Pastor Tolan Morgan - The Road To Restoration!

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when somebody else falls into disregard and disgrace now we want to become judges and we always have a plan for putting folk out to church but we don't have a plan of restoring them in the church and so what philemon teaches us through the apostle paul is that there ought to be a plan of restoration and not just a plan of removal [Applause] i want to summon your senses and invite your intellect today to the book of philemon some some people pronounce it philemon um and don't act like you know where it's at just go to the table of contents in your bible it's in the new testament don't flip your pages too fast because you're going to flip right past it it's one page in the new testament the book of philemon it's after the book of titus i believe and let's go there and don't tell me you read this this week because you didn't hey bad let's let's uh go into a different territory this week the book of philemon it's in the new testament and uh it is there that the holy spirit is highlighted for us uh a few verses out of this one chapter beginning with verse number 10. the book of philemon verse number 10. if you don't have a bible of course the scripture will be on your screen and you can follow along as we read the word of the lord we're going to read down to verse number 20. your bible should read i beseech you for my son onesimus whom i have begotten in my bonds which in time passed was to you unprofitable but now profitable to you and to me whom i have sent again you therefore receive him that is mine own bowels whom i would have retained with me that in your stead he might have ministered unto me in the bonds of the gospel but without your mind would i do nothing that your benefit should not be as it were of necessity but willingly for perhaps he therefore departed for a season that you should receive him forever not now as a servant but above a servant a brother beloved especially to me but how much more unto you both in the flesh and in the lord if you count me therefore a partner receive him as myself if he has wronged you or owes you anything put that on my account i paul have written it with my own hand i will repay it albeit i do not say to you how you o unto me even thine own self besides yes brother let me have joy in you in the lord refresh my bowels in the lord i want to tag this text the road to restoration the road to restoration what you and i have just read is paul's shortest epistle and only is one chapter and while it is short in words it is strong in witness concerning this issue of how a breach can be repaired between two people of how there can be some restoration between two individuals most scholars agree in concert that this letter was written by paul to a rich or wealthy or affluent christian who lived in colossae by the name of philemon and he writes this letter to philemon concerning a runaway slave by the name of onesimus onesimus was a slave to philemon over time he ran away from his master we are not privy as to the reasons why onesimus ran away we don't know exactly what happened all we know is during the time that he ran away he ended up in rome and met the apostle paul while paul was on house arrest in rome he was imprisoned shackled in chains and we are not even privy as to how they met exactly all we know based on this letter that during the time that he was a runaway he met paul and also during that time something signature and significant happen in the life of onesimus we catch it here in verse number 10 and paul has reached a point where he is clearly led by providence to mediate the restoration between onisimus and philemon he writes this letter to philemon mediating their return to each other and he says something significant he says the onissimus that is returning to you is not the onesimus that left you in verse number 10 he says he's coming back to you as a saved man since he met me i introduced him to the lord jesus christ he opened up his heart he gave his life to jesus christ and now he is a christian we see that clearly in verse number 10 when paul says to him i'm writing to you on behalf of my son not just a slave he is my son who i begot in my bonds the word begotten there as you already know means to procreate or regenerate or to give birth to he is saying that while i was in prison i met your slave onesimus i introduced him to jesus he opened up his heart received jesus and accepted the atonement of the lord jesus christ and now the onesimus that is coming back to you is not the omnissimus that left you he is a saved man and consequently he is a changed man you and i need to pause there and stick a pen in this first particular note of this easter speech today because it's clear that we cannot proceed if we don't understand the core situation that is facilitating the rest of this story and that is simply this onesimus is coming back to you as a changed man for whatever reason he left you he's coming back to you saved he has received the lord jesus christ that shares with us a couple of things ladies and gentlemen first of all we have to take note of the power of this transformation in that the one who was bound led the one who was free to jesus and if the one who was free needed to be led to jesus then the one who was free was previously bound there is an interesting paradox that shouts at us in verse 12 that the one who was free was bound while the one who was bound was free paul was bound but had freedom in his spirit in his mind in his heart because he was a servant of the lord jesus christ but onisimus was free he was a runaway slave he was on his own but yet bound because he had not met the lord jesus christ it's powerful at the onset of this sermon ladies and gentlemen that we've got to learn not to judge a book by its cover because the one who is free could very well be bound and the one who you think is bound can very well be free we've got to be careful and cognizant that we don't judge people by the exterior but we judge them by the interior he who was bound paul was used of the lord jesus christ to bring freedom to one who was bound though he was free maybe real freedom ladies and gentlemen is internal and not just external but we also have to take another look at this initial note here that it is a celebratory thing that onesimus while on the run received the lord jesus christ and he received it from somebody who was bound it was it was onesimus who received the conversion from paul while paul was in chains i i i've got to stop there ladies and gentlemen and share with you something so powerful that i think is significant in this season that onesimus was led to jesus christ by somebody who was bound himself maybe it teaches us in this season that you can still be effective even while you're under restrictions preach totally morgan might i tell you that god can still use you to be effective even while you feel bound and restricted and chained and don't even have your own freedom that you can usher somebody into their freedom even when you're not even walking in your own freedom you and i are experiencing this in this season that we're learning what it means to be effective even while restricted some of you have watched your businesses flourish under restrictions some of you have been able to receive financial support that you had not received before under restrictions some of you have been able to really be better managers of your health while under restrictions and some of you even feel better in your spirit because you're not as carnal as you once was because you're under restrictions ladies and gentlemen god has a way of still making good use of you and still making you viable and effective even while you're under restrictions paul the the joke of this text is that they chained paul for the very reason of why he's ministering to onesimus they locked him down to shut his mouth because of the ministry of jesus christ that was coming out of his mouth and omnissimus is evidence that god can still make you effective even while you're under restrictions he accepted the atonement there was something clear to us in verse 12 that after onesimus accepted the atonement work of jesus christ preached to him by paul verse 12 says paul took the initiative to make an appeal as the advocate of onesimus he postures himself as his counselor as his defense attorney who is representing onesimus and serving as his advocate to philemon he is making his argument from three particular appeals as the advocate of onesimus listen to what his first appeal is in verse and verse 12 paul is very clear crystal clear to tell us that he supported onesimus that he stood with onesimus and that he spoke for onesimus watchme church even while omissimus was in the wrong there's a there's an interesting theological twist here in this text that whatever has birthed this breach between for philemon and onesimus paul is being an advocate for onesimus in that he is bringing defense to the guilty he is taking the side of the one who was operating out of order that's a challenge for those of us uh churchy people because we believe that god only has to be on the side of the righteous the good the holy but here is a case where paul is posturing himself to represent the one who has done the wrong this runaway fugitive who is operating out of order and he is arguing his case from three appeals here's his first appeal listen to what he says he says philemon i want to encourage you and first of all i know this young man is out of order but i want to argue on this side that i'm going to return him to you because he left you unprofitable but now he is profitable he is suggesting to philemon that man listen i know that he has done you wrong but there is life after disgrace that even if he has wronged you he is coming back to you useful and profitable i know there's been a time where he cost you he embarrassed you he hurt you but now he has been away from you and he is coming back to you useful because not only is he coming back to you as a servant but he's coming back to you as a christian the lord has changed his heart the lord has opened up his mind the lord has pricked his spirit and as a result there is life after disgrace he is useful even after a time of being useless you think he's not profitable to you i've spent some time with him and i'm sending him back to you useful uh i don't know who this is for but god's word to you today is that if you have fallen into a place of disregard there is life after disgrace thanks be to god we call that another chance that god will give you another chance after you have fallen into disregard and disgrace all right let me see if i can uh put some put some meat on this bone ladies and gentlemen uh we've got to be careful how we preach this whole issue of grace i've said before and i'll say it again the world does not struggle with grace the church does you and i who call ourselves christians and operate in righteousness and holiness we are okay with it as long as it's somebody else when somebody else falls into disregard and disgrace now we want to become judges and we always have a plan for putting folk out to church but we don't have a plan of restoring them in the church and so what philemon teaches us through the apostle paul is that there ought to be a plan of restoration and not just a plan of removal i knew you weren't going to say nothing because we're quick to sit people down but never be able to stand them back up this ladies and gentlemen is a process that there ought to be some life after disgrace let me see if i can help you uh uh genesis chapter number six god has decided in verses one through seven that he was going to destroy the world because of the wickedness of man's imagination his thoughts and actions had become so deplorable and so despicable and so demonic that god decided i'm going to kill them all verse 8 peaks a glimmer of hope and says but noah found grace in the eyes of the lord noah was not good god just looked at noah through the lenses of grace noah should have died with all the rest of his contemporaries in his community because god had decided to kill off all humanity but in the midst of his wrath was his grace within the context and framework of his wrath was his grace which means ladies and gentlemen that noah eventually built the ark salvaged his family and all the animals so that god could restart life all over again you know what that means that means that god had a purpose and a life for noah after disgrace all right uh still not filling me joshua chapter number two uh joshua has sent two spies to spy out jericho and when they get to jericho there was a woman there who aided and abetted them in supporting the plan of god's plan for them to conquer jericho and the text says her name was rahab and she was a prostitute okay the bible is clear to tell us that a prostitute was essential in assisting the men of god in carrying out the plan of god to conquer jericho that even after prostitution god said she had life after disgrace okay still not feeling me john chapter 11 there was a woman there caught in the very act of adultery they were getting ready to stone sister girl because she was caught in the very act of adultery jesus steps forth and says to those men you who are without sin cast the first stone they didn't cast a stone because they probably had slept with her but the bible says that they walked away dropped their heads and walked away and she he looks at the woman and says go and sin no more because there is life after disgrace still not feeling in mark chapter 13 that sunday morning when jesus got up out the grave the first preacher of the resurrection was not a man but it was a woman her name was mary magdalene the bible says in mark chapter 16 that jesus spoke specifically to her and the sisters and said go tell the disciples and peter to go meet me in galilee and there will they see me for i shall give them the power that they need to change the world y'all sleep if you read mark chapter 16 mary magdalene was the same woman that god had cast demons out of her this woman was formerly demon possessed and the woman who was formerly demon possessed jesus used her to bring the first announcement of the resurrection you know why because there's a life after disgrace all right you still ain't feeling me mark chapter 16 verse number seven jesus told mary magdalene to go tell the disciples and peter hey man peter's already one of the disciples why did you single him out i singled him out cause he was the guy who two days ago said he was gonna stand with me but before night the next morning he denied me three times and he think i'm done with him just cause he betrayed me but go tell the disciples and peter that i've got work for them to do and in the book of acts chapter 2 peter was the first bishop in the new testament church who stands up and preaches the gospel and three thousand folk got saved you know why because there's a life after disgrace i'm talking to some disgraceful people who thought she was damaged goods and thought that god was done with you god ain't done with you he just had to break you so he could use you preach toll and morgan can i get somebody in the technological realm to just text somebody type somebody tap somebody in your technological realm and tell them i've got to thank god that god is not throwing me away he just breaking me so he could use me is anybody thankful that you got life after disgrace here's the good news the good news ladies and gentlemen is that grace pulls you out of disgrace because you're still useful after you've been disrespectful you're still useful after you've been disgraceful okay okay matt hudson this gonna preach man i remember vividly about 21 years ago me and lenin were preparing for our first wedding it was our first wedding 21 years ago it was our first wedding i remember it vividly uh we were trying to put together a collage of pictures that would run on a video at our wedding reception that's what we were trying to do we tried to put together a bunch of pictures of our history our personal history that would just run during our wedding reception leading up uh to that preparation i had went home got a whole bunch of my pictures and had to bring them back to her house and the day i brought the pictures back to her house it was raining i get out the car man and i dropped the pictures on the ground and the pictures fell into a puddle of water man i'm distraught church i'm distraught because we're supposed to have these pictures for the collage and i got to pick the pictures up went in the house and she said i don't know what to do let's just call our wedding coordinator and see what we can do we called the wedding coordinator cheryl and the wedding coordinator said don't worry about it just bring the pictures to me and i'll see what we can do y'all know what happened at the wedding reception we had some pictures y'all slept so let me try it again i got those pictures i was running in the house i dropped those pictures those pictures dropped in the water they were potentially damaged but we called the wedding coordinator and the wedding coordinator said don't worry about it just bring the pictures i'll see what i can do on our wedding day at the reception we still had a collage of pictures to show y'all asleep so i'm gonna try one more time ladies and gentlemen had those pictures dropped in that water the image would have been blurred the image of the pictures would have been messed up but when we put it in the hands of the coordinator lord have mercy the coordinator knew what to do with damaged goods can i talk to somebody in here who's looking at me you are damaged goods but when you take the blurred image you fell into a dirty spot you got soaked into sin and you thought that your image was over but when you pick it up and put it in the hands of the coordinator the coordinator knows what to do with damaged goods do i got anybody in the technological realm who is proof today that god knows what to do with damaged goods you fell into scandal but he picked you up and gave you life after grace your heart has been broken but he picked you up and gave you life after disgrace you got fired from the job but he picked you up and gave you life after disgrace your best friend betrayed you but he'll pick you up and give you life after disgrace anybody glad that the god i serve knows how to fix damaged goods i got some help around here somewhere that when you just put it in the hands of the coordinator he he doesn't just know how to work with things that are right he knows how to do something right with that which is messed up i preached to myself because see some of y'all you spiritual and self-righteous so you want to act like i'm not preaching to you because you all of us are hiding our blurred images but the truth of the matter is when you go home and stare in the mirror and look yourself in the mirror you're still looking at a blurred image but thanks be to god i was sinking man i didn't know i'd go there today deep in sin far from the peaceful shore very deeply staying within sink lord have mercy there go that blood again the master of the sea had my despairing cry and from the waters he lifted me and now save him tell somebody i serve a god who knows what to do with damaged goods that's what paul is doing for omnissimus paul is telling philemon he is saying philip and listen there is life after disgrace and grace can pull you out of disgrace lord if i don't say nothing else in this church i need somebody in the technological realm to get happy that god is not through with you just because you fell and soaked in sin he knows how to pick you up and still make good use for you tell somebody i'm useful even after being disgraceful oh that's for the real people i'm useful even after being disgraceful i'm useful even after i'm messed up i'm useful even after i've done that which god is not pleased with god still got a purpose for you even if you have fallen into disgrace that's his first argument listen to his second argument his second argument is he says hey philemon he said man it's possible that onesimus's running away was a providential difficulty it was a providential difficulty look around verse 14 and 15 he says perhaps for a season he departed from you so that you would receive him forever okay y'all missed it maybe uh maybe debbie he left and his leaving was for his good so that when he come back he's not coming back the way he left maybe maybe marv his leaving is actually a good thing because he had to leave wrong get changed so he could come back right uh sometimes ladies and gentlemen i don't know who this is for but it's it's it's it's free sometimes this is what we call a defining moment a defining moment is when a person comes into the realization of their own character of who they are under a crisis i'm trying to tell you that many of us right now are in a defining moment there is something crucial happening or even something bad happening to you that is about to help you discover who you really are okay y'all missed it his name is onesimus in the greek it translates useful okay y'all missed it paul says he left you unprofitable but he's gonna come back profitable because he's finally caught up to who he was born to be there was a crisis that may have happened in his life that helped him finally identify that he is useful but he could not be of use to you until he identified himself being useful you see there are some people who can't help you until they help themselves there are some people who cannot be of good use to you until they come into alignment and discover who god really meant for them to be this runaway was a providential difficulty and now he's coming back to you and he's going to be everything that god made him to be his name means useful his name means profitable so he's saying he who was not sure of who he was is coming back sure of who he was because he met the god who made him and now he met who he was supposed to be preached hole in morgan and when you discover who you're supposed to be now you can be a blessing to everybody else he says there's life after disgrace and this could be a providential difficulty that god often permits some bad or rough situations to be defining moments for you to discover who you really are in god but also he says this is a shared deliverance okay i've been talking to get to this point i've been talking it to this point here it is lauren it's gonna bless your life here's what he said he says hey philemon i was writing about onesimus but i was actually addressing you this letter is not really about omnissimus this letter is really about you because philemon if omnissimus is coming to you a changed man then you got to change [Music] i knew you weren't going to say nothing see you just figured out why some people left you because some people can't tolerate the changed you because the changed you forces people to change towards you the changed version of you is what people don't like because the changed version of you it makes everybody who deals with you now they got to change he's coming to you a changed man and change demands change when i change on the inside it may force you to change towards me and now you don't want to do that because you don't want to handle the new me because you can control the old me you can control the familiar version of me because the familiar version of me says i'm your slave but the new version of me says i'm not your slave i'm your brother break stolen morgan and because i'm different now you got to be different so i was never really talking about onesimus i was talking to philemon because philemon now is the one who got to change i don't know if i'm being nosy and i don't care but in this season your friendships are changing because you changing your lovers are changing because you changing the people that are your friendships that are familiar with you they're all changing because you changing because they don't want to change towards you and because you're different they can't stand the fact that you're different because you being changing demands for them to change i have just told on all your business because you've been trying to figure out what is going on in my relationships what is going on in my walk with god when you change people change towards you and they don't like to change towards you see see here's the truth it's the truth see it's hard it's hard y'all it's hard it's hard for for me to to all of a sudden be spiritual with you when we met colonel okay i knew you weren't gonna say nothing see it's a little rough for me to switch up on your spirituality when we met in the club and you weren't spiritual in the club no no when we met on the job no no you weren't spiritual then you was cussing you were switching uh you had your pants hanging down off your britches and now all of a sudden you didn't got saved sanctified and feel depressed holy ghost you didn't pull your pants up you didn't put your dress down you done cleaned up yourself you're not looking as ratchet as you once did and now i got to change towards you because we met colonel and now you spiritual i can't handle that ladies and gentlemen maybe it's time for some people to change around you because you are changing this letter was not for onesimus the real point of the letter is to talk to philemon because i'm sending him back to you a changed man and i know i know you got issues with him i know you got a problem with him but i'm gonna send him back to you a changed man which means you sir no no i'm talking to you you you sir you you got change i know you call yourself a little mr master but a little mr master you sir i'm talking to you you you got to change he's not coming back as a servant he's coming back as a brother in the lord and you've got to change how you view him because he's different all right can i get knows it one more time here it is y'all here it is debbie here it is watch this y'all watch this y'all here is one of the theological applications of the letter philemon supposedly clearly obviously presumably is upset because he's slaved and ran off and according to the law onesimus can be crucified for running off as a runaway slave so what actually paul is doing paul is trying to talk to filament to keep filament from killing onesimus okay okay which means y'all i'm really talking to both of y'all with the same medicine because omissimus needs to be forgiven and philemon needs to forgive you see see onesimus is wrestling with guilt but filament is wrestling with anger to which forgiveness is medicine for both preach it here told morgan can i tell y'all something here you go here's your point for today the book of philemon is a theological application that is medicine for bitter believers cause some of y'all saved and angry all at the same time some of y'all saved and bitter all at the same time i'm gonna prove it to you see bitterness is invisible with visible symptoms i got rewind in my mind i said bitterness is invisible with visible symptoms i'll prove it to you how do you know a person is bitter here's how you know a person is but hear the following symptoms uh number one they're evil number two they can't celebrate anything good they always see something wrong with something right number three they walk around like the world owed them they walk around like everybody ought to give them something and everybody ought to pay them up and everybody who owes them nothing owes them something and the ultimate sign of bitterness is to be unforgiving and unforgiving is a root that sets up in your spirit that makes your spirit stink don't nobody want to be bothered with evil people that's why some of y'all lonely and by yourself because you too evil to be with anybody so you evil enough to stay with yourself preach pastor morgan might i suggest to you ladies and gentlemen that there are some symptoms to being bitter and the only solution to bitterness is the same solution to guilt forgiveness guilty people need to be forgiven bitter people need to forgive paul is writing to this bitter slave owner who happens to be a christian by the way and says sir even though you got a right to be bitter you will only be causing poison in your own spirit if you don't forgive this man who has wronged you let me pause parenthetically and tell you because you ain't going nowhere so let me talk to you for a second can i tell you what bitterness is bitterness ladies and gentlemen is drinking poison waiting on the other person to die bitterness is is you drinking poison in your spirit thinking the other person gonna die when the truth is you're the one that's gonna die and forgiveness ladies and gentlemen is ultimately not just about the one who did the violating it's about the one who's been violated and paul is writing to film and to tell him hey man i'm sending him back to you a changed man which means you sir got to change yourself you got to change also you got to stop walking in that bitterness and receive him back as a changed man and if you need incentive can i tell y'all look at get the bible put this up put this up it's in verse 19. put this up he says here's your final incentive if you need some help here's verse 19. hey buddy don't let me have to remind you of what you owe me while you stand around acting like somebody oh you can i remind you mr mr phillip and hey sir you owe me too cause you wouldn't be a christian if it wasn't for me you would be on your way to hell like everybody else and if jesus christ can change your heart and change your mind you ought to be able to receive him changing somebody else's mind don't have to don't let me have to remind you don't get beside yourself little sister don't get beside yourself brother all have sinned and come short of the glory of god look at verse 19 he said hey bro don't let me have to call you out don't let me have to remind you everything ain't crystal clear on your on your record either you got some stuff you owe me but i'm not bringing that up so let me be very clear to you when he comes to you don't worry about what he owed you i'm done cause whatever he owes you charge it to my account lord god have mercy i love the word of the lord listen to what he said he said filament if he's wronged you put it on my account if he owes you anything put it on my account here it is y'all here it is point number one onesimus accepted the atonement and then paul made the appeal as an advocate but here's the close the close is now we've got an acquittal on the account hey listen what paul is saying paul is saying i'm not telling you to accept him by denying what he did oh i'm not telling you to accept him and act like he didn't hurt you no that's not what i'm telling you i'm telling you he did wrong you he did hurt you but whatever he did to you put it on my account here's what here's what paul is saying paul is saying listen i'm not just his intermediary i'm his intercessor i'm his account you can charge me with whatever he's done to you i'll be the one to step in his shoes and look like i'm the guilty party so that he can walk free and so that you can walk free does that sound like anybody y'all know his name is jesus jesus christ stepped into our punishment on calvary and all of our charges was placed on him and he suffered the penalty so that the guilty could go free all right y'all missed it here it is i'm done i'm done saying ladies and gentlemen is a financial transaction jesus calls sins debts he says forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors so here's what happened here's how we accrued the debt we accrued to debt because when adam ate of that tree in the garden uh adam messed up and signed up under another master that was the master of sin uh and sin is expensive yeah the wages of sin is death sin is expensive because sin will cost you your life and the cost of debt that you can't pay it keeps accruing and you don't have any income to pay it so here was the problem when adam messed up in the garden adam's sin was transferred onto all of humanity all of humanity was walking around with adam's sin until jesus showed up and then all of humanity's sin was transferred onto jesus he was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we were healed watch it y'all adam's sin was transferred to our account our account was transferred to jesus account jesus paid it all and all to him we owe and jesus looked back to us and said since i took your sin you take my righteousness and his righteousness was transferred onto us y'all slow so let me help you it all was a transfer of accounts that by the time jesus raised up on sunday morning all the accounts have been paid we don't owe god anything but to live for him the rest of our lives because our sin debt was paid off in the death burial and resurrection of the lord jesus christ so therefore ladies and gentlemen let me build your farewell and tell you finally that's why calvary is a receipt [Laughter] oh lord have mercy i said calvary is a receipt because if jesus paid it all then the devil can no longer charge me for stuff that's already been paid off because the receipt is proof that you can't charge me again ladies and gentlemen i wish somebody would celebrate the fact that your debt has been paid your sin has been dismissed your account has been settled because jesus paid it all and we put it on his account and he made us right he gave us the process of restoration here we are church you want to learn the road to restoration the road to restoration is simply you need an advocate you need some atonement and you need an account to be settled lord jesus and jesus christ handles all three all in his work for us on calvary's hill i'm preaching today to somebody because you don't just need to be forgiven you need to forgive because bitterness is poison that is eating away at your insides and while you waiting on somebody else to die it's really killing you this word is to bitter believers you say sanctified love jesus but you so busy using god as your hit man you're so busy trying to get god to attack your enemies and attack those who have hurt you instead of using him as your god and not your hit man god is not hired by you to tackle and destroy everybody who don't like you sometimes you are the problem and he needs you to open up your heart and let him in so he can remove the poison he can remove the poison out of your system so that you can be set free and not just the person who you think you're setting free forgiveness ladies and gentlemen isn't just about who did the violating it's about who got violated because it's medicine for both the guilty and the angry it's medicine for the guilty and the bitter i need somebody to make a resolution today that this month of august i refuse to go into the next month bitter i refuse to waste another day of my human energy and mind being bitter because you think it's hurting somebody else when really it's only hurting you this word is to bitter believers this is your season to be delivered from your own bitterness and thanks be to god christ comes to the aid of both the guilty and the bitter he's got one medicine for both parties so that there can be restoration and reconciliation and restitution not just person to person [Music] but person to god father in the name of the lord jesus i got a brother and sister who hears me sees me watching me can't sleep at night pressure is up spirit is restless emotions are a roller coaster would you give them the strength today to apply this medicine and put them on the road to restoration thank you god for showing us that we have an advocate with the father thank you god for showing us how to restore how to reconcile thank you god for helping us to have freedom from our own bitterness and healing from our own guilt i pray now in the name of the lord jesus that god this word will go forth and do exceeding abundantly above all that i can ask or think i pray god that you will work miracles in marriages i pray god that you will work miracles in friendships i pray god that you will work miracles in relationships miracles in business deals of healing and restoration and freedom and peace so that your name can be glorified not just in our resources but in the most valuable commodity that we have and that is each other do it for your glory in jesus name amen
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 5,256
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan 2020, Dr. Tolan Morgan, The Road To Restoration, Pastor Tolan Morgan The Road To Restoration, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins GA, FBBC
Id: fkX3anc6uXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 50sec (3410 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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