MOVIE STARS UNIT Part 1: I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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team Jeremy and Hali and Olivia back together again after a small wee little bit of break maybe we should call that should we call it a spring break alright we're not gonna call it a spring break and it's still freezing it should be 50 degrees in Ohio but it's like 30 and there's frost everywhere but that's okay we're gonna go find some hot lockers today Liv what do you want to find today Xbox training that child right bad news is it's Saturday and people have the day off so I love going to storage units during the week Wednesday two o'clock Thursday 10 a.m. those are great times because majority of people can't go out majority of people have 9:00 to 5:00 I don't do a 95 so today I expect the prices are going to go up so we're gonna try a little trick I like to call the little bombshell we're gonna have Olivia bidding on the storage units hopefully and she winds us some big money an outside for hot tips with Holly the part of the show where Holly gives us a hot Holly what's your hot tip today not only look with your eyes but look with your nose if you smell smoke do not get it it's really difficult to sell things that smell like smoke never a good sign to see mattresses everywhere 40 $40 on number 20 for $40 on 24 for $40 [Music] so 270 24 to 74 what's the story on the unit I just bought okay I've got your feet what's the story on the unit I just bought she comes here and has consistent years with a driver and a bodyguard when she shows up here okay supposed to be a lot of movie memorabilia from him in that unit okay did you have the paper no freezer run [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're headed to the third location we just bought three units here at this location one from we basically rolled the dice based on movie memorabilia who the actor is or you heard the story so we're gonna see what happens it's like buying a safe and rolling the dice to see what happens we can't wait to dig into it and another one we bought the washer and dryer alone we'll pay for that and we have everything so we're going to the third location you excited yet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] twenty four nine hundred and fifty dollars for this let's see why we bid on it now we got four units today and we don't have the time to load them all we are going to actually rent these units for a month so we have time so the reason why we bid 950 dollars not because of the $10 price tag there and not because of the autographed sports memorabilia but because of the antiques now one of the things I noticed right away this is e walk village from Star Wars at least I believe it is I hope it is and you've got all kinds of different boxes frame comics you've got some lunch boxes everything what do you see Holly [Music] [Music] so looking back behind we didn't even see what was behind here yet there's glass bottles I don't even know what's in here here's lanterns who knows this could be a stockpile of great stuff or it could be a stockpile of junk we are rolling the dice would you just find Toby the robot where'd you find that bull what's the price tag they were selling $10 so it looks like they were probably selling maybe a store hidden when they opened the door of this unit there was actually a note sitting on one of the totes that it said if you find these items please contact me this is the one of the daughter of the movie star then we've never heard of right Hollywood Holly so we're just gonna take a peek we bought four units today and there's no way we can haul all this stuff today we're just gonna take a peek and I know this one's gonna be tough to get into but let's open it up Holly let's see what we got rawhide we took a risk on this we just went ahead and bought it for the aspect that there could be movie memorabilia and movie memorabilia sells for a ton of money now it's gonna be a ton of hard work actually figuring everything out but hey for the four hundred I don't even know what we paid for you here's here's some movies right there so that's a good start for sure Oh what did you find dole might is that rain more with the autograph from adere more [Music] that's the dole mine we just found a bunch of autographed picture so we're getting a little bit more of the picture of who this person was Rudy ray Moore his character must have been dolomite which neither Holly and I know who it is but this is a good sign that we're onto some good memorabilia here's a box that says Rudy CDs but it's actually filled with Rudy ray Moore cassette tapes so who knows what we're gonna find what I've done is climbed to the back of the unit just to give you some scope and I don't even know how to describe this unit except it's a gamble and we're hoping for movie memorabilia there's just stuff everywhere and there's great signs of good stuff Holly just found a safe as well and unfortunately we don't have a key but the good news is is it looks like this lady held on to everything so it's in here somewhere it's got to be it's winter in Ohio there's one thing everybody needs in winter not a heart basket with a bunch of junk and we got back scratchers if we sell them for a hundred bucks apiece it just paid I mean a dollar a piece it just paid a big unit baby got that this is the unit that Libya Bond find out how this one we can actually move one of the very first things I saw games are they in there transformers what do you think it's in there that's okay because we didn't buy it for that we bought it for front loader washer dryer with pedestal we'll pay for the unit [Music] yeah as Holly's got stuff falling all over look what we got here 1962 Barbie careful careful don't lose the stuff there we go yes these ones so pretty how they're looking away we're just there looking away that's like the original Barbie of those are original Barbies yes this is great I just wanted the washer and dryer sorry typically people put their most valuable things in the back corner so we're trying to just sneak back here uess what do you see back there babe usually that's the corner the guns are hidden in but we've got the shampooer that make you excited careful oh you just uncovered the Xbox not Haise this is the fourth unit and we bought it just because we have a movie collection forty bucks and the clothes can all be donated for tax write-off so it's an easy use it the hall in the back of a truck we'll get it out and then we'll see if we want to keep any of these actual movies or DVDs if not they'll sell for 2 bucks apiece at a flea market because we got so much stuff today for units we've got the one all stacked up in the truck we're gonna take that home and we'll kind of do the unboxing and the sorting at home the other three you sure you ready for this that's the $40 unit the other three we're gonna have to make separate videos for because there's just way too much stuff the one thing this company did do for us we've never been out here before they waived all the security deposit because we are the high spenders today and they thanked us and asked us to come back been doing some price checking on the way what do you think those vintage Barbies are worth rough estimate top of your head lowball me let's just say 2004 everything mm that's low-end we're home and gotta unload the $40 unit which is basically gonna be clothes for Goodwill but I already got some great things like here's a Victoria Secret package that sold for 25 bucks here's a nice little score from that $40 unit genuine silver and the way you can tell if it's silver see the 925 that is silver Holly's inside selling on eBay as I sorted our first unit that we brought home that we paid $40 for now there's a story with every unit this story is kind of a sad one in all reality it's a bad one so the owner of this unit her name was Hillary she had two kids and she had government assistance food stamps $99 a month and she also got evicted from her home so nothing was in a box you saw nothing was in a box everything was shoved in a bag and everything was shoved into a unit well she couldn't pay for anything so everything from her home was shoved in bags and placed in that unit everything even her dirty underwear it was gross but the story gets even worse because as you see here drugs were involved so she was doing drugs cutting here on the scale but we found some other cool things as well this is the cash from the unit some brand-new pink items some of these things we'll just hold on to such as cleaner plates rope all of this is the clothing that will be donated to Goodwill for tax write-off the things that will keep will be DVDs maybe but usually we'll sell those for a dollar two dollars a piece at a garage sale flea market online we've got one Xbox that actually came from the unit Xbox 360 got two Nintendo E's that came two phones one tablet all three have cracks on the screen and broken some toys my favorite is the whoopee cushion but we also have the little troll toys we've got two DVD players some kind of truck I think it's an antenna we've got stickers we've got blow dryers all kinds of nail-polish things along those lines and hair care which that'll just be used by us even little tea lights but here's one of the cool things we got about three pair night Jordan's Air Jordans and those sell really well and some of the items these clothing items will just keep and we'll use those ourselves so all in all anytime you get a little bit of cash or anytime you get video games that's a pretty good deal but really the value of this unit out of the four that we bought today the value is going to be the tax write-off giving all the clothes and donating those next year for taxes be on the lookout for the follow up videos to today's storage unit auctions will label them part 2 part 3 part 4 until then this has been Jeremy with ajh adventures thanks for watching and remember life is always an adventure
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 89,030
Rating: 4.8618345 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: rBfPowm9HtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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