in it for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting his truth endures unto all generations let me say good morning to you church what a joy it is for us to be gathered together again safely and responsibly in the house of prayer and we praise god for this new month this new day amen if y'all are paying attention it's the first day of the eighth month and eight suggests [Music] that something's about to have a new beginning if you celebrating god that something new is about to start in your life tell somebody something new is gonna start in my life today [Music] [Laughter] if any man be in christ he's a new creature [Music] all things are passed away and the whole opening look at somebody tell i'm ready for a new beginning i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready oh bless his name [Music] bless the name of the lord jesus [Music] how good the lord is he kept you through everything to get you to something [Music] and we assemble in this place to give him worship and give him praise amen praise the name of the lord would you help me thank god for our worship and arts ministry that has led us in worship god for these minstrels and these singers that have led our hearts and ushered in the presence of the lord in this place let me say a good morning to all of you who are worshiping with us virtually in whatever state metaphorically or geographically that you find yourself in it is in the lord's will that you are connected to this worship experience today let me say good morning to all of the fellowship family that is worshiping virtually all of our e-crew members all across the country to all of you who are my father's children grace and peace to you today to all of you who are visiting with us today you may not be a member of our church but you're worshiping here as our guests i would that you would recognize yourself acknowledge yourself online whether it's youtube or facebook we have greeters online to greet you in the love of the lord jesus christ today and those of you that are in the room who are our visitors if you would like to stand as a visitor we just want to appreciate you for coming if you're a visitor today stand come on church show some love to these that are standing there all around the room god bless you god bless you the lord's name be praised for you being here today we thank you for choosing fellowship as your place of worship today uh you may not know us personally but you're sitting around people who have the love of jesus christ amen so we appreciate you to those of you online again uh let us know who you are where you're worshiping from we have online greetings to greet you even those of you that are out of the country even those of you that are out of the country in a different time zone we worship the lord and thank the lord for you wanting to be a part of this worship experience it is august the 1st amen all of you who have a birthday in the month of august stand if you have a birthday in the month of august come on church show some love to all of these august birthdays those of you online if you have a birthday in the month if you have a birthday in the month of august which you just post your birthday we want to wish you a happy birthday to those of you that are in the congregation in the in-person congregation we wish god's choice blessings on you in the month of august those of you that are celebrating marriage anniversary in the month of august where you stand you're celebrating a marriage anniversary come on church show these love come on let's appreciate them happy anniversary to all of you the month of august those of you online if you're celebrating marriage anniversary again would you uh make yourself known we want to wish you the lord's uh bliss on your marriage and that he'll continue to strengthen your marriage in the days to come amen amen amen haven't said that i want to invite everybody uh to go to our church's website and peruse our august edition of the navigator all right it's an important addition this month as our children are getting ready to go back to school and staff and faculty are getting ready to return to school very safely and responsibly so we want to keep them in prayer i want everyone to just kind of hang around at the end of service i want to i want to do a special prayer for our students faculty and staff amen amen before we leave worship today amen also church i want to inform you this week one of our members miss patricia maxwell made her transition go home to be with the lord this past friday and so we want to keep her family in our prayers no arrangements have been made yet but we will let you know how we will celebrate her homegoing this week so whether you would keep your eyes and ears open to our social media tune in on wednesday night for our bible study you'll get information then of how we will celebrate her homegoing can we as a church family let's thank the lord for the life and love and legacy patricia maxwell come on hey man come on let's thank god for her amen anybody who knew patricia knows that she was faithful unto death i said she was faithful unto death so we praise god for her and for her witness uh for the lord jesus christ during her time with us amen church i want to announce to you on the last two sundays we sort of relaunched our lit nation youth church and last sunday we had three young people to give their lives to the lord jesus christ [Applause] come on we can do better than that [Music] so we praise god for how the spirit of the lord is even moving down at the gym amen uh and thank god for our lit nation adult team that gives leadership to that group and how god is saving in every generation let me thank you church i haven't been here in two weeks but i want to thank all of you both in person and virtually for your many expressions of appreciation to me during the sixth pastoral anniversary here thank you so much uh my wife thanks you our children thanks you our dog thanks you amen amen you all are kind people and i take great pride and great joy in serving as pastor of this church let's thank the lord for six years [Music] um church today begins registration for our christian enrichment courses there are some still going on but we've got some additional courses i want you to go to the website today check out those new courses register for those new courses we are always a church that is serious about christian education christian enrichment and i want you to i want everybody i want every member of our church to at least have shared participated been involved in uh christian enrichment all right if you are a real christian you're serious about being a christian christianity is more than just sunday morning to you amen you want to be serious about being a disciple of the lord jesus christ and so the next semester will start registration uh today so you can go online and register for those courses and then the next six weeks will come then we'll have another rotation of classes we want everybody to kind of rotate the classes experience different classes experience different information experience different voices learn new people through these classes so that we can all continue to worship and fellowship together amen and as we continue our discipleship in the lord we want to do it for his glory church if you were with us this past wednesday for on wednesdays in the word we're studying about the mind we're studying about the mind would you be a part of that this coming wednesday at 6 30 p.m online only through any of our social media contacts then last wednesday was the first time that we had a virtual live audience that i could actually talk to in real time they could see me i could see them we could hear each other and in the course of that context we had a visitor from sydney australia to be a part of that live audience you just never know he was a a pastor that's on sabbatical and the lord has led him to be a part and to tune into our ministry he said that the lord had been blessing him through this church so church we all the way down under we're in the land down under amen and so listen i want you to tune in this coming wednesday at 6 30 p.m uh eastern standard time for our wednesdays in the word uh that will not be the last time that we do our virtual audience i really enjoy talking to you seeing you hearing from you um that's one of the problems with the pandemic you know i haven't had a chance to just talk to you and spend time with you so i would that you would take advantage of that and i want everybody we're going to announce it when we do it again but i want everybody to be a part of that all right let's let's learn the word of the lord together and then finally the deadline for victory sunday shirts the deadline is sunday august the 15th everybody say sunday august 15th if you have not gotten your shirt yet you have until sunday august the 15th to get it go to our church's website and regis get your shirt order your shirt uh we have it until the 15th of august so we'll have plenty of time to mass produce all the shirts and make sure everyone is taken care of those of you that are online virtually you can order a shirt as well maybe you don't have any intention of coming to victory sunday but you can still have a shirt we want you to have pride with us uh of what god is doing in the life of our church so i want you to order a shirt as well and again you can go to our church's website and order your shirt for the glory of god amen everyone standing church i want to inform you as we prepare for the word of the lord yesterday we conducted new member orientation and we had 17 persons uh to be a part of new member orientation amen we can give god praise for that well here's what we really celebrate is we really celebrate there were one two three four four different states represented in our new member orientation come on let's give god praise for that we've got people who are members in miami florida cleveland ohio detroit michigan byron georgia macon georgia warner robins georgia they were they was from everywhere and so we give god praise that god continues to grow the lord's church his way amen and he continues to do it for the glory of god i'm so excited church to have this opportunity to continue our series the tokens of a triumphant life and with that being said let's go to the book of genesis chapter number 41. genesis chapter number 41 it is there that the holy spirit is highlighted for us this context beginning with verse number 33. your bible should read now therefore let pharaoh look out a man discreet and wise and set him over the land of egypt and let pharaoh do this and let him appoint officers over the land and take up the fifth part of the land of egypt in the seven plenteous years and let them gather all the food of those good years that come and lay up corn under the hand of pharaoh and let them keep food in the cities and that food shall be for store to the land against the seven years of famine which shall be in the land of egypt that the land does not perish through the famine and the thing was good in the eyes of pharaoh and in the eyes of all his servants and pharaoh said unto his servants can we find such a one as this is a man in whom the spirit of god is and pharaoh said unto joseph for as much as god has showed you all this there is none so discreet and wise as you are you shall be over my house and according unto your word shall all my people be ruled only in the throne shall i be greater than you and pharaoh said unto joseph see i have set you over all the land of egypt and pharaoh took off his ring from his hand and put upon put it upon joseph's hand and raid him investors of fine linen and put a gold chain about his neck and he made him to ride in the second chariot which he had and they cried unto him bow the knee and he made him ruler over all the land of egypt and pharaoh said unto joseph i am pharaoh and without you shall no man lift up his hand or foot in the land of egypt and pharaoh called joseph's name zofnath paania and he gave him to wife asanath the daughter of potiphara priest of neon and joseph went out over all the land of egypt and joseph was 30 years old when he stood before pharaoh king of egypt and joseph went out from the presence of pharaoh and went throughout all the land of egypt you may be seated in the lord's church several years ago it was reported that a little boy suffered injury while in school and the injury so was so severe that he broke his nose his parents rushed to the school got him out of school and immediately rushed him to the local clinic to receive medical attention they got him home and noticed that his spirit was low so his parents decided to take him to the zoo try to lift up his spirit and when they got him at the zoo they paid the fair and they allowed him to be first to go through the turnstile of the zoo little boy went through the turn style and as soon as he went through the turnstile he was immediately surrounded by the new york press zoo officials and photographers unbeknownst to the little boy when he went through the turn style he was the 100th millionth visitor to the zoo and he was awarded all privileges of access to the new york zoolog zoological society strangely enough ladies and gentlemen that little boy received privilege through the process of pain he got privilege courtesy of a broken nose ladies and gentlemen god has so much power that god can place you in a place of privilege even have even if you gotta go through the path of pain i know that little boy is not the only one that can testify several of you in here that can testify that people see you in your glory but they don't know your story you look like you got it all together now but if they got a taste of what you went through to get to where you are that everything that looks like privilege sometimes designed for a route of pain you got to be careful how you want folks privilege because you may be asking for their pain you got to be careful how you covet what belongs to other people because if you want their privilege you may have to be subjected to their pain such as the discipline discovered in the discourse of genesis chapter 41 joseph ladies and gentlemen has reached a place of privilege through the path of pain joseph didn't have everything that he should have had and what he is in doesn't reflect what he's been through what he's been through is uh trumped up charges of rape wrongful incarceration being uh displaced by the people he called family this has been a path of pain only to arrive in chapter 41 at a place of privilege i don't know who i'm talking to but if you be honest uh your degree didn't get you to where you are your hookups didn't get you to where you are your sorority or your fraternity didn't get you to where you are you went through a bad path to get to a good place that's the power of god that god can use the wrong path to get you to the right place come here ladies and gentlemen you and i need to investigate this because chapter 41 is now joseph's place of privilege but you will note that we cannot properly get to the place of privilege until we investigate the path of pain it's in verse 1 of genesis 41. here's what it says two full years later i'm gonna try one more time two full years later joseph is now about to experience a transition courtesy of pharaoh's dream two full years later pharaoh dreamed two dreams that nobody in his egyptian council could interpret or explain his first dream is in verses one through four where he dreamed about seven fat kind k-i-n-e which is an old word that means cattle seven fat cattle and seven lean cattle and in that dream the seven lean cattle ate up the seven fat cattle that was his first dream second dream comes in verses five through seven where he dreamed about seven lean ears of corn and seven full ears of corn and in that dream the seven lean ears of corn devoured the seven full years of corn that's the revelation verses 25 through 32 joseph comes to give the interpretation joseph says then these verses of 25 through 32 that the seven fat kind and the seven full ears represent seven years of plenty and the seven lean cattle and the seven thin ears of corn represent seven years of famine the revelation was that these were seven cattle and seven corn the interpretation was that the seven years of plenty would be devoured by seven years of famine that's the interpretation the application then now comes by joseph recommending to pharaoh that you need somebody as a head of the department of agriculture that has economic wisdom that can learn how to manage in this situation because you don't need somebody who's got faith to change god's will you need somebody who's got faith to adjust in god's will there will be no prayer and fasting to try to get god to change his mind there will be no seven days of consecration and convocation to try to get god to change his mind there will be no late night prayer and no early morning 6 a.m prayer to get god to change his mind faith ladies and gentlemen is not always used against god's will it's used to adjust to god's will i knew you weren't going to say nothing because you didn't found out the hard way you've been praying to god for months for god to change things and god has not changed you know why because your faith does not bully god you ain't got faith to tell god what to do you don't have faith to tell god how to do it you don't have faith to make god adjust to your preference can i get you to help me understand this faith pleases god not runs god joseph says no no we ain't having no prayer meeting it is what it is there will be seven years of plenty and seven years of famine and you need somebody who is the head of department of agriculture who will set up a plan to make sure that in the years of plenty that we store up enough for the years of famine well let me give you token number four since you act like i'm not preaching to you token number four ladies and gentlemen is simply this write it down what if you're going to live a triumphant life you have got to save in the surplus so you can survive in the shortage preach toler you can't get your little stimulus check and run all over the country you can't get your little two dollars and go stand in the line at the gucci store when that has no value added to it when you get surplus you've got to save in the surplus so you can survive in the shortage you are not broke cause you ain't had money you broke cause when you did have money you splurged and didn't do right by it [Applause] [Applause] here's token number four let me give it to you again save in the surplus so that you can survive in the shortage what y'all forgot is god just isn't the god of the surplus the devil is not sending the famine god is sending the famine and we're not changing god's will away we're going to learn how to be economically wise in the surplus so that we can survive in the shortage i knew you wasn't going to say nothing let me tell you why let me tell you why you don't have to worry about it because when you save in the surplus you ain't got to keep pressuring god for a miracle [Applause] see when you irresponsible with your stuff now you want to put all this pressure on god and when god doesn't come through you either ready to quit christianity or go find you another church the devil is a lie god has set a shortage to make some of y'all be more responsible with your money now say amen to that god sends certain circumstances to make you more responsible and stop trying to pressure him with your faith because sometimes when you just use common sense you don't have to live from miracle to miracle i'm talking good you ain't got to say nothing i know you don't want to say nothing to that i said when you use common sense you don't have to keep living from miracle to miracle save in the surplus so you can survive in the shortage that's token number four if you want to live a triumphant life but y'all notice church two years later pharaoh has a dream nobody can interpret and two years later marv the bible says that the butler who forgot him two years ago remembers him and recommends to pharaoh you don't have anybody in your circle that can interpret this dream i was in jail with a cat who is a master dream interpreter go get him consult with him and let him interpret your dream y'all don't know when to get happy joe comes and gives interpretation and application to the revelation of the dream y'all missed it two years later the same guy who forgot about him two years ago remembers him two years later okay come here for a second the first thing this texas tailored to teach us y'all is that a dream got joseph taken down and a dream got joseph taken up god has a way of using the same thing that took you down to reverse your whole life and bring you back up and the very thing people thought was going to be the end of you it's the very thing that's gonna be the beginning of the next season of your life if a dream can do it a dream can bring you back up but that ain't the blessing that ain't the blessing ben harris here's the blessing the blessing is god's timing let the church say god's timing ladies and gentlemen god genesis chapter 41 explains the legitimacy of why sometimes you're forgotten sometimes carol watson you're forgotten because god doesn't have you in prison he got you in preservation [Applause] cause god has to schedule the right crisis that makes your gift necessary [Applause] and when he schedules the right crisis that makes your gift necessary he just got you on layaway till you need it i ain't preaching to everybody because some of y'all are operating in your gift but i got some people in the bullpen who are waiting on god to raise you up ladies and gentlemen you got to stay where god got you until the right crisis comes that puts your gift in demand [Applause] wait a minute wait a minute jackson here it is and when the right crisis comes you may be needed by a king instead of a butler [Applause] okay some of y'all complained that you got neglected by butlers when really you needed by a king [Applause] so it's no need of you tripping about who forgot you because when you get called up you're gonna be called above the people who forgot you [Applause] do i got anybody in here that will testify when it's your turn you're going to be on a higher level than you was at the level you were forgotten [Applause] would you encourage your neighbor and tell your neighbor neighbor stop crying about butlers because you are going to be needed by kings stop complaining about folk on a lower level when you gonna go to a higher level whenever god decides to raise you up [Applause] i don't know whose point this is sure informant but you king material and when you king material you can't have a butler's mentality [Applause] i wish i had some people who ain't arrogant you just confident i'm the head and not the tail i'm above and not beneath i'm the lender and not the borrower and i'm not gonna lower myself to butler-minded people just because i got a king's mentality you got neglected by butlers because your gift was always for kings and if you are uncomfortable with my confidence that's your problem if you don't like that i like me [Applause] that's your problem i make a recommendation why don't you stay close to me so i can rub off on you because you need an ego booster yourself you need a confidence booster yourself that you cannot allow yourself to be demoted mentally to butler level when you are already king necessity you really wasn't neglected you was actually preserved because the right crisis lanine hadn't happened yet that necessitates your gift but your gift was always on another level this is such an uncomfortable sermon for some of y'all i see it in your face i'm sorry i see it in your eyes i can't see your face cause many of you watching me and hearing me you have let low-minded people lower you the devil is alive your gift was designed for kings so you stopped complaining that butler's neglected you because really kings need you wait a minute he gets pulled out of prison for the same thing that put him in prison a dream he interprets the king's dream y'all and the key and he says to the king hey king you need a guy who is wise and discreet whom the spirit of the lord is in to set up a plan watch this that's going to help you survive in the shortage he said you need a man that's wise and discreet that's personality he said you need to set him over the land that's responsibility he said they need a plan to be able to save food in this in the surplus that's that's strategy he said you need a man that's got good personality responsibility and strategy preach totally morgan i'm talking good in here you ain't gonna say nothing to me i preached it myself he said you need somebody that's got strategy responsibility and personality joseph is telling pharaoh that pharaoh looks back at joseph and says hey guy i see all that in you lord i'ma try this one more time joe telling this cat hey man you need somebody who's wise discreet responsible and got strategy pharaoh looks back and said man i see all that in you you're our guy you're the one hold on y'all stop for me pharaoh sees wisdom discretion responsibility personality and strategy in a prisoner on that side of the church let me talk to these people here pharaoh looks at a prisoner and says sir i see wisdom discretion responsibility strategy in you and you a prisoner y'all ain't keeping notes so let's keep notes here it is deandre pharaoh sees wisdom and discretion and strategy and responsibility in a guy who's been displaced by his family he'd been in jail for three years over a crime he didn't commit and he's been neglected by a butler and after all that there's still some good in him lord have mercy let me shout myself ladies and gentlemen if you've been through a bad situation and you didn't come out a bad person the miracle is there is something still good in you it don't matter what you've been through god still got some purpose for your life you've been through divorce but you still material to still marry again you lost the job but you still good for the next job and ladies and gentlemen this is god's word for you you are still somebody else's solution even when you got your own problems do i got somebody that will testify no matter what i've been through i'm somebody's answer i'm somebody's solution despite what i've been through just cause i'm in a prison don't mean i'm not worth anything just cause i've been through hard times doesn't mean my value is worthless god's word to somebody is you are still somebody's solution even when you got your own problems and don't you allow anybody to tell you that you are meaningless because of what you've been through he identifies greatness in the person on the low totem pole and when he does it shamika he gives him nomination he said man you're our guy after nomination he gives him elevation he said i'm gonna set you over my house and all of egypt and after nomination and elevation he gives him coronation he takes his ring off and puts it on joseph a raise him in the finest linden investors and gives him a coronation and jackson hears the beauty after the nomination and the election and the coronation he gives him a position here it is ruth of jackson he says despite the grandeur of your nomination and your election and your coordination you've been assigned to the second seat [Applause] they don't know how to get happy you ain't gonna be first you second you're gonna ride in the second chariot the only person that's above you is the king but you sir are gonna ride in the second seat i need to park my tent here cause some of y'all think you ain't nothing if you ain't in the first seat [Applause] but the god i serve knows how to put value in your life even when you ain't first if you in the second seat the third seat just work to seat you in because ladies and gentlemen superiority is in the first seat but the solution is in the second seat [Applause] let me park in tell you you are in the second seat to serve the first seat not sit in it [Applause] you are not in the second seat to replace the first seat you got to be faithful in the seat you in lord have mercy today because culture makes you think if you ain't the first you are uneffective ladies and gentlemen joseph is in the second seat and all of egypt survives the famine because of the guy in the second seat now those of you in the second seat can't be in the second seat smiling at the person in the first seat and complaining about what they do later behind their back i can't get no help here if you in the second seat you serve the first seat you don't sit in the first seat god help us to be delivered from people who can't handle the second seat you in the second seat because that's where your gift is most effective you in the second seat to make a difference in the seat you in not in somebody else's seat you got to be careful who's second because that'll be the one that'll stab you in the back that'll be the one that'll betray you the person in the second seat got to have wisdom discretion personality responsibility and strategy you've been called to the second seat and and ride that seat proudly write it proudly because if you in the second seat you got major trust on your life if you in the second seat you are trusted beyond anybody else in the kingdom the superiority is in the first seat but the solution is in the second seat he's when when pharaoh gets done he's so impressed with joseph he gives joseph a new name he called his name zafat anya it's a hebrew it's a egyptian word that scholars translate to mean now god speaks and he lives night night church may the lord god bless you real good the first reason why joseph was in egypt was to be a man who was a light of god to unbelievers when joseph got in even the egyptian people declared god must be alive and god is speaking in this house ladies and gentlemen whatever position god puts you in you can't forget that you're in that position to make him shine whatever whatever seat god put you in god put you there because there's somebody else around you that needs to meet jesus through you and that's who we're looking for it was the man in the second seat i bid y'all farewell there's something powerful to that because we found out that the guy in the second seat was the guy who was able to bring food and bread in a starving land i bit y'all farewell the guy in the second seat was the guy who was under the king but had the king's authority still missed it the guy in the second seat is the guy whose name means god will add the new testament puts it this way there was the first adam and then there's the second adam whom the second adam came to give life and to give bread in a starving land do you all know who that was for us there is a second man in the second seat his name is jesus and he is the bread of life he says i am the bread and those who eat of me shall eat eternally have i got any help here would you help me close this message and tell your neighbor neighbor thank god for the man in the second seat if it wasn't for him we'd be dead already but he brought life to us he brought food to us he brought ministry to us have i got to win this here i feel like preaching now would you look at somebody and tell them neighbor the man in the second seat has the power of the king have i gotta win is he he's saying i and my father we are one have i gotta win this here the bible says that the man in the second seat has all power in his hand and when he functions and what he's been called to do the kingdom thrives have i got to win this here is it anybody glad that the man in the second seat has got power to raise you up y'all still missed it the guy in the second seat george was in prison but the king raised him up still sleep i said the guy in the second seat was in prison but the king raised him up okay they still missed it the king raised the second guy up after two years which means he got up out of that prison in the third year y'all still missed it he was down in that prison for two whole years and after two full years the king raised him up does that sound like somebody y'all know my jesus was in the grave for two full days and on the third day god raised him up and set him in a seat of authority right next to the king and right now he is at the throne next to the father making intercession for us have i got a witness here would y'all do me a faith and just look at somebody and tell them neighbor when god raises me up i'm going above and beyond where i am right now when cars raises me up i'm moving up the upward weight and i gotta win this here anybody glad that god doesn't make lateral moves but the god i serve makes elevating moves have i got a witness here so would you encourage your neighbor i said encourage your neighbor and tell them neighbor to be faithful over a few things and he will make you ruler over many humble yourself before the mighty hand of god that he may exalt you in due time have i got a witness here somebody celebrate that god knows how to make it turn out for your good it was a bad path that's got a good ending i said it was a bad path that's got a good ending do y'all understand what fits right there look at somebody and tell them neighbor if it's bad with a good ending then we resolve and we know that all things work together for the good of them that love the lord and are called according to his purpose if he worked it out for you giving glory if he work it out for you if he's lifted you above where you are i need you to give him praise has he lifted you up i said has he lifted you up then look at somebody and tell them babe i'm pressing on the upper boy new heights i'm gaining everything still praying as our homewood pound clean my feet on the higher ground if he's lifting you up then you all not to be sitting there just looking at me if you look at you up open your mouth and give god a high praise i said give him a high praise yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] yay [Music] lift him up i said lift him up if he's lifting you up lift him up for the world to see lift him up cause he's been good to you you were down in a prison but god brought you back if he brought you back give him praise lock your heart at your back now let everything i said let everything i said let everything that he lifted up [Music] so here's your miracle you've been through a bad situation but you didn't come out a bad person you've been through hell but you're not a hellion [Music] there is something still good in you even after unfortunately situations there's still wisdom in you power there's still strategy in you there's still vision in you all you needed was to see a better version of yourself that's all i needed joseph saw himself on top while he was on the bottom all he needed was a better version of himself god showed you your future if god has showed you your future then the future is adjusting how you live your present you see you can't and some of you who are athletes understand you can't have athletic aspirations and treat your body any kind of way because where you see yourself in the future adjusts how you live right now see when you see a glimpse of yourself in the future you start adjusting your life to what you see but you got to be able to withstand that part of your life where your present doesn't always look like your future that's what god will do god will show you what your future look like but leave out the bad details i showed you that you're gonna be on top but i didn't tell you he was gonna have to spend time in prison on the way there i showed you you're gonna be on top but i didn't tell you all hell was gonna break loose in your life on the way there you know why god leaves out some of the details jackie because if he tell you everything you don't have to use faith so sometimes he leaves out the details because faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of stuff you don't see every time god wants to shift your life he'll leave some stuff out because see if we going to alabama and we driving you trailing me you don't know where you're going i know where i'm going you gotta stay behind me if i give you the directions you get to leave me you get to stop when you wanna you get to go any direction you want to go are y'all hearing me man that's right so god will leave out the details just to make sure you follow him because otherwise you get to do what you want to do i'm going out 75 you on 285. that ain't what i told you i told you to trust in the lord with all your heart lean not to your own directions in all of your ways acknowledge me and i'll direct your path hey god why you ain't tell me about that cause i need you to stay with me why you didn't tell me i was gonna meet this fool cause i need you to keep praying why you ain't telling me is going to close my business because i need you to understand that i will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory hey y'all ain't seen god yet hey marv i'm gonna get in trouble you security today right okay you stay right there let me tell you how good god is let me go and get in trouble god permitted a pandemic and then sent money to you from a wicked king you got you got security y'all didn't hear what i said i said god's permitted a pandemic and then sent money to your house from a wicket [Music] don't tell me god ain't good don't tell me god ain't got all power security [Applause] that's kind of god we serve god is not limited to using folk who believe in him god got all power if god can use a mule and a whale he can use people who don't even believe in him you know my boss ain't saved your boss paying your bills thank the lord everyone's standing i've been gone for two weeks y'all tolerate my talking i don't care y'all don't come to church enough no way so y'all spend time listen church i'm fully convinced oh by the way y'all like this new arrangement it's all right it's all right okay we just experimented today we're experimenting we just tried to try to make sure try something different all right y'all be cool when we leave out here too we got instructions on that too listen church this is a moment that is so sensitive because i believe somebody's gonna give it life to the lord jesus christ today i believe that i believe it there's somebody in here you've allowed your prison to define who you are your prison doesn't define who you are you can possess great qualities in bad situations there's still some good in you there's still some wisdom some discretion in you despite what you've been through all you got to do now is turn your life over to the lord allow him to rule regulate run your life allow him to be lord of your life i don't want to live this life and never know who created me to live it you have the opportunity to do that now if you're in this place or online is what you simply need to do if it is your desire and decision today to say pastor i want to give my life to the lord i i want to know this person in the second seat he's only in the second seat of the trinity having equal power with the person in the front seat from divinity this is your time to get to know him he's made a way for you to eat in a famine he's made a way for you to have all of your capacity and your mind settled all you simply need to do now is receive him by faith those of you in the sanctuary if you say pastor i want to give my life to the lord i want to connect with this fellowship of believers on the screen now are two means of communicating with us after you have made this decision that i want to accept jesus christ as lord of my life i believe that he died for my sins and that his blood washed my sins away and i believe that he was raised from the dead by faith if you make that confession of faith today in person or virtually grab yours your phone right now get your phone right now text us at this number you don't have to walk up here you can text us at this number or email us and our staff will be on the other line waiting to hear from you to receive your confession of faith and to welcome you into the fellowship bible church family online i'm talking to you as well this is your time in your day give your life to the lord come on jesus christ is here to save you today if that's your desire in this room connect with us by your phone and we welcome you everyone lift your [Music] hands i'm gonna follow you [Music] um make that declaration one more time you may you may [Music] we're going forward thank you for moving me thank you for shifting me forward thank you for taking me forward last time [Music] you may be seated you may be seated if at any time you're watching this worship you're part of this worship and you say i want to give my life to the lord jesus christ this is your time this is your day to do it for his glory in the name of the lord jesus somebody give god praise for his word come on thank him for his word church it's giving time it's giving time this is a time of our worship where we share our times and offerings uh as you came in today um those of you that wanted an envelope you should have received one if you have an envelope you hold on to your envelope until we give uh the benediction will escort you out and you can drop your envelope in the boxes out in the lobby those of you that have smartphones you want to email or use our shelby next giving app or text to give these are the options that are on the screen in front of you if you will choose one of these options you will choose one of these options this is where we share our times and offerings ladies and gentlemen tithing is the first tenth of our income to god not a tenth the first tenth of our income to god that means that whatever god has given us as relates to income he gets 10 out of it we live off of the 90 and the bible says in malachi chapter 3 verses 10 through 12 that when we give our tithe unto the lord he will open windows of heaven and pour us out of blessing we won't have room to receive it it goes on to say he will rebuke the devourer for your sake all nations will call you blessed now let me tell you something about people who tie number one they are blessed to two tithes amen number two tithers never miss what they give [Music] because god keeps his word and makes up every shortage and number three ladies and gentlemen tithers are living proof that when you do it god's way he will make sure that you ain't got to beg to be blessed you don't have to connive to be blessed god will bless you the way he sees fit to bless you he will open a window of heaven and pour you out of blessing and if that's god's program i want to abide by it i want to be obedient to god in that area amen so on your screen pick one of these options and let's give come on let's pray father in the name of the lord jesus i thank you that i have something to give i thank you god that i'm giving it cheerfully not not being upset not being grudging not feeling burdened enjoying a joy in giving and i thank you lord for the blessings that are on my life as a result of my obedience to you not to my brother or sister that is on screen online and in the sanctuary would you manifest your word in their lives as they are obedient in their giving today in jesus name amen those of you that are online again will you pick one of these five options let's give unto the lord as we continue to maintain uh contactless worship as much as possible i'm going to be giving through shelby next if you like to download that app you can go to your app store on your phone and download shelbynext giving and let's give unto the lord together for his glory amen amen amen how many of y'all just thankful that you've got something to give i'm just thankful i got something here amen amen amen god be praised all right uh please ma'am and please sir adhere to all of the announcements that we uh walked you through earlier it's a it's a busy but a good month in the month of august register to get go online to get your shirts for victory sunday you have until sunday august the 15th to do that go online again on our website and register for our christian enrichment courses and uh all that is uh happening in the life of our church you can get it in the navigator which is also accessible through our church's website all right we're in the process of redoing our website uh so it is still active but we'll let you know uh when we get it redone and uh updated for the glory of god so all things fellowship go to our church's website all right i need every student faculty staff of any school on any level to stand right where you are those of you that are online if you are a student a faculty of staff of any school on any level just identify yourself online whether you're on youtube or facebook we want to pray for you pray with you even those that are watching online would you just start to pray for those that will identify themselves online [Music] ladies and gentlemen these these men and women these boys and girls are starting the next phase of school and we are all aware of the challenges that they face we're all aware of what this pandemic is causing us to adjust all right causing us to experiment causing us to do new things but i'm praying today one for your safety for your safety every teacher every faculty every staff person every student for your safety two for your wisdom that god will give you creativity and ingenuity in how you facilitate your room your workspace your job even for our students i'm praying that god will increase your intelligence and open up your intellect to be even more effective in this academic year that's my prayer for you today and that when this is all said and done all of you will give witness to the power of god just in this academic year on behalf of every parent on behalf of every father every mother all of you that are employees in any school system we thank you come on church let's celebrate them we thank you to all of our students to all of our students we thank and appreciate you for being bold brave making adjustments hasn't been easy for you we know it sometimes studying at home is more difficult than studying at school but we we celebrate your bravery and it's almost you know we know you don't have a choice but you are still making a choice to adjust and apply yourselves under the circumstances so we celebrate you ladies and gentlemen let's go to god in prayer for these that are standing those of you that are online we're praying for you as well father in the name of the lord jesus [Music] i ask a special blessing of productivity on every single one of these that stand i ask that you will bless their minds bless their work ethic i ask god that you will bless their ingenuity their creativity god i pray that you'll keep them safe i ask god that you would even raise them up as a voice of influence in their academic settings as a matter of fact god i also pray that you will anoint them that somebody would see you through them in the name of the lord jesus spirit of the living god be with every student be with every teacher be with every staff person be with every administrator as a matter of fact god when these open their mouths let others declare that they have heard from you through these my brothers and sisters we ask now for a successful and safe academic year in jesus name and the people of god said amen if you agree by faith that it's already done let's celebrate the lord blessings on all of you online as you start this academic year please be seated please be seated we're going to prepare to leave worship now god has blessed us in a great way today amen we're going to prepare to leave worship i want to ask our deacons and ushers to come and they're going to lead you out if you'll give your attention to them we want to make sure we leave out in order registration for next week's worship starts tomorrow morning at 8 a.m it will conclude on wednesday at 11 59 pm let me tell you about y'all y'all met capacity tuesday morning y'all ain't playing so if you want to register to be in worship please do it early and do it often so that we can prepare accordingly for you all right everyone look this way amen everyone look this way church we praise god for four new members of our church today four new members amen hallelujah the lord god bless and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you be gracious unto you the lord lift the light of his countenance upon you and give you peace may he bless you in the city may he bless you in the field may he bless you're going out and you're coming in may he favor your business your goals your dreams and may the dream that took you down lift you up in jesus name amen god bless y'all i love you all everybody have a great week if you'll give your attention uh to our deacons and ushers you
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 4,463
Rating: 4.7446809 out of 5
Id: mAgPbLjZPlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 48sec (7608 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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